How to pump up a girl's triceps. Triceps exercises for women. Here are some exercises available to you

Many representatives of the fairer sex are convinced that it is not worth paying attention to your hands during training. If you do not agree with this opinion, then you will probably be interested in learning how you can pump up your triceps at home.

What kind of muscle is this and is it worth training?

The triceps is located on the back of the shoulder and extends towards the elbow. It consists of the lateral, long and medial heads and performs important functions, namely, it is responsible for the flexion and extension movements of the upper limbs. Although in ordinary life we ​​quite often extend and bend our arms, this is not enough to fully work out the muscles, which explains the benefits of training.

Is it worth pumping up triceps for a representative of the fair sex? Yes, and there are several reasons. The first is a harmonious, proportional, relief and attractive body. If you regularly exercise and pay attention only to problem areas, then other areas may not look so beautiful and developed.

The second reason is to reduce the volume of the shoulders and eliminate sagging in this area. With overeating and a sedentary lifestyle, fat cells are deposited on the arms, especially in the upper parts on the back. These areas are practically not used when performing everyday women's duties, so some girls and women do not look as they would like.

The third reason is building muscle mass. Yes, yes, naturally thin girls dream of a beautiful sexy body, and overly thin arms sometimes spoil their appearance. Regular exercises will help make your shoulders more prominent and feminine.

How to work triceps?

How can a woman quickly build up her triceps? First, let's look at the general training rules, the observance of which will allow you to achieve excellent results:

  • Don't expect quick results. The result will be noticeable after at least 1.5 months of regular training. For representatives of the fairer sex who are overweight, it takes longer to achieve the desired effect - 2-3 months. And for those with a thin build or slender figure, the triceps can take shape after just a few weeks.
  • It is important to use all three heads of the muscle during training, otherwise there will be no visible effect. To do this, you should perform different exercises: presses, extensions, push-ups, lifts with dumbbells.
  • Increase the load gradually so as not to injure muscle fibers and suffer from pain. If you are using additional weights, start with a small, comfortable weight, then gradually increase it. The same goes for the number of repetitions. For unprepared girls, 10-15 times will be enough to start with, then go up to 20. Then you can do two approaches, then three. But in any case, do not train to the point of exhaustion: you should feel pleasant fatigue and slight tension in the muscles.
  • Do not try to exercise every day; the optimal frequency of training is two or maximum three times a week. If you maintain such intervals, the muscles will have time to recover from stress and will begin to take on the desired shape rather than deplete.
  • Work other muscles of the upper extremities to make your arms look harmonious.

Exercise options

Now let's look at the best exercises aimed at working the triceps:

  1. Narrow grip push-ups. First, get on all fours and place your hands on the floor so that the distance between them is slightly less than shoulder width. Straighten your legs so that your body forms a straight line. Begin to inhale slowly and deeply and at the same time lower your body, bending your arms. Exhale, quickly rise and return to the original position. Perform 15 repetitions. If you have not done push-ups before, you can do the exercise with your knees bent to reduce the load.
  2. Push-ups from a chair or bench. You will need a high enough support to perform reverse push-ups. Stand with your back to it, sit on the edge, rest your slightly bent legs on the floor in front of you and move your body weight onto your hands, removing your buttocks from the bench. As you take a deep breath, sit down, bending your elbows and shifting your body weight to your upper limbs so that your lower limbs remain as relaxed as possible. Perform at least 15 repetitions. To make the exercise more difficult, you can place your feet on an elevated platform, such as a stool or chair.
  3. Arm extension with one heavy dumbbell. Its weight depends on your level of physical fitness, but it should be at least 3-4 kilograms, because you will be holding the weight with two limbs at once. Take the projectile in your hands and grasp it securely to avoid accidental slipping. As you inhale, lower your hands with the dumbbell behind your head so that your forearms touch your shoulders, but the latter remain practically motionless. That is, there is no need to strive to lower the projectile as low as possible: ideally, it touches the upper back or even remains behind the head. Next, exhale and slowly raise your arms with the weights up. Perform 15-20 repetitions in one approach. Instead of a weight, you can use an expander fixed behind your back on the floor with your feet.
  4. Alternately extending the arms. Stand or sit on a chair so that your back is straight. Take a dumbbell in one hand, support the first limb in the shoulder area with the other. Inhale, bend the involved arm, moving it behind your back, until the triceps muscles are stretched to the maximum. Do not linger at the end point and, as you exhale, extend your arm and lift it up. For each limb, perform this exercise 10-15 times.
  5. Training with bending limb extensions is effective. You will need a bench or a stable chair (stool) with a wide seat. Place your left leg bent at the knee and your left arm straight on the support. With your right foot on the floor, take a dumbbell in your right hand and lower it down. While inhaling deeply, bend the working limb, bringing the shoulder to the chest, fully straighten the arm, bend and lower again, returning to the starting position. Perform 10 repetitions on each side.
  6. Dumbbell bench press. Lie down on a bench or floor and pick up one large dumbbell or two small ones. Straighten your limbs, stretch them in front of you above your chest. As you exhale, bend your elbows and bring the weight closer to your head at eye level. Exhale, return to the original position. Repeat the exercise at least 10-15 times.
  7. A barbell press with a medium grip, shoulder-width apart, is useful. When lowering, place your shoulders along the body, elbows pressed to the body. Raise the projectile quickly.

