How to catch fish without a fishing rod: proven fishing methods. How to fish. Fishing rules: Jig casting and retrieving

In shallow water it is warmer, there is more food, more oxygen, so there is always a lot of fish there. In the coastal zones there are small carp, crucian carp, roach, bream... Wary large fish also constantly run aground. It is best to fish in shallow water near the shore with a fly rod or pole, as the most silent gear, which allows you not to frighten the fish under the shore.
Much will depend on the equipment, on the design of the gear. The significance of this for shallow waters increases.

Features of a fly rod for shallow fishing

When catching medium-sized fish from a gently sloping bank, you need to cast further away - at a distance of 12 - 15 meters, to where the fish feels more confident. It is also important that in shallow waters the fish is especially sensitive to the weight of the thrown load and the roughness of the equipment. It is necessary to lighten the tackle as much as possible, otherwise it is unlikely that it will be possible to not frighten a medium-sized and large-sized fish and hook it.

But the load should always be heavy enough so that a fly rod can easily cast a line 7-9 meters long. After all, without controllability of the gear, there will be no successful fishing.

Characteristics of equipment for the swing

It is known from practice that for a rod 7.0 m long the working weight of the load is 1.0 grams, and for a rod 8.5 m long a load of 1.5 grams is required. But this is true if the thickness of the main line does not exceed 0.1 mm and the wind is not strong.

What rod is needed for shore fishing?

Many anglers choose light, rigid rods that ring, believing that they control the equipment better. But a fishing rod with a softer action is better suited for such conditions.

  • A soft rod of decent length is more difficult to damage and will not crack like a hard rod if accidentally hit.
  • Working like a whip, a soft fishing rod allows you to cast the lightest equipment; with a hard one, this is much more difficult.
  • A soft rod makes it possible to catch large fish without increasing the diameter of the fishing line, compensating for jerks with its flexibility. At the same time, small fish, bending the rod, will bring pleasure when fishing, and will surprise the neighbors along the shore...

    Length of fly rods

    To fish shallows from a gently sloping shore, you need to stock up on at least a couple of fly rods - 7.0 and 8.5 meters, which will allow you to feel confident in the main range of distances - 11.0 - 15.0 meters.

    You should not use fly rods longer than 8.5 meters with light equipment, as there is a risk of the rod breaking when casting hard, especially in windy weather.

    How to cast a rig with a long rod

    Casting from a gently sloping bank to a decent distance with a fly rod is performed only from behind the head in the following order:

    • the rod rises vertically and tilts slightly back;
    • a pause is maintained so that the load leans back as far as possible;
    • With a smooth forward swing of the rod, the load is sent to the fishing point over the head.

    Other types of casting light loads with long rods are practically impossible and are not used.

    Do you need ultra-light rigs?

    Is it worth making ultra-light rigs for a long rod? The following equipment can be called ultra-light - the diameter of the main line is 0.08 mm and the weight is 0.5 grams.

    As practice shows, such relief is not justified, since the equipment becomes unworkable due to too low strength and significant entanglement. Good result It is not possible to achieve fishing with such equipment.

    A float for light loads on long fishing rods should be selected with a minimum own weight. In this case large mass float increases the risk of overlap, since the float may splash down first. Models without a significant layer are selected paint coating, for calm conditions - with a lightweight keel.

    Another way to reduce overlap is to place a long silicone tube on the keel of the float and pass the fishing line through it.

    Are complex loads necessary?

    Also, do not overdo it with complex loads. As a rule, 3 pellets on a fishing line are enough for all occasions. In addition, two of them are constantly nearby. If necessary, the middle shot is lowered to the sub-grass to anchor the equipment. Loading options for smoothly lowering bait with many weights are justified by the risk of entanglements only during a good meal... You can find out more about how to make a leash for a fishing rod.

    Features of using the plug in shallow water

    Practice shows that fish in shallow water are not afraid of a plug rod; fears in this regard are unnecessary.

    The main difficulties with the plug, when fishing at shallow depths, arise due to the relatively short fishing line.

    When inserting the plug, it jerks and vibrates, the tip of the plug pulls the equipment, resulting in overlaps. This is a serious obstacle when fishing with a plug in small places. But it can be overcome, you need to do the following:

    • Accurately align the installation location of the sliding roller. At the moment the butt of the rod leaves the roller, the center of gravity of the rod should be in the hands of the fisherman. Then the jerk force is much reduced and the rod can be controlled.
    • You need to learn how to insert and remove the plug smoothly, with interceptions, without creating artificial jerks with your own hands. Naturally, you should not allow the rod to be lowered into the water, as this will scare away the fish if it is shallow.

