How to pump up sculpted abs: truth and myths. How to make sculpted abs? Learning to tighten your abdominal muscles Effective workout for sculpted abs

Since you have come to this page, you have already asked yourself the question of how to pump up your abs to a six-pack and become the owner of a sculpted belly. In fact, everything is simple and if you have at least a little willpower, then you will be able to see your abs in a few months, maybe even earlier.

Before we show you a set of abdominal exercises, let's figure out why most of the population cannot see the treasured abs.

Too much fat! Fat won't help you get abs

The first and most important reason is subcutaneous fat, which so skillfully hides our flat stomach. Yes, exactly, every person has abs, whether he is fat or thin, the most important question is how much subcutaneous fat our abs hide.

So, in order to see those same seemingly inaccessible abs, you first need to get rid of excess fat. This is achieved in two ways, which are connected by unbreakable love: diet and cardio training.

We'll talk about diet a little later, but now we'll look at the importance of cardio training. Cardio training is a set of high-intensity exercises that you can perform to: burn fat, increase your endurance, and also strengthen your cardiovascular muscles.

The simplest and most effective exercise is running. Running is one of the main fighters against fat, so if you decide to pump up your six-pack abs, the first thing you should start doing is running in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. Starting to run every morning for 30 minutes, 3 – 4 times a week is your first step towards a sculpted belly.

If you can't run in the morning, run at any other time of the day. The most important thing is to start. You can also ride a bike instead of running. But if you want to train outside, then this will help you.

To pump up your abs, you need to eat right

The next step that will help you see your abs is nutrition. It's very simple: first you need to stop eating most of your carbohydrates. Stop eating fast foods, stop eating sweets (at least for these 3-4 months).

Give preference to slow carbohydrates: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, bran porridge, rice, all kinds of nuts, as well as vegetables. Try to eat most of your carbohydrates in the first half of the day. The percentage of carbohydrates in the general diet should be around 25 - 30%, the remaining 70 - 75% is filled with proteins: eggs, meat, milk (in small quantities), sea fish, cottage cheese, protein shakes.

Here's a sample meal plan for you:

08:30 Omelette of 4 - 5 egg whites and one yolk (you can add cheese and bacon)
A couple of pieces of toast bread
Multi-vitamin complex
Fish fat
200 -250 g vegetable salad, without dressing
Multi-vitamin complex
Fish fat
15:00 100 – 150 g of any porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, bran)

5 – 10 g. BCAA*
18:00 One serving of whey protein
150 – 200 g grilled or oven-cooked meat
150 -200 g vegetable salad, without dressing
Multi-vitamin complex
Fish fat
21:00 200 g cottage cheese + some fruit
5 – 10 g. BCAA*

This is just a sample nutrition plan that is advisable, but not required, to be followed. The most important rule you need to understand is to reduce your carbs and increase your protein intake.

The most effective abdominal exercises

Take a parallel bars position with your arms straight. The stand must be strong - the body should not sway during movement. Keep your back straight. Bend your legs slightly at the knees and raise them to a level parallel to the floor. Hold them at the top point for a couple of seconds, then smoothly lower them down.

Attach a resistance band or use a crossover at a level just above your head in a lunge. Take a deep lunge position - standing on the knee of one leg. The second is bent at the knee and rests the foot on the floor. Pull the expander over your shoulder so that its end is near the opposite hip.

Starting position – lying down. Next, put your hands forward and spread them as wide as possible, trying to find balance in this position. Your business should form something like a star shape. Tighten your abs so that your body does not sag down or protrude upward.

Load the bar with a light weight and lie on the floor holding the bar overhead. In the starting position, hold the bar as if you were doing a bench press. Straighten your legs and leave them lying on the floor. They should not move throughout the entire exercise. Raise your body so that at the end point of the exercise it is perpendicular to the floor. The barbell at its extreme point should be in a position above your head.

Starting position: lying on the floor, legs and arms straightened, pointing at the ceiling. Hold the medicine ball with your arms outstretched. The shoulder blades and head should be pressed to the floor. Next, lift your shoulder blades off the floor, trying to reach your toes with the medicine ball.

