How to open a yoga studio. Popular directions in yoga school. How to make yourself known

Business woman success stories

How to open a yoga studio

30 min

30 min

Text: Maria Ovseets

Ksenia Trushakova

Founder of Yogaspace.

City: Moscow

Age: 33 years

Family status: Single

In business: since 2009

Business: Yogaspace - yoga studio and eco-shop

Business details:

Turnover per month: 2,300,000 rubles

Number of employees: 30 teachers,

6 administrators, 1 manager, 1 cleaning

Love for yoga

Opening a yoga studio was more of a spontaneous, uninformed decision. I worked for a large financial company and spent a lot of time sitting at a desk. I came across a problem that is often faced by those who lead a sedentary office lifestyle - back pain and a generally low level of energy and vitality. I had to introduce sports into my life and strengthen my back muscles. GYM's I was never attracted, but I was interested in yoga, since it contains not only physics, but also a side of self-knowledge. So almost 15 years ago I ended up in a yoga studio.

In one of my first classes, we had a man who was over 70 and free with his body. He did not look at all like a 70-year-old grandfather; one could say about him - a strong, healthy man. And the realization came to me that I knew nothing at all about myself as a body, as a kind of instrument.

I can't say, as many people say, that it was love at first sight. No, I didn’t have any epic impressions; my interest grew gradually as I developed in practice. At first I went to classes once a week, then twice, then even more often. And the more I studied, the more I wanted it. I was not lazy to spend an hour on the road to the yoga studio and an hour late in the evening on the way home. The charge of energy and strength that I received completely repaid the time spent. And even if I had difficulty dragging myself to class, afterward I always felt like a reborn person and was grateful that I had the willpower and discipline to get there.

Investments for the start are my savings, money borrowed from friends



I saw an article about Mysore, an Indian city where traditional Ashtanga yoga is taught, and I got the idea to go to the origins and see how it all works there. And this trip completely changed my future life.

Upon returning to Moscow, I began to think about what I could do, how I could be useful, other than compiling financial reports. I understood that what I was doing did not bring joy and did not give a feeling of fulfillment and self-realization and that I needed not just to change my job, but to make fundamental changes in my life. I thought about teaching yoga, looked for places where I would be interested, but there was no such place. Then I decided that I needed to make my own space comfortable for teaching and practice, and thus in 2010 our first studio appeared.

Ksenia Trushakova, entrepreneur

Starting a business

I spent about $60,000 to launch the studio in 2009. Most of the money was spent on renovations - the room I rented was completely empty. There were also costs for the first months of rent. Due to the fact that I had never run a business before, there were a lot of mistakes that cost money and time.

Investments for the start are my savings, as well as money that I borrowed from friends. Of course, I understood that there was a risk that the investment would not be returned, but I was not too worried about it. I looked at it as an investment not so much in the studio, but in fundamental changes in my life, and I was ready for it.

Now I understand that it was absolutely correct solution- if the studio had not appeared, my life would have turned out completely differently. But this does not mean that as soon as I opened the studio, my life immediately changed. At first, I combined work at a financial company with teaching and studio management. It was a rather difficult period, and after two years of working in this mode, I realized that the time had come to make a final decision, and I made it - I left work.

Ksenia Trushakova, entrepreneur

We reached self-sufficiency in 2 years


Errors at the start

The main mistake when a person starts his own business is because of the desire to naturally save money at the start, he begins to think that he can do everything himself, and does things that he does not understand, which are unusual for him. This takes a lot of time, is done unprofessionally, is not at all effective and in fact turns out to be more expensive. You don’t spend money on it, but the result is not the same as it could be if a more competent person was doing it. As a result, instead of saving, losses, including time.

Now I understand that initially you need to build a team of people who will move with you. But at that time I did not have the slightest understanding of how to develop this, and there was no one to turn to for help. There were few yoga studios, and there was no active entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial communities that exist now. Now starting, on the one hand, is more difficult, because the competition is higher, on the other hand, it is easier, because there are many young entrepreneurs who have already passed this path and are ready to share their experience. It is very important to find people who will perform those tasks in which you are incompetent.

Project development

The studio became self-sufficient within two years. Before this, I had to partially invest personal funds into the project. Of course, it was possible to maximize profits and reach self-sufficiency faster, but at the same time lose authenticity. It was important for me to maintain a balance between yoga and commerce in its purest form. So that this is a place that generates income for all project participants - teachers, guys who work here, but at the same time, so that the spirit of yoga is not lost.

I didn’t want to succumb to some newfangled phenomena, like yoga for weight loss, for pumping up the buttocks and other stories that actually have nothing to do with yoga. I am against this and adhere to the fact that even in an urban environment, yoga should remain a spiritual and physical practice, and not turn into absurdity.

Ksenia Trushakova, entrepreneur

Studio store

As part of the studio, we sell vegan and vegetarian products. It started with me spending a lot of time searching for what I needed for daily use. Finding and ordering online is not always convenient. Eco powder is sold in one place, granola for snacking in another. At the same time, even in vegan stores you can often find unhealthy products - with preservatives, dyes, etc. Vegan food is not always healthy food.

