The use of modern educational technologies in the educational and training process in taekwondo classes. Sport and innovation are always together Innovative techniques in sports

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Glazov State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.G. Korolenko"


topic: Innovative technologies in the training process of a basketball player

Completed by student 334 gr.:

Danilov Dmitry

Scientific adviser:

R.S. Nagovitsyn

Glazov - 2015


Chapter 1. Basketball

1.1 History of the birth of basketball

1.2 Basketball in the physical education program at school

1.3 Application of innovative technologies in training a basketball player

Chapter 2. Innovative methodology for teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball using multimedia

2.1 Description of the experimental study

2.2 Result of the experimental study

2.3 Result of the experimental study




Targetresearch- scientifically substantiate and experimentally test innovative methods of teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball using multimedia.

An objectresearch- the process of teaching schoolchildren the technique of playing basketball.

Itemresearch- methods of teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball using multimedia.

The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that teaching basketball techniques to schoolchildren will be more effective if multimedia is used in physical education lessons under the following conditions:

· availability of computer equipment close to the place of classes (gym, sports basketball court);

· mastery of information technology by a physical education teacher;

· students’ ability to use computer programs independently;

· variability and dynamism of the use of leading exercises for mastering the technique of playing basketball;

· taking into account the age, individual physical and mental capabilities of students;

· developing students' interest in basketball;

· developing children's needs for physical education and sports, and physical self-improvement in general.


1) study modern approaches to teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball;

2) theoretically substantiate and develop the content of an innovative methodology for teaching schoolchildren technical techniques using multimedia in basketball, taking into account pedagogical conditions;

3) determine the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effectiveness of the methodology for teaching schoolchildren the technical techniques of playing basketball using multimedia.

Chapter1. Basketball

1.1 Storyoriginsbasketball

Basketball(English basket - basket, ball - ball) - a sports team game with a ball.

Basketball is played by two teams, each of which consists of five field players (each team has a total of 12 people, there are no restrictions on substitutions). The goal of each team is to throw the ball into the opponent's basket with their hands and prevent the other team from taking possession of the ball and throwing it into their basket. The basket is located 3.05 m from the floor (10 ft). A goal thrown from close and medium distances counts two points, and a goal from the far distance (from behind the 3-point line) counts three points; A free throw is worth one point. The standard size of a basketball court is 28 m long and 15 m wide. Currently, basketball uniforms consist of a T-shirt and shorts. This form can be one- or two-sided. This uniform is made from special breathable materials that make it possible to ensure good heat exchange and ventilation in the basketball player’s body and easily remove moisture from the surface of the skin. It’s little things like these that differentiate a high-quality sports uniform from a low-quality one. Sportswear made from special materials makes it possible to regulate the heat exchange of the athlete’s body during training and games. Improper heat exchange has a negative impact on the athlete’s health. As a result, instead of sports, which give excellent shape and health, we will get the absolutely opposite effect. Anyone who makes the wrong choice of basketball uniform takes this risk. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the choice of basketball uniform; it is recommended to consult a specialist when choosing a uniform for playing basketball and training.

The birthplace of basketball is the United States of America. The game was invented in 1891 at the YMCA training center in Springfield, Massachusetts. To liven up gymnastics lessons, a young teacher, a native of Canada, Dr. Disames Naismith, came up with a new game. He attached two bottomless fruit baskets to the balcony railings, into which he had to throw a soccer ball (basket - basket, boll - ball.). A year later, D. Naismith developed the first 13 points of basketball rules. Almost the very first matches under these rules caused their first changes. Fans on the balconies caught the flying balls and tried to throw them into the opponent’s basket, so shields appeared that became the protection of the basket. Already in 1893, iron rings with mesh appeared. The new game turned out to be not only interesting and dynamic, but in 1894 the first official rules were published in the USA. Basketball from the USA first penetrates the East - Japan, China, the Philippines, as well as Europe and South America. 10 years later, at the Olympic Games in St. Louis (USA), the Americans organized an exhibition tour between teams from several cities. Basketball was also a demonstration sport at the 1924 and 1928 Olympics. Basketball is one of the most popular games in our country. It is characterized by a variety of movements; walking, running, stopping, turning, jumping, catching, throwing and dribbling the ball, carried out in single combat with opponents. Such diverse movements help improve metabolism, the functioning of all body systems, and form coordination. Basketball has not only health-improving and hygienic significance, but also propaganda and educational significance. Basketball lessons help build perseverance, courage, determination, honesty, self-confidence, and a sense of teamwork. But the effectiveness of education depends, first of all, on how purposefully the relationship between physical and moral education is carried out in the pedagogical process. Basketball, as a means of physical education, has found wide application in various parts of the physical education movement. In the public education system, basketball is included in physical education programs for preschoolers, general secondary, secondary, vocational, specialized secondary and higher education.

