How to make fishing dough from flour. How to make dough for fishing for different types of fish? How to make semolina dough

Catching roach on dough

In general, roach fishing is a fascinating activity (). It’s almost like crucian carp: it’s not enough to find a roach, you need to understand it. The roach bite is influenced by a thousand factors, and there are times when there seem to be fish, and the gear is all set up correctly, and rare bites happen, but the desired catch is not there. And vice versa, when you don’t at all expect to catch roach and set up gear for perch. Suddenly, unexpectedly, test specimens of this fish appear in the cage. There are rivers and lakes where roaches bite exclusively on animal baits, and those that live only in a given reservoir. For example, in our river such bait can be called a caddisfly. And no matter how hard you try to throw something else at the roach, there will be no bite. I caught it with bloodworms, threw it with a worm, and put in maggots - the effect was zero. And I caught it with algae, planted duckweed - it was useless. All until one day I tried to catch a roach using dough.

By dough I mean both dough in the literal sense of the word (dough made from flour), and bread mashed in water, followed by the addition of crumbs of various additives. And this discovery happened completely by accident.

"Opening" the fishing test

While fishing on the river, I caught bleak (how to catch it). At first there was a maggot on the hook (the bleak does not knock it down and this is convenient for frequent bites), and the fishing went on as usual. But after some time the flock moved away, and I had to move a little to the side, closer to the fallen tree, where there was a circular slow current and, no, no, interesting splashes appeared on the surface.

I threw out the tackle, but there was no bite, although there was clearly fish. I landed a caddisfly, and a minute later the float shuddered, and then somehow suddenly almost all of it went under water. Hooking and in the hands of a beautiful roach. So I caught 5 fish, and then the caddis flies ran out. Looking for new ones means wasting time and walking almost 300 meters to reach them, to the area where we usually look for this larva. I planted maggots again - silence. Well, for the sake of experiment, I decided to put a piece of dough on the hook that was left in my jacket from yesterday’s fishing (catch crucian carp). Casting - silence. And then the thought came to me, what if we stretch this piece of dough a little and give it a dark color. I completed the first task easily, but how to tint the dough?

Without thinking twice, I picked up the mud near the shore with my boot, and smeared the dough a little, realizing that at the very first cast everything would be washed away. But the float stood in the water for no more than 20 seconds, and then there was a bite, so sharp, as if a crocodile had sat down there. It turned out that it was a roach. That's how it goes. Previously, roaches did not take the dough on the river at all, but here it is. I don’t know what this is connected with, maybe the shape had some influence. After the bite, I decided not to get the dough dirty in the mud, so I stuck the dough with a tube. And again there was a bite. In general, I caught almost a dozen fish with the dough, and then the bite stopped, and until the evening I was unable to catch anything else, during which time (I went out to the river for the night) I went after a caddisfly, hoping to catch it in the morning.


So, what conclusions did I draw from that exit:

1. Roach - confirmed the statues of the capricious fish.

2. If the roach does not bite on the dough (bread), perhaps you should put it in the form of a tube, ball, triangle, bead, oval or other shape.

3. Sometimes the color of the dough can also influence the bite, although in my case, the roach pecked both white and dark dough.

4. Since the dough was prepared for crucian carp and smelled of anise, it can be assumed that roaches sometimes like this aroma.

5. The consistency of the dough was of moderate density, i.e. not hard, but not viscous either; with your fingers you could freely form a tube, somewhat reminiscent of a thin caddisfly.

6. And the most interesting thing: I fished almost from the surface (a descent of about 40 centimeters), although the depth in the chosen area was about 170 centimeters (I had previously placed girders in this place, so I know this area well). When the bite stopped, I changed the trigger, but the result was zero. Conclusion: roaches need to hiccup in all layers.

Fishing gear

Now about the gear I use to catch roach. This is a regular float tackle, line 0.22mm, leash 0.15mm. 15 centimeters long, a hook with a long fore-end and a sting bent to the side. I loaded the float with three weights: one literally on the lower antenna of the float, the second and third above the leash, with a distance of 2 centimeters between them. The tackle is quite sensitive.