In order not to have to search for what I need and go to different stores in different parts of the city, I decided to open a store here. We only sell what I eat myself and can honestly recommend to others. When a person comes to us, he can be confident and not look at the packaging, because we do not have products that contain unknown chemical compounds.

The store increases the average check of a yoga studio. We plan to further develop this direction and look more broadly towards online sales. Now our share of online sales is significantly less than the purchases of those people who come to the studio and buy something after class. The plans are to create a full-fledged online store. Niche of vegetarian and healthy products.

Do not throw garbage on the street, do not use plastic bags again - this is also part of yoga


Popular destinations

Traditionally popular classical directions are Ashtanga and Hatha yoga. Popular classes are where the teacher has contact with the students, where the teacher shares how to apply yoga practice in Everyday life, where it is not just an hour and a half of conditionally spiritual fitness, but also something that makes a person rethink his lifestyle, starting with small things and ending with more global ones. From relationships with colleagues to relationships with the outside world. Do not throw garbage on the street, do not use plastic bags again, choosing a vegetarian diet is also part of yoga. Although it may not immediately seem so, yoga teaches the ability to see these cause-and-effect relationships.

Now in one of our studios we have enough modern direction yoga - Jivamukti yoga. The founders are American spouses David Life and Sharon Gannon. In the late 70s, they lived in India for a long time and studied with the great gurus Swami Sivananda and Swami Nirmalananda. They saw the difference between Indian practice and the Western approach, which is purely physical. They wanted to convey to practitioners that yoga is needed not only for good health and strong, toned body, but also for that very liberation of the soul - and not in some transcendental empyrean, but right now, during life. Upon arriving home in New York, they developed their own unique method. This yoga includes music, mantra chanting, and teaching students how to apply yoga knowledge beyond the mat. At the same time, the practice involves active physical activity.


When we started, our clients were mainly people who worked or lived nearby. Now there are about 50% of them. The second half are those who come from different parts of the city for specific teachers or the studio itself. YogaSpace is not just a place where you can work out, here you can chat with like-minded people over a cup of delicious and healthy tea, have breakfast, after class sit on the windowsill or at a common table with a laptop and work.

70% of our clients are those who have been practicing yoga for a long time. 30% are those who are getting acquainted with the practice for the first time. There is a division into different levels, there are special classes for beginners. But, in principle, all classes are structured in such a way that students of any level can attend them. In each class, there is one variation of one or another asana for a beginner, and more complex variations for a more advanced, continuing practitioner. Our groups are not the largest - on average 15-20 people, so the teacher has the opportunity to devote enough time to each beginning student.

Yogaspace - yoga studio and eco-shop

We try to accommodate if a person cannot attend classes and renew the subscription



We work in the middle price segment. I come from a business background and was ready to pay for additional comfort. This does not mean that there should be a luxury space, but there should be a comfortable and clean place in every sense. Where you come, everything makes you happy: the location, the cleanliness of the locker rooms, clean towels, you can always drink delicious tea. These extra bonuses create the atmosphere. Therefore, I focused on active modern girls and boys, men and women who want to receive high-quality, useful knowledge, but at the same time value comfort. When you come to a great teacher in an uncomfortable basement, it creates a slightly sectarian atmosphere. I wanted to make a place comfortable for people, our guests.

You can come to the studio for a class by paying for a one-time visit, or purchase a subscription. The latter are in great demand, as they provide an additional bonus in the form of large discounts, that is, classes become cheaper. In fitness clubs there is usually a percentage of people who buy six-month or annual memberships and end up not going, but in ours this percentage is small. If people bought and didn’t show up, we call them back and ask if everything is okay. There are all kinds of life circumstances, we try to accommodate if a person cannot attend classes at the moment, and are ready to extend the validity of the subscription.

It seems that financially this is not the most profitable story, but ultimately it is this kind of human attitude that creates an atmosphere of community and unity, brings back old clients and brings in new ones thanks to good recommendations.

Yogaspace - yoga studio and eco-shop


We use social networks and work through partners - interesting projects, not necessarily directly related to yoga, but always close in spirit. Organic food stores, cosmetics, health bloggers who write interesting articles. We participate in specialized events - for example, yoga in the morning in a vegetarian cafe.

We do not have the task of participating in as many events as possible; we are quite selective and look at the target audience that is interesting to us, so as not to spread ourselves thin on everything.

I probably haven’t had a normal, full-fledged vacation for about five years.


The role of the entrepreneur

Many may think that a yoga studio is a business where you are constantly in this Zen atmosphere, in the practice of yoga. But there is another side - the business itself, organizational issues. It's important to be prepared for this. Because on the one hand there is a beautiful and romantic story, on the other hand there are daily routine tasks to make it all work efficiently. Operational work takes a lot of time - communicating with the team, accountants, landlords, utilities, firefighters and other inspectors. The fate of a small business awaits any yoga studio.