Basketball is an exciting athletic game that is an effective means of physical education. It is no coincidence that it is very popular among schoolchildren. Basketball, as an important means of physical education and health improvement for children, is included in the general education programs of secondary schools, schools with polytechnic and industrial training, children's sports schools, city departments of public education and branches of sports voluntary societies.

Consolidating the achieved results and further increasing the level of sportsmanship are closely intertwined with mass recreational work and qualified training of reserves of the most talented boys and girls. Such reserves are prepared in children's sports schools.

Long-term education of children requires taking into account the characteristics of their age-related development, and in connection with this, a careful set of tools and methods of educational work. Currently, there are many manuals covering in detail modern basketball techniques. They outline general issues of organizing pedagogical work, and also provide specific practical materials that need to be learned at a certain age.

One of the most important tasks of a comprehensive school is to instill in children the need for daily physical exercise. Solving this problem requires perseverance, creativity, and a lot of skills and knowledge from the physical education teacher. And first of all, you need to be able to build on not only your own activities, but also the activities of the students in the lesson. Moreover, so that it has its appropriate continuation in the form of independent studies at home for the purpose of physical self-improvement. And for this, first of all, you need to know the real capabilities of your students.

The variety of technical and tactical actions of playing basketball and the gaming activity itself have unique properties for the formation of vital skills and abilities of schoolchildren, the comprehensive development of their physical and mental qualities. The mastered motor actions of playing basketball and associated physical exercises are effective means of promoting health and recreation and can be used by a person throughout his life in independent forms of physical education.

basketball school reception multimedia

1.2 BasketballVprogramByphysicalcultureVschool

Basketball is one of the most spectacular and exciting games. Basketball originated in America, and therefore it is not surprising that the most spectacular basketball can be seen at the games of the National Basketball Association. Basketball is one of the popular sports games in Russia. Basketball progress is observed every year. Specialized basketball departments are being opened in the country in the Youth Sports School and Sports School for Youth and Sports School, aimed both at the development of mass children and youth in sports, and at high-achievement sports. There are also problems in the development of basketball, one of which is improving the quality of the educational and training process in educational schools. This trend is due to high demands on the motor and functional preparedness of schoolchildren, the foundations of which must be laid from childhood and adolescence.

This educational program of physical education and sports is an adapted basketball curriculum for secondary schools. The need to draw up a program is determined by the climatic conditions of the Far North. Natural physical activity in the conditions of a long, harsh winter in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug drops to 70%. Increasing the number of motor units (MU) of children is carried out by organizing a high-quality educational and training process during the day. A distinctive feature of this program is a certain number of study weeks per year (36 weeks).

The program is compiled in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Federal Law dated April 29, 1999 No. 80-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” and the Model Regulations on an Educational Institution for Additional Education of Children (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 7. 1995 No. 233), regulatory documents of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Sports, sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations, as well as on the basis of the order of the Department of Education of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug dated March 23, 2007 “On approval of the Procedure for the development of approximate additional educational programs in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug" and methodological recommendations for organizing activities in the Russian Federation of the Department of Youth Policy, Education and Social Protection of Children of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Basketball is a team sport. Participation in competitions helps young basketball players improve their skills. However, the implementation of physical qualities should be carried out depending on age characteristics. This provision is directly related to the individualization of training of young players. In basketball, individualization is carried out according to several criteria: age, gender, playing role, anthropometric characteristics, biological maturation. And you cannot demand more from children than they can do at this age stage.

The initial training stage is the “foundation” of the physical education and sports activities of a young basketball player. The work is aimed at versatile physical training and mastering the basics of basketball techniques.

