How to weave a fishing net from a fishing line, with your own hands. Do-it-yourself fishing net Do-it-yourself fishing net

Definitions and characteristics of nonsense

Fishing with delirium (from the word “wander”) is an ancient, but still the most popular and popular Russian way to get some fish. Village children always stole window tulle or gauze from the house. In the warm summer river, the children started their first delirium in their lives, and then warmed themselves by the fire, fried the little ones on twigs and seemed like adults.

The wading method of fishing, when the drag is pulled along a river or lake with the help of two or more manpower, distinguishes the drag from its older brother - the seine. According to the official classification, a seine is a large drag, over 100 meters long. Carrying such a long piece of equipment is incredibly hard work. A large number of people will be required. Therefore, the usual length of the nonsense does not exceed 50 meters.

A seine, unlike a dragnet, is a casting fishing tool; it sweeps fish using a swimming device (boat, cutter, seiner), so people’s efforts are spent only on pulling it out. In commercial sea and river fishing with a seine, the process of pulling it ashore or onto a ship is mechanized.

- This is a straining fishing tool that has a fine mesh and a thicker nylon thread compared to. Like any planted and ready-to-install network, an equipped drag also consists of a number of elements:

  1. The network fabric is of increased thickness. Usually made of three parts: the right and left flat wings, as well as a special cone-purse (motni, kutka), embedded between the wings. Less common are constructions of nonsense without fluff. Like a net, the fabric of nonsense also has its own fit on the upper and lower selections. The landing is carried out with K = 0.33 (this fabric is stretched more tightly than this mesh fabric), in a rigid way.
  2. The upper cord or string of the net is made, in contrast to the cord of the net, from a thicker and stronger cord. This is due to the heavy loads when fishing with drag. Basically, the top pick-up is mounted with large lifting floats.
  3. The bottom line is also a thick, durable nylon cord equipped with heavy weights. The non-water fabric is firmly attached to this cord.
  4. The moth is made from the same seine material as the wings, but for catching some types of fish, the moth has a reduced cell size. The entrance to the motnya is a rectangular hole. In some cases, a round hole is made and thread is sewn into it.
  5. In rare cases, the drag line is pulled directly by the rebounds - this greatly reduces the catchability of the short drag line. The ends of the selection are tied to special smooth sticks, with shallow ring cutouts along the edges for the cord - nags, the height of which is not made more than 2 meters. The lower string is tightly tied at the bottom of the nag, and the upper string is tied closer to the top.

Like any network, nonsense has its own varieties. The usual delirium has wings of equal length and is called “equal-winged”. For better fish coverage, one wing is often lengthened. This allows you to bypass deep places along the shallows. There are other modifications of nonsense.

For catching northern whitefish - vendace and tugun - 50-meter long lines that do not have a hook are allowed. Such nonsense is less catchy than with motney, but it is much easier to pull it.

How to catch fish with a dragnet

There is a golden popular rule When fishing with drag, don’t chase the length. The length of the drag depends entirely on the size of the river. With an average river width of 10 meters, even a 25-meter long drift will not bring either fish or the joy of fishing. It will catch all the stones, snags and bushes. It is very difficult to work with, and even more difficult to produce a disproportionately long nonsense. For such a river, a 5-8 meter long bridge is enough.

Hooks are the main problem with drag fishing. Car tires and headboards, motorcycle parts and skeins barbed wire– all this falls into delirium immediately and for a long time. Such objects often tear even the strongest nonsense. It is advisable to remove all hooks from the water and remove them as far as possible. When fishing in shallow places, one more person is desirable - this is the 3rd “number” - the unhooking one, who goes behind the drag. Usually the drag is pulled downstream; the drag should always lag behind the wings. For ease of fishing, the float is usually marked above the center of the fish or 2 floats are placed side by side. In a number of cases, a drag is drawn around the open part of a river bay and pulled up towards its toe.

