How to learn to do a somersault? How to learn how to do front and back somersaults How to do somersaults at home

    The backflip is one of the most common gymnastic exercises. It requires special skills from the athlete. If the movement is performed incorrectly, the athlete may be injured. You can perform the exercise on any convenient surface. You won't need additional sports equipment.

    During movement, the athlete uses the calf muscles, as well as the quadriceps. The buttocks receive additional load. In this article we will tell you how to learn how to do a backflip and talk about preparatory exercises.

    General information about preparation

    Mastering this type of jumping without prior training is dangerous. This is especially dangerous for athletes who are just athletes and whose flexibility is not yet very developed. But if since childhood you have been thinking about how to learn how to do a backflip, and dreamed of performing this trick to the envy of your friends, then you need to try.

    Jump rope

    Preliminary leg training is mandatory. Start every day with a jump rope in your hands. Gradually increase the frequency and height of your jumps - this will develop agility.

    Long jump

    Long jumps from a place and a run, as well as high jumps with arms outstretched, will be useful for developing agility.

    Back somersaults

    Constantly do backflips, because this is the main exercise that will help you learn how to group correctly. You will then need to perform it in the air. You can tumble on sports mats or on any suitable surface.


    You also need to learn how to land correctly on the ground with your feet and group correctly in the air. To do this, first try jumping from a height, grouping in the air. Don't forget to lay mats over the landing area.


    You can also learn how to do backflips on trampolines. At the initial stage of training, choose a trampoline with special safety belts. This way you can learn to group in the air without fear of injury.

    Even at home, you need to learn how to do a backflip only with a partner, or even better, with an experienced trainer, since this is a very traumatic and risky trick. Of course, you can try to do this yourself, but we warn you right away - it is quite difficult, primarily due to the presence of fear of jumping back.

    How to do a backflip?

    The backflip exercise is considered technically difficult. If you still decide to master this trick yourself, then first carefully study the text below, which describes the technique of performing the exercise. This technique is suitable both for learning how to do backflips at home and for learning on a trampoline.

    Before doing a backflip, be sure to warm up the ligaments and muscles and perform stretching exercises. After that, follow this algorithm of movements:

    • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend them slightly. Focus your gaze on one point. Keep your head straight.

    • Push off the ground and swing your arms at the same time.
    • Jump up high. Immediately group yourself and bend your legs under you, wrapping your arms around them.
    • Do a somersault in the air.
    • As you land on the ground, begin to straighten up.
    • Land on your entire foot, but your knees should not be straight.

    Be prepared for the fact that at first nothing will work out for you. It is very important to overcome your fear. In order to protect yourself, exercise on trampolines, sand, special mats that soften your fall, or jump into the water. Practice in pairs with an experienced mentor. Thus, it will help correct technical shortcomings, as well as tell you in more detail about the specifics of the exercise.

    We also recommend watching how to do a backflip in the instructional video. But don’t forget, no matter how much you watch the video, it’s still better to train with an experienced mentor who can evaluate your jump technique from the outside. You cannot do this on your own under any circumstances!

    Training complexes for crossfit

    The backflip is great for intense training and requires special technical skills from the athlete. You can perform it in combination with various strength movements. The combination + somersault is very popular among experienced athletes.

    The number of repetitions in the exercise should be individual for each athlete. Focus on the movements, and also monitor the condition of your body. If you feel dizzy or nauseous, it is better to avoid performing a backflip.

    Thanks to regular training, you will not only learn a spectacular gymnastic element, but also increase body flexibility and leg strength.

Front flip- a basic element, after training, which will open up new opportunities for you. After it, you will be able to learn more complex and attractive tricks and elements. The main thing for learning is to remember a few rules and then everything will work out. Not the first time, of course, but it will still work out.

Technique. How to do a forward somersault?

In any acrobatic stunt, you should pay attention to the technique that helps you do the trick with the least amount of effort and get a good result.

1. Learn to perform a running front somersault. Thus, with the help of inertia, your push will be stronger.

2. After acceleration, jump onto one or two legs and jump up and forward as high as possible. VERY IMPORTANT! The jump should be done not from the heels, but from the toes. The landing should also be on your toes.

3. During the jump, group yourself - tuck your knees to your chest, grabbing your hands with your hands. To learn how to group correctly, thoroughly .

4. When landing, your knees should be bent to ensure a soft and relaxed landing.

For your safety, it is better to conduct exercises on the sand.

VIDEO. How to learn to do a forward somersault?

