How to gain 5 kg in a month for a girl. How to quickly gain weight for a thin girl at home. Exercises to gain muscle mass

Article last updated: 07/31/2015

The main problem that affects most novice bodybuilders is gaining muscle mass. The thing is that many athletes do not correctly understand the essence of the process of building a body, believing that the most important stage in achieving such a goal is the intensity of training. Many athletes forget about equally important aspects of bodybuilding; they bring the training program, as well as the training process itself, to the forefront. As a result, training in the gym does not bring any results, or progress is greatly slowed down. Now I will explain why.

If you load yourself up during training to the fullest extent, tearing your butt, there will be no result without the same nutrition. Some people train 2–4 hours a day. This is also not good, unless of course you are a professional bodybuilder with pharmaceutical support. Excessively prolonged physical activity is a great stress for our body, and in order to recover from such experiments, we need a fairly large amount of nutrients, vitamins, and so on, which the body often does not receive in the required quantities. In general, let's look at everything in order to understand how to gain 5 kg of muscle in a month.

Body-building is a sport in which achieving results depends on the athlete’s compliance with a whole range of factors. Building a body is a fairly long process, and even building 5 kilograms of muscle is a very difficult task.

To gain so much weight, you need not only to choose the right training plan, but also to create your own diet, taking into account the fact that you need to consume the right amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, amino acids and vitamins. In addition, you should plan your day so that you have enough time for rest (sleep). Many people don’t know, but it is during sleep that our body launches recovery processes at full capacity. But that's not all. In addition to all of the above, the athlete must know many more aspects that should be used in the future in his training and nutrition. This comes with experience; it is impossible to immediately tell all the aspects of bodybuilding in one article, and in general, it is unlikely that anyone will learn such an amount of information in one sitting. In general, be that as it may, in this article you will learn all the most important points that you definitely need if you want to gain 5 kilograms of muscle mass in a month of intense training.


One of the most important points that I constantly talk about in all articles when it comes to weight gain or weight loss. To gain the necessary weight, you should correctly calculate the calorie content of your daily diet. After which, you need to calculate the required amount of macronutrients that the athlete will consume daily. As a percentage, your menu for the whole day should consist of 30-40% proteins, 40-50% carbohydrates and 10-20% fats. It is clear that when it comes to nutrition and building muscle mass, you need to understand that the diet should consist of healthy and natural foods. You can't eat fast food all the time. No, of course, you can gain weight, but not the kind you need. And in general, physical activity and unhealthy diet are not at all compatible, since it is very harmful to health and negatively affects the cardiovascular system. Take for example the same CT Fletcher, better known in the CIS countries under the nickname. He ate regularly at McDonald's for 20 years, resulting in serious health problems at age 46. He underwent heart surgery because of which CT is forced to constantly take pills and follow a strict diet.

Let's look at a clear example of how to eat when gaining weight. We will use special calculators on the site. Plus, I'll give you some recommendations. So, let's go.

To build muscle mass, you need to increase the caloric content of your diet by at least one and a half times. Go to and set the necessary parameters. Let’s say: gender – male, age – 21, weight – 70 kg, height – 185, level of physical activity – sedentary work, goal – I want to gain muscle mass, number of workouts per week – 3 (optimal option). After everything, click the “Calculate” button and look at the result. As a result, it turns out that you need to take 2,583 kcal per day, of which: proteins - 116 g, fats - 65 g, carbohydrates - 369 g. The formula used in this calculator is not always accurate, so I would advise adding the amount nutrients (accordingly, calorie content will increase slightly). Let me show you with an example of the numbers we received. Increase 2583 kcal to 3000 kcal, accordingly we will increase the amount of building material, that is, proteins. Here's what it should look like: proteins - 160 g (2.2 grams per kilogram), fats - 65 g, carbohydrates - 369 g.

After these calculations, you need to correctly create your menu (from the necessary products and their quantities). To do this, use ours, with which you can create your diet and calculate it so that the calorie content of the products matches the required calorie content that you need to gain, that is, 3000 kcal.

Foods to be consumed

Initially, you need to exclude all unhealthy foods from your diet, such as: chips, fast food, fatty foods (rich in trans fats), crackers, and so on. It is also necessary to give up sweets, all sweet water (which is rich in E). In general, cross out everything that is in any way harmful to health or prevents you from gaining pure muscle mass.

You need to include in your menu various cereals, pasta, oatmeal, boiled meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and so on. If you want to maintain your health and improve it, eat exactly these foods, excluding everything harmful. It is especially important to eat healthy and nutritious foods if your body is exposed to a lot of physical stress. In addition, the lack of any nutritional elements can negatively affect the athlete’s well-being in the future. The bottom line is that nutrients are needed not only to restore muscle tissue, but also to strengthen ligaments, cartilage, and joints. Therefore, it is very important to obtain all the necessary components.

Sports nutrition

Sports nutrition– this is a very important aspect in training, which is an excellent assistant in gaining muscle mass. If you are a beginner athlete and have only been training in the gym for the first month, there is no need to use sports supplements. If you have been training for more than 2 months, you can supplement your diet with creatine and protein. You can also use, but it is not needed in all cases (). Let's look at this topic.

