How to measure ski poles. We choose cross-country skis, ski boots, ski poles, ski waxes. How to choose all-mountain skis, boots and poles

Whether you're skiing down the snowy slopes or traversing the race track, you'll definitely need ski poles. Of course you know this!

But remember, how many types of ski poles do you know? How many factors influence the choice?

At a minimum, these are 4 varieties according to the type of skiing and 5 characteristics, ranging from the length of the ski pole to the handle with a lanyard. We tried to consider all these points in detail in the article. Read and share your experience in the comments!

At first glance, it is difficult to understand all the variety of types and varieties of ski poles, but there are basic classifications by which you can navigate and choose a model that is truly optimal in terms of price/quality ratio.

We select ski poles depending on the type of riding

There are 4 main categories of ski poles designed for different styles skating.

Skiing on virgin soil (Powder). The main difference is the enlarged snow rings. They are extremely durable and have more wide thickness shaft in diameter to reduce the recoil force during movement.

For racing (Race). Not as massive as Powder or ski poles, but extremely light and thin. Most often, ultra-light composite alloys, carbon or fiberglass are used.

Freestyle poles. They are best suited for riding in specially prepared parks. They are an order of magnitude shorter than other models, or have the length of ski models.

Alpine ski poles. The most popular ski poles on the mass market. They have standard snow rings.

Differences by type of materials

Skiing has been growing continuously over the last decades and you can see a clear trend towards narrow specialization in everything from ski types to pole materials and shapes. Modern ski poles can be made from 12 different metals and alloys, but the most popular are four.

  • Carbon: the lightest, ideal for an experienced skier. The models are in the top price segment. It is worth understanding that very few models made from 100% carbon add impurities in any case, and the price depends on the amount of these impurities. All best athletes Nowadays people use carbon ski poles.
  • Fiberglass: Designed for fast, experienced skiers, fiberglass poles are thin but durable. Fiberglass ski poles are more expensive than aluminum ones.
  • Composite materials: the result of a combination of various materials, including carbon metals (the same carbon), aluminum, graphite, resin and others. Composite poles are well cushioned, light, but fragile, especially in severe frost. In this material, manufacturers tried to find a balance between cheap and heavy aluminum and expensive but lightweight carbon fiber.
  • Aluminum: not the lightest, but reliable and with the cheapest production. Typically used by beginner and intermediate skiers.
  • Titanium: In Soviet times, a popular metal for making ski equipment. Modern manufacturers titanium is not used; preference is given to composite materials and aluminum.
Peculiarities Aluminum Composite material
Weight Aluminum weighs less. Composite ones weigh either the same or more.
Strength It bends more than it breaks. They break much more often than aluminum ones.
Heat conductivity Aluminum allows cold to pass through easily, making the skier's hands colder. The composite has lower thermal conductivity, so the skier's hands, as a rule, remain warm.
Price Aluminum poles are much cheaper. Composite ones are more expensive.
Depreciation Aluminum ones do not absorb shock well and your hands feel every forceful push. Absorb energy better, therefore suitable for dynamic ride, like freeride or ski slopes.
Attention of third parties (theft) General use, they are rarely stolen. They are often stolen because they are more expensive.

The composition of the material is far from the first place in the importance of attention spent when selecting equipment in the store; much more attention should be paid to the height of the skier and the type of preferred skiing.

How should the stick lie in your hand?

When grasping the handle of a ski pole, whether with your left hand or your right, it should fit comfortably and comfortably in both hands. Plastic, cork or rubber are generally the most popular materials for ski pole handles.

Try holding different sticks in your hands, with different handles and lanyards.

Lanyard- a special belt in the form of a loop, with the help of which the pole is supported by the hand of a skier. It should be easy and quick to put on your hand, without putting pressure.

On this moment Two types of lanyards are popular - a regular loop and a “trap”. The loop is popular among biathletes; it allows you to quickly free your hands for shooting and save precious seconds.

Holding most of the ski poles in the store will help you find the best one for you. After all, it is very difficult to convey in text the sensations that a correct handle with a lanyard should create in your hand. If you choose for skiing, then do not forget to keep a 90-degree angle at your elbow!

Important! How your ski poles feel in your hand and your level of ergonomics will affect your time on the slopes.

Snow rings and paws

It’s worth immediately dividing this accessory into two camps: feet for running types skiing(classic, skating) and classic snow rings for alpine skiing, freeride, walking ski poles.

