Pump up your abdominal press using the vacuum technique. Narrow waist and sporty. Method of performing the “Vacuum” exercise

One of the most effective exercises for losing belly fat is a vacuum. It is both physical and respiratory. Despite its apparent simplicity, it has a complex technique, but with perseverance and patience, everyone can master it. In terms of effectiveness, it is not inferior to planks and crunches. Equally suitable for men and women. Anyone who dreams of a slim figure should include it in their workout plan.

Mechanism of weight loss

This exercise harmoniously combines physical activity on the abdominal muscles and breathing exercises aimed at enriching the body with oxygen. So it’s not surprising that many people choose a vacuum to lose belly fat. Its effectiveness, which is scientifically explained and confirmed by numerous positive reviews, is beyond doubt.

Abdominal pumping, crunches, planks, and various exercise machines work mostly with the superficial (rectus and oblique) muscles. They give a beautiful relief in the form of cubes and slightly tighten the stomach. Vacuum is a training of internal transverse and deep multifidus muscles. They allow you to become the owner of a seductive curve in the back, a completely flat stomach and graceful posture.

Educational program. The transverse muscle that is being worked is called the weightlifting belt, running from left to right. Its task is to hold the internal organs.

Vacuum breathing performed during exercise helps burn visceral fat in the abdomen, waist, and sides. It provides cells with additional portions of oxygen - the main participant in redox reactions, during which adipocytes are broken down. A person does not even suspect that its regular implementation leads to improved functioning of many organs and systems:

  • digestion: oxygen is responsible for the complete absorption of nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood;
  • liver: the respiratory organs additionally remove toxins from the body, facilitating its functions;
  • immunity, which is strengthened by increasing the vital activity of cells;
  • nervous system: exercise gives peace and tranquility.

Directly or indirectly, all this leads to persistent weight loss, especially against the background of regular training. And deep pumping of the abdominal muscles does not leave a single chance for fat to remain in this area.

You shouldn't expect rapid weight loss. Vacuum is an exercise that produces results after a while. Therefore, you need to be patient. By the end of the first month of training, the effect will already be noticeable, but a perfectly flat stomach can be achieved only after six months. Although this will depend on the initial condition of the abdominal muscles and the amount of fat in this area.

From the world of stars. The vacuum has another name - the Schwarzenegger exercise, since the famous Hollywood actor-bodybuilder is a true master of its implementation.


Since losing weight using a vacuum involves working with deep abdominal muscles, visceral fat and affects the functioning of vital organs, it is not available to everyone.

Absolute contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • recent cesarean section or any other abdominal surgery;
  • respiratory and cardiovascular diseases;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • menstruation;
  • obesity;
  • abdominal pain of any nature and origin;
  • elevated body temperature, acute illness;
  • neoplasms and inflammatory processes in the pelvic area and peritoneum;
  • pathologies of the biliary tract.

A relative contraindication is the postpartum period. First, you need to wait for the lochia to stop and consult with the supervising gynecologist whether it is possible to begin such serious training. This precaution is due to the fact that powerful vacuum breathing stimulates the uterus and can slow down its recovery after childbirth.

Our guide will tell you how to remove a stretched and sagging belly after childbirth without harming your own health.

With the world - one by one. Vacuum is a kind of remake of the yoga exercise Uddiyana bandha (another name is abdominal lock).

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of a vacuum is its high efficiency and versatility. It can be done anywhere and anytime. No sports equipment or special clothing is needed. It is also valued for the beneficial effects it has on the body:

  • massages organs;
  • normalizes digestion, stimulates peristalsis, tidies up the stool;
  • improves metabolism;
  • removes waste from the body;
  • reduces volumes;
  • burns visceral fat;
  • strengthens abdominal muscles;
  • straightens posture, relieves pain syndromes in the spine;
  • prevents the formation of hernias.


  • a large number of contraindications;
  • complex execution technique;
  • achieving results takes too long: sometimes you have to wait six months or even longer;
  • feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • side effects.

Despite all the effectiveness of vacuum, trainers and doctors warn about side effects and complications when it is performed regularly against the background of existing contraindications - even visceroptosis.

What is the risk of sucking in the abdomen for weight loss: a wasp waist or health problems? The answer can be read at.

The main disadvantage of this exercise is high intra-abdominal pressure. With obesity, it itself is high, and the vacuum increases it even more, which leads to sad consequences:

  • injuries of the distal esophagus;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease.

