How to gain lean body mass. A set of basic exercises for quickly gaining muscle mass at home. Diet for weight gain

Do you have a great desire to have a beautiful, powerful, muscular body, but do not have the opportunity to regularly go to the gym? This article will help you understand the mass at home. To do this, you will need very little: regular training and persistence in achieving your goal, a certain amount of equipment and adherence to a certain diet.

Regularity of training

How to build muscle mass at home? It is necessary to exercise for at least an hour a day, forcing different muscle groups to work on different days. For example, on Monday you can train the muscles of your back and arms. For Tuesday, make a program for the muscles of the thighs and lower legs. Wednesday can be your chest training day. You need to do at least one abdominal exercise every day.

The training must be carried out in full force - if you want to have a strong, massive body, you will need to work actively. But don't forget about rest. Muscle mass grows during the rest period. The process also activates during sleep, so be sure to get enough sleep. In this mode, the question is: “How to build muscle mass at home?” will be resolved quickly.


To solve the question of how to gain muscle mass at home, you should take care of some equipment. For solid results, you will need a barbell that comes with a sufficient number of weights. Buy set dumbbells - it's more profitable than constantly buying new ones of greater weight. If the weights do not increase, muscle growth will soon stop.

Without buying expensive equipment? Take advantage of budget options in the first stages. For example, instead of buying expensive rods, you can pour a mold from cement mortar. Many “home” bodybuilders started by filling two buckets with a concrete solution and attaching them to the barbell. But over time, when the muscles grow to the maximum size possible given the weight of the weight, you will still need to purchase a barbell with weight plates.

It is imperative to have a strong and stable bench. It is desirable that it can be raised and fixed at different angles.

An affordable and effective piece of equipment for the home gym is a horizontal bar. You can have For small apartments you can purchase similar equipment and secure it in the doorway.

In order to approach the solution to the question: “How to build muscle mass at home?” thoroughly, it is recommended to purchase squat racks. It is impossible to create a massive body without barbell squats. If you don’t have enough money, make a similar rack yourself or order it from a carpentry shop.


If you don’t build it correctly, instead of massive muscles during intense training, you will “sculpt” a sculpted but sinewy body. If you set yourself the task: “I want to gain muscle mass!” - You need to consume a lot of protein, which is the basis for building muscle fibers. It is important that meals are frequent, but in small portions. It is recommended to eat every two hours.

Be sure to include carbohydrates in your diet and drink plenty of water. But it’s better to limit fats. The optimal products would be vegetable oils and high-quality fish oil.

These tips, if applied correctly, will certainly yield results. Good luck with your training!

Never before have such complete instructions on nutrition and training for gaining muscle mass appeared online. There are 12 points in total: in the first eight we will deal with training, in the remaining four we will deal with nutrition.

All you need to do is follow each step and before you know it, your muscle mass will begin to increase.

First, let's find out what the muscles of the body are. Muscle tissue consists of individual muscle fibers. Proper training causes damage to these fibers. Quality rest and diet help them heal and build muscle tissue.

Gaining muscles is a science. The basic idea is to “injure” the muscles, allow them to recover, and then repeat. Here's how to gain muscle mass very quickly.

    How can you quickly build up muscles if you don’t give them constantly increasing load? No way. It's very simple, the weight should increase every week. Without this condition, you will never succeed.

    That is, if this or that exercise is easier for you, then it’s time to add weight. This is the idea of ​​progression in loads.

    1. Train within the following range of reps

    Hypertrophy is an increase in muscle size. Since gaining weight and muscle mass is your goal, you need to train specifically for hypertrophy, and not for stretching, which does not increase the size of muscle fibers.

    Almost a decade of research has allowed experts to identify the optimal range of repetitions:

    • 8-12 reps per set
    • 6-8 reps per set

    Muscle pumping occurs during the next approach. For the first 10 weeks, perform exercises according to the first frame of repetitions, then move on to the second. Always start with 8-12 repetitions, as starting with a small amount will not achieve significant muscle growth.

    1. Perform each set to failure

    This is a rather controversial issue, although there is no question here as such. Simply lifting weights for 8-12 reps will get you nowhere, as muscle mass can only be increased through the intensity of your workouts.

    Let's say you can do 10 reps of barbell lifts; 11 is already impossible for you, and 5 is too easy. 5 repetitions is 50% of the effort intensity (10 = 100%). How to quickly build muscle if you only put in half the effort each workout? We all know that there is no way. The body simply will not have any incentive to increase muscle mass.