    Advantages of the plug

    Now about the advantages of fishing with a pole at the same distance of 13 - 14 meters.

    • The weight of the equipment can be reduced to less than 1 gram. Usually 0.4 - 0.5 grams is suitable even in the wind, since the equipment can be held in the wave by the rod itself.
    • You can use a plug to make movements - twitching, dragging, lowering again, swimming....
    • You can fish under trees.
    • You can feed very accurately and silently using a cup. Accuracy is also ensured with crumbly feed.

    When fishing with a fly rod in shallow water in still water, casting supplementary food in balls is practically not used, since the noise scares away carp fish. As a rule, they are limited to starting feeding in balls, and supplementary feeding in bulk using a slingshot.

    Disadvantages of the plug

    The disadvantage of the plug is the special technique for controlling this tackle, which many anglers find labor-intensive, boring and slow. Such ideas hinder the popularization of this gear.

    Another pressing issue for us is the high price of a good plug rod.

    The main advantage of a fly fishing rod often manifests itself, including when fishing from a sloping bank - high-speed fishing. The plug is not capable of this.

    Whether the plug will outstrip the fly rod, its direct competitor, in popularity, time will tell. And now you can conduct an experiment - what will be more effective when aground from a flat bank - the speed of work in one fell swoop with some inaccuracy and roughness, or the adjusted slowness of the plug...

The first thing you need to remember is choosing a location. Large fish are very careful; catching them by throwing them into a random point in a reservoir is very rare, which again reduces your chances of success.

To get closer to your target, you need to identify bottom holes or depressions where large fish often feed. Don't know how to determine depth? Here's how to do it using a marker float.

Also, suitable places where large fish can hide are snags and places littered with branches or other shelters. But be careful. In such places, a big fish is more likely to bite, but to pull it out without breaking, you need good tackle.

If the reservoir is not too large (up to 200 meters wide), and the opposite bank is inaccessible, it is necessary to cast or bring the gear by boat directly under that bank. If there are trees leaning over the water on the other side, then be sure that there are a lot of branches at the bottom in which your gear can get tangled, especially after a bite.

To avoid this, you need to lower the bait in the area of ​​5-10 meters from the shore, on the border between a clean and cluttered bottom. The fish will still be moving around in this area in search of food and when they see your bait they will certainly react to it.

But be careful, as soon as the fish grabs the bait, it will immediately rush into these branches and snags, so don’t miss the hook and don’t let the fish hook or break off.

The outcome of the entire fishing trip may depend on the choice of a promising place. As a rule, large fish behave very carefully and try to stay at depth, being at a considerable distance from the shore. In order to catch only “large fish”, you will have to try and study the topography of the bottom of the reservoir. To do this, you can use a marker float.

Usually large fish are found in hard-to-reach places, such as snags or rubble of broken branches. In such places the fish feel safe. But it is quite difficult to fish such places due to the high probability of hooks. To fish in such places you need powerful tackle.

If the reservoir is not wide and you can throw it to the opposite shore, then there is every chance of catching a big fish. This is especially true if there is vegetation on the shore.

In this case, we can say with confidence that at some distance from the shore (opposite) there are piles of old branches in the water. The bait is delivered to the border between suspected rubble and clean water.

The fish will certainly find the bait and try to eat it. In this case, you need to constantly monitor so as not to miss the bite, otherwise the fish will try to pull the tackle into the branches.

If she manages to get the tackle behind an underwater obstacle, then a fish escape or a breakage of the tackle cannot be avoided.


If you really want to catch big fish, then you must understand that there must be bait and there must be a lot of it. It doesn't have to be expensive.

Buy flour, halva, ground seeds, and various cheap cereals at the market. Brew at least half a bucket of this mixture.

Purchased ready-made bait in packs can be used as an additive; one pack is enough, since if you use only it, it will be much more expensive.

The bait is brought by boat to the selected location or thrown using a special slingshot or rocket for casting bait. Wealthier fishermen use a special boat with a remote control, with which you can easily place bait and bait in the right place with an accuracy of a centimeter.

Don't think that bait will give results immediately. A well-fed place in the morning can give results only in the evening, at night or in the morning next day. In this case, bait must be added regularly.

Without bait, catching a big fish will be much more difficult; you will only have to hope for luck that the fish will be exactly in the place where your bait is.

