How to achieve straight posture. How to have beautiful posture. rules for maintaining posture

It happens that you are walking down the street and notice a girl who does not walk, but literally flies, her flexible and graceful figure evokes pleasant admiration, and her light movements are simply mesmerizing.

Unfortunately, it is now very rare to find such girls or women; they are practically like an endangered species. The modern pace of life, the lack of desire among girls to play sports, sedentary image life - all this leads to not very happy consequences, which have a common name - curvature of the spine.

It was not for nothing that the sages of Ancient China called the human spine the tree of life, because the health of everything depends on its condition human body generally.

A beautiful visual figure is not the only pleasant addition; if you do not monitor the health of your spine, then, subsequently, you may encounter problems such as the development of scoliosis, kyphosis, which, in turn, lead to serious diseases of the liver, stomach, and everything gets worse chronic pathologies.

A person whose spinal curvature progresses may often experience dizziness and increased fatigue.

How does stoop appear?

Indeed, why not just walk smoothly and beautifully all the time, is it really difficult? Beautiful posture in a girl or woman should be the same integral attribute as, for example, well-groomed hair or perfect hair. It turns out that everything is not so simple.

The reasons for stooping in modern women are the simplest; in fact, we not only do not know how to walk correctly, but even sit correctly!

Constantly working at a computer, driving a car, studying at school or university - all this forces a person to spend most of his life sitting, without even knowing what kind of load we put on the muscles of our poor back. And if we do this incorrectly, then this is a direct road to serious distortions and violations.

By the way, one more common reason Tall ladies have complexes of all kinds of problems with the spine; involuntarily they try to decrease in size, constantly bending their back slightly.

As a result, it becomes a habit, and then a disease. So having back problems is also psychological aspect, which needs to be solved at another level.

Please note that all the models who walk on the world's catwalks are tall, because it is much easier for such girls to visually look slim and graceful.

How to check yourself?

There is a method that allows you to easily and quickly determine the presence or absence of problems with the spine. Lean your back against a flat and smooth surface, against a wall, for example, keep your chin straight forward, and lower your arms at your sides.

If your palm fits freely between your lower back and the wall, then your posture is fine; otherwise, there are problems with the muscles of your back and abdomen. In order to determine the presence of curvatures, you need to visit a specialist who can carry out all the necessary tests to identify any defects.

How to make your posture beautiful?

The main thing to remember is that the main problem of poor posture is weak muscles of the back and abdomen, so they need to be constantly strengthened and their tone monitored.

Certainly, the best option- sign up for a sport, let it be any kind that you like, you can even resort to therapeutic exercises, which helped to correct even very big problems with the back. And even if you don’t have free time to go to the gym, you can always fight this problem yourself, the main thing is not to be lazy.

The very first and most important thing is to learn to sit correctly. To do this, you need to sit on the edge of the chair, and your back should always be in an exactly vertical state; if you are tired, it is better to lean on the back of the chair than to hunch over.

The feet must be placed on the floor; it is better that the knees are higher than the level of the hips; for this, a special footrest is used. Don’t forget that you need to change your position every 5 minutes, and at least once an hour get up completely and stretch your body, walk a little.

The next thing is lifting weights. Our women have long been accustomed to carrying heavy bags from the market or supermarket, without thinking at all about the harm of their actions. Firstly, the entire mass must be evenly distributed between two hands, and secondly, a woman generally should not lift more than 20 kg of weight, and men should not lift more than 50 kg.

Naturally, you need to constantly monitor yourself, straightening your back when you feel that your shoulders have moved forward. Well, the last point that should help in this matter is doing exercises for beautiful posture. By themselves, they will not take you much time, but in just a few weeks you will feel how much lighter and freer your waist has become.

Exercises for a beautiful back

  • Constant stretching will help your body become more flexible and your muscles more elastic and elastic. Take a “Turkish” pose, fold your arms into a “lock”, stretch them above your head, take a breath and stretch well up so that each vertebra moves towards your hands. As you exhale, lower your arms down.
  • In the same position, we bring our arms forward, bend our back, resting our chest against our back, forming a kind of hump, exhale, and as we inhale, we place our elbows behind our back and bend well.
  • We lie on our backs, bend our knees and pull them towards our arms, hug them and begin to gently roll on our backs - back and forth, feeling each spine. The exercise must be performed on a hard surface.
  • We sit on a chair, spread our legs, keep our back straight, bend towards each leg, while keeping our back as straight as possible.
  • From a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your torso from side to side, while your back should remain straight.

