How to lose weight fast at home. How to lose weight quickly - step-by-step instructions for women who dream of an ideal figure Lose weight quickly - the tenth trick

Lose weight quickly? Actually, I don’t accept emergency weight loss. The faster you lose weight, the more unstable the result. But what can you do if after a few weeks you desperately need to be in shape. Do the scales show a few extra kilos?

Yes, if there is a wedding or vacation coming up, you don’t have to choose. Both are perfectly valid reasons to use some of the forbidden techniques from our “underground” fitness arsenal. But just give your word that you won’t do this again!

Lose weight quickly - first step

Less fat!

Specialists in sports nutrition First of all, it is recommended to reduce fat consumption to a minimum. What is this minimum? No more than 25 grams per day. In fact, such a dose is too small and even harmful for the body, so it’s simply impossible to stay on such a diet for a long time. But it’s quite possible to use this technique for a while - nothing bad will happen to you in 3-4 weeks.

From your menu, immediately cross out all meat dishes, sausages, egg yolks, olive oil, animal fats, margarine, nuts, any sweets, baked goods, pastries, cakes and other foods with excess fat. Buy fish oil at the pharmacy and take a spoonful in the morning. This is your norm for the whole day. If fish fat It really doesn’t work at all, buy freshly squeezed vegetable oil at the market and also take it a spoonful.

Lose weight quickly - second step

Less sweets!

Everything that is not fat or meat is carbohydrates. Fruits, sweets, honey, jam, cereals, vegetables are all sources of carbohydrates. But! Carbohydrates come in different types – sweet (like honey or sugar) and completely unsweetened (like oatmeal or cucumber). Beware of sweet carbohydrates! Sweets provoke a powerful secretion of the hormone insulin. Well, he is precisely responsible for the creation of subcutaneous fat deposits for future use. The more often and more insulin is released, the fatter you are. But rice or oatmeal does not threaten you with anything like that. But milk can trip you up. Although it is unsweetened, it contains the “dangerous” sugar lactose. It is better not to drink milk and dairy products yet.

Lose weight quickly - the third trick

Eliminate processed foods from your diet

We are talking about ordinary products like pasta. This also includes chips, cola, all canned goods, compotes and juices. All this is refined, worthless food. In the interests of long-term storage, a lot of things have been added to these products that are absolutely contraindicated for a weight-loss fitness professional. For example, glycerin or saltpeter. Brrr! All you are allowed to buy at the supermarket is rice, beans and oatmeal.

Lose weight quickly - the fourth trick

Less carbs

Dramatically reduce your daily intake of carbohydrates! This will cause your body to lose fluid, and you will lose significant weight. This shock method is only suitable for one-time use. If you decide to continue sitting on low carb diet, then you risk harming yourself. An organism, puzzled by a lack of energy, will fall into lethargy in order to save energy. Drowsiness, loss of strength, depression - that's what awaits you. However, you can wait a month or a month and a half with carbohydrates. Another thing is that you need to eat at least a little rice and oatmeal. Otherwise, where do you get energy for training?

Lose weight quickly - the fifth trick


Alas, to lose weight dramatically, diet alone is not enough, you need aerobics! How many? At least 5-6 times a week. Most effective method like this: break the hour-long session into two half-hour sessions - morning and evening. The heart rate should be at least 90% of the maximum. To determine your personal heart rate, subtract your age in years from the factor 220 and multiply by 0.8.

If training twice a day doesn't work out, cross-train in the evenings. Instead of running on the treadmill for an hour, run on it for 20 minutes, then switch to elliptical trainer– also for 20 minutes, and then – rowing (another 20 minutes). Moreover, the intensity of each aerobic phase should be high - not lower than 90% of the maximum.

Lose weight quickly - the sixth trick

Don't forget about the squirrels!

Protein is the food of your muscles. To prevent them from “shrinking,” bring your daily protein intake to 1.6 grams per kilogram of your body weight. The trouble is that our traditional meat dishes contain too much fat. How to be? Switch to protein powder. Weigh yours in the morning daily norm, dilute the cocktail in water and pour it into a thermos. All you have to do is take a thermos with you to work. Drink the cocktail in 5-6 doses with a break of 2.5 - 3 hours. Eat steamed or boiled fish twice a week.

Lose weight quickly - the seventh trick

Drink more!

