Izoton - what is Izoton: benefits of exercise and contraindications. Health system isotone© Training using the isotone system

The “Isoton” training system is the author’s development of Professor V. Seluyanov, intended not for athletes, but for ordinary people who want to train only a couple of times a week and pursue goals such as getting rid of excess weight, back pain, correcting posture, scoliosis and improvement of well-being. Gymnastics is structured in such a way that, if desired, the exercises can be done at home without weights, but they are practiced according to similar principles and with equipment in the gyms.

The system has its own certification of trainers and official gyms; in addition, those interested are advised to familiarize themselves with the work of Seluyanov himself.

How is isotone different from shaping and fitness?

Shaping is a training system based on the use of a multi-repetition method. Its authors creatively rethought the same legacy of Soviet sports medicine as Professor Seluyanov. The only difference between shaping is that it is aimed at a female audience and therefore is aimed more at weight correction than at correcting muscle mass. Exercises in both systems are performed in similar modes, until “failure”, complete fatigue, and burning in the muscles.

The good thing about the multi-repetition method is that it helps you get aerobic exercise in addition to conventional strength training. More modern studies prove that an athlete who performs exercises in a high-repetition mode trains the cardiovascular system as a priority, and the muscles only become toned, but no significant growth occurs. This served as the basis for the use of variable techniques in modern fitness. Simply put, non-professional training does not have to be high-repetition all the time.

Amateurs can use almost the same annual cycling training process as professionals and do not have to always train in a strength-endurance regime. Moreover, cycling helps avoid the typical problems of aerobic exercise enthusiasts:

  • reduced muscle mass compared to normal;
  • high risk of joint and ligament injuries due to the abundance of repetitive stress;
  • overload of the heart muscle due to large volumes of work (this applies to those who combine isotope and running training);
  • significant stress on the nervous system due to a large amount of the same type of work.

Professor Seluyanov believes that in amateur training at low volumes, these disadvantages of aerobic work do not manifest themselves in any way. Western studies prove that if the volume is exceeded, such training will contribute to a decrease, rather than an increase, in muscle mass, and the occurrence of a so-called slowdown in metabolism. It is worth noting, however, that all this does not threaten the ordinary fan of isotone, because he will perform exercises only twice a week. But if you train in this way every day, you may encounter significant health problems.

Why isotone gained second popularity

The system has been known since the 90s of the last century, but has never been as trendy as classical fitness, shaping or aerobics. The thing is that the static-dynamic style of work proposed by Seluyanov is rather poorly tolerated by amateurs who are not accustomed to the sensations of muscle pain and burning. If in the same shaping exercises the muscles are used primarily in isolation, and the discomfort during multi-repetition leg swings is not as strong as it manifests itself during squats in the same style. In general, isotone, with all its focus on amateurs, is quite serious in terms of load.

The popularity of this system in the modern world is associated with only three information reasons:

  1. article in the magazine “Iron World”, in which prof. Seluyanov announced to the whole world that local fat burning is possible. He bases his statement on studies of groups of athletes in strength-speed and cyclic sports. Examples include runners who have almost no fat deposits on their legs, and skiers who have this quality throughout their entire body. The article has gained enormous popularity on social networks, because it actually tells us: “Do static dynamics, and you will be able to lose fat faster than if you do not exercise in this style, but stick to classic strength training schemes”;
  2. the growth and development of numerous channels on YouTube, the authors of which need to come up with some “tricks” to attract the target audience and really want to come up with something that would help, for example, to lose weight only in the legs and stomach, but not in the chest and arms;
  3. popularization of static dynamics as a method by a number of bodybuilding stars. Several athletes are making videos about this because they are in a difficult situation due to the impact of this sport on their health.