I probably didn’t have a normal, full-fledged vacation for about five years, because I was constantly supervising operational work. Now my task is to organize the process so that when I leave, all this will work just as effectively, and maybe even better.

From a business point of view, I see that it is correct to arrange everything in such a way that it is not tied to one person - the owner of the business. It's more important to be ideological inspirer, but at the same time make sure that the studio exists successfully without your direct participation. Setting up these processes took quite a long time because I could not find the right people who could take over the management of the process.

Ksenia Trushakova, entrepreneur


It was difficult to entrust the work to employees; it seemed that you knew better how to do it. I still hit myself on the wrist when I try to give some instructions and then carry out and control them myself. You need to be aware that employees can make mistakes, but it is important to give them the opportunity to make independent decisions, to give them the opportunity to feel that you trust them. If the solution is incorrect, you just need to explain what exactly was done wrong, as I see it. If it is completely wrong, correct it in time and monitor it so that this does not happen in the future.

We must accept the fact that everything will not always go perfectly smoothly. For perfectionists, this is a difficult story - letting go, accepting. But business won't be effective if you do everything yourself. Therefore, it is important to gather a team, explain your position, how you see it, what result you expect, and trust. Under gentle guidance, give the opportunity to conduct this process.

Every day I try to exercise less and less control. My plans are to structure the work so that the people who work here see the situation better than I see it, and rather inspire the team to self-development and look for new ideas for our joint implementation, and I now have a lot of such ideas.

Ksenia Trushakova in her studio

It’s better not to hire friends, because conflicts will inevitably arise.


Team building

Finding the right people is difficult. You don't always need people with experience, sometimes it's even worse. I had a period of working with an employee who worked at an online yoga studio. This was more of a minus than a plus, because she had set patterns in which she operated, and she could not see beyond these patterns.

It is much more important to find a person who is ready to develop, who is on the same wavelength with you and understands what you want to ultimately get. Growing employees internally is the most a good option. Now the manager of our studios is a girl who grew up as an administrator. I saw that she was doing more than was expected of her, and it was a natural decision for me to give this person the opportunity to grow further. I am very grateful to Nastya, she answers many questions every day and relieves me of many work tasks. We also have an excellent PR team, which was also not an easy task to find, and I tried many different options before I found the girls from the Soul&Money agency.

Ksenia Trushakova, entrepreneur

Friends on the team

It is better not to hire friends, because conflicts will inevitably arise. It's better to be friends with the people you work with than to hire your friends. Otherwise, it is very difficult to perform the functions of a leader. A person initially thinks that this is a friendly get-together; he does not understand that this should be treated as a business, and not just as a cool pastime. Subordination is broken, and it must be present in the work. It can be expressed in a mild form, but still it must be so that there are no mutual insults and reproaches that someone orders someone else.

Yoga is a great way of distraction, relaxation, and just communication, and a reason to get off the couch


Seasonality of business

The seasonality of a yoga studio is similar to the seasonality of a fitness business. May holidays, summer time years, when people go on vacation and there are many different yoga-themed events in the parks - at this time there are always fewer people in the studio. This year, however, the weather in Moscow is not very good. So, we can say that we were lucky this year (smiles - editor's note).

There is also a decline during the New Year holidays, but for the last couple of years many people still do not leave and remain in Moscow. We open 2-3 days after the New Year, because people get tired of eating Olivier on the fourth day, want to cheer up and come to classes. Yoga is a great way of distraction, relaxation, just communication, and a reason to get off the couch.

Ksenia Trushakova, entrepreneur

Yoga for Entrepreneurs

Business is not marketing, clients, employees... It is a series of decisions that you make, and how quickly you make them determines your effectiveness as an entrepreneur and, ultimately, the success of your business. You can make decisions quickly only when there are clear guidelines, principles and guidelines in your life, when you are precisely aware of the vector along which you are moving. Yoga helps a lot in this sense.

During classes, the head becomes empty, the brain begins to filter what is important and what is unimportant. When a person regularly engages in practice, ideas imposed by society disappear, you become more focused and solve problems faster. You begin to see what is happening more clearly, quickly make decisions that were not obvious to you before, you begin to look at situations from a different angle, because before you had a closed-minded view, but now you have the opportunity to solve the problem more effectively.

Entrepreneurship is a story where you take on a lot of responsibility.


Rhythm of life

I wake up a little later in the winter, a little earlier in the summer - between 5 and 6. In the morning I have a half-hour practice: breathing and meditation. Next is either an Ashtanga yoga practice for an hour and a half, or a morning class in the studio with students. After that, I do administrative work during the day. I teach classes in the evening a couple of times a week. I work a lot, but I have an internal agreement with myself and my family that I devote Saturday to them, to family matters. And I try, with rare exceptions, not to break these rules.

