How to clean a swimming pool from dirty water. Cleaning the pool without using a vacuum cleaner. Pool care disinfectants

Having a swimming pool at your dacha, water purification becomes a constant “headache” for the owner. Before you decide to build a structure, you should take into account that simply filling a bowl with water and carefree frolicking in it all day long is clearly not enough. It is important to know how to clean a pool of dirt and perform these procedures regularly. Moreover, not only the surface of the water itself needs thorough cleaning, but also the bottom, walls, and the area adjacent to the artificial reservoir.

How to clean the water and bottom of the pool from dirt

Below you will learn how to clean the water in the pool, its bottom and walls, using various methods.

Water vacuum cleaners for cleaning water and pool bottoms

Large debris from the pool can be removed manually using a special net with a long handle. For more thorough cleaning, you will need a special vacuum cleaner that will help clean both the walls and the bottom of the pool.

There are three types of pool vacuum cleaners:

Handheld vacuum cleaner, which is a device with a powerful motor, is capable of sucking up a fairly large volume of water. The device is equipped with a long handle with which it can be moved across the entire surface of the reservoir. Models with a powerful engine are capable of purifying 15-16 m3 of water in 1 hour. To clean the bottom of the pool, these devices are connected to a skimmer or pool vacuum nozzle or are equipped with replaceable bags. Such pool vacuum cleaners are suitable for treating small bodies of water. Their cost is quite affordable for the average consumer.

Semi-automatic vacuum cleaner Designed for self-cleaning the surface of bowls of any depth. This equipment is equipped with a water cooling system, so it can work autonomously for 3 hours without overheating. The principle of operation of water vacuum cleaners for cleaning swimming pools is on hydraulic traction and with a water flow speed regulator. The vacuum cleaner has brushes of different hardness for more efficient operation. The price of the equipment is slightly higher than the previous option, but is also affordable.

Automatic robot vacuum cleaner is able to work without human intervention, and it can completely clean the bottom of the tank, its walls, as well as the waterline. There are models that can work for 8 hours without a break, cleaning a pond measuring 50 x 25 m during this time. However, the cost of this vacuum cleaner for cleaning the bottom of pools, its walls and water is much higher than the cost of previous devices, so you can’t afford to buy such a robot. not every.

DIY pool water filtration

Pool water filtration also refers to mechanical cleaning. According to sanitary standards, filtration must be carried out daily, regardless of the use of the pool. The principle of operation of the pumping system is simple: through skimmers, dirty water is drawn into the filter using a pump. Here it is cleaned and goes back into the bowl.

The most effective is a pool filter pump, which pumps water through itself 3 times a day. To determine the required pump power for your pool, you need to calculate the performance using the formula: multiply the volume of water in the reservoir by 2.5 and divide by 10. For example, if the pool has dimensions of 3 X 5 x 2 m, and the volume of water in it is 30 tons , then it turns out: 30 x 2.5: 10 = 7.5 m3/h - this is exactly the power required for the filter pump for this pool.

In addition, it is necessary to select a filter installation.

There are three main types of filtration units:

Cartridge units They are designed for the roughest water purification and cannot retain all contaminants. They are available in four versions, depending on the volume of the pool. Typically, several of these cartridges are used up per season.

Cartridge filter contains propylene membranes made of polypropylene, which serve as a filtration system. These devices are small and can be installed outside the pool, disguised with some kind of decor. It is easy to maintain: from time to time the filter needs to be removed and washed under running water; a heavily clogged cartridge can simply be replaced.

Sand devices They contain quartz sand as a filtering agent, which allows them to retain a large amount of contaminants. There are three types of devices depending on the volume of water being treated.

From time to time, for these devices it is necessary to purchase additional sand, which is sold already packaged (25 kg each).

This package can last for 5 years. The filter sand in the installation needs to be completely replaced once every 2-3 years.

This device works very simply: the water in them is purified by fine calcined quartz sand. In essence, this is an ordinary tank filled with sand. The size and weight of the sand filter are quite impressive, so it will not be possible to install it discreetly next to the pool. Although filter units are also well suited for a small pool.

Sand filters accumulate limescale during operation, which can lead to clogging of the system. To prevent this, you need to clean the filter from lime deposits several times a year using a special product. You can buy it in a specialized store. You need to clean the filter from lime like this: before backwashing, add 500 g of a lime-dissolving agent into the skimmer drain channel, then turn on the “Backwash” mode. When the product enters the filter, the pump must be turned off. Then, over the course of several hours, the product will dissolve limescale. Only after this will it be possible to carry out a long-term backwash of the installation.