There is nothing special to do on a pond without bait, especially if you want to see large specimens of fish in your catch. Moreover, the bait should be enough to lure the fish and try to keep it in one place.

The bait doesn't have to be expensive. All you have to do is cook the porridge, add flour and you can go fishing.

As an option, you can add a pack of purchased mixture to your homemade bait. In any case, it will be cheaper if you use only a store-bought mixture.

The bait is delivered to the fishing site using any available method. This could be a hand throw. Naturally, you can’t throw it far with your hand. Therefore, you can use a slingshot or a special feeder, such as a “rocket”. This method allows you to deliver food over a considerable distance.

If funds allow, you can purchase a special remote-controlled boat and deliver bait in this way, combining business with pleasure. With the help of a toy boat you can bring bait to any distance.

At the same time, it should be remembered that the bait does not start working immediately, but after some time. Sometimes you have to feed the fish all day and only in the evening or the next morning a positive result is possible.

Therefore, catching big fish requires a significant investment of time and money. If one of the fishermen managed to catch a large fish, then it was rather an accident and luck, if he did not bait the place.


To catch large fish, you will have to weed out small bites using bait. To do this, you need to choose a bait that will be too tough for small fish. Such bait can serve as:

  • corn (1-5 grains per hook);
  • peas (1-5 peas per hook)
  • the worm crawls out (whole, or at worst half);
  • pearl barley (also a few grains per hook).
  • boilies;
  • frog (in case of catching catfish).

Please note that in order to really catch big fish you will need high-quality large hooks. No. 10 is quite a suitable option.

Put on so many grains of bait at once that it is almost completely filled, just leave a little space (about one pea) so that when a large fish bites, the bait has somewhere to move and free up the sting for the fish to hook.

If the bait is quite hard and the fish may not pierce it to the point of the hook when biting, you can leave the point bare, literally 1-3 mm, or pierce the bait and hide the point back into it.

The best way to catch large fish is to use a tackle with a hair on which the bait is placed, while the hook remains free and the fish is hooked on its own.

If you purposefully catch large fish, you should create conditions in advance so that small fish do not take part in the bites. To do this, you should take a hook of the appropriate size and attach bait to it, which will be too tough for the “little things”. To do this you need to take:

  • corn;
  • peas;
  • worm (crawling);
  • barley;
  • boilies;
  • frog (for catfish).

First you need to select a hook of the appropriate size. Hook number 10 is perfect.

To cut off small fish, several grains of corn, peas or pearl barley are placed on the hook. The hook must be completely filled.

You can leave a little free space so that in case of a bite, the nozzle can move out, freeing the tip of the hook. At the same time, the hook tip may peek out, but no more than 1 mm.

Then the hook can be successful and the fish will be reliably hooked.

Sometimes they use hair rig, when the nozzle is attached separately from the hook, and the hook is left free. As a rule, such equipment is used for carp fishing.

The equipment used is a feeder with a reel. Since the carp sucks in food, it sucks in the bait along with the hook.

Finding a foreign object in his mouth, he tries to free himself from it, but it is not so easy, and he ends up hooked.


This is something that many anglers lack. As a rule, the tackle is checked very often, depending on the bait used.

This period is about 5 minutes and depends on the speed at which the bait is washed out of the feeder. But to catch a big trophy specimen, you need to leave the bait in the water for a long time.

But some experienced anglers leave the bait in the water for 2-3 hours and wait. In this case, the tackle is checked if:

  • in case of idle bites, when the bait is damaged;
  • if the bottom is muddy, then there is a possibility that the bait will swim and the fish will not be able to find it;
  • if you want to replace one nozzle with another.

When the gear is in the water for a long time, you have the opportunity to do your own thing on the shore. As a rule, this is work on preparing the camp and creating proper living conditions in it. After all, this type of fishing requires being on the pond for several days.

To create conditions for such fishing, you should know for sure that large fish live in this reservoir.

Fishing is an exciting activity, but success depends on many factors: a well-chosen place, the right gear, bait, knowledge of all fishing methods, weather conditions and even the fisherman’s equipment. Compliance with all basic conditions for beginners is extremely important.

Preparing for fishing: action plan

Decide on prey

If the area is familiar, then it is probably not difficult to prepare for fishing, knowing who you will be fishing for. If you go to a new place and the pond or reservoir is completely unfamiliar, then for the first time it is better to go to paid places. Fishing rangers will tell you what types of fish live and where they bite best.

