How to use a pull-up band. Elastic band for tightening HVAT. Set of rubber loops of different resistance

Pull-ups are a classic core exercise that, depending on how you perform them, can help build strength, strength endurance or muscle volumes of the back with the muscles of the arms. Only pull-ups allow you to get truly thick and broad back, giving the figure a pronounced athletic look. Unfortunately, most athletes do not know how to use pull-ups correctly.

Professional trainers quickly found a way out of this problematic situation. Ordinary elastic bands and expanders for pull-ups can radically improve the biomechanics of the exercise and, in addition, enable the athlete to perform the required “failure” number of repetitions. It is worth noting that such tapes were created specifically for strength training, and on this moment They are actively used in many sports, so pull-ups are by no means the only exercise where rubber loops are used. In our online store you can buy a pull-up elastic band, with which you can quickly and professionally learn how to perform a pull-up exercise on a horizontal bar.

Characteristics and features of elastic bands for pull-ups:

  • Strength;
  • The ability to change the biomechanics of movements;
  • The ability to lighten the load or make it heavier;
  • Possibility to use tapes in strength training any muscle groups;
  • Affordable price;
  • A range of models of different resistances and colors.

Lack of pull-ups

The only and most significant drawback of this basic exercise– a technically complex movement, the complexity of which directly depends on your body weight. Often, athletes cannot do pull-ups due to a simple lack of necessary muscle training, or because they are too heavy weight bodies.

Those who know how to do pull-ups often perform the exercise incorrectly, as a result of which the muscle fibers are not stimulated, leading to subsequent development and growth. The reason, as a rule, is the difficulty of achieving the feeling of failure directly when performing pull-ups. Also, quite often it all comes down to a simple inability to do technically correct pull-ups.

How to improve your pull-up performance

Fix all of the above shortcomings this exercise You can use ordinary elastic bands for pull-ups. This training accessory can teach the athlete the correct technique, or reduce the overall load. Professional athletes use bands to achieve peak muscle failure, which is virtually impossible without their use. In addition, they can be considered as a way to complicate the movement and increase the overall load factor when re-fastening.

Elastic bands for learning pull-ups

There is one simple and at the same time effective method teaching this basic movement. You will need a medium to high tension band, depending on your body weight that needs to be secured to the bar. Pay attention to the illustration. The athlete takes the starting position, bending and crossing his legs in knee joints. The variant and width of the grip depends only on the individual physique. The shins lie completely on the surface of the tape.

Next, he tries to perform a classic pull-up. In this case, the elastic bands will play the role of outside help with a uniform impact coefficient. At the bottom, their stretch will be maximum, as a result of which the start of movement will be easy. At the same time, the bands do not take the entire load, since as the pull-up is performed, their length shortens and the tension force decreases noticeably.

Thus, elastic bands for pull-ups allow you to successfully pass the most difficult point of the trajectory - the beginning of the movement. This is where the back muscles and shoulder girdle are in an unfavorable anatomical position, as a result of which they are unable to fully contract and, as a result, create maximum muscle potential. The use of tapes easily solves this problem.

Regular use of loops teaches the athlete quite quickly proper pull-ups, thanks to the stable consolidation of the motor stereotype in the central nervous system and motor neurons, due to the absence of cheating and other unnecessary movements. As a result, in a couple of months the athlete will be able to perform the exercise without bands, or with low-resistance models.

Elastic bands for achieving failure in pull-ups on the horizontal bar

A typical problem in strength training is the inability to perform the final “failure” pull-ups on the horizontal bar. The athlete is forced to stop the exercise due to the inability to go through the initial phase of the movement. The muscles of the arms and back get tired quite quickly even after a couple of working approaches, and lifting the body from lowest point in this situation it is critically difficult, as a result of which this problem arises. At the same time, such inability to continue the exercise is not a necessary refusal, since muscle fibers There are still ways to fully contract, but only in a convenient anatomical position, which does not include Bottom part trajectories.

In such a situation, a pull-up band is used in exactly the same way, but only after all working repetitions, when the athlete is no longer able to independently overcome the beginning of the trajectory. Using bands allows you to perform another 3-5, and sometimes even 7-8 repetitions, while achieving the desired muscle “failure”, which stimulates the muscles for subsequent growth.