Diatomaceous earth devices use diatomaceous earth or fossil plankton shells as a purifier to filter DIY pool water. Such a filter is capable of trapping even very small particles of contaminants measuring 3-5 microns - this is a very high degree of water purification.

The filter must be periodically backwashed to prolong the already short term services. Cartridges for installation need to be replaced 2 times a year. This is the most expensive pool filter.

Electrophysical purification of pool water using ultraviolet light

Electrophysical purification of pool water using ultraviolet light is a modern method that may well compete with chemical treatment. Its use eliminates the use of chemicals. In this case, ultraviolet devices and lamps, ozonizers and devices emitting copper and silver ions are used.

Ozonizers for ultraviolet pool cleaning disinfect water in an artificial pond using ozone, which is very effective and, moreover, completely safe for humans.

Ultraviolet rays can destroy all types of organic contaminants: copper successfully destroys the structure of algae, and silver “fights” microorganisms. However, such cleaning is still not widespread due to its high cost.

Chemical cleaning and disinfection of water in swimming pools

Cleaning a pool with chemicals can solve several problems at once.

Disinfection of water in swimming pools helps destroy microorganisms that are dangerous to humans.

For these purposes, three types of means are used:

Preparations containing chlorine. These are the most aggressive formulations, so it is very important to maintain the exact dosage. They are available in various forms: powders, liquids, etc. Their main advantage is their low cost and high level water purification.

Products containing bromine. They do not have a specific odor, unlike chlorine-containing ones, and act quickly. However, the cost of these drugs is higher.

Preparations containing oxygen. These chemical pool water purifiers are the most harmless option that does not cause any unwanted reactions. These preparations are considered the most optimal for cleaning a private pool. Their cost will depend on the type of product.

When using all these preparations for chemical cleaning of swimming pools, it is important to observe the dosage, strictly following the manufacturer’s instructions. It is necessary to maintain a normal pH level, i.e. acid-base balance. The normal pH of water is considered to be 7-7.4, and it is with this value that you should compare the values ​​of your pool. Measurements can be taken once a week using a pH meter. If the indicators are underestimated or overestimated, they need to be corrected with the appropriate drug.

Liquid flocculants and chlorine generators for pools

Those particles of contaminants that, due to their small size, are not captured by the filter, create so-called turbidity in the pool water. You can get rid of these suspensions using special means. They are called pool flocculants - these substances actively react with the smallest dirt, collecting it into flakes, which can then be easily removed using a filter. Liquid flocculants for the pool will help clarify the water for a long time.

Special means are used to destroy algae. These substances must be added to water constantly, otherwise their use will be pointless. They have the greatest effect in combination with chlorine-containing disinfectant reagents.

Pool chlorine generator- This is a device that will help to significantly simplify the care of an artificial pond (especially a large one). It automatically purifies, disinfects and disinfects water using chemicals. Without a chlorine generator, all operations must be performed manually. There are three types of chlorine generator: working in tandem with a previously installed powerful sand or cartridge filter; combined with a cartridge-type filter pump, complete with pool equipment; combined with a sand-type filter pump.

Hydrogen peroxide dosage for pool water purification

The problem of blooming water can be solved using a household antiseptic - hydrogen peroxide (H202). This drug does not affect the pH level, since when it enters water it quickly decomposes into oxygen and water.

When performing cleaning work, you should strictly use hydrogen peroxide for the pool, and it is also important to remember that all work with perhydrol should be carried out with rubber gloves, avoiding contact with the eyes.

To purify pool water, you will need a 35-37% aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide. Its quantity can be determined from the calculation: 700 ml of solution per 1 m3 of water. For example, if the capacity of the pool bowl is 19 tons, which is approximately 19 m3 of water, then 13.3 liters of hydrogen peroxide will be required. If the degree of contamination is high, then to clean the pool with hydrogen peroxide, the dosage can be increased to 1200-1500 ml per 1 m3 of water.

During the entire period chemical treatment In an artificial reservoir with this preparation, the filter pump must be turned on.

How to use hydrogen peroxide for swimming pools: instructions for use

Disinfection of pool water using perhydrol includes several stages. The instructions below for using hydrogen peroxide to clean swimming pools will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.

1. Before using peroxide for the pool, you need to install a container with the calculated volume of the chemical close to the side of the artificial pond and next to the stairs.