Choose a fishing spot

  • Many species of fish look for prey in rapids with fast currents, in places where they change to deep depressions with fast currents.
  • Plains and reaches with shallow depths are inhabited by large pike, perch, and pike perch; they love to soak up the rivers in shallow waters in warm water.
  • Fishing is successful in floodplains of lakes, quiet river oxbows, artificial canals where the water is clean and transparent. Many species of fish live near thickets, clearings, cores, and river bends.
  • The best places for fishing are coastal holes, river mouths with islands and running water.
  • On lakes without a current there are areas flooded with snags and trees. Fish sometimes hide there in the heat and from predators.
  • The undercurrent feeds the fish. Fishing is successful on lakes in places with sharp changes in depth. In larger rivers, it is worth choosing small streams with a fairly high flow speed and depth.
  • Fish that feed on insects live near canopies and steep banks.
  • Predatory fish are found in places of snags and muddy rivers. Vegetation attracts shellfish-eating fish

Prepare gear

According to fishing law, the main thing is that the gear is securely packaged, laid out and secured in special cases to avoid damage along the way, but access to it must also be free. A quick change of hooks and bait will ultimately lead to successful fishing.

Small gear should be kept in metal or plastic boxes. Gear needs to be selected taking into account the fishing location and type of prey.

When fishing with a regular fishing rod or spinning rod, you need to take with you several spoons of different sizes, a set of hooks, and a bell.

For active fishing - screens, crayfish traps.

Prepare bait in advance

You need to take several species of it to catch different fish. Local fishermen will tell you what the fish are biting at in this particular place. If you don’t know the area, then take a basic set: crackers, bran, cereal porridge. Keep in mind that it is difficult for fish to assimilate plant components of complementary foods and the particle size must correspond to the size of the intended fish.

If fishing is planned in a reservoir with a muddy current, then it is better to mix the complementary food with clay so that it is not quickly carried away from the desired place.

Watch the water temperature, weather conditions affect the activity of fish. The amount of complementary feeding required depends on these conditions. Small fish can pounce on food, ahead of large individuals. If you have small fish, you need to take several times more food with you.

The concentration of complementary foods also depends on the size of the fish being caught. The larger it is, the larger the complementary feeding components should be.

Attractive to fish, for example, thyme, milk powder. The value decreases, but the amount of catch increases when sand and earth are added to the complementary food. If the current is strong, it is good to add a little clay. The smell of crushed stones rubbed against food attracts predators.

Take a supply of bait and lures

Delicacy For, crucian carp and carp– . In summer - live insects, vegetation to imitate artificial bait.

The larvae are attractive for predatory individuals. The small fish are partial to the bait: anise, vanilla and mint. But smart fish don’t fall for such deception.

Bream, perch, ide, dace, sintsy, go for summer, but you need special gear and skill when fishing.

There should be a sufficient number of baits and lures, preferably a variety

At any time of the year, artificial fly baits that imitate the rapid rotation of an insect are effective.

Bring with you the necessary fishing equipment

If you fish at night, don't forget about a flashlight. You also cannot do without matches, a knife, a hatchet, anti-inflammatory spray, medicines, and water.

Equipment should be as comfortable as possible; a cap and boots will always be needed.

Have unlimited time and great patience

Well, you can’t do without these qualities when fishing. Even if there is no bite in one place for more than 2-3 hours, you should not leave it immediately. Maybe you should change your fishing rod or bait.

Do not rush to remove the fishing rod often; sudden careless movements only scare away suitable fish.

Float rod– the most versatile and optimal for crucian carp, perch, pike and pike perch.

  1. The fishing rod should be up to 8 m long, so that the gear can be cast right up to the middle of the lake, and it should also be invisible to prey.
  2. Frequent casts are not required with a long rod. The tackle can be further released downstream.
  3. The float must be attached in two places, on cambrics or with elastic bands to control the depth of water and tension of the fishing line.
  4. The best fastening for a hook is thin, thinner than the fishing line, so as not to lose it when hooked.
  5. It is better to fish from the shore with a three-meter telescopic fishing rod.
  6. The fishing rod should fit comfortably in your hand and be durable. It would be a shame to lose your prey when it is broken.
  7. Beginners should use light rods and tackle.
  8. In winter, a small fishing rod and the same float are preferable, but the load must drag it completely under the water to avoid freezing into the ice.

For spinning

On the donk

The bottom fishing rod is easy to use and consists of a fishing line with a sinker and hooks. But, casts can be made far in order to catch prey feeding near the very bottom.

