How to properly pump the press with a wheel. What muscles are pumped and worked when exercising on a gymnastic roller for the press? Ab wheel exercises for women

Not everyone knows about such an amazing exercise machine as the abdominal wheel. There is no need to visit the gym to exercise on it, since it can be purchased for your home. You don’t need a lot of space for training, the main thing is to fit your full height on the floor.

What kind of ab wheel is it, and what is it called correctly?

This exercise machine looks like dumbbells with “pancakes” attached not to the sides, but in the middle of the handle. The wheel rotates, and there can be two or one. In the store, the exercise machine may be called a trimmer, a gymnastic roller or wheel, a roller or an ab wheel.

Even such a seemingly elementary simulator did not stop at its originally created form. It acquired several modifications and varieties:

  • Standard model . It can be equipped with a different number of rollers, but its design is original and practically unchanged.
  • Model with return mechanism . This is one of the first innovations in the design of a gymnastic roller. It is this return mechanism that reduces the load on the back, helping to return to its original position. Typically, this model already has four wheels, so it is also much more stable.

  • Variable load model . Here it is already possible to change the handles of the simulator. This modification made it possible to control the loads independently, which gives the option of raising your strength level without changing the entire simulator.
  • Model with pedals . This video is more suitable for training leg muscles. Instead of the usual handles, it has pedals with loops. The loops securely secure the feet so that they do not slip out during movements.

  • Model with expanders . This is the latest invention from fitness geniuses. The roller with tensioners is almost a home workout room. When working with such a model, the entire body will work as hard as possible.

What muscles are involved?

When working with a wheel, all muscles are used simultaneously:

  1. Back : The trapezius muscle and the lumbar group receive tremendous training. All spinal muscles are involved when rolling a roller. The maximum phase of tension is reached at the point when the roller is as far away from the body as possible and the body has to be supported.
  2. Breast : These muscles play a balancing role and are not so much involved in the process.
  3. Shoulders : The deltoid muscle serves as a steering wheel and allows you to drive the wheel forward and backward. She is loaded so actively that it is surprising, given the position of her body and arms.
  4. Abs and sides : The obliques and rectus abdominis complete the flexion and extension of the body. The lateral muscles are tightened and in maximum tone, which works to improve the silhouette of the body.
  5. Legs and gluteal muscles complete the load. Hips and shins are stretched. So the legs are also pumped during this work.
  6. Muscles of the arms, forearms, shoulders are loaded with static tension due to the very position of holding the hands, as well as the strong grip of the handles of the projectile - bent or straight.
  7. Neck : After training, you will feel that your neck muscles are being worked out perfectly.
  8. Rhomboid and serratus muscles can be worked out using individual exercises. In this case, the muscles are loaded along with the main ones near which they are located.
  9. Skeletal and intrinsic deep muscles : The body contains more than just the muscles we see through the skin. In addition to them, there are muscles in the skeleton. They are loaded solely by body weight. But you won’t achieve their quality training.
  10. Joints : You will feel mobility and strengthening over time by training with an abdominal wheel. The miracle of this machine is that it increases muscle strength. You may not have huge biceps, but the strength will be superior.

If you follow the exercise techniques, the muscle fibers will not only be pumped, but also immediately stretched. This will allow you not to “pump up” your abs and at the same time burn belly fat well. The tendons will also stretch smoothly, which is necessary when exercising with heavy weights.

Ab wheel exercises (video)

The desired ab wheel is already at home, so what to do with it? In fact, for the first time it is best to go to a trainer so that he can select the optimal complex. He will evaluate your capabilities and listen to what exactly you want to correct with training. But there are also common exercises that are suitable for everyone.

  • Knee stretches . You need to kneel down, rest your toes on the floor, take the exercise machine comfortably in your hands and fix it on the floor. Smoothly move forward from your knees. You shouldn’t “move” far away right away. It's better to gradually increase the distance. Make sure that the trajectory of movement does not go to the side, otherwise other muscles will be involved.

  • With pointed toes . You take the same starting body position, but do not lean on your toes - you need to stretch them out or cross your legs in the air, putting the main pressure on your knees and hands.

