How to braid onions. DIY onion or garlic braid. Master classes. What is the advantage of a bow braid?


It's July and onions are in their prime! Green powerful feathers delight the soul! The time is not far off when digging up the bulbs will begin. Before storing onions, be sure to dry them and remove any remaining soil. It has long been known that onions are best stored in a dry room; the air temperature should not be higher than 12-15 degrees. What's the best way to preserve onions? In boxes, in bags? No! The best option for storing onions is hanging in braids! You will learn how to weave onion braids in the next post.

I present three master classes on braiding braids from onions or garlic.

Method one

You can store onions beautifully! We collect the summer harvest and make a spectacular decoration for the kitchen - onion braids.

The housewife cannot do without onions even a day. This is one of the few vegetables that should always be on hand in the kitchen. You can, of course, keep a net with onions in the kitchen cabinet, but it’s much more pleasant to display your summer harvest for everyone to see, especially since it’s easy and quick to weave braids from onions. In addition, onions in this form “breathe”, which means they can be stored for a long time.

We will need:

We select the most beautiful bulbs from your summer harvest. They should be approximately the same size, smooth and well-ripened.

Be sure to let them dry, remove the dirty husks from the bulbs and, if desired, cut off the roots.

The tops stay in place!

The main condition for successful weaving is elastic tops. To do this, it should only be slightly dried (as if dried) - this is exactly what it looks like a couple of days after the onions are collected from the garden.

An onion braid is a rather heavy decoration; the tops may not support the weight of the bulbs, so you will definitely need a base. It should be a strong thin rope, cord or ribbon. Hemp or synthetic twine and even a regular bandage will do.

Weaving pattern

We choose the onion with the longest and strongest “tail”. We tie a rope at the base so that the edges of the rope are equal. You will have three ends for braiding: two ropes and one onion “tail”.

Next, we braid the braid, inserting another onion at each extreme grip (right and left). Make sure that the inserted bulb does not dangle on the tops, but is held tightly in the braid; to do this, grab it as close to the head as possible.

For beauty, you can weave blades of grass and dried flowers into an onion braid, whose petals do not lose color or fall off, for example, marigolds, cornflowers, quinoa.

When the edges of the rope are reduced to 15 cm, we complete the braid. We tie the rope tightly around the tops and make a strong loop from which we will hang our braid.

We hang our scythe in a ventilated area so that the tops are completely dry, after which we can place it in a permanent place in the kitchen.

By the way, red onion braids also look very impressive.

Method two

Quite often, onions are stored in bags or nets.

But it is much more practical to store onions in braids made from them. There are several reasons to braid an onion braid:

An onion braid is the best way to store onions. Each onion is well ventilated and has minimal contact with its neighbors, so there are no problems typical for storage - deformation, rotting.

It is convenient to take bulbs from an onion braid the right size and in the right quantity - after all, the entire harvest is in sight.

The onion braid is quite decorative. If your kitchen or hallway is designed in country style, then onion braid will look like a decorative item.

How to prepare onions for weaving

In order for the onion to be tied into a braid, the leaves of the bulbs (“tails”) must be left as long as possible. You need to monitor this even at the stage of harvesting onions from the beds.

After harvesting, the onions need to be dried. The bulbs are laid out in one layer on spread paper or linen; the place for drying should be ventilated and dry. If the onion is poorly dried, it will most likely suffer from rot during storage.

Onions are dried for 10-14 days.

How to make a braid from a bow

To weave a bow you will need long rope, which will become the basis of the onion braid. Hemp or any other rope will do, preferably made from natural fibers.

The rope is folded in half. At the bend, make a loop into which the tail of the first onion is threaded. This bulb should be quite large.

Then the bulbs, starting with the largest ones, are woven into a braid one after another, distributed on different sides. Every 3-4 bulbs they are secured with a rope, tying a knot above them.

You can weave a braid in another way. The bulbs are tied together in advance by “tails”, two at a time. This work requires caution and skill - it is important to tie the two onions together into a strong knot, but not to tear their “tails”.

