What alloy are Olympic medals made of? Gold medal at school: what it is made of (composition) and what it looks like. What is the composition of the Olympic gold medal?

For the main award of the Olympics - gold medal- thousands of athletes from different parts of the planet are fighting. NTV talks about what it is made of, how much precious metal there actually is in Olympic medals, and what the price of such awards is.

What are Olympic medals made of?

An Olympic gold medal is only 1.2% gold, which is just to cover the award. Inside the award itself is pure silver. The silver medal for second place also does not consist of pure precious metal. Interestingly, the silver in a silver medal is about 92.5%, the remaining 7.5% is copper. But the bronze award really consists of bronze. Although bronze itself is an alloy of copper with zinc and tin (97% copper, 2.5% zinc and 0.5% tin).

It must be said that one of the main missions of the Olympics in Brazil is caring for the environment and attention to environmental problems. The organizers took this into account and even in the Olympic medals did not forget to think about conservation: the ribbons for the awards are made from recycled plastic bottles.

It should be noted that the weight of the highest Olympic award reached 500 grams this year. This is an absolute record in the history of the Summer Games.

Photo: Reuters/Sergio Moraes

Interestingly, until 1960, medals were made without any fastenings and were handed directly to the winners. Organizers of the 1960 Games in Rome first made thin bronze chains in the shape of an olive branch so that medals could be hung around the necks of athletes. However, the organizers were on the safe side: the girls who presented the medals for the awards had scissors to quickly cut the chains in case of objections. However, the organizers liked the idea, and since then chains or ribbons have been attached to Olympic medals.

At the ancient Olympic Games, the winner was not awarded medals at all: this tradition arose much later. At that time, the champion was rewarded with a wreath of olive branches and special prizes (for example, gold coins).

How much do the medals cost?

The nominal value of gold medals at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro decreased by 12% compared to the gold medals at the 2012 Olympics in London, despite the increase in the weight of the award itself. MarketWatch agency writes about this.

The Rio Olympic gold medals are made from 494 grams of 92.5 percent silver and 6 grams of 99.9 percent gold. The cost of precious metals at the close of trading on August 5 (the opening day of the Rio Olympics) was $19.82 per troy ounce of silver and $1,344.4 per ounce of gold. Thus, the face value of the Rio gold medal is $601.

Based on the cost of the components from which this or that was made Olympic medal, then the cheapest is the bronze medal. In terms of rubles, it can cost only about 650 rubles.

The medal for second place is made mainly of silver of at least 925 standard, and therefore its price can be about 15,000 rubles.

Athletes do not receive awards made from solid precious metals due to their high cost. For example, if the first place medal were made of pure gold, it would cost approximately $23,000. Considering that there are 812 gold medals being awarded at the Rio Games, a very significant amount of money would have to be spent on their production.

Only at the first Olympic Games in modern history (1904 in St. Louis, 1908 in London and 1912 in Stockholm) were the medals made of pure gold. But at the same time, they were much smaller than the current samples: on average, their diameter was only 3.4 cm, and they were awarded only to those who won individual championships.

Are there special rules by which medals are made?

Yes, such rules exist. Among them:

  • the diameter of the medals must be at least 60 mm, and the thickness must be at least 3 mm;
  • Each medal must have a fastening for a chain or ribbon;
  • Each medal must indicate the sport in which it is being played;
  • the design of the medals is developed by the country in which they are held Olympic Games, but only the International Olympic Committee can finally approve it.

What do the Rio Olympics medals look like?

The obverse of the medal depicts Nike, the winged goddess of victory in mythology Ancient Greece. It sits below the five Olympic rings, while the name of the discipline and the name of the medalist are engraved along the edge.

Photo: REUTERS / Sergio Moraes

The other side of the medal features the Rio 2016 logo. It should be noted that the award is presented to the athletes along with a case made from cordia goelda wood: it grows only in South America.

Many schoolchildren who want to receive a gold medal, which is considered the most prestigious award for school achievements, often wonder: is the medal really made of gold? In today's article we will answer this question and also tell you what this reward looks like.

What is a gold medal and its purpose?

The gold medal is considered the highest award given to schoolchildren for academic success. To receive it, you must have A's in all subjects in grades 10 and 11, as well as excellent grades for final exams.

It is believed that this award allows students to enter universities without any problems, but this is not the case. After the introduction of the Unified State Exam, gold medals lost their “magic power”. Nowadays, the admissions committee no longer admires the gold embossing of the certificate. Moreover, medalists do not have any benefits. Their only advantage is an additional score, which is set by the local regional administration after the final exams.

What does it consist of and what does it look like?

School medals appeared about 70 years ago. At that time, they were officially called “gold-plated and silver-plated student medals,” but for some reason this name ultimately did not stick. Answering the question of many graduates and their parents, namely, whether the medal really consists of gold, it is worth noting that the truly “golden age” of medals took place only from 1946 to 1954. Then they were made of pure gold (thickness 3 microns) of 583rd standard, the weight of which was approximately 10.5 grams.