Yogaspace - yoga studio and eco-shop


A number of my colleagues who remained to work in financial corporations now occupy high positions (banks, consulting). They often talk about how tired they are of their work, that they want changes, but do not dare to make them. This leads to unfulfillment and dissatisfaction with life in general. Yes, they have high positions and salaries, but they do not enjoy what they do every day.

If I had stayed to work there, I would have moved up the career ladder and would now earn much more than in my own business. But I'm glad I made a different choice - I'm doing what I love.

Ksenia Trushakova, entrepreneur

Sometimes, of course, you think: “That’s it, I can’t, I’m tired, I want to take a break,” but then you realize that a large number of people with whom you work are counting on you, who come to classes in the studio, and at that moment you realize the importance and the necessity of your activity - all this gives strength and incentive to move on.

Entrepreneurship is a story where you take on a lot of responsibility, but it gives you freedom. Therefore, when I am tired or have no desire to work, I can go to the park, chat with friends, read a book, listen to lectures. And I’m glad that I have such a choice, and I can spend my time the way I think is right today.

Take action now.


As in any business, a person must choose what he likes. That business, which, if there were no question of making money, he could do for free. For me it was key point when I was thinking about what to do. When I shared with my friend that I wanted to change jobs, he asked a simple question: “What would you like to do if there was no question of making money?” I replied: “I like yoga.” “Here is your answer. Get on with it!”

There is no need to immediately build an idealistic picture... The other day I was reading a book about business development, and there was a good phrase about perfectionists. When you send mail, you can create an envelope - a sample of Michelangelo's work, on which you will spend a lot of time and effort, but know that an ordinary envelope and such a masterpiece envelope will arrive at the recipient at the same time. This doesn't mean you have to do the job sloppily, but you don't have to put things off because you don't get it perfect on the first try. Just start taking action and things will get better over and over again. While you are bringing it to the ideal in your head, someone else will take it and begin to implement it. Decide what you're passionate about and take action now.

Entrepreneur Ksenia Trushakova and Womenbz journalist Maria Ovseets

In this material:

Yoga can rightfully be called the most popular area of ​​fitness in our time, thanks to the ability to improve not only the body, but also the spirit. The system of classes itself came to us from distant India and has more than five thousand years of history, as evidenced by archaeological excavations with images of meditating people found on the coast of the Indus River. Since ancient times, practices have been passed down from generation to generation, reaching the present day and spreading throughout the world.

An excellent option for entrepreneurial activity it will be possible not only to enjoy regular exercise favorite sport, but also to earn income from it. A business plan for a yoga studio will help you calculate the feasibility of such an idea.

Yoga studio as a business: relevance and attractiveness of the idea

The popularity of this area of ​​fitness will ensure high demand for services and stable income generation. Such a business can provide good material support and moral satisfaction for the owner.

The benefits of Indian meditation practices are obvious: it good prevention diseases skeletal system, nervous disorders and depression, spiritual self-improvement.

Nowadays, people pay great attention to maintaining physical fitness. Therefore, a yoga studio in a residential area can easily replace a small fitness center, providing the population with the opportunity to exercise near home or work.

Market analysis: target audience, competition and risks

The activities of direct and indirect competitors can directly affect the operation of a new yoga studio. It is strategically important to carefully study the presence of similar organizations throughout the city, identify their strengths and weak sides, methods of advertising events, prices and range of services.

As a target audience, it is necessary to focus on active young women from 25 to 40 years old, but visitors can also be children of different age categories, retired women and even men of any age.

The risks of this type of activity include increased rents, tougher competition and a decrease in the quality of services provided, which directly depends on the qualifications of the staff.

REFERENCE: According to experts, currently more than a million adults and children regularly practice yoga in Russia.

Popular directions in yoga school

Yoga classes include spiritual practices and physical exercises in at a slow pace. They combine into unified system techniques that improve the body and mind, and also carry certain teachings. When a high level of mastery is achieved, the goal of practice becomes the state of samadhi (the disappearance in the mind of contradictions between the inner and outer world).

The modern school of yoga allows you to not delve too deeply into the religious teachings of other peoples and has a large number of directions, including a combination of physical exercise and psychological techniques.

  1. Hatha yoga can be considered the leader on this list. The direction appeared in the last century thanks to the Indian practitioner Matsyendranath and his student Gorakshanath. Hatha translates as “effort and necessity.” The technique consists of a proper nutrition system, breathing exercises, relaxation and performing certain asanas.
  2. Kundalini yoga is more aimed at improving consciousness. Gives an excellent psychotherapeutic effect.
  3. Raja Yoga, through meditation and regular practice, gives control over the mind.
  4. Prana yoga emphasizes breathing exercises.
  5. Iyengar yoga helps you find beauty physical fitness using special supports to perform asanas.
  6. Ashtanga yoga is a multi-stage set of classes, including breathing practices, a system of concentration, and asanas.
  7. Bikram yoga is a system of breathing and physical exercises in a heated room.
  8. Anti-gravity yoga - a modern technique for strengthening muscle corset and coordination. In practice, these are trainings with elements of asanas borrowed from yoga. Exercises are performed on hammocks suspended from the ceiling.

