What is the level of sportsmanship called? Features of the stages of sports improvement and highest sports mastery in athletics. Interpersonal leader

Indicators technical skill

Technical readiness (or, in other words, technical mastery) of athletes is characterized by what the athlete can do and how he masters the mastered actions.
The first group of indicators includes: a) volume; b) versatility; c) the rationality of the technical actions that the athlete can perform. Secondly: a) efficiency, b) mastery of execution.

1.1. Volume of technical readiness
The volume of technical readiness is determined by the number of technical actions that an athlete can perform or is performing. In this case, the technique is usually evaluated based on the fact of execution (performed - did not perform, knows how to do it - does not know how to do it).
There are general and competitive volumes of technical readiness. The total volume is characterized by the total number of technical actions that a given athlete has mastered; competitive volume - the number of different technical actions performed under competition conditions. During a race at the World Championships, an athlete performs 13-15 interceptions. This, of course, does not mean that skilled riders can only perform these actions; the choice of program simply depends on the judging criteria. The complexity of the elements performed is also influenced by the qualifications of the opponent. An athlete can demonstrate a large volume of technical actions, but in decisive races they give preference only to fairly stable elements.

1.2. Diversity of technical readiness
Versatility is characterized by the degree of variety of motor actions that an athlete masters or uses in competitions. Accordingly, here, too, general or competitive versatility is distinguished. Technical actions mastered by an athlete can belong to one group: trapeze jumps only or to different groups jumping on the trapeze and in. IN the latter case the versatility of the athlete’s technical preparedness is higher. Athletes who are more technically versatile have a more harmonious and physical fitness, in particular the topography of power.
The volume and versatility of technical preparedness are important indicators of the skill of athletes, especially in those sports where there is a large arsenal of technical actions.
1.3. Rationality of technology
The rationality of technical actions is determined by the ability to achieve the highest sports results on their basis. The rationality of technique is a characteristic not of the athlete, but of the very method of performing the movement, the type of technique used. This or that technique may be more or less rational (for example, the repulsion technique may vary greatly depending on the state of the water. The skill of chop jumping will allow you to perform consistently in different conditions). Or, for example, the low position of the kite on the flat makes it easier to intercept after the lines sag, but on the wave, especially in conditions of insufficient wind, with a high kite it is easier to jump out. In the history of almost every sport there have been periods of changing some methods of performing movements with others, more rational ones. This is often influenced by innovation in equipment.
The three considered indicators of an athlete’s technical readiness (volume, versatility and rationality of technical actions) only indicate what the athlete can do. But they do not reflect the quality of performance - how the athlete performs the movements, how well he masters them. After all, it may happen that out of two athletes with equal physical capabilities The winner will be the one who has mastered the irrational technique well, and not the one who has learned even the rational technique, but masters it poorly.
Therefore, when assessing technical readiness, it is necessary to take into account the qualitative side of mastery of the movement - the efficiency and mastery of its implementation.

2. Ownership efficiency sports equipment
The effectiveness of mastering a sports technique (or the effectiveness of a technique) of a particular athlete is the degree of its proximity to the most rational option. The effectiveness of technology (as opposed to rationality) is a characteristic not of one or another version of technology, but of the quality of mastery of technology.
Depending on how a rational technique is defined (model, standard), three groups of indicators of its effectiveness are distinguished.
2.1. Absolute efficiency
Absolute efficiency indicators characterize proximity to the sample, for which the most rational version of the technique is selected, determined on the basis of biomechanical, physiological, psychological, and aesthetic considerations.
In the simplest case, a measure of the effectiveness of a technique can be the result shown by the athlete. In this way, the effectiveness of techniques in martial arts is often assessed and sports games Oh. For example, in basketball, the effectiveness of free throw techniques is naturally assessed by the percentage of hits.
However, unfortunately, in most cases, a sports result is not a convincing indicator of the effectiveness of a technique, since* in addition to technique, it also depends on other factors, in particular on the development of motor qualities. For example, one rider may beat another in a light wind event because he is simply easier, not because of any technical advantage.
Therefore, the described method for assessing the effectiveness of a technique is suitable mainly in cases where technical actions do not require the utmost manifestation of motor qualities.
In most cases, another method is justified - comparing the characteristics of the performed movement with some ideal. For example, in jumps with interception of the bar, one of the indicators of the effectiveness of the technique is the distance from the CG of the body to the bar at the moment the interception begins (releasing the hand).
Rational technology can be based on different criteria:
a) biomechanical (examples are given above);
b) physiological; with irrational technique, sharp painful sensations often occur during landing in the knees, ankles, and lower back. Elbow and shoulder joints are also susceptible to overstrain.
c) psychological; technique is decisively determined by the desire to perform the movement in such a way that it is as inconvenient as possible for the opponent (although it may be inconvenient for the athlete himself). For example, it is desirable that technical actions be performed with maximum power, often while the athlete flies a long distance losing altitude (downwind) in the competition area, risking not landing the element or getting injured. From the point of view of the mechanics of movements, such actions are irrational (strength, speed, and sometimes the accuracy of movement are reduced), but they are the ones that allow you to outplay the enemy. Therefore, such methods of performing technical actions are the most rational;
d) aesthetic; the criteria of this group are decisive in those sports where the beauty of movements is the basis of skill. This includes kiteboarding.