Purpose of the program:

· creating conditions to satisfy the child’s need for physical activity through basketball classes.

· to form and systematize professional theoretical knowledge and practical skills.


· Selection of children capable of playing basketball.

· Formation of persistent interest in classes.

· Comprehensive harmonious development of physical abilities, health promotion, hardening of the body.

· Developing special abilities (flexibility, speed, dexterity) for successful mastery of playing skills.

· Training in basic playing techniques and tactical actions.

· Instilling competitive skills in accordance with the rules of basketball.

Foster a sense of responsibility, collectivism, respect for partners and opponents.

In initial training groups, young basketball players study the basics of basketball technique, individual and elementary group tactics of the game, master the process of the game, receive theoretical information about the structure of the body, hygienic provision of the training process, study tactical training with the primary development of speed, flexibility and coordination of movement; pass the relevant standards. They strive to master the techniques that are most often and effectively used in the game. Learn the basics of individual, group and team tactics of playing basketball. Master the game process in accordance with the rules of basketball. They participate in friendly games and unofficial basketball tournaments, and also take part in general physical training competitions and “Fun Starts”, in which the main goal is the result of the performance.

Students of secondary schools who wish to engage in sports and have a doctor’s permission are enrolled in the initial training stage.


To implement this program you need:

· Gym for basketball.

· Sports equipment (basketball hoops, basketball structures, basketballs, basketball nets, stands, mats, jump ropes, gymnastic benches).

· Sportswear for athletes (training suits, basketball sneakers, T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts).


The main forms of the educational and training process are:

· Group training sessions.

· Group and individual theoretical classes.

· Restoration measures.

· Participation in match meetings.

· Participation in competitions.

· Tests, testing.

· Competitions, quizzes.


1) Passing control and test-transfer standards of general, special physical, technical readiness of students (for groups of initial training).

2) Quizzes like: “Fun Starts”, “Health Day”.

3) Control and friendly games.

4) School and city championships.

5) Reception of control standards (intermediate and final certification of students) is carried out twice a year: at the beginning of the academic year (November) and at the end of the academic year (April).

1.3 ApplicationAndninnovativetechnologiesVpreparationbasketball player

Multimedia used in teaching basketball allows students to see how and what techniques and tactics are optimally used directly in the game, in what situation it is advisable to use certain maneuvers. The use of multimedia in combination with traditional methods allows you to make the teacher’s story, explanation and commentary more vivid, memorable, and focus students’ attention on key points. The use of innovative methods of teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball using multimedia increased the level of technical readiness, and also made it possible to formulate the interests and needs of schoolchildren for basketball under the following pedagogical conditions: the presence of computer equipment near the place of classes and the possession of it by a physical education teacher; the ability of students to use computer programs independently; compliance with didactic principles of teaching (systematicity, clarity, accessibility, consistency - from simple to complex, from theory to practice, etc.); variability and dynamism of the use of leading exercises for mastering the technique of playing basketball in general, taking into account the age and individual physical and mental capabilities of students.

Chapter 2. Innovative methodology for teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball using multimedia

2.1 Description of the experimental study

The development of a methodology for teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball using multimedia involves the study of schoolchildren in basketball techniques.

The main goal of the concept is to theoretically and experimentally substantiate the methodology for teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball using multimedia, which will allow students to develop a need and interest in playing basketball.

The implementation of this direction should be based on the main objectives: Increasing the intensity and efficiency of the educational process at school based on the use of multimedia. A gradual transition from depersonalization and excessive unification of physical education classes to various forms and active methods of teaching basketball techniques.

Introduction into the educational process of new teaching methods that develop the potential of students and rely on their active role in the educational process.

Orientation of schoolchildren to individual independent lessons using multimedia, which allow a competent approach to the organization and methodology of teaching schoolchildren techniques in basketball.

To increase the effectiveness of training in dribbling and shooting skills in basketball, we recommend the following:

1. Identify the state of the logistics of the gym or classrooms, check the availability of special equipment and technical training aids (projector, computers, etc.).