The main problem with weight gain arises precisely because of the lack of nutrients to restore the body. Very often, an athlete simply does not receive the required amount of proteins, which are so necessary for building muscle fibers. To avoid this, comes to the rescue. The main advantage of this supplement is that it is very simple to get the required amount of proteins and thereby fill the gaps in your diet, just pour it into the powder mixture, add water and mix everything well, then drink it. This is very convenient, since a person does not always have time to eat a hearty meal. There are many reasons for this: work, study, the gym is too far from home, and so on. The main thing to remember is that sports nutrition is just an additive to the main food. That is, it is unnecessary to replace regular food with one protein shake; it is necessary to combine these two components. For example, I trained in the gym, went to the locker room, drank a protein shake (preferably), went home and had a full meal.

Next I would like to say a little about. It is not necessary to use it. The essence of this supplement is to retain water in the body, thereby increasing the body's regenerative ability, increasing strength and endurance. As a result, weights increase and mass increases. You must also understand that if in a month, subject to the entire regime, if you gain 10 kilograms of mass, 5 kg of it will be water, the rest will be muscles. As already mentioned, you cannot gain more than 5 kg in a month of training. However, the upside is that you won't get too bloated. It is better to consume creatine for no more than 1-2 months, then give the body a rest for 1-2 months, after which you can again include creatine in your diet. We must also remember that if you drink creatine, you need to consume a lot of water.


Each person is individual, and for each it is necessary to choose the right set of exercises, based on data such as gender, age, physical characteristics and personal goals of the novice athlete. There are a lot of training methods in bodybuilding that are not suitable for every athlete. Some people need to first lose weight and then bulk up, others need to minimize cardio and add more strength exercises, and so on. In general, there are many methods, the main thing is to figure out how to build your own plan. To do this, I recommend reading this article: “?”. Let's give a small example. As I already said, before you start gaining muscle mass, you need to get rid of excess fat (if that is a problem) and only then work on gaining weight. To do this, you need to pay attention to cardio exercises and create a special diet for weight loss. After the athlete loses weight to the desired level, you can begin to gain weight by radically changing your training and nutrition plan.

If a person does not have problems with being overweight, but on the contrary is underweight (), a training plan should be drawn up so that the program consists of exercises aimed at working large muscle groups. That is, at first it is necessary to devote most of the training time to basic exercises. I very often see how beginners perform a huge number of exercises that they do not need at all. We are talking about isolation exercises, the same crossover. I personally don’t understand when a skinny guy stands and performs a crossover, while he has almost no muscles in the chest area. There will be no return from such an approach. If you are thin, focus on dumbbell presses, barbell presses, various bent-over rows, barbell squats, and so on. Let’s give you a better understanding of what an optimal weight training program should look like, I’ll give an example for people with more than 2 months of experience. Let's say you use a standard three-day split: chest, triceps - Monday; back, biceps – Wednesday; legs, shoulders - Friday. Each training day should consist of 2-4 basic and 2-3 isolation exercises.

In addition, you shouldn’t rush headlong into heavy weights. To begin with, in order to avoid injuries in the future, then gradually begin to increase weights. Again, building muscle is a fairly long process, so you shouldn’t rush into battle right away. Here's a great example of a mass training program:




Run on a treadmill or exercise on a stationary bikeBe sure to do it for at least 10 minutes, this will serve as a warm-up before training.
Squats3 sets of 10 reps
Bench leg press in the simulator4 sets of 6-10 reps
Leg extension in the simulator3 sets of 10 reps
Leg bending in the simulator3 sets of 10 reps
Barbell chest press3 sets of 8-12 reps
Bench press (you can try bench presses on the deltoid machine)3 sets of 12-15 reps

If you are a complete beginner, I advise you to train no more than 2-3 days in the first month of training, using no more than 5 basic exercises. Also, don’t rush with the scales. Practice the exercise technique well, and then begin to gradually increase the weights. Here is an example of such a program:

This is a full body workout that needs to be done for 1-2 weeks. After the muscles get used to the physical activity, you can switch to the three-day split, which was presented above.

In general, you understand, more base, less isolation. Only when you build up large volumes, you need to include more isolation exercises, make the workout more intense in order to dry out. I won’t talk about all existing training methods; everything can be found on our website in the appropriate sections. The most basic thing you need to know to gain 5 kg of muscle in a month you already know. Let's look at a couple more important points.


If you want to gain weight correctly, constantly progress and not stand still, you need to create your own in order to track the dynamics of the growth of your results. This is a very important point. Quite a lot of people simply wander around the hall, having no idea what needs to be done. They do not have a clear training plan, there is no properly formulated diet, which is why a person can simply stand still or even regress. You need to clearly understand why you came to the gym, what you want to achieve and follow your plan step by step.

I recently published an article about . If you track your performance correctly, then it will be easier for you to monitor the process of gaining muscle mass, whether you are doing everything right, building muscle or standing still, and so on. The same applies to the training program, weight gain, and caloric intake. If you monitor all processes, problems in nutrition or training can be immediately identified and eliminated.