Modern race tracks don't need rings because they're wasted, the snow is rolled away and it's not deep enough for a stick to go deep into it. On prepared slopes, paws are used instead of rings - they are lighter, more compact, and have an aerodynamic shape.

Video about how modern ski poles are made:

How is effective length measured?

It is customary to take the height of the sticks from the snow ring, or foot, to the upper end of the hand, roughly speaking, to the index finger at the moment when you hold the stick with your hand, this is approximately −1 cm from the upper end of the handle. This length will be the effective length for which you need to select ski poles.

But now let's look at two ways to select the size:

The first option is mathematical. The standard formula for selecting a size is to multiply height by a factor of 0.7 for alpine skiing, 0.83 for classic and 0.88 for skating. For example, my height is 178 cm, for me the ideal pole length would be:

178×0.7 = 125 centimeters.

The International Ski Federation (FIS) has established a single standard for the size of ski poles for the classic move, this is the height of the skier multiplied by a factor of 0.83

We have developed, with its help you can quickly calculate the size for different heights and riding style.

The second option is to select the length. Turn the stick upside down so that the bottom of the ring is in your hand (see illustration on the right). If in this position the angle between the forearm and the hand is 90 degrees, then you have picked up correct length! When in doubt, choose longer poles as they can be easily shortened.

Table for selecting the length of ski poles:

Skier's height Ski Skating move Classic move
150 105 130-135 120-125
155 108-110 135-140 125-130
160 110-115 140-145 130-135
165 115 145-150 135-140
170 115-120 150-155 140-145
175 120-125 155-160 145-150
180 125 160-165 150-155
185 130 165-170 155-160
190 130-135 170-175 160-165
195 135-140 175 165

Don’t forget that it’s important to get it right, because not only the length of the poles is important, but also the length of the skis themselves!

Popular brands

Knowing a little about a ski brand is very helpful. After all, skiers often like to compare similar models from different manufacturers, compare characteristics and all possible properties.

A brief history and features of each company will make you a worthy interlocutor.


He is a pioneer in ski technology. They make ski poles as well ski bindings and accessories. Atomic was born in Austria in 1955 and has since become part of the Finnish company Amer Sports. Their factory is located in the Salzburg Alps. Atomic uses a lot of recycled materials in its products. They sell poles for alpine skiing, nordic walking and cross-country skiing.

Fischer (Fischer)

Fischer produces ski poles, skis, bindings, boots and other accessories. The company began its activities in 1924 in Austria. Produces both aluminum and composite poles.


It is a subsidiary of Jarden Corporation and was founded in 1961. They produce ski poles, skis, helmets, clothing and accessories. The American headquarters is located in Seattle, and the manufacturing plant is in China. They produce aluminum and composite ski poles.


Leki started producing poles in 1970. Leki still produces them in its own factory and prides itself on high quality.


This French company was founded in 1907. Rossignol likes to be at a high level of innovation and they continue to experiment with aluminum and composite materials.

Which ski poles are best?

When it comes to choosing ski poles, you first need to decide on your preferred type of riding, so that based on this you can select the length depending on your height (use a calculator or table).

The next step is the budget you can spend on ski poles. Undoubtedly, carbon ones with a cork handle will the best option for most types of skiing. For alpine skiing The material is not so important, although of course, the lighter the better!

Getting ready for the winter season, active recreation outdoors, many people think about purchasing appropriate sports accessories for riding or leisurely walks. What they should be depends on the landscape, but how to choose cross-country skiing The size chart will tell you based on your height and weight.

According to the characteristics of the methods of movement, they can be divided into:

  • ridge;
  • tourist;
  • combined.

Another gradation divides them into groups for:

  • beginners;
  • skiers of intermediate skill level;
  • experienced amateur experts;
  • professional athletes.

Each line has its own design features, which somewhat complicates the selection without the manufacturer’s instructions. The sizes of cross-country skis by height are selected based on the chosen type of skiing and the height of the skier.

Skate skis

The skating motion provides speed of movement along a well-rolled track. Skis of this type are used in competitions by biathletes. A distinctive feature of the shells is the toe, which is almost not bent. Push poles are used to accelerate, and the skier's leg movements resemble those used by speed skaters.

Important! Skate skis are shorter in length than regular skis. To choose cross-country skis based on your height, you will need to add 5-10 cm to your own height. The resulting result will be equal to the required length of the projectile.

In order for the intended load to correspond to the weight of the athlete, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this model from the manufacturer. A suitable ski should spring back when riding. At the same time, its bend should not bend under the weight of the athlete so that it forms a single plane. Distance between bottom in the middle and there should be snow. Despite this feature, paraffin is applied over the entire surface.