Without a doubt, the most famous and popular movement is the somersault. While looking beautiful and impressive from the outside, the somersault (both forward and backward) is also one of the easiest tricks to master. In vain, many believe that learning to perform such a movement is difficult and time-consuming. In fact, mastering the trick is quite simple, and now together we will figure out the sequence and the main nuances of its implementation.

How to learn to do a front somersault

Compared to a backflip (or backflip as it is more commonly called), performing this forward trick is a much simpler and easier task for a beginner. Basically, the question of how to learn how to do a front somersault interests young guys who are interested in parkour. This trend gained quite serious popularity at the beginning of the first decade of this century, and is still very widespread both in Russia and in other countries.

Now we list the main nuances of studying this movement.


Even though the front flip is one of the main tricks, it is still not the simplest and most basic. Therefore, before starting the practice, it is necessary to prepare properly. If you analyze this movement sequentially, you can easily see that it is a combination of a jump and a somersault. Now - sequentially and in detail:

  1. Jumping rope. Jumping rope is a great place to start - jump often, jump for a long time, jump in a variety of ways. This will strengthen exactly those leg muscles that are used when performing somersaults. In addition, you will learn how to jump correctly - which, in fact, is not so easy. The ankle joint also develops and is at serious risk when performing the stunt.
  2. Regular jumps. In addition to the jump rope, train to jump in place (in height), from a place and from a running forward. The correctness of the movement at the beginning of the study largely depends on how correctly and naturally you can perform the jump. At the same time, we try not only to jump further and higher, but also to land correctly. This should not be done on the heels (this can seriously “beat them off”), but softly and smoothly, on the toes.
  3. Somersaults. If you want to know how to learn how to do a front somersault and try to perform this trick, you first need to master its second “component”. By the way, a normal forward somersault is not an easy task for an adult. A movement that seemed natural and simple to us at school will cause difficulties even a few years later. Therefore, practice the most common forward somersaults regularly and often. Pay special attention to grouping: a correctly “assembled” body will allow you to perform a somersault clearly and beautifully.
  4. Additional muscle training. The muscles of the legs and abs (when grouping the body) take part in performing the trick. Therefore, it is recommended to perform additional exercises to develop them. This can be either work with your own weight (twisting, hanging lifts, for legs - squats, lunges), or work with "".


Now let's look at the process of performing the trick itself. First, the main nuances:

  1. The most important and most important nuance: the trick is quite dangerous, and if performed incorrectly, you risk not only falling painfully, but also breaking your neck. Therefore, you should not start practicing without prior preparation, or if you are not confident in yourself.
  2. Another, no less important and serious nuance: do not be afraid . Performing the trick will not be difficult if you overcome your own fear - it is the main problem when mastering the movement.
  3. Use a soft surface to practice. This could be a mat in the gym, a sand pit in the schoolyard, or even a mattress (if you decide to practice somersaults at home). This will allow you to avoid a painful fall on your back (if you don’t complete the flip) or an incorrect and hard landing on your heels.
  4. Start your attempts either from a running start or from a hill (a curb, a wheel dug into the ground in a schoolyard, a fence). Moreover, the first option is much safer - inertia will allow you to more easily complete the trick and land on your feet, while somersaulting from a hill with inexperience will often lead to injury (if you don’t jump far enough forward and get caught on a fence or wheel).

Well, now let’s describe the correct sequence of movements:

  1. We take a short run. Of course, you don’t need to run a hundred meters to do a somersault – 5-10 steps will be enough.
  2. We perform the jump with two legs, with the arms either “looking” up (an additional swing of the arms downwards will help give a little inertia to the movement) or pressed against the body.
  3. Having pushed off the surface as hard as possible, we simultaneously begin to twist the body (group) and perform the somersault itself (i.e., a forward somersault).
  4. We try to land smoothly and softly, on our toes, slightly bending our knees. At the same time, beginners often fall forward due to inertia - so be prepared for this and put your hands forward.

There is nothing complicated about the movement - the main problem is fear. Having overcome it, you will certainly cope with the task - maybe not the first time. Having mastered the running somersault and “accustomed” the body to the correct movements, you can begin to complicate the trick: perform it from a place forward, on the spot, include it in combinations (if you are into parkour).

How to learn to do a backflip

But this trick is much more difficult to master. If almost every athlete can perform a forward somersault without any problems (with a small number of attempts), then it will not be possible to master the backward movement on the fly. If you want to know how to learn how to do a back somersault, first you should master a front somersault, and in general, be in good physical shape.


In fact, preparation for movement is only partially different from the sequence described above. The first two points are identical, so we will only examine the existing differences:

  1. Back somersault. Everything is the same, only, of course, we train the back somersault.
  2. Additional muscle training. In addition to the leg and abdominal muscles, pay attention to the spinal extensor muscles. and - here are the main exercises for this muscle group.


