Get rid of 30 kg of excess weight. How to lose thirty kilograms. Fashionable hobbies and useful literature

All overweight people dream of losing 30 kg. But how to move from dreams to reality? Practice proves that losing excess weight is not so difficult, you just have to choose proper diet and effective physical activity.

Basic principles

It is possible to lose 30 kg, but you should do it consciously. Rapid weight loss occurs due to the removal of fluid from the body and a decrease in muscle mass, and body fat only go away for a long time.

Rapid weight loss weakens the body, reduces immune protection, leads to nervous breakdowns and depression. Haste here can lead to fainting, insomnia, cramps in the limbs and infectious diseases.

Diet should not harm your health. Weight should be reduced gradually, no more than three (or better yet, one) kilograms per week.

Don't get too carried away with mono-diets. Goes to them first quick loss weight, then the scale arrow freezes, and weight loss stops. The body gets used to a monotonous diet and accumulates fat mass.

In addition to diet, physical activity should appear in life, which will increase metabolism, tighten the skin and lift your mood.

Calorie nutrition

You can lose 30 kg by consuming 1200 kcal per day. This is the minimum amount of energy that the body needs to ensure normal functioning.

The daily calorie requirement is calculated individually. Some people lose weight steadily and over high rate. This is due to accelerated metabolism and a number of other factors. You cannot consume less than 1200 calories, as the body will not have enough energy for a normal life. The daily calorie requirement should not be satisfied by fast carbohydrates and fats. This:

  • flour products (bread, rolls, pastries);
  • sweets (sugar, sweets, chocolate, confectionery);
  • carbonated drinks;
  • potato;
  • white and brown rice;
  • sweet berries and fruits;
  • sauces.

Consumption of these foods causes a sharp increase in blood sugar, which human body converts into fat deposits. You cannot get enough of such food, because after half an hour you will feel hungry.

You shouldn’t completely give up carbohydrates, as they play an important role in metabolic processes. should be replaced with slow ones. The latter give a long-lasting feeling of satiety and are good for health. Slow carbohydrates include:

  • porridges, which are prepared from whole grains;
  • whole grain bread;
  • fruits and vegetables that do not contain starch;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • legumes;
  • berries;
  • mushrooms.

Remove 30 kg excess weight without harming your health, you can only switch to healthy eating.

Eating fats

You can lose 30 kg, but you cannot completely exclude fats from your diet, as this can cause poor absorption of vitamins and worsen the condition of your skin and hair.

The minimum daily fat intake is 20 g. Fats can be harmful and healthy. The first are saturated fats. Includes all animal and plant-based fats (coconut oil, margarine, butter). They are substances in the body and do not harm health.

The second category includes unsaturated fats, which contain a large amount of omega acids. They help the body better absorb vitamins, improve human reproductive functions, and provide energy. Useful for These products include:

  • vegetable oils;
  • fatty fish;
  • seafood;
  • nuts other than peanuts.

Unsaturated fats are not only healthy, but also very high in calories, so you should not abuse them.


It is possible to lose 30 kg in a month by speeding up your metabolism. Stimulation of metabolism will allow you to process the food you eat with maximum benefit for the body and will have a positive effect on the process of losing weight. You can speed up this process by:

  • fasting and short-term refusal of carbohydrates;
  • increasing physical activity;
  • water procedures, including visiting a sauna or steam bath;
  • fractional diet and frequent meals.

These techniques will shake the body and force digestive system work harder. It is especially important to pay attention to physical activity. Losing 30 kg without fitness is almost impossible.

Fasting days on protein foods will help get your weight off the ground. Deprived of its usual nutrition, the body, which is in a state of stress, actively burns fat. There should be no more than 2-3 such days per month. A longer diet can poison the body, since proteins, when broken down, form many toxins.

Protein diet

Can provide rapid weight loss protein diet. There are no fats or carbohydrates here. The main products on the menu are: lean fish, white chicken, greens and seafood. Throughout the diet, they consume protein foods, and on one day they include a dish containing slow carbohydrates, to normalize metabolism. You need to eat in small portions and often, at least six times a day.

Approximate protein diet:

  • Breakfast: four boiled whites without yolks.
  • Snack: chicken breast without bread and salt - 100 g.
  • Dinner: white chicken meat or lean fish - 100-150 g.
  • Afternoon snack: a can of tuna in its own juice, without oil.
  • Dinner: two boiled chicken proteins.
  • Before bedtime: a glass of kefir.

All food is prepared without salt and sugar. On a carb day, add a bowl of pasta without using any sauce or seasonings.

Slow weight loss diet

You can lose 30 kg at home either quickly or slowly. The quick method was described above, and now - about the safest method, which will ensure the loss of treasured kilograms in 4-6 months.