Classic type

Used for classic skating. The location of the skis is strictly parallel, regardless of whether the skier is riding on a well-trodden track or just laying it.

In appearance, the products in this category differ:

  • length (up to 207 cm);
  • high-curved toe;
  • less elasticity than skating ones.

When skating, the middle part should bend and touch the surface of the snow.

The material stiffness of classic running shoes is lower. Longitudinal notches in the lower part prevent slipping; they help maintain direction in the absence of a deep compacted ski track.

It is necessary to choose medium hardness; soft ones will slow down due to the athlete’s weight pressing them into the snow. In this situation, neither the correctly selected ointment nor the notches provided by the manufacturer will contribute to sliding.

Combined type

Universal, more similar in design to running ones. When choosing to move with both methods, length must be taken into account. It should be smaller than the classic ones, so that when skating, the rear parts do not intersect.

The classic structure of the projectile is explained by the possibility of using it for skating. It is impossible to hold the track on skates. The maximum permissible length of combined ones is 2 m.

Length Determination

Treadmills designed for classic style skiers are traditionally chosen 20-25 cm higher than the skier himself. The peculiarity of models with notches is that they do not slide back when climbing a hill, stopping on a hill, or overcoming a snowdrift. The kit wouldn't be complete without poles. They help you speed up. The height should reach the chin of the person for whom they are intended.

The optimal length of skates for both a child and an adult is the height of the skier plus 10-15 cm. Combined ones can be 5-10 cm longer than skates. The size of ski equipment is similar to the choice of universal equipment, if it is not intended for balancing act on a slope with a springboard. For inversion jumps skiers extreme species athletes choose equipment that suits their personal training program and skill level.

Selection of cross-country skis by weight

Regardless of the size, when choosing a model for a beginner athlete who does not fully master the skating technique, you can buy shorter ones. They are easier to control, but the rigidity of the product must correspond to the weight of the athlete. The children's range features more rounded noses and softer material, which makes them easier to slide and more resistant to breakage.

Attention! The rigidity of the material used in manufacturing and the height of the recess under the boot mount are commensurate with the weight of the athlete. Both stiffer and softer models will make riding difficult due to strong or insufficient shock absorption.

Masters of sports can afford to use soft and hard accessories on different slopes, but for amateur skiing the manufacturer’s recommendations should not be neglected.

Auxiliary table for determining projectile parameters





Feature of ski sets: standard poles are short, and skis are long. For a skate, the proportional ratio of the length of the equipment changes.

If the seller does not have the table at hand, then use the selection scheme sports equipment based on a person's height. For skating, the poles must have a length equal to the height, minus 15-20 cm. The length of the projectile is equal to the height plus 10-15 cm. Classic poles should end (when placed vertically) between the shoulder and chin. The length of the skis corresponds to height plus 20-25 cm.

When purchasing sports equipment, you should always consider your own physiological characteristics. The length of cross-country skis is selected according to height. Each manufacturer has a developed grid where an athlete of a certain height will find the recommended length of products. If cross-country skis are selected on the basis that the tips of the fingers of an outstretched hand should come into contact with the tips of a vertically mounted ski, then for skating and combined skis this rule does not apply.

It is very important to choose the right length of cross-country skis for classic or skating. After all, the comfort of riding and the ease with which you can cover the distance depend on this. Sometimes it happens that you walk 5 kilometers with the wrong ski size, but you feel like you’ve already run all 15.

When choosing equipment for skiing, three characteristics are taken into account - height, weight and skiing style of the athlete. If we talk about styles, we can distinguish 3 directions in cross-country skiing (X-COUNTRY or cross country):

  • Skating and its prominent representative is biathlon. Marked in English as skate;
  • Classic move. One of the oldest trends, well-known styles: two-step, one-step, stepless, etc.;
  • Universal or walking (FITNESS, Combi). Strictly speaking, they cannot be combined, because recreational skis can be called skis that are intended for walking on unprepared slopes, the distinctive feature of which is an increased width (more than 50 mm).

We won’t talk about skiing in this article; they require completely different equipment, which in turn is also divided into a number of areas.

There is a dependence of the length of skis on a person’s height, and it significantly affects the speed of movement and the overall comfort of skiing. The weight ratio is necessary to determine the required stiffness. We wrote in detail about the stiffness index in the article about, but in this publication we will analyze the importance of the correct ratio of ski size and skier height.

