How to quickly get rid of belly fat by strengthening your abdominal and lower back muscles. Methods for a tummy tuck: physical activity, exercises and wraps


If you decided to read this article in the hope that it will tell you some wonderful secret, knowing which, you will fall asleep with a cellulite tummy and wake up with abs no worse than those of some famous athlete, then you will probably be disappointed . And not only because such a technique does not exist in this article. But because it does not exist in nature at all. All these advertisements promising a flat stomach in a week are nothing more than lies designed to make you buy useless "couch" exercise equipment, which supposedly can be used almost in a dream.

Are you upset? No need. Yet, there is some benefit in this article. But the benefit is for those girls and women who intend to make efforts and not just believe in fairy tales. Yes, to get rid of belly fat and strengthen your abdominal muscles, you need to make an effort. But the question is how exactly to apply them so that exercises for training the abdominal and back muscles become more effective, and the result appeared faster. First, you should know that in order to shape your abdominal muscles, you need to train more than just the rectus abdominis muscle. It is necessary to do a whole set of exercises that involve all the so-called deep muscles. The transverse abdominal muscles are also important for beautiful abs. These horizontal abdominal muscles literally encircle your torso. So, if you correctly distribute efforts to achieve your goal, then as a result, you will get not only a beautiful tummy, which you won’t be ashamed to expose on the beach in hot weather, but also strengthen the lumbar muscles, sacrum and improve the general condition of the body.

As for the exercises, they are quite simple, but taken together they are very effective. These exercises may be called differently in different sources., but the point is not in the name, but in how focused they are on the main goal - a flat healthy stomach. As for the number of approaches and executions - a lot depends on individual characteristics. Ideally, of course, you should perform two sets of each exercise; each approach involves 10-15 repetitions. Working out two to three times a week (so that the break between classes is one day), you will be able to see the results of your work in 2-4 weeks. Moreover, not just anywhere, but on your own body. But don’t get too worked up right away. The main thing is the first step. So, let's move on to the exercises.

1. Lowering your legs

Initial position: you lie on your back, arms folded on your chest, legs straightened and raised up so that they are perpendicular to the floor, while your feet are parallel to the floor. Raise your head slightly off the floor so that you can see your hips. Then, while inhaling, lower one leg so that a few centimeters remain to the floor. Exhale and return your leg to the starting position. Then repeat the same with the second leg. It will be quite hard at first(especially do not lower your legs all the way to the floor when performing the exercise). To begin with, do 4-6 repetitions with bent legs, and then gradually increase their number to 10-15 and try to straighten your legs along the way.

2. Support lying on your forearms

Initial position: the body is turned face down; arms are bent at the elbows. You lie, but not on your stomach, but on your forearms in such a way that they are directed along the body, and your elbows are just under your shoulders. To make it a little easier, open palms can rest on the floor to increase the supporting surface area. The feet are positioned perpendicular to the floor, the legs are also straightened and the thumbs (or just toes) rest on the floor. Raise your head so that the line of the back of your head is a continuation of the line of your back and legs, and your face is parallel to the floor. Actually, this is the whole exercise. The task is to keep the body parallel to the floor (without sagging or raising the pelvis) for 15 to 20 seconds. To start, try doing 3 approaches. This exercise, borrowed, by the way, from yogis, is aimed not only at strengthening the abdominal muscles, but also at strengthening the lumbar region.

3. Bicycle

Initial position: You lie face up on the floor, legs straight, hands clasped loosely behind your head, elbows out to the sides parallel to the floor. Bend your right leg at the knee and bring your thigh as close to your chest as possible. At the same moment, slowly stretch your left elbow, turning it inward, towards your right knee. As soon as you feel slight discomfort, stop stretching. Stay in this position for a while, then return to the starting position. Repeat the same combination with your left leg and right arm. Remember - when performing this exercise, your back should bend, but not your neck!

4. Squat with leg raises

Initial position: you lie on your back, your legs are also straightened parallel to the floor. The arms are extended along the body, palms down. While trying to keep your back straight, simultaneously lift your legs and upper body so that your hands reach toward your knees and you balance on your tailbone. Hands, while rising, must still maintain a position parallel to the floor. Your body and legs should strive to form a "V" shape. Try to hold this position for just a couple of seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the floor. If this exercise is difficult for you (which is usually typical for beginners), you can bend your legs a little at the knees.