When preparing such a diet, the following rules should be taken into account:

  • The duration of the diet should be at least four months.
  • You should eat frequently, every 3.5-4 hours.
  • Drink a lot of water, about 2 liters per day.
  • Do not fry, but steam, boil or bake dishes
  • You cannot eat smoked meats, sausages, including sausages, sauces, sweets and confectionery. Potatoes, carbonated drinks, high-fat milk, sour cream, butter, bread, and baked goods made from white flour are prohibited.
  • The diet is replenished with greens, raw vegetables and fresh fruits, as well as cereals, bread, whole grain pasta, lean meat, and fish.

This diet will not only allow you to lose 30 kg, but also go to proper nutrition, which will prevent the occurrence of obesity in the future.

About “Diet 30” from Osama Hamdiy

Scientist Osama Hamdiy created a unique nutrition principle under which anyone can lose 30 kg. The system is based on chemical reactions occurring in the body. The diet is balanced, so when losing weight a person does not lack nutrients.

The diet lasts 30 days. During this time, you can drink water and unsweetened tea without restrictions. Drinking coffee and carbonated drinks is prohibited. Allowed for snacking raw vegetables. Two hours after the main meal, you can eat one carrot, lettuce or cucumber. All dishes are prepared without vegetable and animal fats. Vegetables are steamed or boiled in water. It is allowed to use spices in small quantities: onions, garlic, pepper.

All fruits are consumed except banana, grapes, figs, dates and mangoes. Of the vegetables, only potatoes are prohibited.

The diet menu for a month starts on Sunday. In the diet, you cannot replace some food products with others, and also change the menu of certain days. There are two diet options: egg and cottage cheese. An example of a diet can be seen in the photo.

Reviews from women who went on a diet note amazing results and weight loss of up to 28 kg. But they warn that while on a diet you must exercise, otherwise the skin will sag and the effect will be lower.

Exercises for weight loss

Is it possible to lose 30 kg? Yes, it is possible to do this, but it is difficult without physical activity. Those who want to lose weight should know that not all exercises help you lose weight. If the exercises are dynamic, then an increase in muscle mass may occur, and the extra pounds will remain in place, but will still go away.

A set of exercises aimed at losing weight should give aerobic exercise on the body. Classes take place in fast pace and increase heart rate. In this situation, the body obtains energy first from glucose and then from fat deposits. Power loads should be present in smaller quantities.

The most important thing when losing weight is regularity. The duration of classes should be at least 30 minutes, because only after half an hour the body breaks down fats. You need to get used to the loads gradually.

  • Step aerobics. Helps remove up to 400 calories in half an hour.
  • Cycling, which can easily be replaced by an exercise bike. Burns 250-500 calories in 30 minutes;
  • Swimming. Helps burn 400 calories in half an hour.
  • Skiing. Removes up to 330 calories.
  • Running or vigorous walking. Burns 200-300 calories;
  • Rowing. During the workout, 300 calories are burned.

Jumping rope for 15-20 minutes is considered effective. They provide general training to the body, cardio training.

It is not necessary to play sports in a fitness club, just walk a lot, run in the morning for 10-15 minutes. Yoga, Pilates, dancing and other physical activities will help you get rid of excess weight.

Regularity is the main key to success in any 30 kg weight loss program. If you can’t find time for sports, then you should forget about the elevator and go up and down the stairs on foot. Travel less often and walk more. Choose a vacation not in a restaurant, but in nature with active games.

Above it was written about how to lose weight without pills. To avoid causing health problems and to be quite comfortable, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • replace salt with lemon juice;
  • fragmentation of the daily menu;
  • drinking green tea;
  • small plates for food;
  • replacing the usual hard cheese with goat cheese;
  • use of L-carnitine before training;
  • physical training;
  • laughter and good mood;
  • having sex;
  • breakfast;
  • long walks;
  • sleep at least eight hours.

Do not forget about such little things that can improve the result several times.


Before starting your chosen diet, you should consult your doctor. Women expecting a baby and nursing mothers should not go on a diet. Any diet is contraindicated for people with intestinal and stomach diseases.

If you suddenly lose weight, your skin will sag and cellulite will appear. Exercise and various caring procedures (massage, wraps, scrubs) will help prevent such phenomena.

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Many women have spent their entire adult lives wanting to lose those hated pounds. At the same time, they try a bunch of different diets, which for obvious reasons do not help. But taking pills is too dangerous and unreliable. What to do if you set yourself a goal: I want to lose 30 kg, where to start at home. It’s better to figure out where to start.

Where to start losing weight

First of all, you need to set yourself up mentally. Gather all your willpower into a fist, try to do everything possible to achieve your goal. For some, it is a motivation to make themselves better, for example, a guy told someone that she was fat, the scales exceeded sixty kilograms, and she was short.

That is, everyone stimulates themselves as best they can. This is the main way to combat overweight. Someone, of course, takes the words seriously, someone continues to stuff themselves with cakes while sitting in front of the TV, believing that she is already perfect.