  • From the prone position . The wheel is fixed on the floor above your head. Now you need to smoothly pull the simulator towards you. At the same time, the head reaches towards the ceiling, and the back bends. Having reached the maximum point, lower yourself to the floor.
  • Stretch from top to bottom . You need to sit on your knees so that your toes rest on the floor. Take the roller and slowly lower yourself down, keeping your entire body tense. During this exercise, you do not need to lie on your stomach, and in order to avoid injury, you need to look at the floor, keeping your head at shoulder level:

  • From a sitting position . Now you can sit on the floor and stretch your legs. Do not let go of the roller from your hands. Turn in a direction that is convenient for you and place the exercise machine there. Now let your hands “move away” in this direction. Naturally, bending your knees is prohibited. Go back. Now we do it in the other direction.
  • Leg stretching . We continue to sit, only we pull our legs towards the body. Step on the machine with your feet and let your legs “ride” smoothly forward. In this case, the entire body moves behind the knees. Ideally, the chest should touch them constantly. Go back.
  • From a standing position, stretching with your arms . We stand up and spread our legs a little. We take the simulator in our hands and bend down to the floor with it. We fix it there and “drive away” in our hands for as long as possible. The highest level will be if you touch your chest to the floor and can stand back up.

  • From a standing position, leg stretching . We lower our hands to the floor and place our feet on the handles of the exercise machine. Now the legs will “move away” from the body and return back.

It is important! Always breathe correctly: when bending, inhale, and when returning to the starting position, exhale. Impaired oxygen movement will dramatically reduce performance.

During the first training sessions, do not “move away” too far. Better do the exercise more times. The fact is that 3 times, but with a maximum load, will never produce the same fruits as 15 times, but with a lighter load.

The video will clearly demonstrate 12 exercises with an abdominal wheel:

In the following video, a fitness trainer will analyze exercises with a gymnastic roller and evaluate the pros and cons:

In our next lessons we will tell you... Do not miss!

Training does not give results only in one case: when a large number of mistakes are made during the exercise. Carefully re-read the recommendations and try to perform the exercise with maximum effort, taking into account all the instructions:

  • Don't overload your joints by arching your back. When performing stretches from a lying position, do not arch your spine under any circumstances. Try to position your back like a wheel.
  • Start with minimum speed. Lack of haste will allow you to track the correctness of actions and reduce the risk of failure.
  • As the roller moves across the floor, keep your abdominal muscles constantly tense. In the far position, with the roller moving away, you need to stay for several counts.
  • When performing exercises, do not kneel on the bare floor - lay down a mat, or at least a towel.
  • For the beauty and health of the abdominal area, exercises must be combined. Combine the roller with a plank and back workout.
  • Diagonal movements of the simulator will help to train the oblique and encircling muscles. The technology does not change - only the direction of movement.
  • You should not exercise your abdominal muscles on a roller if you have lower back pain. Overload can lead to unpleasant consequences, including a hernia.
  • The optimal number of repetitions is 7-15 times, 3-4 sets.
  • Be sure to create a clear workout plan at home. Diversify your exercises: in addition to training on the machine, include in the complex standard physical activities to maintain the tone of the whole body, such as push-ups, presses and squats.

Before you start intensive training on a roller machine, carefully read the recommendations. Do a good warm-up first.

It is recommended to keep your own success diary. This notebook will help you track progress and wisely increase the load. Indicate your successes in it. This way, you can keep track of points that need further work.

The advantages of such a video are undeniable, because the exercises are designed for people with any level of training. This also makes it possible to increase your strength and preparedness independently. In addition, the small size of the trimmer allows you to store it even in a desk drawer, even in the most inconspicuous corner.

A gymnastic wheel is a sports equipment that is used to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Exercises with a roller are quite difficult, but with the help of such training it is possible to get rid of fat deposits and tighten the skin in the waist area in a fairly short period of time. This projectile is a small-diameter roller with two handles on the sides. It takes up very little space in the room and is affordable, which gives it great advantages over the most modern exercise machines for strengthening the abdominal muscles.

The effectiveness of abdominal exercises with a wheel

Experienced athletes consider the gymnastic wheel to be the most effective way to pump up their abs, since during exercises the abdominal muscles are subject to quite a large load. Training with a roller works well on the lower abs, which cannot be done with other types of gymnastics. This is especially true for women who want to remove their tummy after childbirth.