2. Before you start cleaning the pool with peroxide, you should wear thick rubber gloves on your hands.

3. Next, you need to remove the lid from the neck of the canister, lower a thin rubber hose into it, and immerse its free end in the pool near the nozzle at a distance of 20 cm. circulation pump will take water for filtration. The pump power should be enough to create the required pressure in the hose and pump hydrogen peroxide into the water. If for some reason this method of introducing hydrogen peroxide into water is not feasible, you can slowly and carefully pour the contents of the canister with the chemical near the water intake of the circulation pump.

4. When the drug is completely poured into the water, the pool should be left for 24 hours: do not swim in it. If the solution content is higher than 1000 ml per 1 m3 of water, then the period of holding the reservoir for disinfection should last up to 72 hours. To prevent anyone from getting into the pool at this time, you need to remove the ladder and warn all household members about the dangers of swimming. It is prohibited to cover the pool - the solution must evaporate from the water.

5. After the prescribed period of disinfection, you need to inspect the bottom and walls of the reservoir. If there is a brown coating on them from contaminants deposited as a result of the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with water, it will need to be removed by cleaning the walls and bottom manually. In this case, you can use a “vacuum cleaner” brush and a skimmer. Dirt particles must be removed with a filter pump and skimmer within 2 hours.

6. Properly purified pool water should have an attractive bluish color and should be free of any odors.

After purifying the water in the pool with peroxide, it will remain clean for a month - depending on the intensity of use of the artificial reservoir and the amount of precipitation falling in the area. After a month, the procedure must be repeated, reducing the dosage to 400-500 ml per 1 m3 of water.

It is not recommended to purify pool water with hydrogen peroxide in a concentration greater than 37%, otherwise the water will be unsafe for humans: skin burns are possible, and if the water overheats, even an explosion of the substance.

According to sanitary standards and rules on drinking water, the content of hydrogen peroxide in water should not exceed 0.1 mg/l, and when disinfecting a reservoir, the peroxide concentration can be 6-8 mg/l. But no one will drink water from the pool on purpose, and a couple of sips will not harm your health.

In the absence of a circulation-filtering installation, the reaction time of hydrogen peroxide must be doubled, depending on the proportion of the drug used. In addition, you will have to mix the water (especially at the bottom) manually, using a spatula with a wide wooden or plastic blade.

Any artificial pond in a country house needs periodic water purification, especially when it comes to swimming pools. Unwanted living creatures in a garden pond and debris in the form of fluff and pollen are to some extent regulated by the population itself - plants, fish, if any, microscopic crustaceans. But a swimming pool, and even an outdoor one, has to be cleaned independently and much more often.

Cleansing methods can be somewhat roughly divided into 3 groups. Methods must be combined to obtain good result. For example, mechanical methods based on the use of filters are recommended to be used constantly, and chemical methods are recommended in cases where there is severe contamination or the pool needs to be disinfected.

Mechanical methods

These include all manual devices and devices that are used to remove mechanical debris of any size and unwanted impurities. Cleaning using hand tools is carried out once every 2–3 days, it does not take much time:

  • brush– used to remove stains and accumulations of small debris on the surface of the water, including fluff, plant stems and other things;
  • garden net– it is even more suitable for collecting leaves; in addition, it allows you to collect foam;
  • special cleaning device (skimmer)- The principle of operation resembles a vacuum cleaner. It is equipped with a brush that collects small mechanical debris and removes it from the surface of the water. They are often used for swimming pools, and for artificial reservoirs. Pool owners often prefer skimmers for intex swimming pools. Read more about them.

In the photo, do-it-yourself methods for cleaning pool water:

Large mechanical debris is removed regardless of how else the pond is cleaned. And filters are used to remove mechanical suspensions. The use of the latter involves installing a pump. The device must be operated for at least 6 hours to obtain a good result.

Types of filters

To purify water, including in children's pools, several types of filters are offered:

Types of cartridges:

  • Release disposable cartridges for swimming pools. After use they are simply disposed of.
  • Diatomaceous– the filter layer is diatomaceous earth – crushed plankton shells. Provides the most effective cleaning, removing particles up to 3 microns in size. However, it has a low resource and cannot be restored: it has to be replaced up to 4 times per year, which is quite expensive.

Coagulants and flocculants

In addition to the need to destroy bacteria and algae, pool owners are faced with another problem: large organic molecules, fatty, for example, which a mechanical filter cannot remove, but which contribute to the rapid accumulation of dirt and serve as an excellent breeding ground for both bacteria and algae.