This is especially true for self-confident women who are overweight. But the point is not only that she considers herself a goddess, not noticing her own shortcomings. Extra pounds negatively affect the health of the body. It becomes difficult to move, breathe, problems with cardiovascular problems appear vascular system, rare cases of people dying from obesity. It's really scary to watch.

Watching such people, it’s worth thinking about the fact that it’s time to bring your weight back to normal. First, you should use a special table to determine how much your kilograms exceed the norm. There you need to compare your height with your weight, then you will see how many kilograms you need to lose.

If your weight is more than one hundred and twenty kilograms, then it is better to contact a nutritionist who will examine you and select the most optimal diet for your health. He will monitor you, and based on the results of weekly weighing, your progress will become clear. But if you have neither money nor time for nutritionists, then you can go on a diet at home.

First, you need to get rid of all the junk food that you have at home, so that there is no temptation to relapse. Then you should buy fruits, vegetables, cereals, yogurt, and meat. It contains useful vitamins that will help you lose the required amount of weight. with the excess weight that bothers you so much. But it is worth remembering that you cannot sharply reduce the amount of food you eat. Out of habit, dizziness and severe headaches may occur. Portions should be reduced gradually, slowly, you can even use.

It is also better to combine the start of the diet with the menstrual cycle. From the fourth to the fifteenth day it is easiest to reduce the amount of food consumed, then the feeling of hunger does not worsen so much. It takes more time during menstruation; this condition is similar to pregnancy. Since emotions, tastes, and desires also change, at this moment it is easy to break down. But if you have sufficient willpower, then you can safely continue the diet.

To successfully lose weight, you should drink plenty of water, it helps improve metabolism. Products will be better absorbed and processed faster. Periodic unloading is also useful for the body. After them, you will feel some kind of relief, which will bring moral pleasure.

Proper nutrition is the basis for losing weight

Before you start eating healthy foods in unmeasured quantities, you first need to learn how to count calories. For a clear example, it is better to print out a table of caloric content of foods, a story on your refrigerator. You will see clear example, how to eat properly, and what not to eat.

There is also a prohibited list of foods that are strictly forbidden to consume while losing weight:

  • fatty food;
  • sweet, for example;
  • bread.

These are the top 5 prohibited products. They are the ones who increase fat layer in the human body. So this is where you should start on your path to perfection.

The diet should contain only healthy, natural products. But they should also be consumed in small portions, but often. To ensure that the portions do not seem too small to you, pour food into small plates, then it will seem full, your brain will react to the fact that this is a large plate, it is full of food, that’s enough for you. Thus, you can deceive your body a little.

Another piece of advice when eating is to not sit down to eat at the computer or TV. While you're fascinated by watching television or videos, you don't keep track of how much you eat. It is better to eat in the kitchen in silence, where you will actually eat your quota. These two nutrition rules can save you from a couple of unwanted pounds in a week.

But you also need to learn the rule that you need to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals, a glass of water half an hour after meals. Thus, you improve the metabolism in your body. It is recommended to drink a glass of water with lemon juice every morning on an empty stomach; it eliminates the feeling of hunger and improves metabolism.

It is advisable to create a daily diet that will help you lose extra pounds. It’s worth starting from your daily routine. Then the desire: I want to lose 30 kg will become a reality.

  • 7:00 - breakfast;
  • 9:30 – second breakfast;
  • 12:00 – first lunch;
  • 14:30 – second lunch;
  • 17:00 – afternoon snack;
  • 20:00 – dinner;
  • 22:00 – sleep.

For breakfast, it is best to drink a cup of black coffee, without sugar, and eat a little cottage cheese. You can make yourself a fruit salad for breakfast, but be mindful of the calories. During each meal, you need to keep track of what you are eating.

Second breakfast should consist of fruit, but not more than two hundred grams. Also, a glass of your favorite juice will not harm your condition.

For the first lunch you should eat liquid food. It can be any kind of soup, just not cooked with meat; mushroom soup is perfect. You can eat a piece of bread, but only black, it has a gentle effect on your figure.

The second lunch should be hearty. You can eat a piece of boiled chicken, fish or a light salad. Thanks to the second dinner, when you come home from work in the evening, you won’t start gobbling up everything you can get your hands on, but will simply sit down and have dinner calmly. Since you will not have such a feeling of hunger.

For an afternoon snack, you can drink a glass of kefir, which will improve your metabolism. In general, kefir has many useful properties, bringing undeniable benefits to the body.

For dinner, it is advisable to eat vegetables, cereals, and boiled meat. These products do not burden the stomach and give a feeling of lightness.

If you don't go to bed early, you can drink mint tea at night, it will make your sleep sounder. In the morning, you will wake up as a cheerful, rested person.