In addition, during exercise the load is distributed on the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms, back and hips. This allows you to use the gymnastic roller as a universal tool for shaping a slim body. After the first lesson, you can feel the tension of all muscle groups. Judging by the reviews, after a month of training, the body becomes more toned and slender.

The first few sessions are difficult for beginners, so in order not to overload the muscles, it is recommended to perform 5-10 approaches. To achieve results you need to exercise 3-5 times a week. After about 3-4 weeks you will already notice the effect of the training. It is worth noting that the difficulty of performing the exercises depends on the diameter of the roller. The smaller the wheel size, the more stress is placed on the muscles.

During classes, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • breathing control - bending or rolling must be done while inhaling, and returning to the starting position while exhaling;
  • before training, it is recommended to do a short warm-up and 1-2 cardio exercises;
  • It is advisable to lay a rug on the floor to avoid pressure on the knees on the floor.

A set of exercises with a wheel for the abdominal muscles

Exercise 1 – Swing

Get on your knees. Take the sports video in your hands and place it in front of you. Leaning into the floor and transferring your body weight to the wheel, while inhaling, begin to slowly move forward along the floor. At the same time, watch your body position. Your back should be straight, do not arch your lower back. Arms are straight, do not touch the floor surface with your body. The load during training primarily falls on the muscles of the back, abs and arms. Move forward, and as you exhale, gradually return to the starting position. Perform 2 sets of 10 reps.

Exercise 2 – Hold

Get on your knees. Press into the floor, holding onto the roller skate. Now, tensing your abdominal muscles, lower your body, rolling the wheel forward. Having dropped as low as possible, hold the position for 20-30 seconds, then slowly rise. During the hold, the abdominal muscles are subject to a fairly strong load, so this exercise allows you to most effectively influence this area.

Exercise 3 – Raising the body

Tilt your body down and place your palms on the floor. Secure your feet to the handles of the gymnastic wheel. Roll the roller as close to your palms as possible, keeping your hips up and your palms parallel to your shoulders. Now gradually move the wheel backwards with your legs, engaging your abs, thighs and calves. On each rise of the body, try to roll the wheel as close as possible. The maximum distance will depend on your flexibility. This type of training helps develop body flexibility. Perform 15 sit-ups.

Exercise 4 – Rolling a wheel with bent knees

Place your palms on the floor, straighten your legs, and place your feet on the gymnastic wheel. The palms should be parallel to the shoulders. From this position, roll the roller closer to your hands, bending your knees under you. Try to press your knees to your chest as much as possible. This is a great workout not only for the abdominal muscles, but also for the thighs. Make 10-15 tackles.

Exercise 5 – Raising the body in a sitting position

Lie on the floor, place your feet on the gymnastic wheel. Cross your arms behind your head and begin lifting your body as if you were doing a regular push-up. During training, you need to hold the roller with your feet so that it does not roll forward. Raise your body to the maximum height without arching your back in the chest area. Perform 15 lifts.

Exercise 6 – Rolling a wheel on straight legs

Stand straight, place your feet parallel to your shoulders. Take the wheel in your hands and lower it to the floor. Begin to roll the roller forward, lowering your chest completely to the floor. Then return to the starting position. The exercise is quite complex, so at the initial stage of training, beginners will only need to complete 5 tackles.

Exercise 7 – Side swing

Starting position: kneeling. Take the wheel in your hands and place it in front of you. Start rolling the projectile forward, return to the starting position, then roll the wheel to the left, again to the starting position, and to the right. Do 10 repetitions on each side. This exercise helps to work the lateral abdominal muscles.

Greetings to all lovers of the gym, fitness, bodybuilding. In short, everyone who doesn’t care what they will look like! On line Vitakha Okhrimenko!

Today, as part of the analysis, we will analyze different versions of one exercise. B Let's study existing exercises with a wheel for the press. For those who don’t know, there is a wheel with handles that will help! In fairness, I must say right away why I abandoned this exercise.

The fact is that there is such an unpleasant thing in my spine - it’s called osteochondrosis. So, everyone who has similar ailments of the spinal column needs to be especially careful when training with a wheel. Personally, this exercise once shackled me for three weeks, but at the same time I know that it was my own fault. That day I started doing the wheel without any preliminary warm-up.