    The necessary stimulation of the maximum number of muscle fibers occurs precisely in those last repetitions at the edge of possibility.

    By stopping before this point, you simply prevent your body from going into growth mode. Always keep in mind that building muscle is a defense mechanism. If there is no sufficient reason (i.e., sufficient intensity), then the body simply will not see the point in adaptively increasing muscle mass.

    It's like having a tan. In order for the skin to darken, protecting us from bright radiation, intense sunlight is needed. If there is not enough sunlight, then you can sit outside for 16 hours a day and not get a tan at all within a month. It's the same with muscles. You can spend 3 hours in the gym every day, but at low intensity, and will not gain an ounce of muscle mass.

    1. Get enough rest between workouts

    Did you know that accelerated muscle growth occurs when you are relaxing at home, and not when you are directly training? This is due to the fact that power loads lead to the appearance of microtraumas in muscle tissue, which stimulate the process of growth restoration at the end of exercise. Therefore, to properly gain muscle mass, you need to get enough rest between workouts and not overuse the same muscles too often.

    1. Both full body and separate workouts allow you to build muscle mass.

    Studies have shown that both training on all muscle groups at once and separate training for 5 days a week are suitable for building muscle mass.

    In the first case, you load each muscle group 3 times a week, in the second - one two 5 times.

    Below is an example of super effective workouts:

    Full body workout:


    • Squats – 2 sets;
    • Bench press – 2;
    • Calf raises – 2;
    • Shrugs – 2;
    • Wrist flexion – 2.
    • Squats – 2 sets;
    • Bench press – 2;
    • Calf raises – 2;
    • Crunches on the block from behind the head – 2;
    • Rows on a low block while sitting – 2;
    • Isolated arm curls – 2;
    • Triceps extension – 2;
    • Shrugs – 2.
    • Deadlift – 2 sets;
    • Dips – 2;
    • Dumbbell overhead press - 2;
    • Push-ups – 2;
    • Biceps curl with barbell – 2;
    • Pulldown on a high block with a reverse grip – 2;
    • Leg press – 2;
    • Leg bending – 2.

    Split workout for 5 days

    Monday – Shoulders/Trapezius:

    • Overhead barbell press – 4 sets;
    • Dumbbell overhead press – 2;
    • Raising arms to the sides with dumbbells – 2;
    • Raising dumbbells in front of you – 2;
    • Shrugs – 4.

    Tuesday – legs:

    • Squats – 2 sets;
    • Leg press – 2;
    • Deadlift on bent legs – 2;
    • Leg extension;
    • Leg bending.

    Wednesday – hands:

    • Bent over triceps extensions – 2 sets;
    • Triceps extensions on a block – 2;
    • Triceps press down on a block – 2;
    • Isolated arm curls – 3;
    • Barbell curls – 2;
    • Bent-over arm curls with dumbbells – 1.

    Thursday – back

    • Deadlift – 3 sets;
    • Rows on a low block while sitting – 3;
    • Dumbbell rows to the belt – 2.

    Friday – chest and abs:

    • Bench press – 2 sets;
    • Incline bench press – 2;
    • Reduction of arms in a sitting machine – 2;
    • Seated push-ups – 2;
    • Crunches on a block while kneeling – 3;
    • Bent over body lift – 2;
    • Reverse crunches – 2.
    1. Training cycle – 10 weeks

    To start 10 weeks, do a three-day routine, then rest for a week and move on to a five-day plan for the next 10 weeks. Of course, this is not the fastest way to quickly build muscle mass, but it is definitely effective.

    1. Take a week off after the first 10 weeks.

    This "vacation" is extremely important. In order for muscle growth to be maximized, it is important to periodically rest the body for a relatively long period of time. After a week away from the gym, your body will be more willing to accept the changed load, which is an effective way to gain muscle mass.

    1. Perform both combined and isolated exercises

    Compound exercises are critical to gaining muscle mass because they work multiple muscle groups at the same time and allow you to lift fairly heavy weights. These are exercises that are built around more than one joint. These include squats, deadlifts and overhead presses.

    Isolation exercises have been unfairly underrated in recent years. They involve movement of only one joint.

    While proponents of compound exercises talk about "working" multiple parts of the body at the same time, it is important to understand that this does NOT mean that every muscle group is working in a particular exercise with sufficient intensity. For example, during the bench press, the triceps are involved, but this load is not enough to provoke muscle growth. This is why isolation exercises are a great way to properly gain muscle mass.