2.2. Comparative effectiveness
In this case, the athletes’ technique is taken as a model. highly qualified. Those features of technique that naturally differ among athletes of different qualifications (i.e., change with the growth of sportsmanship) are called discriminative features. Such signs of the effectiveness of a technique are used as main indicators only when the movement technique is very complex and, on the basis of biomechanical analysis, it is not possible to determine its most rational option. In other cases, discriminative characteristics complement indicators of absolute efficiency, very often coinciding with them.
When assessing the effectiveness of a technique using discriminative signs, one must remember that the technique of even outstanding athletes may not be completely rational. For example, a few years ago, some champions had significant errors in technique. For example, when demonstrating elements in educational films, these mistakes were copied by novice riders.
IN modern sports the likelihood of significant technical errors best athletes the world is decreasing every year. Therefore, in most cases, indicators of comparative effectiveness can be used, especially if all the strongest athletes use the same version of the technique.
To determine discriminatory characteristics, one of two research approaches is used:
a) compare the technical indicators of athletes of high and low qualifications, or
b) calculate correlation coefficients and regression equations between the sports result, on the one hand, and the technical indicator, on the other.
Discriminatory features are not always easily visible.

2 .3. Implementation efficiency (implementation efficiency)
The idea of ​​these indicators is to compare the result shown by the athlete either with the achievement that he can potentially show in terms of the level of development of his motor qualities (option “A”), or with the expenditure of energy and effort when performing the assessed sports movement (option “B”).
Option "A". In this case, the effectiveness of the technique is assessed by how well the athlete used his motor capabilities in movement. With this approach, they rely on the existence of connections between three indicators: sports results, the level of development of motor qualities, and the effectiveness of technique.
In practice, this is done by comparing the athlete’s results:
a) in a technically complex action;
b) in technically simpler tasks that require the development of the same motor qualities as the basic ones.
So, for example, the amplitude of the jump during inverted rotation and when performing an interception.
In a simple inverted jump (when the board is above the head during rotation) the amplitude depends mainly on the speed-power capabilities of the athlete. When performing an interception, the athlete must use these opportunities as much as possible (ideally 100%). Only athletes can do this high class, who have a higher motor potential and the degree of its use. An indicator of an athlete’s potential capabilities is given amplitude in simple rotation (the higher the jump, the greater it is), and the degree of use of motor potential is characterized by the technique efficiency coefficient.
The proper result is usually determined using regression equations. An indicator of the effectiveness of the technique in this case is the so-called regression residual, i.e. the difference between the actual and expected results.

For example, javelin throwers of various qualifications were assessed for their achievements in javelin throwing and in a common training exercise - throwing a shot weighing 3 kg from a place, it was performed from the starting position - shot c. hand at the top, opposite leg behind; with a step and foot placement - swing and throw. Standing shot throwing is technically much simpler than javelin throwing and is therefore used to assess the speed-strength readiness (motor potential) of throwers.