Well, okay, I won’t scare you anymore with horror stories from personal experience, I’ll move on, so to speak, to the pleasant part. From today's article you will learn why a roller is needed at all, what muscles work besides the abs, what exercises there are with a roller for the abs, how to exercise correctly, how much and when.

What muscles work when training with a roller?

Based on the title of the article, we can confidently note the main muscle for which we actually grab the handles of the wheel - this is the abs! In second place are the back muscles, the lumbar region is especially actively involved in the work. Third and fourth place are separated by legs and arms, and here you can’t definitely say what works more.

Some representatives of the fair half of humanity noted the high effectiveness of the roller for working out the gluteal muscles. They say that after the wheel the butt becomes incredibly elastic and toned! I would like to draw your attention to the effectiveness of the roller for the lumbar region.

I personally know three miners – tunnellers – who consistently work out with a roller to increase the endurance of their lower back when carrying heavy loads at work (and the miner, like no one else, carries these heavy loads quite a lot during a shift). Working out your abs using a roller is not as easy as it might seem from the outside. There are moderately difficult exercises, and there are especially difficult ones. I’ll start, perhaps, with the easiest ones, and gradually move up to the heaviest ones.

When straightening, inhale; when bending, exhale. That is, forward movement is accompanied by inhalation, backward movement by exhalation. And nothing else, this is very important!

Before you start working with the wheel, you MUST... It is especially important to pay attention to warming up the spine. Make rotational movements with your arms, twist your lower back, jump rope. The main thing is that when you start training with the wheel, your joints are stretched and your body is warmed up.

How to properly practice with a roller?

Dress in comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. Place a soft rug on the floor under your knees, you can use a towel, a small blanket, etc., etc. A very important point: if you are going to start exercising with a roller for the first time, I hasten to warn you about the possible consequences.

The soreness after training with the wheel is simply extraordinary; even well-trained people the next day the abdominal and lower back muscles hurt so much...

In short, you need to learn this exercise smoothly and gradually, in no case do the spinning immediately from a standing position, only from your knees. And then, with light loads. For the first time, two sets of repetitions of 8–10 will be enough, and with subsequent training you can gradually increase the pace.

Benefits of an ab roller

If you want to buy some multifunctional inexpensive exercise equipment for home, then the roller will suit you like no other. Yes, you won’t be able to build up big shoulders with it, but you will be able to maintain a beautifully sculpted and, most importantly, proportional body with a strong back and elastic abs. Tempting?

In addition, the abdominal roller will help you lose extra pounds, because almost all the muscles of your body are involved when performing the exercise. Yes, and mastering the technique is not at all difficult, a few training sessions with the wheel and you already master the technique by 95%.

In fact This exercise machine alone is enough to keep your body in shape without going to the gym.. Of course, a gym is much better, but not everyone can afford to find the money, time and desire to visit gyms. This video comes in very handy for these people!

Exercises with a roller

Now we get to the most interesting part. with the help of a wheel you can do so many different things that even a standard press bench will be jealous. True, it will be very difficult at first, but over time it will become easier and easier.

Exercise from knees to half amplitude

This is perhaps the easiest exercise with a roller. And this is where you need to start getting acquainted with this simulator. The essence of the movement is as simple as five Soviet kopecks: you put the mat under your knees, which I wrote about above, grab the handles of the roller with your hands, and roll it back and forth 10–15 times.

Throughout the entire exercise, you firmly press the roller with your hands to the floor. Although, strictly speaking, it won’t work out any other way. You need to straighten not as much as possible, but as shown in the image. Your arms can only be slightly bent at the elbows. The back is straight. The distance between the legs is 15–20 centimeters.

Exercise from the knees to the full amplitude

Similar to the first, only with a number of amendments. You move forward with the roller as far as possible, at the end point we try to stretch out as much as possible. You can freeze in this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position. The back is also straight.

Exercise from a lying position

This is kind of a reverse exercise from the previous one. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward as far as possible. There you grab the handles of the roller, inhale, and as you exhale, you begin to pull the roller towards you until you reach a kneeling position. Then, as you inhale, you straighten up. After straightening up, you can relax a little, and then do the next repetition.

Squatting exercise

Squat down with the roller in front of you, and from this position, while inhaling, begin to move forward. You need to move forward until your body is completely straightened. After this you need to return to the starting position.

