How to pump up with dumbbells. Shoulder exercises. Home workout program

In this article, I will reveal the whole truth about whether it is possible to pump up at home...

Success in building muscle depends on 3 components:

  • REST (recovery)

So, the main problem of pumping up muscles at home is TRAINING. There are no problems with nutrition and rest (recovery) (I think this is understandable). But with training - yes, because... in home conditions - simply no special equipment.

Those. There is no equipment (equipment) that is in the gym with which you can perform the necessary exercises to stimulate muscle growth.

That is, barbells, dumbbells, horizontal bars, parallel bars, and other exercise equipment that are often only available in gyms; pancakes (weights) which are sooooo important in bodybuilding, because they are the main tool (without which it is basically impossible); no work environment and much more). Accordingly, how to build muscles without all this stuff?!

The answer is obvious - no way. Therefore I say directly: Without minimal equipment (I’ll tell you about it below) it’s really impossible to build muscle!

I'm not going to recommend you unnecessary (in my opinion) USELESS exercise machines that cost a shit ton of money. I will just give you a list of REALLY NECESSARY (MINIMUM), with the help of which you can Fine train. I will also give a list for FULL workouts (in general, so that you don’t even need a gym: D). So, :

1. For full training at home, you will need (MUST) have at least 2 collapsible dumbbells.

Please note, they are DISASSEMBLE! Only collapsible dumbbells will allow you to increase or decrease the load in a particular exercise. Anyway, why the hell buy several sets of dumbbells when they have exorbitant prices (expensive)? This is, firstly.

Secondly, it's pointless! If you have non-separable dumbbells (that is, with one weight, say, 12 kilograms), then firstly, different muscle groups require completely different loads, for example, to train biceps - 12 kg MAY be suitable for you, but for seated presses or dumbbell bench presses (for the chest muscles) - it may not work (it will be too little), well, do you understand what I want to say? => Non-separable dumbbells are not suitable for home use, because they do not allow you to progress the load (increase the weight of the equipment from workout to workout). Do you understand? And without progression of loads = muscle growth is impossible!!!

CONCLUSION: you need COMBATABLE DUMBBELLS (weight preferably up to 24 kg, this, according to my observations, will be quite enough for beginners and even an average level of training, and at home, too).

2nd OUTPUT: COLLAPSE DUMBLESSES from zero to 24 – this is the MINIMUM. With the help of them you can already do a lot of things (here is the section<= переходите по ссылке и там вы сможете найти самые эффективные упражнения, с этим оборудованием, на все группы мышц, для growth stimulation muscles).

Without this (minimal equipment), no one will help you AT ALL. Rest assured.

2. For full training at home, you need to have (well, very desirable) a BAR.

That would be absolutely wonderful. Just wonderful. If you have a barbell, then you can perform all the necessary exercises, all those that stimulate muscle growth as strongly as possible. You can read about them in the section<= переходите по ссылке и ищите. Но, опять же таки, сама по себе штанга (олимпийский гриф стандарт 20 кг) – без блинов (отягощения) мало чего стоит.

At the initial stage, 20 kg will be enough, but I have already said a hundred times that without progressive loads = muscle growth is impossible. Therefore, when buying a barbell, buy plates as well. Ideally, you should have at least twenty per side (just take pancakes not of 20 kg at once, but of 5. That is, a pancake of 5 kg, another 5 kg, and another 5 kg, and again and again, so that it turns out 20).

For what, you ask? Why not just take a damn twenty and not worry about that little thing?

I answer: for many exercises, twenties will be a lot for you. You will not be able to perform, say, a barbell row to the chin with 60 kilograms. This is a lot (at least for beginners and intermediate level)! And you don’t have less pancakes. And you stand there like a sheep and don’t know what to do... And so you hang them, 5 at a time, and it will come out to 30 kg. If you need it, you can hang 5 more, and it will be 40. You have the ability to adjust, because each exercise requires a different load. Do you understand? It is important.

Ideally (100% necessary) take also 2.5 kg on each side, they will 100% be needed. 5 kg per side (total 10 kg) is too much progression, and in some exercises (for example, biceps curls) it will be too much. And so, you will hang 2.5 kg on one side (total 5 kg) = and that’s normal. Do you understand?

CONCLUSION:(Olympic bar standard 20 kg) – without plates (weights) it’s not worth much. Therefore, when buying a barbell, buy also plates (twenty on each side, not whole, but 5 kg plates, and be sure to separately take 2.5 kg plates on each side).

GENERAL CONCLUSION on the BAR and DUMBBELLS: Collapsible dumbbells (from zero to 24 kg), this is the MINIMUM. Dumbbells together with a barbell are just a bomb.<= Это, в идеале, как раз таки то, что вам нужно иметь для полноценных тренировок.

If you don’t have dumbbells or barbells, rest assured that no scheme, miracle technique, online training, etc. will help you.

ADDITIONAL, but not required equipment

3. The next piece of equipment I wanted to talk to you about is an ADJUSTABLE BENCH.

Please note, ADJUSTABLE! It is very important. If you make or buy a regular bench (that is not adjustable) then you will not have the ability to adjust it. For example, to train the chest muscles, ideally you need to set the bench to 30 degrees. To train the deltoids (in the exercise seated dumbbell press), you need to set the bench completely vertical (so that you can lean your back on it). Without adjustment, you won't be able to do anything.