5. Gimlet

Initial position: You lie on your back with your arms parallel to the floor, palms down. The legs are also straightened and lie on the floor. Trying not to bend my legs, lift them so that they take a vertical position in relation to the floor and, accordingly, your body. Then, while also trying to keep your upper body motionless on the floor, try to lift your sacrum a little off the floor, tilting both raised legs to the right at the same time. Stay in this position for a little while. Then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise again just tilting your legs to the left when raising the sacrum.

Question how to remove belly fat is one of the most relevant among those who think about their physical fitness. This problem area worries both men and women, and it is not always associated with excess weight.

The article discusses the basic rules of how to remove belly fat and what methods are considered the most effective in the fight against belly fat. We also offer a ready-made set of exercises for the abdomen, which will help remove fat and strengthen the abdominal muscles.

How to remove belly fat: basic rules

Despite the fact that the Internet is replete with various tips on how to quickly lose belly fat, getting rid of any problem areas on the body essentially comes down to two basic requirements:

  1. reduction in total body fat percentage
  2. strengthening the corresponding muscles

To reduce your overall body fat percentage, you need to eat in a calorie deficit (consume fewer calories than your body can burn) so that the process of fat tissue breakdown begins. You can create a calorie deficit through dietary restrictions, increased exercise, high daily activity, or all three. Without reducing body fat, you will not get rid of belly fat.

The second factor that will help you lose belly fat is performing exercises to strengthen the muscle corset or in other words core muscles (abdominal and back muscles). Core exercises won't help you burn fat, but they will help tone your muscles, improve your posture, and tone your abs, which will ultimately transform your belly. But this only works in combination with an overall decrease in body fat percentage.

How to force your body to burn belly fat?

You can't force your body to burn belly fat. It is a mistake to think that by pumping up your abs, you remove your belly.. No! With the help of abdominal exercises, you strengthen the abdominal muscles, and the fat layer decreases throughout the body with a calorie deficit: on the face, on the arms, on the stomach, on the legs. No matter what exercise you do (or don't do), your entire body loses weight. (if there is a calorie deficit!), and with training you only work out the muscles. It is impossible to force the body to get rid of fat in the abdominal area; local fat burning does not exist.

At the same time, you can intensively train your muscle corset, and your arms and legs will lose weight faster. You will try to remove the belly, and the volume will go away from all parts of the body except the abdomen itself. This is normal and natural! Usually the problem area is the last to lose weight. How quickly you can lose belly fat largely depends on your body type, physiology and lifestyle. Some men and women, even with a low percentage of body fat, still have some fat in the lower abdomen.

What to do if you can’t get rid of your belly?

What to do if you have lost weight, your body has changed, but your belly still doesn’t go away? Or what to do if you are already in great shape, but still have a small tummy? There are frequent cases when it is not possible to lose belly fat even with a low percentage of body fat. My arms, hips, and buttocks are in perfect condition, but my small belly doesn’t want to go away. In this case, you can continue to lose weight and eventually achieve a flat stomach, but it is not certain that this will improve your overall body quality. Along with fat, you will also lose muscle mass throughout your body, which will ultimately lead to excessive thinness and not a beautiful figure.

When working on your body, it is important to understand that not everyone can achieve an absolutely ideal figure. Usually the problem area (and everyone has their own) very difficult to perfect. Yes, regular exercise and proper nutrition will improve your body, but better does not mean perfect. Don't get hung up on a small belly if you're already in good shape. Continue to train and eat in a calorie deficit, and continue to work on improving your figure. But don’t try to get rid of the problem area at any cost, If this will be to the detriment of the overall body composition.

1. In order to lose belly fat, it is not necessary to exercise. The most important thing is to eat in a calorie deficit. However, regular exercise will help you tone your muscles and tighten your stomach.. Also, exercises to strengthen the core muscles are the prevention of spinal diseases.

2. If you want to lose belly fat, try to eat right. Fatty, floury and sweet foods clog the intestines and are poorly digested, which also affects the appearance of the belly. Try to drink more water and visit the toilet regularly.

3. If you want to force your body to burn fat more intensely, then choose interval training for training, which combines both cardio exercises and exercises for body tone. Below we offer a ready-made exercise plan that is ideal for those who want to lose belly fat.

