How to Prepare for Marine Corps Camp. Russian Marine

Service in the Russian Marine Corps

Service in special forces has always been more honorable and more difficult than service in the regular army. Service in the Marine Corps was also different in this way. Superbly trained units of true professionals, who are in full readiness every minute to carry out combat and reconnaissance missions of any complexity. The service is difficult, but interesting. Constant training and exercises Marine Corps They make real fighters out of ordinary green guys, ready to faithfully and truly stand guard over their Motherland.

Hundreds and thousands of Russian guys dream of serving in the Marine Corps. For some, this is a family tradition, while other guys go there out of a sense of patriotism and a desire to bring the greatest benefit to their homeland. But even if you are a hereditary Marine, this does not mean at all that service in the Marine Corps awaits you. This special unit, like other special forces units, is subject to strict selection based on a number of criteria.

What you need to know to serve in the Marine Corps

Health and fitness is one of them. Russia needs strong fighters, especially in the Marines. That is why there are no fewer athletes in Marine Corps detachments and schools than in sports teams and schools. In Chechnya, detachments of marines played the role of a lifesaver, the last reserve of the Russian army. And only the healthiest and strongest fighters, indestructible heroes with an unbending character and truly Russian fortitude, are worthy.

But physics is not all that is needed to serve in the Marine Corps. The Marines would never have been able to complete a quarter of the tests that fell upon them if not for their courage and determination. The same is true during conscription - accomplished Marine Corps officers prefer to take into their detachments and units only those guys who not only have impeccable health, but also show courage from the very beginning - they are not afraid to talk with officers, and persistently ask to join the Marines.

It is very important. After all, only a brave and determined person can become a real Marine. A Marine will never give up or leave a position. The Marines always fought to the last and went into every battle, every skirmish with the enemy as if it were their last. And it is character that is the main difference between a simple fighter and a soldier who served in.

Marine Corps Training

Of course, Marines are not born. They become Marines. Become during the service and training process of the Marine Corps. For a fighter, Marine Corps training is one of the harshest schools of life. But it simply cannot be any other way. A Marine must be a professional in his field, capable of overcoming the most severe challenges. This is what Marines are prepared for during training.

Daily long hours physical exercise, making the fighter ready to perform any tasks anywhere on the planet. Hand-to-hand training in pairs and work with edged weapons is another integral element of Marine Corps training. The guys are taught a large number of techniques hand-to-hand combat, which will allow them to quickly and effectively neutralize the enemy during the battle. In addition, during the hand-to-hand training of the Marine Corps, the fear of the enemy disappears among the soldiers and they go into battle, ready to meet any enemy.

For those guys who want to serve in the Marine Corps, it makes sense to get trained in advance. These will help with this, similar to those used by Marines and Special Forces soldiers.

Landing from the sea is one of the main and most difficult elements in the training of the Marine Corps. Marines must fight on both land and water, and the landing element must be perfected. During Marine Corps exercises at training grounds, soldiers practice landing from landing ships and conducting combat in the coastal strip dozens of times. Preparing Russia is a complex and labor-intensive process, associated with a huge number of difficulties and hardships, but only in this way can one prepare a seasoned professional capable of anything.

Russian Marine Corps School

Even ancient thinkers argued that “an army of rams led by a lion will be stronger than an army of lions led by a ram.” Nothing has changed since then, and this statement still applies to any branch of the military. And the Marine Corps is no exception. No matter how brave and prepared the Marines are, without competent command they are nothing. That is why in Russia there is an urgent need to increase the number of Marine Corps schools for officers. Now there are very few such schools, literally a few - most were closed during the USSR.

One of the main Marine Corps schools that trains Marine officers is the Far Eastern Higher Military Command School named after Marshal Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky. The school was founded in 1940 in Vladivostok, and 9 years later it was relocated to Blagoveshchensk.

Over the years of its existence, more than 26 thousand officers were trained within the walls of the educational institution, of which 34 graduates of the school were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Russia. Currently, the Marine Corps School continues to train highly qualified officers ready to command personnel in a variety of situations.

Marine Corps training video

You can now find a large number of videos of Marine Corps exercises on the Internet. Anyone can go to the most popular Internet sites and make sure that the training of the Marine Corps is ongoing. And the coordinated and practiced actions of the fighters leave no doubt about their high professionalism and good preparation.

During their service in the Marine Corps, soldiers become practically brothers to each other. This is especially noticeable among the soldiers who went through the war together - Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia... any fighter, be it a Marine or a soldier of another special forces detachment, will never forget either what he had to go through or those people who were close to him in those difficult months.