To avoid such consequences, you need to observe contraindications, perform it correctly and be constantly monitored by doctors.

Through the pages of history. The vacuum was first demonstrated by Frank Zane, an American bodybuilder who in the late 70s of the last century was a three-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title.

There is no need to exhaust yourself. It is impossible to perform a vacuum by force until severe muscle pain appears.

You need to start with 5-10 seconds of holding your breath with your stomach pulled in, and then increase the time by 5 seconds every day. Vacuum breathing exercises are performed in several approaches with an interval of 40 seconds.

The effect of the exercise after 2 months

All exercises for losing belly fat (and vacuum is no exception) are performed on an empty stomach. At least 2 hours should pass after the last meal. Do it twice a day - immediately after waking up and shortly before bed. The greatest benefit can be achieved if you include it in a set of exercises (ours will help you choose separately for men or women). However, with a certain amount of time pressure for constantly busy modern people, this is a real godsend, because you can suck in your stomach anywhere and whenever it’s convenient - while driving a car, during a break at work, in the kitchen. You can do this in the morning without even getting out of bed.

In the first 2 weeks after starting the exercise, you may experience dizziness, drowsiness and lethargy during the day, even with full sleep. This is due to the saturation of cells with additional portions of oxygen. These side effects will soon disappear. But tingling in the muscles (and throughout the body, not just the abdomen) indicates an incorrect technique. Watch video tutorials, master classes, read the instructions again on how to do it without harm to your health.

Don't forget that when losing weight, it is extremely important to improve your diet. Even if you perform the vacuum correctly every day and meticulously, but at the same time overeat fast food and chips, washing them down with carbonated drinks or beer, your stomach will not become flat and beautiful. You don't have to go on a diet. All that is required of you is to gradually reduce your daily caloric intake to your norm (it can be calculated by) and give up unhealthy foods.

Regular training will also help improve results. It could be a simple exercise, or a morning run, or dancing, or working out in the gym - anything that will burn calories and fat. If the most problematic area is the stomach, it makes sense to choose a set of exercises specifically for pumping up the abs (see) and include a vacuum in it. The result will exceed all expectations.

Lifehack. Half an hour before and after the vacuum, you should not even drink water.

Vacuum breathing

By looking at the pictures that show how to make a vacuum correctly, you cannot master the technique of doing it. They do not fully demonstrate how to breathe. And without this, you will not see a flat stomach and a wasp waist. Therefore, you first need to learn this art using video tutorials or detailed text instructions.

Option 1 is the most common:

  1. Take a deep and slow breath through your nose.
  2. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds. Feel the tension in your abdominal muscles.
  3. A strong, energetic, but equally deep exhalation through the mouth to completely empty the lungs of air.

Option 2 - from the breathing program for weight loss:

  1. Form your lips into a tube, as if for a kiss. Slowly release all the air from your lungs through them.
  2. Take a noisy and sharp breath through your nose.
  3. Without holding your breath, exhale through your mouth as quickly as possible until you hear a loud “groin” sound.

As soon as you exhale completely, proceed to the main exercise - pull your stomach towards your spine, according to the chosen technique. At the same time, his muscles should be as tense as possible. Don't make the typical mistake of not relaxing them as you exhale.

In the middle of the exercise, a short breath is taken through the nose so that the lungs feel the air in themselves and have the strength to continue.

Ends with a deep, slow and noisy exhalation through the mouth.

In large cities there are special training centers that teach proper breathing - for the treatment of pulmonary diseases, weight loss and simply improving the health of the body. If yours has one, you should start with it.

Advice from a specialist. Breathing gymnastics trainers advise you to first master bodyflex. First, this system will begin the process of weight loss. Secondly, it will speed up results.

Exercise options

You can learn how to perform the vacuum exercise for losing belly fat at home. Few people succeed the first time, but regular and persistent attempts will lead to the desired result. To master his technique, you need to watch several video tutorials. If mistakes are made during classes, this can not only negate their entire effect, but also harm your health.

The exercise comes in four main variations. Each of them is worth mastering separately. Once you have learned how to do one perfectly, after a while you can move on to another, more complicated one. This will allow you to strain your muscles to the maximum and prevent them from adapting to the load.