5. The stomach is most often a problem area for men. (except ectomorphs) and for girls with an apple body type. The principle of losing belly fat is the same in both cases, except for the fact that it is usually more difficult for girls to lose belly fat due to their physiology.

7. To increase fat burning and increase the effectiveness of training, you can add a fat burner.

8. The abdomen may appear due to indigestion. If you are prone to frequent bloating, then in addition to proper nutrition, do not overuse:

  • Starchy products (pasta, fresh bread, pastries, legumes, potatoes, corn, barley, rice)
  • Fiber-rich foods (bran, raw vegetables, fruits, berries)
  • Dairy products (for lactose intolerance)
  • Carbonated drinks

Of course, with moderate consumption of the listed products, a healthy person usually does not have problems with absorption.

9. If you cannot remove your belly after childbirth, then you may have diastasis - an increase in the distance between two sections of the rectus abdominis muscle. In this case, you cannot perform classic abdominal exercises; it is better to watch a special set of exercises on video:

10. If you can’t lose weight and get rid of your belly with proper nutrition and exercise, then perhaps hormonal system disorders are preventing you from doing so.

What methods are ineffective in the fight against belly fat:

  • Massages
  • Wraps
  • Special exercise machines for the abdomen
  • Corsets and waist belts
  • Training in polyethylene or films

If the first three points are simply useless in terms of getting rid of the belly, then the last two points are also dangerous to health. Remember that fat does not break down under external pressure. With massage and wraps, you can reduce the amount of water in the cells and actually reduce the volume of your belly a little. But this is temporary, after some time the water balance will be restored and the volumes will return.

How to lose belly fat: exercises + ready-made plan

We offer you a ready-made abdominal exercise scheme that will help you lose weight and tighten the problem area of ​​your body. In order for you to not only strengthen your abdominal muscles, but also speed up fat burning, combine cardio exercises with exercises to strengthen your core muscles. This type of interval training is most effective if you want to lose weight and remove belly fat.

The program will consist of four circles:

  • First round: cardio exercises
  • Second round:
  • Third circle: cardio exercises
  • Fourth circle: core strengthening exercises

Perform the exercises the specified number of times. Rest 15-30 seconds between exercises as needed. If you are an advanced practitioner, you can repeat each circle twice. If you are a beginner, reduce the number of repetitions, the number of exercises, or the number of circles. Be sure to warm up before training and cool down after training.

First round: cardio exercises

: 20-25 times

: 20-25 times (each side)

You can repeat this circuit with cardio exercises twice.

Second Circle: Core Strengthening Exercises

: 20-25 times

: 30-60 seconds

: 10-15 times (each side)

: 10-15 times (each side)

: 15-20 times (each side)

: 10-15 times (each side)

Third circle: cardio exercises

1. Half squat raise: 30-35 times

With a good figure, the stomach is flat or slightly protruding. But when the belly is large, it is not only unsightly, but also harmful to health. Due to the weakness of the abdominal muscles, the internal organs prolapse and the function of the stomach and intestines is disrupted. What needs to be done to strengthen the abdominal muscles and how to get rid of the belly?

First of all, you need to constantly ensure that the chest is always raised and the stomach is tucked. Women are advised to wear an elastic belt, men - a regular belt. If necessary, lose weight by limiting your diet and increasing your physical activity. And, be sure to perform special exercises for the abdominals. We offer a set of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles, which can be included in morning exercises.

Abdominal exercises:

Perform each exercise 12-16 times. Inhale in the starting position, exhale when you tense your abdominal muscles.

1. Lying or sitting, imitate the movements of a cyclist.

2.Lying or sitting, raise and lower your straight legs.

3. Lying or sitting, raise and lower one or the other leg - “scissors”.

4.Lying or sitting, raise your legs. Perform circular movements with both legs in one direction, then in the other.

5. Lying or sitting, legs apart. Perform circular movements with straight legs.

6.Lying on your back. Raise your straight legs behind your head and touch your toes to the floor, straighten your torso until you stand on your shoulder blades (birch tree exercise), then slowly lie down on your back again.

7.Lying on your back, hands, on the back of your head. Raise your head and shoulders, hold for 5-7 seconds, then lower.