Organizing a business step by step


To start activities, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or organization with the tax office, providing the necessary package of documents. The list for an individual entrepreneur will be as follows:

  • application completed in form P21001;
  • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles;
  • copies of passport and TIN, one copy at a time.

If a business is opened by several participants, a limited liability company is formed, and documents are submitted to the tax office according to the list:

  • charter (two copies);
  • application for registration (form P11001);
  • minutes of the founders' meeting;
  • letter of guarantee from the landlord regarding the provision of a legal address;
  • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 4,000 rubles;
  • decision to create a limited liability company.

In any case, after receiving registration documents for an LLC or individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to decide on the taxation system. The best option for this type of activity would be the simplified tax system at 6% (of income). When switching to a simplified system, you must fill out a special form at the tax office, otherwise you will have to work on OSNO.

For the operation of a yoga studio, the following activity codes are prescribed in the constituent documents:

  • OKVED code 93.12 – activities of sports clubs;
  • OKVED code 93.13 - activities of fitness centers;
  • OKVED code 93.19 - other activities in the field of sports.

Search for premises and repairs

It is recommended to locate a yoga studio away from indirect and direct competitors, in a residential area with a high population density or in the city center. The entrance to the premises must be separate and located from the roadway, and not from the yard. It is also advisable to take care of the possibility of access and parking for visitors’ cars. A room with an area of ​​70 square meters on the ground floor with all the necessary communications - electricity, heating, lighting, hot and cold water - is suitable.

When planning the rental space and subsequent repairs, it is necessary to take into account the placement of the training room, locker room, shower, toilet, waiting area for visitors, locker room, place for selling accessories and related products.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the floor covering in the training room, avoiding slippery and cold materials, since visitors will be working barefoot. An excellent option would be carpet or floor boards. When drawing up a renovation project and estimates for the purchase of finishing materials, it is advisable to give preference to soft, calm colors. Otherwise, it will be difficult to create an atmosphere for relaxation.

The design of the premises, repair work and placement of the ventilation system will cost about 300 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment and inventory

In addition to cosmetic repairs, you will have to purchase necessary equipment, equipment and furniture according to the list:





Audio equipment

Air conditioner

Hanger at the entrance

Changing locker


Sofa for visitors

Yoga mat

Yoga block

Deflection rope

Meditation pillow

Studio staff

It’s great if this type of business was organized by a person who has been practicing yoga for many years, and even better if he is a teacher of any direction. But to reach a wider target audience and expand the list of services, it is necessary to find 3-4 representatives from different schools who have the necessary qualifications to work with populations of different ages.

Since the trainers’ working hours will be part-time, you can agree on a partial rate, for example, 15,000 rubles per month. The manager's functions will be taken over by the owner in order to optimize costs.

Advertising and Marketing

The main advertising of enterprises operating in the service sector within a city or microdistrict is rightly considered word of mouth. Therefore, it is necessary to pay very close attention to the quality of the classes provided and the atmosphere of the fitness club as a whole. It is recommended to periodically review the schedule of classes and include new areas, as well as organize trips for employees to events to improve their skills.

The following marketing methods also give good results:

  • creation and promotion of your own website in search engines;
  • advertising in social networking groups;
  • distribution of leaflets;
  • spending days open doors and other shares.

How much can you earn: project profitability

With a wide variety of activities offered, you can achieve good results selling services and generating income.

Type of service


Number of sales per month in kg


Yoga for children,
one-time lesson

Yoga for children,
subscription for 8 classes

Yoga for children,
subscription for 12 classes

Hatha Yoga,
one-time lesson

Hatha Yoga,
subscription for 8 classes

Hatha Yoga,
subscription for 12 classes

Kundalini yoga,
one-time lesson

Kundalini yoga,
subscription for 8 classes

Kundalini yoga,
subscription for 12 classes

Iyengar yoga,
one-time lesson

Iyengar yoga,
subscription for 8 classes

Iyengar yoga,
subscription for 12 classes

With this income, the following expenses are expected:

In this case, the financial result will be 635,191 rubles of profit, and the profitability will be 75%. The initial investment will pay off in 1-2 months.

As the business plan showed, opening your own yoga studio will provide an opportunity to consistently receive a good income, and will also help visitors maintain their physical and psychological health, making such an establishment a favorite place of leisure for the whole family.

Order a business plan

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Investments: Investments 415,000 - 575,000 rubles.

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Evgenia Benevolenskaya

I did yoga every day for several years, yoga became an integral part of my life. Then I found teaching courses in Poland, went, studied, passed a rigorous selection process and passed the exams. I taught for a while, but then I wanted something more. Because when you work for someone, you are forced to accept their conditions: for example, I was only given an hour for classes, but I believe that during this time very little can be given to the group. I had my own vision of how yoga should be taught, and I decided to open my own studio. This was 8 years ago.