2. The explanation (before the practical part of the lesson) is illustrated in detail with video materials, including elements of slow movement. At the stage of practical development and consolidation of acquired skills, also use as illustrations models of correct execution with elements of slow movement, changing image plans, especially when working on complex movements of dribbling the ball and throwing.

3. Select tests of a motor nature to include them in the educational process in order to control knowledge, skills and abilities at the beginning and at the end of a certain stage of learning technical techniques in basketball. If necessary, monitoring can be done using video recording for the purpose of subsequent analysis and correction of errors.

4. At each lesson, it is necessary to include in the educational process a set of exercises aimed at teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball using multimedia and hardmedia. They gradually solve developmental, educational and educational tasks.

5. To teach schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball using multimedia and hardmedia, a physical education teacher must have a high level of competence in working with a computer.

6. It is necessary to have a technical specialist in the operation and maintenance of computer equipment.

2.2 Descriptionexperimentalresearch

When learning new material, the teacher coordinates, directs, manages and organizes the educational process, and the material itself is “explained” by the computer instead. With the help of video, sound and text, the student gets an idea of ​​the motor action being studied, learns to model the sequence of movements (assembles a puzzle on the computer), which makes the lesson more meaningful and exciting. At the stage of consolidating knowledge, the computer allows you to solve the problem of a traditional lesson - individual recording of knowledge, and also contributes to the correction of acquired skills and abilities in each specific case. At the stage of repetition in the computer version, students solve various problem situations. As a result, all students are included in mental activity. The degree of their independence in mastering the material is regulated by the teacher. Computer control of knowledge has a number of advantages compared to traditional ones, which are as follows: an individual approach is used: different speeds at which students complete tasks are taken into account, exercises are differentiated by degree of difficulty; the objectivity of assessment increases; A detailed picture of students’ successes and mistakes is recorded. The forms of control are self-control, mutual control, creative application of acquired knowledge in practice.

2.3 Resultexperimentalresearch

Multimedia and computers used in teaching basketball allow students to see how and what techniques and tactics are optimally used directly in the game, in which situation it is advisable to use certain maneuvers. The use of multimedia in combination with traditional methods allows you to make the teacher’s story, explanation and commentary more vivid, memorable, and focus students’ attention on key points. The use of innovative methods of teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball using multimedia increased the level of technical readiness, and also made it possible to formulate the interests and needs of schoolchildren for basketball under the following pedagogical conditions: the presence of computer equipment near the place of classes and the possession of it by a physical education teacher; the ability of students to use computer programs independently; compliance with didactic principles of teaching (systematicity, clarity, accessibility, consistency - from simple to complex, from theory to practice, etc.); variability and dynamism of the use of leading exercises for mastering the technique of playing basketball in general, taking into account the age and individual physical and mental capabilities of students.


In the course of the work we have done, we have studied modern approaches to teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball, theoretically substantiated and developed the content of an innovative methodology for teaching schoolchildren technical techniques using multimedia in basketball, taking into account pedagogical conditions;

identified pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effectiveness of the methodology for teaching schoolchildren the technical techniques of playing basketball using multimedia.

Based on the analysis of scientific sources, regulatory documents and a questionnaire survey, it was revealed that in practical activities in physical education lessons at school when teaching basketball techniques, modern information technologies are not used at the proper level. One of the main areas of effectiveness of the educational process in teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball in physical education lessons is the use of multimedia, which is aimed at solving cognitive, educational and developmental problems. Multimedia is a visual teaching method and a source for theoretical knowledge and practical skills in teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball.

It has been experimentally proven that the use of innovative methods in teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball in physical education lessons helps to increase the efficiency of their training. From the results of the experiment it is clear that in the groups where the multimedia teaching method was used, the level of performance indicators for performing all four types of throws and dribbling the ball increased.

An innovative methodology for teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball using multimedia is based on the integration of the theory and methodology of physical education and correlates with the principles and pedagogical approaches of teaching. Scientific and methodological support for the learning process in a modern school should be variable, dynamic, taking into account the changing requirements for the level of students' training. Multimedia in teaching basketball techniques has unlimited possibilities for use in physical education, both in the educational and training process, and in extracurricular work to improve the health of schoolchildren, in additional classes, and in the independent work of students, both at school and at home.

