How a girl can succeed in kickboxing. Girls in kickboxing are the most beautiful and active fighters Kickboxing training only for girls

To be feminine, well-groomed and beautiful, and most importantly healthy. Which girl doesn't dream about this? Sport will always help with this. When it comes to female species sports immediately comes to mind gymnastics, dancing, figure skating. But living in modern society, a girl should think about the possibility of self-defense. After all, there is not always a strong and strong male shoulder nearby. Kickboxing will be the right decision in choosing a sport.

The name of this sport means “fighting with arms and legs.” Kickboxing for girls Today, more and more representatives of the fair sex are choosing, because this is a great way to fully feel the power and achieve the desired forms.

Why kickboxing for girls?

This is a way to change yourself and your body. After all, kickboxing is both exhausting training, character building, and a lot of work on yourself.

By doing kickboxing for girls, you will gain:

  • beautiful and slender body;
  • strong muscles;
  • ideal weight;
  • excellent stretching;
  • tempered character;
  • the ability to correctly assess the situation;
  • improved coordination of movements.

The kickboxing section is great way combat stress. And it is the fair half of society that is most often subject to this. After all, during kickboxing training, endorphins are released. This helps relieve stress and recharge with positive emotions, which is also important in modern society.

When practicing kickboxing, a girl does not lose her beautiful shape and does not spoil her figure. A woman acquires smooth shapes and beautiful curves of her body. After all, the main thing in women's kickboxing is not the strength and accuracy of blows, but the grace and smoothness of movements.

Kickboxing for girls helps them learn to correctly assess a situation and coordinate their movements, which can be useful in real life. Kickboxing classes develop endurance and strengthen fortitude, strengthening character.

LESTA martial arts club in Moscow - the choice of purposeful girls

In order for training to be beneficial and enjoyable, you need to take a serious and thoughtful approach to choosing a sports club and coach. The LESTA sports club will help you with this.

When you take kickboxing classes for girls at the LESTA sports club, you get:

  1. Qualified training program;
  2. Experienced trainers;
  3. Flexible class schedule;
  4. Comfortable training conditions.

Kickboxing classes for girls improve health, strengthen fortitude, strengthen character, and teach self-defense skills. And choosing the right sports club and experienced coaches guarantees success.

Kickboxing for girls- not easy martial arts. This is also a great way to get rid of extra calories, get a beautiful flat tummy, toned buttocks and, in general, gain self-confidence.

Kickboxing for the fair sex is characterized by minimal trauma with impressive physical activity. Typically, equipment includes mouth guards, a helmet, shields and many other components.

Why is kickboxing popular among girls?

During kickboxing training, all muscle groups are involved. The combination of technical strikes and impressive cardio load allows you to burn a huge amount of calories. Note that classical training includes not only kickboxing classes, but also jumping rope, working with equipment and equipment. All together, this develops coordination, flexibility and, of course, reaction speed.

Kickboxing for girls in Moscow- not only a way to keep yourself in excellent condition physical fitness, but also training in the basics of self-defense. If a girl knows kickboxing techniques, she is confident in her abilities and is able to show character in difficult life situations.

Kickboxing is also in a good way get rid of stress after a hard day at work. This type of martial arts helps to throw out negative emotions and accumulated aggression. In addition, after an evening workout, you will sleep better and more soundly. Endorphin produced during training is a great stress reliever!

Women's kickboxing: training features

Kickboxing for girls– classes in specially equipped rooms. Our club has everything necessary for the most comfortable training. With us you will certainly achieve success in this type of martial arts. An experienced mentor will tell you how to work on simulators and what equipment you need to participate in sparring.

If we talk about fighting techniques, kickboxing actively uses arms and legs, practicing ways to attack the enemy and the ability to knock him out. Regular classes kickboxing allows you to short time improve muscle condition, strengthen the back corset, improve general physical performance. Don't be afraid that intense kickboxing classes will add masculine features to your appearance. It is a myth. Moreover, such training is aimed at emphasizing the advantages of the figure and hiding all existing shortcomings.

The history of women's kickboxing dates back to 1985, when in London, women's semi-contact (semi-contact) was included in the competition program. The rules haven't changed much since then. For obvious reasons, there are some restrictions (heavier gloves, mandatory chest protector, etc.), due to which the rules of women's kickboxing are more humane. However, impact sport is a tough sport. Many did not agree that the once completely male sport began to take on a female face. Civilization and the struggle for equality have done their job. Now women's kickboxing develops at a rapid pace, not inferior to that of men. So let's figure out whether this is a woman's business or not?!