Lateral exercises

This exercise targets the oblique abdominal muscles. Sitting position on the fifth point, legs straightened. Place the roller to your left and begin to push it to the left with your hands. You do a certain number of times for one side, and then, moving the roller to the right, do the same for the other.

Exercise from a standing position with a limiter

You should start with this version of the exercise when sitting already seems too weak. Stand in front of a wall at a distance slightly greater than your height. Bend over, legs straight, roller in front of you. Take the roller with your hands and push it until the roller hits the wall. Then start moving backwards.

Exercise from a standing position

Perhaps this is the most difficult exercise, which should only be attempted after mastering all the previous options. You bend over, your legs are straight, you begin to put pressure on the roller and straighten up until your chest touches the floor. At this point you need to freeze for 1-3 seconds. After this, you return to the starting position.

Number of approaches and repetitions when working with a roller

We take the standard number of approaches 3–4, the number of repetitions should range from 10 to 20. We move on to a more complex exercise after we manage to do 4 x 20 in a less complex one.

  1. When training with an ab roller, you should always keep your back straight, perhaps even slightly rounding your back. The main condition is that there is no deflection of the lower back, this will remove the load from the joints;
  2. You need to start moving slowly, and the entire movement of the roller should be controlled. You should not allow the roller to move forward on its own, this can cause injury;
  3. To make it easier to train, you need to eat an hour and a half, or even two, before training. It is also advisable not to drink water for the next hour. Fulfilling these conditions will allow you to do the exercise with an empty stomach.

Exercises with video clip

Everything that I didn’t finish in the article can be seen in the videos I found:

Well, that's probably all. Today we have discussed a very effective, but at the same time traumatic and difficult exercise.. You need to approach exercises with a wheel carefully, but if you do everything correctly, use a progressive method of loading, then this exercise will certainly reward you with strong abs and toned muscles. I’ll be honest: while I was writing an article about exercises with a video clip, I wanted to find my video and start practicing.

I wish you success in sports, good health and equally strong abs.

Sincerely, Vitaly Okhrimenko!

In many homes, those who are friends with sports can often notice a strange device. This is a small wheel with two handles on the sides. Probably, every Soviet family had this, along with a strange iron circle, on which it was customary to “twist” one’s thin waist.

One way or another, the ab roller remains a very popular and inexpensive unit for home training to this day. It can be used by almost any family member: from kids to pensioners. Everyone will find something to their liking. So let's look at abdominal exercises with a roller today.

Did you know:

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All the specialists on our site who write articles and answer your questions are professional trainers and doctors

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The ideal rate of weight loss is 1 kg per week. If you lose weight faster, your muscles will break down

25% of beginners experience a condition close to fainting during the first training session. This occurs due to a sharp decrease in pressure

When losing weight, you need to reduce the total caloric content of your diet due to fats and carbohydrates, but not due to proteins.

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You can't force your body to burn fat in just one specific place.

Men's strength decreases after sex. In women they increase. Therefore, it is better for men to abstain before training.

Women's breasts cannot be reduced or enlarged through exercise. After all, it consists mainly of adipose tissue.

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If you feel weak and dizzy during training, then most likely you have low blood pressure. Drink sweet juice between sets

3 – 4 months after the start of classes, a person develops a physiological dependence on training

So, as we have already found out, we only need a comfortable place to practice, a smooth and level floor, and a wheel with handles for the press. Roller exercises can be easier or more challenging. Let's get started.

Basic rules of classes

What is the main advantage of this simulator? The fact is that it not only targets your abdominal muscles, but also allows you to work other parts of the body, such as your back, arms and legs. Thanks to this simple device, your whole body will become toned and strengthened, and if you were overweight before, it will leave you forever. The maximum load, of course, will fall on the press.

If you are just starting your studies, then do not rush to perform feats of labor. Don't overexert yourself! Otherwise, in the next two days you risk suffering from severe muscle pain. As a result, after experiencing inhuman torment, the roller is thrown under the closet into the farthest corner, and you forever forget about this useful, in general, simulator.

The most effective in the initial stages of training are 8-12 repetitions, then a short rest and another approach. You need to make 3 such approaches.

Exercises for beginners

When you start training, remember the main principle: you are not at a sprint competition, where speed is of great importance. Take your time, feel your abs and how they work. In addition, this approach will save you from injury.