When fishing in ponds, lakes and reservoirs, aquatic vegetation interferes with prey fishing. The lead weights often lift off the bottom and travel through dense water grass. All the fish run away under them. The place for fishing with nonsense, where algae has been cleared, where snags and other hooks have been removed, is called a toney. The costs of its creation will always pay off with interest. For happy fishing a large 100-meter nonsense, it is advisable to have at least 4-5 people.

To successfully fish with drag in any reservoir, you must immediately select the optimal drag based on length, mesh size, weight of sinkers, you need to have experience or a good mentor. Some information can be gleaned from literature and on relevant websites.

Repair of nonsense

Any fishing takes its toll on nonsense. Sometimes it can be big. There is no need to be afraid of this. Repairing nonsense is not as difficult as correct repairing a network with plucking and untying the cells. You need to have a couple of shuttles in stock - needles, the size of the nonsense cell and, usually 0.5-0.8 mm in diameter. The holes in the brad are simply sewn together with a thick thread, which is positioned vertically.

The role of nonsense in the development of fish farming (aquaculture)

In modern pond fish farming, when it is impossible to completely drain water from reservoirs, drags and seines of various types play a huge role in the removal of marketable fish, as well as in cleaning the pond from weed fish (ichthyological reclamation) and unwanted aquatic vegetation. Nonsense is practically the only effective means saving thousands of fry who found themselves in closed puddles on floodplains after the water subsided in the rivers.

Net fishing is considered not so popular among real fishermen. This type of quiet hunting can be called poaching rather than a pleasant pastime.

The main condition effective application nonsense is a high concentration of fish, low mobility, as well as a flat bottom with depths no higher than 4 m.

Breden fishes in one sweep an area 3 times smaller than the area being fished cast net the same length.

To tie a network of fishing line and rope, it is enough to prepare a high-quality shuttle and a bar, the width of which corresponds to the size of one cell. If we are talking about rope gear, then the thread must be placed on the tongue of the shuttle and gradually wound around it, catching it on the tongue and lowering it to the shuttle’s double horn.

The remnants of the thread are cut off and the ends are set on fire.

The next step is to create a loop with a diameter of one meter. This loop is attached to any durable object, and then the end of the thread from the loom is attached to it. Next you need to place a bar under the thread and insert the shuttle into the loop.

After carefully tightening the thread, it is necessary to repeat Roundabout Circulation around the hand. As a result, another knot will appear that needs to be pulled towards you and tied firmly.

At the next stage, the working thread is held with a finger and thrown over the hand, while the shuttle must be placed under one outer thread and the loop tightened again to create a double knot. After the first row has been formed, the bar can be removed from the loops.

What does a seine look like?

Breden is a net with a length of 2 to 70 meters and a width of 2 to 3 meters. The classic drag consists of a left and right wing, and in the middle it has a special “pocket” - a drag. For ease of use, long sticks are attached to the edges of the nets. They help to drag the net along the reservoir and keep the seine in a vertical position.

Motnya is a bag sewn from a net to collect caught fish. The size of this “pocket” depends on the length of the gear. Often it makes up at least a third of the entire network. But the smaller the wingspan, the greater the flutter can be, and vice versa.

Experienced fishermen prefer to use gear specially adapted for them on familiar bodies of water. They are prepared taking into account the characteristics of the bottom topography and the fish that the fisherman is going for.

Chinese analogues

Recently, a wide variety of cheap Chinese nets have been offered for sale, which have managed to gain particular popularity among a wide range of fishermen. The country of manufacture of these gears is exclusively China. By comparison, patterns that are supposedly considered Finnish are not always knitted in Finland.

Due to the low cost, it is not at all a pity to dispose of such gear or leave it in the water in case of a snag. The presence of various configurations of length and cell sizes allows the network to be used to cover large lakes and rivers where various fish. However, the quality of such products always remains questionable.

A serious problem is the production of insufficiently loaded structures that are not able to occupy the desired horizon in the water column and float to the surface. The knots used are not reliable enough, which leads to them untying in the event of a hook or attack by a large fish.