Professional athletes and experienced amateurs quite often use elastic bands according to this method. This is a simple, safe and yet effective way to achieve pull-up failure.

Where to buy elastic bands for pull-ups

The main advantage of this training accessory is its versatility. You can buy bands for pull-ups, but still use them for other strength exercises, both with weights and with body weight.

Thousands of professional athletes who use elastic bands in their regular strength training are direct proof of the effectiveness of this accessory. Today, tapes are used in bodybuilding, fitness, powerlifting, weightlifting, as well as in various martial arts when training athletes.

Our online store can offer you a huge range of tapes of various resistances, colors and widths. We have established direct deliveries from the manufacturer, which allows us to guarantee premium quality products and provide you with the lowest prices in the entire market sports equipment.

You can buy an elastic band for pulling up in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia in the online store from the warehouse - fast delivery, dispatch of goods on the day of order, low price!



I am 30 years old. I haven't done pull-ups since high school. I recently started working out at the gym. At first I was a little sick elbow joints, apparently they were getting used to the new body weight, and in general they were learning to train again. So I decided to buy a green loop. Then I bought more purple, red and orange. Regarding the loops, I have several thoughts: 1. Designation of kilograms - with a height of 177 cm at the bottom point, when resting your feet, half of the second number will be compensated (for green 25-27 kg); 2. I advise you to always take something harder; you can rest it with your knee, adjust the support, and in the end buy a weaker one; 3. You can use explosive pull-ups, all kinds of strength outputs, there are a lot of exercise options; 4. You can do exotic exercises such as push-ups on one arm with a loop threaded through the other shoulder when the loop is attached to the horizontal bar; 5. You must not relax under any circumstances while doing the exercise; if you slip off your leg or knee, it will hit you on the chin, thank God this didn’t happen to me, but you are dealing with a serious harness that can be used to tow a car if desired.


No at all, the loop is definitely an ideal option and not only for pull-ups, the one who came up with this is a genius.

General impressions

I am pleased with the work of the store. It is clear that you cannot buy a professional item in my city, you have to agree to postage.



We took an elastic band for a 13 year old child. Weighs 45 kg and has never done a pull-up. For a long time we couldn’t decide on the hardness, and when we called, the store manager advised us to take orange and purple. At first we combined them, then we started using only purple. Within a couple of weeks my son began to pull himself up. After 2 months he can already do 5-6 pull-ups without elastic bands. The elastic bands do not lie idle all the time, we train something with them. We are very pleased with the purchase.


General impressions

It was very nice that the solution to the problem of pulling up for a child was so simple and relatively quick.

Baranov Igor Alexandrovich



I am 41 years old, I weigh 120 kg. Alas, there wasn’t enough green for pull-ups, I had to order another pair of purple ones and an additional green one. Overall a great solution. There is no gravitron in our basement rocking chair, now we use them in many exercises, not only for pull-ups, for bench press, deadlift, and dips. Our old coach was initially hostile to the innovation and now forces them to be used everywhere.


To work with a barbell, you must immediately indicate that you need to use a pair; we realized this only when we began to adapt it to basic exercises with a barbell. Stupid bumps, what can we take from them.

Greetings to everyone who is now on the blog of the project “On the Edge”, and is ready to devote a few minutes of free time to be healthy and happy. One way or another, today we’ll talk about the elastic band for pulling up on the horizontal bar.

For anyone looking for rubber loops, go to Ali - it's in the catalog, what to choose. Prices start from 420 rubles. Only take a seller with normal reviews and ratings, so as not to cry later. And for everyone else - the text below. Welcome!

Working on the horizontal bar, pulling up is the main, basic exercise for the torso. For any athlete, professional or amateur, a regular bar is the most important piece of equipment. Only with its help can you truly achieve good results not only for appearance, but also in order to achieve good results in strength training.

Gradually towards your goal

Regular exercise on the horizontal bar gives very good results: you not only feel that you have become stronger and more agile, the muscles of your back and arms also noticeably increase in size, giving you a much more courageous and solid appearance. But this effect, like any result from playing sports, can only be achieved if two conditions are met: regular systematic exercise with increasing load and correct execution exercises.

As you know, the very essence of how you do squats or pull-ups affects the final result and how quickly you achieve it. If the exercises are performed incorrectly, muscle development can be significantly delayed.