Multimedia and hardmedia used in teaching basketball allow students to see how tactical techniques are applied directly in the game, in what situation it is advisable to use certain maneuvers. The use of multimedia and hardmedia in combination with traditional methods makes it possible to make the teacher’s story, explanation and commentary more vivid, memorable, and to concentrate students’ attention on key points. It has been experimentally proven that the use of methods for teaching schoolchildren technical techniques in basketball using multimedia has significantly increased the level of technical readiness and made it possible to formulate the interests and needs of schoolchildren for basketball.

Dribbling the ball, as well as the level of physical fitness of students, compared to the group where only traditional teaching methods were used, are different; in the experimental group they are significantly higher.


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2. Babansky Yu.K. On current issues of didactic methodology // Soviet pedagogy. 1978. No. 9.

3. Babansky Yu.K. Optimization of the educational process (methodological foundations). M.: Education, 1982.

4. Babushkin V.Z. Training of young basketball players. Kyiv: Health, 1985.

5. Belov S.A. Basketball secrets. M., 1982.

6. Belov S. A. Basketball. Hoop throws//Physical education at school. 1990. No. 7. Large encyclopedic dictionary: [Huh? I] / Ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. -- 1st ed. -- M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1991

9. Seluyanov V.N., Shestakov M.P. Physiology of activity of N.A. Bernshtein as the basis of the theory of technical training in sports // TiPFK. No. 11, 1996.

10. Nygof R. Some principles and criteria for increasing loads when developing general and special endurance. Experience of our friends. - M.: Sports Committee of the USSR, 1982, 31 p.

11. Puni A.Ts. Psychological preparation for competition in sports. -M.: FiS, 1969.

12. Rodionov A.V. Psychological foundations of tactical activity in sports // Theory and practice of physical culture.- 1993.- N 2.- p. 7-9

13. Seluyanov V.N., Shestakov M.P. Physiology of activity of N.A. Bernshtein as the basis of the theory of technical training in sports // TiPFK. No. 11, 1996.-P.58-62.

14 Volkov V.Yu. Computer technologies in physical culture, health-improving activities and the educational process // Theory and practice of physical culture. 2001. No. 4.

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Municipal autonomous institution of additional education

"Children and Youth Sports School"



“Organization and methodology of educational and training work

volleyball with girls 10-15 years old"

Sokolenko Irina Nikolaevna

volleyball coach and teacher



Section 1. Formal parameters

Section 2. Content parameters

2.1. Relevance of teaching experience

2.3. Innovative focus of teaching experience

2.4. Methodological basis of pedagogical experience (approaches and principles underlying the design of experience)

2.5. Pedagogical expediency of teaching experience

2.6. Psychological expediency of teaching experience. Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students

2.8. Reproducibility of teaching experience

2.9. Resource support for teaching experience

Section 3. Performance parameters

3.1. The effectiveness of teaching experience in terms of results obtained

3.2. Dissemination of teaching experience

3.3. Stability of pedagogical effectiveness of the declared experience

3.4. Representativeness of the implementation of teaching experience

3.5. Publication of teaching experience in print

1. Formal parameters

2.1. Relevance of teaching experience.

Volleyball as a sport game appeared at the end of the last century in the USA. Modern volleyball – Olympic and professional – is an incredibly spectacular and exciting game. This is a powerful jump serve, a powerful attacking shot at the net and from the back line, masterly defensive actions when blocking and in the field, complex tactical combinations involving front and back line players.

In an effort to give volleyball a sporting orientation, players choose more and more new technical techniques for serving and hitting the ball to the opponent’s side. Serving the ball is no longer just a way of putting the ball into play, but also a means of attack. Every year, volleyball is becoming increasingly popular; it is included in the program of major sports competitions. There is a need to coordinate all volleyball work.

Further improvement of volleyball technique and tactics is closely related to the search for new forms and methods of educational and training work. Experience shows that the foundation for the further development of volleyball in Russia is its mass character, i.e. The more young people we attract to this sport, the further and higher our performance will be.