Excess water is stress for the body. The more you drink, the more stress hormones your adrenal glands secrete. Well, these are precisely the “fat-burning” hormones. So water is an absolutely irreplaceable feature in the fight for weight loss. But it's not only that. The more protein you consume, the more you need to drink. Increase your usual daily intake by at least 2.5 liters. Try drinking one and a half to two glasses of water before, during and after training, as well as in the morning when you wake up, and in the middle of the day (10 glasses in total). Remember: you need still water!

Lose weight quickly - the eighth trick

Constantly change your caloric intake

You'll have to tinker with the calculations, but it's worth it. Get a guide to the energy content of foods and calculate the calorie content of your diet. When adding or subtracting meals, eat in a zigzag manner. For example, eat 1,500 calories for 3 days in a row, divided into 4 meals. Then raise the caloric intake to 1900 cal. – Only for 1 day. And after that, go back to 1500 calories again - for another 3 days. The basic formula sounds like this: the “step” of such a zigzag diet should be 300-500 calories, no more, but no less. If you feel completely exhausted, exhausted and lethargic, try reducing the number of “hungry” days in the cycle to two.

Lose weight quickly - the ninth trick

Take Supplements

If we eat almost nothing, it is clear that we do not receive enough vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. So you need to buy a multivitamin and multimineral complex. At the same time, buy powdered fiber and add it to protein shake. From food additives It’s worth buying the amino acid glutamine (in powder or capsules). And thermogenics containing caffeine and ephedrine (like xenadrine) are absolutely required. Diuretics - diuretic drugs - have a quick weight loss effect. However, they are not to be trifled with. After all, these are serious drugs. If you take it, then take it with light herbal diuretics.

Lose weight quickly - step ten

Less salty!

Proven method lose weight quickly- is expelled from the body excess water. Water is retained due to sodium, which means you need to eat less salty foods. More precisely, not at all! We're not just talking about pickles or herring. There is a lot of salt in mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, sauces and dressings. In addition, sodium compounds are added to many products for the preservation effect. For example, in chips.
Read labels carefully: Products containing sodium salts are fundamentally not suitable for you. Don’t salt anything at home! Complete elimination of salt in the diet will “take away” up to four extra pounds.


Well, did everything work out for you? Congratulations! And remember: tomorrow you will be back in the gym. This time to support your fantastic achievements!

Lost weight quickly? So not for long

All these tricks will help you get rid of extra pounds in a short time. However, if you resort to these “forbidden tricks” often, they can lead to counterproductive results. Because your caloric intake is lower than normal, your metabolic rate slows down. And along with it, fat metabolism stops, in other words, “fat burning”. No matter how much you train, you won’t lose an gram!

And here's another thing. If you lose more than 0.5 kg per week, you will inevitably lose it along with fat. muscle mass. Well, the less muscle you have, the more fat you will have! The secret is that muscles actively consume calories. If you reduce muscle mass, then it turns out that you need fewer calories than usual. It turns out that over time you need to eat less and less. However, reducing calories, as you already know, slows down your metabolism. Vicious circle. Whatever one may say, if you constantly go on a “starvation” diet, then in the long run it will only increase your fat reserves.

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In this article we will figure out where excess weight comes from and how to get rid of it quickly without strict diets.

How to lose weight quickly - nutrition

The principle of losing weight is simple - you take in fewer calories than you expend, and then the body uses its own resources to ensure vital functions.

Along with food, we consume fats, proteins and carbohydrates. First of all, carbohydrates are converted into energy, and those that are not converted remain on the waist and buttocks.

Carbohydrates are divided into fast and slow:

  • Slow ones are absorbed slowly, and the body also spends energy on their absorption. Contained in cereals, vegetables, fruits.
  • Fast ones are sweets, drinks and all the most delicious and harmful things. They are absorbed quickly - the eaten cake instantly turns into carbohydrates, and if you do not have time to use them up - into fat, all in the same places.

Fats are partially used for energy and are absorbed by the body. The surplus is put aside in reserve.

Protein cannot be stored in fat. Contained mainly in products of animal origin - meat, poultry, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, etc. If an excess of carbohydrates and fats clearly leads to what, then such a phenomenon as an “excess of protein” is unlikely, since complete protein is rather lacking in the modern diet.