Lying down

  1. Spread on the floor. Lie on his back. Relax.
  2. Bend your knees. Extend your arms along your body.
  3. Perform vacuum breathing described above.
  4. After completely emptying the lungs, straining the abdominal muscles, pull it in as much as possible, trying to bring it closer to the spine. It should appear that the navel has temporarily moved to the back.
  5. Hold your breath for 15 seconds. At first this will be impossible, so you can reduce this time to the best of your ability. But strive for exactly this figure.
  6. Through your nose, take a small, shallow breath in with an incomplete chest, only slightly filling your lungs with air, without relaxing your abdominal muscles.
  7. Feel their tension again and hold in this position for another 15 seconds.
  8. Exhale deeply through your mouth while simultaneously relaxing all muscles.
  9. Release the stomach as slowly as possible, without sudden jerks.

Beginners perform 3 approaches at intervals of 40 seconds, more experienced - 5 approaches.

On a note. In the first six months after birth, the vacuum is done with a breath hold of no more than 5 seconds to avoid uterine tone.


About 2 weeks after mastering the vacuum while lying down, you can improve it by performing it while standing.

  1. Stand up straight: back straight, look straight ahead, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed along the body.
  2. Here it is important to achieve complete relaxation of the body, which in the first version was achieved through posture. And here you have to work yourself: your knees should be soft, your shoulder blades should not be tight, your buttocks should not be tense.
  3. We repeat exactly the instructions for the previous version, starting from the 3rd point.

You need to do at least 5 approaches with an interval of 40 seconds.

Note. For some, the standing vacuum is the most difficult of all. If you feel that you cannot fully perform this exercise, move on to the next option, and you will return to this at the very end of your weight loss program. There is nothing wrong with this: trainers explain this phenomenon by the individual anatomical features of the body.


This option is more complicated, as it involves the work of the back muscles (you will lose weight in it at the same time, if required).

  1. You will need a stable chair with a hard seat without a back.
  2. Sit on it, put your hands on your hips, bend your knees at an angle of 90°.
  3. Look straight ahead without letting your chin rest on your chest.
  4. Then follow the instructions for the first exercise, starting from point 3.

You need to perform 5 repetitions at intervals of 40 seconds. The peculiarity of this option is that at a certain moment the tension in the back will be so strong that you will want to lean back and rest against something. Beginners are not always able to cope with this desire. Therefore, choose a stable chair to avoid falling. Or, at first, protect yourself by choosing a chair with a back.

In addition to losing belly fat, this option helps with back pain of any origin.

On knees

The most complex version of the vacuum, but the most effective. It is recommended to switch to it only after completely mastering the previous practices.

  1. Get on all fours. Elbows and knees are at right angles. The spine is straight, without deflections. Look at your own hands without raising your head.
  2. In this stance, special attention is paid to the chest: it should be straightened, nothing should interfere with breathing.
  3. Repeat the first instruction, starting from the third point.

Option for professionals

Sometimes athletes also need to lose weight and pump up their stomach in a special way. In this case, the trainers invite them to try the combined exercise “Plank + vacuum”.

  1. Lay out a fitness mat on the floor. Lie on his stomach. Relax.
  2. Perform vacuum breathing.
  3. Rise up on your elbows. Hands under shoulders. The pelvis is tucked in.
  4. Pull your stomach in as far as possible.
  5. Lock in.
  6. Exhale, straighten your stomach, lower yourself onto the mat.

The number of repetitions and duration of fixation is determined.

Vacuum is popular both among bodybuilders who form six-pack abs, and among “fit girls” who demonstrate perfectly smooth and flat stomachs. If this is your problem area, be sure to master this exercise to lose weight and correct it.

Vacuum pumping equipment is widely used to solve a variety of problems on a domestic and industrial scale. Units of this kind are used primarily for pumping out vapor and gaseous substances.

The equipment in question is very convenient, but its cost is unacceptable for many potential users. But craftsmen found a way out of this situation by learning to assemble vacuum pumps on their own, mainly adapting other equipment for this purpose.

Before you start making your own vacuum pump, familiarize yourself with the basic operating principles and types of such devices.

The mechanism of action of the equipment is based on creating a vacuum. Depending on the purpose, the equipment in question is classified into low-, medium-, high- and ultra-high vacuum pumps.

In everyday life, the simplest home-made designs are usually used, made on the basis of ordinary pumps, compressors and other equipment suitable for these purposes.

Find out how to choose, and also consider the main selection criteria, from our new article.

The vacuum pump is made from an ordinary lip pump used by car owners. You can even use a simple bicycle pump or other similar device as a basis.

There is no need to use complex technological techniques and special equipment. Converting a car pump into a full-fledged vacuum equipment is carried out in several stages.