And the Marines really don’t lose touch with each other, regularly organize meetings, and celebrate Marine Corps Day together on November 27. Voenpro is confident that Marine Corps Day 2013 will not be an exception, and soldiers from different detachments and units of the Marine Corps will get together again, remember the past, remember the fallen guys... such meetings are an excellent reason to please friends and colleagues with gifts.

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For our online store, each branch of the military is important, so on the Voenpro website you will find a wide range of goods for the Marine Corps. Ordering is easy - just choose the product you like and contact one of our specialists. They will answer all your questions and place your order quickly and exactly according to all your wishes.

This program was used by US Marine Major Charles Lewis Armstrong to prepare for his attempt to set the world record for the most number of pull-ups in a set. The program provides everything necessary for physical improvement: variety, overload and regularity. Those who followed the program achieved remarkable results in 6-8 weeks. At the end of the program, most people could perform at least 20 pull-ups in one approach.

Day 1

Five sets of maximum pull-ups. Breaks between sets are 90 seconds. Don't worry about the number of reps, just try your best on each set. You will see that you will be able to do more reps in the last two sets.

Day 2

"Pyramid". Start with one repetition and work up to the maximum when you can't do the required number of pull-ups on the next set. Do another set of maximums with a 10-second break between each pull-up.

Day 3

Do three sets of medium-grip pull-ups, with 60-second breaks in between. Do the next three sets narrow grip, with breaks of 60 seconds.

Day 4

Do as many sets as possible. Rest 60 seconds between sets. Do it until you no longer succeed. This is the longest training day, you will see how easily you can do many approaches.

Day 5

Repeat the day that you found most difficult out of the previous four. You will see that this day will be different every week.

In order to determine your "training set", you'll have to experiment a little. “Training set” is a certain fixed number of repetitions. One person may have 5 reps in a training set, another may have more or less, etc. To determine your “training set,” look to the third day of training (Day 3). You must complete 9 sets during this day. If on this day your maximum result in a set was 12 pull-ups, your “training set” will be 1, maximum 2 repetitions. If you've done more than 12 pull-ups, you can try more. This is not recommended. It is much more important to successfully complete your Day 3 workout by doing 1 rep per “training set” than it is to skip and only do 6-7 sets while trying to do 2-3 pull-ups per “training set.” As a reminder, on Day 3 you need to complete 9 sets. Choose your “training sets” so that you complete the entire workout.

The best indicator of the number of repetitions in a “training set” is Day 4. If you successfully completed Day 3, try adding 1 repetition to your “training set” on Day 4. Now, if you manage to complete a minimum of 9 sets on Day 4, add another rep .

Important do not change the number of repetitions in a “training set” throughout the day. If it becomes very difficult for you, still do not reduce the number of repetitions.

This program works great for those who want to increase the number of pull-ups they can do. If you want to achieve results, exercise regularly. In the first few weeks, you may find that you are able to do fewer reps. This is a normal reaction of the body, overtraining. Keep doing this and your reps will go up.

If you do 12-15 pull-ups per set, the program will take you about 4 weeks to complete, and by the end you will be able to do 20 pull-ups per set.

A secret training program for the US Marine Corps has appeared on the Internet.

This program was used by US Marine Major Charles Lewis Armstrong to prepare for his attempt to set the world record for the most number of pull-ups in a set. The program provides everything necessary for physical improvement: variety, overload and regularity.
Those who followed the program achieved remarkable results in 6-8 weeks. Most, if not all, were able to complete at least 20 pull-ups in one set at the end of the program.

Day 1
Five sets of maximum pull-ups. Breaks between sets are 90 seconds. Don't worry about the number of reps, just try your best on each set. You will see that you will be able to do more reps in the last two sets.

Day 2
"Pyramid". Start with one repetition and work up to the maximum when you can't do the required number of pull-ups on the next set. Do another set of maximums with a 10-second break between each pull-up.

Day 3
Do three sets of medium-grip pull-ups, with 60-second breaks in between.
Do the next three sets with a close grip, with breaks of 60 seconds.

Day 4
Do as many sets as possible. Rest 60 seconds between sets. Do it until you no longer succeed.
This is the longest training day, you will see how easily you can do many approaches.