This problem is solved using the process of coagulation - combining small suspended particles into large ones. Preparations of this kind are called coagulants or flocculants. When added to water, the active particles that make up the drug envelop the smallest organic and inorganic particles and hold them. When a critical mass is formed, the compound forms a flocculent sediment and collects at the bottom. After the process is completed, all that remains is to remove this sediment.

The most famous today is Aquadoctor. The drug is added directly to the water, preferably before filtration. During treatment, the pool and filter system must be inactive. The sediment is then collected and the water is filtered mechanically.

Electrophysical methods

These methods belong to the instrumental category: to clean the pool, it is not drugs that are needed, but equipment. Their cost, of course, is higher, but they guarantee the preservation of the original composition of the water.


Ozonation– it is rarely used in summer cottages, as it requires the installation of rather complex equipment and communications. Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent that destroys absolutely all microorganisms, ensuring sterile purity of water.

Ultraviolet irradiation

Ultraviolet irradiation- a more accessible method based on treating the reservoir with ultraviolet radiation. For this purpose, special quartz lamps are used, which disinfect the water. Ultraviolet does not have a prolonged effect, unlike disinfection with chlorine or ozonation. The performance of quartz lamps is greatly influenced by the degree of water transparency. Therefore, ultraviolet irradiation can be carried out only after removing mechanical debris.

Water ionization

Ionization– the essence comes down to saturating the water in the pool with silver or copper ions. The latter are produced by an electrolytic installation - an ionizer. Metal ions remain active for several weeks, disinfect water, destroying bacteria, and precipitate heavy metals. Household ionizers are designed for pool volumes up to 60 cubic meters.

Must be used in parallel with the ionizer sand filter. The operation of the device becomes significantly more difficult if the water is not cleared of small mechanical suspensions and debris.

The best DIY comprehensive cleaning methods

Such a wide variety of methods is associated not only with the effectiveness or cost of the procedures, but also with the operating conditions of the pool. The material of the reservoir, the nature of the pool - outdoor or indoors, the number of users - all this affects the frequency of cleaning and the choice of products.

For outdoor pool

Such a body of water is the most vulnerable. Good heating by the sun provides an environment for bacteria, open space literally attracts mechanical debris, the accumulation of organic matter - the same plant debris, promotes the rapid proliferation of algae. Therefore, it requires comprehensive cleaning.

On the other hand, the pool is located in the open air, so such a danger as the accumulation of reaction products after chlorination, for example, does not exist here. Therefore, all methods are used to clean open reservoirs.

Cleaning without chlorine

Chlorination is a simple and effective procedure. The only contraindication is an allergic reaction to chlorine dissolved in water. In this case, any other chemical methods are used, always in combination with mechanical ones:

  • mandatory mechanical filtration of water - as a rule, the filter is included in the product package;
  • removing debris from the surface using nets or skimmers;
  • cleaning the bottom sediment, which is sure to appear in an outdoor pool. A bottom vacuum cleaner and means for removing plaque are used;
  • Disinfection by any suitable chemical method is mandatory.

Any pool sooner or later needs to be cleaned, as blue-green algae begins to appear on its walls or surface of the water. This process is also called flowering. All water that is not sterile is susceptible to it.

In addition to such pollution, the water in the pool is polluted by the swimmers themselves, this can be cosmetics, skin particles or something else. It is also possible that external debris, such as leaves or dust, may enter.

There are now many ways in which a pool can be effectively cleaned. This article will introduce us to them.

Pool Cleaning Options

Even distilled water cannot guarantee cleanliness and does not remain so throughout the entire life of the pool. Contaminated pool liquid is not suitable for swimming as it can cause skin problems. This is why the pool needs to be cleaned regularly.

The ideal cleaning method is to completely change the water, but this process is very difficult, especially if the pool has a large volume. On this moment There are several ways to purify pool water that will help you care for it in the periods between complete water changes:

  • Mechanical cleaning.
  • Chemical cleaning with reagents.
  • Electrophysical cleaning.

Let's consider each of these options in more detail.

Mechanical method

This includes both manual and automated water purification. The manual option is the most common due to its relatively low cost, but the labor costs for such cleaning are high.

Important! Manual cleaning of the pool should be done every two days to prevent contamination.