As indicators of motor potential, not only the results of motor tests are used, but also other characteristics of the body’s functional capabilities, in particular physiological indicators, especially often such an informative sign as MIC. In this case, the regression residual indicates how effectively the athlete uses his functional capabilities.
When assessing technical skill using a regression equation, it is necessary to keep in mind that all judgments about the effectiveness of a technique in this case are relative in nature: the conclusion that a given athlete’s technique is effective or, conversely, ineffective, is made on the basis of comparison with the average level of technique proficiency , typical for a given population of athletes (“good” means “better than average”, and “bad” means “worse than average”).
Option "B". In this case, the effectiveness of technology is assessed by determining energy expenditure or the force exerted in movement when performing the same task, in other words, by determining functional economization. For example, the amount of oxygen consumption among athletes of different qualifications during a race will be different.
An athlete’s efficiency (i.e., the ability to perform work with the least possible energy consumption) depends both on his technical skill and on such functional indicators as MOC and anaerobic metabolic threshold (ANT). It is known from the biochemistry of sports that the efficiency of anaerobic energy conversion reactions is significantly lower than that of aerobic processes. Therefore, if an athlete has low levels of VO2 max and PANO (and these two values ​​are interrelated), even at a relatively low exercise power, he begins to use energetically unfavorable anaerobic energy sources. This increases the body's energy expenditure.
Therefore, efficiency indicators cannot be considered only as indicators of technical proficiency. These are complex indicators that depend both on the effectiveness of the technique and on the functional capabilities (MPC, PANO) of the athlete.
All the described indicators of the effectiveness of technology (absolute, comparative, implementation), complementing each other, characterize it from different sides.
In practice, you can use both criteria from all three groups, and selectively individual ones.

Technique is a way of performing a motor action. Technical Mastery Indicators :1 group: volume, versatility, rationality of technical actions that an athlete can perform; 2nd group: efficiency, mastery of execution. Scope of technical training – is determined by the number of technical actions that the athlete performs. Overall volume– the total volume of technical actions that the athlete has mastered. Competition volume– actions of an athlete in competitions. Versatility – degree of variety of motor actions. Volume and versatility are important technical mastery. Rationality – characteristics of the method of performing the movement, the type of technique used. Efficiency – the degree of closeness of execution to the most rational option, characteristics of the quality of equipment ownership: 1) Absolute efficiency– characterizes closeness to the sample, for which the most rational version of the technique is selected, determined on the basis of mechanical, biological, physiological, psychological, and aesthetic considerations. 2. Comparative effectiveness - the technique of highly qualified athletes is taken as a model 3. Implementation efficiency– comparison of the result shown by the athlete either with the achievement that he can show, or with the energy expenditure when performing a sports movement. Mastery of technology - a relatively independent characteristic of technical skill, independent of the effectiveness of technology. For well-mastered movements typical: a) Stability of sports results; b) Stability under changing conditions; c) Preservation of motor skills during breaks in training; d) Automation in execution. Stability– an athlete who has mastered any movement well performs it under standard, unchanged conditions with a relatively small dispersion of essential characteristics. Sustainability– degree of change in its effectiveness. The main factors under the influence of which the technique changes: 1) Change in the athlete’s condition (fatigue, emotional arousal); 2) Actions of the enemy; 3) External conditions (changes in inventory, weather conditions). Maintaining motor skills during breaks – The better the movement is mastered, the stronger the motor skill will be preserved. The degree of preservation is assessed: according to the level of movement performance after the break; at the speed required to restore the skill to its original level. Automation– the ability to perform a movement without fixing attention on the process of execution. Thus, technical prowess cannot be measured by any one metric. Its full characterization requires a multifaceted approach. In addition to the volume, versatility and rationality of the technical actions that the athlete masters, it is necessary to take into account their effectiveness and mastery of the technique.

46 The process of learning a motor skill in a person begins with an incentive to action, which is set by the subcortical and cortical motivational zones. For a person, this is mainly the desire to satisfy a certain social need (the desire to engage in a given type of work, to succeed in it, etc.).

In this case, three stages of motor skill formation are noted: 1) the stage of generalization (irradiation of excitation); 2) concentration stage; 3) stage of stabilization and automation.