Physical exercises at home for weight loss

The first thing to start with is exercise in the morning. It will give you energy and improve your physical condition. Of course, at first it will be difficult for you to force yourself to get up ten minutes earlier for morning exercises, but after a few days regular classes you will feel the result. You will want to wake up in the morning, and the charge of vivacity will remain throughout the day; just stretch your body.

But if you have time for longer exercises, then it is better to squat, run in place, and it is better to do the same physical movements in the evening. But once a day you definitely need to do physical exercise. If you are not too far from work, you can walk. This will give you a little cardio exercise.

Ideally, it is better to visit gym. A trainer will be able to choose the right one for you, because diets are only half the work. You still need to do physical activity and then the muscles will work and the fat layer will gradually disappear.

Diets for weight loss

In addition to the usual calorie counting, there are several diets, but such diets are not suitable for every woman. One of the most popular diets is “”. The diet is designed for seven days, during which time you can lose from five to eight kilograms. Almost all modern women use it, in most cases it has a positive effect.

Read other blog articles.

If you are comfortable with your weight, if you do not experience health problems and fear for your future, you can continue to eat as before. If not, it’s time to decide to switch to a food system that is fundamentally different from the one you had before. You will probably miss your usual diet. But, when you feel sad without your usual sausages and cakes, remember that it was they who brought you to the brink, look at yourself with a picky look and be horrified. Be horrified to understand that there can be no return to the old diet, because this is the path to nowhere. So, if you are ready to make a decision that will radically change your life, I will tell you a secret: how can you

Lose weight without problems.

Main principle: NOT TO STARVE!
Hunger is the first enemy of losing weight.

You, of course, have heard the slogan: if you want to be thin, learn to be hungry. Don't be afraid: this is not for us. This is the slogan of anorexic girls of puberty. We, women of age and body, will not have to go hungry. We don’t need to weigh 45 kg, we don’t strive for that. We have other goals. And health is put at the forefront (we still need to raise children). Therefore, we will lose weight comfortably, without haste, slowly but surely moving towards our goal. Losing weight quickly is harmful. The skin will sag, wrinkles will appear, and ptosis may occur. internal organs, and this is fraught with serious health problems.

Hunger prevents you from losing weight for two reasons. First: uncontrolled, developed hunger (after work, for example, if we haven’t eaten all day) can lead to the fact that the appetite becomes uncontrollable, ravenous, and a “glutton” begins (like binge drinking among alcoholics), when we sweep away all the food that is not pinned down , and we can’t calm down. I want more and more.

The second reason: if the body begins to starve, then this body of ours (smart system) will definitely turn on the braking system and begin to save resources in order to survive. Metabolism will slow down and weight loss will stop. The result is a vicious circle: we eat practically nothing and do not lose weight. And we need to lose weight at all costs! This means that you need to deceive the body so that it easily parted with what it has, so that it does not save what it has accumulated, but spends, spends, spends. What is needed for this?
To do this you need:

1. Drink a lot of clean water! 2 liters per day. It is important. Never ignore drinking. Exactly water - not tea, not coffee, not juice, not fruit drink - just plain clean water!!! As soon as you start feeding your body clean water, your metabolism will speed up, swelling will go away, in the first days you will run to the toilet and there will be kg less on the scale every day! You MUST start your day with water! You can add lemon juice to it if your stomach allows it. If not, just water. A glass or two. Immediately after waking up. Then all hygiene procedures and only then breakfast. You need to drink slowly, a little at a time. At the same time, follow the principle: after eating, do not drink water for an hour and stop drinking half an hour before the next meal. After a protein meal, do not drink water for 2 hours. It is convenient to eat protein for dinner and not drink water in the evening. Make it a habit to keep a water bottle at your work station and drink a glass of water every break!!!

2. Required breakfast! Breakfast kickstarts your metabolism. This is the most important meal of the day and should not be skipped! For breakfast, it is better to eat slow carbohydrates (cereals, that is, porridge - with water and without sugar, of course). Add also a protein component: 1 egg or 50-100 g of cottage cheese. Tea and coffee without sugar, or with skim milk.

3.Eat in fractions. 3-5 times a day. But just a little bit. You can have 3 main meals and two snacks. (1 apple is already a snack, a glass of kefir is also a snack, everything counts!) Then we will not give hunger a chance to develop.

4. The body must receive everything it needs. Do not under any circumstances deprive him! The body must receive enough protein (meat, cottage cheese daily - otherwise the body will begin to eat the muscles, and the fat will remain), vitamins, nutrients and minerals. That is, nutrition should be balanced. If the body receives a good piece of boiled meat or fish with vegetables for dinner, you will not dream of sausage, because the body’s need for protein will be satisfied.