The number of repetitions and sets may vary depending on your physical training, as well as the state of the body. Usually they do 2-3 approaches, a total of 10-15 repetitions of one exercise.

Do not forget that before you do back exercises, you need to warm up a little - do a light warm-up or walk vigorously around the room for a minute, and then begin to slowly stretch. After completing all the exercises, hang on the horizontal bar, this will allow all the muscles to stretch and relax the spine.

The main thing to remember is that good posture is the basis of beautiful and confident gait, the grace of which can defeat any man on the spot. Therefore, take care of your health, because strong and resilient joints and muscles can prolong your youth and beauty for long years, the main thing is to want it in time and fight for it.


In order to find out whether you have good posture or not, you need to conduct a simple experiment. Stand with your back to the wall in a position that is comfortable for you. Look forward and lower your arms at your sides. There is no need to try to straighten your back and press your shoulder blades - just relax. With correct posture, the head, shoulders, shoulder blades and lower back should touch the wall. There should be a small gap between the wall and the lower back. If your palm has difficulty getting through it, then your posture is fine.

To keep your back straight and beautiful, you need to strengthen your muscles. But it is important that all muscle groups work, since increasing the load on only one muscle group leads to a deterioration in the work and development of the other, and vice versa. For example, weakened abdominal muscles have a bad effect on the lower back muscles, giving them additional stress. Or, if the back muscles are too pumped up, the abs may be weakened, which leads to poor blood circulation and, as a consequence, stagnation of fluid in the leg area.

There are a lot of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, abs and thighs. Lie on your back, bend your knees and begin to bend in the thoracic region. Do 5-7 repetitions. This exercise will be more effective if you have a large gymnastic ball. It promotes greater deflection and relaxation. Another exercise in the same pose - thoracic you need to lift your pelvis. But make sure that you do not have a arch in your lower back.

Another great exercise, which many call "Cat". Get on your knees and place your arms parallel to your legs. Begin to slowly bend your back up and down. An alternative to “Cat” - in the same position, bending your elbows and bending at the lower back, pull your pelvis towards your heels, and then lie with your chest on the floor. These exercises perfectly develop all parts of the back, carefully straightening the vertebrae and stretching the muscles.

Lie on your stomach, arms along your body, clasp your hands. Raise your head and chest as high as possible, while moving your shoulder blades as much as possible. Repeat 5-7 times, but hold your back for about 20 seconds each time you lift. Another useful exercise: lying on your stomach, clasp your hands behind your head and slowly lift your chest, twisting it in one direction or the other.

For beautiful posture, you also need to strengthen your muscles. abdominals. Lie on your back, secure your legs under a surface, or have someone hold your legs in a flat position. Start moving up and down until you feel a burning sensation in your abdomen. If this is still difficult for you, raise your back to a height of 20-30 cm and do the exercise at this height, with an amplitude of about 15 cm. Your arms should be bent at the elbows behind the back of your head. For “beginners,” you can keep your hands under your knees.

After a set of exercises, be sure to stretch. Lie on your back, stretch your legs first, then your arms. Next, sit on your knees and stretch your body forward, stretching your back.

We all dream of having royal posture. But today, fewer and fewer women can be found who walk with pride and dignity. If we put aside the congenital curvature and various injuries, then all other causes of incorrect posture can be eliminated. Incorrect working posture, bad developed muscles backs and even uncomfortable clothes can ruin your posture. Follow these rules to ensure you have perfect posture and avoid spinal problems.

Rule #1: Always keep your back

Whatever you do, your back should be straight: whether you are standing, sitting or talking on the phone. To borrow correct position, stand standing for a couple of minutes, pressing the back of your head, calves, buttocks and the entire plane of your shoulder blades against the wall.