One of the simplest exercises is roller skating while kneeling. Any recruit can start with it, and even an infant can master the technique. You need to kneel down and place the exercise machine in front of you. The wheel is located directly under the shoulders.

Place your palms on the handles and begin to move forward. With each such rollback, the hips and body gradually lower lower and lower to the floor level. Get to the point where your body is almost straightened and return back. In this case, neither the body nor the legs should touch the floor. We do several approaches.

Sometimes even this option causes a lot of difficulties for beginners. After all, maintaining balance in this case using muscle power alone is very problematic. What to do? I can offer you an even simpler and safer way. Take the roller and go to the wall.

Calculate the distance from it to you so that you can twist and touch the wall without falling. Start working without any worries. In this way, you can adjust the angle of inclination of the body from minimum to maximum, that is, when the body is almost parallel to the floor. Watch your breathing. Returning to the starting position, exhale only through your mouth.

By the way, when working with such a simulator, you can wear special protection on your knees so as not to injure this very delicate part of the body. A variation of the same exercise is to roll out the wheel not directly in front of you, but first to the left side and then to the right, thereby using almost all groups of oblique abdominal muscles.

They move on to more complex options when you can easily do about 20 repetitions during one approach. After this, you can master other varieties.

How to do exercises with a abdominal wheel in a more complex version? Lie on the floor on your stomach, and stretch your arms and the roller in front of you. The legs are straightened and the toes are resting on the mat. As you exhale, lift your body up without lifting your hips from the floor. This exercise does not have a very large range of motion and is also suitable for beginners.

Exercises for trained athletes

It is recommended to master exercises with a wheel in a standing position after you have learned how to use it well in the previous complex. We will do the same thing, just try placing your feet shoulder-width apart and bending toward the floor in the shape of the letter “L.”

If in the previous case the fulcrum points were on your knees, now these will be your feet and toes. Therefore, try to either wear shoes that allow you to be stable, or choose a surface where your feet will not slip.

In the same way, you can start this series at the wall, choosing a distance for yourself that seems to you, firstly, safe, and secondly, feasible. In this case, we also follow the previous recommendations and lower the body further and further each time until it becomes almost parallel to the ground.

When you do these exercises, be sure to pay attention to your lower back. In no case should you bend it, avoiding unnecessary stress on the joints.

If your simulator has special slots into which you can insert your legs, then you can master the exercise from a lying position. We insert our feet into special recesses and begin to roll the wheel towards ourselves, while simultaneously bending in the lower back. The pelvis is slightly raised.

You can do another exercise while kneeling. Your back should be straight, and only your hands will work. We load the oblique abdominal muscles by making rhythmic movements of the arms back and forth. Feel your triceps, biceps and deltoids working.

If it’s still difficult for you to imagine how to work with an abdominal wheel, exercises for beginners: a video or photo of their implementation can be seen below.

There are other more complex options for practicing with a roller. True, for this you will need two such simulators.

In the starting position, we kneel on the floor, holding the handle of the wheel in each hand. Now we stretch into a plank position (as if we were going to do push-ups), first moving our right arm forward and then lifting our body up with outstretched arms, and then our left arm.

In fact, this is a variant of very labor-intensive push-ups, for which you need to have very strong abdominal muscles. We do 10 push-ups on the left hand and 10 on the right.

So, for today these are all exercises for the press with a roller, master them, and I’m preparing new options. Reviews from those who have worked with such a simulator indicate that if you work with it regularly, the results will not take long to arrive.

Of course, if you decide, then you shouldn’t limit yourself to just the wheel. Write out your program so that it includes various loads. Diversify your abdominal exercises with push-ups, crunches and other complexes. Here are the links:

In addition, any trainer will advise you to have a diary where you will write down the date and program of your classes. It will allow you to track your progress, remember all the working weights, plan your future program, and so on.

Looking for even more tips and exercises for men and women? Here on this resource you can read a ton of useful information:

For today, that’s all I want to tell you, but not everything I would like and intend to do in the very near future.

The content of the article:

Having perfect abs is the dream of every self-respecting person. To develop strength and strengthen the abdominal muscles, you need to make friends with physical activity. A gymnastic roller is a mini-simulator that gives a good strength load and definition of the abdominal muscles, so exercises using it should be in the arsenal of a person exercising.