In some cases, if you initially approached the issue of training incorrectly and started doing exercises without preliminary preparation, the chance that you will simply hammer unprepared muscles increases sharply. And then, instead of development and growth, you will get the completely opposite result.

This can happen not only to beginners and amateurs, but also to professional athletes- the horizontal bar can be a difficult exercise for them, too, due to the fact that many of them do not know how to perform this exercise correctly.

Also, not all athletes manage to perform pull-ups correctly and fully. The reason for this is the large weight and specially developed muscles, due to the fact that in different types In sports, athletes develop different muscle groups. But for proper training they need these exercises.

And in order for the training to be complete for those who cannot perform pull-ups on the horizontal bar, or do them incorrectly, professional trainers have developed special programs and auxiliary devices for this.

Elastic band for pulling up on the horizontal bar - help with fitness exercises

One of the simplest, but truly effective devices for facilitating the correct execution of pull-ups is a pull-up band on a horizontal bar.

This is a universal tool, the benefits of which are obvious - it allows, first of all, to get the most out of pull-ups. This device allows you to maximize the productivity of exercises, their mechanics, and increase the number of repetitions.

Such elastic bands are suitable for different grips, making it possible to cope much better with various types of exercises, gradually increasing the load and performing absolutely correct movements.

Also, with the help of elastic bands you can learn from the very beginning of classes, if you have never practiced before. similar exercises. Thanks to the tape, you can master the basic types of grip from scratch. The correct wide grip will allow you to quickly get excellent and strong broad shoulders, strong muscles neck. For a beginner who has just taken up the horizontal bar, it is quite difficult to do stretching wide grip, especially to do this often and in every lesson. But with the help of a highly compensated band, learning this exercise and achieving good results when performing it will not be so difficult.

Train correctly

If you wish to gain beautiful body, you need to engage in effective exercise. To achieve the expected result, first of all, you need to learn how to learn how to do pull-ups in such a way as to develop the muscle group that interests you. Since different grips give different results, although this is not visible at first, you need to approach your choice wisely.

First, you should decide what exactly you expect from training. Do you want to build muscles? Or are you counting calories in an effort to lose weight? If you have never done anything like this before and have no idea what it is, then for you the best option There will be a consultation with a specialist in this field. Depending on who you contact, the trainer will recommend a specific course of study. This will be the program that will give you the opportunity to make yourself better.

And each of the trainers, in any case, will advise you on a certain technique, tested in practice, which will include a horizontal bar and exercises associated with it. And the more of these exercises you need to do, the more likely it is that you will need an elastic band.

You will feel its benefits during your first lessons:

  • It will help cope with an unusually heavy load.
  • You will be able to increase the number of repetitions of each exercise.
  • She will help you master narrow grip, which pumps the pectoral muscles well and gives an effect no worse than a barbell. The difference is that on the horizontal bar, when performing this exercise, many more muscle groups work.

  • For a beginner, using an eraser will make it much easier to perform an exercise called “typewriter.” Movement in horizontal plane on bent arms, thanks to which all the muscles of the shoulder girdle are strengthened. This exercise is especially difficult to perform at the very beginning of training.

How to choose an elastic band (tourniquet) for the horizontal bar

Before you start exercising on the horizontal bar using an elastic band, you need to choose exactly the one that is ideal for your weight and the specifics of your exercise system. Before how to choose the equipment you need and need; decide how you will conduct your training.

The fact is that depending on your current weight and muscle condition, you may need different elastic bands. They differ in their appearance and functionality for a reason - some of them allow you to perform heavy exercise and can compensate for weight up to 80 kilograms.

It is clear that with such an elastic band it will be difficult to achieve a noticeable result, because it will practically do everything for you. It’s a completely different matter when the weight compensated by the elastic band is only a couple of tens of kilograms. In this case it will only be good help in performing the exercise.

But bands with a minimum weight rating are not always suitable for beginners because they do not provide enough support. Therefore, for those who want to acquire this equipment, I recommend

Training video on selecting the right elastic bands for horizontal bars and classes

Where to buy an elastic band for pull-ups at a good price

I can recommend a couple of places where I usually buy it myself. This is Aliexpress (I talked about it at the very beginning of the article about harnesses), and Decathlon online store. There is always something to choose from, despite the fact that the price tag is lower than in SportMaster.