Manual cleaning is done by removing stains and dirt with a brush, removing foam and debris with a net. In addition to the simplest devices, professionals advise using specialized brushes and rods that will help make the pool cleaner even in the most inaccessible places.

There is an option for manual cleaning, but using automated systems. This includes the installation of filters that have various barriers inside, through which water is purified from organic and mechanical residues. There are several types of pool filters:

Vacuum cleaning

Even with a filter, it is necessary to clean not only the liquid, but also the walls and bottom of the pool. For a quick and effective cleaning option, professionals recommend using manual or automated pool robot vacuum cleaners. Such systems are divided not only by type of control, but also by other characteristics.

Manual vacuum cleaners are a cheap analogue of an automated system. The design consists of a brush, a long hose and a handle holder. The main equipment of such a vacuum cleaner is located above the water and is not immersed in it. The vacuum cleaner works in conjunction with a filter. This way, the vacuum cleaner captures dirty water, which is fed into the filter and clean water comes out from there.

A semi-automatic vacuum cleaner itself moves along the bottom chaotically or along a certain trajectory. This cleaning device has a more complex handle design.

The most convenient and completely autonomous device is an underwater vacuum cleaner, which independently cleans surfaces and water in the pool. In this option, even the electrical components are immersed in water. This model can be controlled using the remote control.

Chemical cleaning method

A number of substances are used to clean swimming pools, which are divided into the following types:


  • Regulators for the correct balance of water composition.
  • Means for preventing water blooms.
  • Preparations against water coagulation.

The pool is cleaned by chlorinating the water. This method is the most accessible and simplest. Thanks to the effects of chlorine, all groups of bacteria, fungi and harmful substances are instantly destroyed. Moreover, this action is maintained for some time after processing. Now you can buy chlorine for disinfection in the form of powder, solution, tablets or granules, as well as a complete set for cleaning the pool. In any case, it is necessary to observe the exact proportions of the drug so as not to subsequently dechlorinate.

You can also remove bacteria by adding bromine to water. This method is liked by most pool owners due to its less aggressiveness and the absence of an unpleasant odor, as well as no impact on the skin. This disinfection is performed if there are contraindications to the use of chlorine.

Cleaning with active oxygen is carried out if it is necessary to carry out this process with small-sized country pools. In essence, this method is similar to the previously mentioned ones, but in terms of efficiency it can even surpass them. This option is absolutely safe and also involves adding substances with a chemical base to the water, which, when reacting with oxygen, disinfect the entire pool.

A completely new way to disinfect pool fluid is cleaning with hydrogen peroxide. When peroxide is combined with water, a lot of active oxygen appears, which has a disinfecting effect. It is very important that this process does not create an unpleasant odor, and the consequences in the form of allergies or irritations are minimal.

Electrophysical type pool cleaning methods

This group of disinfection actions consists of ozonation, ultraviolet treatment of water, as well as saturation with active particles of silver and copper. The first process occurs using a special device - an ozonizer and is several times more efficient than chlorination.

Important! Ozone is absolutely safe for the human body and the environment.

The second method involves exposing water to ultraviolet rays, which are known to do an excellent job of killing existing bacteria.

For the latter option, a special pool cleaning kit with devices that release copper and silver ions is used. The former destroy single-celled algae, and silver can kill bacteria in water.

Pool cleaning features

It is not difficult to clean a pool yourself, so there is no need to call in professionals for this process. But cleaning a frame pool and an inflatable pool are slightly different from each other, so before you clean the pool, it’s worth considering the features of each type.

The frame pool is cleaned according to the following algorithm with strict execution of all steps:

Inflatable pools are a type that requires constant replacement of the water in them. Here it all comes down to promptly removing large debris, cleaning the walls and disinfecting. Before filling the pool with fresh water, professionals advise treating it with protective agents that will help keep the liquid in a condition suitable for swimming for a long time.

Every week, disinfectant chemicals are added to such a pool. It is worth remembering that inflatable pools, which are intended for children under 3 years old, need to change the water every day. The easiest thing to do when purchasing a tank is to also buy a pool cleaning kit so that you don’t have to think about performing this process.


Swimming pool cleaning is a mandatory procedure that must be carried out regularly. Dirty, unsuitable water for swimming can cause a number of health problems for swimmers. This especially affects people with sensitive skin and children.

It is worth remembering that only a comprehensive cleaning process will be of high quality. Performing one of the steps will not give a high-quality result and will leave harmful bacteria in the water. If done correctly, you can enjoy clean water and have a pleasant time on hot days.