Types of nonsense

There are four types of nonsense:

  1. Classic nonsense. It consists of two wings of equal length and a flap. Fishing with this type of fishing gear is carried out in shallow reservoirs, rivers and lakes. Two people pull the nets along the chosen place, and the third collects the catch accumulated in the reel.
  2. No frills. This is a regular network, no more than 4 meters long. It is excellent for fishing at a depth of no more than 50 centimeters. The method is effective in the autumn-spring period, when the fish warms itself in water warmed by the sun's rays.
  3. "Chicken". This is a moth without wings. Ropes are attached to the edges of the net (nags). They help keep the entire system afloat. Fishermen, passing with a seine along the entire reservoir, do not pull out the catch, but, lifting the net, take out the fish caught in it.
  4. Wings of the network different lengths. This kind of drag is suitable for fishing in places where it is impossible to pull a seine along both banks of the reservoir. A semicircle is created from nets, fencing off the section of the river where fishing will take place.

Option of weaving from fishing line

To weave a net from fishing line, you need to study the step-by-step guide, and, if possible, consult with an experienced colleague. The main material for the work ahead is fishing line, sold in reels.

The smaller its diameter, the better the tackle will work, although strength suffers from this. To make the design of the net invisible even in clear water, it is advisable to give preference to models of lines with a dark gray or blue color.

During the weaving process, you need to use a double rod knot. By the way, the described method creates not only fishing gear, but also nets for economic and domestic purposes. The size of the cells of the fishing device is determined by the fishing method and the size of the prey.

The procedure for weaving a mesh from fishing line is divided into several stages, carried out in parts, the so-called divisions. These parts are assembled into a large structure, which, in turn, is fixed on a thick rope or cord. To attach the sections, markings are made on the cord.

With a cell size of 30 millimeters, the total length of the cell will be 16 centimeters. As a result, the tackle will include three separate parts, and every third cell will be fixed on a cord with a distance of 16 centimeters.

Breden is a special structure that resembles a hammock. A seine is created using a similar method, but it has an increased length.

The basting can have a circular weave and repeat the net. As for the drag, it is woven in cells from the largest to the smallest.

How to catch with nonsense?

A dragnet is a long net, and it is better to use it in places that are known to fishermen. To clear the nets of catch or debris that accumulates during fishing, a wide deserted coast is needed.

Fishing with drag nets is good during the feast, in warm weather in shallow water, but for this it is necessary to equip the seine with a sinker (often a chain is used for this), placed in the middle under the net and floats (you can also use ordinary polystyrene foam).

It is better for fishermen to start moving against the current, alternating between shallow water and depressions. Experienced fishermen, knowing the topography of their favorite fishing spots, try not to use several pools. They are not cleared of snags, algae and debris. In these places, the fish “rest”, the young grow, and spend the winter.

This way you can maintain the same number of fish and be sure that they will not move further down the river.

In addition, they catch fish not only in rivers, but also on industrial vessels. The gear on fishing trawlers is similar to a net or hammock. Thus, fishermen catch not only large fish, but also fry. Afterwards it is sorted and processed.

Required materials and tools

When creating your first tackle, you must first find a special tool - a shuttle for knitting nets with your own hands. You can buy it at the market, in a fishing store, or try to make it yourself. A fishing line or thread is placed on the shuttle, and then you will need to work with it like a regular needle.

The shuttle itself is a special tool made of solid raw materials. Its length is from 10 to 15 centimeters, and its width is half the size of the mesh cells. One end of this “needle” has a pointed base and a small slot where you need to wind fishing line. Then it is fixed at the other end in a bicornuate position.

For weaving nets at home, another tool is used - a die. This is a special plate made of metal or wood, which has the same length as the shuttle. The product serves as a kind of template on the basis of which cells are created.

When using the shuttle, you must follow these instructions:

  1. The first step is to put the loop on the first pointed end of the shuttle.
  2. Then it is pulled up a little, pressing it to the second end.
  3. Then you need to make a ring through which the thread will be pulled. In this case, you should form a loop with a diameter of 5 centimeters - thus, a knot will appear at the bottom, where the bar will be applied in the future.
  4. At the next stage, the shuttle must be placed under the template, and the thread must be brought out through the ring created earlier. Then it is carefully pulled and fixed with a finger, while tying the loop with a simple knot. There are two types of knots - single and double overlapping.