I recommend starting your own diary. In it, write down your parameters, the diet you are using, its calorie content, and the training plan you are using. Also, once a week, on a certain day, weigh yourself and measure the size of individual body parts. As a result, you will know whether everything you do is making progress, or whether something needs to be changed.


And finally, let's summarize. To gain 5 kg of muscle mass in a month necessary:

  • choose the right set of exercises
  • create a suitable diet
  • If necessary, add sports supplements to your diet
  • also keep a training diary where you need to monitor your progress
  • don't rush, do everything gradually and wisely

That's basically all the main points you need to know. If you suddenly have any questions, write them in the comments. That's all. If you liked the article, take 10 seconds and help the site develop. Share the material on social networks. It will take you a little time, but it will be a big plus for the site. Thank you in advance! Good luck to all!

In society, it is generally accepted that if a person is too thin, then something is wrong with him: he tortures himself with diets or has problems with the digestive system. Sometimes this is true, but often it is an unfair and unfounded stereotype.

Whether the body is in normal condition can be calculated based on the body mass index. To understand why some people are too thin and how to deal with excessive thinness, you should consider the problem of underweight in more detail.

The main reasons for thinness

There is an extensive list of reasons why people are underweight. The most common ones are:

  1. Anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by a person's sudden refusal to maintain a healthy body weight. Most often, those suffering from the disease are afraid of gaining kilograms. It is a severe psychological illness with physiological side effects.
  2. Genetics. The genetic factor plays a significant role in a person's appearance. Some people are programmed to be thin; no matter how much food they eat, they cannot gain extra pounds.
  3. Hyperthyroidism is a condition that results in increased secretion of thyroid hormones. These hormones stimulate metabolism, as a result of which a person cannot gain weight.
  4. Narcotic substances. Excessive drug use causes serious problems, including weight loss. Addicts can become so disconnected from the world that they either forget to eat or lose interest in doing so. Or they spend all their money on the dose, without thinking about purchasing food.
  5. Anxiety and depression. Anyone who is very nervous for a long time can easily lose weight. However, such weight loss is unhealthy for the human body. With the kilograms, beneficial microelements and immunity are lost. After prolonged depression, it can take a long time to restore your health.

Many underweight people have weakened immune systems. As a result of poor nutrition, people often feel tired, dizzy and faint.

What foods should a girl eat to gain weight?

There are foods that can help people with low metabolic rates gain weight.

If they are taken in the right combination and at the right time, weight will begin to gain quite quickly.

So, what should a girl eat to quickly gain weight:

Avoid foods high in unhealthy fat and sugar. Eating natural and whole foods is the right way to gain weight.

Drinking for weight gain

Regardless of whether a person is thin, weak or short in weight or height, he can still gain weight by adding a few drinks to his meal:

  1. Hot chocolate is a source of vitamins and calcium. High in calories, made from milk, cocoa, sugar, whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Can be a replacement for coffee or tea.
  2. Milkshakes are a healthy and tasty solution. The cocktail contains a huge amount of calories.
  3. Coffee is high in calories and is beneficial for those who want to gain weight. Add whipped cream, chocolate, sugar to it.
  4. Smoothies are a mixture of cream, fruit juices, honey, milk and many nutrients.
  5. Soft drinks lead to rapid weight gain. However, not all of them are healthy; the sugar in some is often harmful.
  6. Mango and banana are high in calories and can be made into juices or smoothies. This is an excellent natural drink that can be consumed every day.
  7. Coconut milk is a rich source of calories and nutrients. Contains a large amount of carbohydrates and vitamins.

These drinks can be part of a fitness regime and consumed on a regular basis. Choose the ones you like the most.

How to gain weight quickly with exercise

To gain weight for a thin girl without compromising her health and beauty, she needs to exercise. Otherwise, you may gain weight around your waist and hips, which will ruin your figure. For new pounds to be distributed in the right places, you need to gain muscle mass (not fat) through exercise. Training tips:

Leave aerobics to warm up for 10 minutes before training. There is no need to do calorie-burning exercises (running on a treadmill), otherwise your efforts to gain weight will be in vain.

How a girl can gain weight in a week: sports nutrition

To gain weight, you need to eat 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day for muscle building and recovery. Some of the best sources of protein for weight gain are:

  • steaks;
  • chicken breast, thighs;
  • tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines;
  • yogurt, cottage cheese, milk;
  • eggs.

The macronutrient ratio of carbohydrates and fats is not very important. The main thing is that the girl eats more calories than her body can burn. Fill the rest of the food with healthy carbohydrates and fats.

Don't make the mistake of avoiding carbohydrates and fats for fear of gaining fat. Carbohydrates and fats contain more calories than proteins. However, without consuming them, it will be more difficult and expensive to gain weight. People are unable to gain muscle and weight without gaining a drop of fat.

To gain kilograms, increase the number of meals. Increase the total time of day for eating food - wake up earlier and have breakfast. Many girls don't eat anything for breakfast.

Sandwich for lunch, pizza for dinner. Their feeding time is less than 10 hours. Therefore, they cannot gain weight - two meals, with zero calories until lunch.