8.Lying on your back. Sit down with your legs bent, then lie down.

9.Lying on your back. Sit with your legs apart, lean forward, then lie down with your legs together.

10.Kneel. Lean back without bending at the hip joints.

11.Lying on your stomach. Pull your abdominal wall as hard as possible, hold for 5-7 seconds, relax.

12.Get on all fours. Pull your abdominal wall, slightly arching your back, hold for 5-7 seconds, relax.

13. This exercise is more difficult, but also more effective. Raise your legs and pelvis while hanging on a bar or gymnastic wall. You can lift your legs bent first, and then straight legs later.

14. Throughout the day, periodically draw in the abdominal wall 5-8 times, allowing an interval of rest for 8-10 seconds. This exercise can be done at home, at work, in transport and while walking.

Abdominal exercises will be more effective if performed with a ball, small dumbbells or a gymnastic stick. Hold the object with your hands or feet.

All abdominal exercises are best performed to music, at an average tempo and without much tension.

Abdominal exercises.


1. Feet shoulder-width apart, move your arms to the sides, then lean forward, bring your arms together and try to touch them to the floor. Don't bend your knees. Straighten up to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times. When bending, exhale, when straightening, inhale.

2. Feet shoulder width apart. Raise your left leg forward and at the same time bring your arms forward, trying to touch the toe of the raised leg. Do the same with your right foot. Do exercises with each leg 6-8 times. Raising your legs - exhale, lowering - inhale.

3. Now lie down on the mat on your back. Extend your arms slightly, with your palms facing the floor. Leaning your palms on the floor, lift your straight legs up and lower them behind your head, trying to touch the floor with your toes, return to the starting position. Do this exercise 4-5 times. Lying down - inhale, lowering your legs behind your head - exhale.

4. Lying on your back, grab some support behind your head with your hands and make several smooth movements with your legs: right, left and circular movements. Perform each element of the exercise 2-3 times. Breathing is voluntary.

5. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, palms down. We perform circular movements with the hips (“figure eight”) to the sides - 20 times, then back and forth - 20 times. When you do this exercise every day, your waist will quickly appear.

6. Stand freely, make voluntary movements to shake the whole body. This exercise is especially useful for women.

Useful articles on the topic “Physical exercise”:

Do you dream of losing weight in your belly, getting rid of your sides and reducing your waist? Start doing exercises for a flat stomach at home today! To train your abs, you will need minimal equipment and some free space in the room. We are offering to you a selection of high-quality exercises for the abdominal muscles , which is guaranteed to help you tighten your abs and get rid of fat from the waist area.

Rules for performing exercises for abdominal muscles at home

1. If you want to achieve a flat stomach in a short time, then your workout should include Cardio exercises for burning fat and exercises for the entire muscle corset(stomach + back).

2. The workout plan for a flat stomach can be divided into two parts: cardio training (15-20 minutes) and abdominal exercises (15-20 minutes). The second part includes exercises for the abdomen on your back, standing, in a plank - at your discretion. It is advisable that the exercise program be as varied as possible.

3. The total time of such a set of exercises for the abdomen takes 30-40 minutes, you need to exercise 2 times a week. Of course, you can train more often or less frequently depending on your goals and problem areas.

4. If you want to lose belly fat faster, it is better to focus on cardio training. This is more effective for burning fat than just doing abs.

5. Belly fat is only burned when you eat within a calorie deficit. (you consume less food than the body spends on energy) . If you do not follow dietary restrictions, then you will not lose weight even with daily abdominal exercises.

7. If you want to work on your whole body, then check out our collections of effective exercises:

  • Top 50 most effective leg exercises at home
  • Top 20 arm exercises at home for women

Exercise plan for a flat stomach

We take a choice of exercises from those presented below. You can alternate exercises, swap them around or add new ones.

  • Cardio exercises(15-20 minutes): 5 exercises according to the scheme 30 seconds work - 30 seconds rest or 40 seconds work - 20 seconds rest, repeat the exercises in 3 circles, 1-2 minutes of rest between circles.
  • Standing exercises + back exercises
  • Planks + exercises lying on your stomach(10-12 minutes): 8-10 exercises according to the scheme 40 seconds work - 20 seconds rest or 50 seconds work - 10 seconds rest. After every fourth or fifth exercise, you can take a short break.