In general, if you are going to buy a bench (bench)) then buy only an adjustable one. It is universal and will be of more use. I assure you, only adjustable.

PARTS/PURCHARGE BAR (for those who plan to train seriously)

CONCLUSION: having collapsible dumbbells, a barbell and weights and a rack for it, as well as an adjustable bench and a horizontal bar + parallel bars = a gym is not needed (in my opinion), but this is for those who really work out very seriously. And for those, to be honest, I see no reason not to go to the gym and take a steam bath.

  • MINIMUM (collapsible dumbbells from 0 to 24 kg), then if necessary (when needed) buy additional pancakes.
  • Having collapsible dumbbells from 0 to 24 kg + a barbell (and weight plates for it, at least 20 kg on each side, and separate weight plates of 2.5 kg on each side) = you can train even better (this is ideal). Then, as your fitness level increases (as needed), you will buy more pancakes.

Moreover, please note, you don’t have to buy those same dumbbells and barbells, you can make them yourself (Google them, people will help, tell you, teach you). Well, if you do, don’t buy a new one (it’s too expensive). Used is the best (at least that’s what I would do, but see for yourself).

Dumbbells are quite simple, but very effective sports equipment that allows you to engage the maximum muscle groups, that is, almost the entire body. It is very difficult to list exercises with dumbbells; there are countless of them.

The main advantage of dumbbells over most types of sports equipment is their versatility. They are suitable for both training in the gym and for independent training at home. People who are used to playing sports at home, in most cases give their preference to these equipment.

Manufacturers of sports equipment produce many different dumbbells. Collapsible ones are considered the most expensive. They differ from simple ones in the ability to adjust the weight, which is why they are much more expensive. This allows absolutely everyone to train with one piece of equipment, regardless of training level and gender.

Any burden requires compliance with certain precautions. They are aimed at minimizing the risk of injury and are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to warm up before starting the training. Warm-up should be aimed at thoroughly preparing joints and muscles for subsequent loads.
  2. Strict adherence to execution technique. The slightest deviation from correct execution can cause injury and corresponding negative consequences.

The number of approaches for home training ranges from 3 to 5 sets. The number of repetitions in each is from 6 to 10 times. The main guideline in building training should be the level of your own training and physical capabilities.

Beginners are recommended to train with a break of one or two days. This is due to the fact that muscle fibers are restored at a much lower rate in beginners than in more experienced athletes. The latter can train with dumbbells five or more days a week.

To involve each muscle group in work, you need to do not just individual exercises, but specially designed complexes. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and rules, including the order of execution. This allows you to isolate the desired muscles without involving other parts of the body.

A set of exercises with dumbbells

It is quite simple. Perfectly adapted for people with different levels of training. It includes only those exercises that literally everyone can do, regardless of their level of training. Some require the use of a chair or bench.

The legs are spaced a little more or at the level of the width of the shoulder girdle. They hold dumbbells in their hands and begin to slowly squat. You need to lower, inhaling air, until a parallel to the floor surface is formed, and rise to the initial position, exhaling. If you increase the amplitude of the squat, dropping below the right angle, the gluteal muscles will receive more load.

The optimal number of sets is 3-5 times, in each of which 10-15 repetitions are performed.

They stand up straight. The legs are placed shoulder width apart. Hands with palms turned towards you are lowered down.

The right arm, holding the dumbbell, is bent at the elbow and raised to the shoulder joint with exhalation or breath-holding. The starting position is taken with inhalation. Repeat the same action on the left hand.

The correct technique for performing the “hammer” implies complete immobility of the body and elbows. The pace should be slow to get a feel for how the biceps work. Sets of 8-12 “hammers” are made from 3 to 5.

It requires some preparation and is performed with a bench set at an angle of 30-40 degrees. It is securely fixed. She shouldn't wobble. Lie on the bench with your back, and place your feet on the floor in the most comfortable position.

At the beginning of the exercise, your hands can be placed either at the same height or below the level of the bench. With an exhalation, raise your arms up. Return to the starting position while inhaling slowly. The exercise is similar to the barbell press, but only dumbbells are used here. Hands must be located at the same level with each other.

The number of presses in 3-5 approaches varies from 8 to 12.

It is carried out using a horizontal bench. Approaches are done exclusively with alternating hands.

The right hand and knee rest on the bench. The left leg, bent slightly at the knee joint, is placed on the floor surface, and the hand with the dumbbell is lowered. The working hand is pulled towards the waist, while the shoulder blades are brought together. The sides are changed after 10-15 lifts, and the number of sets is done from 3 to 5.

  1. They either sit on a chair or remain standing on the floor. In the latter case, the legs are placed slightly wider than the shoulder girdle. The arms spread to the sides in both versions look up with the palms. They are bent at the elbow joint and raised together with dumbbells to shoulder level.
  2. Performed using a bench or chair. Sit on a supporting surface so that your back is slightly tilted forward and your legs are spread wide apart. The left elbow rests on the left knee. Bending the arm, it is brought to the shoulder. A similar action is done on the opposite side.