Let's consider the stage of generalization:

At the first stage, the created model becomes the basis for translating the external image into the internal processes of forming a program of one’s own actions. At the early stages of ontogenesis, when speech regulation of movements (by external speech of an outsider or internal one’s own speech) is not yet developed, the processes of imitation, common in humans and animals, are of particular importance. By observing the actions of another person and having some experience in controlling his own muscles, the child turns his observations into programs for his own movements.

Some features of human movement programming are reflected in the intercentral relationships of the electrical activity of the brain. You can see, for example, that when observing an outsider running, potentials appear in the cerebral cortex of the observing person at the pace of this running (a kind of model of the observed movement). When imagining and mentally performing movements, the spatial relationships of brain activity begin to differ from the resting state and approach those during real work; a small bioelectrical activity appears in the muscles necessary to perform the real movement. This explains the training effect on the formation of the motor skill of ideomotor (mental) execution of exercises. Many neurons of the cortex, cerebellum, thalamus, subcortical nuclei and brain stem take part in the creation of motor programs. Extensive involvement of many brain elements is necessary to find the most needed ones. This process is ensured by a wide irradiation of excitation throughout various areas of the brain and is accompanied by a generalized nature (generalization) of peripheral reactions from skeletal muscles. The generalization stage is characterized by tension large number activated skeletal muscles, their prolonged contraction, and simultaneous involvement of antagonist muscles in movement. All this disrupts the coordination of movements, makes them enslaved, leads to significant energy expenditure and, accordingly, overly pronounced vegetative reactions. For example, similar reactions can be observed in a person who gets behind the wheel of a car for the first time.

47. Indicate the forms of manifestation of endurance, factors determining the level of development and manifestation of endurance, list the means and methods of training endurance, criteria for assessing the level of development of endurance. Endurance - this is the ability to withstand the onset of fatigue in any type of activity (according to V.S. Farfel). Endurance - this is physical. a quality determined by the manifestation of the morphofunctional properties of the body, which determine the body’s resistance to fatigue in the process of motor activity. Depending on the nature of fatigue, endurance is divided into speed (alactate and glycolytic), aerobic (general), mixed (aerobic - anaerobic), strength and coordination. General Stamina - this is the ability to perform moderate-intensity work for a long time with global muscle functioning. systems. In another way, it is also called aerobic endurance. The main components of general endurance are capabilities aerobic system energy supply, functional and biomechanical economization. Special Stamina - this is endurance in relation to a certain motor activity. Special endurance depends on the capabilities of the neuromuscular system, the speed of consumption of intramuscular energy sources, the technique of mastering motor action and the level of development of other motor abilities. Factors: 1). Determined by the energetic and functional capabilities of the body (Availability of the body’s energy resources; level of functional capabilities of various body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, central nervous system, neuromuscular, etc.); speed of activation and degree of coordination in the work of these systems; functional resistance to unfavorable changes in the internal environment (increasing oxygen debt, accumulation of lactic acid); economical use of the energy and functional potential of the body); 2). Conditioned by psychological and pedagogical conditions: personal and mental characteristics (motivation, mental stability, volitional qualities, attitude); ODA preparedness; coordination excellence; improvement of technical and tactical skills (rational distribution of forces during the competition); 3). Other factors: gender, age, morphological characteristics of a person, operating conditions. Means of training endurance : Development means general endurance yavl. exercises that cause maximum performance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. FUs of cyclic and acyclic nature. The basic requirements for them are as follows: exercises must be performed in moderate and high power works; their duration ranges from several minutes to 60-90 minutes; the work is carried out with the global functioning of the muscles. An effective remedy development of special endurance are specifically preparatory exercises, as close as possible to competitive ones in form, structure and features of the impact on the functional systems of the body, specific competitive exercises and general preparatory means. When working under aerobic conditions, an increase in the number of repetitions makes it possible to maintain a high level of activity of the respiratory and circulatory organs for a long time. In anaerobic mode, an increase in the number of repetitions leads to the exhaustion of oxygen-free mechanisms or to their blocking of the central nervous system. Then the exercises either stop or their intensity sharply decreases. Criteria and methods of assessment . One of the main criteria of endurance is the time during which a person is able to maintain a given intensity of activity. Based on this criterion, direct and indirect methods for measuring endurance have been developed. In the direct method, the subject is asked to perform a task (for example, running) with a given intensity (60, 70, 80 or 90% of maximum speed). The signal to stop the test is the beginning of a decrease in the speed of completing this task. In practice physical education Basically, an indirect method is used, when the endurance of those involved is determined by the time they cover a sufficiently long distance. So, for example, for primary school students the length of the distance is usually 600-800 m; middle classes - 1000-1500 m; senior classes - 2000-3000 m. Tests with a fixed running duration are also used - 6 or 12 minutes. In this case, the distance covered in a given time is estimated. In sports, endurance can also be measured using other groups of tests: nonspecific (their results are used to assess the potential abilities of athletes to train or compete effectively under conditions of increasing fatigue) and specific (the results of these tests indicate the degree to which these potential abilities are realized). Non-specific tests for determining endurance include: - running on a treadmill, - pedaling on a bicycle ergometer, step test. During the test, both ergometric (time, volume and intensity of execution) and physiological indicators (MOC, heart rate, anaerobic metabolism threshold) are measured. Specific tests are considered to be those tests whose performance structure is close to that of a competition. Specific tests measure endurance during a specific activity, such as swimming, ski racing, sports games, martial arts, gymnastics. The most well-known relative indicators of endurance in PV and C are phenomena. speed reserve, index and endurance coefficient. The speed reserve is defined as the difference between the average time to overcome a short reference segment (for example, 30, 60, 100 m in running, 25 or 50 m in swimming, etc.) when covering the entire distance and the best time in this segment . The endurance index is the difference between the time it takes to overcome a long distance and the time at this distance that the subject would have shown if he had overcome it at the speed shown by him in the short (reference) segment. The endurance coefficient is the ratio of the time to cover the entire distance to the time to cover the reference segment.