An example of a meal plan for gaining kilograms:

You can purchase sports nutrition, in particular dry cocktails with different flavors. They are intended for women and men who want to increase their weight and gain muscle mass. The cocktails are balanced, contain fiber, protein, and vitamins.

What pharmaceutical drugs will help you gain weight faster at home?

Some drugs will help you gain weight quickly, but you need to figure out how they will affect a specific person yourself:

  1. Oral contraceptives affect a girl’s hormonal levels, thereby causing weight gain. Some athletes use this option. Oral contraceptives are sometimes prescribed for people with anorexia. Popular drugs: Logest, Novinet Mercilon, Midiana.
  2. Brewer's yeast regulates the metabolic process, replenishes the deficiency of vitamins of various groups, in particular. Yeast normalizes intestinal function and improves appetite.
  3. Nutrizon is a protein substance, sold in bags or bottles. Improves the absorption of nutrients, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Remember that taking any medications without a doctor’s prescription can have negative consequences. It is better to consult and choose an individual treatment method.

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a girl when gaining weight

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy diet and being active is not enough to be considered “healthy.” You should include the following tips in your daily routine:

The main thing is to take responsibility for your life to create a healthier lifestyle.


By following simple tips, you can start gaining pounds within two weeks.

More tips on how to gain weight in the next video.

Hello, my darlings! Today's topic is how to gain weight for a man at home. Why her? It's simple - lately I have been observing a trend of massive weight loss among the nation. The popularity of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition has simply reached the tip of the iceberg and at every step you are offered to purchase a training program, nutrition, pills and syrups.

No, of course I’m not against the fact that everyone suddenly wants to lose weight by summer, by winter, by spring, I even like watching girls who don’t smoke in the park, but go for a run.

But for some reason everyone wants to lose weight, but no one thinks that anyone might want to gain weight. Excess weight for many of us is a very serious problem, sometimes it is insoluble only because the desire to lose those hated pounds is present, but not everyone has the willpower and spirit to achieve their goal. Men with a thin body are more likely to want to gain weight.

One reader of my blog asked me: how can a man gain weight quickly in a month? is this even real? Moreover, I want to immediately note that the principle of weight gain for girls and boys is different.

I can’t gain weight at home: reasons

In addition to various diseases, genetics can be considered among the causes of excessive thinness. However, you should not ignore the following: smoking, drinking and coffee, constant hassle, lack of sleep - may well become the determining factors for insufficient weight.

To know exactly how to gain weight in your particular situation, you should pay attention to the “red flags” - the symptoms of a particular condition, the intensity of kilogram loss and other factors. Even seemingly small manifestations of fatigue or poor health can become a signal of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body, which prevents you from gaining weight.

How to effectively gain weight for a thin man

A lot of guys are skinny by nature. And, as a rule, this is a disaster for them. How can a guy gain weight quickly? “What’s so complicated about that?”- you ask. You can just eat a lot and gain weight, but, as a rule, guys eat a slice of milk sausage with mayonnaise before bed, but the weight still stands.

But you definitely don’t need to do this, these guys have a desire to gain weight, but at the same time not get a saggy belly in addition. Gaining weight solely through fat deposits is not our way. How to increase muscle mass without accumulating extra centimeters of fat in a short period of time?

To build muscle mass you need to spend more than one week. The main thing here is to choose the necessary tactics and then you can add several kilograms due to muscle growth. As a result, the body will no longer seem so thin. Muscle mass grows mainly as a result of regular strength exercises, and it is also necessary to use additional weights.

What should the menu be and what should you eat?

In general, adolescent weight gain specialists tend to not pay attention to a balanced diet. You may not consume all foods. If a teenager eats only fast food, then this is definitely not the best option. Agree, if you prefer sausages and cutlets, you shouldn’t expect a miracle. Such food does not contain the necessary micro and macro elements; these are simple carbohydrates and cholesterol.

To increase weight, you must constantly saturate your body with calories, and there must be more of them than you burn. This is how our body works.

By the way, every average man should eat at least 2500 calories a day!!!

I think that everyone can calculate their calorie intake; also pay attention to the amount of dietary fat and add another 500-600 calories to the final figure. If you regularly do strength and cardio exercises, then add a few hundred more. As for the food intake itself, in order for the body to absorb it, you need to know when to stop. An apple is healthy, but a kilogram of apples eaten at a time will not be absorbed, so know when to stop. It is better to eat more than three times a day, and use any protein as snacks: cottage cheese, meat, fish.

Even if you increase the caloric content of your diet, the problem will not go away immediately. Building muscle mass is not easy, so don't forget about carbohydrates to give you extra energy. Carbohydrates (if you want to gain weight) must be consumed 3 times a day, at least. This is the only way you will know how to enlarge your body.

Sample menu for gaining muscle mass

Breakfast- oatmeal with water or milk. 3 eggs, coffee. He can also cook an omelet, eat some fruits, cottage cheese, and a protein shake.

Dinner– salad dressed with butter or sour cream, a piece of meat, a side dish. Can eat soup, but the main thing is that it contains cereals or potatoes.

Dinner– salad with buckwheat porridge and chop. And before going to bed, you can eat cottage cheese or drink a glass of full-fat kefir.

