How to lose weight in winter reviews. Is it possible to lose weight in winter? How to lose weight in winter: not everything hidden is obvious

What is proper nutrition for weight loss in winter. Approximate menu for the cold season - what to eat to lose weight.

During the cold season, the body needs more calories to keep warm and resist insidious viruses and colds. That is why it begins to intensively accumulate fat and forces us to intuitively choose more satisfying and high-calorie foods. And everything would be fine, but by the beginning of the hot season, such “selectivity” begins to affect the waist, which, of course, makes few people happy. In order not to panic in the spring about things that came from nowhere extra pounds, it is better to prevent their appearance in advance (website). How to do it? Let's figure it out.

Reasons for gaining weight in winter

In fact, the tendency to accumulate fat during the cold season is genetically embedded in us. And there's nothing you can do about it. It’s just that in winter, our ancestors had to limit themselves in nutrition (not of their own free will, of course), therefore, our body adapted to accumulate fat much faster during this period than in summer. But this is not the only reason. There are others:

  • Daylight hours are decreasing. We receive less ultraviolet radiation, hence the bad mood, which many people like to “eat up” with all sorts of goodies.
  • In the cold season, the wardrobe consists of bulky items: down jackets, warm sweaters, fur coats. Many people simply do not notice an increase of several kilograms. And when they try to “return to their favorite dress,” it’s too late.
  • In winter we move less than in summer. The body simply does not have time to expend the calories received.
  • The lack of vitamins and minerals, which is very often observed in the cold season, provokes us to eat more than we need, in order to thus replenish the supply of substances necessary for health.

What to do with all this? There is only one way out - to correctly plan your winter diet.

Proper nutrition for weight loss in winter

If you carefully study all the reasons for weight gain in winter, then the way to lose them suggests itself - more light, more movement, more vitamins. At the same time, try not to resort to starvation diets. The most reasonable solution is rational and proper nutrition. Try to follow these tips:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. Yes, there are few of them in winter. But they exist. For example, not everyone knows that sauerkraut contains no less vitamin C than currants. And nuts and seeds, which are also available in winter, contain a lot of selenium, which can overcome the winter blues.
  • Be sure to eat soups every day. They don't contain many calories, but they fill you up perfectly and help you warm up. By the way, there is even . It's great for winter. But this is already a radical method.
  • Don’t forget about fermented milk products: homemade yoghurts, kefir, yogurt. They promote fat burning and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Always eat slowly. Do not forget that the feeling of fullness comes only 20 minutes after food enters the body.
  • To cheer yourself up on a cloudy and cold day, pay attention to dried fruits. They are much lower in calories than regular sweets. And at the same time much more useful.
  • Don't get too carried away with pickles and canned goods. Most often they contain a lot of oil, vinegar and spices. They increase appetite and contain a lot of “hidden fats”.
  • Try to cook side dishes from starchy foods (rice, potatoes, pasta) less often. Replace them with cabbage, beets, and vegetable stews.
  • Don't forget about water. Despite the fact that you want to drink much less in winter than in summer, the body still needs water. Get into the habit of drinking tea without sugar. This way it is much healthier, and its taste is better felt.

And also, be sure to listen to your body. After all, it is different for everyone. Some people fill themselves up with a bowl of soup, but for others it’s not food at all. Someone can kill their appetite with an apple, but for others it makes them want to eat even more. Therefore, do not force yourself, but find a diet that suits you. Maybe it will be, maybe fasting days once a week, or maybe separate meals. The main thing is to always stick to it.

Proper nutrition in winter: menu

Try this menu for winter days. It is, of course, approximate and you can change it to suit your preferences.

Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, tea or freshly squeezed Orange juice. Eating carbohydrates for breakfast will help you not feel hungry until lunch and will give you energy for the whole day.

Snack: fruit salad (pineapple, banana, kiwi), seasoned with low-fat yogurt or 100 g of sweet cottage cheese with vanilla.

Dinner: and a couple of cutlets. Or creamy pea soup with croutons. Hot soup will help you warm up and feel a surge of strength and energy.

Snack: an apple, a glass of kefir or yogurt.

Dinner: Chicken fillet baked in the oven, stewed cabbage. Or a piece of baked fish and vegetable salad. 3-4 hours before bedtime and contain more proteins than carbohydrates.

Following these simple rules will help you avoid gaining overweight in winter and feel healthy and vigorous in any weather.