Starting position: lying on the floor, arms and legs extended and lifted off the floor. The back, pelvis and shoulder blades are pressed tightly to the floor. A fitball is held between the shins of the legs. Simultaneously lift the pelvis and shoulder blades so as to transfer the fitball from your legs to your hands. Then, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise, passing the ball from your hands to your feet and vice versa.

Starting position: lie on the floor, bend your knees and place them on the floor. The hands, at the same time, hold some kind of weight (pancake, barbell, disc, etc.) at chest level. Press your shoulder blades firmly to the floor. Raise your body so that your shoulder blade and lower back are off the floor. Pause at the extreme point for a second. Then, very slowly lower yourself down to the starting position.

Lie on the floor so that your back and shoulder blades are pressed firmly to the floor. Place your legs at a 90-degree angle and place your feet on the floor. In the initial position and throughout the entire approach, the arms are extended upward, towards the ceiling. Raise your body slightly so that your shoulder blades lift off the floor. Hold at the extreme point, then slowly lower to the starting position.

Stand in the “lying support” position, resting your hands on a medicine ball standing on the floor. In the initial position, the legs are extended and stand next to each other. Keep your back straight throughout the entire exercise. Pull one leg with your knee towards your chest. Then, return it to its original position, while simultaneously pulling up the second one. Perform the movement, simulating running in place.

Starting position: lying down, feet on a fitball. Pull the ball towards you with your feet so that your body is upright. Next, slowly roll the ball back and place your shins on it. The body should take a horizontal position, and the outstretched arms should be above the level of the head, but without violating the position of the emphasis on the floor. Using the strength of your abdominal muscles, return to the starting position, in which your arms are at shoulder level.

Sit on a bench and grab its edge with your hands to ensure a stable body position. Tilt your body slightly back. Extend your legs so that they form a straight line with your body. Hold a medicine ball between your shins. With a simultaneous movement, lift your body forward, and at the same time pull your legs bent at the knees towards your chest.

Sit on your knees and hold the roller so that it is strictly below shoulder level. In the initial position, the emphasis is on the toes, knees, and roller. By tensing your abdominal muscles, roll the roller forward until you feel tension in your abdominal muscles. At the end point of the exercise, the arms should be completely straight. The number of support points does not change - the hips should not lie on the floor. Working exclusively with your core muscles, return to the starting position by rolling the roller back.

Place 5kg weight plates on a long barbell. Get on your knees and place your hands on the barbell. In the starting position, it should be below shoulder level. There are three supports: toes, knees and barbell. Roll the barbell forward until you feel tension in your abdominal muscles and until your hips begin to sag. Using your abdominal muscles, roll the barbell back and return to the starting position.

Place the crossover handle at approximately shoulder level. Stand sideways to the machine. In the starting position, the body stands straight, and the body is turned slightly towards the simulator. The handle is held with two hands. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. You must stand at such a distance from the machine that the cable is taut. Moving exclusively with your body, turn so that your body is completely facing in front of you. The legs remain motionless throughout the entire exercise.

Sit on the floor, tilt your body slightly back. Hold the medicine ball with your arms extended forward. Bend your legs at the knees and place them on the floor so that your heels only rest on the floor. Starting position – hands in front of you. Next, turn your body to the left side until your lateral abdominal muscles are stretched to the maximum. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Movement is carried out only by the body - the pelvis and legs are tightly pressed into the floor and do not move.

Rest your elbows and forearms on the exercise ball. Place your feet on the floor and press your toes into the floor. The body should be in a straight line - do not bend or arch at the lower back. Keep your abdominal muscles constantly tense. Moving your elbows, rotate the fitball first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Beautiful and sculpted abs are not only a low level of subcutaneous fat, but also the ability to consciously tense the abdominal muscles (those same cubes). Only by strengthening your neuromuscular connection and learning to feel the involvement of your abdominal muscles will you be able to effectively perform various abdominal exercises.

However, the difficulty is that the more subcutaneous fat you have, the more difficult it will be for you to feel the involvement of the abdominal muscles in the work. In addition, an excessively large belly causes stretching of the abdominal muscles and significantly weakens the ability to consciously tense these muscles.