The correct organization of educational work in sections and in other teams creates the prerequisites for replenishing national teams with young, capable volleyball players. Children from 10–12 years of age should be involved in learning to play volleyball, especially in sections. This age is characterized by rapid development of children's bodies, an increase in height, mass and muscle strength.Volleyball is one of the active means of improving health, physical and mental development (speed of thinking, ability to make decisions in rapidly changing situations), increasing performance and improving mood. Volleyball classes compensate for the lack of motor activity, promoting the harmonious development of students.Volleyball exercises develop such valuable qualities as strength, agility, speed and endurance, and all movements used in the game are natural.The advantage of volleyball is its simplicity, emotionality and entertainment.

The secret of volleyball's popularity is that it is accessible to everyone. All movements in volleyball are natural, based on running, jumping, and throwing. The popularity of volleyball makes it a significant means of promoting physical culture and sports.

2.2. Content-based form of presentation of teaching experience

When forming this experience, I relied on the main regulatory documents in the field of education, such as:

Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”;

Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation";

Law of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra "On education in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra";

- “The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2015”;

One of the main objectives of the youth sports school development program is to involve the maximum number of children and adolescents in the volleyball sports training system.

The volleyball sports training system includes the following components:

A model for studying the problem of controlling complex movements in variable conditions of sports activity;

Methodological techniques and mutually complementary technical means have been developed aimed at the programmed assimilation of effective sports achievements in volleyball.

I consider the main directions in my pedagogical activity as a coach:

  • Involving children in systematic physical education and sports, in various forms of physical education and sports activities, for the purpose of improving their health.
  • Development of mass children's and youth sports (training of mass athletes in volleyball).
  • Advisory and methodological assistance to teachers of city secondary schools and parents in organizing the physical education of children.

The main problem that I have been working on since 2009 is “Organization and methodology of educational and training work in volleyball with girls 10-15 years old.”

I consider my tasks to be:

During testing of teaching experience, I developed:

Methodological development of classes using modern educational technologies: “Passing and receiving the ball from above and below with both hands", "Teaching the upper straight serve"

Methodological development "Volleyball training sessions
at the initial training stage»;

Task cards with a symbolic description of exercises for working at stations using the circuit training method.

2.3. Innovative orientation of teaching experience.

In presenting my work system as an innovative experience, I proceeded from the definition of the concept “innovation”. In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of new things into the goals, content, methods and forms of training and education, the organization of joint activities of subjects of educational activity.

Necessity In the innovative orientation of my pedagogical experience, I see the main trends in the modern development of society and education:

Firstly, the ongoing socio-economic transformations have necessitated a radical renewal of the education system, and innovation acts as a means of updating educational policy;

Secondly, changes in the volume of material require a constant search for new organizational forms and learning technologies;

Thirdly, the requirements for the teacher himself are changing. Changing the content of education, the use of new pedagogical technologies and other innovations require the teacher to have a breadth of erudition, flexibility of thinking, activity and desire for creativity, the ability to analyze and introspect, and readiness for innovation.

The innovative focus of teaching experience is determined by the following criteria:

1. Novelty. The era of the “knowledge” school, when knowledge was given without thinking about whether it would be used, is a thing of the past. I believe that today it is important to teach how to acquire new knowledge and effectively apply it in practice; what is important is not the assimilation of accumulated ready-made knowledge, but creative independent work with information in order to extract the necessary knowledge from it.

2. Optimality , i.e. By using innovative technologies in the work system, I achieve results at minimal cost.

3. Productivity.I consider the stability of learning results, increasing cognitive independence and creativity of students, developing the child’s individual abilities and creating conditions for their self-improvement through physical education to be an indicator of the effectiveness of the methods and forms of teaching I use within the framework of teaching experience.

4. Possibility of creative application of innovation in mass experience.Taking into account the optimality (i.e. low cost) and effectiveness of the forms and methods of organizing the educational process used, I promoted my pedagogical experience initially for teachers of secondary educational institutions, then - GME within the framework of the pedagogical marathon “Share your experience”, there were speeches at the August conference in front of the teaching community.

2.4. Methodological basis of pedagogical experience (approaches and principles underlying the design of experience).

Methodological approaches used in classes with young volleyball players.