Day 5
Repeat the day that you found most difficult out of the previous four. You will see that this day will be different every week.
Training sets

Finding your “training set” will require some experimentation. “Training set” is a certain fixed number of repetitions. One person may have 5 reps in a training set, another may have more or less, etc. To determine your “training set,” look to the third day of training (Day 3). You must complete 9 sets during this day. If on this day your maximum result in a set was 12 pull-ups, your “training set” will be 1, maximum 2 repetitions. If you've done more than 12 pull-ups, you can try more. This is not recommended. It is much more important to successfully complete your Day 3 workout by doing 1 rep per “training set” than it is to skip and only do 6-7 sets while trying to do 2-3 pull-ups per “training set.” As a reminder, on Day 3 you need to complete 9 sets. Choose your “training sets” so that you complete the entire workout.
The best indicator of the number of repetitions in a “training set” is Day 4. If you successfully completed Day 3, try adding 1 repetition to your “training set” on Day 4. Now, if you manage to complete a minimum of 9 sets on Day 4, add another rep .

It is important not to change the number of repetitions in the “training set” throughout the day. If it becomes very difficult for you, still do not reduce the number of repetitions.

This program works great for those who want to increase the number of pull-ups they can do. If you want to achieve results, exercise regularly. In the first few weeks, you may find that you are able to do fewer reps. This is a normal reaction of the body, overtraining. Keep doing this and your reps will go up.

If you do 12-15 pull-ups per set, the program will take you about 4 weeks to complete, and by the end you will be able to do 20 pull-ups per set.

If you are being drafted into the army or you just want to complete your physical fitness to perfection, then this article will be very useful to you, because especially for you we have described the training program used in the US Army. You will say that this is not patriotic, and we will answer: remember what these brave pumped up guys look like, sowing democracy around the world. It is worth noting that in America, even if a general cannot pass the standards for physical training, which means he has fallen into disrepair, and he is being sent into retirement. After all, we are not asking you to join the US Armed Forces. We suggest adopting the best for yourself from them. So, platoon, match up! Private, start studying the material! John Rimbaud approves of these exercises.

To begin with, understand that the basis of the entire training complex is running and strength exercises.


So, run. You've probably seen in war films how crowds of shaven-headed Marines rush along sandy beaches and, in general, any surface suitable for running. A universal exercise for any time of year, useful for everyone - it is both cardiotherapy and maintains muscle tone. In a word, a blunder! However, it is important to remember that simply running is not enough. You need to do this effectively. Valiant warriors advise: while running, try to remain relaxed and keep your body upright. For greater stability, lean your body forward slightly as you run. Don't forget about your hands. Try to move them in time with your feet. Recommended method: When starting to run, start with your heel, then your toes, and push off the ground. This reduces the stress on your long-suffering foot. Less calluses, more efficiency for the body.

The most important thing, as bartenders say, is to mix it correctly. Mix up short distance runs with medium and longer ones. Short distances must be executed in fast pace, about 6 minutes per kilometer. Over time, increase the exercises to 30 minutes. Spend 45 minutes on medium distances, but don’t skimp on long distances – up to 90 minutes. It is clear that in general the soldiers have nothing to do, and spending 90 minutes running is more fun than scrubbing toilets. But remember what they are running in and with. In the army everything is harder than in civilian life, so any run can be considered a run with full gear.

By the way, after this “marathon” the evil corporal runs up to the unfortunate recruit and begins to have a conversation with him. The soldier must be able to speak. Choking, but speaking.
The “escape” plan is this: several times a week for short and medium distances. On weekends - on long days. Always improve your time and distance. Aim to carry 18-25 kg of additional weight with you (put some weight in your backpack, you can attach additional weights to your belt). Try to be like a soldier, otherwise this will turn from special training into an ordinary jog.

Strength exercises

Nowadays in America it has become fashionable to create fitness camps where classes are based on military exercises. Except daily loads, the “patient” is offered special diet, which will quickly bring the American who has grown fat on Big Macs into proper shape. Of course, the main essence of military training is not to make a soldier slim and beautiful, but to make him hardy, teach him to move quickly and at the same time carry uniforms and ammunition. It was for these purposes that in the American dungeons the insidious American physical trainers created special complex exercises for conveyor production of ideal soldiers. It's called "Complex 22", divided into exercises for pectoral muscles, back, shoulders, arms and abs. Before you begin, study the table, private.

So, to pump up your sternum, do:
— ;
- bench press;
— push-ups on parallel bars;
- lateral raises with dumbbells lying on a bench.

A real Marine should have a perfect bull back, so develop it:
- pulling up;
- hyperextension;
- pulling the barbell to the belt in an inclined position;
- Bent over with a barbell on your shoulders.

There are no puny, effeminate toothpicks with shaved, bare bones in the Marines. A Marine's shoulders are his pride. They should be so wide that they block the sun from the enemy.

For broad shoulders do:
military press from the shoulders;
- dumbbell press incline bench;
- standing lateral raises of dumbbells;
- bent over dumbbell raises.