In fact, to say that isotone will help you lose weight in problem areas and will do nothing with “problem-free” areas is too broad a generalization. Gymnastics has completely different advantages:

  • there is no need to involve complex equipment. Exercises for the whole body can be done in any kind of gymnastics (squats, push-ups, pull-ups on a low bar and simple abdominal crunches will form a complex for an amateur for all muscle groups), or “isolating” ones with an expander or small weights, in general, you can start with what already exists;
  • The training mode allows you to get some load on the cardiovascular system, so if there is no particular goal to develop endurance, you can get by with this gymnastics as the only type of physical activity;
  • isotone can be performed at home, you only need a timer.

The protocol is very simple. You need to do a joint warm-up, and then perform regular gymnastic exercises in the “spring” style in the zone of maximum muscle contraction for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Do 3 such approaches, after that - walk for 5 minutes at a pulse of 100 beats per minute. Then - again a cycle of 3 sets of the same exercise, rest again, and another cycle.

The workout can be done in 3-4 exercises for the whole body, and there is no need to isolate small muscles;

Isoton has one more advantage over traditional types of fitness - it practically eliminates the load on the joints and minimizes the stress on the spine and ligaments. There are no jumps, but at the same time, you can train both your heart and local muscle endurance.

Disadvantages of isotone gymnastics

The most significant one is a rather painful protocol; many are simply psychologically not ready for this type of load “just for the sake of fitness.” Gymnastics has virtually no effect on strength indicators, “pumping up” muscle strength endurance as the main physical quality. It will not help if the goal is to increase strength, for example, for sprinting. And the calorie consumption per session, compared to regular fitness, will be quite average.

Isoton is difficult to use as the only way to create a calorie deficit, so those losing weight will still have to follow an additional diet and not rely only on gymnastics.

Among the shortcomings, the reviewers note rather monotonous training sessions, the lack of an element of surprise and games. However, if you want more isotone complexes, you should read a book about it, or attend classes in fitness clubs or specialized clubs for this gymnastics, fortunately, there are quite a lot of them today.

The article was prepared by Anna Tarskaya (trainer, nutritionist)

Try to remember at least one training system that is aimed at simultaneously strengthening physical and psycho-emotional health. Perhaps nothing else comes to mind except yoga. Meanwhile, at the end of the last century, within the walls of the Russian laboratory of the Institute of Physical Culture, one interesting and undeservedly forgotten system was invented today. Alena Minkina, a teacher at the Higher School of Stylistics, image stylist at the Moscow Center of Stylists, and author of the “Fashio & Fitness” project, told us about her.

The Isoton technique was developed in Russia in 1992 under the leadership of V.N. Seluyanov, in the scientific laboratory of the Institute of Physical Culture (current name GCOLIFK). The effectiveness of this system has been scientifically proven and has been repeatedly used in practice for the purpose of theoretical and practical training of students in sports universities.

Alena Minkina, teacher at the Higher School of Stylistics, image stylist at the Moscow Center of Stylists and author of the “Fashion & Fitness” project, aimed at transforming a person’s individual style and figure

The Isoton system is based on two primary objectives:

  1. Improved performance. With a competent approach and compliance with all the rules of this training, this task can be completed in 2-3 months. During the same period, the state of a person’s body weight improves, the subcutaneous fat layer decreases, and the muscular system strengthens.
  2. Maintaining a person’s good physical condition with minimal effort and time.

In modern cities with their eternal stress and poor environmental situation, it is quite difficult to protect yourself from the harmful effects of the environment, infections and toxins. Finding time to visit saunas and walks in the fresh air is also a difficult task. Training using the Isoton system can be the key to maintaining high performance and well-being. Let's consider the basic principles of the system.

Advantages of training using the Isoton system:

  1. strengthening health and improving the functioning of the endocrine, immune, cardiovascular systems, as well as improving the psycho-emotional state of a person;
  2. easy awakening in the morning and no loss of energy at the end of the working day;
  3. pronounced fat burning, not only general, but also local (the topic of local weight loss, contrary to today’s opinion, deserves a separate article)
  4. a beautiful body and the ability to control it;

The basis of such training is the static-dynamic and static (in rare cases) mode of performing exercises. It is important that there is no muscle relaxation, that is, when performing the exercise, the muscles remain tense all the time. This is achieved by performing the exercises slowly and smoothly, consciously keeping the muscles tense.

