What is a tennis ball made of? How to make poi - a detailed guide for making it yourself. Making your own projectile

Balls for table tennis

They turn the cheapest LED garland into a stylish light source.

With just a little effort, you can make this fun garland - perfect Halloween decor! To do this, we draw faces on the balls, make a hole in each ball, into which a light bulb will then be inserted. During work, for convenience, we put the ball on toothpicks or any sticks. We cut the bandage, dip it in PVA glue and place it on top of the balls. When the glue is completely dry, put the balls on the garland.

You can also make this modern lampshade from ping pong balls.

And if there are a lot of balls, you can even decorate the car with them. As Katherine Smith from Maryland did. She used 8,000 ping pong balls, which she glued to her Volkswagen Beetle. Of course, we personally would be sorry to seal such a rare car. But some works of the domestic automobile industry cannot be spoiled by anything.

You can create the most incredible installations from table tennis balls. For example, clouds. Not a bad idea for decorating a sports store!

But this installation with “ping-pong” clouds was created by Brooklyn artist Daniel Arsham, using 21,000 balls. Do you agree, it’s beautiful?

However, Daniel decided not to stop there. Having obtained 25,000 ping-pong balls, he decided to use them as a finishing material. Look what came of it.

Let's move on to the balls for tennis

You can make equally cool things out of them! For example, here is a holder for various small things.

Or a decorative Christmas wreath.

And even jewelry - for example, bracelets.

A tennis ball can become a plant pot.

And even a house for pets.

If there are a lot of balls, you can use them to make a lounger for your four-legged friend.

Or quite good furniture for your loved one.

If you don't need new furniture, but the old one scratches the flooring and makes a disgusting grinding noise when you try to move it, you can't do without tennis balls.

Tennis is an exciting and interesting game. It appeared in the form to which we are accustomed in the 19th century and was similar to the game of royal tennis, and as a game it originated in the 12th century in France - of course, it was very different from the modern one. Now thousands of people around the world play tennis - professionals and beginners, regardless of gender and age. Have you ever wondered how such an important equipment for this game as a tennis ball is made? Previously, it was a simple leather bag with horse or human hair inside. Meanwhile, in modern times its production has a number of interesting features. Let's talk about this in more detail.

9 out of 10 tennis balls are made in Asia, because this is where the basis for production - rubber - is mined. So, let's imagine ourselves as masters of making balls.

Before us is the most important thing - a piece of rubber weighing almost 1000 kg. First of all, we heat it and treat it with lubricant. For better “jumping ability” and long service life, we must mix chemical mixtures here, since the rubber itself quickly wears out and does not spring as high as we need.

Be sure to add sulfur - then it will give heat to the rubber, that is, it will vulcanize it and make it a little harder.

We knead the resulting raw material, level it so that there are no air bubbles left - they make the elasticity of the ball worse, and then we make a huge layer.

We cut it into strips and send it to the press, from which balls come out - we have to treat them with silicone and hot water so that they slide out of the mold easily. The balls are made hollow because rubber is a heavy material.

Place the balls in a hot press. A sharp stamp pushes out the halves, which move along the line. Assembling hundreds of ball halves is the job of a polisher, who cuts the edges to the required size and coats them with a layer of glue that begins to work when heated.

Now the balls must go into a special machine, which will create high pressure inside them - an order of magnitude higher than atmospheric pressure. This is necessary for them to have a good rebound.

The process is as follows: we place the halves of the balls manually in a mold, close them... The smart machine will do the rest itself: the pressure in the balls becomes 1.5 bar, which is 2 times more than atmospheric pressure, and the halves stick together.

Pure physics: after an impact, compressed molecules literally “push” the ball upward, trying to return to its original shape. Thus, the ball is filled with potential energy. So, the cores of our future tennis balls are ready.

It's time to make the balls well controlled. We dip them in glue - this is how we prepare it for processing with fluff.

Felt is a material with interesting properties and very important in the production of tennis balls. For complete control over braking and spin of the ball, felt is ideal. The pile prevents air from sliding over it unhindered.

Consequently, the ball moves slower, but the player has time to follow and control it. By the way, previously the covering material was black and white, but they were made bright by the decision of spectators and journalists - this way they are better visible both on the court and when broadcast on television.

Felt blanks are made on a press, separately for each ball. Their inner side is treated with glue, they are connected and turned into an almost completely finished tennis ball.