5. Eliminate “fast carbohydrates”: foods with a high glycemic index that cause sudden spikes in blood sugar (sweets). It is important! If we eat, for example, two sandwiches with sweet tea in the morning, thinking that we “need glucose for the brain to work” - this is a common misconception! So, after such a breakfast, the blood sugar level rises. We go to work, and after a couple of hours the feeling in the pit of our stomach begins, and by 12 o’clock we are unbearably hungry. Why? Because the sugar level, which has increased in the morning, begins to drop sharply and a signal goes to the brain: you need food!!! If you don’t eat sugar for breakfast, but have breakfast with so-called “slow” carbohydrates (porridge), the situation will be completely different! The brain will receive its portion of carbohydrates, but these carbohydrates will be absorbed slowly, gradually throughout the day, without causing sugar spikes and attacks of appetite. Only the porridge should be made with water and without sugar.

6. Limit salt intake. Eliminate all salty foods (herring, smoked meats, marinades) and add minimal salt to your dishes! Ideally, avoid salt altogether! It slows down the process of losing weight, as it retains water that has settled in fat cells, which have already grown to the point of impossibility. So, in order for fat cells to “deflate” faster, we limit salt! Don’t be afraid, it’s not harmful: foods contain enough salt; adding extra salt to food is a habit that’s easy to get rid of. Give it a try. If you can’t bear it, at least limit the salt.

7. Eliminate refined foods and all foods with additives. Forget about all sorts of “Activia” and “Danissimo” with additives - they are full of sugar and taste improvers, flavors and preservatives. We choose products that are as natural as possible in our time. That is, instead of sausage or frankfurter, we will take a piece of meat and cook it, instead of “Danissimo” - a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, dilute it to the consistency we need with low-fat milk or kefir, and add fruits or berries ourselves. Moreover, when choosing a pack of cottage cheese, we pay attention to the fat content and composition. No additives! Nowadays, so-called vegetable fats are often added to cottage cheese. This is terrible evil! Read the ingredients carefully! We only need milk and sourdough in the composition. We buy from trusted manufacturers!
We select products for ourselves from the “YES” column of this table:

Everything made from premium flour (bread, cookies, crackers, pastries, cakes, pasta, noodles)
Animal fats, mayonnaise, butter, sour cream, trans fats, margarine, spread, lard
Any sausage, dumplings, cutlets. sausages, sausages, deli meats, fatty meats, chicken skin, chicken wings, tails, all smoked meats, canned food.
Fast food any
Juices in bags
Sugar, jam, candies, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, milk chocolate, creams, meringues, condensed milk, whipped cream, ice cream, sorbets.
All kinds of cereals in bags with Bystrov additives and the like, White rice, semolina
Fatty dairy products: milk, kefir, fermented baked milk 3.2% and above, cottage cheese above 5%, full-fat cheese.
Bananas, grapes
Soda, kvass, beer, vodka, cognac

Apples, grapefruits – mostly! Any fruits and berries in moderation and in the first half of the day - not at night!
Vegetables: any, including frozen mixtures in bags
Low-fat dairy products: milk 0.5%, kefir 1%, cottage cheese up to 5%, cheese up to 17%.
Olive oil, flaxseed oil
Lean meat (beef, veal), skinless chicken breasts, any fish except smoked, boiled eggs.
Buckwheat, rolled oats, millet, pearl barley, brown rice
Whole grain bread, crispbread - a little bit!
Nuts, a little avocado
Freshly squeezed juice from fruits or vegetables, 1 glass in the morning
Tea, coffee, green tea, herbal teas, dry red wine
Honey, dried fruits, dark chocolate, pureed berries with sugar - a little into cottage cheese or tea (don’t get carried away!)

8. There are products - so-called lifesavers for losing weight. They are useful, you get full of them, they have a beneficial effect on metabolism. We shouldn't forget about them. They should form the basis of nutrition. This
Kefir 1%
Cottage cheese
Green apples
Leafy vegetables, greens
Cinnamon, ginger (grate with lemon and honey into tea)
Green tea
Chicken breasts, fish
Olive oil
You can pamper yourself, your beloved, with coffee with a piece of cheese, a slice of dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa), a handful of nuts, and dried fruits.
If there is alcohol, then dry red wine.

9.How to cook?
We don't fry anything. You can boil, stew, bake, cook in a double boiler. Pour out the broths! If we like soups, we cook them in water. Porridge is also on the water. Season the salad with lemon juice and olive oil (1 tablespoon per day). You can season it with unsweetened natural yoghurt (Activia, Biomax) - it tastes like sour cream, and the fat content is much less.

I’ll tell you about buckwheat separately. It needs to be prepared like this:
In the evening, pour a glass of good clean buckwheat (Mistral is best) into a saucepan with two glasses of boiling water, cover with a lid, and leave overnight. In the morning it will absorb all the water - it will turn out to be porridge. All that remains is to warm it up. This buckwheat is very good to eat for breakfast. It is super healthy, cleanses the body, promotes weight loss. You need to eat it without salt, without sugar, washing it down with kefir. You can have it with cottage cheese - very tasty!