    1. Eat enough

    No matter what diet you follow, you need to eat enough to give your body the energy it needs to grow. Add 200-300 calories per day to your basal metabolic rate. It is often recommended to add 500, but this is too much, 3500 extra calories per week can lead to fat cell growth. It is a common misconception that getting fat and being overweight are the same thing.

    1. Make sure you eat enough protein every day

    No, in order to increase muscle mass, you do not need to eat some unimaginable portions. Only a little more than usual.

    There are two ways to determine the required amount of protein for muscle growth:

    • Simple way: 2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight;
    • Complex: pure muscle weight without fat (kg) x 2.75

    As you understand, the second one is complicated in that you need to determine the percentage of body fat and calculate how much the lean muscle mass of your body weighs.

    Below is a list of foods with the highest protein content per serving:

    • Steak, 170 grams = 42 grams protein;
    • Chicken breasts, 85 grams = 30 grams protein;
    • Chicken meat (cooked) 100 grams = 35 grams of protein;
    • Ham 85 grams = 19 grams protein;
    • Bacon, 1 strip = 3 grams of protein;
    • Fish fillet or steak, 85 grams/100 grams cooked fish = 22 grams protein;
    • Tuna, 170 gram can = 40 grams of protein;
    • Egg = 6 grams of protein;
    • Milk, 1 glass = 8 grams of protein;
    • Cottage cheese, 1 cup = 10 grams protein;
    • Natural yogurt, 1 cup = 10 grams protein
    • Tofu cheese, 100 grams = 20 grams protein
    • Legumes (beans, lentils, etc.), ½ cup, cooked = 7-10 grams protein;

    • Soybeans, cooked, ½ cup = 14 grams protein;
    • Peanut butter, 2 tablespoons = 8 grams protein;
    • Peanuts, ¼ cup = 9 grams protein;
    • Almonds, ¼ cup = 8 grams protein;
    • Pumpkin seeds, ¼ cup = 8 grams protein;
    • Flaxseed, ¼ cup = 8 grams protein;
    • Sunflower seeds, ¼ cup = 6 grams of protein.
    1. Drink enough water

    A sufficient level of water in the body is an important step in how to build muscle mass. Use the following formula: body weight x 0.03 = how many liters should you drink per day.

    1. Get enough sleep

    The advice is not entirely about diet, but it is quite important. Muscle fibers repair themselves during rest, which is why sleep is so important for muscle growth. And that's why:

    1. During the deep sleep phase, the release of growth hormone reaches its peak.
    2. During sleep, your metabolism slows down, which is ideal for muscle tissue repair and growth.
    3. Blood flow to the muscles increases.

    Additionally, studies show that those who sleep 4 hours or less per night have 60% less testosterone than those who sleep 8 hours or more.

    It’s important to train well and eat right, but you shouldn’t forget about quality rest either.

Like Very Fast Gain Muscle Mass?

This is not a question, but a headache that confuses a skinny beginner. Everyone dreams of gaining muscle mass very quickly and does not understand how to do it. There are many methods for increasing weight in the world. They are based on hard training and high-calorie nutrition. Otherwise, muscles simply do not grow.

To trigger mass growth, basic conditions are needed. A properly selected program, the ability to technically perform exercises, appropriate nutrition, post-workout recovery and health.

How to Dial Muscle Mass for a Skinny Guy?

During training, processes that trigger muscle growth occur. Inexperienced athletes think that the more damage to muscle fibers, the higher the growth of muscle mass. Newbies are mistaken. And how can a skinny guy gain muscle mass very quickly:
  • no longer than 45 minutes. If you ignore this rule, under the influence of the muscle-destroying hormone cortisol, you will quickly and completely destroy muscle mass. At the end of the training, energy reserves are sharply depleted, the amateur is not able to train to the fullest without reducing weight. The training tonnage will decrease, the training will become useless. Prolonged training exposes muscles to more damage. Recovery is prolonged and there is no result.
  • For a natural, the recommended maximum number of working approaches is 3. DO NOT EXCEED THIS NUMBER! The amateur constantly ignores the rule and complains about poor results. The goal is not to achieve strength endurance, but to allow the use of large working weights, with a clear execution technique.
  • The number of repetitions is no more than 12. From time to time, by decreasing the number of repetitions, increase strength, which will naturally increase muscle mass.
  • The amount of rest between working approaches must be sufficient to restore breathing, giving confidence to continue training. In heavy exercises, rest for 3-5 minutes.
  • Number of classes: 2-3 per week. What happens with frequent training? By exceeding the recommended number of workouts per week, athletes deplete the body's internal reserves. Energy, psyche and physical condition lose the strength to fully train, recover and grow.
  • Isolation is performing an exercise that involves one joint. Isolation is the plague of the halls!
  • Free weights, when using barbells and dumbbells, engage stabilizing muscles, helping the target muscles become stronger and grow.
  • Do not use cardio when gaining muscle mass or increasing strength! Cardio slows down post-workout recovery and stops muscle growth. It is permissible to use cardio as a warm-up and cool-down, lasting until sweat appears.
  • The effect of training depends on the number of kilograms lifted per unit of time. In simple words: you lift more iron in a short period of time - a more productive workout.