Each exercise is performed until a strong burning sensation or even “to failure”, that is, until it is impossible to continue performing, or inability to overcome the resistance. This is an important indicator of training effectiveness. Do not forget that the maximum effect of reducing body weight is achieved through a combination of dosed exercise and proper, balanced nutrition.

Also, this system, with a competent approach, allows you to avoid post-workout pain. Which contributes to faster recovery and safer training. Therefore, this system is suitable for the widest category of students.

When to refrain from Isoton training:

  • in the acute stage of diseases;
  • for chronic diseases;
  • In the first few workouts after a long break, start with local exercises.

It is important to note that, in addition to the Isoton system, in order for our body to be beautiful, slim and fit, and to have good health, we need additional sources. This could be a sauna, massages, proper nutrition, hardening, stretching and even meditation. Listen to your body and get only positive emotions from physical activity.

How the training goes

During execution, do not forget that it is necessary to “bring” the muscles to a burning sensation. The Isoton system, from many other systems, also differs in that it is performed according to the 30/30 scheme. Those. We perform the exercise slowly for 30 seconds, without relaxing the muscles, and rest for 30 seconds. We repeat this scheme 3 times for one exercise. If 30/30 is hard, then you can slightly reduce the time you perform the exercise and increase the rest, i.e. 20/40.

The exercises below will be introductory if you are just starting out. As your fitness improves, you can add or replace exercises. You can also additionally use dumbbells, barbells, and leg weights, which will help increase the load.

Once you feel that your level of physical fitness has already increased, you can try the Isoton system in circuit training. That is, all the seven exercises listed below can be done one after another, for 30-40 seconds, without rest. Having completed such a circle, rest for 1-2 minutes, and start again from the very beginning. Optimal – 4 laps.

If you have purchased a membership to a fitness club, then the ideal program for you would be strength training using the Isoton system 2 times a week and cardio exercise 2 times a week. You can do the latter on a treadmill, exercise bike, stepper or ellipse. The optimal time for cardio training is 45-55 minutes.

You shouldn't do cardio at an excessively high pace. It is optimal that while walking or running, you feel warm, your breathing is slightly rapid, and you can carry on a conversation. Comfortable heart rate - 110-130 beats per minute.

If it is not possible to split it into 4 workouts per week, then it is better to perform cardio exercise at the beginning of the workout. That is, use it as a warm-up, but longer, about 35-40 minutes. The pace is also not high, with a comfortable heart rate. And after a long warm-up, start strength training using the Isoton system.

As an example, I will give you a training program that you can perform both at home and in the gym. First, let's look at the exercises, and then the training methodology itself. Always start with large muscle groups and finish with small ones.

1. Squats

I.p. Hands on your waist, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. From this position, we squat slowly down until the thigh reaches parallel to the floor. Having reached this point, we also slowly return to the starting position. Knees in IP do not straighten, thereby leaving the muscles in tension.

2. Lunges in place

I.p. Hands on your waist, feet shoulder-width apart. We take a long step forward and freeze. Bend your knees slightly, and here you are in the starting position of this exercise. From there we lower ourselves slowly down, practically touching the floor with our knees, after which we return to the starting position. We also leave our knees bent at the top to maintain muscle tension.

3. Lifting the pelvis while lying on your back

I.P. lying on your back, bending your legs at the knee joint, placing your heels next to your buttocks. Hands lie on the floor, along the body. From this I.P. We slowly lift the pelvis upward until your thigh is in line with the body, while strongly straining the buttocks. We begin to return to IP, but do not lower the pelvis to the floor. The buttocks are always in a tense state, even when the pelvis goes down.

4. Knee push-ups from the floor

I.P. We kneel down, place our hands slightly wider than our shoulders, our hips, pelvis and torso should be in one straight line. From this position we lower ourselves as low as possible, but do not touch the floor and return to the starting position without straightening our arms at the elbow joint. This again gives us tension in the pectoral muscles and arm muscles.