Technical training is aimed at teaching the athlete the technique of movements and bringing them to perfection.

Sports equipment - This is a way of performing a sports action, which is characterized by a certain degree of efficiency and rationality of the athlete’s use of his psychophysical capabilities.

The role of sports equipment in different sports is not the same. There are four groups of sports with their characteristic sports techniques:

1. Speed-strength types ( sprint running, throwing, jumping, weightlifting, etc.). In these sports, the technique is aimed at ensuring that the athlete can develop the most powerful and fastest efforts in the leading phases of the competitive exercise

2. Sports involving endurance (running long distances). Here the technique is aimed at economizing the consumption of energy resources in the athlete’s body.

3. Sports involving the art of movement (gymnastics, acrobatics, diving, etc.). The technique should provide the athlete with beauty, expressiveness and precision of movements.

4. Sports games and martial arts. The technique must ensure high performance, stability and variability in the changing conditions of competitive struggle.

An athlete’s technical preparedness is characterized by what he can do and how he masters the technique. A high level of technical readiness is called technical skill.

The criteria for technical mastery are:

1. Volume of technique - the total number of techniques that an athlete can perform.

2. Diversity of technology - the degree of diversity of technical techniques. These indicators of technical skill are especially significant in those sports where there is a large arsenal of technical actions - sports games, martial arts, gymnastics, figure skating.

3. Efficiency of mastering sports equipment, the proximity of the sports technique to the individually optimal option. The effectiveness of technology is assessed in several ways:

a) comparing it with some biomechanical standard. If a technique is close to biomechanically rational, it is considered the most effective;

b) comparison of the assessed movement technique with the technique of highly qualified athletes;

c) comparison of sports results with results in technically simpler tasks that characterize the motor potential of an athlete - strength, speed-strength, etc. For example, a run of 30 m is performed from a low and then a high start. The time difference will characterize the effectiveness of the low start technique;

d) comparison of the shown result with the expenditure of energy and effort when performing a motor action. The lower the energy costs, i.e. the efficiency of his movements, the higher the efficiency of the technique.