We were the first yoga studio in Kazan - that is, a place specializing only in yoga (before that, the practice existed only as one of the directions in some fitness centers). But the market developed, and with our encouragement, other studios began to open in the city. Many of them did not live to this day. Now 7-10 studios operate stably in Kazan, you can come to them and know for sure that your subscription will not be lost; many studios work for six months and close.

The heroine of our article says that the secret to the longevity of her studio is the correct setting of priorities. You should not, at least immediately, expect big money from this business. We need to find higher and longer-term motives.

But the demand for yoga studio services in cities today is high and there is room for new players. Business demand is growing for many reasons. If 10 years ago yoga classes were popular mainly in the capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg, then in recent years the wave has covered cities with a population of over a million. With the development of the Internet, information about yoga and its benefits has become available to people. Many doctors recommend yoga as a good form of exercise. The influence of the religious aspect is also important. In the most successful yoga studios, such as Shanti, classes are filled to capacity 3-5 times a day.

The science of yoga is being actively mastered by Russians: new teaching styles are being studied and seminars are held. So you can find your niche.

Personal experience

We teach only hatha yoga, since I myself am well versed in this area. The manager must understand 80-90% of the areas that exist in his studio, because if visitors have questions or complaints, they will come to him.

The human factor also plays a big role: yoga is a practice in which contact with the teacher is important. Therefore, people are looking for their teacher, who will be close in pace, workload, and simply in appearance.

Who comes to yoga classes? These could be high school students or retirees. Benevolenskaya notes that people interested in yoga are bright personalities. These are representatives of a variety of professions - from a doctor to a chief judge. Yoga - relatively new area knowledge for our country, so it is mainly interested in people with an inquisitive mind, seekers.

Be aware that teaching has its dangers. Most people start doing yoga because they have some kind of health problem. And if the teacher carelessly gives them an asana (yoga pose) that will harm them, then the leader will be held accountable for this. Therefore, both you and your teachers should have a very good understanding of anatomy.

Investment size

How much should you invest in starting a company? It depends on the location and what contingent you will work for.

Evgenia Benevolenskaya

founder of yoga studio "Shanti"

I had no money, I had just graduated from college. That’s why I took out a loan - it took about 1 million rubles to start the business. I wasn't targeting rich people. But I didn’t consider any other places except the city center, although rent there is not cheap. 80% of the investment was taken away by rent.

Plus, you need to think about the salary for a good teacher for several months, because you can’t do it alone. It is important to be prepared for the fact that you will work in the red for some time. Now, I think, more investment will be required - in the 8 years that we have been working, the cost of rent has doubled.

Also, part of the funds will be spent on repairs. Fortunately, the yoga studio needs minimal renovation, because the more free space, the better. You don't need mirrors on the walls for yoga. Moreover, they are even harmful because they distract - in yoga it is very important to physically feel the position. You need to purchase inventory. Moreover, Benevolenskaya says that a stingy person pays twice, and advises buying more expensive rugs.

Personal experience

Our mats have not been replaced for 8 years, although people exercise on them every day. Because this is very high quality equipment. Guys I knew decided to save money and bought cheaper rugs, but after three months they were worn out.

The state does not support this area. You can win a grant through the labor exchange, but it is small - a little more than 100 thousand rubles. Therefore, own funds or loans and borrowings remain as a source of investment. Now many banks have good conditions for lending to small businesses.

The current expenses of this type of business are rent, salaries and utilities.

Funds are also spent on improving the qualifications of teachers. Even an experienced specialist periodically needs to update and improve his knowledge at seminars and trainings. It is especially important that the teacher has a good understanding of anatomy, since the main principle in yoga is to do no harm.

Evgenia Benevolenskaya

founder of yoga studio "Shanti"

Each of our teachers is trained to provide first aid; we all passed the Red Cross exam. These are also expenses, but they are not monthly. The certificate obtained by passing the Red Cross exam is valid for three years.

Our teachers themselves find courses that interest them, and sometimes I pay them to take them if it is important for me, as a manager, that the employee has these skills. In addition, I periodically bring interesting teachers to Kazan and organize paid seminars that my employees can attend for free.

Step-by-step instruction

As their interest in yoga grows, the people who will practice in your studio will need various related products - a personal mat, clothing, and so on. Therefore, it would be good for you to also establish relationships with suppliers of yoga products.

Personal experience

We ourselves found a company with which we have been cooperating for 8 years. Of course, when you develop, they find you and offer you goods and more favorable conditions, but we did not like the quality of work and delivery times of goods, so we still cooperate with our first suppliers. We also have suppliers - small companies from India.

How to promote the studio? Benevolenskaya advises: more mass events. Free events attract people. But there is a pitfall here: your studio risks attracting a contingent of people who always only go to free events. Therefore, such meetings should be arranged constantly, but not often.