Snacks– dried fruits, fruits, cottage cheese, eggs. There is no need to think or look for other folk recipes, if you eat a little more than your body needs, and at the same time you get all the necessary elements for growth and development, you will certainly gain weight.

Brewer's yeast for weight gain

This is the answer to the question: “how can a guy gain weight quickly?”

They have a positive effect on metabolic processes, adding not only weight, but also improving the skin. Many people don’t want to drink them because they are afraid of getting a “beer belly”, but these are just a myth. They are the ones who will help you accelerate the growth of muscle mass (of course, sports should not be excluded, everything should be in harmony). In a week you will already see the first result.

Going to the gym to gain weight

Those guys who want to gain a couple of tens of kilograms do not at all want to see themselves as fat balls, but such a result is guaranteed if you do not go to the gym. Give priority to strength training. To quickly build muscle, it is important to be patient and have a competent trainer who will monitor your results and, if necessary, seek motivation. If you don't have money for personal training, look for information in books, or find basic exercises and work with them for now, and then just add weight.

Give preference to barbells and dumbbells - only they guarantee results. The main thing is not to do the exercises by inertia, do everything slowly and conscientiously, you are trying for yourself. Here is a short list of classic exercises that will help you build muscle in a short time:

  • Stanovaya,
  • bent over barbell row,
  • pull to the chest on the upper block,
  • pull to the waist on the lower block,
  • biceps: standing and sitting,
  • biceps on Scott,
  • forearm.

In the future, I will try to talk in detail about these types of exercises, perhaps even shoot a visual video for you!

I will follow your progress, I hope that I motivated you a little with this post. I look forward to your reports and results! Subscribe to and always be in the center of events!

Text— Agent Q.

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Some spend their lives fighting excess weight, some are even lucky to win this difficult fight... And these people simply find it difficult to imagine that someone dreams of getting fat!

Causes of thinness

So, let's start with health problems. After all, as a rule, when there are health problems, weight problems fade into the background. There are many diseases that lead to weight loss. And all of them should be treated by doctors. But we will focus on two groups of diseases that are considered normal and can prevent you from gaining weight.

The first group is spinal curvature. Problems with the spine do not have to lead to thinness. But if the area that affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract or thyroid gland is curved, then this may well lead to thinness. And in general, in general, if you are predisposed to thinness, then any gaps in your health will lead to weight loss. How to treat the spine will not be discussed here, because... not relevant to this topic. The only thing that can be said is that if you have problems with the spine, then try to find a good specialist doctor. The only problem here is that the longer you have had the curvature, the more difficult it will be to minimize it or eliminate it altogether.

The second group is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After all, when there is a problem with the digestive system, what kind of weight gain can we talk about? We will dwell on this problem in more detail, because... This still relates to the theme of the site. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract lead to decreased digestibility of food and loss of appetite. Accordingly, so that this does not become a hindrance, attention should be paid to this.


You know, there is a guy about whom people say, “It’s not good for a horse.” These are people who seem to eat a lot, but do not gain weight. For them, becoming one kilogram heavier is a miracle. There are several physiological reasons for this state of the body. One of them is excess cortisol, our hormone responsible for tissue breakdown. It was with his “light hand” that everything was burned.

Extreme thinness must be fought with extreme methods. Please remember that this is not a general guide to gaining muscle mass for every person, this is a WEIGHT GAIN program for VERY THIN people! For those who have any fat, the following recommendations will not work.

In terms of healthy eating and exercise, the process of gaining weight is similar to losing weight. If you are trying to gain weight, you need to consume more calories.

However, this doesn't mean you need to run to the nearest vending machine and grab a bunch of foods that are high in calories but have little nutritional value. You don't need fat to swim, you need muscle.

You need to choose foods that will allow you to gain muscle mass and provide your body with essential nutrients. Eat more, but eat right. Include healthy foods in your diet, namely: grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy products and lean meats rich in proteins (chicken, fish), as well as legumes.

Eat regularly three times a day

This means that you must have breakfast, lunch and dinner on time and regularly. Therefore, you need to cook every day and not skip lunch or breakfast, even if you are late for work or simply don’t want to eat.

Eat three snacks a day

This means that in addition to three meals a day, you should have three snacks between meals (morning, lunchtime and evening). It is advisable to do this at the same time. Set yourself a meal schedule and stick to it.

Avoid low-calorie (calorie-free) drinks

By such drinks we mean soda, tea and coffee without sugar, mineral water. Drink cream, milk (1% - 1.5% fat), 100% juice.

Consume high-calorie foods

You should replace celery and carrots with something more nutritious: potatoes, grains and legumes. Replace apple or orange juice with banana or cranberry juice. Granulated cereals are higher in calories than parboiled rice. Make it a habit to check the calorie content of the food you buy at the store.

Diversify your menu

Your menu should include starchy foods (potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, cereals), vegetables and fruits, and protein-rich foods (chicken, red meat, fish, tofu, eggs, cheese, legumes, peanut butter). Consume 2-3 tablespoons of margarine with food.

Gaining weight, as it seems at first glance, is not so difficult. You just need to follow a few rules and observe them daily.