Cleaning a pool at your dacha is one of the mandatory maintenance activities, so the procedure must be carried out competently, taking into account the design features.

How often and when to clean the pool

Most often, cleaning is carried out in direct proportion to the intensity of use and operating conditions. Outdoor pools Those exposed to the negative effects of direct sunlight and rain should be washed to remove dirt as often as possible. In summer, it is advisable to clean the frame pool, as well as inflatable and stationary structures daily.

Indoor pools used at home are less susceptible to external influences, but water replacement must be regular. Cleaning options vary depending on the material of construction, volume, and method of collecting and discharging water. Despite the fact that almost all modern swimming pools are equipped with a high-quality filtration system, it is important to carry out cleaning and disinfection, accompanied by draining the water, regularly.

Features of cleaning different types of pools

Knowing and taking into account the features various types pool, it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable cleaning agent option and clean the structure correctly and quickly enough.

Stationary design

Caring for such a pool is not too difficult. Depending on the size, both mechanical and manual methods can be used, allowing the following activities to be carried out:

  • remove limescale and yellow stains;
  • clean metal elements from rust and water scale;
  • remove dirt from seams and joints;
  • disinfect the coating with special means that protect the bottom and sides from contamination for a long period.

Handmade carried out in an empty pool using telescopic brushes, sponges and chemical reagents. A pool with a large volume and depth will require semi-automatic cleaning with an underwater vacuum cleaner, followed by standard water filtration.

How to care for a pool (video)

Frame construction

Clear frame pools not too difficult. The event consists of the gradual implementation of the following actions:

  • performing water filtration using a filter that is included with all high-quality frame structures;
  • removing debris that has accumulated on the surface of the water if the structure is located in an open space;
  • cleaning with chemicals that prevent water from blooming and contamination by microscopic particles passed through the filter unit.

On final stage mucus accumulations on the walls of the bowl and from the bottom surface are removed using a special bottom vacuum cleaner. Removal of debris and large contaminants from the surface is carried out using special nets or skimmers.

Inflatable structure

In a place not located under a roof, all kinds of contaminants accumulate very quickly, so The structure must be washed using the following technology:

  • draining;
  • garbage removal;
  • cleaning the walls and bottom of accumulated mucus using a mild detergent and a brush with soft bristles;
  • treatment of the internal surface with special protective agents;
  • filling with water and adding disinfectant.

It should be noted that the inflatable pool is the most commonly used type and requires frequent water changes and cleaning. To clean large pools efficiently and quickly, it is best to give preference to filter systems with replaceable cartridges.

Some manufacturers of polyvinyl chloride pools do not recommend the use of chemicals that can damage the walls of the structure. Using chemical substances To purify water, it is necessary to check chlorine levels. The optimal level of this chemical compound should not exceed three parts per million.

Pool cleaning methods

It is customary to impose requirements on water in swimming pools such as safety and aesthetic appearance. Influence external factors daily causes contamination with organic and inorganic substances, therefore the necessary hygiene is achieved through mechanical and chemical cleaning. Both methods are not complicated, and their systematic use will allow you to maintain the pool in proper condition.


This type of maintenance includes water disinfection, pH adjustment, algae prevention and coagulation. Disinfectants can be represented by active oxygen, chlorine, bromine and other components.

The use of gentle purification through active oxygen allows you to obtain absolutely pure water, which does not have a specific odor and does not foam. It is necessary to check the pH level weekly with a special device. The optimal values ​​are 7.0-7.4 units, and if there is a significant deviation, special balancing chemicals will need to be added. To prevent the appearance of algae, anti-organic agents must be added to the water after filling. The use of coagulation is necessary to combat the smallest fatty and protein particles, as well as dirt and microorganisms. High-quality and properly selected flocculants are capable of binding microparticles into flakes retained by the filter system.

How to clean a pool without chemicals (video)


This cleaning method involves removing solid debris different sizes through special nets, underwater vacuum cleaner, brushes or filtration systems:

  • sand filter Most suitable for inflatable structures and characterized by the presence of quartz sand. The most budget-friendly options are characterized by ease of maintenance, which consists of weekly washing under the pressure of clean water. The efficiency of such a filter is not very high. The equipment is capable of retaining particles measuring 20 microns or more;
  • cartridge filters, passing dirty water, are able to filter particles measuring 10 microns, and caring for such equipment involves periodic cleaning with a stream of water or systematic replacement of disposable internal cartridges;
  • diatom filters, which use fossil plankton shells or diatomaceous earth as purifiers. Such a filter system easily removes particles 3-5 microns in size, but requires periodic back cleaning under running water and replacing cartridges twice a year.