How to choose skis according to your height and guess the size?

The optimal ski length is determined by the formula:

Ideal Height = (Height * (Weight)) / (Skill Level) √ Magic Factor.

Don't be alarmed, everything is actually simpler.

For the classic move = Height + 15 cm.
For skating = Height + 15-25 cm.

This is the maximum length, but it can be less, but not more. This is especially important for beginners who are just starting to learn to walk.

Ski length at classic course should be 5-10 centimeters longer than the ridge. This is due to differences in walking technique.

For beginners, trainers advise choosing shorter equipment. With them it is easier to understand driving technique and take turns. The speed will be mediocre, but that's not the main thing. During the first training sessions, you need to think about the ideal technique and the right step. This is why we do not recommend purchasing any expensive and branded skis as your first pair, such as the Austrian Fisher or the French Rossignol.

It’s easy to determine your ski size by height; the main thing is to measure your height and use the formula described above. Never measure barefoot.

Ski length affects maximum speed which they can develop. Of course, there are a number of other factors - lubrication, snow temperature, and so on, but, with all other indicators being equal, the athlete who goes longer will be faster. But, under no circumstances fall into the misconception that the larger the size, the better. The length must be strictly adjusted to the anthropometric data of the athlete, otherwise there will be problems and discomfort during exercise.

Table for selecting skis by height and weight for classics and all-rounders

We have compiled a summary table that will help you decide on the size. The table must be used carefully and take into account your skills and skill level; sometimes it happens that the numbers from these sizes do not suit a particular person.

Below is a table with ski sizes for skating:

Height, cm Size, cm.
150 160-165
155 165-170
160 170-175
165 175-180
170 180-185
175 185-190
180 190-195
185 195-200
190 200-205

If cross-country skiing is not your passion, then check out the post on. The principle is the same, only the features of skiing are taken into account. This is an increased load on sliding surface during descent and sharp turns, which require a certain geometry and length of deflections.

What does a skier's weight affect?

Don’t forget that when choosing cross-country skis based on height, you should definitely take into account the owner’s weight; the rigidity of the material depends on it. This applies to people who weigh more than 70 kg; anyone who weighs less doesn’t care, since any minimum ski stiffness will be sufficient for them.

We wrote about how to choose ski poles in. The article examined in detail all the important characteristics, from the material of the handle to the lanyard.

best posts
Our guide will help you choose the right length of poles. It calculates pole sizes for all types of winter sports.

How to choose skis for a child according to his height?

For teenagers and children over six years old, the ski size is selected in exactly the same way. We use the adult formulas that are indicated at the beginning of the article. For pre-school children, we advise you to choose shorter skis, the same height as the child himself, or a little more, literally 5 cm.

The baby is a beginner at this age, so equipment is selected based on learning walking techniques. And this is easiest to do on short skis.

Under no circumstances should you purchase skis and poles for growth. Yes, this may seem cost-effective, but the child will suffer and may lose interest in skiing altogether.

Video from a sports store seller

At the end, we advise you to watch a video with tips and tricks from a sports store seller.

In general, there is nothing complicated in choosing the length and size of cross-country skis, the main thing is to remember the basic formula, which is above, and you can save a plate with the sizes for yourself, or print it out. In this case, you will go to the store already prepared.

  • Purpose of ski poles
  • How to choose the right one
  • Types
  • Details
  • What are they made of?
  • Other Features
  • Where to buy and how much it costs

For experienced riders, ski poles are an important part of equipment, and the requirements for them are appropriate. There are also those who do not give them of great importance. Usually these are beginners who are notunderstand that properly selected ski poles can seriously improve skiing technique, and therefore bring more joy from your ski holiday.

Ski poles - purpose

Ski poles and the correct placement of hands contribute to the correct execution of turns. And turns are the most important element V ski equipment. Do you feel connected? This is their main purpose.

The poles are also used for pushing off on flat areas in the mountains. Even some experienced snowboarders keep collapsible (telescoping) poles in their backpack. They know what it means for a boarder to hit a flat spot.

For beginners, poles serve as a support (more psychological) when initial stage mastering the technique of skiing.

My instructor used poles to correct my stance. He “stabbed” me in the back so that I wouldn’t fall back. What, another way to use sticks!

Ski poles seriously make life easier for freeriders, who often climb to the starting point on foot. They serve as support when walking.

Ski poles: how to choose

The length of ski poles is indicated in increments of 5 centimeters (or 2 inches), for example, 120 cm, 125 cm, 130 cm. These numbers can always be found on the shaft of the pole.