Evgenia Benevolenskaya

founder of yoga studio "Shanti"

Every year on the first Sunday of summer we hold a flash mob on Black Lake. Participation is free. All our teachers teach classes. After this, many participants come to our studio and become clients.

We also celebrate our birthday every year - in the fresh air on the site near Kazanka. Participation is also free. Our clients mainly come there to have fun together. We give gifts, subscriptions, discounts. Such events attract many people.

What kind of staff is needed to operate a yoga studio? Doesn't have a good resume of great importance. You need to see how a person works.

Evgenia Benevolenskaya

founder of yoga studio "Shanti"

Then I ask you to also conduct a training session for the staff. We watch how a person teaches, how he explains. Sometimes I make mistakes on purpose and see: will they notice or not? The teachers have been working with me for many years. We attract people with the name of the studio and good attendance, which guarantees a high salary.

The salary of yoga studio employees mainly consists of salary and percentages for the number of visitors and classes. The more in demand a teacher is, the higher his salary. Good earnings for those who also conduct personal lessons, although they are more complex. The average salary of a yoga teacher in Kazan is 25-30 thousand rubles.

How to organize a work schedule? Naturally, the main influx of visitors will be during evening time, as well as early in the morning - many people like to do yoga before work.

Personal experience

We work mainly in the morning and evening. During the day we offer yoga for pregnant women and personal classes. The most visited time is after or before work. In the morning, students who study in the second shift or those who work shifts come. At seven in the evening we always have a full house. On weekends in the mornings we spend group classes, and during the day - personal.

Where is the best place to open a yoga studio? In places accessible to the population you are assigned to work with. Young people and students are mainly in the city center, where educational institutions are located. If you are targeting mothers on maternity leave, then you can open a studio in a residential area. There are examples of successful studios that operate in remote areas in the courtyards of houses. If your specialty is children's yoga, open in the area of ​​schools and kindergartens.

The room should have as much free space and air as possible. Avoid columns, twists, and corners. Basement floors not suitable for a yoga studio: no matter what kind of hood you install, fresh air and you won’t have enough light, so it’s better to choose a room higher above the ground.

In a hall of 20 sq. m. can fit 10 people - they will be comfortable doing it.


Opening a yoga studio will not create any particular difficulties when it comes to paperwork. This type of activity is not licensed. It is advised to open an LLC rather than an individual entrepreneur: it is more prestigious and rated; the same counterparties and landlords prefer to work with an LLC than with an individual entrepreneur, because it is easier to close an individual entrepreneur.

After leaving X5 Retail Group, financier Elena Milinova decided to create her own business. Elena’s husband, a qigong teacher, needed a place to teach followers how to gain health and longevity, so the entrepreneur decided to open a yoga studio and gained her first business experience from her own mistakes. It turned out that the system of Indian practices can be taught not only to amateurs: instructors also want to become better. In less than a year, the DYSHI studio managed to grow to a turnover of 1.5 million. Entrepreneurs told Inc. why they should teach potential competitors how to earn money and how to build a business in six months that does not need a manager.

After working as a financial director for 10 years - first at Kamaz, and then at X5 Retail Group - Elena Milinova decided to radically change her life and open her own business. “Any business should not have the goal of making money - I’ve already done that. I needed a place where I wanted to grow old,” she says. The idea to open a yoga studio was born thanks to Elena’s husband: Vladimir Sidorov is a professional qigong teacher with 30 years of experience, a multiple champion of Russia and Europe in tui shou and taolu (complexes of Chinese wushu exercises). Inc.). Elena decided that her husband needed a place where he could teach people how to become healthy. At first, the businesswoman intended to focus only on teaching qigong. But Chinese gymnastics Muscovites like yoga less than yoga: it is searched ten times less often on Yandex.

Her brother, Artem Khabeev, came to help Elena start a business (before opening the studio, Artem made sportswear under the KAMAZ sport brand). In the spring of 2016, they began looking for space and teachers for the studio. The founders decided that the hall must be in the center of Moscow. We proceeded from the fact that approximately 2% of the population practices yoga, which means that for the business to survive, at least 50 thousand people must live within a radius of two kilometers from the studio.

Elena immediately decided that it would not be possible to build a business on just one style of yoga: it is difficult to develop clients’ interest in a particular style from scratch - simply because people have a hard time accepting new things.

It’s easier to lure him to your teacher. “If someone thinks that they will promote their hobby and make a business out of it, then they are mistaken, because perhaps they will come, but the conversion (into the purchase of a subscription) Inc.) is too small,” explains Milinova.

The entrepreneurs found a suitable location in a residential complex between the Mayakovskaya and Novoslobodskaya metro stations. Basement of 350 sq. m was rented for 250 thousand rubles per month. At first, the creators of the studio thought that the premises were too big (they were looking for 250 sq. m), but now they are going to expand it at the expense of neighboring areas.

Economics of starting a studio "BREATHE"

thousand rubles- rent (per month).

thousand rubles- partitions.

million rubles- floor.

million rubles out of 15 million rubles of starting capital - only for repairs.

million rubles were put aside “for the first time.”