Cardio exercises for the abdomen

Cardio exercises for the abdomen will help you burn more calories, speed up your metabolism, start fat burning processes and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Cardio exercises are best done in interval mode, for example, 30 seconds of intense work + 30 seconds of rest (or in Tabata mode), this will help the workout be much more effective.

If you have health contraindications, simply do the exercises without jumping or running, while trying to maintain high speed. For example, instead of exercising simply pull your knees toward your chest in a plank position. The most important thing in cardio training is to maintain your heart rate in the fat-burning zone, and not to perform impact exercises.

8. Burpees (can be done without push-ups)

Exercises for abdominal muscles on the back

The most common exercises for a flat stomach are: exercises lying on your back– variations of crunches, leg lifts, pulling knees to chest, etc. The advantage of such exercises is that they help pump up the target abdominal muscles (rectus and obliques), which means making your stomach flat and toned.

Please note that these exercises for a flat stomach should be treated with special caution if you have problems with the spine. Various variations of crunches put stress on the back and lower back, so such exercises for the abdomen can aggravate the problem of the spine. If you experience pain while performing abdominal exercises on your back, then it is better not to practice them. Replace them standing abdominal exercises And slats(they will be discussed below).

2. Twisting with the foot touching the floor

5. Oblique twists to the leg

9. Bicycle with legs extended

Plank exercises for abdominal muscles


Exercises for abdominal muscles while standing

An excellent alternative to more traditional floor abdominal exercises are exercises that are performed in a standing position. When performing such exercises, there is less likelihood of incorrect back position, which means less risk of injury and exacerbation. To begin with, it is not necessary to perform exercises with dumbbells; you can start training without additional equipment.

4. Dumbbell Side Crunch

5. Tilts from dumbbells to the floor

10. Mill

Exercises for the abdominal, back and lower back muscles

This is another group of very effective exercises for the abdominal muscles. While doing them, you will also strengthen your back muscles and

A toned stomach is the dream of many. But just sitting and dreaming about it is not effective, but regularly doing a well-chosen course of exercises for the abdominal muscles is what you need. These exercises are selected for all abdominal muscles, effectively working them step by step, making your stomach flat and prominent.

So let's get started...

Exercises for the abdominal muscles:


This exercise for the upper abs is performed in a lying position, with your knees bent, your elbows out to the sides, and your hands behind your neck. Slowly raise your upper body. We also slowly lower ourselves to the starting position. The lower back should be pressed firmly against the floor throughout the exercise. You need to do this exercise for beautiful abs 50 times in three approaches.

Diagonal twist

In this exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles, the starting position will be the same as in the first. The twist should be done so that your left elbow touches your right knee, and your right elbow touches your left knee. You need to perform such exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles on each side 30 times in three approaches.

Reverse twist

This is the best exercise for the lower abs. Starting position - arms along the body, lying on your back. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your legs, then lift your pelvis as high as possible. When we reach the greatest possible tension in the abdominal muscles, we very slowly return to the starting position. We do this exercise for the lower abdominal muscles, 12 repetitions in 3 sets.

Double twist

This is an effective exercise for both the lower and upper abs. You need to lie on the floor, bend your legs at an angle of 45 degrees at the knees, and put your hands on your shoulders or move them behind your head. We raise our legs and head, slowly move them towards each other. We also slowly return to the starting position. We repeat this exercise for the abdominal muscles 25 times in three approaches.

"Let's put our feet up!"

We lie on our backs, legs straightened, and arms along the body. Raise your legs straight so that they form a right angle with your body. This is an exercise for the lower abs. We raise our right leg ten times, after which we hold it in the raised position for ten counts. We repeat the same for the left leg. We perform similar exercises for the lower abs at home, lying on your side. Such exercises for the lower abs can reduce your waist size. We repeat everything one more time.

"Abdominal vacuum"

This is one of the best exercises for strengthening the abs, which mainly targets the transverse abdominal muscles. To perform it, we stand on all fours and keep our back straight. Exhale completely, relax the abdominal muscles, and then draw in the stomach as much as possible. We breathe through our nose, do not hold our breath and continue to draw in our stomach. This is a static abdominal exercise, so you should then freeze with your stomach pulled in for 20 seconds and then relax. For beginners, you can do 12 repetitions of these exercises to develop your abs. We are gradually increasing their number to 25.