5. Reverse push-ups

This exercise is best performed from a chair or stool. I.P. we sit on a chair, place our hands as close to the buttocks as possible, with our fingers facing forward, so that we can grasp the seat of the chair. Legs slightly bent at the knee joint, support on the heels. Next, we transfer the body weight to the hands and heels, it turns out that our pelvis is suspended. Smoothly without jerking, we begin to lower ourselves down, bringing the pelvis closer to the floor, having reached the lowest point, we return to the starting point. At the top point, the elbows remain bent again.

6. Straight twist

I.P. Lying on the floor, legs bent at the knee joint, support on the entire foot. We place our hands crossed on our shoulders. Pressing your lower back to the floor, lift your head and shoulder girdle off the floor, tensing your abdominal muscles. We return to the starting position. We do not place our shoulders and head on the floor. We perform the exercise slowly, without jerking, until a burning sensation is felt in the abdominal muscles.

7. Reverse crunch

I.P. lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and raised up at a right angle. The back, lower back and pelvis are pressed tightly to the floor surface. When performing the exercise, lift your pelvis and stretch your knees to your chest, then return your legs to IP. We try to keep our abs tense all the time.

8. Plank

I.P. Lying on your stomach, raise yourself on your elbows so that your arms are at shoulder level, and your hand and wrist form a right angle. Bring your legs together, lift your body off the floor, and rise on your toes. Stay in this position. Abdominal muscles, tighten as much as possible.

The isotone system was created by Professor V.N. Seluyanov back in the 90s of the last century. And, unfortunately, it has not received mass distribution, such as callanetics. Although all the prerequisites for this were there. Isoton is built on almost the same principles that are contained within the callanetics system, but the way of performing the exercises is slightly different. Perhaps it played a role that the isotone system was invented in Russia in those years when physical condition was the least of the concerns. Everyone made money as best they could. However, I think it would be appropriate to briefly talk about this unique system.

What is isotone

The isotone system was created as a health-improving exercise system for mature and older people. And this means a lot. First of all, isotonic exercises are performed in such a way that it does not increase blood pressure, so that there is no holding your breath. Holding your breath necessarily increases blood pressure, and this causes increased blood flow. And if for young people this condition can be normal, then for older people, who are almost guaranteed to have certain deposits on the walls of blood vessels, increased blood flow can lead to the tearing of atherosclerotic plaques by this current. The blood-borne clot reaches a narrow area and clogs it. If this happens in the area of ​​the heart or brain, then heart attacks and strokes are likely.

Exercises in the isotonic system are free from such negative consequences for the following reason.

Statodynamic exercises

Exercises in the isotonic system are performed in a static-dynamic way. This method of exercise was invented with the direct participation of the already mentioned professor V.N. Seluyanov. Their essence is as follows: the movements are performed within a very small amplitude of movement, within 10-15 degrees. For example, squats within 10-15 degrees from the right angle at the knees.

Movements are performed in a time range of 30-60 seconds. During this time, it is necessary to achieve a strong burning sensation bordering on pain. After this, the exercises stop. Those. it is necessary to select such weights to achieve such a feeling when performing the movement without straining and holding your breath.

Why do you need to achieve a burning sensation in your muscles?

When we endure this feeling for some time, we produce a mental action - mental tension. And mental stress is a necessary condition for the release of one’s own anabolic hormones into the blood. Once in the blood, hormones (testosterone, growth hormone) are transported through the bloodstream to the working muscles, penetrate them, causing muscle growth. But, at the same time, blood-borne hormones are able to penetrate into cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Inside these plaques, hormones break down cholesterol into fatty acids, which are then released into the blood and used by the body. And the atherosclerotic plaque disappears.

Those. The release of hormones due to exercise helps to get rid of atherosclerosis. Within 3-4 months of constant exercise, the vessels can be completely cleared of atherosclerosis (provided that the exercises are performed correctly in terms of the release of hormones). And atherosclerosis is the No. 1 cause of death.