First step. Disassemble the original pump.

Second step. Rotate the car pump cuff 180 degrees. By changing the position of the cuff, air will not be pumped into the container, but drawn out of it. Such equipment is perfect for solving various problems that do not require the creation of a deep vacuum.

Third step. Reassemble the unit in the reverse order of disassembly.

Fourth step. Install the check valve. To solve this problem, you can use a valve that takes part in the transfer of air from the injection compressor to the container (aquarium). This valve must be installed between the hose and the pump itself.

This completes the simple household pump. Provided that all the given steps in the manual are carefully and correctly followed, ensuring sufficient tightness of each interface, and selecting a suitable high-quality plastic valve, such a simple vacuum unit will be able to suck out up to 75-85% of the total volume of air. For comparison, for a vacuum cleaner this parameter is many times lower.

Liquid ring pump

Belongs to the category of low-vacuum pumping equipment. The design consists of a housing with plates installed inside. The plates are attached to the rotor. When the plates are immersed in a liquid (most often water), its volume changes.

During the operation of the equipment, conditions are created that are sufficient to ensure a 90-95 percent vacuum. To increase the indicator, you need to replace the water with another liquid that has a higher boiling point, and ensure cooling of the pumped air.

Among the advantages of such a vacuum pump, it is necessary to highlight its high service life, ensured by the absence of rubbing seals and the extreme simplicity of the design.

But the water ring unit also has a number of disadvantages, namely:

  • the need to organize the collection and recycling or recycling of lost working fluid with the inclusion of waste gases;
  • the need to regularly replenish the volume of working fluid in the equipment;
  • the need to ensure cooling of the liquid used to reduce the pressure of the resulting vapors.

Assembling a liquid ring vacuum pump takes just a few simple steps.

First step. Prepare an appropriately sized enclosure. The pump body must be cylindrical.

Second step. Place the shaft with the impeller attached inside the housing. The wheel should be equipped with relatively small blades.

Third step. Ensure the supply of working fluid to the pump housing. The liquid must be supplied so that the blades rotate under its influence. The generated centrifugal force will force the liquid to flow towards the walls of the housing, and a vacuum will be created in the center of the device.

Such pumps are usually used in agriculture and manufacturing; in a city apartment they are unlikely to be of any use, but the owner of a private house may find such a unit useful.

Find out how to do it correctly, and also familiarize yourself with the nuances of the equipment from our new article.

Modification of an aquarium compressor

If you need to ensure a higher vacuum level, you can use equipment based on a household compressor capable of pumping air under high pressure.

There are no difficulties in converting an aquarium compressor. The areas of use of such devices are quite multifaceted. For example, some owners use such pumps to eliminate the specific aroma that arises during the distillation of alcohol.

Also, this kind of vacuum pumps are suitable for performing various kinds of experiments, during which a certain vacuum must be created in distillation cubes and various fermentation tanks.

First step. Unscrew the fastenings from the housing of the compressor you are using. A screwdriver will help you with this.

Second step. Disassemble the assembly inside the compressor, which contains an element with valves.

Third step. Saw off the corner of the housing in a place convenient for connecting the pump hose. Reassemble the compressor assembly mentioned in the reverse order and insert it into the housing in accordance with the prepared hole.

Fourth step. Prepare a hole in the bottom wall of the part to remove condensation and water that accidentally penetrates inside.

Fifth step. Set up a system for removing gases from the vacuum pump. To do this, use glue and a tube of suitable sizes.

As a result, a device assembled in reverse order will pump out air instead of pumping it in.

With the vacuum created by such equipment, it will be possible to reduce the boiling point of working fluids.

At the same time, be sure to take into account the fact that in the process of performing such work, the resulting vapors will pass through the unit, which is categorically undesirable. Therefore, the system must include a sump tank and a receiver - they will help dry the air.

The procedure for using a vacuum pump will be discussed using the example of pumping water from an aquarium. In general, the features of using such equipment remain almost the same for most situations.

Prepare the necessary equipment. You will need:

  • pump core;
  • tee;
  • nozzle and fitting.

Insert the nozzle into the tee hole. You can first make it from a tube of a suitable size. Next, you need to screw the fitting onto the faucet with a pre-threaded thread, and then tighten the length of the hose. It is not recommended to use a hose longer than 100 mm.

Prices for popular compressors

After this, you need to insert the pump core into the second end of the hose. On the opposite side of the pump core, connect a short hose to drain the liquid into the sewer.