The balls begin moving along a conveyor, which gently squeezes them to ensure the strength of the felt.

After this, we send the balls to another press with a temperature of 325º for exactly 12 minutes. The felt should adhere well to the inner rubber blank.

And finally, the last but very important stage of the process. The balls are immersed in a drum, which, with the help of hot steam, makes them fluffy, exactly as they should be for ideal controllability, and therefore an enjoyable game.

The balls are ready. It is mandatory to comply with the requirements: weight 56-58 grams, diameter 6.4-6.7 cm. Now they are numbered from 1 to 4 and placed in jars of three balls with the same numbers.

Please note: jars are always hermetically sealed with metal lids using a special machine that creates the required pressure. The fact is that over time the air comes out of the balls and they become unsuitable for play. This is why it is important to check balls that we do not play with for a long time. By the way, this can be done very easily. Raise the ball to eye level, then release it. He should jump up to about his waist. If the ball does not have such a jump, then feel free to buy a new one.

This page describes how to make a Fight Ball simulator with your own hands at home. Making a simulator for practicing strikes is simple.

Option 1. Cheap and cheerful.

You will need: a tennis ball, an elastic band, a baseball cap.


  1. Pierce the tennis ball with a sharp object (such as scissors). Be careful.
  2. Tie several knots at the end of the elastic so that it does not “slip” back.
  3. Push the knotted end of the elastic through the hole in the ball.
  4. Tie the other end of the elastic to the cap, choosing the length of the elastic so that the ball is at the level of the navel.

That's all, 10 minutes and the fight ball boxing simulator is ready for use!

Video instruction


  • no effort is needed to make the ball fly away from the fist;
  • There is no way to practice side impacts.

Option 2. Cheap, right.

  1. Fill a sock with rice, preferably a woolen one (it's ideal for this). You should get a mini pear with a diameter of 8 cm.
  2. Thread an 8 cm long cord through a large button and tie it into a ring.
  3. Insert the ring with the button into the neck of the sock (the ring should stick out from the neck). “Tighten” tightly with a nylon thread. Cut off the excess part of the sock with scissors.
  4. Take an elastic band, fold it two or three times (depending on the density of the elastic) and sew along the entire length every 10 cm.
  5. Attach the resulting “tourniquet” to the mini-pear.

Option 3. Correct, effective.

FIGHT BALL BOXING from company FIGHTMASTER This effective simulator for masters and beginners. It does not have the negative properties inherent in homemade exercise machines.


  • The shell of the ball is sewn with durable threads made of genuine leather.
  • The exercise bag is filled with special granules to give shape and weight.
  • Comfortable and reliable head mount with adjustable size and ventilation inserts.
  • The elastic band for fastening the ball is optimally selected for elasticity, stretch and strength.
  • The fastening of the elastic band is located on the top of the head, this makes it possible to practice not only direct punches, but also side punches, as well as elbow strikes.
  • The simulator was tested and improved during the training process, taking into account the wishes professional athletes various types martial arts and martial artists.
  • You will have to “invest” in every shot, and not just put your fists under the ball. This makes the workout more effective.
  • The FIGHTMASTER company has been manufacturing and improving the FIGHT BALL BOXING simulator since 2015.

The balloon can be widely used in everyday life. Is it hard to believe? Then look at the recipes collected in the new review and remember them. Surely some of them will come in handy in every home. It’s worth sharing the secrets you’ve received with your friends.

1. Ice scenery

Balloons filled with slightly colored water will help decorate your yard in winter. When the water completely freezes, take the balls out into the yard and carefully remove the rubber casing.

2. Bright vases

Using balloons of different colors, you can decorate ordinary glass glasses, turning them into bright vases for small bouquets of flowers.

3. Door handle

A tennis ball can be a great alternative to a broken doorknob.

4. Drying form

To prevent a natural wool hat from losing its shape after washing, dry it on an inflated balloon.

5. Towel holders

Tennis balls make fun and very convenient towel holders. To do this, you just need to make a small longitudinal cut in the middle of the ball and attach it to the wall in the kitchen or bath.

6. Key holder

Just one cut and a pair of toy eyes will allow you to turn a tennis ball into an original key holder, which will become an original and practical detail in the hallway.

7. Cooling drinks

Fill air balloons a little water, place in the freezer and use to cool drinks on the beach or during an outdoor party.

8. Decor of cans

Decorate ordinary glass jars multi-colored balls and use them to store various things and products.