  1. choose a flat place, without snags, to avoid line breaks and hook breaks when removing the fish.
  2. The standard donk length is 1.5-2.5 m.
  3. Attach bells to your rod to make fishing easier.
  4. Stick a metal rod into the butt of the fishing rod so that you can attach it to the shore.
  5. Equipment for donkeying can be different, it all depends on the area, fishing, casting distance.
  6. To attract wary fish, you can build a homemade tackle using red reeds, a steel rod and ordinary fishing line.
  7. The sinker must be suitable for the size of the prey.
  8. It is better to fish with a donkey in the fall, but throwing the gear in the right place must be correct. Typically, casting is done manually, upstream.
  9. When fishing for small prey in shallow water, calm and careful hooking is appropriate.
  10. The use of complementary foods is mandatory. You can build a mesh bag with complementary foods and throw it into the planned location. For example, they hide in holes, take this into account when casting.
  11. Bream require timely complementary feeding. Carp can be fed with steamed peas before fishing.
  12. Spot fishing at night is effective in places where fish are likely to approach.

How to fish properly in winter?

  1. Feel the ice when you arrive at the lake. In places with landslides, unevenness, and channel holes, it will be easier to cut holes, but this is only in the case of a new, previously unused place.
  2. To enlarge the holes, the fisherman must have a hook, a drill, and a pin in his arsenal.
  3. The fishing rod should be small and comfortable with a line thickness of more than 0.2 mm.
  4. Pay attention to the bait. Use store-bought flavors, sweeteners, and liquid dyes.
  5. It is important to follow safety precautions when fishing on ice in winter. The ice should be 7-8 cm thick, no less.
  6. At the beginning of winter, it is dangerous to go out on the ice in places where reeds and grass grow. In these areas, ice freezing occurs much later.

Common Mistakes

  1. Incorrectly selected gear. Beginners love to buy nervous, ringing rods and expensive spinning rods, not realizing that this is not appropriate in all places. Fish, most of them, love silence.
  2. Universal rods will not fit anywhere. You don't have to buy an expensive fishing rod. It is better to buy 2 cheaper ones: heavy and light.
  3. It is believed that when catching pike perch with a spinning rod, you need its rigidity and power.. The main thing when catching this fish is the sensitivity of the spinning rod, its quick reaction to the approach of the pike perch to the bait.
  4. Thick line doesn't mean it's reliable. It can be completely insensitive and sluggish bites, for example, of pike perch, can be easily missed, and there will be no catch.
  5. You need to fish with jigs with a thin line. Thick will negatively affect the nature of the wiring.
  6. Mistakes that novice fishermen make when. The technique is difficult to master; casts must be sharp, as the bait flies forward quickly.
  7. Newbies find it difficult to wire. The top of the rod is not fixed correctly when fishing with a spinner. The petal malfunctions and no bites occur. For beginners, it is better to use wobblers; there is no need to attach them to the tip of the spinning rod.
  8. The amount of complementary feeding should be taken into account depending on the weather, time of year, concentration of fish, its size. It will never be superfluous to throw a handful of grains or maggots for the approach of large fish.

    Please consider if bait was used in this area before your arrival. Maybe this place is already pretty well fed.

  9. Don't stay in one place for more than half an hour if the fish doesn't bite. But, if there were still bites, then you should be patient.
  10. Don't stand out in the sun or against the sky to avoid shadows on the water. Approach the shore carefully; there should be no outside noise.
  11. Don’t throw gear unnecessarily.
  12. Pull out fish sharply and dragging it through the air is also not worth it.

Fishing with a float rod has been used for a long time - this is due to the fact that such an accessory is very easy to assemble. A fishing rod can be assembled from anything using a stick, fishing line, hook and float. But modern rod design makes fishing easier. The model is equipped with effective bite indicators, powerful reels, and durable hooks, which allows you to make long casts and catch large fish. Successful fishing is influenced not only by good equipment, but also by an understanding of how to fish with a fishing rod. It is important to know what weather conditions and what time of day is best to fish.

About float rods

Modern modernized fishing rods and accessories for fishing have improved so much that even a beginner can succeed and catch the desired trophy. But you still need to know how to fish correctly. Not all fishermen use donks and feeders, since it is more interesting to fish with a float rig. You have to concentrate on the float and wait for the moment when the bite starts. It's exciting.

It is difficult for novice fishermen to figure out how to fish with a float, but in fact everything is very simple. Although one day is not enough to sharpen your skills. It will take time, with which experience will come.