Now, when I go fishing for roach, in addition to a worm and maggot, I always take a lump with me. On the spot, I first fish with those baits that live in a given reservoir (most often this), then I try with a worm with maggots, and the final stage is dough, although previously on this river we have never caught roach with dough at all.

There are also some nuances. For example, in addition to anise, I add vegetable oil to the dough (which smells like seeds), and even better, I add a little fish bait directly into the lump (I buy bags for feeding bream, crucian carp or roach). The main thing is that the bait is finely ground.

These are the thoughts I had at one time regarding catching roach with dough, which I shared with you.

Good luck to you and all the best.

Bleak and other fish. Preparing fishing dough, usually follow a well-tested recipe. Each fisherman has his own “catchable” recipe, which he keeps strictly secret. This article will not tell you exactly which dough recipe you need to use in this or that case, but it provides tips that will help you choose what you need.

Preparing fishing dough You can experiment by adding different flavors and suitable colors to it, which can become very tempting to the fish. Many anglers have their own rules, which they have determined by experience, are more or less effective depending on the fishing location, time, weather, etc.

Dough flavors

When choosing flavoring for dough The first thing you need to pay attention to is what aromas are attractive to a particular fish:

  • vanillin- bream, ide, crucian carp, silver bream;
  • caramel- tench, crucian carp, bream, roach, silver bream;
  • honey- carp, crucian carp, tench;
  • cinnamon- bream, crucian carp, carp, silver bream;
  • coconut- bream, roach, crucian carp, tench, silver bream;
  • Tutti Frutti- carp, tench;
  • fenugreek- roach, tench, bream, crucian carp;
  • sweet clover- roach, bream, tench, crucian carp;
  • caraway- roach, silver bream;
  • anise- roach, crucian carp, silver bream;
  • coriander- roach, bream;
  • dill- silver bream, roach;
  • the smell of cheese- barbel, roach;
  • garlic- chub, bream;

Wheat flour dough

Recipe 1

10% loaves of bread, 3 boiled potatoes, 0.5 cups wheat flour.

Mix white bread with boiled potatoes and wheat flour. Stir until smooth. In order to obtain toughness and strength, at the end of kneading, add a little vegetable oil. You can also add flavorings to the dough.

Recipe 2

2 glasses wheat flour premium grade, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 0.5 cups of milk, 10% package of yeast (they should not have a strong smell of wine). Depending on the preference of the fish in your pond, we take maggots or earthworms.

Mix flour with a small amount of sugar, pour in milk with dissolved yeast. Mix in sufficient quantities to obtain the desired consistency. You can add maggots or chopped earthworms to the dough. Adding vegetable oil will give additional density and elasticity.

Recipe 3

1 egg, garlic clove, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 glass wheat flour, 0.5 cups starch.

Mix together: egg, grated clove of garlic, honey with wheat flour and starch. The dough is ready after receiving a homogeneous mass.

Recipe 4

0.5 cups caddisfly larvae, 1 cup wheat flour, 2 egg yolks, 0.2 cups of water.

Mix caddis larvae, wheat flour and egg yolk with a little water. You can add flavorings to the batter if someone doesn't think the smell is what they want, but be careful not to let the smell ruin your bait because it can have the exact opposite effect. However, I think it's worth experimenting sometimes.

Recipe 5

1 cup cottage cheese, 0.2 cups honey, water, 0.5 cups wheat flour.

Mix cottage cheese with honey and a little water. Cook over low heat with the addition of wheat flour until the dough reaches the desired consistency.

Recipe 6

3 medium boiled potatoes, 1 tablespoon salt, 2 tablespoons sugar, 0.3 cups wheat flour.

Mash the boiled and cooled potatoes and mix with salt, sugar and flour, and then simmer over low heat for about half an hour. The dough is good for carp, bream, roach.

Recipe 7

2 boiled eggs, 5 tablespoons honey, 0.5 cups wheat flour, any flavorings with the desired aroma.

Of the two eggs, we only need the yolk, which we must crush thoroughly. Then add any flavorings with the aroma we need and honey (1 teaspoon). Add flour to obtain the desired dough consistency.