After the first bulb is attached to the rope, the interconnected “pairs” are simply placed one at a time between two ropes, while oriented in one direction or the other. After adding 2-3 such “pairs” to the onion braid, each time a knot is made from the rope to secure the finished section.

After drying the onion, start braiding. The first large onion is secured at the base of the future braid using a knot.

The following bulbs are woven into a braid, threading their tails between the ropes. You can tie the bulbs together in two pieces.

The braided bow braid should be hung in a cool, well-ventilated place.

Method three

Just recently you were harvesting ripe onions. To keep onions in good condition and marketable condition for the winter, there is one very good way- tying onions into braids.

With this method, the bulbs will be preserved in high quality, and with their appearance they can decorate the kitchen interior.

To weave onion braids, we will need 1.5 m twine, scissors and a bow. The onion itself should be well dried, but the tails should remain elastic so that they do not break during weaving.

Prepare the required number of onions in advance, preferably of the same size; a braid of onions will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Trim the ponytails, leaving approximately 7 cm long. This can be done with scissors or pruning shears.

Fold the twine in half and tie the ends in a knot. Hang the twine on a hook or nail at a convenient height for weaving, the most important thing is to ensure even tension on the threads.

How to tie a bow into braids?

2. Spreads the twine, extends the second bulb into the middle, wraps the tail alternately around each strand of twine, and bends the remaining edge of the tail down.

3. We weave the next onion in the same way.

4. During further weaving, place the onion fruits evenly, turning the bundle.

5. When 10-15 cm of twine remains, secure the last onion in the loop. We tighten the onion braid and hang the harvest.

The resulting bow braids look beautiful, and it’s also the best option drying the onions, this will keep them longer.

Another advantage of this method of storing onions is that you save space by hanging garlands of onions in any storage room.

By the way, garlic can also be braided in this way.

Video - How to knit a BOW in a BRAID?

Here is a simple way to store onions for the winter.

The most interesting way to store onions is in braids. And today we will tell you about how to braid onions correctly and how they should be stored at home.

In order to braid an onion, you need to know the technology of harvest preparation and weaving.

This activity is quite labor-intensive, but the result will surprise more than one guest.

Braiding onions is one of the oldest methods of storing the harvest of this crop, which was widely used by our ancestors and remains popular to this day, despite the fact that it is not an easy task and requires perseverance and patience from housewives.

There are several reasons why many people prefer to braid hair from... onions:

Optimal timing for weaving braids from onions

When do housewives start braiding onions? Immediately after harvesting, you can’t do weaving - you need to let it go through the drying stage, which consists of two phases:

  • dry in the sun for 2-3 days;
  • dry in a dry, well-ventilated area for 1-2 weeks.

This is a classic option for drying onions before long-term storage. During this time, the necks of the bulbs dry out well.

Some gardeners prefer not to go through the second drying phase, but simply dry the crop in the sun for 3 days. During this time, the feathers have not yet had time to dry, they become more elastic and flaccid, which makes the process of braiding much easier, and further drying takes place during hanging storage. Although there are methods of weaving with dry onion tops.

How to prepare onions

So, the first preparation for braiding the onion harvest after harvesting is drying it, the technology of which was described above.

After this, proceed to the following operations:

  • cleaning Here, the dried bulbs are cleaned of any remaining soil and the old roots are cut off. Usually leave no more than 2 cm of their length. You need to trim the roots using a sharp knife, being careful not to damage the bottom of the bulbs, otherwise they will not be able to be stored for long. There is no need to trim the feathers, since they are the ones you will need for braiding;
  • sorting. At this stage, it is necessary to sort the existing bulbs by size - braids made up of copies of the same parameters look very decorative. You can weave different types of onions into braids, for example, regular and red, but you should not make them too long and massive, since such creations do not last very long. Therefore, if the decorative appearance of the braid does not play an important role, it is better to compose it from bulbs of the same variety.

In addition, you will need to stock up on twine made from natural material, such as linen, in advance. The fact is that when the onion feather finally dries, it will become fragile, and the braid will fall apart. Therefore, it is additionally strengthened with twine.

How to braid hair correctly

Of all the sorted bulbs, you must first choose the one whose feather looks the strongest. This is where the weaving process begins.