As for the dimensions, namely the height and width of the created network, they are determined by the number of woven cells. After making the first row, you need to thread a cord or harness through the cells, which, in turn, is fixed to a pipe or any other object. Having completed this fixation, you can begin weaving in length.

In fact, it follows the same method as weaving in width, and the only difference is in the method of applying the template - it is applied not to the lower, but to the adjacent cells.

In order to connect the network, special tools are needed. As a rule, the grids are different and differ in the width of the cells. It all depends on how large the fish you intend to catch. The size of the cells is formed by the bar, which is an integral part of the knitting tool. What width of the bar is used, these are the dimensions of the cells fishing net.

The second part of the tool is a shuttle, which is not difficult to make yourself or, in extreme cases, purchase in a store that sells fishing equipment. It should be noted right away that the bar and shuttle are made for a specific cell size of the future network.

A smaller shuttle can be used to weave nets with large cells (but the bar must be of the appropriate size), but nets with smaller cells cannot be used, since the shuttle simply will not fit into a cell smaller than itself.

The shuttle is designed to wrap material around it and use it to tie knots. The material you can use is cord or monofilament fishing line.

It is clear that a lot of material will be required to make the net, and therefore the material will be required in reels. The thinner the line, the more catchy the net, because such a net is hardly noticeable in the water.

Color does not play a major role, since at a depth of 5 meters the fish does not distinguish color. A fishing line net has a number of advantages over nets made from other materials.

It does not rot, dries very quickly and is more durable. The knots that are used when knitting nets can be different.

When using fishing line as a working material, a double clew knot is used.

How to make a delirium with your own hands

The cost of gear today is such that to be fully equipped, a fisherman needs to shell out a lot of money. But there is always a way out! You can make all the equipment yourself.

Construction of nonsense.

The drag consists of two wings, two drives and a flywheel. All parts of the nonsense are cut out from mesh fabric, while the mesh fabric is placed with longitudinal edges along the length of the nonsense.

Each part is cut out separately, taking into account the landing coefficients. For this fishing gear, the following landing coefficients are most often used: for horizontal landing in the wings and drive 0.67, in the reel 0.5, for vertical landing for all parts the landing coefficient is 0.87.

The parts to be cut out have rectangular shape and are obtained by cutting in a straight line. All separately cut parts are connected to each other with a seam “in the scar”.

In this case, 4 cells are inserted into the seam on each side. It is also necessary to ensure that the seam does not receive more tension than the del mesh, as this leads to the formation of “pockets” in the wing, which is undesirable.

How to plant a delirium correctly

Design and production of nonsense

The design of the drag line is visible from Figure 5 (many fishermen involved in drag fishing have no idea how the components of the gear are correctly named). The net is used with a fairly small mesh, usually 25-30 mm on the wings, 20-25 mm in the reel.

The floats on the top line are larger and are tied more often than on the fixed net; The lower selection is also made much heavier.

Now we'll talk about this fishing tackle like a seine. It is used in large bodies of water to catch large quantities of fish. They can catch fish in rivers, lakes, on the shores of the seas and even in the waters of the oceans.

Seine fishing is the most ancient way of catching fish. Just a couple of hundred years ago, seines were actively used to extract sea and river resources. Now seines and nets are prohibited from being used outside official fishing - this is considered a poaching method fishing. We recommend that you read

Generally speaking, the design of the seine consists of mesh and ropes. Seines are divided into several types: bottom, cast-in, fixed, folding - their choice depends on the choice of reservoir, so at shallow depths you can use a cast-in seine, and for greater depths you will need a cast-in seine.


In films and even children's fairy tales, the seine looks quite simple. It would seem that it is not difficult to use, but this is only at first glance, and if you think that to catch fish it is enough to throw the net into the water with one hand and pull it to the shore with the other, then you are very mistaken.