I think you understand that depending on your needs, you can choose any type of elastic bands you need. Play sports, develop and become more resilient and stronger. I hope you found this article helpful! If you haven't subscribed yet, you can do so right now and be the first to know about the latest news and current events. See you!

Text— Agent Q.

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Characteristics and features of elastic bands for pull-ups:

  • Strength;
  • The ability to change the biomechanics of movements;
  • The ability to lighten the load or make it heavier;
  • The ability to use bands in strength training of any muscle groups;
  • Affordable price; A range of models of different resistances and colors.

Pull-ups are a classic basic exercise for the torso, which, depending on the execution, can help develop strength, strength endurance, or muscle volume in the back and arm muscles. Only pull-ups allow you to get a truly thick and wide back, giving your figure a pronounced athletic look. Unfortunately, most athletes do not know how to use pull-ups correctly. Professional trainers quickly found a way out of this problematic situation.

Ordinary resistance bands for pull-ups can radically improve the biomechanics of the exercise and, in addition, enable the athlete to perform the required “failure” number of repetitions. It is worth noting that such bands were created specifically for strength training, and at the moment they are actively used in many sports, so pull-ups are by no means the only exercise where rubber loops are used.

Lack of pull-ups

The only and most significant drawback of this basic exercise is the technically difficult movement, the complexity of which directly depends on your body weight. Often, athletes cannot do pull-ups due to a simple lack of necessary muscle training, or due to too much body weight.

Those who know how to do pull-ups often perform the exercise incorrectly, as a result of which the muscle fibers are not stimulated, leading to subsequent development and growth. The reason, as a rule, is the difficulty of achieving the feeling of failure directly when performing pull-ups. Also, quite often it all comes down to a simple inability to do technically correct pull-ups.

How to improve your pull-up performance

All of the above disadvantages of this exercise can be corrected using ordinary elastic bands for pull-ups on the horizontal bar. This training accessory can teach the athlete the correct technique, or reduce the overall load. Professional athletes use bands to achieve peak muscle failure, which is virtually impossible without their use. In addition, they can be considered as a way to complicate the movement and increase the overall load factor when re-fastening.

Elastic bands for learning pull-ups

There is one simple and at the same time effective way to teach this basic movement. You will need a medium to high tension band, depending on your body weight that needs to be secured to the bar. Pay attention to the illustration. The athlete takes the starting position, bending and crossing his legs at the knee joints. The variant and width of the grip depends only on the individual physique. The shins lie completely on the surface of the tape.

Next, he tries to perform a classic pull-up. In this case, the elastic bands will play the role of outside help with a uniform impact coefficient. At the bottom, their stretch will be maximum, as a result of which the start of movement will be easy. At the same time, the bands do not take the entire load, since as the pull-up is performed, their length shortens and the tension force decreases noticeably.

Thus, elastic bands for pull-ups allow you to successfully pass the most difficult point of the trajectory - the beginning of the movement. It is here that the back muscles and shoulder girdle are in an unfavorable anatomical position, as a result of which they are unable to fully contract and, as a result, create maximum muscle potential. The use of tapes easily solves this problem.

Regular use of loops quickly teaches the athlete how to do proper pull-ups, thanks to the stable consolidation of the motor stereotype in the central nervous system and motor neurons, due to the absence of cheating and other unnecessary movements. As a result, in a couple of months the athlete will be able to perform the exercise without bands, or with low-resistance models.

Elastic bands for achieving failure in pull-ups on the horizontal bar

A typical problem in strength training is the inability to perform the final “failure” pull-ups on the horizontal bar. As a rule, the athlete is forced to stop the exercise due to the inability to complete the initial phase of the movement. The muscles of the arms and back get tired quite quickly even after a couple of working approaches, and lifting the body from the lowest point in this situation is critically difficult, as a result of which this problem arises. At the same time, such an inability to continue the exercise is not a necessary refusal, since the muscle fibers remain able to fully contract, but only in a convenient anatomical position, which does not include the lower part of the trajectory.

Reading time: 21 minutes

Rubber loops are elastic latex bands for performing strength exercises. The rubber loops have multiple levels of resistance and are designed to develop the muscles in your body. This fitness equipment can be used both at home and in gym in free weight exercises.