Connect the hose to the main outlet of the plastic tee, and then run the connected hose into a container of water.

In this case, it is necessary to attach an aquarium siphon to the end of the hose to prevent the earth from being drawn into the vacuum unit.

As a result, the system will work in the following order:

  • you open the tap;
  • water enters the system;
  • a vacuum is created in the hose;
  • water is pumped out of the aquarium.

After the required amount of liquid has been pumped out, all you have to do is turn off the flow of liquid using the tap and remove the siphon from the container.

Find out and also consider ways to use it in our new article.

Now you have an idea of ​​how to independently manufacture various models of vacuum pumps. The information obtained will allow you to make a pump on your own and save quite a significant amount on the purchase of a ready-made factory-made device.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself vacuum pump

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One of the decisive factors that motivates you to finally take up fitness is a belt that is difficult to fasten and a belly hanging over it. The reasons for weakening abdominal muscles are different - pregnancy in women, love of beer in men, poor diet and sedentary work for everyone. When talking about improving your figure, they often say the phrase -. This once popular exercise - raising and lowering the body with fixed feet - has long been removed from the arsenal of fitness programs, since it did not so much strengthen the muscles as it overloaded the spine and increased intra-abdominal pressure. The most common modern exercises for the press are various exercises that create stress for the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. At the same time, many, not without reason, believe that strength exercises, for all their proven effectiveness for burning fat and strengthening muscles, often do not lead to the desired result - a decrease in waist size and a retracted abdominal wall. Rolls of fat are replaced by strong, bulging muscles, which is, of course, much better than a sagging belly, but does not save you from the visual effect of a massive figure. This occurs because body fat is divided into two types. The first is associated with a high content of adipose tissue in the body. These are soft folds on the sides and abdomen, which are well dried out by fat-burning exercises. The second type is visceral fat surrounding the internal organs, which can be covered on top by fairly strong muscles. In this case, a bulging tummy is observed even in thin people, and its sagging is associated with a weakening of the transverse or encircling muscle, which is located under the rectus abdominis and is responsible for retracting the abdominal wall. The best exercises for strengthening the transverse muscle and for reducing the visceral fat layer are uddiyana bandha and nauli, which come from the practice of yoga, which are performed as follows: with a strong exhalation, rest your palms on your hips, bend your knees, tilt your head and pull the relaxed stomach towards the spine and under the ribs. Then you should press your chin to your chest, tense your perineum and hold your breath for as long as possible. To further work out the abdominal wall in this position, nauli is also performed - alternating tension of the abdominal muscles in the transverse direction. Vacuum in the stomach on your knees, on all fours and sitting (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
This technique formed the basis of exercises that have the general name “vacuum in the abdomen.” They are performed lying down, on all fours, sitting, standing. The basis for the effectiveness of the “vacuum” is the correct breathing technique. The most commonly recommended breathing technique is the bodyflex breathing technique - after exhaling completely, take a quick and full breath in through the nose, then exhale sharply and noisily through the mouth. At this moment, the abdominal wall and all internal organs should seem to shift under the ribs. After holding your breath, the abdominal wall is returned to its previous state and breathing is restored. The simplest version of the “vacuum in the stomach” exercise is to lie on your back, bend your knees and stretch your arms along your body. Having felt the work of the internal muscles well, they move on to performing a “vacuum” in a position with outstretched legs. The next stage of muscle strengthening is to draw in the abdomen while standing on all fours - this is a very effective exercise for women, as well as drawing in the abs while lying on the stomach. Bodybuilders prefer to perform the “vacuum” while standing or bending over with support. Retracting the abdomen while sitting is considered one of the most difficult, but it is indispensable for office workers and, moreover, is almost invisible to others.

When trying to lose weight, it can be very difficult to remove the hated fat deposits in the abdominal area. Abdominal pumping does not always allow you to achieve the desired results.

During physical activity, only the superficial muscles (rectus and oblique) work. But hidden deep in the muscle corset is the transverse abdominal muscle. It is she who is responsible for a narrow waist, a healthy back and correct posture.

Vacuum abdominal exercises were also used by bodybuilding athletes. Men acquired a triangular back shape (waist, chest, shoulders), and women acquired a tightened corset. Such trends in yoga as nauli and uddiyana bandha gave rise to the vacuum technique.

The essence of the vacuum exercise, its features

The best time to practice is in the evening before bed or in the morning on an empty stomach. The stomach should be completely empty.