Proper Nutrition For Gaining Muscle Mass

How to gain weight? Why am I not growing? The answers to such questions are simple and complex at the same time.
Proper nutrition with proper training and rest leads to an increase in the muscle mass of a healthy person. Consume more calories than you burn. If you have problems with training, rest or health, then you can only dream about gaining weight.

If the type is anything but a pure ectomorph, control over the amount of calories and quality of nutrition is simply necessary on an ongoing basis. Determine your daily calorie baseline (BA) using a food calorie guide, food scale, and calculator. Track your calorie intake for five days. Add up the calories you eat and divide by five. The result is BU, the average number of calories needed for each day. If you want to quickly increase muscle mass, increase the number of BU by 300 calories.

Over the course of a week, maintain the new number of calories and monitor your belly fat. If the amount of body fat remains unchanged and the weight does not increase, feel free to add another 300 calories to your daily diet. Do these manipulations until you notice an increase in fat. When adding fat, keep the number of calories at the same level while continuing to train. Do this to increase muscle mass.

For proper nutrition, use foods rich in slow (complex) carbohydrates, vegetable fats and proteins. Meals should contain the same amount of calories. If you don't have time to consume the required amount of calories during the day, eat at night. The number of meals is more than 5 times a day. Consumption of simple carbohydrates is advisable within 30 minutes, immediately after training. Such sources are cheap gainer, bananas, grapes, melon or glucose.

Muscle mass And Recovery

It seems simple... Lie on the bed for days, do nothing, and muscle mass will come. Far from it. The components described above affect recovery. Additional emotional and physical stress stops muscle growth. Stress, mood swings, constant negativity will not allow you to gain muscle mass. Didn't get enough sleep at night? Sleep during the day!
Use a sleep mask. Getting plenty of sleep is important! Are you sleeping nervously? Use melatonin or sleeping pills (under medical supervision). Is noise disturbing? Use earplugs. The duration of sleep at night is at least 8 hours. One hour of sleep before training replaces a portion of the pre-workout complex. Checked!

Muscle Mass and Health

An effective training regimen that allows you to quickly build body muscles is positioned as the answer to the question: “How to gain muscle mass at home in a month.” You should say goodbye to bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol. Rest is an important component of a slim figure. Adequate sleep will help you avoid the risk of stress and hormonal changes, which can lead to the intake of extra calories.

How to build muscle at home

The desire to correct the figure and develop muscles arises equally among men and women. Limitations of financial opportunities, lack of information savvy and willpower are the main obstacles to achieving your goal. Armed with knowledge, it's not difficult to start with the basics. Gaining muscle mass at home is based on three components:

  • regular training;
  • balanced diet;
  • full rest mode.

To build muscle mass at home, you don’t have to exhaust your body by losing weight and purchasing a gym membership. You can perform a certain set of exercises at home. All that is required is refurbishment of the space. Recommended equipment includes a professional barbell, kettlebell or dumbbells.

Proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass

During the period of radical training, hunger is the athlete’s main enemy. A balanced, healthy diet for gaining muscle mass is a fair statement that applies to athletes of different weight categories, teenagers or amateur beginners of any body size. Methodical, regular training will be a waste of time if you are in a calorie deficit. The optimal level of vitamins and microelements will allow you to build muscle mass:

  • Protein is necessary to increase lean muscle tissue and strength endurance of the body. It is found in meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products.
  • Carbohydrates stimulate the absorption of protein foods, saturating the body's cells with energy. The class of simple carbohydrates refers to a quickly digestible group of foods, including sugar and fruits. Complex ones break down slowly. Therefore, the share of vegetables, grains, and nuts should be increased to 65% in the diet.
  • Fats will help restore proper hormonal levels. An acceptable intake of fatty acids is in the proportion of 65% animal and 35% plant origin.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass for girls