On the other hand, creating six-pack abs will still require physical activity from you, since the abs are also a muscle. However, the main exercises for pumping it up are not hanging leg raises at all, but, first of all, static exercises for developing the core muscles - first of all.

How to pump up your abs correctly?

Fitseven has already written that the best way is to combine dynamic exercises with static ones, as well as develop the internal abdominal muscles. In addition, we note once again that to burn subcutaneous fat you need a diet and regular cardio, and not at all.

The main point when performing any abdominal exercise is the ideal technique, and not the number of repetitions or the amount of additional weight. However, correct technique can only be achieved if you are able to maintain a slight tension in the abdominal muscles while training them.

Learning to tighten your abs

The best exercise to learn how to tighten your abdominal muscles is static crunches. Starting position: lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees and raised up, lower back with a slight arch, clasped hands behind the head (or at the temples).

Pressing your knees together, try to feel the tension in your abdominal muscles, then slowly and through their conscious involvement in the work, lift your shoulders up and hold this position. Start with 2-3 repetitions of 10-15 seconds, gradually increasing to 4-5 repetitions of 60 seconds.

Strong abs - anatomy

Muscle fibers are divided into two types -. Fast fibers are activated when lifting weights, slow fibers are activated during static loads. Slow muscle fibers predominate in the muscles of the core and abs, since the task of these muscles is to maintain posture.

Slow muscle fibers do not use free fatty acids as their main source of energy. This means that the stronger you develop your abdominal muscles, the drier and more prominent its muscle fibers will become - and those treasured abs will appear.

Key point of technology

The main point of the static crunch technique is not the height of the shoulder lift or the time spent at the top point. The key is to feel the abdominal muscles (especially the abdominal muscles) being involved in the work. A slight trembling in the body is an indication that you are on the right track.

Once you have learned to feel the engagement of your abs while lying down, try to achieve the same feeling first in an upright position (standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, chest facing up, arms tense and pointing to the sides), and then when doing other exercises or in everyday life.

How to properly train your abs?

Perform static crunches at the beginning of each strength training session until you are able to engage your abs without their assistance. At the end of your workout, first do a few sets of the exercise, then 2-3 of your favorite dynamic abdominal exercises.

To train the internal abdominal muscles at home, perform the “Vacuum in the Abdomen” exercise - lying on the floor, feet touching the floor, exhale the air from your lungs and pull your stomach inward as much as possible, as if trying to pull your navel to your spine. Start with 10 seconds, work your way up to 25-30 seconds.


The main step in achieving a sculpted abdomen is the ability to tense your abdominal muscles and consciously engage them when performing exercises. Static crunches, planks, and Abdominal Vacuum exercises are the best ways to learn how to tighten your abs and feel your six-pack.

It is the cubes that girls notice first of all; most often you can hear from them: “Look what kind of relief press, what cubes! But not only do the abdominal muscles look attractive, they are also an important component, partly the basis of the structure of the body. Plus, strong abdominal muscles will help you avoid lower back pain.

To have beautiful sculpted abs, you need to create a special set of exercises that will maximize the potential of your abdominal muscles and help you achieve your goal faster than if you were doing standard exercises.

However, there is one factor that may prevent you from achieving your goal: genetics. Some people are not predisposed to gaining a lot of mass and then turning it into muscle mass, while others are the opposite: they suffer from the fact that they cannot lose weight or “get dry.” These are all consequences of genetic abnormalities. They need to be taken into account when creating specialized sets of exercises and thematic diets (for weight gain, for cutting, for weight loss, and others).


Many nutritionists and scientists have already established that even if you devote a lot of time to training, it will still not be effective without following the right diet.

So that you have a good time pronounced, pumped up, sculpted abs it is necessary to adhere to a diet, which, for the most part, includes cereals, vegetables and fruits, as well as proteins.

It is worth completely avoiding or, if possible, reducing as much as possible the consumption of fatty foods and processed foods. They negatively affect the body as a whole, and cover your pumped up abs layer of fat.

A set of exercises for training sculpted abs

A set of exercises must be performed 3 times a week. Doing abdominal exercises will take you 15 minutes of your entire workout, so don’t be lazy, just take action.