Both exercises involve twisting your hands outward at the top point. Do 10-15 repetitions on each side. The number of sets is 3-5.

Triceps workout

They stand up straight. The legs are placed at the same level as the shoulders. The dumbbell, held with both hands, is raised above your head. With a sigh, it lowers to the back of the head, and with an exhalation, it rises again. The elbow joints should be parallel to each other and not move to the sides.

Similar to the first, but done separately on both the right and left hands. Thus, the amplitude increases noticeably, and the dumbbell drops much lower.

For each hand you need to do from 8 to 12 repetitions. The optimal number of approaches, as in all other exercises, is from 3 to 5.

Exercise for shoulders and upper back

Involves performing a set of three exercises:

Standing on the floor, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Hands with dumbbells are lowered down. Using the force of the trapezius dorsal muscles, exhaling, the shoulders are raised towards the ears. The elbow joint should remain straight. No bends should be allowed. Inhaling air, your shoulders slowly lower.

It involves simulating the movements that skiers perform with their hands. Feet the same width as shoulders. One of the arms, together with the dumbbell, is brought forward and bent at an angle of 90 degrees upward, and the other, on the contrary, is behind and bent at the elbow joint downward at a right angle. The exercise involves changing the position of the hands, that is, back and forth.

Swings with dumbbells

In a standing position, bring your legs together and bend your knees slightly. Hands with shells are lowered along the body. The dumbbells are lifted to the armpits, bending the elbows at a right angle, but only with them brought forward and turned outward. This allows you to use the shoulder muscles exclusively in isolation.

Exercises are done according to the 3-5x8-12 scheme.

To take the starting position, the torso is tilted forward at an angle of 90 degrees, while the legs are placed at shoulder level. The hands holding the projectiles are lowered, palms facing inward.

Execution involves raising your arms to the sides. A slight bend in the elbow joints is acceptable if you cannot keep them straight. You cannot straighten your torso. It should remain inclined for all repetitions, which are supposed to be done from 8 to 12 in each of 3-5 sets.

Standing on the floor, place your feet shoulder-width apart. This starting position assumes that the arms pressed to the chest are turned inward with the palms. Hands are raised up, alternately turning outward the left and right palms. Only one turn is made on each side. When the hand is returned to the starting position, the palm is turned again and the hand is pressed to the chest. You need to do from three to five sets, the number of repetitions in which is from 8 to 12 times.

Consists of two exercises:

  1. To take the starting position, stand straight, placing your legs at a distance equal to the width of the shoulder girdle. Hold the dumbbell with both hands and extend it in front of you so that it is in line with your shoulders. The projectile is pulled to the chest by flexing the elbow joints. Return to the starting position.
  2. Performed from a similar position as the first. Hands, holding dumbbells, straighten in front of you and make overlaps, alternately moving one hand over the other, making movements similar to scissors.

You need to do at least 3-5 approaches, in which you perform 8-15 times.

Exercises for leg muscles

To develop and pump up the muscles of the lower extremities, while practicing on your own, you should do the following:

Alternately done on each side. The working left leg is placed forward, and the thigh becomes a support on which the hands holding the dumbbells rest. The right leg is pulled back. It is straightened, that is, not bent, but should not lie on the floor surface. The knee is suspended, and the emphasis is placed solely on the toe. When lunges to one side are done, change legs and repeat all the actions again.

They are an effective way to engage the leg muscles. Unlike lunges, it is performed from a standing position. Hands with projectiles play the role of additional weights and are extended to the sides of the body, which allows you to increase the load. The pull-ups themselves are carried out by transferring the body weight to the toes, when at the top point they linger for at least 5 or 10 seconds, and then lower back to the heels.

You need to do at least 3, maximum 5 approaches with 10-15 movements in each.

This list of exercises is not complete. There are many more variations on how to work with dumbbells, but the presented complex is enough to develop a strong body. When the technique is mastered and the current weight goes easily, it needs to be increased. The main thing is to do it gradually, and not start from the maximum. The number of repetitions and approaches is given relative and can increase with training, as well as taking into account the initial physical form, lack/presence of sports experience.

Question: I can't go to the gym anymore and I don't have the space or money to do one at home. Tell me how to pump up at home without exercise equipment and can I build muscle without additional weights, barbells and dumbbells? Or am I completely lost?

Answer: Whenever someone asks me how to work out at home, without a gym (special equipment or even minimal free weights), my first reaction is to ask... For what?

I mean, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that this is not a good environment for gaining muscle mass, so my first goal is to always try to solve any problem that is preventing you from achieving your goal.

Can't you find a way to get to the gym? Could you maybe cut back on your phone app purchases and instead use that money to buy a gym membership? Could you clear out some of the clutter in your basement or garage to free up some space for a full strength training session at home?

In very rare cases, people use the right way to pump up, and all problems are solved, and their muscles begin to grow with renewed vigor. But much more often the answer to all of the above is misunderstanding, refusal and the search for a miracle program of training and exercises for muscle growth. But in the end, disappointment comes from the wrong approach to business.

And this brings us back to the original question...

The good news is that the answer to this question is definitely yes. You can train at home and still build muscle without the special machines found in gyms. The lack of free weights certainly doesn't help, but even with these conditions... you can achieve certain results.