But this was only until 1960, then their composition changed radically. From now on, the word “gold” can only be used in quotation marks for student medals, nothing more. And the whole point is that this symbol of academic success began to be made from copper-zinc and copper-nickel alloys and gold plating in an amount of only 0.3 grams.

In 2007, the emblem of the Russian flag began to be depicted on gold medals

The design has also undergone changes. If the first copies bore the inscription “For excellent achievements and exemplary behavior,” now on one side it is written “For special achievements in learning.” In 1998, the image of a double-headed eagle appeared on the medals, and in 2007, the Russian tricolor, made using hot enamel.

When making gold medals, a mandatory tool with a relief image is used, namely an engraving. It takes a whole month to complete, which certainly affects the value of the medal. It is also known that a number of specialists, including sculptors, painters and engravers, are working on it. Naturally, the circulation itself is stamped much faster.

Then the medal is placed in packaging - an ordinary plastic box of a rather modest appearance. Nothing else is included with the reward. It is also worth noting that the certificate of a student who has received a gold medal is issued with a special gold embossing.

The certificate of the gold medalist is issued with special gold embossing

By the way, if you are one of those lucky ones who managed to receive the main award for school achievements, then remember the main rule: do not rub the medal with an eraser, thinking that this will give it a more shiny look. On the contrary, you risk removing the special varnish from it, after which it will begin to darken much faster.

As you can see, if previously a gold medal was really considered as such, now this term is applicable to it only in quotation marks. However, this does not negate the fact that this award is considered the main indicator of your knowledge, efforts and skills!

Does a modern schoolchild need a gold medal? What benefits does it provide? How to get this prestigious award? Let's figure it out together.

The gold medal is presented in a ceremonial atmosphere

A little about the history of the award

The first gold medal was given to a student in 1828, back in Russian Empire. Since then it has been canceled several times, then brought back again. The last cancellation took place at the end of 2013. The reason is that medals were issued in huge quantities, and not always justifiably. In addition, then they did not provide any advantages during admission. This decision of the Ministry of Education and Science caused a negative reaction from society, so it was revised by the State Duma. In May 2014, the president signed a decree according to which schools began again issuing gold medals to students “for special achievements in learning.”

How to get a gold medal? Conditions for receiving in 2020

The decision to issue a gold medal is made by the school’s teachers’ council and coordinated with the local department of the Ministry of Education. To receive the reward, you must fulfill certain conditions:

  • Have final grades “excellent” in all compulsory subjects school curriculum for the 10th and 11th grades (arithmetic average of the sum of annual and semi-annual grades, rounded according to the laws of mathematics).
  • Confirm the gold medal with Unified State Exam points: At least 70 points for the Russian language and specialized mathematics (or 5 points for basic mathematics). You must pass it the first time!

And some regions of Russia have established their own awards for excellent study. For example, in Moscow, According to information on the Moscow Mayor’s portal, the medal will be given to someone who fulfills one of the conditions:

-- won All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren,

Or received 100 points for the Unified State Exam in Russian or mathematics,

Or finished with 220 points for three Unified State Exam subjects (that’s 73.3 points for each exam).

For a graduate with disabilities there are two more options:

-- finish 11th grade with excellent marks and score a total of at least 146 points for the Unified State Examination in Russian and specialized mathematics,
-- or 73 in Russian and get a 5 in basic mathematics.

Gold medal - a prestigious award for special academic achievements

What are the benefits of a gold medal?

Of course, a medal will not open doors to everything, but it will still provide you with some bonuses. Upon admission she gives extra points, which are summarized with the results of the Unified State Exam. According to the Moscow Mayor's portal, it will also provide an advantage in admission if you and another applicant without a medal score the same number of points. However, we have not heard of universities making this concession for excellent students.

To confirm that you have a gold medal, you must provide the admissions committee with a certificate.

How many points do universities award for a gold medal?

Upon admission in 2020, you can receive up to 10 extra points inclusive. Each university decides which numbers to set independently. Information about additional points can be obtained on the official website of a particular university. To do this, you need to find the section “ Individual achievements" Here are the additional points set by some famous educational institutions in the country in 2019:

Each year the points may be different. This is far from full list even for Moscow and St. Petersburg. Check your gold medal scores on our website in the Specialties section.

Each university sets the number of additional points for a gold medal independently.

Legislation does not stand still - the conditions for receiving the medal are becoming more stringent, and its holders receive additional benefits. The main emphasis is on ensuring that medals are awarded deservedly and objectively. Everything is in your hands, go for it!


That is, if you have 4s or 3s for 6th or 8th grade, can you get a gold medal?

Muxa Ckomapob, you can. Only grades for grades 10-11 matter. And there it is not necessary to have all 5, the main thing is that the arithmetic average in the subject is 5. For example, in the first half of the 10th grade I had a 4 in chemistry and biology, for the remaining half of the year there were 5 everywhere and I have a gold medal. (I graduated in 2018, I think nothing has changed)

Muxa Ckomapob, if you have already completed 9 grades, then you have received a certificate of incomplete secondary general education. In grades 10-11, the countdown begins again.