Every 8 weeks it is advisable to change the training program. This is due to the fact that the muscles get used to certain exercises and loads, and gradually the exercise loses its effectiveness.

Next, we will provide you with an example of a simple but good complex for strengthening and developing the abdominal muscles. For each exercise you need to perform 2-4 approaches (depending on your level of physical fitness).

Raising the torso

This type of exercise is aimed at strengthening the upper abs. Lie down on a bench with your feet flat on the floor, then place your hands behind your head. Raise your torso to a 45-degree position relative to the bench, and return to the starting position.

In this exercise, the emphasis, the main tension should go to the abdominal muscles. During repetitions, do not pull your head with your hands, otherwise you will stretch your neck. Correct breathing when performing this exercise: inhale when squeezing the muscles, exhale when relaxing them.

Leg Raise

Leg raises target your lower abs.

Sitting on the edge of the bench, wrap your arms around it for support. Bend your knees and gradually lift your legs, then straighten them. To maintain balance, it is necessary to tilt your body back at the right moment.

Raising your knees toward your chest and keeping your shins pointing down, tighten your abdominal muscles as hard as possible. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, you need to keep your abdominal muscles tense throughout the entire approach.

Crunches on a block

This exercise perfectly strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles, they are located on the sides, around the so-called cubes. To train them, you can use a power block machine with weights; it is also used to train triceps.

Kneel down so that your face is directly in front of the machine, clasp the handle with both hands. When the cable is above your head, begin to lower your head to your knees. It is important to control each muscle contraction, do the exercise slowly, and perform it using the oblique abdominal muscles, and not using your body weight.

So that you have beautiful, pumped up, sexy abs you must perform this complex for 8 weeks of training. Next, replace the abdominal exercises in your complex with muscle fibers that are similar in areas of tension, but different in the degree of tension.

Every person involved in sports dreams of a sculpted and toned body. And if other muscles begin to stand out after just a few weeks of training, then in order to get the coveted abs on your stomach, you will have to show special diligence and perseverance.

And the point here is not only in correctly selected strength exercises, but also in competent aerobic exercise, and of course in organizing proper nutrition. Moreover, to give noticeable relief to the body, nutrition is organized in a special way, sometimes with the use of special sports supplements.

A little about the structure of the human body and the importance of the abdominal muscles

Why do people need strong, developed abdominal muscles? Firstly, they serve protection for important abdominal organs, keep them in the correct position. In addition, the abdominal muscles are involved in the formation correct posture and interact with the spine. And of course, a toned, sculpted belly is Beautiful.

When performing abdominal exercises, a person uses several muscle groups, which include:

  1. Rectus abdominis muscle is a long muscle located on the anterior abdominal wall of the abdomen. It stretches from the pubic ridge to the ribs. The well-known and desired six-pack is formed on this muscle, since it is crossed by tendons in several places. This muscle ensures the forward movement of the torso during flexion and is involved in raising the pelvis.
  2. External oblique muscle– the superficial muscle, which is the most extensive, is located mainly on the sides. Its fibers stretch from top to bottom along the oblique. She is involved in turning the torso and lifting the pelvis.
  3. Internal oblique muscle– is located under the external oblique muscle and forms the second layer of muscles under it. The fibers stretch obliquely from bottom to top. The muscle is involved in flexion and rotation of the torso, as well as in lifting the pelvis.
  4. Transverse abdominis muscle- This is the deepest, third layer of the abdominal muscles. These muscles are located horizontally around the waist. It is this muscle that is responsible for pulling the stomach and abdominal wall towards the ribs.

Nutrition secrets for a sculpted body

Many people train hard, regularly pump up their abs, but their beautiful sculpted abs remain under a layer of fat at the waist! The fact is that 90% of the success in creating ripped abs comes from properly organized nutrition.