The bad news is that it will be much more uncomfortable, much more difficult in the athletic aspect, and just much more difficult in general. That's why...

How to build muscles: basic requirements

Building muscle requires at least 2 fundamental principles.

  1. Progressive workouts that can stimulate growth. (A sound training plan = success.)
  2. A diet that can support muscle growth. (First of all, consume enough calories and protein).

As long as both principles work correctly, regularly and for a long enough time, the muscles will grow.

What should you do and use to make your muscles grow?

As you may have noticed, the main principles of muscle growth do not include a gym membership, training with free weights such as barbells and dumbbells, machines or additional equipment.

And this is because they do not play a decisive role in increasing muscle size and mass growth. These are just useful additions that can help speed up results and improve quality.

And not only in the sense that they will effectively train every muscle group and provide the muscle growth that you so desire. They simplify the progression of loads that is so necessary to stimulate muscle growth and progress in training both at home and in the gym.

That's why all gyms are filled with dumbbells from 2 to 45 kg + in 2 kg increments, barbells and plates from 2.5 kg to 20 kg (also in 2 kg increments); benches that can be adjusted to any angle; racks on which you can perform many exercises; complex, block and various exercise machines for each muscle group.

So I'm not going to lie to you here. If you want to build and pump up beautiful and strong muscles, then applying all of the above will be the best and most effective way to achieve this. Of course, you can do without something, but if you don’t have anything on this list, then this is a big problem.

But, as I already said, everything in this world is possible. There are a large number of different programs and workout options that can be used to build muscle at home without using equipment, and even the most controversial of them can work effectively when used correctly.

Exercises for training at home without exercise equipment

For the first time you have a wonderful inventory: whether you knew about it or not... This is your own body weight. With it (+ a little creativity) you can do all sorts of exercises. Even the very first thing that comes to mind:

  • Push-ups (and all kinds of variations);
  • Pull-ups (and all kinds of variations);
  • Horizontal pull-ups;
  • Reverse push-ups;
  • Headstand push-ups;
  • Biceps curl;
  • Bodyweight triceps exercise;
  • Lunges (and all kinds of variations);
  • Squats;
  • Bulgarian squats;
  • Pistol squats;
  • Lying leg curl;
  • Romanian deadlift on one leg;
  • etc.

This is by no means a complete list of exercises. You'll find a bunch more.

But this is enough to create one of your workouts. There are enough exercises in this list to make working out at home truly effective for building muscle. And it will be without any additional equipment and without exercise equipment or going to an expensive gym.

Add more, for example: rubber band, and now you can do dozens of other exercises (close-grip rows, bench presses, front and side swings, biceps and triceps exercises, etc.)…

So, the more exercise, the better. This is good news. Now for the less good news...

Progress will be difficult to achieve, but it is possible

Progress in these exercises (where the #1 goal is to gain muscle mass) can be difficult to achieve, especially as you get stronger. Because you can't adjust the weight you perform the exercise with to create a progression of loads that needs to create stress to stimulate muscle growth: you can't just add 2kg and move on to the next weight like you can with a barbell or dumbbells.

Luckily, this won't be a problem early on, as there are 2 great ways to increase your load.

The first step is to move from simple exercises to more complex ones (for example, from assisted pull-ups to simple pull-ups). Great. After this, progress in repetitions is necessary. For example, if you can only do 3 sets of 5 reps for some exercises, you can gradually increase the number of repetitions to 12 for 3 sets.

But at some point, the exercise variations will end and you will no longer be able to add reps, since there will be a high risk of starting to train for endurance rather than for muscle growth.

So what should you do then? Well, you either keep doing what you're doing and never get stronger, build muscle, or figure out a way to increase the load. For example…

  • Sports vests with weights;
  • Weighted belts;
  • Stiffer rubber bands;
  • There are rings, TRX loops and others;
  • A backpack filled with books;
  • Affordable and easily adjustable dumbbell sets designed to save space.

Depending on the specific exercises, there will almost always be some way to make them harder: adding some extra weight or simply making the exercises harder so that the load progresses and the muscles continue to grow.

You just need to think a little to understand the approach to each exercise you do. This is the whole key to effective training.

If you don't do this, you will end up like most people who work out at home without much thought about weights or special equipment... you will forever be stuck at the same weight and muscle size, doing the same thing, without changing anything about your training program.

Not fun at all!

Everyone who works out at home has different training conditions and equipment, and they all ask the same question... can my workouts be effective for muscle growth?

The answer obviously depends on what exactly (what equipment) the person will be working with. But if I had to just guess, I would say that in 99% of cases any exercise can be replaced by some other, similar one that could be performed in the conditions you need.

Training program without iron

Whether you have access to a gym or not, it doesn't really matter, working out at home can be just as effective .

There are tons of exercises you can do without free weights, in the privacy of your own home, hotel room or office to build muscle and improve your fitness.

Of course, training with additional weights and machines is great, but the simple fact is that you can build muscle without additional equipment.

How to build muscle without exercise equipment at home?

Use these exercises!

Exercises that you perform only with your body weight go a long way in developing functional strength at any fitness level. Since you won't be using additional weights for these exercises, it's best to focus on a very fast pace and high number of repetitions to fully engage your muscles. Of course, technique always comes first, but in general, bodyweight exercises have a much lower risk of injury than free weights.

