How to pump up your shoulders? How to pump up shoulder muscles - exercises. How to pump up the shoulder girdle using a horizontal bar? How to pump up the rear delt on the horizontal bar

It is quite natural to want to increase your own muscle mass, because it is not only beauty, but also strength. Many men dream of having developed, broad shoulders. It’s unlikely that anyone is ready to give up the spectacular relief on their hands. All these desires can easily be translated into reality - for this, just basic exercises and pull-ups that involve various muscle groups are enough.

Training will be productive only when a person understands which specific muscles need to be developed to achieve a certain result. Your shoulders will be strong and broad if you carefully train each muscle group. Let's take a closer look at the types of exercises for each set of muscles.


In common parlance, the deltoid muscle is simply called the delta. It is located directly on the surface of the shoulder, and it is it that forms its contour. As already mentioned, in the process of pulling up, various groups of shoulder muscles work effectively, and the deltoids play a supporting role in this process. Regardless of how exactly the pull-up is done, the deltoids work - that’s a fact.

The point of tension, the extreme, is reached when the athlete is in the middle of the exercise (we are talking about pull-ups). It is important that the shoulders are parallel to the ground. That is, it is not at all necessary to perform any exercises specifically for the delta in order to broaden the shoulders on the horizontal bar - for this, pull-ups are quite enough (and even then with an incomplete amplitude) - then the torso will work according to natural inertia.

Trapezius muscles

Many people wonder where this name came from? In fact, everything is logical: this muscle group has a triangular shape. If you pay attention to both muscles at once, in appearance they strongly resemble a geometric trapezoid figure, hence their name. It was said above that the deltoids will swing during regular pull-ups on the horizontal bar. With trapezius, everything is different - they need to be given more space in the training plan.

How to pump up a trapezoid on a horizontal bar?

When a horizontal bar exercises on a horizontal bar, almost all the basic work is done by the trapezius muscles. You can quickly achieve a positive result here if you know some tricks. For example, it is worth using a wide grip during classes. And you can pull yourself up in two ways, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Chest Pull-Ups

In this case, the starting position is traditional. To create the desired grip, imagine that you need to lift a barbell while you are in a lying position. Your arms are spread wide – you need to place them at a similar distance when doing pull-ups. When an athlete performs an exercise, it is important to try not to put the weight on the biceps. It will be difficult, but you need to pull yourself up only with the help of your trapezius muscles.

How can you feel if everything is being done correctly? If you manage to bring your shoulder blades together, then the exercise is being performed as it should. When moving upward during a pull-up, you should try to bring the upper thoracic region to the bar. The gaze is directed upward. Pay attention to the position of your elbows: they should look down.

  • Wide grip head pull-ups

Here the athlete needs to take a completely different starting position. There is no need to cross or bend your legs. Ideal option: a completely straight body, fully straightened legs - this will help you achieve good results quite quickly.

Back bending is not allowed. Now you can do pull-ups. If in a normal situation the bar of the horizontal bar is in front of the athlete’s face, this time everything is different - the bar should go behind the head. Often, in the process of performing such an exercise, athletes get injured - this happens because people do not monitor the position of their elbows and head. Elbows must be turned exclusively downwards - there can be no other options here!

When a person does a wide-grip pull-up, it's not just the trapezius muscles that are working—the teres dorsi muscles are also in action.

Thus, now you are aware of all the basic exercises with which the horizontal bar will help pump up the trapezius. How effective all this will be depends on the turnstile. All exercises must be performed correctly - the technique of performing the elements is very important, pull-ups are no exception to this rule.

Performing exercises: elementary basic rules

  1. You cannot throw your body: jerking often leads to injuries, in addition, because of it, the effectiveness of the entire exercise is reduced;
  2. It is necessary not only to raise the body smoothly, but also to lower it. In other words, it takes approximately the same time to descend and ascend;
  3. You should not waste energy on swinging on the bar - there will be no benefit from this in these exercises anyway;
  4. You should control your breathing - it should be even. A person exhales when he rises, and when he falls, he inhales. The intake of air occurs at the moment when the muscles relax.

How to train properly to build up your shoulders

With all the exercises discussed above, you can keep your body in good shape. But the task was different: initially we wanted to widen the shoulders on the horizontal bar.