Prepare stewed vegetables as a side dish for meat:
In a saucepan with a thick bottom, chop the cabbage, bell pepper, grate the carrots, chop the champignons, add a spoonful of olive oil. Simmer over low heat until done. Eat as a side dish with meat. Alternatively, you can cut the chicken breasts right there and simmer them together.

9. What to eat with what and what to eat when?
In the morning - slow carbohydrates - porridge with water (steamed buckwheat - ideal)
In the evening - protein
Eat meat only with vegetables!!! If you want potatoes so much that you dream about them at night, eat potatoes with vegetables, but without meat and without butter. No more than once a week!

Sample menu for the day:

Immediately after waking up - a glass of water with lemon juice.
Breakfast (MANDATORY!!! Breakfast speeds up metabolism!!!): Heat five tablespoons of buckwheat steamed in the evening in the microwave. There is a snack with cottage cheese “Tasty Day” - 100 gram glass. Drink a glass of 1% kefir. Then natural coffee with skim milk. After such a breakfast, you won’t remember about food for a very long time.
Water, water, water!!!
During the day, apples, kefir or cottage cheese. Do not eat in the canteen!
Water, water, water!!!
Dinner (4 hours before bedtime): a protein dish (boiled skinless chicken breast) with your choice of raw or stewed vegetables. You can prepare frozen mixtures as a side dish. The portion must be large to fill you properly.
At 9 o'clock - a glass of kefir.

10. How to resist temptations? How to feed your family and go shopping?
Start cooking only after you have eaten. When you fill your stomach with a boiled chicken breast and a bowl of vegetable salad, you will calmly fry chops without choking on your saliva. Verified. Likewise, you shouldn’t go to the store hungry. Temptations and smells will definitely work the way the store owners need it: they need us to be tempted, buy all sorts of harmful things and get drunk. And under no circumstances can we do this! That's why we try not to go to the store on an empty stomach. If you are used to going to the store after work, then half an hour before leaving work, eat 100 grams of 5% cottage cheese. It is fatty, quickly digested and will give you the opportunity to calmly live until dinner.

What will we get?
Don't worry: there will be no fainting, dizziness, or weakness. After all, we are not starving, we are not depriving the body of anything. On the contrary, we give him all the best that can be found in our time. He will be happy and will easily part with extra pounds. It can only be difficult for the first three days, while addiction, restructuring and release of toxins take place. I always have a headache on the second day. We must endure these three days. You can take a pill for your headache. If you want to give up on everything and eat the old way, imagine that they gave you a backpack and put 30 (50) kg of bricks in it. You carry this “backpack” with you every day, you sleep with it, climb stairs, spend your life carrying it, no one forces you, but you drag and drag this weight. They tell you that you can throw it off, that it will be easier without it, but you persistently put your burden on your shoulders again and again... Then it will become easier. Swelling will go away, blood pressure will normalize, your gait will become lighter, your back and joints will stop hurting, and it will become easier to walk up the stairs.

In the first month of eating this way, I easily lost 7.5 kg. Then I started losing 2-3 kg a month until I got rid of 33 extra pounds. From size 56 I switched to size 46. Changing your wardrobe is, of course, a blow to the budget, but I haven’t regretted it for a second!

For those who haven't seen it yet, the photo is here.

Of course, you can lose 30 kg. The main thing is to approach this matter consciously. To quickly lose weight you will need to remove it from the body. excess liquid and reduce muscle mass. Fat deposits will go away much later. It should also be taken into account that rapid weight loss harms health, reduces immunity, and causes depression and nervous breakdowns. Therefore, if you see somewhere an enthusiastic story “How I lost 30 kg in 2 weeks,” do not rush to repeat what the author did. It may be dangerous.

You need to get rid of excess weight little by little. It is permissible to lose no more than three kilograms per week. From this follows the conclusion that without harm to the body on diets you can lose 30 kg in 3 months. In addition to diet and other food restrictions like “don’t eat after six,” physical activity should become a firm part of the life of everyone losing weight. It will speed up your metabolism, tighten your skin and improve your well-being.

How to lose 30 kg in a month and is it realistic? Let's say right away - yes, it is possible. But to throw off such an impressive overweight, you need to properly speed up your metabolism. Stimulated metabolism gives the body the opportunity to process everything absorbed with the greatest benefit for it. Speed ​​up metabolic processes Can:

  • fasting and avoiding carbohydrate foods;
  • building up physical activity;
  • taking water and thermal procedures (in particular, visiting a bathhouse or sauna);
  • fractional meals.

Unloading + sport

The methods listed should give the body a real shake-up and force the digestive system to function in an enhanced mode. Especially important point- exercise stress. Losing 30 kilograms in 30 days without exercise is almost impossible.