The method is based on the use of ozonizers, ultraviolet lamps and devices that emit silver and copper ions. The peculiarity of ozonizers is their high efficiency and absence of allergies, so this option is optimal for children's pools. Ultraviolet light can do an excellent job of removing any type of organic contaminant. Silver ions destroy pathogenic microflora, and copper ions easily destroy algae.

Water purification products

As a rule, to disinfect water in swimming pools, chemical agents and electrochemical devices are used in a complex manner that can destroy almost one hundred percent of pathogenic microflora.

Coagulants, which belong to the category of chemically active substances, help purify water from organic and inorganic contaminants. Coagulants can have an indirect effect on the proliferation of bacterial microflora, which is due to the destruction of the nutrient medium. The longest-lasting effects are characterized by chlorination, treatment with active oxygen and water ionization. The ultraviolet cleaning method has a short-term disinfecting effect.

Important! The mode of use of water purification products should be determined by transparency indicators and acidity levels.

For the purpose of water purification and disinfection, the following components and means are most often used:

  • factory-made products based on active oxygen are currently the safest, but it is imperative to adhere to the dosage and manufacturer’s recommendations;
  • Quite dangerous disinfectant chemistry is represented by chlorine-containing preparations in the form of slowly dissolving tablets coated with a plastic shell and powders;
  • bromine-based products are less aggressive, do not have a strong odor and do not irritate the skin and mucous membranes too much;
  • Copper sulfate is quite popular among people, which, when it reacts with most substances contained in the pool water, carries out purification;
  • bactericidal treatment with shungite or silicon placed at the bottom of the structure helps destroy dirt and bacteria.

The optimal and safest cleaning method is ultraviolet light, ozone, or silver and copper plates. This method of disinfection is quite expensive, but harmless and very effective.

How to clean a pool with a vacuum cleaner (video)

In order for the pool operation process to be organized as competently as possible, it is necessary to take into account several of the most important points. It is necessary not only to strictly observe the frequency of cleaning work, but also to correctly select effective and safe disinfectants, and also use only a high-quality filtration system.

Swimming pools were moved from the category of elite additions to a country house to the category of publicly accessible structures. The technology of their construction is constantly being improved, and the cost is decreasing. The pool at the dacha is not surprising now.

When operating swimming pools, a number of problems arise in purifying water from contaminants. It blooms and changes color. Bacteria that are dangerous to the body develop in it. This is especially true for open frame and inflatable swimming structures.

Cleaning and maintaining a pool is an important task for owners. To clean the pool without chemicals or with chemicals, it all depends on personal preferences, as well as the financial capabilities of a particular person.

Causes of pollution

Most pools are filled with tap water. It contains chlorine and other substances. Even water from artesian wells contains foreign impurities.

In water reservoirs where water is not recirculated, it stagnates. Harmful microorganisms develop in it. A person also brings bacteria on his body, for which the pool is a favorable breeding ground.

Regardless of whether it is a small inflatable pool in a country house or a serious frame structure in country house, they need to be cleaned and the water changed.


This is a complex event consisting of several stages. Chemical and physical methods will help you clean your pool yourself.

Chemical method

It is designed to destroy and prevent the proliferation of bacteria and microorganisms. The chemical method does not involve removing large debris. Water purification products come in the form of tablets, powders and liquid mixtures. According to the mechanism of action and method of disinfection, the following are distinguished:

  • Disinfection with chlorine solution. It is systemically added to the liquid to maintain a constant level or a one-time infusion of a large amount of chlorine is carried out to destroy all microflora.

Chlorine has long been known as a cheap, popular and aggressive chemical. It destroys most bacteria in the water and on the walls of the pool bowl. Has a long-lasting disinfecting effect.

Some bacteria that reproduce by spores are immune to it. When mixed with water, it produces an unpleasant odor. If the permissible concentration is exceeded, skin irritation may occur. This is especially true for children.

Some types of bacteria develop immunity to chlorine. Therefore, once every 2-3 months, a “shock” treatment is carried out, when a large amount of chlorine is added to the water at a time.

  • Cleaning with bromine solution. Alternative option. Bromine is less toxic than chlorine. It does not emit an unpleasant odor. The degree of oxidation of water is comparable to chlorine.