Of course, waving your arms and legs, delivering brutal blows to the face and various parts of the body is not typical for the fair half of humanity. After all, scars adorn a man, as we know. But on the other hand, when it comes to self-defense, the opinion of most opponents of women's kickboxing immediately changes to the opposite.

“Let them study for themselves and not participate in competitive battles!”

Not so simple! Theory, training in strikes and - this is one component of the “drug” called sport, which is addictive. And the girls have a desire to test their strength in real battles. In such fights, strength of spirit develops and - for self-defense, these qualities are one of the most important.

In fact, kickboxing competitions for girls are relatively safe. I was deliberately trying to make you think there was a bloody mess going on in the ring. Agree, it’s impossible to imagine how two fragile creatures can beat each other up while being waist-deep in blood (unless, of course, you haven’t seen enough of such films). Good and strict rules simply leave no chance for such a scenario to come true. And if you have ever watched battles for championship titles among girls, they could pay attention to the beauty and grace of the athletes. Not champions, but straight fashion models!

What is the secret of such ideal figures? But it’s true! Isn’t this why girls visit fitness clubs!? There is no secret here. Try applying it for a couple of minutes, especially on the head, and you will understand where the extra calories go. Kickboxing exercises and techniques involve almost all muscle groups, and thus posture.

What else attracts a girl to kickboxing? Stress! A word that has become native to the residents of the metropolis. The female sex is more often susceptible to psychological experiences and various stresses. One of the positive effects of kickboxing is the release of endorphins. This helps relieve stress and get rid of negative emotions, as well as recharge with positive energy.

To summarize, I really wanted to write about the disadvantages of women's kickboxing. But you know, I can’t find compelling reasons for this. A girl, doing kickboxing, acquires masculine qualities and rough external features?.. Some kind of nonsense! Many of the girls I know after for long years training only got better, without giving in bad habits! Of course, as a man, I might have wanted to see a girl of the same weaker sex, who, in any danger, would cling to a strong shoulder or hide behind broad back. But considering that the modern man has become less and less like the stronger sex, I begin to rejoice when girls express a desire to take up kickboxing.

Boxing is the new running, Olya Tretyakova is sure. And after 3 months of classes, she is ready to dispel all myths about him.
Three and a half months ago I was going to ballet classes, but accidentally wandered in. And since then I’ve practically settled there :)

During these three months I realized how boxing differs from kickboxing - you can’t kick in it. But in both places you can hit those things that hang from the ceiling on chains (punching bags) and a headless mannequin - his name is Herman, and I haven’t found out why yet.

But I already know about boxing gloves.

Which are called gloves because boxing is English view sports, and the type of hand protection we are talking about is “boxing gloves”. That is, gloves (gloves), not mittens (mittens).

I also now know: when someone tells you that “everything hurts from the trainer’s paws,” they are not talking about what you might think. And the “paws” are special pad gloves that the coach puts on his hands: it’s very convenient (and pleasant!) for the student to hit them while practicing blows, but they won’t be able to get a response with them - the design doesn’t allow it.

I complained to a friend that after the coaching “paws” my forearm muscles ache. My friend was like: “Are you being groped there?!”

Now that I have figured out all the important things, I go to Power Lunch three times a week, a double workout (on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays). It starts at 13.00 and lasts an hour and a half. The first 45 minutes are women's kickboxing, hosted by Denis Petikin. After a 15-minute break - 45 minutes of boxing (trainer - Stas Ermolov). But sometimes they change.

For the second half of your workout, instead of boxing, you can go to CrossFit. But since I like boxing even more than kickboxing, CrossFit is not my choice.

Since February, without any additional effort, I got rid of 4 kg and a bunch of stereotypes associated with boxing. My coaches helped me dispel the myths. You can trust them: in terms of studying martial arts, they have approximately 23 years of experience between them.

Stereotype #1. Boxing/kickboxing is for guys

Firstly, because in an hour of kickboxing up to 800 kcal is lost, boxing - from 600 to 1100 kcal. My trainers boast and say that in an hour it’s very intense workout lose from 1.5 to 4 kg.

Denis: “Olya, be kinder to people. Kick higher - at the level of the stomach!

Secondly, because boxing and kickboxing make you more resilient (they definitely did for me!). Last year it was an achievement for me to run 5 km. I don’t have much running training in this and I’m going to continue in the same spirit.

Thirdly, literally everything is tightened: arms, legs, back, abs, hips... After the first workouts, even my forearms hurt. I always thought that between the hand and the elbow there was nothing that could hurt. I was very wrong! :)

Stereotype No. 2. Women's kickboxing - like men's, only for girls

No. And the difference is fundamental.