Of course, the intelligence of a person is much higher than the intelligence of a fish, but physically the fish is faster than you. Therefore, you should not expect that the catch will just come into your nets - it needs to be caught. We recommend that you read

First you need to check the gear. There may be holes in them, or a frayed cable. Such a seine needs to be urgently repaired, otherwise even through one hole your entire catch may escape.

To fish out seine fish, you need to cast a seine around the expected habitat of the fish, and then you can fish the fish onto the ship or shore.

The size of the mesh cells is made so that the fish do not get entangled in them, and when fishing, they roll down the mesh. Sometimes a bag is attached to the bottom of the net; it is called a coddle, or motnya; if such a bag is present, then the fish rolls not to the bottom of the net, but into the net. We recommend that you read


Cast net - used for shore fishing. The net is thrown from the boat, gradually and evenly building an arc from the net, with both ends of the net facing the shore, and the opposite top of the arc facing the opposite shore. Or, the net is built perpendicular to the shore, then the fishermen pull it along the shore, then one fisherman stops, and the second turns the far end of the net towards the shore. The seine is pulled out at both ends of the arc towards the shore, as if scooping fish out of a reservoir.
Usually, fishing with a seine requires 2-3 people, sometimes more, depending on the reservoir, current and size of the seine.

To properly throw a seine into the water, you need to choose a size at which the lower edge of the seine will touch the bottom of the reservoir. This will give you a guarantee that the fish will not swim away from you along the bottom. Also, it is necessary to constantly monitor whether the net breaks during casting or while fishing for fish. We recommend that you read

Once the seine is cast, two anglers are required to hold and control both ends of the seine. If the depth does not allow the fisherman to go into the water, then using a boat, you need to pull the ends of the net to a depth that is permissible for the fishermen’s stability. When the fishermen entered the water, they pull the ends of the net (towards the shore, or along the shore, depending on the chosen body of water), and the third fisherman comes to meet them, slapping the water with his hands - thereby driving the fish into the net. When both ends of the seine are level with the shore, the fishermen fish out the fish onto the shore.
After the net has been pulled ashore, it is necessary to collect all the catch and clean the net of collected debris.

A cast net is used for catching fish in reservoirs, lakes and rivers. To cast a seine in winter, you will have to cut a large rectangular ice hole (hole), put nets in it, and then use small ice holes to draw the net and set it in an arc.

Flip seine - used for fishing in large lakes, seas and oceans. It is placed in deep water, away from the shore, and then loaded onto a ship. Among them there is also a spreader seine; it can be used for catching fish in shallow waters of lakes and seas - this seine has the simplest design of the throw-in group, somewhat similar to a throw-up seine. Purse seines have proven to be very effective for deep-sea areas. To set up such a net, you need to wrap a net around the area where a school of fish is expected to be located. This is a very labor-intensive process, since the enveloping area is large and it is necessary to build a mesh wall around its entire circumference. After this, you need to pull bottom part seine using ropes, we get a kind of bag of fish, which is where the name of the seine comes from - purse seine. When the seine is lifted onto the ship, the fish are dumped into additional bags in the seine structure - a stash, or drain. We recommend that you read

The fixed seine has a completely different design. It is placed near the shore, in places where schools of fish should pass. Often a set net is used to catch salmon, because, as is known, they always return to the rivers of their deposit.

To build a fixed net, a line, a kind of obstacle (called a wing) is installed from the shore into the depths of the river, which the fish stumbles upon while walking along the shore. Near the obstacle, on both sides there will be passages into the trap (and next to the trap itself), which the fish stumbles upon in attempts to get around the obstacle. In other words, fixed seines have a design that catches fish itself, while fishermen watch the arrival of fish and monitor the serviceability of the nets.

Fixed seines are large in size, for example, the length of the wing can reach 250 meters, and the number of weights for installing nets is up to 2000 bags of sand, so installing such a seine not only takes a lot of time, but is also expensive.

But the high cost of design and installation is not the only disadvantage of fixed nets - their design is often damaged when weather conditions change, and this requires time for repairs and additional financial costs. We recommend that you read

Fish caught in this way can for a long time live in a trap. Fixed seines are used in coastal sea fishing and large reservoirs. They catch capelin, greenling, herring, salmon, herring, smelt and other fish.