General pedagogical methods: clarity, systematicity, accessibility, individualization of training with unity of requirements, the method of advanced development of physical qualities in relation to technical training, the method of early mastery of complex elements, the method of proportionality, i.e. optimal and balanced development of physical qualities;

Principles of sports training:

  • continuity and cyclical nature of the educational and training process;
  • maximum and gradual increase in requirements;
  • wave-like dynamics of training loads;
  • redundancy, which involves the use of training loads that exceed competitive ones;
  • modeling competitive activity in the training process.

The methodology for conducting sectional volleyball classes includes the following types of preparation:

1. Theoretical preparation.

6 hours are allotted for theory: 2 hours are allotted entirely to a separate lesson and 4 hours in the form of 10-15 minute conversations before classes.

2. Technical training

When teaching all the technical techniques of the game, I adhere to the following scheme:

  • Terminology of techniques;
  • Demonstration of techniques (posters, photos, videos);
  • Explanation of technique with demonstration;
  • Practical implementation of the technique;
  • Using exercises (with a ball, a partner);
  • Work on simulators and special equipment;
  • Performing exercises with more difficulty;
  • Performing technical techniques in game conditions.

3. Tactical training.

The methods used in the process of tactical training are similar to the methods of technical training. When showing, I use video materials, diagrams, posters. I divide complex actions into blocks of simple exercises. I use the method of analyzing actions (my own and those of my opponents).

4.Integral training.

Methods: Combined influences, game, competitive.


  • Alternation of exercises for physical development. qualities;
  • Alternating exercises to develop speed and strength qualities;
  • Alternation of studied techniques and their methods in various combinations;
  • Repeated performance of technical techniques in a row; the same - tactical actions.
  • Preparatory games for volleyball;
  • Educational games.

5.Psychological preparation.

Psychological preparation is carried out in unity with physical, technical and tactical training.

  • Endurance, courage, self-control, determination and discipline - to develop these qualities, exercises associated with risk are used and require overcoming feelings of fear and hesitation.
  • Exercises with several balls and various movements are useful for distributing and switching attention; exercises that require quick switching of attention from object to object, from one action to another; develop the ability to highlight the most important objects and secondary ones.

All work is aimed at the harmonious development of physical qualities, general physical fitness and studying the fundamentals of volleyball technique, strong-willed and moral and ethical qualities of the individual, developing the need for sports and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In the future, the technical and tactical arsenal of the volleyball player is improved and competitive experience is acquired in order to improve sports results.

2.5. Pedagogical expediency of teaching experience.

Increasing the efficiency and quality of children's physical education is the focus of attention of teachers. However, in general, the system of physical education in institutions of additional education for children still does not meet modern requirements due to a number of objective factors:

  • an increase in physical inactivity among adolescents due to the further intensification of their mental work, on the one hand, and a decrease in physical activity, on the other, which causes such alarming phenomena as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and poor posture;
  • a massive decline in adolescents’ interest in physical education due to the emergence of other, stronger interests.

The main goal of my work:

Formation of girls' volleyball teams in Pokachi, acquisition of the necessary strong-willed and psychological qualities for stability and success in performance at sports competitions,

Popularization of the game of volleyball among the younger generation,

To achieve this goal, I set the following tasks:

  • a systematic approach to the comprehensive development of a child’s personality;

Health promotion; further development of physical qualities, functional readiness; improving the technical and tactical arsenal of a volleyball player;

Acquiring competitive experience in order to improve sports results and develop specifically psychological qualities;

Application of motor experience in everyday life.

To achieve the set goals andtasks I use various methods, forms and means in teaching, I use an individual approach to each student. Every year I involve the maximum number of children and teenagers in the volleyball sports training system.

The Russian sports movement is based on a scientifically based system of physical education, in which sports games occupy one of the main places. These sports contribute to the most complete and comprehensive development of a person. Therefore, in a modern sports school, new methods and approaches are used to improve the technique and tactics of volleyball players. In my work I use the following methods:

The method of variable forms, which consists in the fact that the technique is improved in various exercises: in pairs with a partner, in educational and competitive games;

A control method that brings the improvement of techniques as close as possible to their implementation in appropriate conditions close to competitive ones;

The method of leading exercises, which consists in the fact that by using specially selected exercises it facilitates the assimilation and improves the quality of the technique as a whole and its individual parts. This method has 2 options: the method of auxiliary exercises and special exercises.