Water to lose weight quickly

The required amount is 2-2.5 liters per day (approximately 40 g per 1 kg of weight). It speeds up metabolism, cleanses the body and removes toxins. A glass of water after waking up will help wake up not only you, but also the body, and start metabolic processes. Read more about how to drink water properly.

Exercise to lose weight quickly

The body spends energy on any process - breathing, heartbeat, brain activity. Unused energy, as we have already found out, is fat. Any physical activity will help get rid of excess weight. This is not necessarily a sport, although in combination with it you will get best results. You can simply add more stress - walk instead of using transport, not use the elevator, start cleaning the house one more time, and walk again before going to bed. By the way, even while standing we spend more energy than when we sit or lie.

As a conclusion, let's make a plan for quick weight loss

  • Fasting day - we drink only water during the day.
  • We start the following days with a glass of water, drinking 2-2.5 liters per day.
  • Drink before or after meals at least 30 minutes before.
  • We completely exclude fast carbohydrates from the diet.
  • We consume slow carbohydrates in the first half of the day.
  • We enrich the diet with protein foods.
  • We don't eat 4 hours before bedtime.
  • For dinner we eat only protein foods.
  • We increase physical activity.

How to lose weight at home effectively without starving yourself? Everyone asks this question sooner or later. Moreover, regardless of gender and age. Indeed, excess weight entails a lot of problems, ranging from hypertension and joint problems to depression. Any nutritionist will tell you that you can lose weight only by putting maximum effort into this process. Of course, ideally, you would need to contact a specialist, undergo an examination, on the basis of which a individual plan achievements But what if there is simply no such opportunity? Do not despair! We will tell you how to get long-lasting results.

Lose weight at home: myth or reality?

Losing weight at home is not a myth! This is a very real opportunity to get your body in shape. Moreover, you can achieve very impressive results. Having made a decision: you need to lose weight! - many now resort to this method. For example, it is difficult for young mothers to get out of the house and leave their baby in the care of relatives. Someone is too busy at work and is so tired that they simply don’t have the strength to go to gym or schedule a consultation. For still others, finances simply do not allow them to pay for the services of specialists: a trainer and nutritionist will demand a “tidy” sum for the work.

pros home weight loss are obvious: everyone prescribes for himself those procedures that he considers the most effective for him personally. In addition, you do not need to adjust to a specific time. If there is a need for a professional massage, a specialist can be called to your home when it is convenient for the client.

Of course, this style of losing weight also has another, negative side. Firstly, it is very difficult to concentrate on yourself at home; there is a high risk of being tempted by some product prohibited by the diet or postponing training. Secondly, although this is enough budget method, you will still have to fork out money, for example, for dumbbells, a video course, or maybe an exercise bike. In addition, it is not a fact that the rest of the household will appreciate dietary dishes, so you'll have to cook a little more.

Rules for losing weight at home

Speaking about how to lose weight at home effectively (without returning those notorious kilograms), you should give some general tips:

1) drink more water - any diet and nutrition system is based on this rule. And in everyday life this advice remains relevant. After all, water cleanses the body and stimulates metabolism. In addition, a glass of water consumed half an hour before meals will help significantly reduce your portion. There is a diet based on this principle: “losing weight on water.” It has shown its effectiveness. It is suggested to drink one, two and three glasses of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner respectively;

2) sugar and flour products are prohibited. Of course, there are nutritional systems that allow sweets (for example, “minus 60”) or synthetic sweeteners. You will have to choose on your own, but it is worth remembering that the body does not like to be deceived. Accordingly, he will demand sweets not only in the morning, and substitutes do not bring anything good to health. If you really want to pamper yourself, it’s better to eat dried fruit: dried apricots, prunes or dates. Of course, if this does not contradict the chosen power system;

3) no exercise good effect it is unlikely to be achieved. Any woman who has lost weight without dieting will say that the result is directly proportional to physical activity. It is not necessary to go to the gym (although it is advisable); you can buy a set of exercises and practice at home. Even morning jogging or give a positive result;

4) positive attitude. Psychological trainings will help you relax, not concentrate on the problem of excess weight, but correctly and clearly move towards your goal. More often you need to imagine yourself in perfect shape. As you know, therefore, what you want will definitely come true. Even old jeans that you once managed to fit into easily, or a beautiful dress that suddenly became too small can motivate you;

5) before bed - no food. Of course, diets and nutrition systems are different, but it is best not to eat food at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. Many people say that you should not eat after 18 or 19 hours. On the one hand, they are right, but on the other, not everyone goes to bed at 21-22 hours. Accordingly, it is better to develop for yourself a system of the last meal according to your own regime;

6) once a week you need to arrange fasting days. They can be based on any mono-diet.