So, how to gain weight:

First of all, include chicken meat in your diet and make it the main food product when gaining weight. It is easily digestible and contains very good protein - the best building material for muscles.

It is better to use soft-boiled eggs (boil for 3 minutes), but no more than 3-4 eggs per week.

Cottage cheese is 0% fat, “village house” is best; this protein should be used as a complement to chicken meat and eggs.

Milk with 1.5% fat content is optimal, because... it contains enough protein, carbohydrates and not much fat.

The diet should be mostly protein, plus carbohydrates and some fat.

It is good to eat rice before and after training. Since it is necessary to replenish glycogen stores in the muscles (energy reserves in the muscles). Rice works great for this. Rice before a workout provides enough energy for the workout itself, and afterward helps quickly replenish energy consumption. If you wish, you can drink milk after training, and when you want to eat, then rice.

Yes, diets are not only needed to lose weight. A diet is a special diet. And there can be many goals. And very often it happens that we need to lose weight or, conversely, gain weight. That's why we need to know which foods stimulate weight gain. For an athlete, these products are a godsend, but for someone losing weight, they are a disaster.


If you are losing weight, then you need to eat less salted herring. The fact is that this fish, beloved by many, is one of the strongest natural anabolic steroids. These are substances that stimulate protein processes and in particular protein synthesis, which leads to an increase in muscle mass. If you are seriously involved in strength sports, this should be one of your favorite dishes. But if you are losing weight, you should limit your herring consumption. In addition, after salted fish you really want to drink. This, also coupled with a pronounced anabolic effect and chromium, which herring is also rich in, gives a very good increase in muscle mass.


This may seem strange to you, but garlic is also a strong natural anabolic steroid. Although the reason for this effect is not completely known, it is a fact. The main reason for stimulating protein synthesis is that garlic causes a dry feeling in the throat. And after dishes with garlic, we feel thirsty. And water, as we know, is the basis of our cells. So much for adding muscle mass.


Many people love him. Especially bodybuilders and especially those who do not take creatine. This invigorating drink containing caffeine has a number of properties that, on the one hand, are contradictory, but on the other, quite logical. Coffee has a fairly strong diuretic effect. On the one hand, this is good. But on the other hand... Have you ever tried to quench your thirst with a cup of coffee? Did you succeed? I think no. Coffee also “asks” for more water. It removes water from us, but also “forces” us to drink even more. This is the effect of caffeine. It also stimulates performance. And if you want to cheer yourself up with coffee, then you must remember - caffeine begins to act after 40 minutes.

What to do if you don’t feel like eating?

You just need to increase energy consumption - i.e. workout. Anyone. To begin with, shaping or aerobics is enough, a swimming pool, a bicycle, rollers - everything will do. And the muscles that will gradually appear will give the desired fullness. Follow a daily routine, get enough sleep, and spend more time in the fresh air.

And yet, have you ever noticed that among overweight people there are much fewer extremely emotional individuals? So, in addition to a balanced diet, it is also worth balancing the emotional background. Life will become much easier. Try to be as nervous as possible and not lose your mental balance. Develop a certain phlegmatic nature. Avoid products that stimulate the nervous system: alcohol, coffee, strong tea, cigarettes, tonic drinks.

Medical nutrition

The effect of treating thinness is significantly increased through the use of various infusions of medicinal plants that improve appetite and digestion. In the practice of treating thinness, medicinal plants such as sophora, clover, alfalfa, leuzea, dandelion, wormwood, yarrow, cinquefoil, grass, knotweed, nettle, coriander, and pepper knotweed are widely used.

Enhanced therapeutic nutrition is prescribed taking into account the form of thinness and the condition of the body.

If your thinness is accompanied by a lack of appetite, We recommend you a regimen of enhanced protein-rich nutrition (include, for example, meat, fish, eggs in the lunch menu) with a gradual increase in calories in the daily diet. Beautifully presented, tasty, varied food stimulates the appetite and is well absorbed by the body.

It is inadvisable to force your body to take large quantities of food without prior preparation; this can only increase its aversion to food. It is better to gradually increase your daily calorie intake (for example, 300 calories per day), bringing it up to 5000.

15 current tips

The basis of everything is protein

Imagine a long Christmas tree garland of multi-colored ball decorations. This is a model of a protein molecule. Well, each colored ball is one amino acid. When such a protein “garland” enters our digestive system, gastric juice dissolves the intermediate connecting links and the “balls” of amino acids break free. They enter the blood and, together with it, begin their journey through our body.

Eat more carbohydrates

It is known that plants “feed” on the sun. Moreover, growing plant tissues accumulate the energy of solar photons within themselves. And all this energy is “hidden” in special molecules called carbohydrates.

Calories are a growth factor

Scientists came up with the idea of ​​measuring the amount of food in special units - calories. They also measure the energy expenditure of a person. It would seem that no matter how many calories you burn, you need to replace the same amount at the kitchen table. No, you need to “eat” more calories! Remember, muscle growth itself requires an influx of energy.