So, if your goal is a six-pack on your stomach, then adopt a few simple nutrition tips:

  • Reduce your daily intake calories to a value of approximately 10 kcal per 0.5 kg of weight.
  • From now on your consumption rate squirrel: 1.5 grams per 0.5 kg of your weight. This point is especially important, since otherwise you will lose muscle mass, which we must not allow under any circumstances. can be consumed at every meal, and it is better to make dinner completely protein. Before and after training, you should consume approximately 20 grams of protein from your daily diet.
  • Consumption carbohydrates you will have to limit significantly. To calculate your carbohydrate intake, divide your weight in half. This is the amount of carbohydrates you should consume before training, and the same amount after training. Of course, you need to take them from cereals, vegetables, and fruits with low sugar content. However, some trainers recommend having a so-called “loading” day every four days, on which you can consume more carbohydrates. This helps speed up metabolism. However, you still need to carefully monitor the calorie content of your food.
  • Fats cannot be completely excluded from the diet. The daily intake of fat varies from 5 to 15% of the total diet. It is best to consume vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, fish or fish oil.
  • Be sure to drink as much plain water as possible - up to 3-4 liters per day. The liquid accelerates the body's metabolic processes and helps burn fat.
  • On breakfast It is best to combine proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Eat 4-5 times a day, Don't skip meals or eat on the go.

The importance of aerobic exercise for the formation of the press

Aerobic training will not only help you lose weight, but will also strengthen the cardiovascular system, significantly increase the overall endurance of the body, and increase resistance to stress.

Aerobic exercise should be done at least three times a week. It is best to do this in the morning - at this time the effectiveness of training increases significantly.

The training duration should be from 30 to 60 minutes.

Increase the load and intensity gradually so that the body has time to get used to them.

Try not to eat 1.5-2 hours before training and the same amount after it.

What abdominal exercises are most effective?

So, you have started following a special schedule that includes aerobic exercise three times a week. Now let's move directly to the abdominal muscles and exercises to strengthen them. Let's look at the most effective of them.

  • "Bike". A simple and beloved exercise, the technique of which is probably known to everyone. Lie on your back, clasp your hands behind your head. Your knees should be bent and your shoulder blades slightly off the floor. Begin to perform the appropriate movements with your feet, and when your left leg is straightened, you should touch the elbow of your left hand with the knee of your right leg. The “Bicycle” exercise is essentially synchronized diagonal crunches.
  • "Twisting." To perform a classic crunch, you need to lie on your back, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees, and rest your feet on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, but do not close your fingers at the back of your head - this will interfere with you. The lower back should be pressed to the floor - it is this movement that isolates the abdominal muscles. Exhale and begin twisting. Press your lower back into the floor as much as you can. At the end of the movement, you should tense your abdominal muscles and pause, holding in this position. Then inhale and slowly return to the starting position. There are several different variations of crunches: they can be performed on an incline bench, on a fitball, with free weights, with weights.
  • "Reverse crunches." This exercise is aimed at strengthening the lower abdominals. It is one of the main exercises for this muscle group. It is best to perform it in the first half of your workout, 10-20 repetitions in 3-4 sets. To perform the exercise correctly, lie on your back with your legs bent at right angles. Tighten your abdominal muscles as you inhale. Raise your pelvis and bring your knees towards your chest, but do not straighten your legs. Exhalation should be done at the very end of the exercise. Your task is to raise your pelvis above the floor as much as possible. The feet should not be placed on the floor until the end of the set.
  • "Oblique twists." This is the main exercise for training the oblique abdominal muscles. It is best to perform it at the very end of the training program and repeat it from 10 to 30 times in 3-4 approaches. To begin, lie on your side and bend your knees. The bottom knee should touch the floor and the shoulders should be slightly turned out. As you inhale, twist your body, raising your shoulder and head up. It is necessary to ensure that the lower shoulder comes off the floor a few centimeters. After this, you can return to the starting position and exhale. The hips remain motionless throughout the exercise. Do not bend your neck; your head should be in line with your spine.
  • “Plank (elbow stand).” This is a universal static exercise that not only trains the abdominal muscles, but also involves other muscle groups, effectively training them. Almost the whole body works, and you only need to maintain the correct position for a certain amount of time. Perform this exercise for at least 1 minute daily, and visual changes in your body will not take long to appear. The starting position of the exercise is to stand on the elbows and toes, while the body should be straight, without bending in the lower back, do not raise or lower the pelvis. The elbows are directly under the shoulder joints. The stomach is pulled in and tense.
  • "Hanging leg raises." This exercise perfectly develops the strength and endurance of the rectus abdominis muscle. It is one of the most effective exercises, but it is recommended mainly for experienced athletes, since it will be quite difficult for beginners to perform it. For a lighter exercise, they can do the Hanging Knee Raise. Perform lifts 10-30 times in 3-4 sets. To begin doing the lifts, hang on the bar, inhale and try to raise your legs (knees) as high as possible. After lifting them, pause briefly, then carefully return to the starting position. You can lift not only your legs, but also your entire pelvis - this way the load will be even more intense. Holding your breath while lifting your legs will help you perform this exercise correctly.