Bottom seines are small in size compared to fixed seines. They are used for fishing in lakes, rivers and seas. They use small vessels or boats, casting a net directly from the shore. Small seines include snurrevod, mutnik and dredge. All these seines make up a group of so-called straining gear.

As in cast seine fishing, the bottom seine is cast from the shore or vessel, covering large area reservoir Bottom seines have large edges (warps, or ropes). By pulling the edges, the fishermen tighten the net, the edges go along the bottom and collect the fish in the trap. The length of the edges can reach 2000 meters, so it is impossible to pull them out manually; instead, they use a winch, or they are pulled ashore with the help of the ship itself using the method of conventional traction while the ship is moving. While rowing along the edges along the bottom, silt and sand rise, the bottom of the reservoir becomes muddy, which is why such bottom seines with edges are called mudniks. We recommend that you read

Fishing with drag is prohibited. The material is published for educational purposes in studying the history of fishing.

Nonsense photo, nonsense - chicken

Wingless venter for catching fish. This kind of nonsense is sometimes called chicken. Breden - chicken was used to catch small amounts of fish, like fish soup.

Chain. The use of a chain harms benthic vegetation. Previously, when passing by floodplain lakes and old lakes, one could see heaps of dried algae. Almost always this meant that the lake was covered with nonsense. Recently, such a picture has been seen quite rarely; the lakes have begun to silt up, become overgrown with grass and become swampy.

how to make a dragnet - connecting a network with dragnets

So, a net is a small enveloping net combined with a trap, the role of which is played by a special pocket - a net. Accordingly, the principle of fishing with a drag net is closer to the principle of fishing with a net (net), although it also combines the principle of fishing with a seine (enveloping net).

In a number of regions, a small seine with a weighted bottom cord, up to 50 meters, is called a dragnet.

The classic harness consists of two wings and a pocket (motni) and has a weighted bottom cord. The heavy bottom cord allows you to drag the drag along the uneven bottom, preventing the fish from escaping the trap between the bottom and the net.

Small, up to 10 meters, drags have drags along the edges (wooden sticks, holding on to which fishermen drag the drags).

The delirium used to pull together small lakes and small valleys, with the wings deployed, the delirium was dragged along the bottom, and then the wings were connected and all the fish ended up in the reel, or the delirium was immediately pulled out to the shore.

When fishing with dragnet in large bodies of water, the angle fishing technique was also used. One end of the drag remains near the shore, the second leads to the center of the reservoir (if the boat is used deep). Having dragged the drag about fifty meters parallel to the shore, the second end of the drag is dragged towards the shore at an angle.

Using a drag line in unfamiliar deep bodies of water is problematic. The lower heavy cord will definitely pick up the cramps. But diving and unhooking is dangerous. It's a shame to tear it up.

If the length of the nonsense allows, it was pulled along two banks. After long rope one end of the drag was pulled at an angle to the other bank.

If they caught with a small drag without wings, then two of them dragged the drag through the drags, and the third followed the drag with his hands on it. If a large fish (usually a pike) hits the net, the net rises and folds, otherwise the pike hitting the net will turn around and leave.

The effectiveness of fishing with nonsense

They effectively caught fish in small, shallow reservoirs with a dragnet. If we talk about lakes, then there should be fish in them. In floodplain closed lakes, the most fish are found immediately after the water subsides. By mid-summer, the fish were caught, or the lake was filled with other fishermen. The fact that the lake is already covered with delirium can be judged by the presence of heaps of dry algae on its shore. It was the fishermen who cleared the mud from the underwater potion they had collected during fishing.

Fishing with a dragnet on the lake

By pulling a fifty-meter drag line across a small lake (50-100 meters), fishermen could catch a bag of fish.

By pulling together such a lake in the middle of summer, they could catch half a bag of medium-sized fish.

By angling a valley or bay we could catch half a bag of fish at a time.