Below is a list of the 10 best exercises that will help you build muscles at home. You've probably heard of many of them, but I've added my own tips for improving your technique and approach.


Squats work 85% of the muscles in your entire body. Just think about it. The productivity of this exercise is many times greater than any other. Additionally, squats are known to promote greater testosterone production. If you want to build muscle mass, then this is definitely your option.

To perform a deep, proper squat, start with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing out slightly, and as you begin the squat, keep your back straight and focus on pushing your butt back and keeping your chest high. When you squat, bring your knees forward and outward, but not over your toes, and press your heels into the ground to maintain balance. If you need extra balance, move your arms forward. When the pace is fast and explosive, this extra balance can become very necessary.

You can do bodyweight squats every day if you want. You can also change up your squatting technique by trying single-leg squats or sumo squats (wide-legged).

Push ups

Push-ups are an upper body exercise. Anytime, anywhere, you can do push-ups and work your chest, shoulders, triceps and back muscles. Follow your breath and lower yourself until your chest touches the ground.

For variety, a wide stance will target the pecs more, while a close stance will increase resistance.

If you elevate your legs on a chair or wall and change the angle, you will work the upper pectoral muscle, increasing the difficulty.

Reverse push-ups

Using a chair, coffee table, or even a bed, you can always work your triceps and pecs with reverse push-ups. This is an excellent exercise, by doing which you will be able to see a beautiful and prominent horseshoe-shaped muscle on the back of your arm. Remember to keep your head straight so that your spine is in the correct position.

Wall squats are a great way to work on your quads and endurance. With your back close to the wall and your arms at your sides, lower yourself down to create a 90-degree angle between your knees and the wall. You can't lean on your knees! Personally, I like to use the timer on my phone for this exercise. Start by trying the high chair exercise for 60 seconds or until you can no longer stand the burning sensation in your muscles.


Lunges are one of the best exercises, but proper technique takes some practice, as with any exercise. People have a tendency to sway when they shift their body weight from one leg to the other. As you shift your weight forward to the other leg, remember to keep your back and shoulders straight; You also need to focus on moving your hips down towards the floor rather than forward - this will allow you to complete the rep with proper form.


Starting from your stomach, keep your spine straight and support your weight on your forearms, which at this point are on the floor and form a right angle with your shoulders. Pull your stomach in to increase the intensity. Planking is another exercise for which I recommend using a timer. Try it for 90 seconds and tell me you can't do core workouts at home.

The concept of doing this is similar to the plank, but the difference is that the upper body should be supported by only one arm. The oblique abdominal muscles and core muscles are worked.


The expression that applies to this exercise is: “As it is heard, so is it written.” It will work your arms and lower back. Lie on your stomach, then reach forward and lift your arms, legs and head off the floor as if you were trying to fly, hold this position for a few seconds and lower yourself.

Crunches with leg raises

I like to combine crunches and leg raises to work my upper and lower abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your heels flat on the floor, lift your knees toward your chest and do a crunch, squeezing your abs as your knees and chest touch each other. Then return to the starting position.


A burpee is a multi-muscle movement that combines a jump with a push-up. This is a great option for working multiple muscle groups. The main thing to pay attention to is the lower back; Avoid bending your spine as much as possible when you squat and then jump up.

Circuit training

If you've been working out for a while and don't think bodyweight exercises are going to give you the muscle gains you're looking for, you can up the intensity of your home workout by doing circuit workouts. This will work on your muscles and endurance, add an aerobic element and really increase the difficulty of your workouts.

Circuit training constantly keeps you toned, heart rate and pulse accelerated, while one muscle group rests and another works hard. You will be amazed at how many physical results you can get in less time using this method.

When planning a circuit workout, it is important to turn off certain muscle groups to give them rest one at a time. So, if you start with push-ups, then move on to squats and abdominal exercises.


So now you have my favorite at-home exercises that build muscle without any equipment. They can help you get in shape and lose weight while improving your overall health and strength. No gym? No problem!

Home workout programs

3 Day Bodyweight Workout Program

Are you a beginner or want to take a break from heavy strength training? This three-day workout program covers all the basic exercises and will give you a powerful start to strength training at home.

general information

Description of the training

Whatever you do: bodybuilding, powerlifting, CrossFit or team sports, the end goal is the same - to improve your body.

So it makes sense to make an effort to learn how to use your body correctly, right? Is it true.

To do this, you should include bodyweight exercises in your program.

These exercises can be vital for developing fitness, improving body functionality, or increasing endurance on the court or field.

The proposed program is a 3-day split that trains all the main functions of the body so that you have something to show both externally and in practice.

Day 1: Upper body

Day 2: Lower Body

Day 3: Core muscles


How long should you pause between approaches? How can I combine these routines with my training program?

You can perform them after a regular workout or as a stand-alone training program. It all depends on the person and his goals.

If you want to focus on exercises with your own body weight, then do this program separately.

Is it possible to perform these complexes twice a week?

Certainly. If you wish, you can train for at least three days in a row, then take a day of rest, and train for another three days in a row.

How long should I follow this program?