But the most important thing for me personally is this: unlike running, which I simply endure for the sake of benefit (whoever happily goes out for a run every morning is not me!), boxing and kickboxing are fun. Very!

Women's kickboxing

First, men and women usually come to kickboxing with different goals. The first is to learn to fight. The second is to lose weight and strengthen muscles. Therefore, the main part of men's or mixed training is working in pairs. Women's kickboxing is non-contact. This means: no sparring, only general physical training, boxing school (practicing punches in front of a mirror) and working on equipment - bags and "German". But the shells don’t give back. Denis: “In women’s kickboxing they will definitely not beat you, so don’t worry!”

The second important difference is that girls who come to boxing and kickboxing do not tolerate boredom and do not tolerate regularity. The coaches are unanimous: we need to be constantly entertained and loaded to the maximum. Men tolerate monotony more calmly - because otherwise you can’t hone your technique. It is important for them to learn how to punch correctly (in boxing they say “throw punches”), so there is no time to rush. Women's training is more dynamic. Every one and a half to two minutes the activity changes: jumping rope, working with tennis balls and with heavy ball, jumping on a stand, rowing machine, push-ups, squats, practicing punches in front of a mirror with dumbbells and on apparatus... And all this - in a very fast pace. In three and a half months, we have never had two identical workouts - the program is different all the time.

Stereotype No. 3. Boxing is boring

Boxing is definitely not boring!

Stas: “Well, it depends on the taste and color... For some, for example, curling is very fun to play. Or we have classes on the rowing machine. Is rowing fun? Not good? But it's only two minutes. But for some people their entire training is like this.”

We must admit: boxing is a less entertaining activity than women's kickboxing. Although, in my opinion, it’s even more interesting. The second part of Power Lunch is attended by a mixed group, and the rhythm of these workouts is completely different. Their goal is not to fall exhausted on the mat at the end of the lesson, but to learn to concentrate, distribute strength, and monitor the position of their arms and legs.

But that doesn't mean there isn't room for fun. Did you play tag as a child? This, let me remind you, is when you need to “slap” your opponent - touch his shoulder, stomach or knee - and at the same time not allow him to do the same. So, “tag” is an important part of boxing training. And it's definitely not boring :)

Stereotype No. 4. You get hit all the time

In order to be allowed into real sparring, and not just practicing strikes with a partner, you need to study for at least several months. Moreover, you must want it yourself - no one will force you. And no one will ever allow, at least here, sparring without protective equipment - bandages, gloves, helmet and mouthguard (teeth protection).

Besides, the girls were lucky here too. In mixed pairs we practice what is called a “free attack”. That is, we can beat the guys, but they can’t beat us. Because at this time they are practicing “free defense” - that is, they can only evade. I never considered myself bloodthirsty, but suddenly it turned out that there is no more pleasant thing in the world for me than to beat someone a little - bloodlessly, but from the heart :)

Stereotype #5. Boxing training is one technique

The balance board is a great trainer for boxers, not just surfers. Teaches balance and strengthens core muscles

Any workout - both kickboxing and boxing - consists of three parts. The first is a warm-up and general physical training for those muscle groups that boxers and kickboxers work, the second is actually practicing the technique, the third is a cool-down and stretching. The first and third parts of both workouts are very similar - only for kickboxing more exercise on your feet. “Technique” takes up only 20-30% of the workout. So you can go to boxing simply as a high-intensity (and very varied!) fitness class. Many people do just that.

Stereotype No. 6. No jump rope needed, just bags

A boxer's best friends: jump rope, dumbbells, tennis ball and medicine ball

The main surprise for me in training was how much time was spent on the rope. Honestly, I haven't jumped that much kindergarten! It seems that there was not a lesson in which we forgot about her. At first she was terribly infuriating - I’ve hated her since childhood, but then it turned out that she had a lot of benefits.

Stas: “The jump rope is a boxer’s favorite toy. It helps improve coordination, synchronize the movements of arms and legs, and makes a person more resilient.”

A boxer constantly has to move. If you've watched boxing at least once, you've probably noticed that they are constantly jumping back and forth. This movement is called the "shuttle". And while you are jumping like this, you must not forget about your hands - defend yourself with them and strike. The jump rope teaches you not to get your hands and feet tangled.

Stereotype No. 7. Boxing allows you to rock out and become masculine

I haven’t managed to swing on boxing yet :))

It seems that this point amused my coaches the most. Denis: “No. We work with minimal weight: with dumbbells, kettlebells... You can’t swing with them.” Stas: “...You will strengthen your muscles, joints, ligaments, and dry out a little. If you want to swing, this is in Gym. There’s everything there for that.”