9. Unusual invitation

Inflate the balloons, beautifully write invitations to the celebration on them, release the air, attach the balloons to cards and distribute them to friends who will be able to read the text of the invitation only by inflating the balloon. Such unusual invitations will amaze your friends and will be remembered for a long time.

10. Washing

To prevent the filling of a down jacket or blanket from bunching up when washing, place several tennis balls in the washing machine.

11. Marker hanger

A tennis ball suspended from the ceiling in the garage will avoid possible parking problems.

12. Protectors

Old tennis balls can be placed on furniture legs to protect the floor from scratches and damage and reduce noise levels.

13. Cover

A balloon will allow you to easily and airtightly close any container.

14. Crafts

The inflated balloon can be used as a mold to create beautiful vases, lamps and desserts.

15. Opener

Holiday decor.

Balloons can be turned into giant candy canes and used as unusual holiday decorations.

Video bonus:

Continuing the topic that everyone will appreciate.

Useful tips

Tennis balls can be found in any sports store. But they do not last forever, and after a few games of tennis they are no longer playable.

You shouldn’t throw them away, because there are many useful ideas on how else you can use such balls - from washing clothes to massage.

*It's worth noting that tennis balls can be dangerous for dogs. The yellow coating can damage your pet's teeth and your dog can also choke on these balls.

There were even cases when a tennis ball suddenly burst, and such a situation is very dangerous for the animal that took the ball in its mouth.

Useful crafts from a tennis ball

Here are the most useful ones alternative ways Using tennis balls:

1. Protect the floor from scratches.

Use a utility knife to cut small holes into which you can insert the chair legs. No more chair scratches!

2. Washing.

A couple of tennis balls can be placed in the washing machine along with clothes and laundry. Thanks to this, the down jackets will retain their shape (otherwise, after washing, the down inside the jackets will not be distributed evenly), and the towels will remain fluffy even after several such washes.

3. Assistance when parking in the garage.

This is especially useful for novice drivers.

Here's what to do:

Find strong thread or fishing line. Measure the length so that the thread touches the windshield. You can ask someone to help you hang the thread correctly.

Tie one end of the thread to the garage ceiling at a safe distance from the wall, taking into account the length of the car. If you have nothing to tie to, you can secure the thread with tape, plasticine or clay. You can think of other ways.

Tie the other end of the thread to the ball.

Now you can park carefully - as soon as the ball touches the windshield, stop.

4. Clean pool.

In the summer, when it’s hot, when you want to swim, some summer residents install small pools. Both adults and children swim in them, and the more people who want to swim, the faster the water becomes polluted.

Tennis balls can absorb some sticky contaminants left behind after swimming.

5. Getting rid of scuffs.

Scuff marks from shoes are common in office buildings, schools and universities. To get rid of them, attach (stick) a tennis ball to a stick and start rubbing it on the contaminated area.

To attach the ball to a stick, you need to use a regular or utility knife to make a small cut in the ball and insert the stick into the cut.

6. Massager.

After a long day at work, you want to relax and stretch your stagnant muscles a little.

Take a tennis ball and use it to massage the desired areas. If it is the back, legs and pelvis, then you should put the ball on the floor, sit or lie on it and start making slow circular movements.

You can also massage your arms and back against the wall, pressing the ball in the right place.

Useful crafts for home

7. Protect children from corners.

If you have children at home, it is important to protect them from impacts on the sharp corners of the table. To do this, you need to make one cut in each of the tennis balls and place these balls on the sharp corners of the furniture. It may not look very aesthetically pleasing, but the children will be safe.

8. Easy opening of the lid.

Each of us has at least once tried to open the lid of a jar, and it was not possible to do it the first time.

A tennis ball will come to the rescue. Cut it along the marking lines to get a certain shape that is convenient for gripping the lid of the jar. After this, squeeze this piece of the ball well and try to open the lid - the rubber inside the ball will help to do this, creating a good grip.

Useful DIY crafts

9. Holder for keys and other small items.

Make a cut on one side of the ball and a small hole on the other. Insert a suction cup into the hole and attach the ball to a flat surface.

You can insert keys, letters, small towels and other small items into the slot.

For beauty, you can glue toy eyes.

Ball crafts for home

10. What else can be made from old tennis balls:

Phone stand


The candles are in a glass or metal container so that the paraffin will not fall onto the rubber surface of the balls.