A fasting day dedicated to protein foods will help move stalled weight downward. If you deprive the body of its usual nutrition and subject it to short-term stress, it will burn a lot of fat.

But such unloading is allowed to be done no more than 2-3 times a month. A longer diet will inevitably lead to poisoning - during the breakdown of proteins, a large amount of toxins is formed.


Here is a detailed diet menu with which you can lose 30 kg in just a month. Let us immediately note that it is strictly forbidden to rearrange rations, replace some products and dishes with others, and also adjust their quantities. We need to start on Sunday.

1st Having breakfast A serving of low-fat cottage cheese (100 g) and a cup of unsweetened green tea.
Let's have lunch Boiled beef (preferably veal) liver (100 g), a couple of boiled eggs, hard cheese (100 g), one tomato and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have dinner Boiled fish (200 g), hard cheese (100 g), fresh vegetables (200 g) and green beans (100 g).
2nd Having breakfast Boiled lean meat (100 g), stewed vegetables (100 g) and a cup of unsweetened green tea.
Let's have lunch Boiled beef (100 g), a couple of boiled eggs and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have dinner A portion of low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), boiled fish (200 g) and a glass of milk.
3rd Having breakfast Boiled turkey fillet (200 g), one tomato and a cup of unsweetened green tea.
Let's have lunch One boiled egg, vegetable salad, not seasoned with any oil (200 g) and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have dinner Boiled or stewed lean meat (200 g), stewed vegetables (100 g) and a glass of apple juice.
4th Having breakfast Boiled ham (200 g), fresh or stewed cabbage (100 g) and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have lunch A couple of boiled eggs, a vegetable salad without any oil (200 g), and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have dinner Boiled chicken fillet (100 g), carrot salad (100 g) and any nuts (50 g).
5th Having breakfast Low-fat yogurt (100-150 g), boiled lean meat (200 g), vegetables (100 g) and a glass of still mineral water.
Let's have lunch Boiled fish (200 g), hard cheese (100 g) and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have dinner Vegetables (unlimited quantity).
6th Having breakfast A couple of boiled eggs, boiled beef or chicken liver (100 g), boiled liver (chicken or beef) and a cup of unsweetened green tea.
Let's have lunch Boiled fish (100 g), hard cheese (100 g) and vegetable salad, not seasoned with any oil (100 g).
Let's have dinner Several fruits.
7th Having breakfast Boiled meat (200 g), boiled or stewed vegetables (100 g) and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have lunch Fruits (unlimited quantity).
Let's have dinner Boiled chicken fillet (100 g), boiled or stewed vegetables (100 g).

To get the desired effect, you need to do the complex every day simple exercises aimed at working the abdominal and thigh muscles. Otherwise, after you get rid of those extra pounds, your skin will sag.

In 2-3 months

To lose 30 kg in 2 months or 90 days, you need to completely change your diet. In addition, you will need to go to the gym at least twice a week. Gym. Regular training necessary to consume enough calories and model clear contours of the figure.

The power system is extremely simple. You just need to adhere to the following rules every day:

Obviously, a diet designed for two or three months is a very gentle system for reducing body weight. If you strictly adhere to all its rules and do not forget about physical activity, you can return the desired slimness to your body.

In 6 months

If we are losing weight at home, then we can do it at any pace convenient for you. Quick ways weight loss are described above. And now we’ll tell you about the safest nutrition system for health, which will allow you to get rid of the hated 30 kilograms in 6 months.

When creating a menu for this diet, you must take into account several important rules:

With this diet, you can not only lose 30 kg in six months, but also finally switch to proper healthy eating. By sticking to it in the future, you will be able to prevent the development of obesity.

One man's story

Most often, people with significant excess weight cover up their own laziness with the mythical “ broad bone", bad genes and eternal lack of time. But all of the above did not become an obstacle for Nellie, who did the seemingly incredible.

Causes of obesity

Just 4 years ago, her weight was 82 kilograms with a short height of 158 centimeters. What did you have to do to bring yourself to this state? As it turned out, Nellie was simply eating away at her problems and dissatisfaction with her own life all these years. She was brought to her senses by a sharp jump in blood sugar and the doctor’s disappointing diagnosis of prediabetes. The endocrinologist warned that if she did not stop gaining excess weight and began to lose weight, she was guaranteed to get diabetes and could very well die. The doctor's words acted on her as a powerful impetus to action.

Nellie shares that a radical change in her entire lifestyle was very difficult for her. During the first month of nutritional adjustment, she experienced constant weakness, headaches and depression. The only thing that kept her from breaking down was the fear of getting seriously ill.. After a while, it was as if an internal switch had turned on within her. She began to notice clear positive dynamics: her sleep improved, it became much easier for her to get out of bed in the morning, and she had a lot of energy. Now Nellie gets up at 4-5 in the morning. At the same time, she feels great, remains cheerful all day, and in the evenings she easily plunges into the arms of Morpheus.