Medals in cs go They are painted in standard gold, brown, and gray colors and are made in the form of icons next to the player’s nickname. They display all the information and level of achievements of the player and what he has already completed or started to perform in percentage. For positive results in the game, bronze is awarded accordingly, then silver goes up for promotion. To open achievements, you must complete them in the required modes while completing tasks in the game. For example, defusing a bomb when there is less than one second left before the explosion and you will not be able to get the achievement.

How to get gold medals in CS GO?

In order for you to have a sufficient number of gold medals on your profile without earning them, there is a method that is very simple and quite accessible to everyone. So we take all the necessary medals in CS:GO.

How to get a “five-year veteran” medal in CS GO?

Not long ago, CS:GO turned exactly one year old. In honor of this anniversary, the game developers thought about the players who have registered any version of CS:GO on Steam since 2008. Then the player receives anniversary medal: “five-year veteran. But even if it’s the first game for a CS:GO player, the game developers haven’t forgotten about them either. At the end of the five-year period, the player receives his well-deserved anniversary medal for the fifth anniversary of the game.

Are these medals really needed in cs go?

In general, medals are not an indicator. Their presence or absence does not in any way affect matchmaking or the attitude of other players towards you. Whatever it is, regardless of the number of icons next to your nickname, others will evaluate you only by your personal skill.

This report is available in high definition

The 2014 Winter Olympic Games will begin very soon in Sochi. this moment At the country's largest jewelry enterprise, the production of 1,300 Olympic medals is in full swing, which will require about three kilograms of 999-carat gold, two tons of 960-carat silver and 700 kilograms of bronze.

In today's report we will find out how they make olympic medals, why there is such a big difference in the amount of precious metals used and what “gold” medals are actually made of.

The production of Olympic medals is carried out by the Adamas company, one of the largest players in the Russian jewelry market. According to the company itself, it is the largest in Russia in terms of production volumes of jewelry made from precious metals. In addition, since 1994, Adamas has been developing a retail chain of the same name, which now includes about 200 jewelry stores throughout the country.

Here is a gold bar in the hands of an Adamas worker, June 28, 2013. Gold of 999.9 purity is considered “pure”; this is precisely the purity of gold that is found in bars. (Photo by Sergei Karpukhin | Reuters):

The diameter of the Olympic medal is 10 cm, thickness is 10 mm. Olympic gold weighs 531 grams, silver - 525 grams, bronze - 460 grams.

Working with a silver medal at the Adamas factory, June 28, 2013. (Photo by Sergei Karpukhin | Reuters):

It takes 18 hours to make one medal. Manufacturing accuracy is up to 0.001 mm. (Photo by Sergei Karpukhin | Reuters):

It will take about three kilograms of 999 gold, two tons of 960 silver and 700 kilograms of bronze to produce 1,300 Olympic medals. This big difference in the amount of precious metals used is due to the fact that "gold" medals are not actually gold, they are gold plated: they are made from silver and then plated with 6 grams of gold.

The technological process of manufacturing each Olympic medal consists of 25 operations. Most of them (about 20) involve the processing of a metal blank, and the remaining part of the operations is associated with the processing of polycarbonate, from which the insert in the form of a patchwork quilt is made - the main visual element of the Games design. (Photo by Sergei Karpukhin | Reuters):

Briefly, the whole process looks like this. The production of an Olympic medal begins with casting, rolling and cutting the workpiece, resulting in parallelepipeds made of silver or bronze measuring 12x12 cm and 12 mm thick. Then a round blank with a diameter of 10 cm is made from a parallelepiped on a lathe. (Photo by Sergei Karpukhin | Reuters):

Next, the workpiece is sent for milling, where patterns, symbols and names of disciplines are applied. Holes are also cut out in the medals into which polycarbonate inserts will be placed. After this, the medals are washed and polished. (Photo by Sergei Karpukhin | Reuters):

Ordinary toothbrushes have proven effective in the process of laundering medals. the best side. (Photo by Sergei Karpukhin | Reuters):

(Photo by Sergei Karpukhin | Reuters):

An important step in the production of Olympic medals is the insertion of polycarbonate elements, which are a piece of a “patchwork quilt”, into the metal part. They are joined due to high manufacturing precision - up to 0.001 mm. (Photo by Sergei Karpukhin | Reuters):

Making an award for the Paralympic Games takes 20 hours, i.e. 2 hours more. They are more difficult to produce because the medals need to be printed with Braille for visually impaired and blind athletes. (Photo by Sergei Karpukhin | Reuters):

Silver medal for women's freestyle skiing. Adamas Factory, June 28, 2013. (Photo by Sergei Karpukhin | Reuters):

Olympic medals 2014. Also see the articles "" and "". (Reuters Photo):