Until you feel that you have squeezed everything you can out of this training. I would recommend doing it for at least 4 weeks. What to do after this period is up to you.

I'm strong and don't have enough body mass to reach failure. What to do?

Weight vests will perfectly cope with the role of additional weight without burdening you with unnecessary equipment. Wear a vest for weight-bearing exercises. Alternatively, you can hang a chain around your neck.

Is there any way to make the exercises more difficult?

If you need a vest or chains for additional weight, you can do a drop set. Perform the exercise with weights until failure, then remove the weight and continue.

Instead of doing all the sets at once, you can turn the workout into a circuit workout. Do all the exercises one at a time without rest. This is one circle. Repeat this three times. Rest 1 minute between circles.

I'm too weak to use body weight. Can I replace exercises with exercise machines?

This goes against the grain of the program. If necessary, have a spotter or training partner help you with the most difficult exercises. Don't use weight machines instead.

Three sets of bodyweight exercises you can do anywhere

Given the heaviness of modern life, who would want to hang dumbbells and weights on themselves? Instead, use these workout routines to build muscle using your own body weight.

Do you want to get a good workout, but don’t have access to sports equipment? Do not despair. Using your body weight, you can exercise whenever and wherever you want and still enjoy the process.

When many people talk about bodyweight training, they think of cardio. Of course, bodyweight exercises work well with this type of fitness, but they are also effective for developing upper and lower body strength. You just need to be a little resourceful when choosing exercises.

Since it will not be possible to load the muscles enough with body weight, you need to find another way to injure them to develop strength. We offer you three sets of exercises that do not require anything other than body weight and a horizontal bar or doorway.

Complex 1: Working the lower body and buttocks

To actively stimulate the muscles of the lower body through training with your own weight, you need to choose high-repetition exercises with elements of plyometrics. Plyometric exercises will help build muscle strength and explosiveness. By combining this method with high-repetition training, you can easily build lean muscle mass.

After a short warm-up, perform the entire complex once, resting only at the specified time. At the end of the circle, rest for 3 minutes and repeat everything again two more times.

Pumping the lower body and buttocks
1. Walking with body weight lunges

1 set, 20 times each leg


1 approach, 20 times

4. Step-up with knee lift

1 set, 20 times (each leg)


1 approach, 20-30 sec. (Rest 60 sec.)

6. Sumo squats with kettlebell

1 set, 30 reps (perform without weights)


1 set, 10 times (each leg)


1 approach, 50 times

The good thing about lower body workouts is that they also have a positive effect on the heart. You can be sure that this complex will make your heart beat wildly! However, perform this selection of exercises only when you want to maximally load your muscles.

Set 2: Developing Upper Body Strength

Two of the best compound exercises of all time will help you work your upper body using your own weight: push-ups and pull-ups. As soon as you find a horizontal bar or something to grab onto, you will be able to handle this complex in no time.

Perform the exercises in the mode below, resting for 30-60 seconds. between approaches. Decrease the total number of repetitions in a pyramid manner until you reach the final stage of fatigue.

Developing Upper Body Strength
1. Push-ups

3 sets, 15-20 reps (30-60 seconds rest between sets)

3. Diamond push-ups
4. Pull-ups on a low bar from hanging while lying down

3 sets, 15 times (30-60 seconds rest between sets)

5. Push-ups

3 sets, 10 times (30-60 seconds rest between sets)

3 sets, 5 times (30-60 seconds rest between sets)

Push-ups and pull-ups themselves work every muscle group in your upper body: chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps.

Complex 3: Fat-blasting cardio training

You can do this workout even when you're short on time. Bodyweight exercises are ideal for increasing your calorie burn during your workout and for long hours afterwards. Always start this workout with a light warm-up.

Try to complete 100 repetitions of each exercise. If necessary, stop and rest, then return to the exercise again, remembering to follow the correct technique. When you're done, cool down for 5-10 minutes and do some stretching. Vary the rest time or number of repetitions as you see fit.

Fat-blasting cardio training

1 approach, 100 times

1 approach, 100 times

1 approach, 100 times

1 approach, 100 times

5. Scissor jumps

1 approach, 100 times

Additional Benefits of Bodyweight Training

You can always jump on some cardio equipment and do interval training. However, bodyweight training is more dynamic and forces you to change positions for each new exercise. This will improve your balance and agility, as well as develop functional strength that will benefit you both in and out of the gym.

Moreover, bodyweight exercises are very exciting. Most people quickly get bored with the same type of cardio workout, but the many variations of bodyweight exercises will force you to work not only your muscles, but also your head.

A set of exercises with body weight to gain weight

Is it possible to build muscle with bodyweight exercises alone? Yes, provided there is sufficient intensity. This complex will make you sweat, no matter how experienced an athlete you are.

general information

Description of the training

Can you develop muscle mass with bodyweight exercises? Yes, if the training is really hard.

I have compiled this set as a reliable starting point. But it is only suitable for the first time.

In the future, you will have to find a way to complicate it. The website offers many variations of bodyweight exercises. Try them, and improve your program when this routine becomes too easy for you.

You can perform this complex up to three times a week. Rest at least one day between workouts. If your muscles are too sore or you need more time to recover, increase the rest period to 2-3 days.