Recipe 8

2-3 cloves of garlic, 0.3 cups wheat flour, no more than 0.5 cups of water, 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Grind 2 - 3 cloves of garlic, add flour. Mix thoroughly with a little water and oil.

Recipe 9

1 medium boiled potato, 0.5 cups wheat flour, chopped worms.

Knead the cooked potatoes with wheat flour and chopped worms. You can add flavorings to the dough.

Recipe 10

1 medium potato, 1 processed cheese, Wheat flour.

Knead potatoes with cheese and wheat flour. You can add flavorings to the dough.

Recipe 11

2 tablespoons wheat flour, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 egg yolk, a little sunflower oil.

Mix everything thoroughly. If the dough is too tight, you can add a little more vegetable oil.

Semolina dough for fishing

Recipe 1

1 glass decoys, 1 glass of water, 10-20% pack of margarine, 5 tablespoons of sugar or 2 tablespoons of vanilla sugar.

Boil a glass of semolina in a glass of water. After cooling, knead with the addition of margarine, sugar or vanilla sugar.

Recipe 2

No more than 0.3 cups of boiling water, 1 packet of vanilla sugar, 2 tablespoons of butter, decoys.

In boiling water, dissolve a bag of vanilla sugar and a little butter to thicken, add semolina, knead the mixture hot. You can add flavorings to the dough.

Recipe 3

0.5 cups each of semolina, wheat and corn flour, 2 eggs.

Mix all ingredients with raw eggs. You can add flavorings to the dough.

Recipe 1

Bread pulp, boiled potatoes, vegetable or butter, food coloring (yellow or red), flavorings (vanillin or sweet clover).

Mix the ingredients and add a little water, mix thoroughly, the finished dough should not stick to your hands.

Recipe 2

Half fresh bread, 1 tablespoon anise, 1 teaspoon sugar

Mash a piece of fresh bread with the addition of anise and a teaspoon of sugar. You can add flavorings to the dough.

Recipe 3

10% of bread, sunflower oil, 1 onion.

Mash the bread crumb with sunflower oil and a small amount of finely chopped onion.

Recipe 4

10% of bread, 1 cup old cheese

Knead the crumb of white bread with cheese.

Recipe 5

1 a loaf of bread, 1 glass of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of hemp seeds, 1 teaspoon of honey.

Knead the bread crumb with cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of hemp seeds and 1 teaspoon of honey.

Recipe 6

Wholemeal bread, boiled potatoes, sunflower oil, sweet clover.

Mix the ingredients and add water.

Millet dough for fishing


1 glass of water, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 0.3 cups of millet, 2-3 cookies, 2 teaspoons sunflower oil, flour

Pour a glass of water with 4 tablespoons of sugar and 0.3 cups of millet. Cook over low heat until the porridge is cooked. Cool and add 2 - 3 crushed cookies and two teaspoons of butter to the mixture. Then add flour so that the dough holds well on the hook. You can add flavorings to the dough.

Potato dough

Recipe 1

Take the big one potato, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon starch.

Bake large potatoes in the oven. After removing from the oven, quickly peel and mash the hot potatoes with an egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of starch. You can add flavorings to the dough.

Recipe 2

1 medium potato, 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon caster sugar, 1 tablespoon corn flour.

Knead the boiled potatoes with the egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon of corn flour.

Recipe 3

1 glass mashed potatoes, 1 cup rye flour, 1 cup bean puree, 0.5 cups honey, 0.2 cups sugar.

Mix equal parts of mashed potatoes, rye flour, and bean puree in a bowl. Add sugar and honey.

Recipe 4

3 medium potatoes, 1 cup wheat flour, 0.2 cup maggot, 0.2 cup earthworm.

Knead the cooled boiled potatoes with flour into a homogeneous mass, from which we form balls and lower them into boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then cut the balls and mix with the chopped worms. You can add flavorings to the dough.

Cookie dough


1 small pack cookies, a cup of milk, sugar optional.

Grind the cookies, mix with milk, knead until the mixture becomes slightly sticky. You can add a little sugar. You can add flavorings to the dough, but you need to be careful with them; a strong smell will not attract fish, but will scare them away.