Proper breathing is the basis of the exercise. To begin, take a deep breath.

As you exhale, the front wall of the abdomen approaches the spine as closely as possible. In this case, the abdominal organs are pushed under the ribs.

Basic moments:

  1. When choosing a position (lying, sitting, standing, on all fours), you need to understand that The more difficult the execution is, the more effective it is.
  2. The muscles retract as much as possible only after a thorough exhalation of oxygen.
  3. The time you hold your breath is individual for everyone. You shouldn’t over-exert your body, but you shouldn’t allow yourself any indulgences either. When doing the next approach, each time try to increase the fixation time.
  4. Do not suddenly drop your stomach after finishing the complex. The transverse muscle should always be toned during training.
  5. The load should also be approached personally. Some will prefer to do 2 sets (in the evening and in the morning) of 35 repetitions each. Others, by reducing the quantity, will complicate the technique.

Vacuum exercises: contraindications

Such loads are contraindicated for pregnant women. Diseases of the stomach (gastritis and ulcers), thyroid gland, frequent fainting, postoperative recovery period of 1-2 months, menstruation are also grounds for refusing this technique.

You should exercise with caution if you have heart or lung disease. You need to listen carefully to your body.

How to properly perform vacuum exercises for the abdomen

To achieve maximum effect when performing the exercise, you must follow the following recommendations:

In addition to the tightening effect, vacuum exercises for the abdomen help remove waste and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • lying position is ideal for beginners;
  • the chest is straightened, the shoulder blades are connected;
  • no need to rush, movements are smooth;
  • parallel to the exhalation, the stomach is drawn in and shallow breathing through the nose is allowed;
  • for the first time, to hone your skills, it will be useful to look at yourself in the mirror.

It is important to know! The minimum breath holding time is 10-15 seconds. Otherwise, all actions are useless. Vacuum exercises will have a tightening effect on the abdomen only if they are performed regularly and the time spent holding the position increases each time.

Classic version of the exercise, step-by-step instructions

Vacuum exercises for the abdomen are most popular in a horizontal position (lying on your back). In this case, you need to choose a flat surface, your arms hang along the body, your knees bent, shoulder-width apart, your head and foot do not come off the floor.

To control your actions, you can leave your hands on your stomach.

Exercise steps:

  1. Release the air from your lungs. There are 2 methods. The first is a deep, leisurely exhalation, the second is Bodyflex technology. According to the second method, after exhaling measuredly through the nose, you need to swallow as much air as possible and push it out sharply.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Pull them towards the spine, while the stomach tends to the subcostal space.
  3. This Fix the position and hold for the recommended time.
  4. Don't relax your stomach take a little air into your lungs.
  5. Relax, restore normal breathing to complete the next cycle.

Note! Talking while performing the exercise is not allowed. Lack of air can lead to unpleasant consequences. The complex must be carried out in a well-ventilated area. Constant concentration strengthens the neuromuscular connection between the human brain and the transverse muscle.

Vacuum while sitting on a chair: how to do it

This method is the most difficult. Abdominal stabilizing muscles prevent vacuum from forming. There is an additional load on the muscles that support the spinal column at the back.

Many bodybuilding athletes know how to perform a vacuum correctly, among them Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Only a backless chair or stool is suitable for training. And to complicate vacuum exercises for the abdomen, you can also sit on a fitball:

  1. Starting position - sitting, back straight, legs at right angles, palms on knees, chin pointing down.
  2. Exhale slowly through the mouth. As you pull in your abdominal muscles, fill your lungs with air through your nose.
  3. If you feel that you won’t be able to draw in any more, stop. It is advisable to stay in this state for about 1 minute.
  4. Then, with sharp pushes, release the air in the lungs and try to draw in the stomach even more. Fix for 15-20 seconds and take a break.

Carefully! If the exercise is accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity, you should stop immediately.

Vacuum on all fours: exercise technique

In this position, the difficulty lies in overcoming the force of gravity, which so inexorably pulls the stomach down. Because of this, you should not only apply more diligence than in a lying position, but also achieve high results.

Step by step technique:

  1. Get on all fours, arms straight, slightly wider than shoulders, neck relaxed, head down.
  2. Inhale slowly, exhale the same.
  3. The belly tends to the spine, the back is round.
  4. Hold your breath for 15-30 seconds, then inhale and relax your muscles.

Do 3-5 repetitions in one workout. If performed regularly, extend the fixation time to 1 minute.