Your goal is to do 25-50 repetitions per set, depending on the exercise. When you begin to succeed, complicate the exercise.

For example, when you can do 50 push-ups per set, move on to one-arm push-ups (alternating) or clap push-ups. If bodyweight squats are too easy for you, add jump squats or box jumps.

Rest. Rest no longer than you need to catch your breath. As soon as you can answer the question what day is it today, move on to the next exercise.

After completing the entire circuit, rest for 2-5 minutes. and drink some water.

A set of effective exercises with dumbbells to perform at home. All about how to gain muscle mass at home - nutrition and training rules.

The program is based on the principles of a basic program for muscle growth: comprehensive training of all muscle groups in one session and the use of the most effective basic exercises in the form of variations with dumbbells.

The number of repetitions in the exercises is higher, but this is due solely to the fact that trainees usually have only light, collapsible dumbbells at their disposal. If possible, perform fewer repetitions, but with more weight.

A set of workouts with dumbbells

Workout 1

Single leg lunges - 2 sets of 10-12 reps
Shrugs with dumbbells - 2 x 8-10
Squats with dumbbells - 3 x 8-10
Standing dumbbell press - 3 x 10-12
Dumbbell bench press - 3 x 10-12
Push-ups - 2 x maximum possible
Dumbbell rows to the belt - 3 x 12-15

Dumbbell biceps press - 2-3 x 10-12
Triceps push-ups on a bench - 2-3 x 10-12

Workout 2

Sumo squats with one dumbbell - 2 x 8-10
Lifting dumbbells in front of you - 2 x 12-15
Deadlift with dumbbells - 3 x 8-10
Raising dumbbells to the sides - 3 x 12-15
Lying dumbbell flyes - 3 x 10-12
Reverse push-ups - 2 x maximum possible
Bent-over dumbbell row with one arm - 3 x 12-15
Pull-ups (alternating grips) - 2 x maximum possible
“Hammer”: lifting dumbbells for biceps - 2-3 x 10-12
Lifting dumbbells for triceps - 2-3 x 10-12

How to train at home: explanations of the program

Do this program 3-4 times a week, alternating between workouts. Spend no more than 40-50 minutes to complete each; Before training, do a light warm-up or exercises with body weight, and after training, stretch and cool down.

Strengthen your abdominal muscles either at the end of your workout or on rest days. Experts recommend a variety of options as a program. The James Boone method can be recommended as the most effective way to work out your abs at home and can show results in just a few weeks.

Supersets and grouping exercises

The exercises are performed in supersets (in pairs): for example, after lunges with dumbbells, you rest for literally 10 seconds, then immediately do shrugs, after which you rest a little more - about 30-40 seconds, and return to lunges again.

This method will increase the effectiveness of training and reduce its time. In addition, the exercises are grouped so that antagonistic muscle groups work: pectoral muscles and latissimus dorsi, biceps and triceps.

Pectoral muscles at home

The first mistake of those who train at home is performing a huge number of repetitions (for example, push-ups 50-70 times). Remember that this approach tends to “burn” the muscles, and to grow them you need a low to moderate number of repetitions with heavy weights.

If you want to pump up your chest with push-ups, first do a dumbbell press, and then, when your pectoral muscles are tired enough, perform 10-12 reverse push-ups at the slowest pace possible, with your legs on a slight elevation.

Diet for muscle growth at home

Follow the rules of a sports diet:

increase the calorie content of your diet by about 20%;

consume 2.2-2.5 g. protein per kilogram of dry body weight;

25% of calories consumed per day should come from fats, the rest from carbohydrates.

Is it possible to pump up at home?

The main requirement for muscle growth is a progressive load of working weights. Unfortunately, the main disadvantage of training at home with dumbbells is that the maximum weight of dumbbells is not that high, and after a couple of months you will reach the limit.

A complex with dumbbells is suitable only for beginners in the first months of training. If you want to train seriously, then for your home gym you will need a barbell, a set of weights, a rack and a bench - you won’t be able to get by with lightweight collapsible dumbbells.

Many beginners are sure that home workouts do not allow them to pump up their arms, that is, they consider visiting the gym mandatory. This misconception is due to insufficient awareness of working with sports equipment such as dumbbells. A properly designed program allows you to pump up your biceps well without going to the gym. The main thing is to approach the issue competently.

Dumbbells are a basic multifunctional equipment that is immediately ready for use, does not take up much space and does not require any additional settings. This sports equipment allows you to pump up almost all muscle groups, including your arms, and you can exercise with it not only in the gym, but also at home.

The biceps is a biceps muscle responsible for rotating the wrist and flexing the arms. The triceps is a triceps muscle that is responsible for extending the upper limbs. Visually, the volume of the arms depends 70% on the triceps and 30% on the biceps. To pump up these muscle groups, it is enough to understand the basic principles of training them and what exercises help you achieve your goal. This will help you create the right training program.