To achieve the desired result, it is not enough to periodically pull yourself up on the horizontal bar. Training should be systematic. Constant work on the body is important: that is, exercises are carried out not at will, but in accordance with the regime: two or three times a week, no less. A typical mistake for beginners: they demonstrate strength, but don’t think about rest at all. Such people quickly become exhausted, because the exercises instantly become completely impossible. That is, sports must be wisely alternated with rest - only in this situation the result will be excellent. The fact is that breaks are exactly the same part of training that cannot be ignored. At such moments, muscles are restored and therefore grow – which is what was required initially.

When pain is felt in the muscles, this is a symptom of the presence of fiber breaks in them. What result can you get from a body that suffers? There is no need to exhaust yourself: one day spent on muscle restoration is not wasted time, it is a period that allows you to consolidate the result.

One approach includes up to a dozen repetitions. It is better to do no more than four cycles per workout. However, this advice is a solution for athletes who already have enough experience. Beginning athletes must feel their body and their own capabilities, feel the body and its limits. Even if you can only complete 1 set today, everything will be of high quality. Next time the indicator will increase - you don’t have to worry about that. You should definitely rest between approaches: a few minutes is enough. The new approach involves a certain increase in workload: not only in quantitative terms, but also in qualitative terms.

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Cardio training will be most beneficial if you eat right before and after it. Don't forget about the need to drink fluids during training.

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It is very important to acquire the desire and motivation to start training, but there are a number of other aspects that need to be taken into account: physical fitness, health, age, etc.

Broad shoulders

What does the horizontal bar pump? Of course, shoulders! And in addition, with hard work you will get sculpted biceps, triceps and trapezius. What is needed for this? Just daily workouts, which you need to spend 30 minutes a day on.

It is not difficult to pump up your back and shoulders at home, even without the use of sports nutrition. The only thing that matters is regularity. Try not to take more than two days between classes. And also Gradually increase the load you lift. This is not about increasing your weight, but about using weights, for example, you can buy a backpack and put sand or stones in it during exercise.

Build muscle and burn fat:

Exercises: how to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar?

A tall, broad-shouldered man is the ultimate dream of almost every woman. That is why, seeing such a representative of the stronger half on the street, everyone will turn around. If you are tired of being ashamed of your appearance, and you also want to enjoy the attention of women, then today’s publication on website This will come in handy for you.

Modern men, with all their desire, do not have enough time to visit gyms and take care of their bodies. Today we will talk about how to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar right in the yard in the shortest possible time and without much effort.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

The horizontal bar looks quite simple and most men don’t have much hope for it, but this attitude is wrong. Every self-respecting athlete will confirm this. It is this sports equipment that is the basis for almost all exercises at Olympic competitions and in preparation for them. It’s very easy to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar and parallel bars; the main thing is to do the exercises correctly. To make everything clear, you you need to pump up the deltoid and trapezius muscles. They make the arms more prominent and the shoulders wider.

You can widen your shoulders on the horizontal bar by doing the following types of pull-ups:

  1. 1. Pull-up to chest performed with a wide grip on the crossbar. From the outside, it should look as if you are trying to lift the barbell above your head. When you do pull-ups, try not to put the entire load on your biceps, but rather your shoulders and back. A certain feeling indicates that you are doing everything right. You will feel your shoulder blades tightening. It is also very important to keep your elbows pointed straight down, and do not twist or raise them under any circumstances.
  2. 2. Pull-up by the head is also one of the effective options to pump up your shoulders. With this exercise, special attention is paid not only to the wide grip of the horizontal bar, but also to the legs. In the starting position, they should be bent at the knees and crossed among themselves. The head should be in front of the crossbar, the arms should go behind the horizontal bar, the back should also be kept straight, without lowering the shoulders. Elbows should point down, as in the previous exercise. For beginners, this type of pull-up is not entirely suitable, as they will make a lot of mistakes when doing it and may even get injured.
  3. 3. The following exercise is performed on a medium or narrow grip, here everyone decides for himself what is convenient for him. The legs are bent at the knees, but not crossed, we raise the body to the middle of the amplitude and try to bring the collarbones as close as possible to the crossbar and stay in this position for a few seconds.
  4. 4. Close grip pull-up performed according to the classical method, but at the highest point, the shoulder blades are brought together and the shoulders are pulled back. They try to touch the bar with their lower chest.