Conclusion: The isotone system is capable of completely curing vascular atherosclerosis in a short period of time (3-4 months). Those. Reduce your chance of death by half. And although with age the production of anabolic hormones in the body is greatly reduced, nevertheless, regular performance of statodynamic exercises within the isotone system can significantly increase their production and stimulate their release into the blood for health-improving actions.

It is a pity that at present it is extremely difficult to find a sports club where instructors of this system work. And there is almost no opportunity to buy a video disc with exercises. But, on the other hand, the method of performing the exercise (static dynamics) is so universal that it makes it possible to independently choose the necessary exercises for yourself (at least banal squats) and perform them in compliance with the above rules.

Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich

Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, specialist in the field of biomechanics, anthropology, physiology, theory of sports and health-improving physical culture, sports adaptology, author of a number of scientific inventions and innovative technologies, creator of the health system isotone.


Isotone, this is a health system that was created by Professor V.N. Seluyanov in the mid-90s of the last century.

The name itself is isotone comes from the Greek- isos tonos, what does tone, tension mean, and if we talk about isotonic exercises, then we can translate the word isotonic as equal muscle tension during movement. as happens when you simply raise your hand. It is already becoming clear that the exercises must be done with the same muscle tension.

Purpose of the system

The goal is very simple - to make a person, improve his well-being and performance, change the composition of the body, that is, normalize the ratio of fat and muscle tissue, increase the activity of men and women of a wide age range, increase immunity, normalize the functioning of internal organs.

This system was developed on a scientific basis, that is, first scientists studied how strength exercises affect the human body, then all Western training methods were subjected to in-depth analysis, such as bodybuilding, aerobics, and sports games. Eastern health systems were also studied, such as yoga, qigong, something was taken from ours. That is, all the most popular systems from the point of view of healing the body were studied.

Then, with the help of computer modeling, it was studied how and what kind of load has a beneficial effect on our body, how the physiological systems of the body react to the load, what biochemical processes occur in the body during bodybuilding and aerobics. callanetics and other types of activities.

After the research and familiarization with scientific publications, scientists were convinced that none of the listed systems had a significant theoretical basis. In addition, publications were found in which the very low effectiveness of the most popular healing systems, such as various types of aerobics, was experimentally proven.

As a result, a health system was created or developed isotone, which is based on the concept that the basis of a person’s biological well-being (as a decisive condition) is, first of all, a normal state endocrine and immune systems, as well as other physiological systems of the body (cardiovascular, muscular, etc.), which, however, play a subordinate role in solving health problems.

Basic principles of the isotone health system

The concept of “IZOTON” has two ideas in its origin:

First— the main means of physical education for the majority of practically healthy people, which has the highest health-improving effectiveness, are strength static-dynamic, or isotonic exercises.

Second— regular use of static-dynamic exercises in a person’s life creates conditions for increasing adaptive reserves, creates an increased and constant vitality.

The implementation of ISOTON's ideas is achieved by observing the following principles:

The principle of minimizing the increase in systolic blood pressure It is clear that for persons with symptoms it is contraindicated to perform exercises that cause an increase in blood pressure of more than 150 mm Hg. Therefore, when constructing a training session, the following requirements must be observed.

Warm up. Before the main part of the training, before strength exercises, it is necessary to achieve dilation of the arteries and arterioles by warming up. In this case, peripheral resistance decreases and the work of the left ventricle of the heart is facilitated.

Exercise while lying down. In a standing position, the heart must increase blood pressure in the arteries and arterioles to such an extent as to overcome the weight of the blood in the venous system, raising the blood to the level of the heart. Therefore, preference should be given to exercises performed in a lying position.

Use a minimum number of muscles in a strength exercise. When performing dynamic exercises, tensing and relaxing muscles facilitate the work of the heart. When performing strength exercises, when the pace is slow, the role of the muscle pump is reduced to a minimum, and when a large muscle mass is active, with vascular occlusion, the work of the heart becomes more difficult. Therefore, in strength exercises you should use a minimum number of muscles, especially if they work in a static-dynamic mode.