Indeed, exactly power load in boxing, not so much. During general physical training there are parts circuit training on different groups muscles (for example, lunges with a light - 4-6 kg - kettlebell, exercises with dumbbells and steps on a pedestal with leg weights), but they are very short and work for general strengthening.

Stereotype #8. Boxers always have broken eyebrows, broken ears and noses

Stereotype No. 8: u professional boxers all faces are interrupted. Mmm, no.

This moment especially worried me. It’s not that I was training to be a champion, but unplanned rhinoplasty was never part of my plans. However, so far, fortunately, my only injury was a calf strain while running - due to the fact that I did not stretch well before it. You can rest assured about your face: if anything happens, boxing helmets of various designs will save you from any surprises (at least during training).

Denis: “Professionals have both fractures and cuts. But here we make sure that this does not happen. People still come here to get in shape. And only a few then participate in competitions.”

Stereotype #9. Until you get hit on the head, you won't learn anything.

This time I didn't get hit on the head :)

This would seem to contradict the previous point. But this isn't about making money. serious injury and thus learn something. It’s just that when you get hit back for the first time - even in a playful way - you suddenly realize: uh, this is not just fitness, there’s actually a fight here! :)

Denis: “Until a person works in pairs, he doesn’t really understand why he should follow the technique at all, why he should cover his face with his hands, why he should keep his elbows in front of him. In combat this quickly becomes clear. So if you stand in pairs, you will receive. There’s no way without this.”

Stereotype No. 10. Bandages, mouthguard, helmet - these are for advanced people, beginners do not need this

This is what the hands of a person who has poorly wrapped his arm in bandages during training look like. At the same time, I wore gloves and trained exclusively on bags. So protective equipment is mandatory for everyone - no exceptions. For each training session you need bandages and gloves (they are given out at the gym, but I preferred to buy my own); to work in pairs, you will need a helmet and a mouth guard.

This is the helmet you need to work in pairs. I have never found it useful - I’m not ready for sparring

Stereotype No. 12. You don’t have to think in boxing.

This is a stopwatch, it counts down the time of the round. The green light came on - the round began, the red light - ended. It really does look like a chess clock :))

It all depends on what exactly you do in training. If you work on apparatus, there is no time to think, the main thing is to survive until the end of the round and maintain the pace. But if you are working out with a partner...

Denis: “When you work on a bag, you don’t think. You just hit. But a living person will not allow himself to be beaten so easily. You need to learn how to beat him. In boxing, like in chess, you need to be able to think.”

Stas: “Nothing will work out in boxing if you can’t analyze your opponent’s behavior and change battle tactics on the fly. If you don’t know how to think, you’ll lose.”

So you get tired of boxing for another reason (from the outside, it probably seems very funny) - because you think a lot :)))

Stereotype No. 12. Boxing is not for everyone. It requires training and talent.

It is not always possible to hit a projectile. Sometimes the coach gets it too...

Stas: “Talent is an advantage only in initial stage when you need to understand what and how to do. Then only perseverance and skill matter. There is not a single talent that does not work hard, because the hard worker will sooner or later catch up with him. If you want to learn something, just don’t give up.”

From my own experience, I can say that you shouldn’t be afraid to come to boxing and kickboxing with zero preparation. If even a non-athletic person like me has learned something, then anyone can do it. The main thing is that you enjoy the training.

  • Move away from the blow, don't turn away. The worst blow is the one you don't see
  • Beat as you exhale
  • Don't reach for the blow
  • Don't lift your chin
  • No, seriously, don't lift your chin or you'll get it
  • To protect your hands, keep your hands at cheekbone level
  • Don't hold your breath - you won't get tired
  • Rotate your hand during the strike so that it lands on two knuckles
  • If you hit from the side, don’t lower your elbow
  • You hit from below - hold your hand as if it were a glass of water
  • Turn your body in the direction of impact. And the shoulder too. And a leg.
  • If you don’t see elbows in front of you in defense, it means something is going wrong
  • Don't straighten your legs completely
  • Return your hands to defense after each blow.
  • Be kinder to people, kick higher - at stomach level

(I’ll probably print it out and hang it on the refrigerator. Maybe at least I’ll remember it this way :))

By the way, for our readers - a 15% discount on any first purchase using the promotional code BEAUTYINSIDER. This could be a one-time lesson, a subscription to group lesson or a personal training membership. The offer is valid all summer.

Address of the Bobo Club: Petrovka, 24/5, phone: +7-965-6251364