Also one of the best exercises for the abdominals, and very simple. Starting position - lying on your back, hands behind your head. We bend our legs at an angle of 45 degrees at the knees and imitate riding a bicycle. We do not lift our heads off the floor. The closer your feet are to the floor, the higher the effectiveness and intensity of this exercise for the abdominal muscles.


Starting position - lying on your back, arms extended behind your head. We raise our legs and body at the same time, trying to reach our knees with our forehead. Slowly return to the starting position. It is very important that your legs are straight and brought together throughout the entire exercise. These are also exercises for the upper abs, but they also develop the lower muscles. Perform them 10 times in three approaches. Then you can move on to a more complex version and perform exercises for the lower abdominal muscles and for the upper ones, when the legs and body are not completely lowered, but freeze approximately 15 centimeters from the floor, and after that the next twist is done.

These not the most difficult abdominal exercises need to be done diligently, and if you do them regularly and correctly, the results will not be long in coming.

Exercises for the lower and side press

  • Exercises for the lower abs are performed while lying on the floor. Place a folded blanket or small pillow under your head and make an angle of 30 degrees with your feet. When performing this exercise for the lower abs at home, keep your back straight. We hold in this position and make massaging movements with the ribs of our palms across the abdomen. When performing this exercise for the lower abs for women, we also make sure that the pressure is not excessively strong, and we choose the amplitude and tempo of the movements ourselves. The main task of this exercise for the lower abs at home is to warm up the layer of subcutaneous fat and muscles in the massage area. Time required for this lower abdominal exercise for girls to be beneficial: 15-20 seconds.
  • The next one, one of the best exercises for the lower abs, is performed with more powerful pressure. Using the knuckles or pads of bent fingers, we perform rotating movements, pressing on the stomach and trying to feel the tense muscles at this time. We start the massage on the right side of the hypochondrium, and after 15 rotations we gradually move to the left side, performing 10-15 movements during each movement. The time to perform this, one of the basic abdominal exercises, is 25-30 seconds. Then we lower our feet to the floor and relax. We rest for about a minute, then we get up and, slightly drawing in our stomach, tense our muscles and make 15 stroking circular movements with our palms in a clockwise direction. Lie down on your back again, relax and rest in this position for 3-5 minutes. When you have completed a set of exercises for the lower abs, breathing is voluntary.
  • A simple side press exercise. We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands behind your head, elbows bent. We suck in our stomach. We try to twist the right knee to the left elbow, pulling them towards each other. We pause and return to the starting position. We do the same physical exercise for the side press with the other leg and elbow.
  • Another exercise for the lateral abdominal muscles. Starting position - legs straight, lying on your back. Place your arms bent at the elbows on the floor, palms down. Bend your right leg at the knee, move it to the left, while strongly turning your hip, touching your knee to the floor.

These are the simplest side press exercises. In this set of exercises for the lower abs and lateral abs, each exercise should be repeated 15-20 times.

How to properly train your abdominal muscles

As mentioned above, performing static abdominal exercises and having a flat stomach is not only for beauty, but also for good health. Now you need to pay attention to the abdominal press, or more precisely, to its anatomical structure. There are three main types of muscles in the abdominal area: the external obliques, internal obliques and the rectus muscle, which consists of two parts. The six-pack is formed on the abdomen by tendons that run vertically along both halves of the rectus abdominis muscle. It is the rectus muscle that, in our understanding, is the abs, but this does not mean at all that you should only perform exercises for the average abs.

There is an opinion among people that it is easy and simple to pump up good abs. In reality this is not the case at all. To achieve a good result, you need to regularly perform the most difficult abdominal exercises and put in a lot of effort. Many people also believe that you can do exercises for the lower abs separately at home and separately for the upper abs, which is not entirely true. After all, during exercises, for example, for the lower abs, all muscles work, and with various exercises, for example, for the middle abs, you can only increase the load on this part to some extent. How do all the muscles work, and how to quickly pump up the abs, exercises will help with this? Athletes often distinguish three main groups: exercises for the lower abdominal muscles for girls, exercises for the upper part of the rectus abdominal muscle, and exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles.