4. Mastery of movement techniques. This criterion shows how a given technical action is memorized and consolidated.

For well-mastered movements the following are typical:

a) stability of the sports result and a number of characteristics of the movement technique when performed under standard conditions;

b) stability (relatively small variability) of the result when performing an action (when the athlete’s condition changes, the opponent’s actions change in difficult conditions);

c) maintaining motor skills during breaks in training;

d) automation of actions.

Types of preparation:

General technical training is aimed at mastering a variety of motor skills necessary for sports activities. Special training aimed at mastering special technical methods inherent in a particular sport and sports specialization.

Objectives of general technical training:

1.Increase (or restore) the range of motor skills and abilities, which are a prerequisite for the formation of skills in the chosen sport.

2. Master the technique of exercises used as means of general physical training.

Objectives of special technical training:

1. To develop knowledge about the technique of sports activities.

2. Develop individual forms of movement technique that best suit the athlete’s capabilities.

3. Develop the skills and abilities necessary for successful participation in competitions.

4. Transform and update the forms of technology (to the extent that this is dictated by the laws of sports and tactical improvement).

5. To develop new variants of sports techniques that have not been used before (for example, the “Fosbury flop” in high jumps; the shot put technique using the principle of rotation, as in discus throwing; “skating” stroke in skiing, etc.).

In the process of technical training, a complex of tools and

methods sports training. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups:

Means and methods of verbal, visual and sensory-corrective influence. These include:

a) conversations, explanations, stories, descriptions, etc.;

b) demonstration of the technique of the movement being studied;

c) demonstration of posters, diagrams, films, videotapes, etc.;

d) use of subject and other reference points;

e) sound and light leading;

f) various simulators, recording devices, urgent information devices.

Means and methods that are based on the athlete performing any physical exercise:

a) general preparatory exercises. They allow you to master a variety of skills and abilities that are the foundation for the growth of technical skill in your chosen sport;

c) methods of holistic and dismembered exercise. They are aimed at mastering, correcting, consolidating and improving the technique of a holistic motor action or its individual parts, phases, elements;

d) uniform, variable, repeated, interval, game, competitive and other methods that mainly contribute to the improvement and stabilization of movement technique.

The use of these means and methods depends on the characteristics of the technique of the chosen sport, the age and qualifications of the athlete, the stages of technical training in annual and multi-year training cycles.

Assessment of technical readiness. Control over technical readiness consists of assessing the quantitative and qualitative aspects of an athlete’s technique when performing competitive and training exercises.

Equipment control is carried out visually and instrumentally. The criteria for an athlete's technical mastery are the volume of technique, versatility of technique and efficiency:

· The volume of technique is determined by the total number of actions that an athlete performs during training sessions and competitions. He is controlled by counting these actions.

· The versatility of the technique is determined by the degree of variety of motor actions that the athlete owns and uses them in competitive activity. They control the number of various actions, the ratio of techniques performed in the right and left side(in games), attacking and defensive actions, etc.

· The effectiveness of a technique is determined by the degree of its proximity to the individually optimal option. Efficient technique- the one that ensures maximum achievement possible result within this movement.

· Sports performance is an important, but not the only criterion for the effectiveness of a technique. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of a technique are based on the realization of the athlete’s motor potential.

In cyclic sports, indicators of technical efficiency are especially important, since there is a very clear pattern - an inversely proportional relationship between the level of technical skill and the amount of effort, physical expenditure per unit of sports performance indicator (meter of distance).

Increasing the professionalism of a coach as one of the leading factors in the growth of sportsmanship of athletes

President of the City Boxing Federation I.S. Kolesnik, Ulyanovsk

The problem of finding innovative approaches to increasing the tactical and strategic preparedness of athletes in each sport should be addressed by coaches. It is the coach who must receive new information about the features of the methods of training boxers in different regions, countries, national schools and promptly process and transform it taking into account personal experience practical activities into a fundamentally new approach to developing your own informative methodology. The presence of a mentor’s creative approach to achieving sports mastery by his wards is evidenced, first of all, by the dynamics of a sustainable increase in fitness indicators in all main areas sports training.