Fishing rods can be divided into several categories:

  • for fishing in coastal zone;
  • for spot fishing;
  • for fishing in river conditions with strong currents.

For all situations, it is advisable to use universal equipment with which you can fish in different conditions reservoir

Types of rods

Each type of rod is used for fishing in different conditions. Difficulties may arise in a certain area of ​​water: at a close distance, a plug-in model can easily cope with the task, and for long-distance fishing, a rod and reel will help.

Fishing rod for coastal fishing

It is better for beginners to train in areas of the reservoir near the shore. In this case, an ordinary fly fishing rod will help. Every self-respecting angler has used a rod like this at least once. The design of the fishing rod does not include rings through which the fishing line is passed. The most budget model is making a fly fishing rod from bamboo.

By using modern technologies managed to achieve strength and lightness. Basically, such fishing rods are made from fiberglass. The longest model can reach 8 m and has 5 retractable elbows. Often those rods that do not exceed a length of 5 m are used.

A novice fisherman can easily change equipment in case of a snag, and the folded fishing rod can even fit into a travel bag. A beginner can break the tackle, so it is recommended to make several pieces by winding them on a reel. In case of failure, the time to change the equipment takes no more than 5 minutes.

You need to remember: the longer the fishing rod, the farther you can throw the bait, and the size also affects the depth of the bait. In the coastal zone you can rarely see a broken bottom, and this is a disadvantage, because only in such relief places are large individuals found.

Fishing rod in fast current conditions

Fishing can take place in a pond or river with a fast current. In addition, there may be reeds, algae and similar obstacles. In this case, spot fishing should be used. Experienced fishermen use plug-in models, which are very effective when fishing in hard-to-reach areas.

On such a rod, the line is in a slightly raised position. This is a significant plus, since floating algae and debris will not be able to get caught. In this position, the tackle will not move to the side, but will be held in the place where the bait was sent.

Trees located on the shore will not become an obstacle, because you will not have to lift the fishing rod. And the design of the equipment allows you to deliver the bait exactly to the intended area of ​​the pond. To be more precise, the tackle is not thrown, but wound to the desired point.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • The main advantage is the adjustable length of the fishing rod. If desired, several elbows can be removed. The rubber shock absorber allows you to smooth out the jerks of the fish.
  • There is one drawback - the length of the fishing rod. There is a limit for long distance fishing. Also, devices such as a roller and racks should always be nearby.

Long casting rod

Undoubtedly, everyone could see such a picture when a huge fish frolics in the distance of the pond. Every beginner thought about how to get to that place and catch the trophy. But the British took care of this and invented a four-legged fishing rod. The design involves a fishing line, a float, a sinker, a leash and a reel.

The name of this model is a match rod. There must be 15 rings. They are important so that during the fishing process the line cannot stick to the form. The match reel is equipped with a heavy line for fast sinking, several spare shallow spools and an increased subordinate number. Here the floats have a different design - equipped with wagglers and weights.

In order to make a long cast, you need to choose a place on the shore where there are no trees. After casting, the fishing line is slightly submerged in the water, therefore, possible wind will not bother the fisherman. The edge of the blank, which is immersed in the water, will begin to pull the fishing line along with it. It will become tense and during the bite it will be more convenient to hook.

Replacing the tackle with a donk and casting over a significant distance are the main advantages, but there are also disadvantages - this is a complicated fishing process during strong currents and components that are suitable specifically for this category of fishing rods.

How to rig a fishing rod

Many fishermen prefer two methods of equipment - sliding and blind installation. These two types of components are similar in assembly. The only exception is the float, which can be attached in different ways.

Line selection

A monofilament line is a more suitable option for catching fish over 1 kg, since a break may occur at the last moment of fishing. The fish will desperately resist. And the stretchable fishing line will not allow the tackle to break.

Fishing lines are produced in whole series for a specific purpose. For catching heavyweights and fishing in frosty conditions.

Manufacturers began to produce fluorocarbon fishing line to replace monofilament line. This line is more expensive in price. Its most significant advantage is its invisibility in the water. It becomes absolutely invisible to the fish, which increases the likelihood of fishing success. If you don’t have enough money to buy a reel, you can purchase several meters of fluorocarbon fishing line and tie it to the main one.

For match rods an important factor The mass of the fishing line is considered. Because fishing is carried out at a great distance from the shore and the possible wind can be annoying. Therefore, it is recommended to buy weighted options that float in the water.