If you want to figure out how to learn how to do a back flip, remember the tips given above - in this case they are just as relevant and applicable. The only caveat is that, of course, you won’t be able to perform the trick from a running start. You should start your practice from a slight elevation. At the same time, pay special attention to jumping not only up, but also back - so as not to catch your feet on a hill when landing.

The sequence, of course, is also practically the same, with the only difference that you will have to rotate not forward, but backward.

These elements will also be useful in -e.

Learning to do a somersault is not an easy task. This requires good physical preparation and many hours of training. But for those who are determined, you can speed up the process and set yourself up for victory.

How to learn to do a forward somersault

How to do a somersault correctly:

  • You need to stand on a flat surface, feet shoulder-width apart. First, learn how to make a “spring” on the floor.
  • Push off the floor not with your toes, but with your heels - try to make the biggest jump over a decent distance.
  • When you master this exercise, you can move on to the most important thing.
  • You need to train constantly, you can also jump rope for half an hour a day to strengthen your leg muscles.
  • Take care in advance about what surface you will land on, because it is difficult to land on your feet the first time. In order not to harm yourself, we recommend getting a soft mat or training in the gym on special mats.
  • It is also important to learn how to group correctly - you sharply push off your heels from the floor, now you need to form into a fetal position - tuck your head under you, cross your arms on your chest, tuck your legs.
  • A few seconds are allotted for grouping in a jump: push off, group, tilt the body forward, flip, ungroup, stand on your feet. You need to land on your toes!
  • Here is a simple algorithm for your actions. Practice and you will definitely succeed!

How to learn to do somersaults - training with an assistant

The idea of ​​learning how to do a somersault is a good one, but you need to understand that it is very dangerous, so for a beginner it is advisable to invite an assistant to the first training sessions. If, after hard training, you manage to do a front somersault, then you can master a more complex gymnastic technique - learn how to do a back somersault. Physical preparation is excellent, there are concepts of how to group, how to push off correctly and at what height - all this is already familiar.

Learning to do somersaults with an assistant:

  • warming up and jumping on the spot. Warm-up with a skipping rope. You need to learn to jump high and very fast. The head must be level during each jump, and the jump itself is performed strictly vertically, the body does not lean back;
  • somersault back and forth. It is important to accustom the vestibular apparatus to the fact that you will have to group and move the body not only forward, but also backward. This prepares the body to perform front and back somersaults. And it’s best to start doing somersaults on something soft, such as a bed or a soft mattress on the floor;
  • learn to do the “bridge” exercise from a standing position on the floor;
  • Now that you have mastered these exercises, you can start trying to do a forward or backward rollover. If you want to learn how to do a backflip, then ask your friends to back you up;
  • how to do a somersault with helpers: one friend stands on one side, the second on the other side. Both friends place one hand on the lower back, the other under the thigh. This is to help you roll over correctly;
  • you need to jump, your friends will help you lean back, you just need to raise your arms up above your head;
  • Now you need to trust your friends - and they, in turn, will throw your legs over your head. This way you gradually get used to the new position (head down) and new movements;
  • After you have mastered the backward movement well with your helper friends, you can gradually try to do some movement on your own. For example, push off with your feet, help yourself roll over without arms. Let your friends back you up at first.

  • try to focus your gaze on one object. Under no circumstances should you look at the floor. Do not close your eyes while jumping;
  • in order not to lose balance, the head is kept straight, and the gaze is focused and one cannot be distracted to the sides;
  • basic stance: feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms straight above your head;
  • ideal if your assistant is a person with excellent physical fitness and knows how to do a somersault;
  • jumping surface: soft - it could be a trampoline. Then it is easiest to control the force of the push;
  • on a hard surface: asphalt, concrete slab, learning to do somersaults is prohibited;
  • squat down a little - legs slightly bent at the knees - push from the floor, jump up, then the body moves back;
  • you need to jump up, and not back, so as not to lose your center of gravity. This is the main mistake many beginners make;
  • You need to land on your entire foot, with your knees bent.

It is important

Think about what is more important to you - your own health or learning how to do somersaults by any means.


  • There should be no obstructions in the place where you train. There should be enough space for a good jump and swing of the arms.
  • You must learn to do backflips with helpers. And never by yourself. This can injure your back and cervical vertebrae.
  • If you want to do a somersault from a springboard, you need to stand on the very edge so as not to catch your head on the board during the jump.
  • In order to master this exercise, you need to practice such simple gymnastic elements as a back somersault, a bridge, a cartwheel and a side flip.