Exercise competently and regularly, and soon you will notice the result in the form of beautiful and sculpted triceps.

Not every woman (girl) has the strength or ability to go to the gym. Work, children, and housework create an acute shortage of time. But despite this, you always want to look beautiful and fit.

They especially talk about the state of well-groomed hands of a woman. And not only the skin, but also the muscles. Flabby and jelly-like muscle mass is always unattractive. Since the triceps mainly provides a beautiful contour of the shoulder at the back, then we will talk about how to do it at home.

A set of simple and effective exercises for pumping up muscles for women

Exercise 1 - push-ups

  1. Floor presses can be performed with different hand positions.
  • The narrow position of the hands means that the thumbs and index fingers of the two palms on the floor form a heart. There is an option to place one palm on top of the other.
  • A wide hand position is considered to be the position of the palms on the floor at shoulder width. Thanks to this, the load will fall on the pectoral muscles.

One of the classic ways to pump up the triceps is dumbbell presses. I am attracted by efficiency, accessibility and speed of results.

All coaches and sports doctors definitely recommend doing presses with a narrow arm position. Firstly, in this case the load on the triceps is greater. Secondly, there is less risk of injury to the shoulder capsule.

  1. Next comes flexion and extension of the arms at the elbows with raising and lowering the body. You can repeat up to 20 times, but you do not need to do the exercise through pain and obvious muscle fatigue.
  2. When doing floor presses, your legs should be straight and your toes should rest on the floor. But for a beginner, to ease the initial load and prevent stretching, you can bend your legs, placing your shins, knees and feet on the floor, in other words, stand on all fours.

It is possible for a woman to tighten her muscles at home, but she needs patience and regular training.

Exercise 2 - Dumbbell Presses

A fairly large group of exercises that can be performed in various body positions - standing, sitting, lying down. Moreover, you can do exercises with dumbbells while lying not only on the floor, but also on a narrow bed, bench or on a row of chairs (stools).

The main meaning is flexion - extension of the arms at the elbows up and down.

Instead of dumbbells, you can use plastic bottles of various sizes with water or sand.

Another way to pump up a girl’s triceps at home is reverse push-ups.

Hands are one of the parts of the body that are almost always visible. But, unfortunately, she does not always look so that you want to look at her and admire her.

Many women have some problems with the muscles in their arms. But you really want to open your hands, especially in the warm season. Before you start reading the article, we recommend that you read the article “”.

Therefore, in today’s article we will talk about how to pump up a girl’s biceps and triceps at home without going to the gym.

Why should girls train biceps and triceps?

Have you ever noticed that the part of your arm above the elbow has sagged a little and doesn't look as good as it could? The fact is that women practically do not strain this part of the arm, and therefore the muscles atrophy.

You can’t hide flabby muscles, you can’t pull them in like your stomach. In addition, it is the area above the elbow that is one of the first to recover from overeating and a sedentary lifestyle.

But the hands can not only be too full. If you don’t have such a problem, don’t rush to rejoice. On the contrary, your arms may turn out to be too thin. It is also ugly and unaesthetic. Especially if the rest of your body has feminine, rounded shapes.

But because of such a seemingly minor problem, I don’t really want to sign up for a gym and visit it 3 times a week. You don't need this! Now we will tell you how to pump up biceps and triceps for girls, as well as how to monitor their condition at home.

The best exercises for arm muscles

Biceps exercises

So, in order for your arms to be proportional to all other parts of the body, you need to pump not only them, but also your chest, back, and shoulder girdle. You should not exercise more than 2-3 times a week. Although it is extremely difficult for a woman to build up arm muscles like bodybuilders, there is still no need to try hard. You risk overworking your muscles and even suffering a painful injury.

Hammer style elbow curl.