Gingerbread dough


1 gingerbread, depending on the size of the gingerbread, honey and sugar.

Knead fresh gingerbread with honey and sugar.

Oatmeal dough for fishing


0.5 cups oat porridge, 1 medium potato.

While frying in a frying pan, mix oatmeal with boiled potatoes.

Parmesan cheese dough


About 7 servings blue cheese, 1 packet hemp, 1 serving shredded parmesan cheese.

Place the cheese in a bowl and mash it with a spoon, then place in the oven to melt completely. Mix cheese with hemp grain and a spoonful of Parmesan cheese.

Dough is a fairly effective bait and is very popular among fishermen. It can be ordinary or with aromatic substances used taking into account the reservoir used and the species intended to be caught. Peaceful fish are well caught on the dough: crucian carp, roach, rudd, as well as bream and carp.

The advantages of such a nozzle are:

  • The dough is clearly visible, it smells and leaves a visible mark, luring fish from afar. Dissolving in water, it forms a cloudy cloud and creates the effect of microfeeder fishing.
  • Due to its softness and solubility in water it is more attractive to fish than pearl barley, corn and other hard baits.
  • It is possible to adjust the size of the catch. For small fish a small nozzle is made, and for a larger one its size is increased.
  • All kinds of additives can be used and paint it any color.
  • Does not require special skills for the manufacture of.
  • Extended period doesn't let you off the hook.

For greater preservation, so that it does not dry out quickly, it is recommended to wrap the dough with a damp cloth or grease it with sunflower or corn oil.

Dough made from regular flour

To prepare dough from regular flour, mix two components as a base - flour and water. In this case, the thickness of the mixture depends on the ratio of these two components. The less water, the thicker the dough will be. Then mix the mixture well.

You can prepare two main types of dough:

  1. Thick dough It is prepared using less water and resembles plasticine in appearance. Pea-sized balls of this mixture are placed on the hook.
  2. Viscous dough It’s more liquid, you can’t make balls from it, because it sticks to your fingers, it’s generally difficult to attach it with your hands, so you can place it in a container and use a stick to take it out and wind it on a hook, completely hiding the sting. A good option is to use a syringe, gradually squeezing and rolling the dough.

Any option is good to use when fishing; the choice depends only on the preference and experience of the fisherman. Along with the most commonly used wheat flour, corn flour or a mixture of both is used. In turn, you can add rye flour to corn flour. But the advantage still remains with wheat. Sometimes water is replaced with milk.

Dough from flour can be made directly on the pond itself.

To do this you need to have:

  • A little flour;
  • Syringe;
  • A small container.

Pour the flour into an existing container, then stirring constantly, add water in small portions. Place the resulting mixture in a syringe and use the required amount. You can also make fish dough near a pond using the insides of gutted roach or bream mucus.

This factor will be additional for the fish when choosing a feeding site.

Semolina dough

Semolina dough can be obtained in two ways:

  1. Hot method;
  2. Cold way.

For hot cooking, use two parts water and one part semolina. Place all ingredients in a container, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for several minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove from the heat, allow to cool and add a little more semolina, honey and vegetable oil, after which everything is mixed well.

Instead of boiling, you can steam the cereal by pouring boiling water over it and letting it sit for a while. Then you need to add flavorings, egg white, knead the mass so that it stops being pulled by your hands.

With the cold method, semolina is poured into a thin bag, placed under cold water and kneaded until a solid mass is formed. For flavor, add vegetable oil. After this, the mixture is packaged in a bag or placed in a tube that has been emptied of toothpaste.

The second option has a number of advantages as it is more convenient, allowing you to squeeze out the required amount of dough and preventing it from drying out quickly.

Semolina dough can be prepared right next to the pond, for this:

  • We fold a piece of gauze into several layers;
  • place the semolina there and tighten the knot;
  • Rinse in water to wash out small particles;
  • If desired, add flavoring to the resulting compacted mass.

This dough is suitable, for example, for.

Sweet dough

In order to obtain a sweet dough, sprouted barley is used. It is dried and fried in the oven, after which it is ground with a coffee grinder and combined with flour. Add mashed boiled potatoes to the resulting mixture, make a lump and cook until fully cooked.