How to perform a vacuum while standing

Performed with or without support (difficult option). Your back is straight, your hands are on your hips, your legs are slightly bent at the knees and placed at shoulder level.

Execution steps Actions
Step #1Take a deep, controlled breath through the nose. Let as much air into your lungs as possible.
Step #2Exhale slowly, the navel seems to be glued to the back.
Step #3Hold the position for 10-20 seconds. Exhale in sharp bursts. Simultaneously with the release of oxygen, pull in the stomach as much as possible.
Step #4Hold the abdominal vacuum for another 5-10 seconds. After the exercise, relax your muscles.

Strength and cardiological training alternate perfectly with vacuum. The repetition is carried out only with a feeling of incomplete exhalation and a calm state of the body.

Vacuum exercises: what result to expect

After 30 days of daily exercise, the first successes in losing weight in the waist area will already be visible.


  • the hanging, voluminous belly disappears;
  • are in good shape, internal organs are gently massaged;
  • the power of the transverse muscles increases;
  • pain in the lumbar region stops;
  • the waist narrows;

  • the amount of visceral (internal) fat on the internal organs becomes smaller;
  • beautiful, correct posture;
  • enrichment of the whole body with oxygen;
  • acceleration of metabolism and removal of accumulated toxins from the body;
  • preventing the occurrence of hernias and organ prolapse.

Advice from professionals to achieve maximum effect

With the development of bodybuilding, the “vacuum” abdominal exercise appeared in the early stages. Frank Zane is credited as the originator, while Arnold Schwarzenegger and Corey Everson brought it to the masses. The well-known “terminator” made it difficult to draw in the abdomen while exhaling by twisting.

Corey Everson

The following tips will be useful for beginners:

  • constantly improve execution technique;
  • do not take breaks, dexterity will be lost;
  • The stomach will not become perfect without following the correct technique.

For a more visual representation of how to apply this technique, a video was recorded.

By tightening the natural corset of the body with the help of simple exercises, you can eventually get rid of hanging folds over clothes forever.

Flat, toned abs are achieved by vacuum loading without pumping. In combination with a healthy, proper diet, focusing on vegetables and fruits and excluding fatty foods from the diet, the curves of the waist will acquire beautiful outlines.

Abdominal vacuum exercise: useful video:

Vacuum exercises for the abdomen. How to do it correctly:

Every woman's dream is a thin waist and a flat stomach. To turn your dream into reality, there are well-known measures: live in the gym, go on a diet. But this set of measures does not contain the main thing - properly organized work of the internal abdominal muscles. This is achieved through vacuum, borrowed from Kriya Yoga. Vacuum is one of the most useful practices of Hatha Yoga. In this article we will look at how to do the vacuum exercise correctly in order to get closer to your dream figure.

Lack of a waist and a sagging belly make people look differently at themselves and their health. A protruding belly is a common problem for both female athletes and skinny people. Although it seems that there are no prerequisites for its appearance. We are not talking about fat, but about weak muscles that support the volume of the abdominal cavity. To get rid of this problem, use a vacuum.

Why abs aren't enough

In the human body there are four groups of muscles that form the abs: rectus, oblique (internal and external), and the deepest - transverse. They are interconnected and each of them is involved in supporting the spine.

Traditional abdominal exercises keep the obliques and rectus abdominis muscles tight. They provide body movement and are responsible for the relief of the figure, the desired cubes. The task of the transverse muscles is to support the internal organs and spine in a natural position. This muscle group is responsible for the fact that the waist is narrow and the stomach is reduced in volume.

Normal abdominal training is useful, but only exercises for developing the transverse abdominal muscles give a “flat” result.

Indications and contraindications

In addition to losing weight and strengthening underdeveloped abdominal muscles, the vacuum has an overall healing and positive effect on the body:

  • the functioning of internal organs improves
  • improves digestion and bowel function
  • blood supply improves
  • strengthens the lumbar region
  • the body is cleansed of toxins
  • posture is corrected
  • metabolism accelerates
  • has a parasympathetic (calming) effect on the nervous system by stimulating the vagus nerve
  • serves as a prevention of prolapse of internal organs or therapy for their prolapse
  • strengthens the deep back muscles, promotes traction of the lower spine

Contraindications to vacuum:

  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • problems of the genitourinary system
  • stomach ulcer
  • menstruation
  • postoperative period

If pain occurs when performing, then the vacuum should be done with a small amplitude, performing 1-3 times a day. For regular pain, it is better to consult a doctor.