This exercise is very similar to the previous one, but it is aimed at pumping the central part of your biceps and forming the so-called “bundle”. It must be done as follows:

1. Starting position - standing.

2. Press your hands lightly towards your body.

3. Palms with dumbbells facing inward (palms facing each other).

4. Bend your elbows alternately so that your palms still face inward.

5. Do 10-20 reps, then rest and repeat once or twice.

As a result, you should have a movement as if you were hitting the table with your fists.

Triceps exercises

Let's move on to triceps training for girls. The following exercises will be especially effective.

Raising hands.

1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Bend over so that your torso is parallel to the floor.

3. Keep your back straight, don't hunch.

4. Your arms should hang perpendicular to your back and the floor.

5. Take your arms back, wait a few seconds, return to the starting position.

6. This should be repeated 15-20 times in 2-3 approaches.

One of the problem areas in women's figure and girls - these are the hands, especially the back surface ( triceps). Usually, in everyday life triceps They don’t really work, so they are in a flabby state, which reflects poorly on the overall picture of a woman’s figure. And everyone wants to have beautiful and toned, slightly toned arms. That is why special attention should be paid pumping triceps for women. Even if you have a beautiful and toned figure, it often happens that your hands, especially the area triceps, has a flabby and sagging structure. And all because triceps does not experience the load that it is capable of. Also, also because women fundamentally do not shake hands and triceps, because they are afraid to “pump them up” and look like a man.

I hasten to convince you of the opposite, in order to pump up huge arms, you should exercise for many years, live according to the regime, add sports supplements to your diet and lift huge weights. That is why there is no threat of becoming “masculine”, and having beautiful, sculpted hands always attracts the attention of others. Here we will bring to your attention the main triceps exercises for women. One of the effective triceps exercises- this is an extension of the arm with dumbbells above the head, or rather from behind the head.

You should take small dumbbells, it can be 1, 2 or 3 kg, choose a more spacious place so as not to hit anything, it is better to perform this exercise in front of a mirror. You need to make a small lunge with your foot forward, put your hand on your thigh with the same hand, take a dumbbell in the other and lift it above your head, bending it at the elbow. The hand should continue the straight line of the body, it does not move up to the elbow, we extend it as we exhale, that is, raising the dumbbell up, we exhale, lower it down - inhale. You should not swing or throw your arm; only your forearm helps with your body. All attention should be paid to the correct and precise technique of execution. exercises. We do 15 - 20 repetitions on each hand, after which we change the starting position the other way around and work with the other hand the same way.

Often women fulfilling this triceps exercise make mistakes.

Here are the most common mistakes :

  • - Uneven back
  • - Wobbling of the elbow in different directions
  • - Swinging and throwing of the arm
  • - Haste

It is important for a woman to give her hands a beautiful shape, so it is worth paying attention to triceps attention and turn on exercises for its development into the program. At home, it is quite possible to develop this muscle by performing simple exercises, for example, such as described above, and if you don’t have a dumbbell, put water in a small plastic bottle, it will be a great alternative, and besides, the weight in it is perfectly adjustable (depending on the amount gained

A training program designed to strengthen the arms of female representatives must include narrowly targeted exercises to pump individual muscle groups. The triceps are usually the most difficult to work out. The complex, aimed at transforming the muscles of the specified arm area, for girls does not necessarily require working with dumbbells or other additional weights. Bodyweight training is considered no less effective.

After reading the article, find out for the girl and also find out how important the use of sports equipment is in training of this kind. Let’s figure out how you can independently choose a set of exercises for yourself that will be most effective in your specific case.

How can a girl properly pump up her arm muscles?

Triceps are otherwise called the triceps muscles of the arms. Despite their small size, compared to, for example, the biceps, they are the key muscles that shape the appearance of the upper limbs.
In the absence of timely training with age, due to female physiology, triceps give the arms flabbiness and excess volume.

It is necessary to pump up the muscular corset of the arms on a regular basis at any age. In order for triceps exercises intended for women to bring results in the shortest possible time, it is important to follow the recommendations of qualified fitness trainers. The main ones are:

  • maintaining regular training (optimally 3-4 times a week);
  • competent determination of working weight (when performing exercises with weights);
  • combining different types of loads in sports;
  • adherence to the principles of healthy eating;
  • performing a warm-up immediately before starting a workout;
  • stretching and self-massage of worked arm muscles after class;
  • the need to give the triceps time to recover after active physical activity (you should not pump your arms more than 3 times a week with a break of 1 day);
  • control over the frequency of inhalation and exhalation during exercise.