At the base of the onion neck, the twine must be tied so that the result is 3 “tails” - feathers and two ends of the twine, which should be the same in length (see photo).

After the beginning has been made, they begin to weave in the bulbs evenly on both the right and left, grabbing them by the neck with twine.

Weaving can be continued until the free ends of the twine are about 15 cm. After this, you need to secure them by wrapping them around the braid and making a loop by which the creation will be suspended. Usually it is 1.5-2 m long. However, it will be easier for beginners to start weaving short small braids.

There is another option for braiding. Here you also need to decide on the lower initial bulb from which the creation process will begin, and tie twine around it in the same way as the first method.

The remaining bulbs are braided in pairs with each other by the feathers. And then these couples are alternately woven into a common braid on the right and left.

After every two woven pairs, you need to secure the section with a knot. You can see more about how to weave a bow in the video below:

How to store onion braids

The conditions of a city apartment, as well as basements and cellars, where their shelf life will be longer, are suitable for storing onions in braids.

In the first case, the recommended room temperature is about +200C with an air humidity of 65-70%. In the basement the temperature is usually lower - only +50C. Therefore, if there is a basement or cellar, then it is best to hang the braids there, and store only one in the kitchen, and when the onions in it run out, bring a new one from storage.

When placing a scythe in the kitchen, you should take into account the features of this room: there is a stove in it, near which it is not recommended to place the scythe (steam rises from it during cooking), as well as heating appliances and radiators, from which warm air emanates, which can dry out the onion harvest in short time.

During storage, it is necessary to periodically inspect onion braids and discard damaged specimens. In principle, if the rules for collecting, preparing and storing spoiled bulbs are followed, there should not be a lot of spoiled bulbs.

Braids woven from onions are not only in a great way storing the harvest of this crop, but also a wonderful and original decoration for the kitchen. And onions, which are often used in cooking, are always at hand.

Author of the article: Potapova Inga

The most favorable month for storing onions for the winter is October. It is this month that many housewives begin to resolve this issue. This vegetable will last as long as you take care of it, plus it depends on the preparation of the bulbs and the variety. After completing the preparatory work, there are several options for storing it longer: in boxes, placing it in a cellar, in wooden boxes, wicker baskets, cardboard boxes, fagots at a temperature of 16-18 o C - in ventilated areas. Do you know how to braid a bow? With all other methods, no special knowledge is needed, but here experience and training are required.

Some general information about storing onions

Housewives give preference to domestic vegetables rather than overseas ones. You also need to choose spicy varieties of onions; they are more suitable for long-term winter storage.

Pay attention to the fact that some varieties are more susceptible to diseases, for example, sweet and semi-sweet. Good preparation for the winter is what you need. It must be removed in the summer, dried well in the open fresh air so that it doesn't rot. Inspect carefully to determine suitability for long-term storage. The bulbs should be juicy, dense, without mold or damage. The husk should completely cover the onion and be dense and golden-orange in color. The head is dry, hard, without signs of rottenness, the tail is perfectly dry. It is not recommended to store different varieties together; choose bulb sizes of the same size and shape.

we prepare for the winter in the summer

When stored properly, it is advisable to powder the onions with crushed chalk: for 10 kg - 200 grams. After drying, it is placed in baskets, bags or lattice boxes and sent to a cool, ventilated room. When cold weather sets in, supplies are transferred to the cellar, the temperature in which should be kept between 3-7 degrees. You can also store it at a temperature of 18-20 degrees at home, braided and hung in the form of a garland. Therefore, a little lower we will look at how to braid a bow in a braid. The main requirement for home storage is to place our supplies as far as possible from heating appliances, otherwise they will dry out quickly.

You can hang the bow in nylon stockings, as our grandparents did. Over time, stocks need to be sorted out, while removing rotten and sprouted bulbs. If you follow all the storage rules, the reserves of the vegetable we are considering will last until the new harvest.