Then knead again with honey or syrup. You can add a few drops of anise oil. The bait attracts carp well and should be made at least a day before the start of fishing.

Dough with garlic and other flavors

Flavored dough is most often used as bait for a certain type of fish. Garlic is most often used for these purposes.

To obtain such a dough, twist a few cloves of garlic, a piece of white bread crumb, two boiled potatoes using a meat grinder, add a little vegetable oil and mix everything well.

The second option is to combine flour with water, add sunflower oil and egg yolk, then add any type of flavoring.

You can also use as a supplement:

  • Seeds- they must be crushed or ground in a meat grinder, and added to the dough in small quantities. Otherwise, the mixture will become crumbly and will not stick to the hook.
  • Sunflower oil can be a good replacement for seeds, it is convenient to use and also attracts fish well.
  • Anise oil also loved by many fish species.
  • Vanillin is a universal flavoring; it can be present in small quantities in any dough. The disadvantage is that, in addition to the necessary and desired fish, it attracts every little thing.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Dough with egg yolk

Dough using egg yolk can be made from either white bread or flour.

To do this, we take the following components:

  • Boiled potatoes;
  • Fresh bread crumb;
  • Boiled yolks in the amount of two pieces.

Knead them, adding a little water until a homogeneous soft mass is formed.

For flavor, you can add vegetable oil, such as sunflower or corn. Egg yolk can be used in any flour and water mixture to increase the elasticity of the dough.

French dough

To prepare the French dough, milk is boiled and allowed to cool, then wholemeal flour is added, stirring constantly. Formed homogeneous thick mass, which is already in the frying pan and continues to be kneaded over low heat until the required density is obtained.

Add a boiled, very finely chopped yolk, chopped potatoes to the resulting product and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

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Curd dough

For fishing, you can prepare dough using a product such as cottage cheese.

For catching bream and carp good option the recipe will be like this:

  • Crumbled cottage cheese is ground with a spoon of honey;
  • A little water is added;
  • Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat;
  • Wheat flour is added to obtain a viscous dough.

Tench responds well to another recipe:

  • The cottage cheese is placed in a warm place and allowed to sour;
  • Then add the pulp of white bread and knead well;
  • The dough sheets are placed on a brick or placed in the oven to produce a pleasant smell.

Pea dough

All non-predatory freshwater fish love pea dough.

To prepare it you need:

  • Soak peas in cold water for 2 -3 hours so that it swells and becomes soft. To speed up the process, you can add half a teaspoon of soda to each liter of water;
  • After this, the water should be drained, rinse the peas and refill with clean water. Cook over low heat for about 2 hours.
  • Add flour to the resulting puree or semolina and boil a little more until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained;
  • To improve taste and smell You can add flavoring, such as vanilla.

Instead of flour and semolina, steamed bran or oatmeal are also used. They are boiled until a thick mass forms, resulting in another version of pea dough. If desired, add an egg and vegetable oil.

Artificial dough

In many stores selling fishing goods you can purchase ready-made dough, which has good quality. It can be used as a stand-alone product or with the addition of bread.

You can make artificial dough yourself at home using the mixture as a base. in a ratio of 50:50, as well as flavorings and dyes in liquid or powder form.

To increase the elasticity of the dough, add an egg or water to the main mixture. Beat the egg with all the additives used and carefully pour the powder into the resulting mixture. Excessively soft dough can be dried by leaving it uncovered for 5 minutes.

When freezing, the dough can be made more viscous, as it will still harden in the freezer.

How to make dough for crucian carp fishing?

Crucian carp is very attentive to the choice of food. The dough for it is prepared from two parts wheat flour and one part water. If the dough is sticky, add flour and knead everything thoroughly to get an airy dough.

At the next stage, the dough is colored using any dye, and honey, cinnamon or vanillin is added to improve the taste. Good additives for crucian carp are fruit juice or berry syrup. The dough is divided into balls and poured with boiling water to enhance the strength and aroma.