I’m probably not the only one who worries about the question of how not to gain weight in winter or how to lose weight in winter. After all, everyone knows what kind of autumn winter period Usually the weight increases, and in the summer it’s somehow easier to deal with it. So why is it harder to lose weight in winter? In this article we will talk about what you need to do to avoid gaining weight in winter and what aspects of your diet and regimen you need to pay attention to in order to be in shape by spring.

Have you probably noticed that in winter our mouth turns into a bottomless pit? Why do you want to eat more in winter? There are understandable reasons for this, and there are several of them. But first things first.

Need more energy in winter

No, no, I was not mistaken at all. Do you think that the body needs more energy not in winter, but in summer, because in summer we move more? But no. In addition to energy for physical mobility, our body also needs a huge amount of energy to ensure its vital functions. This energy, for example, goes to ensure the functioning of the heart, circulatory system, digestive system, nervous activity, respiration, excretory organs, body renewal processes, the production of various hormones and much more. And this energy expenditure is incomparably greater than just physical activity.

And our body also needs a very considerable amount of energy to maintain our body temperature to 36.6 degrees, every second of our existence! Let's take a closer look at this. In summer, the external temperature is much higher, but in winter we have to insulate ourselves and create additional conditions in order not to freeze. And the body also tries not to freeze. But in order to maintain the usual body temperature of 36.6, he has to expend much more energy in winter than in summer. Where does he get this energy from?

Of course the body needs it additional income energy from food. The body can tell us about its needs. He communicates - hunger and desire for something high-calorie (for example, the same sweets). Those. the body requires sources from us extra energy, but alas, in a simple and understandable language for us. And it’s much easier for our unlucky brain to picture a fatty Snickers in our minds than, for example, a porridge rich in the same carbohydrates. So we put “anything in our mouth” into our mouths.

Now you will say, “Yeah, she’s also an adviser to me - eat more porridge, you won’t lose weight in winter.” Porridge is different. And it’s your right to choose figure-safe foods and their quantities to replenish your energy, or to torment yourself with energy hunger, as a result of which your body will either break down (and you, excuse me, go on an uncontrollable glutton) or sooner or later the body will take revenge with even greater weight gain ( see the very first article in the ARTICLES section “How to lose weight forever”).

So, it seems that we have figured it out, in order not to gain weight in winter, you need to ensure that the body receives sufficient supply of the right energy from food. Now let's figure out what the right energy from food is. Oddly enough, these are carbohydrates, but not all of them.

Monitor your diet for energy-efficient carbohydrates that will not lead to weight gain even in winter:

  • Essential for breakfast correct carbohydrate – porridge, boiled in water. By cooking porridge with milk, you will provide the most dangerous combination of animal fat from milk and cereal carbohydrates for your figure. Porridge with milk makes you fat not because it is porridge, but because it is a figure-killing combination of foods (this is one of the most basic principles of food compatibility, which is used in).
    Prepare porridge only from the right grains, whose glycemic index does not exceed 50 units (the concept of the glycemic index of foods is also widely used in the “Be Slim!”® weight loss system). I wrote about the glycemic index in the article “How to stop eating sweets.” Choosing high-carbohydrate foods with a GI of no more than 50 will provide you with both a comfortable refusal of sweets and a very quick release from a constant feeling of hunger, and will also indirectly affect the almost automatic reduction in portion sizes.
    If in summer the body had enough for the morning intake of three tablespoons of cereal (in dry, uncooked form), then in winter it may be necessary to increase the portion of porridge to 3.5-4 tablespoons of dry cereal. Just don’t forget to reduce the portion back in the spring with the onset of warmer weather so that excess energy is not stored as fat on your sides.
  • Don't neglect it as a side dish for lunch cooked vegetables. Those. For a piece of meat, don’t forget a side dish for lunch, for example, stewed, grilled, or baked vegetables. Cooked vegetables become a little more carbohydrate-rich, which is safe for your figure, but they will make their contribution to providing the body with additional energy.
    Let me remind you that neither potatoes, nor pasta, nor cereals are categorically suitable as a side dish for meat, because... this combination will lead to direct storage of fats into our fat stores.
  • Sometimes, in addition to breakfast, also have carbohydrate lunches. IN the best option will fit legume dishes, because In addition to carbohydrates, legumes also contain proteins in 1/4 of their composition.
  • Don't forget and don't neglect fresh fruit. This is not only necessary for the body carbohydrate nutrition, but also a delicious emotional addition to your diet.

They will help warming drinks, for example, in the form of hot ginger infusion or just hot herbal tea. And simply warm or even almost hot clean water will be preferable to water at room temperature.