Execution technique

From the outside, the vacuum technique looks very simple. You need to pull your stomach “into yourself” as much as possible to the limit, and hold it motionless for 20-30 seconds. In yoga, what everyone calls vacuum is called uddiyana bandha.

The vacuum is performed in the morning on an empty stomach. We draw in the stomach after a deep exhalation. At this time, the anterior wall of the abdomen is pressed against the spine, and the internal organs are displaced into the hypochondrium.

Lying down practice: for beginners

Peculiarities. Beginners who decide to shorten the anterior wall of the stomach are advised to start by practicing while lying down.

How to do it:

  1. Lie on your back, relax, bend your knees, arms along your body or on your stomach
  2. Exhale slowly without straining your body muscles
  3. After exhaling deeply, tighten your abdominal muscles and pull them in as much as possible. There should be a feeling of “false inhalation”, without air entering
  4. Mentally imagines the picture: the stomach is “glued” to the spine. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds
  5. After inhaling a little, without relaxing your muscles, repeat the exercise five times. At the end, push your stomach out without inhaling air, hold for a couple of seconds and release
  6. Relax, breathe easy

Traditionally, holding your breath is 20-30 seconds, but beginners are unlikely to manage it longer. Therefore, reduce the duration of the exercise to 15-20 seconds. Don't torture your body if you feel you're not ready for long delays.

All comes with experience. Inhale at the first discomfort.

Regularity is the basis of the path

Peculiarities. When the vacuum for beginners has been mastered, you can move on to the standing exercise.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body or palms resting on hips
  2. Exhale through your mouth
  3. Take a deep breath and at the same time tilt your body forward, bending your knees. Lower your head and tuck your chin tightly to your chest. Keep your eyes straight
  4. Then exhale forcefully and draw in your stomach. The exhalation should be loud and rhythmic, similar to the sound: “haaaaa”
  5. Hold for 20-30 seconds
  6. Inhale slowly
  7. During a short relaxation pause, restore your breathing and perform four more repetitions.

Keep your back straight during the exercise. If performed correctly, you will feel that the internal organs have risen to the ribs. In fact, this is what happens: the abdominal muscles contract as you exhale, and during the “false inhalation” the chest expands and the muscles are drawn into the diaphragm.

Making the workout more difficult: on your knees

Peculiarities. This is a more advanced option for experienced practitioners. For those who easily perform the first two methods. It is considered difficult due to the fact that, according to the laws of physics, the body is pulled down.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: kneel, place your hands on your knees. Then lower your body to a sitting position, but so that the distance from the buttocks to the heels is 20 cm. Your back is straight.
  2. Exhale slowly through your mouth
  3. Then inhale through your nose and pull in your stomach for 20-30 seconds.
  4. After a sharp exhalation, draw your stomach in deeply again.
  5. Repeat the exercises five times

Daily execution

The effectiveness of the vacuum depends on the frequency of execution. Make them regular. Work them into your schedule gradually. During the day there should be at least two or three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions with a duration of muscle contractions of 15 seconds. If you continue in the same mode, then in two months you will get rid of 2.5 to 5 cm in your waist. When training becomes the norm, the number of approaches is chosen personally: the vacuum is repeated until it becomes difficult to exhale air. To get into routine as quickly as possible, make vacuuming a morning habit. A convenient time for an evening approach is before bed.

How to get maximum effect

The main disadvantage of a vacuum is that it will not be possible to perform it technically the first time. Although at first glance everything seems simple and accessible. Take your time and don't give up. Numerous reviews say that within a month of regular exercise, the stomach tightens and the waist becomes thinner. To get the expected result, listen to the recommendations:

  • The best option to start with is lying down. Master from simple to complex. It’s better to do it little by little to let your body get used to it.
  • after exhalation there is a sharp inhalation through the nose, then an active exhalation through the mouth
  • take short breaths through your nose
  • imagine how your navel is glued to your spine
  • release your stomach smoothly, and not all the way. Don't let go of your belly suddenly
  • hold the muscles for 10-15 seconds, and a maximum of 60 seconds

For women, the vacuum exercise will help realize the dream of a beautiful belly with a narrow waist. If you perform the exercise regularly, the feeling of tight abdominal muscles and elasticity of the abdomen becomes a habit. The vacuum works great for the belly after pregnancy. If your goal is to lose weight, combine vacuum with cardio and strength training.

In the next article I will tell you how to complicate the vacuum and master Nauli Kriya, and what its benefits are.