Exercises for broad shoulders on parallel bars

You can also build up your shoulders on the uneven bars very quickly, but for beginners these classes will be a little more difficult than training on the horizontal bar. A classic exercise is considered to be one in which the emphasis on the uneven bars is carried out with arms straight straight along the body. Due to the slow bending of the arms at the elbows, the pull-up will be carried out. You are doing the exercise correctly if there is an angle of 30 degrees between your body, which should lean forward, and the bars. If you feel tension in the sternum area, this is a sign that you should stop. After these symptoms, return to your starting position and take a short break. If the unpleasant painful sensations do not stop after this, then the number of pull-ups should be reduced.

The parallel bar press must be done with extreme caution, because any mistake can cause injury. To avoid unpleasant consequences from exercise, you should adhere to several rules, the first of which says that warming up before bench press is mandatory.

Modern parallel bars can be adjusted to suit your exercises. Make sure that the distance between the bars is slightly wider than the distance of your shoulders. If the distance between the bars is less than the width of the shoulders, then it is unlikely that results will be achieved on such a projectile.

When doing parallel bar presses, be sure to watch your wrists to avoid spraining or breaking your arm. The wrists should be aligned with the elbow and shoulder joints. While aligning the body, the elbows should be pressed as close to the body as possible. In this case, the shoulders occupy the same stable position throughout the entire lesson; under no circumstances should they move back and forth. To stabilize the back and fix the spine, experienced athletes use special belts; this will also be useful for beginners.

The technique for performing a classic exercise on parallel bars to pump up your shoulders is as follows:

  1. 1. When approaching the bars and jumping on them, keep your body suspended, your gaze directed in front of you, your arms dropped along your body.
  2. 2. After inhaling and tilting your body forward, lower yourself down, while the body should remain in an upright position.
  3. 3. When the degree between your elbow and the bar is 90 degrees, try to hold for a few minutes. While performing the exercise, bring your shoulder blades together.
  4. 4. Exhale and exert maximum effort, lift your torso up to your outstretched arms.

Your result will directly depend on how correctly you perform the exercises.

No sudden movements and even breathing

Shoulder exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars should be performed without sudden movements and jerks; do not throw your body forward towards the bar, as you can pull muscles or tear ligaments. When performing exercises, equal attention should be paid to both the ascent and descent; they should take the same amount of time. Do not try to swing on the bar while doing pull-ups, you are only wasting time and energy on unnecessary movements, there is no benefit from them. A correct pull-up is considered to be when the person's chin is above the bar.

Watch your breathing, exhale as you begin to rise above the bar and take a deep breath as you descend. If you breathe incorrectly, you risk injury to the sternum.

Do not torture or overload yourself in the initial stages of training. Don't go all out on the first set. This type of training will only bring muscle soreness and lack of strength for the next approach. The load should increase gradually. Between approaches you need to take breaks of no more than 2 minutes. Do not relax your arm muscles while lowering, as this can lead to injury and torn ligaments; even at the bottom, you must maintain tension in your buttocks and hands.

Don't skip warming up or skip workouts

A bad warm-up has a very negative impact on the entire workout, and on its effectiveness too. Muscle warm-up should be carried out for at least 15 minutes, squats and push-ups must be present.

Remember to exercise regularly and do not skip training, otherwise there will be no results. In order for training on the horizontal bar to cease to be purely recreational in nature, you need to do at least 40 minutes on the bar a day.

If you have the opportunity to visit the gym and work out with a barbell or appropriate exercise equipment, then the process of strengthening the muscles of your back and shoulders will speed up tenfold.

Exercising on the horizontal bar is the most affordable and easiest way to get your body into ideal shape. You don’t need to spend money on buying equipment for sports exercises or time to travel to the gym, because there is a horizontal bar in almost every courtyard of a multi-story building. In addition, no special preparation is required to start training on the horizontal bar; you can always do another approach while passing the horizontal bar.

It's never too late to make your body perfect. Age, weight or even height does not play any role in this, only your approach to doing the exercises and the desire to change something in yourself is important. Remember that nothing comes easy in this world, so have patience and endurance. At the first stages, exercises may cause you a number of inconveniences and painful sensations, but after a few weeks, each workout will bring only benefits and pleasant emotions.

Almost every yard or sports ground has a horizontal bar. This essentially simple projectile will allow you to make your body beautiful, pumped up and toned. If you want to increase muscle mass and build broad shoulders, then without arm exercises on the horizontal bar you can't get by.