In addition to carbohydrate foods, you need to pay attention to your diet in general. If there is too little in the diet fat, then the body is both cold and hungry (I already wrote about the consequences above - a breakdown in the uncontrolled absorption of food, including sweets). And in this case, an absolutely real and uncomfortable constant feeling of hunger sets in. You just need to choose the right fats - mainly vegetable and marine fish fats. Lack of nutrition will have exactly the same effect. protein food. Those. nutrition must be complete.

You may say, how is this different from regular nutrition? Yes, at first glance it’s nothing special. But only at first glance. Weight loss is very good due to the right combinations of foods, due to the correct sequence of foods throughout the day and in one meal, due to the diet and wakefulness and a couple more important points. I briefly talk about all this during the face-to-face meeting, which takes place in Nizhny Novgorod. There we learn how to prepare meals for slimness.

At the beginning of the transition to a new diet, false hunger is observed

However, if you are just at the very beginning of your path to slimness and are just switching to a new diet, then all of the above measures to prevent “winter gluttony” most likely will not work.

This will happen for two reasons. The first is that your pancreas is not yet able to adequately respond to the intake of normal food and still produces an excessive amount of insulin, which is why you want sweets and just eat ahead of time and a lot. The second is that the body is not yet accustomed to systematically starting to use sources of additional energy (glycogen from the liver and then energy from its own fats), and instead, when glucose in the blood is depleted, like a capricious child, it requires “refueling” from food.

But there is a very comfortable way out, which does not require willpower. Look for it in the previous articles “How to stop eating sweets” and “How to reduce your appetite” in the ARTICLES section of this site.

Being slim depends on your mood, and your mood depends on food

Yes, in winter, for some reason, you want all sorts of goodies and harmful things many times more than in the warm season. The reason is to get basic pleasure, because when it’s dark and cold outside, the mood is not the best.

And I know very well why exactly this happens. In the article “How to get rid of depression in the fall,” we already talked to you about the dependence of mood on food.

To from bad mood Do not put harmful things into your mouth, which will definitely not help you lose weight in winter, check the following:

  • Provide your diet with foods that are sources of tryptophan. It is from this essential amino acid that the happiness hormone – serotonin – is produced. If there is little tryptophan in the diet, then there is less pleasure in life. Sources of tryptophan are red fish, nuts, turkey and rabbit meat, whole grains and, in principle, fatty sea fish.
  • Make sure your workplace is well lit during the day, and try to be outside more during daylight hours. The happiness hormone serotonin is produced in sufficient quantities only in good lighting.
  • Find alternative ways getting pleasure from life other than food.

Poor sleep requires additional energy from food

What did you think? Think for yourself, if the body does not get enough sleep (and in our sleep we rest and recharge for next day), then where else can he get energy if not from food!

So it turns out that “night owls” often have a pronounced craving for sweets (as the most striking manifestation of the body’s energy supply) or for large portions or fatty high-calorie foods - in a word, a craving for food rich in energy.

In addition, at night the feeling of hunger in itself worsens (or rather, not on its own, of course, but because the stress hormone cortisol, produced during sleepless nights, also provides an increase in appetite).

I already wrote how to improve sleep and what to do with insomnia in the previous article “Remedy for Insomnia” (if you missed it, look for it in the ARTICLES section on this site).

Decreasing physical activity adds pounds

On this issue, I think you will agree with me unconditionally. Of course, in winter we move much less. In the summer, there are gardens and vegetable gardens, and it’s somehow more pleasant to just take a walk in the warm season. And in winter, more and more often, I am drawn to the sofa to watch the TV... But how to lose weight in winter if you sit on the sofa?

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about physical activity. They speed up metabolism and improve blood circulation, which will warm the body, and it no longer requires as much food to warm up. A contrast shower will also help in activating blood flow.

Let's summarize how to lose weight in winter or how not to gain weight in winter:

  • Do not confuse false hunger, which is inevitable when switching to a new diet, and real hunger (including at the energy level)
  • Increasing the proportion of proper carbohydrates in the diet
  • Make sure you have enough fat and protein in your diet
  • We control the presence of tryptophan sources in the diet
  • Make sure there is enough light during the daytime
  • Maintaining a sleep schedule
  • We activate blood circulation with physical activity and a contrast shower
  • We find other ways of pleasure besides food

I hope you now have a better understanding of how to lose weight in winter or how not to gain weight in winter. Share this knowledge with your friends (social media buttons are located below).

Winter is a great time to lose weight. Firstly, you can hide extra pounds under warm clothes, and secondly, you can prepare yourself for the summer season.