The benefits of a gymnastic roller

There are a huge variety of abdominal exercises. Conventionally, they are all divided into those that load the rectus abdominis muscle to a greater extent, and those that are aimed at the lower or oblique abdominal muscles.

Surely every bodybuilder has heard of such a mini-trainer as a gymnastic roller, but not everyone has encountered it in practice. For some reason, abdominal roller exercises are considered second-rate, although in fact it is a highly effective workout of the abdominal muscles and a load of many other muscles of the human body (back, lumbar region, arms, shoulders, chest and legs).

If you know how to use a roller, you can give your abs enormous benefits. A nice feature of the video is that you can perform exercises with it anywhere: in the gym, at home, and even on a business trip, because the equipment is small and will not take up much space in your apartment or luggage in your travel bag. The price of the wheel is relatively low, so purchasing it will not break your budget.

Examples of exercises with a roller

Rolling out from your knees is the simplest version of the exercise. This is where you should start getting acquainted with the simulator. If you immediately switch to heavier “tricks”, there is a high probability of injury. The roller puts a huge load on the lumbar muscles, which is dangerous for completely “green” beginners with weak muscles.

Let's look at the exercises that can be performed using a video clip:

  1. Get on your knees and first place a mat under them for comfort. Place the wheel in front of you and rest your hands on it. Begin to slowly lower yourself forward until you are almost parallel to the floor. Then return to the starting position. Throughout the entire set, the abdominal muscles should be in a tense state. If you perform this exercise inaccurately forward, and alternate lowering to the left and then to the right diagonally, the oblique abdominal muscles will be involved. Frequently performing this option will stimulate muscle growth in the area of ​​the lower ribs, which will visually make the waist wider, so you should not abuse the pumping of the lateral muscles.
  2. Sit on the floor with your legs straight (not bent at the knees) pointing forward. Place a gymnastics wheel on one side of your body, for example, the right. Grasp the roller with your hands and roll it until your chest touches the floor. Then smoothly return to the starting position. Perform at least 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions. Do the same approaches for the left side of the body. This exercise maximally works the oblique abdominal muscles.
  3. Take an upright position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt your torso down, press the roller with your hands and slowly roll it forward, reaching the maximum possible obtuse angle between your torso and legs. For experienced athletes, the point of critical tension will be when the torso is almost parallel to the floor. Pause for a second in the peak position and return to the starting position.
  4. This exercise can be performed if the gymnastic roller has special clamps. Place your feet on the handles of the wheel, bend your torso and place your palms on the floor. Roll your legs as close to your palms as possible, while raising your pelvis - this will be the starting position. Now slowly begin to move the wheel with your legs back, tensing your abdominal muscles. The distance to which you can stretch depends on the flexibility and strength of the athlete’s muscles. It is recommended to perform about 10 approaches.
  5. The straight leg roller extension is performed in the same way as the first exercise, the knee roller extension. The only difference is that the support is not on the knees, but on the feet. This fact makes the exercise more effective, but also more difficult and traumatic, so you can’t start pumping your muscles without warming up.
When performing exercises with a gymnastic wheel, it is advisable to use the principle of progressive loading: start performing 8-12 repetitions in 2-3 approaches. Over time, these indicators will increase, but immediately increasing the number of approaches and repetitions is undesirable, so as not to injure muscle groups and joints.

Features of using a roller for beautiful abs

Ab roller exercises are not like squats with a barbell of your own weight, which require months and even years of practice; they are recommended for both experienced athletes and beginners who have just opened the door to sports life. It’s ideal for young women on maternity leave who don’t have the opportunity to go to the gym but want to stay in shape.

The only people who should not use the machine are people with spinal injuries or lumbar back pain.

When practicing with a roller, as when performing any other exercise, it is very important to maintain the correct breathing technique. Uneven breathing significantly reduces the effectiveness of exercise.

All sources write that exhalation must be done with effort, that is, at the moment when the maximum load is overcome. It turns out that the inhalation will be when the torso is tilted, and the exhalation will be when straightening. Holding your breath while stretching will increase the power of the effort and allow you to tighten your abs even more.

How to pump up your abs using a roller - watch the video.