To prove the put forward position - the dependence of growth on the degree of professional skill of a sports teacher - we undertook a special study. At three sports schools, specializing in the training of boxers, trainers were identified who wanted to take part in this pedagogical experiment. 7 trainers with higher specialized education, but with different practical experience (from 3 to 18 years of coaching experience) aged 26 - 46 years old, were included in the experimental group (EG), the remaining 6 people, also with different levels of theoretical and practical preparedness and age, constituted the control group (CG). Before the start of the experiment, athletes and students participating in the experiment of coaches were tested on general, special physical and technical-tactical readiness. In addition, their achievements based on the results of participation in competitions over the previous year were taken into account.

A special questionnaire was developed for trainers from the EG and CG to determine the following important data characterizing the teacher’s desire to expand his horizons and improve professional level:

The trainer's knowledge of scientific and methodological publications on methods of training boxers of various qualifications and other issues of education and training;

Listing the most personally significant issues for a given coach that are reflected in this or that work;

The ability to objectively evaluate the information contained in a particular scientific and methodological publication;

Willingness to use in your own practice of training boxers new products that deserve attention and are reflected in the specialized literature;

Once a week we introduced the coaches of the EG and CG to various exercise systems used by high-class athletes at different stages of their training; new methodological techniques that make it possible to more clearly present the features of various forms and types of combat tactics, the use of various distances during the fight; modern developments of simulators and training devices specialized in the development of leading motor-coordinating qualities, etc.

Sports teachers had the opportunity to verify the advisability of using various tests to determine different types preparing athletes at one or another stage of training depending on the assigned tasks; application of the simplest technical means control over the main parameters of the motor actions performed (millisecond watch, dynamometer and their various modifications); various devices that imitate the image of a person with designated zones for performing impact actions, which helped to increase their accuracy; hanging pears, bags with special markings that have a specific methodological focus.

The trainers who were part of the EG on a voluntary basis, as a rule, quickly responded to all proposals for modernizing the educational and training process and willingly adopted the sets of physical exercises we recommended to solve specific training problems. Six coaches out of seven training forces prepared special training shields of various methodological orientations based on our sketches, purchased dynamometers and millisecond watches with appropriate devices for measuring the force of impact in different conditions and situations of a boxing match, determined by the tactical plan of the coach.

We also used a method of involving sports teachers in the development of new versions of the motor tasks we proposed in order to develop in them a creative approach to the content of each educational and training session. It should be noted that the teachers showed obvious interest and activity, as they understood and were convinced from their own experience that the approach we proposed to organizing and conducting classes stimulated the activity of students and contributed to increasing their interest. This was expressed in a large number of approaches to performing certain tasks, the desire to obtain feedback about the parameters of each motor action, etc.

In KG sports teachers carried out training sessions as usual, using traditional, established ways of organizing and conducting classes, without being distracted by unnecessary, in their opinion, obscure innovations. Some asked permission to familiarize themselves with creative tasks without using them in their practical activities.

Six months after the start of our study, a repeat survey was conducted among trainers from the EG and CG with the same list of questions. The EG teachers not only had a better understanding of the peculiarities of each task, but also more quickly and correctly named works and their authors on a problem that, in their opinion, was more significant and relevant. They were better versed in the peculiarities of the methods of training boxers by the country's leading trainers, and also listed the distinctive features of the activities of national boxing schools.

Almost all the trainers from the EG in their classes used the new sets of physical exercises we proposed, aimed at increasing the level of development of dexterity and accuracy of striking strikes. Their students began to try themselves in different forms fighting, sought to find the optimal pace and rhythm of movements in each round. The arsenal of feints and special preparatory actions they use has increased significantly. Observations showed an increase in the density of educational and training sessions, an increase in the variety of training tools and methods used.

Repeated testing of the level of physical, tactical and technical preparedness of boxers using the same tests showed that in the EG of coaches the level of sportsmanship of students is significantly higher.

Thus, the conducted research confirmed that the level of professional skill of the coach is determined by the constant development and improvement of directions and approaches in the training of high-class athletes, which is due to changes in the social, economic and other spheres of our life, improvement of the conditions for training athletes, including material and sports base, implementation in the educational and training process the latest achievements, modern developments, simulators, training devices, special equipment and other equipment. Life does not stand still, and in order to successfully teach others, you need to constantly learn yourself.