Now her weight is only 51-52 kilograms. And she plans to maintain her slimmed-down figure for years to come.

How did she do it

First of all, Nellie completely removed sugar, fruit, white refined flour, rice, potatoes and alcohol from her diet. She began to walk a lot, strictly controlled the size of each portion, ate only by the hour and did not even allow the thought of snacking. On the day she could eat a couple of eggs, a little cheese, no more than 3 tablespoons of oatmeal or buckwheat and very few beans (lentils, beans).

Her daily diet consisted almost entirely of vegetables and a small amount of meat or fish. She ate unsweetened yoghurts and limited the amount of milk. Additionally, she didn’t add salt to anything, but she could sometimes afford a slice of smoked fish or a couple of olives.

As for physical activity, Nellie emphasized that she completely ignored sports, fitness and other training. Moreover, she has no intention of doing this in the future. The fact is that she prefers team games (for example, handball, volleyball and the like). However, her busy schedule does not allow her to play with more or less regularity. She is simply not interested in doing anything else. Therefore, minus 30 kg is the result of changes solely in the nutrition system.

The whole truth about weight loss

Excess weight, with the exception of cases of endocrine disorders in the body (and this is extremely rare), is usually caused by poor nutrition. And even the absence physical activity at balanced diet rarely affects the figure in the form of weight gain. Therefore, in order to get rid of any amount of extra pounds on your body, you first need to review your daily menu.

Before you start dumping so much heavy weight, you need to understand and accept that to your normal weight you will not come in a week or even in a month, no matter how much you want it. All attempts to get rid of large amounts of fat in short time At best, they end in nothing, and in the worst case, in a hospital bed. Remember that strict express diets are harmful to the body, and therefore are designed for a period of no more than 1 week.

Nutritionists have found that the body can lose 1-1.5 kg per week or 5 kg per month without harm to health. And no more. Large weight loss during this period is harmful to health and, as a rule, is in vain, because... In the future, excess weight returns. Perform a simple arithmetic operation: 30 kg: 5 kg/month. = 6 months It turns out that without harm to health, 30 kg can be gotten rid of only in six months of a continuous gentle diet and moderate physical exercise to maintain muscle and skin tone.

Excess body fat can be measured in calories. And 1 kg of fat is equal to 7700 calories, then 30 kg x 7700 kcal = 231000 kcal. It is this amount of energy accumulated in your body in the form of fat deposits that you will have to get rid of.

Do a few more simple arithmetic operations: 30 days (1 month) x 6 months = 180 days. Now 231,000 cal: 180 days = 1283 kcal. This is exactly the number of calories you will have to reduce your daily diet. That's quite a lot. Therefore, part of the 1283 calories can be burned through exercise and active image life.

Before starting a diet, calculate how many calories you normally consume per day. Most likely, your diet will be at least 2600-3000 kcal. Count honestly, without underestimating the weight and number of servings. Subtract 1283 calories from the resulting amount, and you will get your daily caloric intake for the next six months. Approximately, per day during the diet you will need to consume 1500-1800 kcal.

Embarking on a difficult journey slim figure, you should understand that the word “diet” does not quite fit your current way of eating. And creating a menu for six months is simply unrealistic. Rather, you will have to develop your own nutritional system, which you will strictly adhere to over the next 6 months and try to adhere to with some relaxation in the future for many years.

It is important that your nutrition system is balanced and contains enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Eat small meals - 5-6 times a day, dividing the entire diet into small portions. All sweets (if at all permissible) and high-calorie foods should be consumed in the first half of the day. The last meal should be no later than 19.00.

Your single serving should contain approximately 360 kcal (1800:5=360). Alternatively, you can consume the bulk of the calories (about 1000) in the first half of the day, and divide all the remaining calories (500-800) into 3-4 doses, starting with lunch. Never forbid yourself a product that you really, really want to eat. Just consume it in small quantities and right time day. This will help you avoid diet breakdowns. And this is what most often stops people halfway to their desired results.

Diet menu

Whatever the diet - gentle or strict, it is still built on prohibitions and restrictions. Eliminate from your diet: all fast food, chips, store-bought crackers, processed foods, mayonnaise, fatty and salty sauces. Season your food with a few drops of olive oil, lemon juice, low-fat yogurt, and soy sauce. Replace bread with yeast-free bread. Replace sweets with dried fruits, sugar with a small amount of honey.

Follow the principle of separate meals when eating. There are special product compatibility tables. In addition, always keep before your eyes full list calorie content of products. Buy an electronic kitchen scale. Weigh all the foods you are going to eat and count their calories. This is one of mandatory conditions diets.

It's not just what you eat, but also how you prepare it. Forget fried and fatty foods. Now you can only eat oven-baked, boiled, stewed vegetables, lean boiled meat and steamed fish.