In general, in order to catch fish well, you had to pull well more than once. Fishing with the help of trebovol using certain equipment. First of all, it was necessary to protect your feet by wearing old boots or sneakers.


The design of the drag line is shown in the figure (many fishermen involved in drag fishing have no idea what the correct names for the components of the gear are). The net is used with a fairly small mesh, usually 25–30 mm on the wings, 20–25 mm in the reel. The floats on the top line are larger and are tied more often than on the fixed net; The lower selection is also made much heavier.

Breden and its components: 1 – right wing (2nd part); 2 – right wing (1st part); 3 – right drive; 4 – motnya; 5 – left drive; 6 – left wing (2nd part); 7 – left wing (1st part); 8 – valance; 9 – shirt; 10 – upper selection; 12 – right nag; 13 – left nag; 14 – upper chamfer; 15 – lower chamfer

I must say that nonsense, sold in stores, are almost always underloaded, and their float cords do not have sufficient buoyancy. As a result, purchased nonsense is suitable for more or less successful fishing only in the most ideal conditions: in reservoirs without a current, with a flat, hard bottom and a complete absence of snags and underwater vegetation.

In real conditions, catch something purchased nonsense It’s not easy: the current, even a slight one, submerges the upper catch, allowing the fish to escape; at the slightest snags and delays, the lower pick-up rises with the same result, and in very grassy reservoirs a strange thing generally happens: the load cord is twisted with the upper one into a tight cord, and the fish cannot get into the spool.

Therefore, having bought a drag, do not rush to the pond with it; it is better to disassemble the tackle and reassemble it, but with normal floating and loading. Or at least hang additional floats and sinkers (both are made cylindrical, with a cut on the side so that you can put them on the cords without disassembling the tackle; after landing on the cord, the lead sinkers are lightly tapped with a hammer, and the cut on the floats is made of hard polystyrene foam is held together with two small aluminum wire staples).

In most cases, the bottom line is made shorter than the top (the difference in length reaches 10%, sometimes more) and when pulling out the central part of the line, as fishermen say, it “cuts” the fish that did not have time to get into the line, preventing it from escaping at the last moment.

Properly constructed delirium walks through a pond like a tank through a children's sandbox, crushing all obstacles: uprooting sticks and small snags, raking stones and algae into the mulch, pressing not too thick reeds or cattails to the bottom.

The floats are large, made of white foam and are not painted (unlike fixed nets); a bright white float can scare away fish, which sometimes try to escape from the net by jumping over the top fence.

On small nonsense, intended mainly for fishing on narrow rivers, the bottom line is sometimes replaced with a solid metal chain, only sections of cord 1–1.5 m long are tied at the ends. It is believed that the chain better fits all the unevenness of the bottom, allowing you to catch more bottom-dwelling fish. Another advantage of the chain: when hooked, you can pull it safely, with all your strength, without the risk of breaking, which sometimes happens with cords that have been used for a long time. The main disadvantage of drags equipped with chains is that they are too heavy, so in fairly long drags a chain 6-7 m long is tied only in the central part, under the reel, and under the wings - ordinary cords with lead weights. Chains that do not have an anti-corrosion coating quickly rust, and the rust “overeats” the sections of the network in contact with the chain.

The ends of the upper and lower harness are tied to light but strong poles, the so-called nags, for which fishermen drag the tackle across the pond.

(top view): 1 – motnya; 2, 3 – wings; 4 – load cord; 5 – floating cord

Motnya is a net bag in the middle of the tackle where the caught fish is collected. The shape of the bag is a cone; when fishing in the current, a lead weight weighing 200 g or more is attached to the very end of the reel - otherwise, when moving the tackle downstream, the reel may turn inside out under the pressure of water and end up in front of the wings. In the most commonly used sizes (12–15 m), the casting takes up about one third of the entire length of the tackle, that is, the span of the entrance to it is approximately equal to the length of the wing. For large-sized drags this ratio changes in favor of the wings, for short ones - in favor of the wings.

In fact, the fishing rod is used for the most part for local fishing, not far from home, and therefore, during construction, it is “tailored” for a specific body of water or group of bodies of water.