  1. For color test It is better to take white flour, which helps achieve the desired shade.
  2. To keep the dough afloat You can attach foam to the hook.
  3. To help the dough stay on the hook better You can add a little cotton wool to the dough when rolling.
  4. For greater strength To enhance the smell, the dough should be poured with boiling water.
  5. For smokers It is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly before preparing the dough, or even better, use rubber gloves, since fish reacts poorly to the smell of nicotine.
  6. While fishing for crucian carp It is recommended to stock up on flour and sugar to adjust the thickness and sweetness of the bait.
  7. Flavorings should be in moderation so that they can be felt, but the smell is not very strong.
  8. For a more secure fit It is better to use a special hook with a spring on the fore-end.

There are a large number of different recipes for preparing dough for fishing. You can find them on the Internet, analyze them, and start using them. But the final result still depends on the experience of the fisherman.

Only using your knowledge and observations can you prepare dough that meets specific conditions and thus achieve good fishing in this particular body of water and at a certain time of the year.

Dough for winter fishing roach can bring a very good catch. Such bait is rarely used for winter fishing, since in the fishing community there is an opinion that only animal baits work in winter. A good bite of roach, as well as bream and other carp fish on the dough in winter is not uncommon, but a ubiquitous fact.

The peculiarity of this bait is that the fish either takes it well or does not bite at all. The chatterbox works better at the end of winter, when the roach comes out to feed at shallow depths. Also, this plant bait can be useful to cut off bites from small perch or ruff - sometimes they simply do not give life, interfering with catching large fish.

Winter secrets of roach

Dough (chatterbox) - catchable winter bait

The tactics for catching roach in winter using dough and semolina are no different from the usual ones - all the same principles and rules are used. The peculiarity is that it is difficult to predict the tastes and preferences of roach in an unfamiliar body of water. In one case, it may not react to this bait at all, in another, you can unexpectedly catch a lot of large roach, to the envy of the nearby fishermen who only fish with bloodworms.

Making dough for catching sorog in winter is very simple and quick at home. In fishing stores you can also find this attachment already in finished form, in syringes or tubes. It is not advisable to go fishing with one test (unless it is known that the roach in this body of water bites on this particular bait). But it doesn’t hurt to always have some in stock.

Magazine attachments

Making dough for catching roach in winter

Dough for winter fishing must be energetically valuable, so you need to add some additives to it that will increase this value. This factor distinguishes winter dough from summer dough. The easiest way to do this is to use powdered milk when preparing.

It is important to note that it is the roach that likes the milky smell in winter. The main thing is that it is natural and not chemical. This is more important than even the flavoring (which is already in the bait). In winter, you need to make this bait as nutritious as possible from a food point of view, and not from a taste and aromatic point of view. Exactly the same requirements apply to semolina (which, by the way, also works effectively on roach in winter). There are no differences in the production and use of flour or semolina mash.

There is no need to make special manipulations with odors - we add the same flavoring as in the groundbait, just a little. It is not recommended to use strong odors, especially those that differ from the aroma of fertilizing. Fish are attracted to such a bait precisely by its high nutritional value, which it senses by the smell of milk. If our bait is flavored with roasted seeds, then the most optimal flavoring will be sunflower oil (unrefined, with a smell).

In the test recipe for winter fishing for roach, you need to include a little sweetness - the fish will appreciate it. To do this, you can add a little sugar, or better yet, honey. Recipes for roach dough in winter may vary, but it is important to adhere to these “winter” rules for any production method: firstly, nutritional value, and only secondly, smell, color and taste. There is no need to use color dyes for the dough; fish already love its natural white-yellowish color.

Correct consistency

How to prepare roach dough for fishing in winter? The recipe is extremely simple. Let's take the components you already know:

  1. Flour or semolina
  2. Powdered milk (a little)
  3. Sunflower oil (a few drops)
  4. Sugar or honey (just a little)

Add water and mix until we get the consistency we need. It is necessary to stir the mixture for about fifteen minutes until the released gluten gives the nozzle the desired stickiness. The correct mass should stretch in long threads. After this, we fill it into a regular medical syringe or a cleanly washed toothpaste tube.