Poles that are too long will force you to ski in a back stance, which can lead to loss of ski control and rapid leg fatigue. Very short poles will force you to lean forward excessively (hunch over), which is also inconvenient.

People with good technique and decent experience choose the length of their poles in accordance with the characteristics of their riding style. For example, my poles are only 120 cm with a height of 185 cm, although I started at 135 cm.

Shorter poles allow me to sit lower over my skis. In this stance, I feel more confident at high speeds and uneven terrain, because the center of gravity of my body is much closer to the ground.

Here is another confirmation of my words - for aggressive skating you need a lower stance and short poles.

However, at the beginning of training it is better to use standard recommendations: put on your mountaineer ski boots, bend your knees slightly, with both shoulders parallel to the floor, and hold the stick upside down, handle down, under the ring.


Select the length of the stick until a right angle is formed at the elbow joint (as in the picture). Once this is achieved, this is your pole length.

There is a way to select poles without trying them on. Multiply your height by 0.7.

At the initial stage, precision down to millimeters is not required. Over time, you will understand your preferences in ski equipment and choose what suits you.

Even large stores advise different lengths for the same height. So, Sports Marathon for a height of 170 cm offers poles are 115 cm or 120 cm, and the Kant store has the same poles recommends people with a height already 5 cm shorter - 165 cm.

Poles up to 110 cm are considered for children, and over 110 cm for adults.

Ski poles - types

For amateur skiing on the slopes

These are the most common sticks. Made of aluminum - cheaper or carbon (carbon fiber) more expensive. The first ones are strong, but if they are bent in half, then it will no longer be possible to straighten them, they break and fail.

The second ones are more elastic. Where aluminum poles break, carbon poles simply bend and, when the force is released, return to their original position. Although they can also be broken.

Aluminum comes in different qualities and this affects the cost of ski poles - there are aluminum poles that are more expensive than carbon ones.

Ski poles for off-piste skiing

The main difference between off-piste poles is the wider guides. They prevent the stick from sinking into deep snow.

Often off-piste skiing (freeride) is associated with hiking to the peaks, and for these purposes they are used telescopic poles— their length can be adjusted to suit the task being performed.

When the slope is steep, the poles are made shorter; if the terrain becomes flatter, the poles are lengthened; when descending, the standard length is set.

Ski poles for park skiing

In parks, people jump from trampolines, slide along various designs and perform all sorts of tricks.

Here in the hands of skiers we see significantly shortened (sometimes ridiculously) and lightweight poles. They serve mainly for balance when performing tricks, and not for turning or pushing. And with such poles it’s easier to ride in a rear stance (switch).

My friend, who is 192 cm tall, skates with 115 cm poles! So, as you grow up as a skier, you will experience a re-evaluation of your equipment parameters. You will become wiser.

These poles are made from the best materials. Some have a curved shape. So for giant slalom (GS) and super-giant (SG) the poles have a medium bend, and for downhill (DH) the poles have a maximum bend.

This is done to increase the streamlining (aerodynamics) of the skier and to avoid hitting the gate with poles, because in competitions the count is in hundredths of a second.

The shaft (shaft) of some sports ski poles is made of a triangular shape (if you look at the cut of the shaft) - to reduce weight and increase strength. Of course, high technology makes such poles more expensive than regular ones. Below is the cost of ski poles, including sports ones.

Ski poles - what are they made of?


As already mentioned, aluminum is the most common material in the production of ski poles. By the way, when developing the poles, the engineers had another important task - to make poles that, when broken, did not turn into sharp, dangerous objects that could cause harm to health.

Salomon X Race aluminum ski poles

Therefore, when overloaded, the sticks seem to “fold” in half, rather than burst, forming two “blades” with jagged ends.

We must make a reservation: aluminum poles are not made from pure aluminum, there are always other impurities.

But in the ski industry, such poles are called aluminum, and poles without metal impurities (or where there is a minimum of them) are called composite. Further we will adhere to this terminology for simplicity of presentation.

Composite ski poles

This category includes poles made from alloys of fiberglass, carbon (carbon fiber), graphite, resin, bamboo and other materials. The production of such poles, as a rule, is more expensive than aluminum ones, which is reflected in their price in the store.

If previously aluminum poles were generally lighter than composite poles, now the difference in weight is felt less and less.

An example of such poles is the product of the Komperdell company - carbon poles reinforced with bamboo.

Komperdell Carbon Bamboo Composite Ski Poles


There are several companies in the world that produce ski poles from bamboo, however, none of them have reached our country. The most famous of them is Panda Poles.