Rule No. 2. An imaginary stretched thread from the tailbone to the back of the head

Not only are important for beautiful posture strong muscles, but also internal control. Therefore, always imagine that a strong thread is stretched from the back of your head to your tailbone.

Rule No. 3. Turn your shoulders and lower your shoulder blades down

Roll your shoulders, try to lower your head and bury your eyes on the floor - you won’t be able to do this, because correct posture obliges you to walk with your head held high.

Rule No. 4. Control the bend in the lower back

When sitting, try to follow rule No. 1. Try to stand up from your normal sitting position, without changing the position of your back, and look in the mirror. If you see a hunched old woman in the reflection, then you urgently need to exercise self-control and keep your back straight to avoid tension in the lower vertebrae.

Rule No. 5. Easy gait

An easy gait promotes beautiful posture. Walk like a model, moving your feet in one line. But you don't need to twist your hips.

Rule No. 6. All in yourself

Try practicing the "vacuum" exercise. Do it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Rule No. 7. Correct exercises

Ideal posture: perform exercises

Hanging in a doorway will help strengthen the muscles of the back and neck and correct posture. Place your feet in line with the door frame, your heels can be lifted off the floor, the main emphasis is on your shoulder blades. With your hands on either side of the door frame, bend forward and hover for 30 seconds. It is important that you feel the spring return. After the exercise, stretch your arm muscles.

Lying back extension: Lie on your stomach, arms along your body. Raise your head, straightening your back.

Plank- an exercise that helps in many cases: look forward, back and legs form one line.

Exercise with a roller– lying on your back, place a towel cushion under your lower back. Connect thumbs feet and little fingers on the hands. You need to lie in this position for 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 10 minutes.

Rule No. 8. Keep your head up

Don't be shy and don't hide your eyes from people. Always walk with your head up.

Rule No. 9. Toe step

When walking, transfer the load from the heel to the part of the foot closer to the toe. You will see how soft your gait becomes.

Rule No. 10. Ideal posture - not only to look, but also to be a queen

Self-respect and self-esteem coming from within will help you always feel like a queen. This means your gait will be royal.

Our specialists will tell you how to straighten your posture and avoid spinal diseases and show you how to keep your back straight. Since childhood, parents have been telling their children that they need to keep their back straight and not slouch.

Of course, correct posture is not only health, it is also beauty.

How to straighten your back and shoulders

Unfortunately, today about 90% of the world's population have problems with the spine. It is the habit of slouching or sitting crookedly that causes spinal curvature. U healthy spine There are several bends for better shock absorption.

The most common types of violation:

  • scoliosis;
  • slouch;
  • round back;
  • round-concave back;
  • flat back.

When a person's shoulders are in the wrong position, stress is placed on the neck. Frequent use of the computer can worsen already poor posture. People begin to slouch and muscle atrophy occurs.

How to straighten your posture and shoulders?

For the most part, a person needs to overcome his habit of slouching, arching his back and start doing special exercises.

To correct it, it is necessary to strengthen the spinal muscles, which are located between the shoulder blades. Slouching occurs due to weakness of the back muscles. A person needs to strive for muscle strength and then the shoulders will be in a straight position.

Swimming will help strengthen your back muscles. Practice walking with a book on your head.

Quick ways to straighten up

To do this, you need to do a set of exercises to strengthen your back muscles and stretch. It is enough to devote 15 minutes a day and a person will relieve himself of problems with the spine.

An important point is the right shoes. Most people spend their time at the computer.

You should take care of your computer chair. It is advisable to choose models with an orthopedic back. It is necessary to do office fitness exercises, walk on heels and toes. Following the recommendations in combination with competent physical activity will help in as soon as possible return to correct posture.

We train at home

You don't have to sign up for yoga or fitness. A person can fix the problem on his own at home. The main thing is not to be lazy and pay enough attention to this process.

How to improve your posture at home?

Must be done daily physical exercise, which will take 15 minutes. You should monitor your sitting position and while walking.

Wearing a special corset will also be useful. Doing the exercises will be a must. It is important to pay attention to stretching and strengthening the muscles of the back and spine.