Hands. A soldier without hands is like Dzhigurda without henna. Therefore, special attention should be paid to your hands, because you need to be able to do everything with your hands: scrub toilets, and grab a wounded comrade.

Hand exercises:
- barbell curls;
- triceps push-ups;
- concentrated biceps curls with support on the thigh;
- triceps pulldown with cable handle.

And the press should be such that insects can get stuck between the cubes. It should be as strong as the Abrams armor, and even stronger. Ideally, it should hold a shot from a grenade launcher.

Pump up your abs:
- twisting;
- leg lifts;
— V-twist (penknife);
- lateral twists.

The whole complex is based on the notorious and brilliant cross-fit. However, during breaks between complexes, Marines (apparently for variety) are often forced to do pure cross-fit.

The program is usually like this:
— ;
- squats;
- push ups.

10 approaches. First 10 times, then with each approach you increase the load by 10. Severe? But it is effective. In general, all exercises from this wonderful sport are used. You can see how effective this is in news releases, and by the appearance of the soldiers themselves. This is not just some idealized image glorified in the media and films, these are really effective machines for... You decide for what.

Recently I ( M.Gunz, author of the article, USMC Corps Physical Training Instructor - editor's note) came across an article in a fairly popular magazine on the topic of the top 10 fitness myths. I agreed with some, I didn’t agree with some, but overall the article was interesting. I wondered what the biggest myths and misconceptions were that I encountered as a coach in my work. I remembered a lot of things, but some were very frequent and repetitive. Let me say right away that this is all just my opinion, based on my experience of training for many years and I tried to formulate what I teach the Marines every day.

No. 1. You need to choose one type of training

No! To maintain yourself in excellent physical condition, you need to maintain a balance of strength, endurance (both muscular and overall physical), and flexibility. One type of training will never provide you with the ability to maintain this balance. Doing only running or only lifting weights will not make you strong. People mistakenly think that they only have to do what they are good at, but the key to getting in good shape is a balance of varied workouts.

No. 2. Need to take nutritional supplements

No! The fact is that if you eat properly and nutritiously, then your body receives all the necessary amount of vitamins, microelements and nutrients for full functioning. I recommend that you take a regular multivitamin as a safety net if you are not always able to eat as expected. Nutritional supplements are a waste of money. Taking extra vitamins or protein will not provide you with any benefits unless your body is deficient in them.

The bottom line is that if your body doesn't need it, it won't absorb it. Some people will argue otherwise and waste a lot of money on useless supplements. In my practice, I have seen a huge number of cases where Marines have been consuming all sorts of supplements for years without any visible benefit. Among them there were a few who really needed supplements. The supplement industry has an annual turnover of about 30 billion dollars, but in fact, without bringing any benefit, everything just goes down the drain. Ask yourself a simple question, if so many people are taking these “healthy” supplements, then why are so many Americans sick, obese, and in terrible physical shape?

No. 3. To be strong you have to lift heavy weights

No! I used to lift weights O most of my adult life. I was doing Olympic programs and powerlifting programs. I've lifted some pretty heavy weights in my life. In fact, except for sports, American football, for example, or bodybuilding, developing the skills of lifting heavy weights is not necessary. In fact, training to lift weights that exceed your body weight is not worth the injuries and damage that you are sure to suffer from lifting heavy weights. Of course, this does not mean that it is useless to develop strength by squeezing the “hundredth” from the chest. And if you compare it with a bench press of 25 kilograms from the chest? Funny right? And you take these 25 kilograms, put them in your backpack and walk 30 kilometers up and down the hills and you will understand what is really important in fitness.

No. 4. Running damages joints, especially knees

No! It has been proven that runners long distances have the healthiest bones and joints of all athletes. Most people I've seen who have bad knees don't exercise at all and have overweight. I've been running almost every day since I was 12 years old and I've never had problems with my knees. It’s not that I never had any injuries at all; for so many years, there were injuries, of course. I just don't believe that if you stick correct technique run and use good running shoes, then you will have some problems with your knees. In fact, the vast majority of people are just looking for excuses not to do anything and making up problems that don't exist.

No. 5. Staying fit and maintaining a normal body weight is very difficult, almost impossible, if you are a busy person and especially as you age. To do this, you need to train 24 hours 7 days a week, be a monk, live in a gym and eat a strict diet of expensive products

This is absolutely false, moreover, it is complete bullshit! Balanced training for 3-5 hours a week, combined with a reasonable diet, is enough for the average “adult” to keep himself in good shape and healthy. In fact, people just like to complicate things and look for problems out of nowhere. Read my book “Corps Strength”, it tells you how to do all this, there is nothing complicated, no bullshit, just results. Give it a try.