When purchasing a braided fishing line, you may encounter the fact that during hooking the fish lip will break. The fish begins to flop around, a hole is formed in the place where the hook is caught and the prey can jump off. There is an important advantage - this is the opportunity to catch a truly massive specimen. Because the fishing line is not inferior to its analogues in strength.

Choosing a float

There are many floats and difficult for beginners to do right choice. In fact, all float models are designed for certain conditions and equipment. If, as an example, we consider fishing with a fly rod in a calm current, then we should make a choice for a moderate carrying capacity and weight of the float. They are attached tightly.

Long floats are highly sensitive. Advantage - the float is able to convey even the lightest touches of the fish to the bait. But there is also a drawback - the impossibility of fishing during windy conditions. There are ball-shaped models that are not afraid of wind, but their sensitivity is lower. The best option there will be a float that has the shape of a drop, since it is moderately sensitive to fish and weather conditions.

For long casts you need a float that has a large carrying capacity. It is equipped with a thick antenna. With such a weighted rig, you can cast 30 meters. The antenna must be bright so that the bite can be seen from afar.

Loading correctly

Modern loading can be provided in the form of a whole chain of fractions. Thanks to this, it is quite easy to adjust the depth of immersion of the float, removing or adding pellets.

How to load correctly:

Selection of hooks

Experts recommend choosing small hooks, but they must be strong. The trick is that the fish can easily swallow the bait. But for larger specimens you should buy appropriate hooks.

Spicy is also equally important. And this is very difficult to determine. During Soviet times, most fishermen checked the point by running the hook along the nail. If after this a scratch remained, then the hook was considered sharp.

A sharp sting is necessary to hook the fish's lip, as well as for stringing hard baits. For example, if you use pearl barley, an unpleasant situation will occur: even small roach can break off due to the fact that the hook tip does not even show through the bait, therefore, there is simply nothing for the fish to catch on.

Rules for fishing with a rod

Making bait and groundbait:

Important! When a bite occurs, do not immediately pull out the tackle. Here you need to wait for the moment when the float begins to either lie on the water or is completely immersed in the water. It happens that the float goes to the side, and then you need to quickly react and make a hook.

Attention, TODAY only!

Fishing is one of the most popular hobbies of men around the world, a tribute to primitive traditions and great way unwind. It doesn’t matter whether the man is fed by this fishery, or the man simply goes to the shore to drink - he certainly takes a fishing rod and other related accessories with him. For avid fishermen, neither the weather nor the seasons are an obstacle, but for everyone else, the best time to test their skills is, of course, summer. How to start fishing, what to buy, what time to head out to the water, and how to avoid getting hooked on your own scrotum out of habit - all this is in our guide for novice fishermen.

There are many techniques and tactics in fishing that require skills and knowledge acquired with practice. Here we focus on the simplest things that even a child who wants to pick up a rod and catch something for the first time can master.

Option 1. Fishing rod

The simplest tool for coastal fishing is a traditional fishing rod without any extra frills. It’s not expensive, you don’t mind breaking it, and its interface is intuitive: cast it and wait for the float to twitch. In the case of a fishing rod, the only thing you will need to learn is how to place bait (a worm or maggot) on the hook. Fishing with bread or meat sausage is a problem-free activity; It is much more difficult at first to get comfortable with worms, which need to be torn into several parts by hand and then dragged through the point with the whole body, overcoming the hysterical resistance of the victim.

Optimal fishing rod length to start a fishing career - 4 - 4.5 meters. A six-meter fishing rod is too difficult for a beginner to handle, especially when removing fish from the water - this must be done quickly and sharply, and you still need to get used to such a rocker.

The fishing line must be selected according to the load capacity parameter. Optimal - up to 4 kg. Considering how many knots you will wind around the rod, hook and float during your debut fishing, it is best to take a skein with a reserve of 12 meters.

Float can be selected by color. Its only task is to notify the fisherman about the bite, and there are no tricky hidden parameters here. In Soviet times, even avid fishermen sometimes used a wine cork as a float.

It’s much more important to choose the right sinkers. These are metal weights that are suspended on a fishing line between the hook and the float; they are needed so that the latter stands normally in the water, and does not float sideways on the surface. The selection of sinkers is carried out in accordance with the weight indicated on the float.

There are different hooks, and each type implies either a specific trophy, or a specific fishing and hooking technique. A simple small hook is enough for a beginning fisherman without unnecessary jokes and infernal teeth.