The so-called mono-diets come out with the slogan: “Lose weight in a week!” Due to the presence of only one component in them, the result will be lightning fast. Rarely does a mono-diet contain any two products (for example, buckwheat and kefir). The components used are protein products, cereals, fruits and vegetables. The effect is not only quick results, but also in cleansing the body. Based on the number of products, “lose weight in a week” diets are divided into the following types:

  • "balanced". It is recommended to eat two products: kefir and apples (you can drink 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir per day, and also eat half a kilogram of apples), kefir and cucumbers, rice and apples (boil a glass of cereal without salt, 2 apples a day are also allowed) . There are many options. On average, you can lose 5-6 kg in a week;
  • "fast". Due to the fact that only one component is used (usually a product containing slow carbohydrates) is very difficult to tolerate. You can sit on it for no more than five days.

The most common fast monodients:

  • buckwheat (steamed glass of cereal per day);
  • kefir (only 2 liters of low-fat kefir is allowed);
  • fish (any fish cooked without oil is allowed);
  • watermelon (calculation is as follows: 1 kilogram of watermelon for every 10 kg of weight).

Any mono-diet is a big stress for the body. To prevent the ill-fated kilograms from returning immediately, you need to stick to the diet, that is, add one product every day. Naturally, it should not be fried potatoes or fatty meat. It is better to give preference to vegetables and fruits, low-calorie porridges with water, for example, oatmeal.

A new level of metabolic control has been achieved with the release of the drug Reduxin ® Forte. The unique combination of sibutramine and metformin allows you to increase the effectiveness of weight loss, because... the drug reduces hunger, breaks down fats and carbohydrates, and enhances metabolism.

During the course of taking Reduxin ® Forte, the body of the person losing weight is rebuilt: new habits are formed proper nutrition. That is why it is very important for patients engaged in weight loss to follow the duration of the course prescribed by the specialist.

Short term diets

How to lose weight quickly if eating one or two foods for a whole week is not enough? You can try a diet based on a balanced, low-calorie diet. Let's look at the most effective and most easily portable:

1) “favorite diet”. Based on daily rotation of products. It is prohibited to break the sequence. Lasts a week (7th day - exit). On the first day, you need to drink any liquid (unsweetened, of course): tea, milk, kefir, broths (meat and vegetable), coffee. On the second day, you should eat vegetables in any form and quantity (preferably, raw, of course). Give special preference to cabbage. On the third day, the first, drinking, is repeated. On the fourth day you should eat fruits, preferably citrus fruits. On the fifth - any proteins: meat, fish and poultry cooked without oil, also cottage cheese, yoghurts without additives, etc. On the sixth day we again drink any liquid, on the seventh we leave the diet. Boiled eggs, low-fat soups, dairy products, water-based cereals, vegetables and fruits are allowed. If everything is followed correctly, you can lose up to 7 kilograms;

2) another similar diet is “6 petals”. It was developed by a nutritionist from Sweden. Here the emphasis is not only on “deceiving” the body with protein and carbohydrate days(thanks to this, the diet is well tolerated), but also psychological aspect. It is necessary to cut a flower, on the 6 petals of which label the products and number the days. Tearing off petal after petal, a person becomes closer to the goal, is proud of himself - another day without a breakdown is behind him;

3) "japanese diet"has also shown high efficiency. It is more comprehensive. So, per day you need to eat a certain amount of fish, meat, boiled eggs, vegetables and fruits, drink tea or coffee. The menu is very varied and balanced in such a way that you can easily lose up to 16 kg;

4) the “Larissa Dolina diet” is very popular. The main thing in it is to eat at a certain time, drink 500 grams of low-fat kefir per day. Each day is a mono-diet: baked potatoes, cottage cheese, fruits, chicken, mineral water- these are the components of the diet of each day.

Power systems: what is it?

If you ask yourself: how to effectively lose weight by 20 kg or more, the answer is obvious - choose a dietary nutrition system for yourself. Each of them requires years of work by nutritionists; it will proceed systematically, not spasmodically. If you follow this diet regularly, your weight will gradually return to normal and will not return.