The overwhelming majority of women are united in their desire to lose weight, pump up their buttocks, stomach, and legs. The goal of developing a muscular body is often added to the above list. Nutrition when gaining muscle mass for a girl is one of the main components of physical self-improvement. Following the correct diet is accompanied by basic rules:

  • Calorie intake. Resources for muscle growth are accumulated by adding 100-150 calories above those burned per day.
  • The correct ratio of bju. Increasing muscle size will require calculating the proportion of micronutrients to body weight. Per 1 kg of total weight - 1.5-2.5 g of protein, 3-4 g of carbohydrates, 0.4-0.8 g of healthy fats. If increased consumption of carbohydrates provokes the appearance of fat folds, it is necessary to increase the daily protein intake from 2.5-3.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.
  • Saturation of the body with minerals and fiber, responsible for the absorption of protein, increasing the vital functions of the body.
  • Frequent meals. It is important to eat small meals to improve your metabolism.
  • Drink plenty of water in the amount of 2.5-3.5 liters per day. A high proportion of protein in the diet requires healthy kidney function. Drinking green tea significantly speeds up metabolic processes.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass for men

It is impossible to succeed in the metamorphosis of your figure without observing important aspects of regular food consumption. A diet for gaining muscle mass for men is based on an ideal recipe that combines:

  • Proteins responsible for a toned torso. Sports physiologists insist on taking beef rich in zinc, creatine, iron, B vitamins, and amino acids. You should adhere to the daily protein intake within the range of 2.5-4.5 g/1 kg of body weight.
  • Slow carbohydrates before training. They act as regulators, maintaining the most stable level of glucose in the blood, influencing the acquisition of beautiful muscle tone.
  • Eating in small portions up to 6 times a day will ensure a regular flow of amino acids to the muscles.
  • Vitamins C, E, A, D. Their action is aimed at destroying free radicals.
  • Water mode. Preference should be given to mineral water without gas.

An effective menu diet for guys may include:

  • breakfast: cereal with ham, 350 g of cottage cheese, a glass of milk;
  • second breakfast: 300 g beef chop, a glass of milk;
  • lunch: boiled potatoes with chicken;
  • afternoon snack: 300 g of cottage cheese, fruits, dried fruits;
  • dinner: chicken with pasta, fruits, nuts;
  • a few hours before bedtime: a glass of kefir, cottage cheese.

Home workouts to gain muscle mass

The training program for gaining muscle mass at home does not allow neglecting the basic principles:

  1. The duration of one training is no more than 1 hour.
  2. Maintain a break between approaches of 1-4 minutes.
  3. Rest between workouts is 72 hours.
  4. Focus on basic multi-component exercises.
  5. The range of construction of one exercise is up to 12 complexes, no more than 3 sets.
  6. Train with a gradual increase in load.

Working out at home requires organization and determination. Of course, sports complexes have everything you need in their arsenal. But not everyone has enough money and time. In order to rationally approach the question at home about how to gain muscle mass, it is advisable to carefully study the theory below.

Motivation and preparation

First of all, you need to set a goal for yourself. Then it would be good to decide on the time frame for achieving the desired results. The hardest thing is to force yourself to tune in. To get off the ground, you just need to start. Motivating yourself with the fact that it is difficult only at the beginning, then everything will go like clockwork.

So, we've decided on the motivation. Now we are introducing into reality a proper nutrition scheme for gaining muscle mass in combination with physical activity. To do this, you need to become more familiar with what you can eat and what elements home physical training requires.

For physical exercise, you need to have access to a horizontal bar, purchase a barbell with “pancakes,” borrow or buy dumbbells, and prepare a bench for bench presses. As you can see, sports equipment takes up very little space.

Let's move on to nutrition. You will have to eat well and a lot. Proper nutrition requires a three-hour frequency of meals. Frequent eating is due to:

  • anabolism - the process of building muscle tissue;
  • catabolism - a process that breaks down tissues into amino acids.

In other words, it is necessary to create an anabolic environment in the body, which, in turn, requires fuel and building material. Carbohydrates and fats play a role as fuel, and proteins act as building materials.

Important! If you want to gain muscle mass, you should never allow yourself to feel hungry. This is explained as follows: if the body does not receive food during a feeling of hunger, the internal process of self-preservation starts. The body first begins to break down our muscles!

How to balance your diet to gain muscle mass at home

To build muscle faster, your body must consume fat. First of all, they should be consumed by people with a thin physique. The main thing is not to overuse unhealthy fats – seasoned crackers, chips. The emphasis should be on healthy fats - sour cream, butter, cheeses, fatty meats. Those with a sweet tooth are allowed to treat themselves to cakes, ice cream, and pastries.