Everyone knows that as soon as you finish a diet, weight immediately begins to gain, and much faster than we expect. The best way out is proper and balanced nutrition.

1. Fruits and vegetables

In winter there is no great abundance of fruits and vegetables, as in summer season, but there is an excellent opportunity to saturate your body with vitamin C by eating oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, tangerines, etc. Among vegetables, you can choose healthy and low-calorie carrots, broccoli and beets.

2. Hot in the winter diet

In winter you always want to warm up, so we recommend consuming various soups. Firstly, they have a low calorie content and are easily absorbed by the body, and secondly, they are a kind of deception for it - they quickly suppress appetite and the stomach sends a signal to the brain about satiety.

3. What to drink?

In winter, do not forget about the drinking regime. Start your morning with a glass of water to jump-start your metabolism. During the day, it is recommended to drink herbal teas, which are very soothing and warm.

Sample winter menu for weight loss:

Breakfast: oatmeal with milk and dried fruits - approximately 300 kcal, and tea

Snack: fruit salad (pineapple, banana, kiwi), dressed with low-fat yogurt - 100 kcal

Dinner: chicken broth with 15 g whole grain bread and steam cutlets- 300 kcal

Snack: apple - 40 kcal

Dinner: steamed fish with spices and without salt and steamed buckwheat - 400 kcal

Total: 1140 kcal.

And the daily norm is 2500 kcal. Therefore, you will lose weight, but you will not feel hungry.

Make your daily menu varied, change cereals and fruits. Experiment with heat treatment of foods. Steamed dishes can be very tasty if you add a tasty sauce or spices to them.

Eat right in winter and lose pounds without much effort!

Yes, undoubtedly, in winter you need to be more attentive to your diet, since during this period of time the body is more vulnerable, and if you do not receive enough vitamins and minerals through food, this will negatively affect your health (decreased immunity).

Therefore, in order to lose weight in winter without harm to your health, you need to know a few important rules, which we will discuss below.

How to lose weight in winter at home: 5 important rules

For some people, losing weight in winter is quite difficult, this may be due to the fact that the body needs fats to maintain heat in the cold season, so it is very difficult for many to deny themselves high-calorie foods.

Cause complexity and physical exercise, since not everyone can force themselves to get up early and exercise. Well, as for going outside for the purpose of... physical activity, then this is generally a “nightmare” for most.

Remember that if you don’t overcome your laziness and don’t start taking action even when it’s frosty outside, don’t be surprised at a considerable amount of extra pounds by spring, which, by the way, won’t be easy to get rid of.

So, we bring to your attention 5 important rules that will help you easily lose weight in winter:

1. Toughen up. Start small, for example, just wash your face with cold water. Then take a cool shower. Sleep with an open window. As your body gets used to it, train yourself to exercise at fresh air, start with at least 10-15 minutes. The main thing in this matter is not to interrupt. Once you miss a few days, it will be difficult for you to start all over again, and in the worst case, you won’t want to do it anymore. Hardening will help you develop resistance to cold, so it will be much easier for you to deal with overweight in winter.

Winter is the time when the body is most often exposed to diseases and more actively accumulates body fat, and to prevent this, you need to eat right.

Proper nutrition in winter: what is the essence and features ^

The work of the body changes significantly in different seasons, and if in the summer it consumes the greatest amount of energy, then closer to winter it rebuilds and literally goes into hibernation. Many people notice that during the cold season they crave sweets more often, they feel depressed, and even positive-minded people complain about life.

There is an explanation for all this, not only from a physiological, but also from a psychological position:

  • Daylight hours are shortening, climatic conditions are changing - such factors in some cases negatively affect a person’s mood.
  • Nutrition in winter is significantly different from summer, because the body is more deficient in vitamins and, combined with cold, this can lead to frequent colds.

What are the features of nutrition in winter:

  • At this time, a person needs more energy from food. Some people start eating fatty foods, believing that they will help them obtain maximum amounts of it, but this is not at all true: they only contribute to weight gain, but do not bring benefits to the body;
  • It is necessary to slightly increase the total calorie content of the diet: for example, if before it was equal to 1700 Kcal, then it can be raised to 2000 Kcal to compensate for all energy costs;
  • Healthy nutrition in winter involves eating seasonal vegetables and fruits: you should not eat unnatural products that obviously cannot be grown at this time of year, because they definitely will not contain vitamins.