Receiving one or another rank is a serious step from amateur sports to professional. And the conferment of the title is already well-deserved recognition of the achievements of the eminent athlete. But many are confused about existing Russian sports ranks and ranks, their order. We will try to clarify with this article.

Sports titles and categories

Athletes are assigned ranks at the beginning of their careers, and upon reaching all the latter, ranks. The ascent to the podium begins with youth sports categories:

  • 3rd youth;
  • 2nd youth;
  • 1st youth;
  • 4th category (applicable only in chess - you need to play at least 10 games and score at least 50% of the points in a group game);
  • 3rd category;
  • 2nd category;
  • 1st category.

Let us note that youth ranks are awarded only in those types of sports where age is a decisive factor in competitions, where strength, endurance, reaction speed, and speed of the participant are important. Where it is not an important advantage or disadvantage (for example, in intellectual sports), the youth rank is not assigned.

Having 1st sports category titles may already be assigned. We list them in ascending order:

  • master of Sport;
  • international master of sports/grandmaster;
  • deserved

A long-standing custom prescribes calling international-level masters of sports in intellectual games (checkers, chess, etc.) grandmasters.

About EVSK

In the Russian Federation, confirmation and assignment of sports categories and titles is determined by a document called the Unified All-Russian sports classification(EVSK). It indicates the standards in each sport that must be fulfilled in order to receive a certain category and title. The first such document was approved in 1994; accepted by Evsk for four years. Today the 2015-2018 option is valid for the summer, 2014-2017 for the summer.

The document is based on the All-Russian Register of Sports and the list of sports games recognized by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. The document dictates both the standards that must be met to obtain a particular sports category or title, and the conditions under which all this must occur: the level of the opponent, the importance of the competition, the qualifications of the judges.

Why do you need a sports category?

The assignment of ranks in sports has several clearly defined goals:

  • Mass popularization of sports.
  • An incentive to improve the level of sports training and skill.
  • Moral encouragement of athletes.
  • Unification of assessments of achievements and mastery.
  • Approval of a uniform procedure for assigning sports categories and titles for all.
  • Development and continuous improvement of the field physical culture and sports.

Assignment procedure

Let's touch on the general important points assignment of ranks and categories:

  • Athletes must be divided into juniors, young people, and adults.
  • A young athlete who took part in a scheduled competition and fulfilled the necessary standards for a certain category receives the latter. This will be evidenced by a badge and a special qualification book.
  • The athlete’s record book must be registered with the organization where he received this document. In the future, at all competitions in which the athlete will participate, he will enter into this qualification book all the information about his results in competitions, assigned and confirmed categories, and prizes won. Each entry is made based on a specific protocol, certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal sports organization who organized the competition.
  • Assignment sports title- the prerogative of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. To confirm this, the athlete receives a certificate and an honorary

Requirements for the assignment of ranks and titles

Now let’s look at the requirements that an athlete must fulfill, and what he must meet in order to receive a certain rank:

  • The basis for assigning a category is only a certain measurable result of sports activity: occupying a specific place on official games or competitions, achievement within last year a certain number of victories over opponents of a specific level, fulfillment of a number of quantitative standards in sports where they are possible.
  • Each category or title implies that the athlete has reached a certain age.
  • If within the framework of a competition, athletes are assigned categories and titles, then it must meet a whole set of strict rules: the composition and level of participants, a certain number of judges and athletes, the number of performances, fights and games in the qualifying and main stages.
  • On international competitions the smallest number of participating countries is additionally determined. To receive the title of international master of sports or grandmaster, you must participate in competitions of this level.
  • Higher ranks are awarded only to citizens of the Russian Federation and only by the Federal Agency for Physical Education and Sports.
  • The categories are authorized to be assigned by regional executive bodies in the field of physical education and sports.
  • An athlete must confirm his sports category at least once every two years.

All categories and titles of sports in the Russian Federation are regulated by the EVSK. After receiving one or another category in the given order and within the framework of current requirements, the athlete must also periodically confirm it.