However, carbohydrates and fats alone are not enough to build muscle mass. The main diet should consist of proteins with added protein. The daily protein intake for weight gain is 2–3 g/1 kg of weight, carbohydrates are 4–5 g. With a weight of 70 kg, 140–210 g of protein are allowed daily, carbohydrates are 280–350 g. Carbohydrates are allowed to be consumed up to 18 hours, protein foods can be eaten all day.

Attention! It is extremely undesirable to exceed the daily protein intake, otherwise you can harm the liver.

How to properly balance your diet for weight gain


Carbohydrates are the building blocks of muscles. The direct purpose of carbohydrates is to provide the body with the necessary energy to normalize metabolic processes. If carbohydrates enter the body slightly less than normal, muscles begin to be consumed. You can get carbohydrates from unprocessed rice, whole grain bread, wheat cereal, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, fruits, and vegetables. The daily carbohydrate intake is 60%.


Fats are the foundation for testosterone production. This male hormone is responsible for protein synthesis. To obtain healthy fats, you should focus on fatty fish, eggs, nuts, and vegetable oil. The daily fat intake is 10–15%.


Proteins are the basis of dairy and meat products. Plant proteins include: eggs, dairy products, nuts, cereals. Nevertheless, the priority is animal proteins, which are much better absorbed by the body. For comparison of protein content, below is


Vitamins promote testosterone production, especially zinc. In addition, vitamins act as antioxidants. Since training produces dangerous free radicals in the body, vitamins will come in handy. A natural source of vitamins is any vegetables and fruits. If necessary, you can buy pharmacy vitamin preparations.

Special Additives

Special supplements are developed based on natural ingredients (creatine, gainer, amino acids). These supplements are perfectly absorbed by the body. The pharmaceutical drug Carnitine is in good demand.

Advice! The principle of nutrition for the female half is absolutely identical to the general rules. Only the female body tends to store more fatty tissue. Given the characteristics of the female body, it is strongly recommended to slightly reduce fat intake.

Some tips on how to build muscle mass at home

  1. Strive to achieve results gradually. Don't try to get results right away at any cost. At first, the indicators may remain the same or change very slowly. Uncontrolled eating often leads to overload of the body.
  2. Maintain drinking regime. Considering that the body itself consists of a large amount of water (about two-thirds), it should not be allowed to become dehydrated. Otherwise, it is quite difficult to get positive results.
  3. Switch to fractional meals. This way you can provide your muscles with amino acids (building materials) and glucose (energy) on an ongoing basis.
  4. Before training, you should give preference to slow carbohydrates, after exercise - fast ones (chocolate, confectionery, gainers).

Variations of mass exercises at home

Any time is suitable for training, but no later than 4–6 hours before bedtime. The optimal duration of intense exercise is 1 hour. Free weight exercises are suitable for basic training. As the level of physical fitness increases, the load is gradually increased.
To develop the pectoral muscles and triceps we will need:

  • bench press;
  • barbell with pancakes.
  • Performing a bench press. Thanks to this basic exercise, muscle mass is rapidly gained.
  • promotes the development of the latissimus dorsi muscles.
  • Lifting dumbbells ensures that all muscle groups are worked out. The variability of the exercises consists of leg lunges with dumbbells, dumbbell raises to the sides from a standing position, dumbbell overhead presses (for the shoulder muscles), dumbbell curls (emphasis on the biceps).
  • If dumbbells are not available, a barbell will do, and vice versa.

How to approach the issue correctly at home to gain muscle mass

  1. If installing a horizontal bar at home is problematic, you should find one nearby on any sports ground. Using a horizontal bar, the upper body is worked out.
  2. We do push-ups from the floor. These manipulations do not require any sports equipment, even .
  3. To develop leg muscles, it is enough to focus on regular squats and lunges. As soon as your fitness level increases, you need to use weights. When it becomes very easy to work with weights, it’s time to move on to training in the gym.
  4. To ensure normal muscle growth, proper rest and sleep are necessary. Since muscles need to recover, you cannot train every day.
  5. Consuming milk protein is recommended before bedtime. This will avoid the destruction of muscle tissue.
  6. Optimal sleep time is 9 hours. It’s great if you set aside another 1 hour for sleep during the day.

When you decide to take up fitness or bodybuilding, be prepared to strictly adhere to the regime. The result is worth it!