Due to their convenience and versatility, rubber loops have become very actively used in various workouts. They are used in many sports: martial arts, powerlifting, team sports, athletics and weightlifting, and strength training. Rubber loops are also used during the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries, including by professional athletes.

Rubber loops: what are they and what are the benefits?

The loops are a closed rubber band of varying widths. The wider the tape, the more O it has greater resistance. The tension density determines the load level: as a rule, it varies from 5 to 100 kg. You can perform strength and plyometric exercises with the loops, or use them in conjunction with dumbbells or a barbell for additional resistance. Rubber loops are convenient to attach to equipment, which is why they are often used by athletes in bodybuilding.

Training with rubber loops provides optimal muscle development with minimal stress on joints and connective tissues. In addition, due to the tension of the rubber, the load on the muscles increases and reaches its maximum value at the peak of muscle contraction, which makes it possible to level out the disadvantages of working with iron. This multifunctional equipment can both complicate exercises by adding resistance, and simplify exercises by lightening the weight of the practitioner. (for example, when doing pull-ups).

This fitness equipment is also called rubber bands And rubber bands(powerlifting band, resitance band). Do not confuse rubber loops with other sports devices made of latex material, which are also actively used in fitness:

  • fitness bands (used for training thighs and buttocks)
  • elastic band (used for strength training, Pilates, stretching)
  • tubular resistance band (used for strength training with light resistance)

Each of these sports items is very useful and effective for training, but it is the rubber loops that are best suited for serious strength training and the rapid development of speed and strength qualities.

Advantages of rubber hinges

  1. Unlike free weight training, loop exercises force your muscles to exert increasing force throughout the entire range of motion, thereby increasing the load phase.
  2. Thanks to resistance loop training, you can work all your muscle groups and tone your body without heavy, bulky equipment.
  3. Training with rubber loops helps develop explosive force and speed qualities by activating fast muscle fibers. Therefore, elastic bands are actively used in crossfit, martial arts and functional training.
  4. This is a compact type of sports equipment: you can practice with it at home (they don’t take up much space) or take it with you to Gym(they are light and small in size).
  5. When training with loops, you use stabilizing muscles and muscle corset, which makes training more effective and reduces the risk of injury.
  6. Exercises with rubber bands are gentler on joints and connective tissues than exercises with free weights due to the gradual and gentle tension.
  7. The rubber loops have several levels of resistance, so you can choose the optimal load for yourself depending on the type of band.
  8. Exercises with loops will diversify your training load, give a new impulse to your muscles, and help you avoid routine and stagnation from monotonous exercises.
  9. With rubber loops you can very easily and quickly learn such a useful but difficult exercise as pull-ups. Read more: How to learn to do pull-ups from scratch.
  10. You can use rubber loops together with dumbbells and a barbell, thereby increasing the load and making it more uniform and physiological.

We offer you a selection effective exercises with rubber loops that will help you strengthen all muscle groups and tone your body.

Thanks to YouTube channels for the gifs: White Lion Athletics, BandTrainingWorkouts, JoseLopezFit.

1. Shoulder press

2. Shoulder Raises

3. Raising your arms to the sides for your shoulders

6. Press for pectoral muscles

Or this option with work latissimus muscles back:

8. Stretching the tape

10. Vertical row for the back

11. Horizontal thrust for the back

12. Ab crunches

13. Shrugs for shoulders

14. Walking in place with loops

15. Lunge with loops

Or this option:

18. Leg abduction

22. Superman for the back and lower back

And of course you can use rubber loops in combination with classic ones strength exercises with free weight, be it dumbbells or a barbell. Bands are not a replacement for iron, but are a great addition that will enhance your workout performance.

Rubber loops: where to buy

Rubber loops have several levels of resistance, each of them has its own color and a specific band width. The resistance level has an equivalent in kilograms, but since the muscle load from the elastic band and free weights is different, the ratio will be quite approximate.

  • Red color: 7-10 kg (band width 1.3 cm)
  • Black color: 10-20 kg (band width 2.2 cm)
  • Purple color: 22-35 kg (band width 3.2 cm)
  • Green color: 45-55 kg (band width 4.4 cm)
  • Blue color: 55-80 kg (band width 6.4 cm)

Red and black colors are usually used to train small muscle groups: biceps, triceps, deltoids. Purple, green and blue colors are used to train large muscle groups: chest, back, legs. The load is adjusted depending on your capabilities and strength training.