Yoga studio “BREATHE” in numbers

source: company data


thousand - net profit per month.


million- revenue per month.


employees on staff (10 teachers, 3 administrators, director).


expenses are payroll.

Looking for a guru

The studio needed a teacher leader who would take on the job of recruiting and training a team of yoga instructors. In the summer of 2016, entrepreneurs went to the Free Spirit festival in the Moscow region to look for such a guru. There they met Ruslan Kleitman, a Russian yoga teacher who taught his own course of Akhila yoga in the USA. “We didn’t want a local teacher - locals usually have their own studios in Russia. We needed a newcomer, but preferably one who spoke Russian,” recalls Elena.

How to teach yogis

The founders of "BREATHE" are confident that openness of business improves the image,

that's why they launched a video blog "Business Yoga". In it, entrepreneurs tell how to open a studio, make a website, find teachers, and much more. Elena and Artem shoot and edit the videos themselves and post them on the channel once a week. Artem and Elena have almost 130 videos in their plan. The target audience of the blog is teachers who dream of their own business.

At the festival, Ruslan Kleitman participated in the round table “Yoga as a Business”, where they discussed whether it is possible to charge money for a yoga class. According to some professional teachers, this is not necessary because yoga is aimed at improving spiritual state. However, Kleitman believed that work should be paid - for the philosophy of yoga it is important to “create a circle of happy people,” and if the teacher is not paid, then he is unhappy.

After the festival, Elena wrote a message to Kleitman in social network with an offer that he could not refuse (2% of the proceeds from his classes - teacher programs, as well as employment for instructors who completed his course). It was agreed that Kleitman would teach two monthly courses for teachers, and supervise the studio staff remotely. He turned out to be an excellent teacher, entrepreneurs say, but it was not possible to organize the work of the studio, being thousands of kilometers away. “Ruslan is a good teacher, a teacher with a capital T. But to organize the work of a yoga studio, you need other competencies: the ability to select teachers, build motivation, create a schedule, etc.,” says Elena.

Akhila yoga was supposed to be the second style (after qigong) that the studio planned to specialize in, but it soon became clear that Kleitman’s original style was completely unknown in Russia. “Therefore, it was very difficult to attract clients: seeing only Akhila Yoga in our schedule instead of the usual and popular Hatha, Kundalini, Iyengar and Ashtanga, they did not want to go to the studio.” - says Elena. Now the studio has Hatha, yoga for pregnant women, meditation, and Akhila.

Ruslan Kleitman continues to teach a course for teachers. Training yoga instructors is necessary, as Elena Milinova explains, to reach a new level of recognition, and also to fill the studio during the daytime hours. According to entrepreneurs, they will reach full capacity (500 subscriptions, now 300) in six months to a year.

Maxim Yushko

partner of the network of yoga centers YOGA PRACTIKA

The market is in a state of stability, close to stagnation. Until 2014, the number of studios grew, and then the crisis came. And at the same time, a balance has been established in the market between large fitness centers and yoga studios.

In our opinion, this is not enough profitable business, because this is a mono-service that requires a specialized approach, equipment and conditions, while the cost is low. The business turns out to be low-profit.

Mistakes of the studio "BREATHE" according to Artem Khabeev

We invested a lot of money into the site. We paid 300 thousand rubles and waited 11 months to get a business card website, which turned out to be no better than the one we assembled on the designer ourselves for 2 thousand rubles.

When ordering the production of expensive items (floors, partitions), we did not look at reviews of contractors and almost lost 1.5 million rubles.

We expected to achieve payback before nine months of work.

We prepared a schedule for holidays and weekends on the last day. Lost money.

Andrey Stekachev/Inc.

Alexandra Gerasimova

co-founder of Fitmost

Yoga studios were among the first to develop the studio market (the fitness market consists of traditional fitness clubs and studios, where preference is given to one or two areas). And if many trends like

Yoga is becoming more and more popular, attracting more and more followers. What is attractive is not only the possibility of healing the whole body, but also the special philosophy of attitude to life contained in this Eastern practice.

As you know, demand creates supply. And every year, here and there, yoga studios open - large and small. And although worldly material values ​​and the spiritual component of the teaching each live their own lives, which have no common points, a yoga studio as a business has a great chance of becoming a very successful and profitable business.

About prices

The main source of income for a yoga studio should be the classes it provides. When setting prices for classes, it is advisable to monitor the quality of teaching and the price level for a similar service in competing studios. By introducing obviously too high prices, you can increase the risk of losing customers already initial stage. By lowering them unnecessarily, you can make potential visitors think about low-quality services and sow hostility and suspicion among competing studios. And again, significantly thin out your customer base.

Preparation stage

First of all, you need to choose a room that is suitable in every sense. It’s good if you already own one. Then the task becomes much easier. An alternative in case of its absence would be renting. Having received a roof over your head, it will be necessary to search for and attract qualified personnel - coaches and instructors.