How to eat properly in winter so as not to gain weight

There are several rules to keep your weight normal:

  • You shouldn’t go heavy on chocolate and sweets, the craving for which most often awakens at this time. It is best to eat fruits: kiwi, bananas, etc. - they are an excellent substitute for sweets;
  • It is advisable to drink a lot of water, because... at this time the body needs it no less than in the summer. Also, people often mistake a lack of fluid for a desire to snack on something sweet, and in order to quench their appetite, it is enough to drink a glass of mineral water;
  • Carbohydrates cannot be excluded because... they are needed to maintain mood, but it is best to replace sweets with fruits;
  • Lunch must be hot, but not fried;
  • Tea and coffee should be drunk without sugar, because... it is absorbed very quickly and negatively affects weight;
  • Instead of mayonnaise, it is advisable to use sour cream or unsweetened yogurt.

How to eat in winter to lose weight

There are practically no significant differences between winter nutrition for weight loss and weight loss:

  • The total calorie content of the diet should be left the same or even reduced - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, because two different people they can eat exactly the same, but one of them will lose weight and the other will not;
  • Slow carbohydrates should prevail over fast ones: it is advisable to eat chocolate and other sweets no more than twice a week;
  • You need to eat meals by the hour and in small portions: this way you can avoid constant appetite;
  • To compensate for the lack of fluid, you need to drink a lot of water and eat vegetables that contain it in sufficient quantities: cucumbers, beans, eggplants, tomatoes;
  • Regular aromatherapy will help get rid of increased appetite. It is best eliminated by the smell of mint, lemon balm or rosemary;
  • By preparing porridge, pancakes and bread from flaxseed flour, you can reduce the number of calories and saturate your body with healthy acids that improve skin condition and boost immunity.

Nutrition for pregnant women in winter

There is an opinion that pregnant women should eat for two, but this is not at all true: a balanced diet in winter will provide the necessary elements for both the baby and expectant mother, but excessive consumption of junk food will lead to weight gain.

Basic Rules:

  • You don’t need to limit yourself too much in carbohydrates, but you will still have to reduce their amount;
  • It is better if vegetables and fruits predominate in the diet, but you should not forget about meat: it is rich in proteins that are good for the immune system.

Nutrition for children in winter

There are no particular differences between the diet of adults and children, but there are several products that must be present on every child’s menu:

  • Porridge;
  • Low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • Lean meat;
  • Offal and fish (no more than 2 times every 7 days);
  • Potatoes, eggs;
  • Juices;
  • Bread;
  • Seasonal fruits, dried fruits and vegetables.

Nutrition in winter according to Ayurveda

The essence of nutrition according to the Ayurvedic method is as follows:

  • For breakfast you should definitely eat porridge with added butter, and add cinnamon or cloves to your tea;
  • In cold weather and high humidity, dishes should contain warming spices, as well as rice, carrots, millet, radishes or apples;
  • In frosty conditions and low humidity, it is recommended to eat warm porridge with milk with the addition of saffron or ginger: they warm you up and also improve your immunity.

Winter nutrition for raw foodists and vegetarians

The main difference between a regular diet and a vegetarian diet is that the latter case people do not eat foods containing animal fats. This does not mean at all that you can die of hunger in winter, because they have an excellent replacement:

  • Fruits, dried fruits and vegetables;
  • Greenery;
  • Berries: if you couldn’t prepare them in the summer, you can buy them frozen at the store;
  • Nuts;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Grains;

Healthy eating in winter: menu for the week

This menu can be used by those who want to maintain weight and strengthen the immune system:

  • In the morning we eat boiled with milk oatmeal with the addition of defrosted berries, washed down with a cup of ginger tea;
  • For lunch we eat a bowl of mushroom soup, vegetable salad and a piece of boiled chicken;
  • We have dinner with stewed vegetables and two steamed cutlets;
  • During snacks, you can eat nuts or fruits.

Winter diet: recipes ^

Mushroom soup recipe:

  • Peel and cut the champignons, chop the potatoes, onions and herbs;
  • Throw the mushrooms into the pan to cook, grate the carrots, place all the ingredients in the broth;
  • 5 minutes before readiness, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Oatmeal recipe:

  • Pour 1 liter of milk into the pan, and when it boils, pour 2 cups of oatmeal into it;
  • Reduce heat and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally;
  • When everything is ready, add a little butter, let it melt and stir;
  • Before serving, add berries.

Vegetarian salad recipe:

  • We cut apples, grind carrots;
  • Grind the nuts in a coffee grinder, mix everything;
  • Mix with honey, sprinkle with herbs.

Sticking to healthy eating in the winter season, you can reduce the risk of colds, keep your own weight normal and provide yourself with good mood and well-being!

Eastern horoscope for May 2019