To train the upper part, basic abdominal exercises are leg raises in a sitting position with emphasis on the arms. It is good to perform leg movements in the horizontal and vertical planes. This is an exercise for medium abs. Raising the body is also good; these exercises are performed on an abdominal bench. If you sit on a chair and fasten your legs below, and then tilt your torso back and return to the starting position, then these will also be exercises for the middle abs and the upper part.

Recommended effective exercises for the lower abs are leg raises while lying on the floor, hanging on a bar, or exercises on a press bench, also with leg raises. The simplest physical exercises for the lateral press are lateral bends, rotations, or lifting the legs up from a position lying on one's side. Exercises with a ball, a wheel and a roller are very effective.

And finally, a few rules that need to be learned before starting to use one of the sets of abdominal exercises:

  • So, if you have decided to pump up your abs with abdominal exercises for girls at home, first of all, determine the days and times to do a set of abdominal exercises for women. The best option for a good result is to do effective exercises for the abs and abdomen for an hour three times a week. All abdominal exercises for girls at home must be performed on an empty stomach in the morning. Do abdominal exercises for women at least three times a week, and the permissible maximum is every day. There is no need to do exercises to pump up your abs more often, because more repetitions does not mean that you will achieve a better effect and a beautiful belly faster.
  • When performing a set of abdominal exercises for women, proper breathing is of great importance. Exhalation should always accompany the culmination of the most tense state of the muscles. As you exhale, when performing exercises for perfect abs, tense your muscles and try to draw in the front wall of your abdomen as deeply as possible, while at the same time relaxing your ribs so that they fall down. And when you inhale while doing exercises to develop your abs, try not to relax your abdominal muscles. The abdominal wall should always be retracted. The abdomen swells more to the sides and upwards.
  • If your abs are sore after yesterday's ab workout, do it anyway. After the first ten repetitions, the pain will weaken, and maybe disappear completely. But if the pain is very strong and somewhat reminiscent of a toothache, you should reschedule the workout to another day.
  • When doing exercises to train your abs, don't overdo it. Every representative of the fair half of humanity dreams of an attractive belly, but everyone has their own concept of beauty. Someone wants, by doing the best abdominal exercises, to simply get rid of extra pounds and fit into their favorite outfit. Then you need to perform exercises to pump up your abs quickly and with many repetitions. If you want to pump up really elastic steel abs, then exercises for beautiful abs should be performed very slowly (so that the load is maximum). But the main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity; several approaches of abdominal exercises for women 10 times will be enough.
  • Before performing abdominal exercises, do at least a short warm-up. For example, dancing to music, jumping rope, etc. You should not use weights when performing exercises to pump up your abs. They contribute to the formation of bulky muscles, and this is not our goal. You can exercise with a fitness ball, wheel or roller. Do not perform abdominal strengthening exercises or any other exercises before bed or immediately after eating.
  • During abdominal exercises for women at home, keep it in constant tension. You need to carefully monitor the technique of performing effective abdominal exercises at home. The result will be much better if you do one of the most effective abdominal exercises 15 times correctly than 55 times carelessly.
  • You need to train intensively. Some instructors advise sparing yourself and assure that you can do it half-heartedly. Sure, you can, but only if you train and do the most effective abdominal exercises for fun. If you want to get a visible result, then you need to give your all, choosing and diligently doing the most effective abdominal exercises.
  • If you have never exercised before or are starting to exercise after a long break, begin to increase the number of repetitions of abdominal strengthening exercises gradually, starting with one approach (this is the recommended number of times, you need to do the exercise without rest), and gradually bring it up to four .
  • As practice shows, the best way to train the abs is a giant set, where several of the most effective exercises for the abs are done without stopping, one after another. After each such set, you can rest for one minute. It is recommended to perform exercises for the abdominal muscles at a fast pace with the maximum possible number of repetitions. At the end of the marathon, your abs should be burning. But such a giant set must be approached gradually, each time slightly increasing the intensity of lower abdominal exercises for women. When performing the most effective abdominal exercises, you should constantly concentrate on your own sensations and on the state of your abdomen, because its muscles must necessarily tense.

To have a beautiful figure and constantly keep your stomach in shape, you will have to set yourself up to do exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles every day, for at least 10 minutes.