Fats are friends, not enemies

The secretion of essential hormones and the intake of fats are directly related. Our body “makes” the main anabolic hormones from fats, including testosterone. That's why switching to a low-fat vegetarian diet always results in a drop in libido - less testosterone is secreted in the body. However, excess fat is just as harmful as its deficiency.

Food should be varied

What if, instead of natural products, you take protein and carbohydrates in powder, fish oil in teaspoons, and vitamins and minerals in tablets? Is it possible to grow up on such a diet? Hardly. Today, nutritionists have discovered about fifty fundamentally new compounds called phytosubstances in “live” plant foods.

The bigger, the better

You need a lot of carbohydrates to restore the huge energy costs of training. This means that you need to choose foods that contain the most carbohydrates. Such “mass-gaining” foods include: mashed potatoes, pasta, rice, raisins, honey, pancakes, oatmeal cookies, muffins, apples and ripe bananas. These products will allow you to reach your daily “norm” of carbohydrates, without the risk of filling your stomach until you can’t breathe.

Eat slow-release carbohydrates before training

There are two types of carbohydrates: “fast” and “slow”. Some are digested almost instantly. Others linger in the intestines, gradually releasing energy. How to distinguish one from the other? Foods with “fast” carbohydrates are usually sweet. Here are examples: jam, pastries, cakes, sweets...

All attention to the post-workout meal

Ultra-intensive training causes an increase in the secretion of cortisol, glucagon and catecholamines, hormones that can trigger a chain reaction of muscle tissue destruction.

Snack as often as possible!

Multiple meals (small portions up to 8 times a day) were invented by doctors. However, bodybuilders were the first to adopt this nutritional strategy. Here is the opinion of the famous pro Mike Matarazzo: “When I broke my daily diet into many small meals, I immediately gained weight.” When you eat frequently, with short breaks, your muscles are provided with a constant supply of amino acids (from protein) and glucose (from carbohydrates).

Don't forget about vitamins C and E

During the training process, the athlete’s body produces free radicals in unimaginable quantities. These harmful compounds destroy muscle tissue. Moreover, scientists consider them the main cause of many diseases - from skin to cancer. And yet athletes remain healthy people into old age.

Take advantage of the "services" of creatine and glutamine

As a nutritional supplement, creatine has no equal - it really increases endurance, muscle energy levels and stimulates protein synthesis. In short, he works hard for three people.

Focus on the scales

The reading on your bathroom scale is directly related to the amount of carbohydrates you consume. How? It's very simple: if the scales show that you are gaining from 200 to 500 g. per week, which means you eat enough carbohydrates. If your weight is not growing, then the carbohydrates you ate are most likely not enough.

In addition to scales, you will need a gauge

To assess the prospects of an attack, an experienced commander resorts to a variety of ways to assess the situation. So you can’t limit yourself to just scales. There is such a wonderful thing - a gauge for measuring skin folds; it allows you to more or less accurately determine the specific ratio between muscle and fat in the composition of your body.

Drink more water

If you don’t drink water in the right amount, you will remain at your previous weight. Why? Yes, because your body is 75% water, and no growth without it is simply impossible. When the body becomes dehydrated, water leaves the muscle cells and thereby triggers the destruction of muscle tissue.

Don’t forget, by the way, that the effect of creatine and glutamine is largely based on the effect of “swelling” of the muscles, that is, filling them with fluid. By “attracting” water into muscle cells, creatine and glutamine push muscles to further growth.

Lean on the meat

Recent research by scientists has shown that natural beef is no worse than lean chicken breasts or fish. Lean parts of the carcass - rump, flank - contain the same amount of dietary fat and cholesterol, but in terms of “energy-intensive” B vitamins, including B12, as well as creatine, iron and zinc, beef has no equal.

Vitamin B12, iron and zinc act as “catalysts” for cell growth; in particular, they are necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells (erythrocytes). In addition, zinc works on the “production” of testosterone, the male sex hormone responsible for muscle strength and size.

So, if you want to become bigger, eat a lot, but sensibly - then you will not gain fat, but first-class muscle mass!

The most important vitamins involved in weight gain: C, B6, B1, D, V3, E, A, B2, H, B12.

Is there a lot of different information on the Internet and in books? you can find about a variety of diets and exercises that help you lose weight, but what about girls who don’t know how to gain weight quickly? After all, sometimes excessive thinness torments the weaker sex even more than the hated centimeters of fat.

Causes of thinness

The root causes can be very different, ranging from genetic predisposition to a nervous breakdown. But the root of all evil lies in the wrong diet. In the race for sexuality, you don’t need to lean on buns and sandwiches with mayonnaise, otherwise cellulite will form, and it looks just as bad on thin legs as on full ones.

Before starting treatment at home, you should definitely consult with specialists:

  1. Nutritionist;
  2. Endocrinologist;
  3. Neuropathologist;
  4. Psychotherapist;
  5. Geneticist.

After the conclusion of these specialists, you can begin to create recipes tailored specifically to your type, and adjust your diet and lifestyle.

We get better with drugs

A very common phenomenon among athletes is when they very quickly need to gain weight for their weight category, and moreover, the mass should be muscle, not fat. Proteins come to the rescue. Quite affordable dietary supplements that are widely used in the treatment of anorexia and underweight.