The company emphasizes that it produces poles by hand and does not pollute the environment. The second reason why poles are made of bamboo is that bamboo is stronger than aluminum. This video shows what that means.

If you know English language, then you can “assemble” your stick on the brand’s website and then place an order. My stick was not expensive at all (though without shipping), only $89.

Ski poles - components

Handle and lanyards

The handles (handles) of ski poles come in various shapes and are usually made of plastic, cork and rubber. Since manufacturers find it difficult to compete in the production of rods, all their efforts are directed towards the design of handles and lanyards. In the more expensive pole segment, the handle can be made of combined materials, each of which solves one of the following problems - (1) ensuring grip of the hand with the handle without slipping and (2) comfort when riding and (3) maintaining the rigid shape of the handle itself.

If we talk about the shape of the handles, then this is a matter of preference - see which one “fits” your hand better.

The main purpose of a lanyard is to prevent you from losing your stick. They are made from nylon, sometimes leather. The length of the lanyard can be adjusted to suit your hand.

There are also leaders in this business - the Leki company, which about 20 years ago began producing detachable lanyards (Trigger technology). In case of critical load on the hand and the likelihood of injury, the lanyard was disconnected from the stick.

As a result, the skier receives convenience (quick and convenient release of the pole), excellent maneuverability (the pole is attached to the hand in the right place) and safety (the pole can be unfastened in case of danger of injury).

And the already mentioned company Komperdell several years ago released poles for freeriders without a traditional lanyard. The lanyard there is plastic and is an integral part of the handle.

For what? When riding in the forest, a stick can get caught in a tree and, if your hand is not freed in time, you can get injured. It is also vitally important to quickly get rid of sticks in an avalanche - so as not to harm yourself and have time to regroup.

At the Kant store, such poles at the time of writing cost 3,090 rubles.

Rod (shaft)

The main part on which the handle with lanyard, ring and tip are attached. The rod can be either a solid tube or a composite (telescopic) one.

An important characteristic of a rod is its rigidity. It is measured in conventional units. 4 - 5 units - beginners and average level, 4 - 5 units - experts. Above 6 are athletes.


A part that prevents the ski pole from sinking into the snow when being pricked. There are a large number of shapes, sizes of rings and the materials they are made from on the market.

For skiing on pistes, where the snow is usually hard, rings of smaller diameter are used, and for off-piste skiing, in deep snow, the diameter of the rings is noticeably larger.

If the ring is lost, and this also happens, then, in most cases, the quality of skating drops significantly. A ski pole without a ring becomes practically useless - it falls into the thickness of the snow and it is no longer possible to lean on it.

True, there is a group of skaters who, although they hold poles in their hands, do not use them. You can easily see these at every resort. For them, the loss of the ring will go unnoticed.


Such poles are popular among freeriders, as already written. Here it is important to choose poles from a reputable brand, for example, Black Diamond, since the locks that fix the length of the pole are not reliable from all manufacturers. After some time, they either break or begin to hold poorly.

There are two- or three-knee sticks. It is clear that three-knee ones are more compact and can be carried in a backpack.

The ski poles in this picture are not only telescopic, but also a cable is passed through their rods (tubes), which allows you to assemble the poles into the working position in one movement, in a couple of seconds.


Tips are made of hard alloys, such as steel. In expensive models, there are tips made of tungsten carbide and other durable alloys.

Ski poles - other features

Removable hand protection

Guards are plastic attachments on poles that protect hands from impacts from goals when passing sports tracks.

Such devices protect your hands from impacts from goals or poles that are placed on the track during competitions. They can be sold complete with a stick.

Stick flask

Leki company produces flask sticks Hot Shot S, into which you can pour your favorite drinks. I am sure that everyone thought about alcoholic drinks, because no one would think of pouring kvass or lemonade into sticks, however, drinking in the mountains is a bad idea.

According to the manufacturer, 150 ml is placed in containers hidden under the handles of the sticks, 75 ml in each.

Such poles can be bought in the Sport-Marathon store for 8,990 rubles.

If this volume is not enough for you, then buy Comperdell Schnaps Poles. You can gurgle 200 ml into each stick, and this is already a serious volume.

This is a good offer if you do the math: they are cheaper than the previous ones (6,350 rubles, Kant store), and you can fit more into them.

Ski poles: where to buy

Our usual suspects are well-known stores. By following the links you will be taken to the ski pole sections. The poorest selection of poles is in Sportmaster, the richest is in Sport-Marathon.