Alternate exercises for relatively large muscles with low mass muscle training. When building a set of exercises, you often have to activate a large mass of muscles, which creates conditions for an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, performing the following exercise for muscles with low mass will eliminate possible problems with increased blood pressure.

After each strength exercise or series, perform a stretch. Stretching does not pose any particular difficulties to the cardiovascular system, so there is 10-40 seconds to reduce the activity of its activity. At the same time, muscle stretching stimulates protein synthesis in the muscles.

How to do the exercises

Exercises must be performed with constant muscle tension, without a relaxation phase, “to failure” or until a burning sensation in the muscles. This is a signal that you need to stop the exercise and rest. The amplitude of movement is small. The exercise lasts 30-60 seconds, rest between exercises for about 30 seconds. Here everyone approaches individually, depending on their condition. Exercises are performed at a moderate pace and without holding your breath.

For example. do squats 10-20 times, rest for 30 seconds, then repeat again 10-20 times. again rest for 30 seconds, repeat the same thing a third time. We got one circle. Then rest on this muscle group for 5-10 minutes. At this time, you can work, for example, your abs, back or biceps according to the same scheme. You can do 3-4 laps in one session if you are well prepared. then 5-8 laps.

In one session, work no more than 2-3 muscle groups. We are all different, so each person must have their own individual approach. There are basic principles. and these principles must be followed.

Another important point - the exercises should be done like this. so that there is no strong acidification of the muscles. Lactic acid or hydrogen ions with strong acidification simply destroy the cell. Therefore, rest between exercises is important so that lactic acid disappears and the synthesis of new cells begins.

Isoton consists primarily of strength exercises, because the strongest release of hormones into the blood occurs during strength exercises when physiological stress is reached. Moreover, this happens best when you perform exercises in a static-dynamic mode.

Isotonic exercises for every day for a wide age range

What happens in the body when performing isotonic exercises

And this is what happens. When muscles are tense, our body experiences short-term stress, and stress includes everything that is unpleasant for our body, in this case it is muscle tension.

Mental tension arises in the cerebral cortex, which excites the pituitary gland, and the pituitary gland is a gland of the endocrine system, which is located in the brain under the main cortex.

Other glands of the endocrine system also begin to activate. The glands of the endocrine system begin to secrete somatotropic hormone or growth hormone; this hormone promotes synthesis processes in the body and activates protein. lipid, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism. The hormone builds muscles. bones, ligaments, tendons of the body.

A hormone that is important for men is released. In women it is estrogen. The main role is to perform two important functions:

  • Stimulates muscle growth, burns fat and maintains optimal bone density. Being an anabolic steroid in its chemical structure, it activates the formation and renewal of cells and muscle structures
  • .Formation of secondary sexual characteristics in a man, ensuring the full functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

Estrogens in women are steroid hormones that affect the growth and development of the genital organs, preparing a woman for motherhood. If the female body contains estrogen in sufficient quantities. then the first one. What catches your eye is a beautiful figure with a thin waist and beautiful hips, velvety skin.

Here are two important hormones for us: growth hormone and which the endocrine system begins to secrete when exercising with isotone. Hormones enter the cell, and as described above, the construction of new cells and muscle structures begins, and fat deposits are burned. The body is renewed. It is the endocrine system that is responsible for the health of the body and plays an important role in human health.

  • It should be noted that hormones do not enter passive tissue, but active tissue, the one that is being worked on.
  • Hormones appear only in the presence of mental tension or stress
  • If you exercise with a barbell, then the weight should be 30-60% of the maximum weight you can lift.
  • The exercises must be performed without holding your breath.
  • Between exercises there should be a rest of 5-10 minutes so that the muscles recover and lactic acid leaves the muscles.
  • With the help of secreted hormones, you can make the blood vessels clean.
  • Be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes and stretch before class

The theory of atherosclerosis or how to make blood vessels clean

You cannot get rid of it with jogging, since there are no conditions for the release of hormones, there is no stress or mental tension. Jogging is an easy, comfortable run, without muscle tension.