It is used for mild disinfection when, in addition to complete cleaning, safety is needed. Bromine is suitable for cleaning children's pool with your own hands.

  • Oxygen cleaning. A reagent is dissolved in water, which actively interacts with oxygen molecules. As a result of the reaction, all microorganisms and bacteria are destroyed. The reagent has a high rate of decomposition, so its disinfectant effect ends after a few hours.

When the concentration norm is not exceeded, it is harmless to the human body. An expensive method that is beneficial when you need to clean a large frame pool.

Important! Exceeding the permissible concentration levels can lead to the formation of hydrogen peroxide. It is dangerous for the mucous membrane of the eyes and respiratory tract.

  • Ozone cleaning. This is the most technologically advanced method, where the tools at hand will not help. We need special devices - ozonizers.

Ozone quickly oxidizes water, destroying almost all known viruses and bacteria. After the reaction is completed, it turns into oxygen. This makes it safe for use in children's pools. After treatment with ozone, the water acquires a bluish tint. It does not emit an unpleasant odor.

Ozone cleaning does not have a delayed expiration date. After the procedure is completed, microorganisms may begin to multiply again. It does not kill algae from the walls of the pool bowl.

To clean frame pools in the country, it is better to use a combination of chlorine and ozone.


It is divided into physical and electrophysical methods of cleaning the pool:

Physical way

The water in the pool at the dacha can be purified without the use of chemicals. Physical way involves removing large and small debris from the surface of a swimming structure. The water also undergoes mechanical filtration.

To remove debris, use special nets with a fine mesh. They can remove all debris from the water. If by the pool big square surface or a complex shape, then a telescopic handle is put on the net - a fishing rod. It allows you to reach the most remote areas

Filters retain smaller debris and suspended matter. They come in three types:

  • Sand – the liquid passes through quartz sand enclosed in a plastic container. It retains particles of large and medium fractions without interfering with the passage of small pollutants. An inexpensive option for cleaning a pool without the use of chemicals. Suitable for small tanks with frequent water changes. The quartz filter must be cleaned every week, and with intensive use, several times.
  • Cartridge. They help remove suspended matter from water with particle sizes up to 10 microns. The cartridge filter performs stepwise cleaning. It is installed on large frame pools. The filter design does not require cleaning. Contaminated cartridges are replaced with new ones.
  • Diatoms. Allows you to filter microparticles up to 3 microns. Such filters are rarely used to purify water in country pools. This is due to their high cost and short service life. A diatom filter consists of a plastic container filled with powdered plankton shells - diatoms.

Electrophysical method

It involves complete purification of water using modern devices without the use of chemicals. It is used for complete water purification in the pool, both at the dacha and in public buildings. It includes the use of ultraviolet rays, ultrasound, ionization of copper and silver ions.

  • Ultraviolet light can destroy and destroy most organic compounds. Including chlorine. The water passes through a device that generates radiation. If the liquid is cloudy, the cleaning efficiency drops sharply.

Important! Organic compounds are destroyed only in water. Ultraviolet radiation has no effect on the walls of the pool. For more effective disinfection, it is used in combination with chlorination and mechanical removal of debris.

  • Ionization. Innovative method for water purification. A weak electric current is passed through the liquid. It releases silver and copper ions. In addition to removing microorganisms, ionization prevents flowering. This method can be used independently, without additional cleaning with chemical reagents.
  • Ultrasound. It negatively affects bacterial cells, destroying their structures. Ultrasound does not lose its effect from cloudy liquids, so disinfection can be carried out in a pool with dirty water. To clean using this method, you need to purchase expensive equipment that must be constantly maintained.

Cleaning an inflatable pool

These are small tanks for seasonal use. They are often used for bathing children. In an inflatable pool, the water quickly blooms and acquires an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it needs to be changed 1-2 times a month.

Using an electric pump or buckets, the water is drained. A lot of green slimy deposits accumulate on the walls. They are cleaned with soap and a sponge. You must be careful when using cleaning products, as they can melt the rubber frame of the pool. After cleaning the walls, clean water is poured into the tank. It is advisable to use water from an artesian well or spring.

Important! You cannot chlorinate water for an inflatable pool. Chlorine negatively affects rubber, destroying its structure.

The pool requires constant maintenance. Even if modern treatment systems are installed, this does not provide a complete guarantee. For small inflatable pools Where children swim, you need to watch twice as carefully. Only timely cleaning will save you from possible troubles associated with dirty water.