Sportmaster - prices start (at the time of writing) from 499 rubles for children and 899 rubles for adults. If you're interested, the most expensive poles in the store are:


So the fascinating dive into the abyss of ski poles has come to an end. We learned a lot of new things, and now we can go to the store and choose what we really need.

Remember that ski poles often break and should be treated as consumables. Few live more than two or three years, especially at the beginning of the ski journey. Buy something simpler for the first time, and then decide what suits you best.

As always, we welcome your comments, clarifications or complaints.

Let's float up... no, one second...

If the article was useful and you liked the bathyscaphe, then get it ski benefit directly to your email (no spam!) And further…

Many have already heard, and the question often arises: are some the right sticks for Nordic walking - or are old ski boots suitable, for example? We'll tell you which Nordic walking poles to buy and how to choose them according to your height.

Although there are no common European standards yet, various associations and federations in Europe have defined the following requirements for Nordic walking poles:

  1. The poles should not be telescopic (folding).
  2. Poles should be made from glass and carbon fiber (minimum carbon index 30% to 50%, i.e. CL300 to CL500) and not aluminum.
  3. Handles should be made of plastic, cork or a rubber compound (best).
  4. A comfortable lanyard (fastening for fixing the hands) is required.
  5. Availability of good metal tips (spikes).
  6. The presence of tips (boots, shoes) for walking on asphalt or other hard surfaces where metal spikes slip.

Let us dwell on these requirements for Nordic walking poles in more detail.

Telescopic poles: what's wrong?

Why shouldn't Nordic walking poles be telescopic? Collapsible poles are not recommended as they may collapse unexpectedly during intense pressure and cause serious injury. They can only be used for occasional use, for example during holidays, where monolithic ones may be inconvenient (inconvenient to pack, transport and store).

In general, telescopic poles are cheaper than monolithic poles. Made from aluminum alloys. To “soften” the aluminum shaft, a special “Anti-shock” system is built into some models. In this case, there is a spring inside that plays the role of a shock absorber and compensates for the shock load. Folding poles with composite carbon shafts are not cheap.

pros folding models are that they are easily adjusted to the height of any family member, can “grow” with the user and, moreover, when folded, they fit into a special case and are more convenient for travel.

Minuses: The latches can break when exposed to sand or water, freeze in winter or fold unexpectedly, and rattling and vibration may occur. Experienced instructors do not recommend them. Please note that among the sticks there are more high class no folding models.

Stick material: pros and cons

Fiberglass. Very a light weight, effectively absorbs vibrations. Its strength is ensured by a mixture of glass and carbon fiber. Unfortunately, such material is very fragile and does not exclude breakage.

Carbon fiber (carbon). The addition of carbon fiber ensures the strength of the poles while maintaining the quality of fiberglass (shock absorption and light weight). The higher the carbon content, the stronger the sticks. The recommended percentage of carbon should be between 50% and 80%. For beginners, poles with an index of 20-30% are quite suitable. Moreover, it must be remembered that poles from different manufacturers with the same carbon index may differ from each other in elasticity.

Aluminum. Such poles do not absorb vibration well, which very quickly increases the risk of problems for upper limbs, in particular, inflammation of the joint capsule elbow joint. In cross-country skiing, this problem does not exist as the snow absorbs vibrations.

Stick handles

Unlike ski or trekking poles (the latter intended for hikers or climbers), Nordic walking poles require constant gripping and releasing ("opening" and "closing" of the palms of the hands), which causes wet palms. Therefore, it is very important to choose handles that are not only comfortable, but also absorb moisture to avoid slipping.

There are three types of handles:

Plastic. They do not absorb sweat, making them slippery and uncomfortable to use. This disadvantage can be compensated by using a lanyard, which absorbs moisture and provides a grip on the stick.

Cork. Good handles made of natural material, effectively absorb sweat. However, prolonged use in wet conditions may cause the cork to peel off.

Rubber. A mixture of rubber and cork. Excellent handles, absorb sweat, non-slip and very durable. Usually found on professional sticks.

In mid-price models, the handles are either rubberized or made of a material that imitates natural cork. The difference is not fundamental. The main thing is that the handle is thin, fits in the hand, does not slip and does not rub the palm.

What is a lanyard and why do Nordic walking poles need it?

To ensure that the stick returns to your palm after you release it, there is a special fixation system called a lanyard. It is a fingerless glove that allows the hand to fit snugly around the handle of the stick.