You should sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow. Walking with books on your head is a well-known way to correct your posture.

Useful video on the topic

Effective therapeutic exercises

You should start with exercises that are aimed at strengthening the spine.

  1. Lying on a hard and flat surface, spread your arms to the sides. Raise your head and pull your toes towards you.
  2. Sit on a chair, clasp your hands behind your back. In this case, your hands should be intensively tensed and relaxed.
  3. Lie on your stomach and grab your calves with your hands. Reach your head towards your feet.

Do all exercises at least 10 times.

After exercises to strengthen the spine, you need to move on to exercises for posture. Despite their simplicity, these exercises are very effective. Most importantly, their implementation will not take much time or any skills.

The main rule is regularity.

If the exercises are performed systematically, then the result will not be long in coming.

It is advisable to do exercises in front of a mirror so that you can monitor the position of your back.

  1. In a standing position, raise your shoulders one by one. Hold the raised shoulder for a few seconds.
  2. Place your hands behind your back and clasp them together. In this position, try to raise your arms as high as possible.
  3. Inhale, then exhale and bring your shoulder blades as close to each other as possible. You need to pull in your stomach and bend back.
  4. Sit on a hard chair. Stretch your arms up and fasten them into a “lock”. Then slowly move your hands behind your shoulder blades, as low as possible.

All of the above exercises should be repeated at least 10 times every day.

An exercise with a book will be effective. This exercise is effective because the body itself remembers what posture is considered correct. It would be better if the book was larger. You should stand against the wall so that your shoulder blades, pelvis and heels touch it.

After that, we put the book on our head and take steps around the room. Every day you need to complicate the exercise and start walking up the steps and squatting.

We deal with the problem in a week

It is possible to straighten your posture in a week, but provided that the curvature is in the initial stage. The main thing is to start doing exercises on time.

Regularity is the main condition for success.

A person at home can determine whether there are problems. To do this you need to stand against the wall. With an even posture, your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head should be in contact with the wall. The lumbar deflection should be slight.

If a person has exactly such a body position, there is nothing to worry about. However, if the body position is far from ideal, then it is necessary to start exercises as soon as possible. It should be remembered that beautiful posture is not only a straight spine. It is necessary to work with the abs and develop all muscle groups.

Good posture is the key to health and well-being. Unfortunately, constant work with a computer, lack of physical activity and other similar factors negatively affect this situation. This causes the back, shoulders, neck and other parts of our body to suffer from various problems. Below is a program that will allow you to change this situation in better side in just three weeks. Each stage has its own purpose, which will allow you not only to improve your appearance, but also to relieve stress and feel more confident. Each week will allow you to move towards your goal gradually, but with visible results.

Week 1: Reinstallation

If you take the right attitude, it may even seem strange because you are just used to it. incorrect posture. However, truly good posture must include some points that need to be constantly taken into account.

Stretch out. Find the perfect balance by aligning your hips and shoulders. Also pay attention to the body and pelvis. They should also line up in one clear line.

Sit correctly. While sitting, ensure that your ears are level with your shoulders and your shoulders are level with your hips. Your feet should be on the floor and Bottom part your back should rest against the chair.

Sleep correctly. When sleeping, try to sleep on your back or side. This is a more natural position for your spine.

Week 2: Change your habits

In order to change your posture situation for the better, make these rules habitual:

  • If you have a heavy bag, then change the shoulder you are carrying it on every 10 minutes.
  • When using your phone, lean your shoulders back and lift your head up.

Also, if high heels cause back pain, wear them no more than two hours a day and sit frequently.

Week 3: Get Stronger

In order to have good posture, you need to take care of the muscles that will support it. Do these exercises daily and very soon you will notice positive changes:

  • Move your shoulder blades up and down every 30 minutes. Hold each position for a few seconds. All movements must be repeated 5 times.
  • Lie face down on the floor and place a pillow under your stomach. Take deep, slow breaths into your belly, concentrating on it.

You should also do correct squats. To do this, you need to place your feet wider than hip level and do deep squats. At the same time, make sure that your back remains straight at all times. Perform as many squats as possible for 30-60 seconds.