To draw the dough (mixture) into the syringe, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the plunger from the syringe
  2. Take the syringe bulb into your mouth, with the side where the hole for the needle is
  3. Lower the wide part of the flask into the mass and draw it into the syringe with a strong inhalation. Do not worry, the dough will not get into your mouth or throat, since the hole for the needle through which the air is drawn is too small for the viscous mass of the bait, I have tested it many times.
  4. Reinsert the piston.

When fishing, you need to store the syringe in a warm place so that the bait does not freeze. The syringe must be equipped with a cap so that the nozzle is not squeezed into the pocket. To do this, you can use a broken syringe needle or some homemade plug.

Hook attachment

Regular thick dough

Winter roach can also be used on ordinary classic dough, kneaded with flour by hand. You can knead with either water or egg yolk, or with the addition of milk powder. Powdered milk works for roaches. It’s not for nothing that one of the effective attachments is a cow’s udder. It smells like milk.

Classic recipe:

  1. Mix the flour with the yolk (water, milk powder solution) until it reaches a thick consistency.
  2. Knead with your hands until you obtain a viscous homogeneous mass.
  3. Add flavoring - vanilla, honey, ground roasted sunflower seeds or cake.
  4. You can add some boiled potatoes to increase the starch value.
  5. In some reservoirs, roach react well to garlic - but be careful with this, otherwise you can scare away the fish.
  6. To prevent the dough from flying off the hook, you can add cotton fibers to it.

Catching roach on dough in winter

For fishing with this bait, the usual gear for catching sorog in winter is used: float or nod. To place a chatterbox on a hook or, you need to start squeezing it out with a syringe, and, having secured the beginning to the shank, continue wrapping until you get a pea-sized lump. That's it, the tackle is ready to cast. When using this bait, bites must be responded to immediately, as the fish can quickly knock the soft bait off the hook.

With a minimum expenditure of money, in addition, the preparation of such a semi-finished product does not require special skills. And if the nozzle is prepared with your own hands, then good fishing twice as happy.

Changeable taste preferences

The effectiveness of the bait can change not only from day to day, but even within one day. It happens that during the day there is almost no bite, and by the evening the fish practically jumps into the boat on its own. The level of fish activity is influenced by the season, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, water condition, type of reservoir, presence of current, and a host of other factors.

The main task of the bait is to attract the inhabitants of the underwater world in any conditions, if they are half asleep - to stir up, stimulate the appetite and arouse persistent interest in the dough ball attached to the hook.

What components should be used so that the fish does not remain indifferent to the bait? In ancient times, fishermen's families passed them on from generation to generation. Over time, many things have changed in the fishing industry. Now, thanks to the Internet, it is possible to learn about recipes for preparing dough that have been tested over the years, with which you can get a good catch - they were used by our ancestors.

In general, fishermen in our time are more savvy in matters of fishing, they have the opportunity to share their observations with each other, study the habits of fish in various bodies of water, not only directly on the spot, but also using educational and methodological literature, information on.

In addition, the latest joint developments of chemists and ichthyologists, which fill the shelves of fishing stores, come to the aid of the modern fisherman.

As is known, aquatic vertebrates smell at great distances, therefore one of key points The key to creating an attractive bait is to use a properly selected odorous substance.

Developers of baits, of which there are truly a huge number on store shelves, have taken this information into account: now many flavors are synthesized in the factory. The chemical industry is constantly developing, and this development also applies to the fishing industry. For example, quite recently, about 10 years ago, a new generation of attractants appeared - they perfectly stimulate the feeling of hunger and increase the catch many times over.

Such additions can be made:

  • in the form of granules;
  • liquids;
  • aerosols.

Among natural flavorings and dough additives, the following are still popular:

  • garlic;
  • sunflower;
  • anise;
  • vanillin;
  • valerian;
  • herbal decoctions.

There is important point. When preparing bait at home, you should pay attention to the season: in the warm season, you can use bolder combinations of flavors; in the spring, before the water warms up, there should be a minimum amount of odorous substances so as not to discourage the fish from feeding.

So, what ingredients, besides flavorings, are used to create the most attractive herbal attachment?