Different manufacturers have their own designs. There are 3 types of lanyards:

Base. It does not have a “left” or “right” designation and can be worn on any hand. The fact that the lanyard is not adjusted to specific hand, disrupts the accuracy of the stick's movement. There may be some discomfort when returning to the palm. Fortunately, these are rare now.

Lanyards for right and left hands. Most widely used. They are marked “left” and “right”, provide perfect grip on the poles and increase the precision of movements. Sometimes they are adjustable in length, which allows you to additionally use gloves if necessary.

Lanyard for professionals. It's more modern look, is produced by most manufacturers and is used on professional poles. The professional lanyard is fabric. It is located between the thumb and index finger. This fabric allows you to absorb sweat. Adjustable for convenience.

A good lanyard comes in sizes S to L and has a quick release system (QLS). At the same time, without taking off your gloves, you can disconnect the poles in a second, answer a phone call, take a good photo, etc.

To select the correct lanyard, measure the circumference of your palm as shown in the picture. If the circumference is from 12 to 20 cm, then choose a lanyard size 5-8, and from 20-30 cm - size 9-12.

Tips for sticks

At the end Scandinavian stick There is a tip (claw, spike) made of durable tungsten carbide. It can be safely stuck into soil, soil and sand, it will not slip or get stuck. In addition, the kit may include special removable metal tips of various configurations for different surfaces. Moreover, you must keep in mind that on more expensive models the tips can be changed, but on cheaper ones - not always.

To walk on asphalt, wear special rubber tips (boots). They should be included with the poles. Plastic tips are much worse.

Metal tips (spikes). This part takes on the main load. Therefore, tips for sticks must be very strong, preferably made of tungsten carbide. In addition, the poles should come with replaceable tips.

Tips for asphalt and other hard surfaces. Nordic walking poles have a carbide tip and a rubber “shoe” for walking on asphalt. There are carbide different types, some resemble a “claw”, while others are made in the form of a pike.

Recently, new tips made from the following materials have appeared in European countries.

Carbon. Made from a mixture of rubber and carbon, which together improve grip and make the pole's impact on the ground quieter. They have deep grooves that, in addition to being comfortable when driving on hard surfaces, provide good traction on grass, sand or soft ground, that is, they are a kind of “all-terrain vehicle”. They are 3-4 times more durable than regular ones.

Tips made of Kevlar (para-aramid fiber). The design is similar to carbon fiber. Their body is made of Kevlar, and the pad is made of a rubber-carbon mixture. The result is a softer platform that improves contact with the ground and makes them even quieter in operation. Improved durability.

Nordic walking poles by height: table

The calculation formula is quite simple: you need to multiply your height by a certain coefficient. Its value varies depending on your health status and the goals you want to achieve.

For light walking - coefficient 0.66. Suitable for people with a slow walking pace or people who are recovering from an illness or injury. For example, height 171 cm x 0.66 = 112.86 cm. You can use poles 110 cm long.

For healthy people - the coefficient is 0.68. This coefficient is suitable for more trained people, lovers of moderate intensity walking, who want to socialize in a friendly company. For example, height 171 cm x 0.68 = 116.28 cm. You can use poles 115 cm long.

For training with increased load - coefficient 0.70. Increased load is required for athletes and amateurs fast pace walks that wish to keep physical fitness on high level. For example, height 171 cm x 0.70 = 119.7 cm. You can use poles 120 cm long.

By the way, the poles you choose will be about 25-30 cm shorter than the length of the ski pole that is suitable for you.

When choosing poles, you should also take into account that elongated models enhance physical activity on top part your body and reduce the load on your leg muscles. The use of shortened ones has the opposite effect.

Man's height Stick length
136 – 141 cm 90 cm
142 – 150 cm 95 cm
151 - 158 cm 100 cm
159 – 165 cm 105 cm
166 - 173 cm 110 cm
174 – 181 cm 115 cm
182 - 188 cm 120 cm
189 – 196 cm 125 cm
197 - 203 cm 130 cm
204 - 210 cm 135 cm

Since everyone’s body structure is individual, the calculated size may differ slightly from your physiological length. Therefore, the selected length should be checked again “in operation”. To do this, take a stick in your hand and place its tip on the toe of your foot. In this case, the elbow of the hand holding the stick should bend at a right angle.

And one moment. The length of the stick and its weight directly determine the width of your step, the intensity and length of the path that can be covered during exercise. Estimate the weight, compare it with the weight of other sticks in sports store. The smaller it is, the easier the classes will be.