Muscles begin to grow exclusively under stress. It is necessary to shock the muscles, but only in such a way that the exercises are as safe as possible. If precautions are not taken, there is a risk of injury. To avoid such adverse consequences, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Always start your workout with a warm-up. Stretching increases muscle elasticity and reduces the likelihood of injury. In addition, it is recommended to do the first approach after warming up not with full working weights, but with half
  2. Exercise at the correct frequency. To avoid overtraining, it should be borne in mind that the biceps and triceps are also involved in other exercises for the shoulder girdle, chest and back. The optimal frequency for muscle training is once every 4-7 days. If you exercise more often, your muscles will become overworked. The number of approaches should vary from 3 to 4 times with 8-12 repetitions in each.
  3. Do basic exercises. You need to start pumping up your arm muscles with dumbbells by mastering and performing basic movements. This is especially true for the first months of training.
  4. Carry out the training technically correctly. If you do not follow the correct movements, it is impossible to achieve muscle contraction and stretching. Without this aspect, muscles do not develop and are not pumped.
  5. Dedicate a separate day to manual training. This will allow your biceps and triceps to grow much faster and more intensely. Splits into opposite muscles (biceps-triceps) allow you to get the effect of stretching and contracting. This training method is the most effective.

Having familiarized yourself with the main rules, you can proceed directly to the exercises.

The best exercises with dumbbells for biceps

To make rapid progress and good results, you need to focus solely on the best dumbbell movements.

Performed according to the following scheme:

  • The legs are spaced shoulder-width apart, and the elbows are kept close to the body and not pulled to the sides.
  • As you inhale, bend your arms at the elbow joints, and as you exhale, extend them.
  • Be sure to pause for a second when the muscles are contracted as much as possible, but do not press the dumbbells to the shoulders.

Do not make sudden movements or bend your hands.

Biceps curls with dumbbells should be done first in the training. You can perform the exercise one by one or simultaneously. You need to decide on the load yourself. The main thing is to avoid excessive swinging and jerking of the body.


  • Sit on a bench or other similar device.
  • Place your elbow on the inner thigh.
  • Bend and bring the arm to the chest.
  • No body movements. They work only with their hands.
  • The hand is raised with exhalation and lowered with inhalation.
  • Sudden movements are not allowed. All concentration is exclusively on performing the exercise.

Such lifts are good for exploding the muscles.


  • The bench is installed at an acute angle. If there is no such device, a similar position, placing something under the lower back, is taken on a regular chair.
  • Bend the arm so that movement occurs exclusively at the elbow joint.
  • Without any delay at the extreme point, the hand is immediately lowered.
  • With inhalation, do flexion, and with exhalation, do extension.

This exercise allows you to stretch the muscles well, which contributes to better pumping of the biceps, so after it you feel a sharp flow of blood. Lifts are done on each arm in turn.


  • Take dumbbells with a neutral grip.
  • The projectile is lifted without jerking or swinging.
  • Hands should be held along the body.
  • At the highest point they linger for a second.
  • It is important to monitor your breathing evenly and maintain the correct pace.

This exercise works the brachialis. This muscle is located under both heads of the biceps, giving them more volume.

The best dumbbell exercises for triceps

The movements below are great for toning your arm muscles outside of the gym.

Performed according to the following scheme:

  • Take dumbbells in your hands and lay them either on the floor or on a bench, that is, a stable horizontal surface.
  • The shells are squeezed out and deployed in parallel.
  • The arms are lowered along the body to the lower chest or upper abdomen with inhalation. Elbows should not be moved to the side.
  • Be sure to ensure that the hands are perpendicular to the plane of the floor, and the elbows are moved exclusively next to the body.
  • No delays. The dumbbells immediately squeeze and exhale the air from the lungs.

This exercise is a classic for working the triceps. It requires careful execution and complete control over every movement made. Thanks to such presses, the triceps become more prominent, and, most importantly, increase in volume.

This is done using the following technique:

  • Take a comfortable lying position, with the main emphasis on your legs. It is most convenient to do the bench press on a bench or other surface that allows you to take the correct emphasis.
  • They squeeze the shells in front of their faces. The dumbbells are slowly lowered to the sides of the head to the level of the forehead and the air is inhaled.
  • Hands up to the elbows should be perpendicular to the floor surface.
  • Exhale and extend your arm.
  • All work should be carried out only thanks to the movements of the elbows and the force of the triceps.

The exercise can be performed on both hands simultaneously or separately on each. Everyone chooses the best option for themselves. This press gives the arms an aesthetic appeal.

To do this exercise, you must adhere to the following technique:

  • The dumbbells are held perpendicular to the floor above your head.
  • The projectile is lowered behind the head and brought to the level of the cervical vertebrae, thereby stretching the triceps.
  • You cannot move your elbow joints. They must remain motionless.

Similar to the previous exercise, this press is done either simultaneously or separately. The last option is considered more preferable.

An example of an effective training program with dumbbells

The starting point when creating your own training program is that it is better to train biceps and triceps on different days. The optimal way to perform each exercise is as follows:

Standing Dumbbell Raise3-4 8-12 1,5-2
Dumbbell Bench Press3-4 8-12 1,5-2
Concentrated lifts3 10-14 1,5
3-4 10-12 1,5
Incline sit-ups3 8-12 1,5
Bent over arm extension3 8-10 1,5
3-4 10-12 1,5
3-4 10-12 1,5

It is not necessary to follow a given order. The main thing to remember is that the basic exercises should always be performed first. Of course, we must not forget that you can proceed directly to training only after a good warm-up.