All systems are built on certain restrictions and principles. In some places, only protein foods are allowed, in others, separate meals or eating raw vegetables.

As for the general points, it is assumed to drink water in large quantities (the rule is the same as in the “lose weight on water” diet), limit sugar, flour products, mandatory physical activity is prescribed and additional procedures: scrubs, wraps, massages.

Thus, the nutrition system is a whole complex of measures. It is quite a mistake to consider it a diet. Subsequently, this eating style becomes a way of life. Let's look at the most popular dietary nutrition systems that will help you both lose weight effectively at home and join a healthy lifestyle.

Respect the principles healthy image life and proper nutrition, without suffering from bloating and flatulence, you can if you take Orlix® while eating foods rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates. Its active component is the natural enzyme alpha-galactosidase, which ensures the breakdown complex carbohydrates to monosaccharides easily digestible by the body. This prevents food from rotting in the intestines with the formation of large amounts of toxic gases, and also ensures its complete absorption. The required dosage of the product varies depending on the amount of food, making it easy to regulate digestion both with a full meal and with a light snack.

"Minus 60"

Ekaterina Mirimanova lost 60 kilograms without dieting; she is the author of the nutrition method of the same name, which is as follows.

Each meal follows certain rules. For breakfast (provided it occurs before 12 noon), you can eat everything, even sweet “forbidden” foods. On the dinner table there should be dishes according to the principles of separate nutrition: meat and other proteins should not be mixed with potatoes or pasta. For example, if soup is cooked in meat broth, then it is seasoned without pasta and potatoes. For dinner (which should take place no later than 18:00) there are several options that cannot be substituted. For example, cheese, milk and rye crisps or only meat (chicken, fish).

Mirimanova calls for using scrubs, making physical exercise. Such a nutritional system can become a way of life and will help you monitor your figure without resorting to diets in the future.

Nutrition according to Dukan

The Dukan diet is a low-carbohydrate or no-carbohydrate diet. It will appeal to all lovers of meat, cottage cheese and other similar products. Many people value systematicity and consistency in it.

The entire diet is divided into several stages. The first, "attack", is aimed at quick loss extra pounds. This happens by eating exclusively protein foods. Next (“cruise” or “alternation”) we work to get closer to ideal weight. A small amount of carbohydrates is allowed here. A very important stage is “consolidation” - it will prevent the return of lost kilograms. And then - “stabilization” - according to the principles of this stage, Dr. Dukan suggests eating for the rest of your life.

In addition to water, you need to eat oat bran, which will help the gastrointestinal tract cope with the abundance of protein. Dukan also allows the use of sugar substitutes. He also regulates mandatory physical activity at each stage: from 20 to 30 minutes a day.

Protasov's diet

Another system will help you both quickly lose weight and cleanse your body of toxins - the Kim Protasov system. Its secret is simple: eat only raw vegetables.

You are also allowed to consume fermented milk products, 3 green apples and 1 boiled egg per day. The main thing here is to adhere to proportions: for every 70 percent of vegetables, consume 30 percent of protein. After two weeks, meat, chicken and fish are introduced into the diet.

The system is designed for 35 days (4 weeks), after which a systematic exit is recommended with the addition of one product per week, primarily vegetable fats (nuts and vegetable oil).

Nutritional supplements for weight loss

Currently, many complexes are offered to help lose weight: from fat-burning tea and coffee to entire complexes and calorie blockers.

You need to treat them with caution and not overuse them, otherwise you can easily undermine your health. In addition, it should be noted that with any diet and nutrition system it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes in order to support the body, for which any change in the usual eating pattern is a great stress.

The most gentle products that have a natural fat-burning effect:

  • ginger;
  • onion and garlic;
  • citrus fruits (grapefruit is best);
  • a pineapple;
  • green tea.

Physical activity at home

Any diet involves physical activity. If you neglect it, the body will lose weight, but will be saggy and ugly. In order to tighten your skin and tone your muscles, you don’t have to go to the gym. You can practice at home. We list the most accessible means of physical activity:

1) walking. It is necessary to walk in sufficient distance fast pace at least 25-30 minutes a day. You can use special devices, for example, Nordic walking poles;

2) jumping rope. 15 minutes of jumping will help tone your muscles and get rid of excess calories;

3) hoop, or hula hoop. Especially useful for those who struggle with excess fat at the waist;

4) morning jogging. They will help not only to lose weight, but also to tune in for the coming day;

5) yoga, or bodyflex - these are especially accessible techniques that will tidy up not only your figure, but also your inner world.