Proper nutrition and regular release of hormones help get rid of the hormone. The hormone penetrates the plaque, stays there for about a week, as a result, cholesterol will turn back into fat, the fat will release into the blood and go away. Goodbye

Performing physical exercises leads to the activation of various tissues, enhancing the processes of anabolism and catabolism in them. Depending on the diet, you can direct the course of adaptation processes in the desired direction, for example, increase muscle mass (intake of complete protein above the norm), (intake of carbohydrates and fats below the norm).

Why you shouldn't hold your breath during exercise

When a person begins to hold his breath while performing exercises, especially if he is unprepared or older, he essentially deprives the heart of blood flow and the heart beats. and the blood is not flowing properly.

Having completed the exercise, the person gets up and begins to breathe intensely, the heart beats wildly, the pressure increases, a powerful blood flow hits the vessels, and if there is something there, then this blood flow disrupts it and somewhere something is clogged and a mini-stroke results. Therefore, holding your breath is unacceptable.

Isotonic exercises

Isotone is intended for all categories of people who want to escape from a stroke or heart attack and feel like people. Ordinary physical exercises are offered, which people usually forget about as they age and rely on a miracle - a pill.

As Seluyanov says, isotone is designed for men of sixty years old who are ready to die tomorrow.

However, isotone is a health system that has an evidence base. Seluyanov clearly explains what changes occur in the body with regular isotone exercises.

Isoton is something that can be done anywhere, if you wish.

As an example, look at several exercises of the isotone health system. Exercises can be tailored for each person. regardless of his physical condition.

For some, lighter exercises are suitable; exercises can be done lying down or sitting. This is for people over fifty years of age whose muscles have already atrophied.

For others, the exercises are more difficult, this is for those who are younger and have not yet lost everything. The number of repetitions of the exercise is also individual. But physical activity is necessary for everyone, this is true.

A set of static-dynamic exercises

Statodynamic exercises for beautiful posture

Statodynamic training

Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich. Biography

Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov was born in 1946.

In 1970 he graduated from the State Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture

1979 - Candidate of Biological Sciences. Senior Researcher

1992 - defended his doctoral dissertation

1995 - received a patent “Method of changing the proportion of tissue composition of the entire human body and in its individual segments”, developed mathematical models that simulate immediate and long-term adaptation processes in the body of athletes.

Recently, he has been the head of the MIPT scientific and educational laboratory 〈 Information technologies in sports 〉, Deputy Head of the Department for Scientific Work.

Professional interests: sports anthropology, physiology, theory of sports training and health-improving physical culture.

Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich

Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich

Seluyanov published more than 100 scientific works, including: the monograph “Biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system of athletes” (1981, co-author), “Physical training in sports games” (1991, co-author), “Isoton, fundamentals of the theory of health training” (1995 year, co-author) and others.

In 1981 - laureate of the USSR Sports Committee prize for the best research work in the field of visual culture and sports.

Many famous judoka athletes practiced and continue to practice according to Siluyanov’s system: 2001 world champions Makarov, Mikhailin, 2004 Olympic bronze medalist D. Nosov, Honored Masters of Sports in Sambo D. Maksimov, Martynov, R. Sazonov.

Olympics 2004, Athens. Dmitry Nosov

World Judo Championship - 2001, Munich, Makarov Vitaly-Zamora David

Full lecture by Professor Seluyanov V.N.

Isoton is a scientifically based health system.

The goal of the system is to improve well-being, performance, “physical health,” appearance (body shape, body composition), and increase the activity of men and women of a wide age range. This system was developed on a scientific basis and is based on the concept that the basis of human biological well-being (as a decisive condition for health) lies, first of all, in the normal state of the endocrine and immune systems, as well as other physiological systems of the body (muscular, cardiovascular, etc.) . p.), playing, however, a subordinate role in solving the health problem.