Sports nutrition and special supplements

If you want to achieve a sculpted body, then you may need special sports nutrition. It is better to choose it together with the coach.

Every novice athlete who comes to the gym begins his journey by studying the simulators that are presented in the gym in order to understand the principle of each simulator and, after studying, begin his full-fledged training to pump up his body in relief.

Everyone who starts training in the gym pays great attention to their abdominal muscles in order to make their abs sculpted. For this, everyone is looking for various methods to remove excess belly weight and get rid of fat in the abdominal waist area.

There are various methods of getting rid of belly fat, one of them is a diet that must be prepared wisely, otherwise the body may malfunction and ultimately undermine health, which will then need to be restored! With the right preparation, you can already get rid of excess fat and lose extra pounds at the beginning of your training.

To pump up your abs with cubes and make them sculpted, one of the rules for this is

This is to follow a very strict diet, if you do not follow a diet, but eat everything that comes to hand and at the same time train, then your abs will not be visible to you; the fat will hide your abs; therefore, a protein diet is needed so that the body burns its own fats and the body can reduce to the minimum threshold of body fat!

How can I tell if I have abs on my stomach or not?

If you've worked out before and never dieted, then maybe you have the abs for it and there is a diet! After a while, your body will reach 15% fat and below, you will be able to see in the mirror whether you have six-pack abs or not!

Physiologically speaking, in male guys, the abdominal muscles grow much faster, so they can pump up their abs with six-pack and sculpted abs faster than girls, who need much more time to pump up their abs with six-pack abs.

Exercises to pump up six-pack abs

Let's look at exercises that can be performed in the gym for men and boys to create sculpted abs.

Torso bending on a horizontal bench

The technique is to fix your legs by the bolsters, lie down on a bench, place your hands either on or behind your head and lift your torso until your chest touches your knees, then return to the starting position

Incline leg raises

Technique of execution: you need to lie down on the bench, grab the bench bolsters or press the handle to the bench, raise your head, then stretch your legs and raise your legs to a 90-degree angle, your lower back does not need to be lifted from the bench, then lower your legs to the starting position.

Torso bending in the simulator

The technique of execution is to network on the machine, then fix the torso and smoothly bend the torso down and then return to the starting position - one of the simplest abdominal exercises on the machines.

Lying torso bending with twisting on a bench

The technique of execution is the same as for bending the torso on a horizontal bench, but here you need to lift the torso in advance by twisting it to one side, you should touch your adjacent knee with your elbow and so alternately perform twists.

The technique of execution is to kneel slightly away from the machine, grab the handle of the machine, then bend the torso down and then return up to the starting position.

Technique: Sit on the floor holding the weight with both hands and tilting your torso slightly back, then stretch your legs so that they do not touch the ground and begin to twist your torso to the left to the right, preferably so that the weight touches the ground. An example in the photo is with a medicine ball, but you need to stretch your legs more so that they are straight.

Technique: Lie on the mat, place your hands behind your head, then start moving your legs, pulling them towards your hands oppositely, which are located behind your head, and continue doing the exercise.


Technique of performing while lying on the floor, extend your arms and legs completely, then simultaneously lift your arms and legs and then smoothly release them to the starting position.

Technique: Starting position: arms behind the head, legs placed to the side to maintain balance, then bend the torso not completely so that the abdominal muscles are always kept under tension, then return to the starting position.

Hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar

The technique of performing the exercise while hanging on the horizontal bar is to lift your legs to the horizontal bar, while you need to avoid swaying as much as possible after lifting your legs, you need to touch your legs to the horizontal bar and lower them slower than you raised your legs to feel the press, then you need to repeat the process of raising and lowering your legs.

Simplified version of leg raises on the horizontal bar

The technique of performing hanging on the horizontal bar is to pull your legs bent and touch your chest with your knees without swinging too much, release them to the starting position and repeat the process of raising and lowering your legs

Leg raises

The technique of performing the handstand is to raise your legs parallel to the ground and then slowly lower them, without swaying, and then repeat the process of raising and lowering your legs.

Leg raises while hanging on a ladder

The technique is to hold the ladder with your hands in the upper part with your hands, you need to raise your legs until your legs are parallel to the ground and then release slowly, it is important that your feet do not touch the ground, so you must hang on the ladder so that the distance to touching the ground is 5-10 cm

Men usually have 6 or 8 cubes on their abs; for some, the abs are even and symmetrical, while for others, it doesn’t really depend on the structure of the abdominal muscles!

And so you started training your abs so that the long-awaited abs and relief appeared on your stomach, started following a protein diet, and you had a question: how many times should you do abs a week? per month, namely, do you need to pump up your abs every day? How many sets of repetitions do you need to do to make the cubes appear and not disappear?

Do you need to pump up your abs every day?

If you decide to pump up your abs and follow a strict protein diet, it is wrong to pump up your abs every day, since with everyday training the abs are not fully restored, so the best option is to do two or three workouts a week so that there is one or two days of rest between workouts.

How many sets and reps should you do for the abs?

To maintain six-pack abs and maintain their definition after you have achieved this, you need to train your abs for strength, not endurance, as many people think! All the trainers who say that in order to maintain six-pack abs and definition you need to train them for endurance are complete ignorance unless you train with pharmacology and nutrition that promotes rapid recovery and muscle growth, regardless of the loads you give it during such abs training and other muscles will grow.

For strength, usually perform 2 – 3 sets of 6 – 10 repetitions

For endurance, usually perform 2 – 3 sets of 15 – 30 repetitions

For strength, in one workout you need to do a maximum of 3 abdominal exercises and no more

For endurance, you can do up to 7 exercises to burn fat and remove belly fat. This includes exercises with your own weight, as well as on machines!

Workout program to pump up six-pack abs

1 Week


  • Plank 2p – 1 min.


  • Lying leg raises 3p – 8p

2 week


  • Crunches in crossover 3p – 10r
  • Raising legs in the corner 3p - 10p
  • T plank 3p – 1 min


  • Raising legs on the horizontal bar 3p 10r
  • Plank 3p – 1 min


  • Rivet 3p – 10r
  • 3p – 1 min

3 week

  • Raising legs on an inclined bench 3p - 8p
  • Lying torso bending 3p - 8p
  • Plank 2p – 1 min.


  • Torso bending in the simulator 3p - 8p
  • Lying leg raises 3p – 8p
  • Lying torso bending with twisting 3p - 8p

4 week


  • Crunches in crossover 3p – 10r
  • Raising legs in the corner 3p - 10p
  • T plank 3p – 1 min


  • Raising legs on the horizontal bar 3p 10r
  • Torso bending on a bench 3p 10p
  • Plank 3p – 1 min


  • Rivet 3p – 10r
  • Torso bending in the simulator 3p - 10p
  • Plank 3p – 1 min

So, you think that you have been doing this number of repetitions for a long time, but the entire training program is designed for you to do all the exercises with weights, and here you need to take additional weights behind your head or in your legs and perform them!

If, according to your plan, you have to lift your legs on a bench, then you need to hold a dumbbell with your feet or attach weights to your legs and lift them; if you plan to bend your torso, then you need to pick up a weight plate and place it behind your head and perform the exercise if you have a plank , then you need to put additional weight on your back so that you last for 1 minute and no more for the time specified in the program. Now you can start your training program and feel the difference between your training program and ours! After a month of training, you will see significant results in changing your abs.