First you need to cleanse your intestines. It is useful to arrange a fasting fruit day for yourself. Now we calculate the dose of the drug; each type requires a separate dosage, which is described in detail in the instructions.

You can purchase the know-how of modern gyms, a mixture of proteins with carbons - “Gainer”, a very good remedy if you need to gain weight quickly and easily. Of course, it would be nice to combine such nutrition with exercise in the gym, but if this is not possible, then simple squats at home will suffice.

Diet for weight gain

The girl will become more feminine, quickly recovering, but only if she approaches solving the problem comprehensively. You need to start following a special protein diet. The essence of weight gain is not just the required number of numbers on the dial of the scale, but a healthy body and a beautiful appearance.

How to eat for skinny people:

First day. In the morning we have breakfast with high-calorie cereals, it can be oatmeal, barley, preferably combined with a piece of fatty cheese. Twenty minutes after eating, drink kefir, at least 2.5% fat.

After three hours you need to sit down to eat again, for an afternoon snack you can eat a plate of cottage cheese mixed with sour cream and sugar, if there is no sour cream, replace it with cream.
At lunch we boil the meat, pork or chicken will do, beef is not so full of carbons. As a side dish, serve salad with eggs, potatoes and cheese, seasoned with sour cream or cream. In general, consume full-fat milk as much as possible; in a short time it will improve your intestinal function and help you recover quickly. We don’t try too hard at night, otherwise we’ll have to deal with the accompanying troubles later.

The afternoon snack begins with boiled fish, of course, fatty varieties: mackerel, tuna, silver carp. You can stew it with cheese or cream, or wash it down with kefir. Now, half an hour after eating, it will be nice to take a short walk in the fresh air, work out on the horizontal bars, this way we will recover quickly and without special expenses for fitness clubs.

Dinner no later than 20, because everything we eat after will not go towards improving our appearance, but into cellulite and unsightly fat folds. You can eat yogurt, you can cook yourself fatty porridge (pour barley or oatmeal with hot milk, add a spoonful of butter, sugar to taste).

Depending on your requirements and wishes, you can adjust your diet to suit you:

  1. If you quickly need to gain 3 kg in five days, then you can try to rely on full-fat sour cream, you don’t have to eat it with something, you can just eat a plate of sugar after an afternoon snack.
  2. If our goal is to gain 4 kg in weight in a few days, then we combine fatty foods and drinks, for example, beer and sour cream, the weight will be gained quickly, but it will not stay for long.
  3. It is sometimes very difficult to gain weight by 5 kg in a week, you need to try. So, eat at least 6 times a day, season all dishes with cream, under no circumstances consume it, it’s better to focus on vitamins and carbohydrates. After meals, eat one high-calorie bar.
  4. The most difficult thing is to easily gain 10 kg more; it is very dangerous and is best if the treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. How to quickly gain weight by 15 kg? In both cases, most likely the nutritionist will prescribe medications in injections, do not be alarmed. Of course, these will be proteins, special dietary supplements, protein shakes.

Special exercises to increase mass

If you need to gain weight in your chest or legs, then in addition to six meals a day, you must do physical exercise. We take one 0.5 liter bottle in each hand (if there are no half-kilogram dumbbells), and begin to move them in different directions. Do this ten times, increasing by one with each approach. It will be difficult at first, but after a month of such exercises, the volume of the chest (muscle) will increase significantly.

In fact, you can do without diets at all, you just need a little diligence, and not indulge in fatty fried foods and fast food, otherwise we will not acquire beautiful sexy forms, but risk getting ugly fat.

After each approach, you need to eat a product rich in microelements, for example, everyone knows about the benefits of nuts, so after physical exercise, eat a handful, this will activate the brain, and the body will replenish the loss of carbohydrates.

There is often not enough volume in the legs; you need to squat, so your butt will tighten and your hips will become rounder. At least 50 times, and over time after each approach we increase the number of squats. A very good exercise is “sliders”, we sit on our butt and begin to move forward in this position. So five minutes, then a break and some nuts.

The easiest way to gain weight is in the butt, squats, jumping, crawling, running. There are simply countless methods; callanetics helps very effectively. It makes the hidden muscles work well, which are responsible for the formation or disappearance of volume. This sport is suitable for both young girls and older women.

Pregnancy and thinness

In the first months this will not even be too noticeable, but in the future doctors will insist on specialized treatment. Gaining weight and gaining weight for pregnant women is much more difficult than it seems; a lot depends on metabolism, which, after acquiring an interesting position, has changed significantly for the better or for the worse.

In any case, we do not consume foods that are forbidden for pregnant women, we lead a healthy lifestyle, do gymnastics and perform exercises. This is the only way to recover quickly without harming your health.

You cannot do without medicine here, especially if we are talking not about three to five centimeters, but about several sizes in a row. What you need to do if you really want to get better quickly:

  1. Eat properly;
  2. Do exercises, the more often the better, but without fanaticism;
  3. Girls are advised to move their bodies more often, but you need to become a little slower, reduce the speed of the metabolic process;
  4. visit a nutritionist, and if necessary, a psychologist, because the problem lies within us.