The base of the dough is flour mixed with water. The highest chic is if the water is taken from the reservoir where fishing is planned.

The consistency of the dough may vary:

  • thick semi-finished product. In order to place the thick dough on the hook, pinch off a piece of it with your fingers and roll it into a ball. Such dense pellets are not easy for fish to swallow, so they are made small;
  • liquid semi-finished product. The viscous mass is wound onto the hook using a stick, and it is easier for the fish to swallow it, but, according to some fishermen, it stays on the hook worse. It is convenient to store such a mixture in a syringe or in a toothpaste tube: to do this, cut off the bottom of the tube, inner part washed (if the paste was mint, then washed without potassium permanganate, this will give attractive aroma mint for the nozzle) and fill with dough, then fold the bottom. By unscrewing the cap, you can squeeze the required amount of mixture onto the hook.

Especially for crucian carp and crucian carp - potato dish

Take five tablespoons of wheat flour, a teaspoon of semolina, mix. We divide the mixture into three parts, add water with a different smell to each - for example, water flavored with garlic will go into the first, honey into the second, and vanilla into the third. Mix so that it does not stick to your hands, and leave to stand for 15-20 minutes - during this time the semolina will swell. Add a few drops of unrefined sunflower oil, mashed potatoes (one part of potato for eight parts of dough) and carefully knead the resulting mass so that it sticks well on the hook.

Fill the semolina with water and leave to swell for 15 minutes. Then we put the increased mass in gauze, tie the ends so that there is a little free space left in the resulting bag, and attach a thread of sufficient strength to the ends. On a thread, carefully lower the “bag” into boiling water, cook until the semolina fills the entire volume of our “bag”. Then remove from the water, cool, and knead to obtain a homogeneous mass. The finished mixture should be sprinkled with flavoring.

Peas are especially attractive to cyprinids. There are two options for preparing trouble-free bait: one is more difficult, the other is easier. Let's start with the difficult part: soak dry peas for a long time. It is very convenient to leave peas in water overnight. In the morning, cook it until pureed, and add semolina to the required thickness.

Now a quick and easy recipe, not inferior to the previous one in effectiveness: instant pea porridge is prepared as indicated on the package. This usually means pour boiling water over the powder, stir and let sit for two to three minutes. While the porridge is still hot, gradually add semolina into it and knead until the dough reaches the desired consistency.

Dough in French

Mix the flour with boiled, cooled milk, add the crushed yolk of a boiled chicken egg, a quarter of a small boiled potato, and mix it all for several minutes in a saucepan over low heat.

Mix cottage cheese with honey, add a little water and put on fire. Add wheat flour to form a viscous mass.

Meat and vegetable attachment

Sandwiches are also in demand among fish: when bloodworms are placed together with a ball of dough, or you get a kind of meat-and-vegetable sandwich, which is especially to the taste of crucian carp.

Despite all the undoubted advantages of the test, there are certain problems with its use. In summer, under the scorching rays of the sun, the mass quickly hardens, and it is impossible to make balls from it. In order to save the situation, you should store the attachments by wrapping them in a damp cloth. Lubricating the dough with sunflower oil and storing it in the shade will also help.

There are also other types of complaints: fishermen often complain that such a bait does not hold well on the hook. In this case, we can advise you to take a specialized dough hook, with a small spring on the shank. You can also use ordinary ones, with a small or medium-sized shank of white or pale yellow color (so that the hook does not differ much in color from the nozzle), attaching a spring from a ballpoint pen to it.

At the same time, a pellet prepared and attached according to all the rules usually holds perfectly on the hook and allows you to fish. The main rule is that the hook tip must be securely hidden.

If the dough preparation technology is followed, the catchability of this vegetable bait competes with the effectiveness of meat bait, and in the summer even exceeds it.

In the warm season, fish are generally more willing to eat plant foods offered to them. In summer, you can use the dough to catch crucian carp and roach, bream and carp, as well as many other inhabitants of the underwater world. You can satisfy the sophisticated preferences of any fish by adding certain components to the base of flour and water, so the main thing is not to dwell on the successes achieved, but to constantly conduct experiments.