Additional procedures

The fight for beautiful skin during a diet is not only physical activity, but also all kinds of cosmetic procedures. It's no secret that if you lose weight with heavy weight, then troubles such as stretch marks or sagging skin may appear. The following procedures will help you avoid such problems:

1) “lose weight with soda.” Baths with this product are very effective and popular. The substances contained in soda will help remove water from the body and “accelerate” the metabolism. Attention! The procedure has contraindications: oncology, hypertension, pregnancy;

2) wraps. The usual one is suitable for them. You can apply both special products and natural ones to your body: honey, herbal and essential oils, clay, etc.;

3) scrubs. In addition to industrial ones, a scrub based on ground coffee is very effective: this product is able to activate processes in the subcutaneous layer, tighten the skin, give it tone;

4) creams. Cream with mumiyo is especially effective against stretch marks. It’s very simple to prepare: dissolve a piece of this valuable product in a jar of your favorite body cream;

5) massages. Perhaps this is the most effective remedy to combat sagging skin and cellulite. Especially if you need to achieve results in the shortest possible time.

There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

Many people, trying to lose weight quickly, use a variety of methods:

Playing sports,

Consumption of all kinds of dietary supplements,

Diets, etc.

Often this does not lead to positive results. Often one gives up already in the first weeks, there is not enough patience, etc. So what should you do?

How to lose weight fast at home and also without harm to health?

And is there a simple scheme for fighting fat?

Yes! Eat. Now I'll give you a few simple tips. At the same time, I say that there are no secrets - everything is banal and simple, and has been tested on more than one person.

How to lose weight quickly without harm to your health

Let's start with the simplest thing first. fast weight loss- from the daily routine.

Metabolism is often disrupted due to the lack of stability of the body's biological clock. Moreover - internal organs due to disruption of biological rhythms, they begin to work incorrectly, and, consequently, incorrectly absorb nutrients.

To make it clearer: your stomach, due to a violation of the food consumption schedule, can go away within 3 days, and disturbances in the biological rhythms of the liver require its complete restoration within 16 (!) days. You can imagine how your food is digested and processed in such situations. Even if it has been chewed a thousand times.

Develop a clear schedule for your life. It is clear that under the current conditions this is very difficult, but at least stick to a more or less certain daily routine, and that is already half the battle.

Your food. This is the second reason for your problems with weight and the ability to lose weight quickly.

However, don’t think that I’m going to talk about fat now. Yes, I will. But not negatively - fats are very necessary for the body, as a huge source of energy and more. I'm talking about the foods you consume on a daily basis - store-bought, unnatural foods and processed foods.

Try not to take groceries from the store at all.- with today's advances in biochemistry, these products are often no longer natural. And today no one really knows how various chemical additives affect the body. However, even the simplest observations indicate that chemistry has a detrimental effect on the body.

The same applies to foods loaded with hormones. For example, muscle growth hormone is added to chickens. As a result, men who regularly ate these chickens experienced enlargement of the pelvis and thigh muscles - just like women.

Avoid soda completely. Any. This will significantly help you lose weight quickly. Under no circumstances should you consume the recently fashionable biochemical liquids made in laboratories. Such liquids can cause unwanted changes in your body.

Drink natural water. Try to completely eliminate all flour products from your diet. Firstly, today bread is terrible in terms of nutritional additives, and secondly, ballerinas never eat flour.

Actually, there is no diet. How can you quickly lose weight without harm to your health? It's easy. Just you need to leave the table slightly uneaten, do not eat after 18.00, eat a lot, but little by little. And, most importantly, never eat before bed! Be it day or night. This is how sumo wrestlers gain weight.

Lead an active, mobile lifestyle. Don’t sit at home, and if you do, open the window and do household chores with physical activity. Stop smoking and drinking. Play sports. The best thing is to run in the mornings and evenings for half an hour at an average pace.

I have an average weight of about 100 kg, with a height of 176 cm. However, no one calls me fat - I transferred my tendency to be overweight to muscles and bones. And I feel great, having lost weight quite quickly.