We are engaged in kitchen decor: we make braids from onions

Some housewives try not only to preserve onions for the winter, but want to do it beautifully. Especially when vegetables from your own dacha are processed. In addition, it will be very profitable - the necessary product will always be at hand. And it’s beautiful - the hostess is always pleased to display her work for everyone to see. Well, it's time to tell you how to braid a bow. To do this, we take the most beautiful and best bulbs: well-ripened, even and of the same size. We give it the opportunity to dry, remove the dirty husks, and you can cut off the roots. We do not touch the tops. It should be elastic and slightly dry. But, since the onion braid will turn out to be quite heavy, you need to make a base. To do this, you can take a strong tape, cord or rope. Even synthetic or hemp twine, an ordinary bandage.

Braiding pattern

To get started, select the onion with the strongest and longest tail. At its base we tie the base so that its edges are equal. We get three ends intended for weaving: an onion tail and two ropes. We begin to weave the braid itself, with grips on the left and right we insert a new onion. The connection should be tight and the bulb should be held in the braid.

To make the braid a real decorative piece, it is recommended to weave dried flowers and blades of grass into it, for example, marigolds, quinoa and cornflowers, which do not crumble or lose color. When 15 centimeters of rope remain, we complete the braid. We tie the rope tightly around the tops and finish the job with a strong loop, from which we will hang the braid. We dry it in a well-ventilated area and then place it in the kitchen. Now you can braid an onion yourself; it will turn out especially beautiful if you use a red onion.

Another way to do this job

We leave all the feathers on the onions selected from the garden. We dry it well in room conditions, this will take at least a month. We remove the excess husk with our hands, while trying to keep the dry feathers in place. We sort the onions by size so that they are the same size - in this case the weaving will turn out neat and even. Now let's learn how to braid a bow in a braid using this method. First, we make a ring approximately 70 cm long from a rope. We hang the ring in a convenient place for work, for example, on a door handle or the back of a chair. We place the basin with the onion under the hanging cord and weave our own wattle fence.

We cross the first two onions several times and secure them at the beginning of the ring. After this, we fasten a couple of bulbs crosswise. Then we wrap the feathers of the onion around the double rope, one at a time. Long feathers remain sticking out of the fence; we tuck them between the bulbs. We'll cut them off later. We try to distribute the bulbs at the same distance from the rope and evenly on all sides. We leave approximately 10 centimeters of the cord - for the convenience of hanging and carrying the fence. We cut off the protruding feathers on the finished braid with scissors. Ready. Can be hung in the hallway or in the kitchen.

After harvesting, you should think about storing it. If you don’t have a basement, don’t worry, the blanks can be made at home. Onions are most often stored in bags or nets, but as practice shows, the most rational way is bundle braids. In this article we will tell how to weave braids from onions. In just a few minutes you can make a durable and beautiful bundle, which some even use for decoration.

How to make braids from onions for storage. Master Class

Before you start weaving, we recommend sorting the onions and selecting only whole and identical heads. Remove the dirty husks and you can also cut off the roots. It is best to weave braids from onions three to four days after harvesting, since the tops should be elastic and elastic. Since the finished braid is heavy, you will need a base to weave it. You can take cord, twine, bandage or rope.

Find out in the video how to weave a bow

To make the braid more durable, you can use a rope. To do this, fold it in half and tie a loop at the bottom. You need to tie the tops of one onion into this loop. Then, one by one, the bulbs are woven into a braid and at the same time they seem to hang on a rope base. This bundle turns out to be more durable and will not fall apart, even if one onion begins to rot.

Onion braid

After this, gradually weave the bulbs to the desired length. This is quite simple to do, following the principle of weaving a regular braid. Hang the finished braids in the kitchen. For beauty, you can weave dried flowers or blades of grass into your braid, then such a bundle will become a real interior decoration. Braids made from red onions will look impressive.

The onion braid is recognized as the most the best way onion storage This is explained by the fact that air is supplied to each bulb and it is ventilated. In addition, the onion heads hardly touch each other, which reduces the risk of them rotting. The bundles can be inspected at any time and checked to see if any bulb has begun to rot. This method of storing onions is very convenient, since you can hang the fagots anywhere and at the same time significantly save space.

We hope that our article is about that how to braid bow hair with video was useful and you can now store the harvest correctly.