Important! By following the basic advice of professionals, a girl will be able to both pump up her triceps muscles and give them definition, as well as tone the skin of her hands.

The best loads

It is a mistake to believe that the only way to improve your arms is to lift heavy weights. The use of dumbbells, kettlebells and other weights can indeed significantly speed up the process of achieving the desired result. However, if there are a number of contraindications or there is no opportunity to purchase a gym membership (or sports equipment for home use), a girl can transform her triceps without equipment.

Exercises with dumbbells and other weights

Seated dumbbell curl

Starting position (IP): sit on a hard, stable surface; take a dumbbell of working weight in your hands; extend your arms, placing the projectile above your head; the back should be as straight as possible; the back of the head stretches upward; shoulders straightened; legs in a free position, but firmly resting on the floor. After taking a deep breath, begin to slowly bend your arms and thus lift the dumbbell behind your head. At the same time, exhale. It is important to ensure that the body remains in its original position and the elbow joint is pressed to the ear. Without pausing at the bottom point, slowly straighten your arms, returning to the IP position.

Alternating arm curls with a dumbbell or kettlebell

IP: take a vertical position; stand sideways to the wall; provide yourself with support with one hand, placing it against the wall; take a dumbbell or kettlebell in your second hand and stretch it above your head; the spine is as straight as possible. As you exhale, lightly lift your hand with the projectile behind your head and bend it at the elbow joint. Avoiding pauses at the bottom point, straighten the limb, thereby returning it to its original position.

Straightening arms with a barbell

IP: position on a horizontal surface; pick up a barbell with a working weight; your feet should rest firmly on the floor; bring your arms in front of you and bend them at right angles so that the sports equipment is in the head area. As you exhale, straighten your limbs at the elbow joint and, without stopping, return them to the IP.

Exercises without equipment

Classic push-ups

Starting position (IP): take a horizontal position; the stomach is torn off the floor; Place your palms parallel to each other, making sure that your fingers point straight forward and are pressed tightly; feet rest on the floor; the head is a continuation of the body; the gaze is directed downwards. As you exhale, bend your arms at the elbow joint and touch your chest to the floor. At the lowest point, it is important that the elbows are pressed to the body and not directed to the sides. Having fixed the body in the lower position for 2 seconds, slowly inhale, straighten your arms and return to the original position.

Reverse Grip Push-Ups

IP: lean your hands on a hard surface, turning your back to it; place the body in a position as when sitting on a chair; knees slightly bent; feet rest on the floor; fingers pointing away from the support; elbows point back. As you exhale, bend your arms at the elbow joint, bringing your body as close to the floor as possible. In this case, the back should be straight, the legs remain in the same position, and body movements are made exclusively through the work of the arm muscles, in particular the triceps. Without pausing in the lower position, straighten your arms, returning them to their original position.

Reverse grip pull-ups

IP: clasp the horizontal bar with your hands so that the back of your hand is directed towards the athlete; bend your legs at the knees and lift them off the floor. As you exhale, pull your body towards the bar of the horizontal bar and touch it with your chest or at least your chin. It is important to ensure that changes in body position occur solely through the work of the triceps muscle. After holding in the upper position for 2-3 seconds, straighten your arms, taking the original position.

Important! Regardless of the type of exercise performed (with or without sports equipment), it is necessary to control the intensity and frequency of breathing. Ideally, when you exhale powerfully, you should make an effort, and when you inhale, you should return to the starting position.

Effective complexes for hands

Having decided to pump up their triceps, girls can use the following sets of exercises, which are considered the most effective. If they are performed regularly, visible results will appear within a month from the start of training.

1 option, suitable for training in a gym environment:

  • cardio training on a treadmill – 30 minutes;
  • close grip bench press – 3 sets of 15 reps;
  • reverse push-ups – 1 set for maximum number of repetitions;
  • arm extension in the simulator – 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
  • French dumbbell press – 3 sets of 15 reps;
  • jumping rope – 3 minutes;
  • push-ups from the floor with narrow hands – 1 set for the maximum number of repetitions.

Option 2, designed for training at home:

  • running in place with high hip raises – 3 minutes;
  • push-ups with narrow hands - 3 sets of 20 repetitions;
  • reverse grip push-ups – 3 sets of 15 times;
  • bending the arms behind the head with a handy weighting agent - 3 sets of 15 times;
  • close grip pull-ups – 1 set for maximum number of repetitions;
  • push-ups from a sofa or chair - 3 sets of 10 repetitions;
  • jumping out of a deep squat – 2 minutes.