At performing exercises on the shoulder bar The deltoid and trapezius muscles are involved. - the superficial muscle of the shoulder, forms its outer contour. Takes part in flexion and extension of the shoulder, and is also responsible for abducting the arms to the sides. – a flat, wide muscle that is located in the back of the neck and upper back. The trapezius muscles on both sides of the back together resemble the shape of a trapezoid. When the upper bundles contract, the muscle raises the scapula, and when the lower bundles contract, it lowers it.

Shoulder bar exercises

Swinging the trapeze

Wide-grip chest pull-ups. The distance between the hands should be as wide as possible. You must hold onto the bar with a direct grip. As you exhale, pull yourself up only with your arms, reaching towards your chest, not your chin. As you inhale, lower yourself, your arms should be almost straight. Remember, do not swing during the exercise; do pull-ups slowly, without jerking.

Wide grip pull-ups. The technique is similar to the previous one, only here you place the bar behind your head and touch your shoulders at the top point. Straighten your back and tilt your head slightly forward. This exercise works the middle part of the latissimus muscles.

Downloading deltas

Reverse mid-grip partial pull-ups. Here you need to pull yourself up to the middle of the amplitude, and not to the highest point. Once you reach this point, hold this position for a few seconds and bend your forearms. Try to bring your collarbones as close to the bar as possible.

Reverse close grip pull-up. The distance between your hands, with which you grasp the crossbar, should be narrower than the width of your shoulders. Lower your shoulders, take them back. When you have pulled yourself up, at the top point, touch the bar with your lower chest, lift your chin above it. Don’t forget about breathing, exhale - you pull yourself up, inhale - you lower yourself.

In this article we will talk about how to make your shoulders wider. What exercises are best to do? Which is better: bench press or swing? Why do many beginners fail to grow large deltoids? Read on about this and much more.


The shoulder muscles consist of 3 bundles: anterior, middle and posterior. Of course, for high-quality development of each of them, you need your own approach in terms of the necessary exercises. Powerful deltoids are a fundamental condition for success in the volumetric development of all core muscles. Why? It's all about human anatomy. For example, the anterior bundle of deltas always participates in the bench press on equal terms with the pectoral muscles, and the posterior bundle, together with the broadest, participates in deadlifts. If the deltoids turn out to be weak, you should not expect gigantic strength achievements. Next, we will talk in more detail about the most effective exercises that will help you maximally develop all 3 deltoid muscle bundles.

Bench press sitting/standing

The sitting/standing barbell press is one of the basic exercises in bodybuilding. By performing it, you affect the entire shoulder girdle, triceps and some muscles of the upper back. If you do this exercise from behind your head, you can limit the amplitude to 20-30 cm, performing a large number of repetitions (15-30). This reduces the load on the joints, and also increases the time of muscle loading to the optimal 30 seconds. It is worth noting that this form of execution more strongly affects the middle bundle of deltas, and not the front, as happens with the classic exercise. How to make your shoulders wider? Many trainers and experts claim that it is pressing exercises that develop the shoulders to the maximum, while swings and deadlifts only strengthen and develop strength potential.

Seated/standing dumbbell press

The dumbbell press is an excellent alternative to the exercise described above, which is quite difficult to perform with the correct technique. It is worth noting that this movement has a number of advantages over the barbell press, which we will list in separate subsections.

  • during this exercise, your hands are more comfortably and safely positioned relative to each other, which greatly reduces the risk of injury;
  • The dumbbell press has a more targeted effect on the middle deltoids due to the absence of a bar.

Remember that this exercise is very effective for the progressive development of the deltoid muscles, but it must be performed with proper technique.

Dumbbell swings

Dumbbell swings allow you to “target” your deltoids. In the first months of training, most beginners cannot perform this exercise correctly, although in essence it is one of the most effective ways to “finish off” the deltoids after heavy basic exercises. In the hall you can see 3 options for performing swings:

  • front;
  • average;
  • rear

Raising dumbbells in front of you best develops the front deltoids. As a rule, performing this exercise is not necessary, since the front beam works with all types of rows and presses. If you still want to make this part of the delta larger, then using small weights in parallel with a large number of repetitions will be the best option for such training.

The middle beam is best loaded with swings from the sides. However, remember: firstly, it is advisable to lower your shoulders down in order to exclude the trapezoid from the work. Secondly, tilt your body slightly forward, making the exercise easier. Third, try to keep your elbows slightly higher than your wrists as you move.

Finally, to pump up the back bun, perform the exercise in a similar way to the previous option, but bend lower forward.

Which is better: presses or swings?

How to pump up broad shoulders? Of course, you need regular training and adherence to the regime. However, which exercises should you focus more on? Now let's try to explain.