The name “IZOTON” was given to the system by the type of physical exercise that occupies a central place in the lesson - isotonic, that is, those in which the muscles are constantly tense during the exercise and by the main effect that is achieved as a result of its use - a person’s high “vital tone”, engaged in ISOTONE.

ISOTON © program


Introduction to the system of physical training using the ISOTON system. Program for beginners. Training in basic techniques and features of the methodology for conducting classes. Statodynamic isotonic exercises (technique, load management). Health-improving effects on the body.

ISOTON Base Level

“Classic” isotonic program. Includes special strength training, stretching using breathing exercises. The program is a “muscle tour.” The program is based on the principle of extreme stress. The program helps to minimize the increase in systolic blood pressure, restore the body's neuromuscular connections, eliminate sensory-motor amnesia, and manage body composition (subcutaneous fat, muscles). The inseparability of the training process and nutrition. Dietary recommendations.

ISOTON Power Stretch

Special strength training and antagonistic stretching. Hypertrophy of muscle fibers and reduction of subcutaneous fat. Improving the state of the body's adaptation and defense system. The program includes a set of exercises for muscle groups that strengthen the hypothalamus and develop muscle relaxation.


Local fat reduction. Special strength training for muscles in areas with the largest amount of subcutaneous fat: thighs, buttocks, waist, armpits, back of the shoulder, abdomen. Special exercises can locally reduce subcutaneous fat and improve muscle strength and endurance. The program consists of several parts. The program is based on special interval training for local impact on muscles in areas with the largest amount of subcutaneous fat, allowing local reduction of subcutaneous fat, improving muscle strength and endurance. A combination of strength and aerobic work, exercises with various modes of muscle contraction. A combination of special interval training with additional aerobic work (treadmill, bicycle, etc.). Recommendations for nutrition and use of food additives.

Wellness program “Total Health”

ISO Health

This is a holistic health program aimed at physically improving the body, normalizing the psycho-emotional state and finding inner harmony. A combination of stretching and strength work. Reflex effects of exercises on internal organs, massage of internal organs. Principles of combining exercises of various directions when constructing a health-improving activity.

Stretch Relax

Characteristics and types of stretching. Execution technique. Urgent and delayed effects of stretching. Working with the deep muscles of the pelvis and back. A technique for compiling sets of exercises to improve joint mobility and accelerate metabolic processes in them, improve nutrition and muscle sensitivity, vascular condition, prevent varicose veins and injuries. Relieving pain by stretching and relaxing muscles.

Wellness program “Back health”

The program consists of three components.

Health Back

A special physical exercise program designed for the prevention and treatment of spinal deformities. The exercises are combined into a complex of targeted effects on the center of gravity of the body. Strengthening the deep muscles of the pelvis, back and inner thighs, stretching the leg muscles, correcting the position of the feet and hip joints allows you to correct posture, improve blood supply to the pelvic organs, forget about back pain and correct pathological changes in the curves of the spine.

Fine Spine (Beautiful posture)

Special health program. A set of exercises to improve the mobility of the joints of the spine and the girdle of the upper extremities, accelerate metabolic processes in them (improved nutrition of the joints and rapid release of toxins and salts), improve blood supply and muscle sensitivity, the condition of blood vessels, reduce congestion in places of strong muscle tension. Prevention of injuries. Formation and development of skills of correct posture and gait, and, as a result, elimination of stiffness, stiffness of the ligaments and muscles of the pelvis, hip and shoulder joints. A soft, measured load on the deep muscles of the back and abs, combined with stretching, allows you to create a strong muscle corset around your spine and improve microcirculation of blood in the vertebrae. The lesson is educational, with the necessary comments and recommendations. The program is recommended for people with various dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system.

ISOTON S+AB (Spine & Abdominal Muscles)

Lesson on strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen. Super series and supersets on the deep and superficial muscles of the back, on all the walls of the abdomen contribute to the development of the skill of balanced muscle function, which is an important condition for optimal load on the spine. Local impact on the abdominal and back muscles promotes the breakdown of fat in this area.