You will also need a simple reel without bells and whistles - it is needed so that you can not wind the fishing line on your hand, but can fish comfortably.

One of the main principles of fishing is this: if you are not going to eat the fish you catch, let it go. At first, this will have to be done quite often, since novice fishermen most often catch gobies and other small things that are only suitable for feeding cats. But it happens that the fish clings to the hook not with its lip or cheek, but swallows it completely, and the tool needs to be retrieved somehow. It will not be difficult for a professional to tear the unlucky prey with his hands; for a beginner, it will be useful for removing the hook (and saving the life of the victim). special device - extractor. It can be replaced with a surgical clamp, which will allow you to penetrate deep into the fish and remove the hook from there without difficulty and bloodshed.

To avoid injury and to avoid catching your neighbor with your hook, cast the line into the water carefully, without broad gestures and in no way like in the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” It is enough to lightly swing the rod from the bottom up and release the hook towards the water, and the natural balance of the entire structure will pull the sinkers in the desired direction.

Option 2. Spinning

The spinning reel is similar to the BFG-9000.

Fishing with a spinning rod looks more technological and therefore more attractive to amateurs, but chance plays a huge role here. I threw it in and pulled it out, threw it in and pulled it out, and so on until I was blue in the face. On the way to shore, the hook may or may not catch someone, and the whole process can be quite tedious.

Prices for spinning rods are scattered so that some devices can realistically be exchanged for an average car, but to get started, a design a little more expensive than a couple of thousand rubles will be enough, which at least will not fall apart in your hands from careless handling.

Optimal rod length for debut- about two meters. One of the main elements of a spinning rod is an inertia-free reel, which can accommodate 70 meters of fishing line. The fishing line itself is needed with a carrying capacity of up to 6-7 kilograms.

An important feature of a spinning rod is that it the owner catches fish not with live bait, but with a silicone imitation of live bait, which glitters, twitches and plays in every possible way as the reel is wound in and approaches the shore. In this regard, you can catch something that is not at all what you came for - for example, instead of a perch, you can run into a larger one predatory fish with sharp teeth that will cut the line and deprive you of at least the bait. To protect yourself from unplanned losses of money, you need to buy a so-called leash- a steel or tungsten cord 10-12 centimeters long, which at one end is attached to the fishing line, and at the other ends, in fact, with bait and a hook.

As a result of all procedures, the design should be as follows: fishing line -> leash -> jig head -> silicone fish.

Silicone bait mounted on a jig head.

In general terms, a jig head is both a sinker, a hook, and a frame on which the artificial bait is mounted. There are fish different types, but all of them are designed to irritate the fish and attract its attention.

The size of the fish doesn't matter. To small silicone bait The size of a finger can easily be pecked by a pike weighing 12 kilograms.

When choosing a jig head it is important to look at the full casting capacity of the purchased spinning rod and follow it. If you overdo it a little, the rod tip will break.

There are three types of spinning casting

- Direct throw from behind, as if you were chopping with a two-handed ax - this is the easiest way to understand where the bait will fly.

- Side cast, as if you were hitting with a two-handed sword - this is how the bait will fly the farthest.

- Close cast with a canopy- if you are fishing from a boat or bridge.

The task is to lower the bait to the bottom, and from there pull it in your direction. The best way to navigate is by the fishing line: if it weakens, it means the bottom has been reached and you can begin evacuation. It is recommended to pull the line in jerks so that the fish jumps on the bottom, in every possible way informing the surrounding potential prey of its presence.

If someone bites, then you need to start by pulling the rod towards yourself; in the case of cheap fishing line - twice. Inexpensive fishing line can stretch like an elastic band in water, therefore, it is better to fix the hook hitting the cheek of a perch by re-hooking. This must be done confidently, but carefully: if you overdo it, you can only catch fish lips.

So, do I really have to get up at 4am?

It is traditionally believed that you need to go fishing so early in the morning that you can say very late at night in order to be near the water with the first rays of the sun. However fish are caught in the morning, in the evening, and at night - depending on what kind of prey you are counting on. Since here we are primarily talking about a moderate interest in fishing, it makes no sense to torture yourself with an extra-early rise, which with a high degree of probability can lead to zero catch.

In the morning it is good to go to a pond or lake - as a rule, in standing water we are talking about crucian carp or rotan. The weather should be calm and the forecast should promise a sunny day. During the day, a single clap of thunder is enough for the fish to sink to the bottom in fear - then you can forget about it until the evening. You can also go to the river in the evening.