The online store offers a wide variety of rubber loops at affordable prices Aliexpress. You can purchase a set of loops or choose 1-2 bands of a specific resistance. We have selected popular products with good reviews and a large number of orders so that you can purchase quality inventory. It is also better to additionally read customer comments before purchasing.

Very often there are discounts on products, so the price indicated in the review is not final.

Set of rubber loops of different resistance

Usually the set includes 3-5 tapes of different resistance. For training the whole body, it is better to purchase a set of rubber bands, since large and small muscles require different loads. The cost of a set of tapes is usually in the range of 2000-3000 rubles.

1. J-Bryant rubber loops (3 sets of options)

2. Kylin Sport rubber hinges (2 sets of options)

You should try pull-ups because they:

  • Strengthens the entire upper shoulder girdle, forearm muscles and back. A small part of the load also falls on top part pectoral muscles. Depending on the type of pull-ups, it may vary, but not much. All variations of pull-ups load the listed muscles approximately equally.
  • They provide a stimulus for muscle growth in the shoulders and back. You can exercise only with your body weight and get a beautiful, sculpted figure.
  • Universal and accessible to everyone. Even if you have never done a pull-up in your life, you can perform simplified versions of this exercise and eventually move on to classic and complicated ones.
  • They won't let progress stop. This exercise can be made infinitely more difficult, so you will always have something to strive for.

1. With elastic band

This is a lead-in exercise for classic pull-ups. For it you will need an elastic one. You can buy it on AliExpress or any sports store and use it not only for pull-ups, but also to complicate other exercises with your body weight.

Hook the elastic band onto the horizontal bar, insert one or both legs into the loop and pull yourself up. The expander will push your feet and make the exercise easier. If you buy a set of bands with different resistances, you can change them as your muscles strengthen.

2. Australian

For such pull-ups you need a low horizontal bar. If so, you can take yours apart and hang it lower during training. You can also buy hilets for calisthenics - they will be useful for dips and many other exercises with your body weight.

Grab the low horizontal bar with a shoulder-width overhand grip and straighten your body into one line. Pull yourself up until your chest touches the bar and lower yourself back down.

3. Australians with elevated legs

In this version, the center of gravity shifts slightly, so it becomes more difficult to pull yourself up. Grab a low bar, place your feet on a stable platform so that your body is aligned in a line parallel to the ground, and pull yourself up until your chest touches the bar.

4. Australians on rings

In this version, it is more difficult to perform the exercise due to instability. Grab the rings and pull your body into one line. Pull yourself up to the rings and come back. Try to keep your body stretched and tense, making sure that your pelvis does not collapse.

5. Eccentric

Jump onto the horizontal bar and pull yourself up using the momentum of the jump. Pause at the top and lower back down as slowly as possible.

6. Straight grip

This grip loads better than others Electromyographic analysis of muscle activation during pull‑up variations trapezius muscle, located in the middle part of the back, and the brachioradialis - a muscle of the forearm. Hang on the horizontal bar, lower your shoulders and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Pull yourself up until your chin goes beyond the horizontal bar and lower yourself back down. Make the movement smooth and under control. Don't pull your neck up or forward, or relax your shoulders at the bottom of the pull-up.

7. Reverse grip

This grip puts a little more stress on the biceps and infraspinatus muscle, which lines the scapula. However, the differences in load are insignificant. Many people find it easier to do pull-ups reverse grip due to the convenient location of the forearms, so you can start mastering classic pull-ups with it.

8. Different grip

Grasp the horizontal bar with an overhand grip with one hand and a reverse grip with the other. On the next set, switch hands.

9. Neutral grip

The neutral grip is the champion for biceps loading. To do pull-ups like this, you will need two bars located close to each other - some models of home horizontal bars have special handles for this. If you are practicing, you can perform the exercise on the “handlebar” ladder.

10. Commando

These are pull-ups neutral grip, but on one crossbar. The exercise is made more difficult by the need to stabilize the core. If you relax, your body will sway and turn in different directions.

Pull yourself up until your head reaches the horizontal bar, alternating sides every other time.