To develop truly voluminous deltoids, you need to do heavy basic exercises, because these are the ones that make it possible to use the principle of load progression. Of course, such exercises primarily include all kinds of presses. If we talk about swings with dumbbells, then they, of course, more “targetedly” load your shoulders, but the lack of significant progression in weights does not allow you to gain muscle mass and strength. However, light exercises allow you to "clog" your muscles at the end of the workout, and therefore it would be foolish to neglect the swings. Finally, we should not forget about the fact that there is a direct relationship between training weights in basic and isolation exercises. This means that if you can handle heavier weights in compound movements, you will also be able to handle heavier weights in isolation movements. Although in the opposite case this is impossible.

Does this mean dumbbell swings are useless?

Not really. At an advanced level of training, swings allow you to more specifically pump up one or another part of the delta, which noticeably lags behind others. Despite this, in other aspects they are significantly inferior to deadlifts and presses on several counts. Firstly, when performing an isolated exercise, we expose ourselves to great danger due to the complex structure of our shoulder joints. Secondly, it practically does not give the muscles additional strength and volume. For these reasons, a more effective training would be to initially perform heavy basic exercises, after which you can simply “finish them off” with swings.

Chin pull

How to make your shoulders wider? The answer is simple - do deadlifts. As a rule, most beginning athletes neglect this exercise, making a huge mistake. For bodybuilders, this is one of the most useful exercises, because it wonderfully develops shoulder width. You already know that the deltoids consist of 3 beams, but many athletes, as a rule, are only interested in the middle beam, which gives that same width. It is precisely this that they are trying to develop as much as possible, “killing” it with countless approaches. Since each of the bundles performs its own work (the front and part of the middle bundle perform pressing functions, and the other part of the middle and rear bundles perform traction), uneven development of the shoulders is often observed, where the leading position is occupied by the front delta, followed by the “backward” middle and back. What conclusion can be drawn? If you want really broad shoulders (the photo below shows them), you need to do deadlifts.

One of the best exercises is the chin row. It is much more effective than standard swings, because you can lift heavy weights and reduce the risk of injury to a minimum. In general, each of the above exercises is useful in its own way. All you need is to build the right training program that will give you impressive results. And all “jocks” need them, because narrow hips, broad shoulders and voluminous arms are the standard of the male body.

Exercises for shoulders on the horizontal bar

Pull-ups are not specialized exercises for developing the deltoid muscles, but almost all of their types make the shoulder muscles work. In terms of effectiveness, the best types of pull-ups to strengthen the deltoids include the following:

  1. Pull-ups with a medium straight grip. The most standard movement that affects the front delts.
  2. Partial pull-up with a medium reverse grip. Its implementation duplicates the previous form, however, in our case it is necessary to fix the body, reaching the average amplitude. This exercise works the front and middle deltoids perfectly.
  3. The back of the deltoid only tightens when doing pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip. You can see the movement in the photo below.

That's probably all. All other types of exercises mostly affect the back muscles, trapezius, and the like.


How to become broad in the shoulders? Of course, you need to create a competent and effective training program. For beginners, it will be enough to perform 2 exercises per workout:

  • standing barbell press (2 warm-up sets + 3-4×6-12);
  • barbell row to the chin (1 warm-up + 3-4×6-12).

For a more advanced level, we add the following exercises that strengthen the deltoids:

  • dumbbell swings (1 warm-up + 3-4×6-12);
  • bent over swings (1 warm-up + 3-4×6-12).

By performing these exercises, you will really be able to pump your deltoids to the maximum, increasing their volume and strength capabilities. If you are a fan of street training, then follow the following program:

  • pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip (5 approaches with gradual progression in the number of repetitions).
  • partial pull-up with a medium reverse grip (5 approaches with a gradual decrease in the number of repetitions).

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw several conclusions:

  • deltoids are very “delicate” muscles that are easy to injure;
  • deltas perform 2 types of movements: traction + pressing;
  • the best exercises for deltas can be considered bench presses and barbell rows to the chin;
  • swings play a secondary role as “finishing” exercises;
  • pressing exercises affect the middle and anterior deltas more;
  • traction develops the posterior hemisphere of the deltas.

Well, we hope that we have answered your main questions about how to make your shoulders wider, what exercises to train your deltoids, and the like. Good luck in the gym!