11. Narrow grip

Place your hands narrower so that there is no more space than the width of your palm between your wrists on the horizontal bar. You can perform with both direct and reverse grip: in any variant with narrow setting more load goes to the biceps brachii.

12. Wide grip

This option more difficult than pull-ups with your hands shoulder-width apart, so start mastering it only when you have mastered the classic pull-up. Grab the bar with a straight grip wider than your shoulders, pull yourself up until your chest touches the horizontal bar and lower yourself back down.

13. Behind the head

In this exercise, you bring your head forward, beyond the horizontal bar line, which provides more straight position body and increases the load on the large round muscles of the back. Take a straight grip wider than your shoulders, pull yourself up, bringing your body forward, beyond the line of the horizontal bar, and lower yourself back down.

14. On two ropes

This pull-up perfectly loads the deltoids, latissimus and infraspinatus dorsi muscles. Hang ropes or towels shoulder-width apart on the horizontal bar, grab them close to the horizontal bar and pull yourself up, trying not to swing.

15. On the rings

These pull-ups are more difficult to perform due to instability: you have to engage your core to prevent the rings from swinging.

16. With weight

If you can easily do 10 pull-ups per set, try the weighted version. To do this, you can use a special vest with sand or metal plates, or, if you work out in the gym, a belt with weights.

17. With bent knees (tuck)

This exercise will pump up not only the shoulder girdle, but also the core muscles: abs and hip flexors. Hang on the horizontal bar, raise your legs with your knees bent at a right angle. Pull yourself up in this position without lowering your legs until the end of the exercise.

18. L-pull-ups

This exercise is more difficult than the previous one, since the leverage increases, and with it the load on the hip flexors and abs increases. Hang on the horizontal bar, raise your straight legs to a 90° angle in the pelvis and pull yourself up in this position. If you are good at classic pull-ups, try more difficult variations with increased load on one arm.

19. With one hand on the rope

Throw a rope or a regular towel over the horizontal bar. Grasp the bar with one hand and the towel with the other and pull yourself up in this position. On the next set, switch hands.

20. With one hand on the expander

Hook the elastic onto the horizontal bar. Grasp it with one hand and the horizontal bar with the other. Do an equal number of approaches with both your right and left hands on the elastic band.

21. Archer

Grasp the horizontal bar with a straight, wide grip. Pull up to right hand, and straighten the left one. Then lower yourself and repeat the same to your left hand.

22. Typewriter

Perform one stretch. Then, without lowering yourself, move your body to the right, straightening one arm, and do the same in the other direction. Continue moving from side to side.

23. On one hand with the other grasping

Hang by one hand and grab your wrist with the other. Pull up in this position, and in the next approach change hands.

Such pull-ups are popular in. Due to inertia, they remove some of the load from the muscles and allow you to perform more times in less time. However, due to sudden explosive movements they can be dangerous for unprepared person. Therefore, it is better to start doing them no earlier than you can perform 8-10 classic pull-ups.

Hang on the horizontal bar, jerk your shoulders forward, gaining momentum, and then simultaneously push them back and pull yourself up to the bar.

27. Butterfly

This technique allows you to perform pull-ups very quickly, without stopping or unnecessary movements. However, learning butterfly is not so easy: the movement requires practice.

Hang on the horizontal bar, lower your shoulders and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Bring your shoulders and body forward, beyond the horizontal bar line. Arch your body so that your hands, elbows and shins remain behind, and your body, shoulders and hips come forward.

From this position, inertia, move back and up, and straighten your legs and bring them forward. As soon as your head goes beyond the level of the horizontal bar, begin to go down in an arc: again bring your body, shoulders and hips forward. The result is a movement up and down not in a straight line, but along the trajectory of an ellipse with an exit beyond the plane of the horizontal bar at the lowest point.

28. With a break from the horizontal bar

Sway your shoulders a little, pull yourself up sharply and at the top point, tear your hands off the horizontal bar.

29. With cotton

Gain a little momentum by placing your shoulders behind the plane of the horizontal bar, as in a kipping pull-up, then sharply pull yourself up and at the top point, lift your arms and clap your hands.

30. With a change of grip

Grab the horizontal bar with a reverse grip, gain momentum and at the top point quickly change the grip from reverse to straight.

Write how many types of pull-ups you managed to do. Maybe some of them you would like to consider in more detail? Tell us about it in the comments.