Your dreams of an athletic figure will soon become a reality if you master an effective technique for working with the bar. Thanks to the horizontal bar, you will be able to develop the muscles of your back, arms and, of course, the shoulder girdle. The sooner you start training, the faster you will form a muscular, ripped body.

Before listing the main exercises that contribute to the development of sculpted shoulders, let’s name the basic rules for doing pull-ups:

  • Before you start lifting, grab the bar of the horizontal bar with your hands. Remember that starting pull-ups from a jump is strictly prohibited: firstly, this is fraught with the risk of injury, secondly, in this way you initially spend the energy that you will need in the process of performing the exercise itself, and thirdly, it stops your breathing
  • Speaking of breathing: you need to perform the ascent while exhaling, and descending while inhaling.
  • During the exercise, make sure that your body is positioned strictly vertically.
  • The top point of the lift will be fixed when your chin is above the bar
  • The descent should be smooth - equal in time to the ascent. Under no circumstances should you jump off the bar.

Now let’s list the types of grip that all beginning athletes need to master:

  • Based on the method of grasping the crossbar with your palms, a direct or reverse grip is distinguished. Direct is when the palms rest on top of the crossbar, and reverse is when they grasp the crossbar from below.
  • In addition, grips are divided according to width (distance between the athlete’s hands). The most popular and simplest grip is medium. In this case, the athlete’s hands lie on the horizontal bar at the level of his shoulder width. A more complex grip is narrow, i.e. the athlete’s hands are close to each other at a distance of about 10-15 cm. And, finally, a wide grip, in which the athlete’s hands are located at a distance much greater than his shoulders
  • Experts recommend periodically changing the position of your hands during training to vary the load on different parts of the body.

If you are interested in the question of how to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar and parallel bars, then you need to know what groups the muscles in this area are divided into:

  • Deltoid. This muscle is the main one in the formation of the shoulder. It is its development that is responsible for the sculpted biceps that bodybuilders are so proud of.
  • Trapezoidal. Forms the back of the shoulder. Each exercise aimed at forming this zone helps strengthen not only the shoulders, but also the athlete’s back.

List of exercises to develop trapezius muscles:

  • Wide grip head pull-up. Starting position: Grasp the bar at a level greater than shoulder width. Slowly - without jerking! - go up. The body must be straight, and the legs must also not be bent or crossed. The top point of the lift will be fixed when the bar is behind your head. To avoid head injuries, ascending and descending must be done very slowly
  • Classic wide grip pull-up. This element can confidently be called the most popular among those who dream of creating sculpted shoulders. Starting position: the body is bent back; the legs laid back must also be given a crossed position. Technique: trying not to strain your biceps, perform a slow lift, straining your back muscles as much as possible. The shoulder blades should be brought together. Look up and try to touch the bar with your upper chest

Here are effective exercises that will allow you to develop deltoid muscles:

  • Pull-up on the bar with an overhand grip, hands are located shoulder width apart. Grasp the horizontal bar with your hands and slightly bend the body back. Bend your knees and cross them. Pull yourself up until your upper chest touches the bar. As you lift, squeeze your shoulder blades together intensely. Continue the descent until your arms are completely straight (of course, your knees should remain bent)
  • Reverse grip pull-up. The hands are located on the crossbar as close to each other as possible (narrow grip). Leaning your body back, fix your gaze on your hands and perform a slow lift. The top point of the lift will be fixed at the moment when your chin is above the bar

And in conclusion, we will give a few more recommendations that will help you build beautiful, sculpted shoulders.
Due to the rather complex muscular structure of the shoulder, there is not a single exercise that could fully load this area. Therefore, when training on parallel bars or a horizontal bar, there is no point in performing the same exercise with the same grip.
If you are a beginner and are just starting to master the horizontal bar, then you should not try to perform each exercise more than three times. Do not rely on the number of approaches, but on the quality of their implementation.
The rest period between sets should be at least one minute. Anyone who wants to build beautiful shoulders needs to remember that muscle growth occurs during rest. Therefore, you should not test the capabilities of your body by loading your hands to the maximum limit.
The development of the shoulder muscles should consist of basic and isolation exercises. Isolating ones are aimed at specific areas of deltas. And the basic ones simultaneously affect almost all deltoid muscles and the trapezius of the shoulder.
If you want to achieve a beautiful and muscular body, then you need not only to train, but also to provide your body with proteins. Without the optimal amount of protein, you will never get the muscle growth you want. Therefore, be sure to include egg dishes, as well as legumes and dairy products in your diet.