To develop students’ reaction speed in difficult situations, I use complex tactics, that is, based on any situation in the game, I study both attacking and defensive actions at the same time.

Applying the stages of improving the technique and tactics of basic techniques and methods of their preparation, I simultaneously work to improve the physical qualities of students.

To improve technical elements directly during the game, I use methods: demonstrations, verbal, learning elements, focused attention, episodes of play, differentiation. Thus, I take into account the individual capabilities and needs of each student, on the basis of which individual learning paths are built.

To increase the effectiveness of the learning process, I also use all generally accepted didactic principles, as well as new ideas of programmed learning, as one of the forms of implementing the principles of consistency and feasibility.When teaching technical techniques of the game, the main task is the formation of effective dynamic mechanisms of the motor structure (and not imitation of them), which implement the basic conditions for the effective solution of motor problems of a volleyball player.

The fundamental principle of effective training (without relearning) the structure of movements is the principle of “only correct execution” of the proposed exercises.

To increase the efficiency of the process of teaching motor skills of playing volleyball, I use “reference models” of technical techniques. They allow you to form and consolidate in the students’ memory images and verbal formulas of the basic requirements for the structure of movements.

In my work training young volleyball players, I use various types of training:

Verbal teaching method.

I convey educational information, students listen, perceive, copy the method of action and thereby complete educational tasks.

Programmed type of training.

I offer educational material, having previously broken it down into parts. The student assimilates educational information sequentially, in parts. I exercise control and self-control.

Problem-based learning.

I pose a problem to the students and highlight its main parts, getting the kids interested. Students are aware, understand the problem situation, search for an answer, provide a process for solving the problem, get a result, assimilate knowledge, and develop a way to acquire it.

Game type of training.

I assign roles to students and conduct a game experiment. We get the result. We conduct a discussion and draw conclusions.

Independent type of training.

The student independently finds, realizes, creatively transforms, assimilates the information received, applies, and develops ways to form skills, knowledge, and skills in practice.

When raising young volleyball players, I use methods of persuasion, methods, encouragement, methods of punishment (remarks, verbal reprimand, analysis of actions in a sports team). In a team, an athlete develops comprehensively - morally, mentally and physically, where various relationships arise and manifest themselves: the athlete to his team, between members of the team, between sports teams. When solving problems of team building, I use in my work the publication of wall newspapers, I conduct hikes, recreation evenings, and create good conditions for the children for socially useful activities.

Conducting theoretical classes in a group, I introduce students to the historical experience and elements of volleyball culture. Children master the methodological foundations of planning, teaching methods, tactics, and master methods of observing, recording and summarizing training and competition data.

During training sessions, I study with students various elements of technique and tactics, they learn to correct mistakes, consolidate familiar motor actions, and become familiar with new elements, methods of defense, and technical actions.

In practical classes, I pay a lot of attention to warming up. In the warm-up I include various exercises: for large muscle groups, small muscle groups, the area of ​​the sternoclavicular joints, costal arches, joints of the arms, legs, neck muscles, acrobatic exercises, exercises with a partner, simulation exercises. I try to teach my students to perform strikes with their left and right hands, which allows them to increase the strength of the muscles on the weak side of the body. Volleyball players should feel the process of confrontation from the first days of classes, which will strengthen their interest in the game.

2.6. Psychological expediency of teaching experience. Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students.

The psychological feasibility of training is:

Taking into account the age of students, taking into account sensitive periods of development of physical qualities;

In choosing means that are simple in motor terms, giving every child the opportunity to experience success in every lesson;

In the educational and training orientation of the classes;

In determining the levels of physical fitness that can actually ensure a child’s stay in the appropriate group, where the individual, maximum feasible level of difficulty is taken into account, which optimizes the developmental function of learning.

During the training process, I use the entire rich arsenal of psychological and pedagogical influence: I take into account the individual characteristics of students, dosing the load, avoiding overwork, creating a trusting relationship with them, a friendly atmosphere that promotes the preservation of stable knowledge and skills. I believe that creating psychological comfort contributes to the development of a child’s personality. A child is a subject of the educational process, who has the right to participate in it, to change it, to have his own position, to choose paths that ensure his progress towards the desired result.

2.7. Social orientation of teaching experience.

The teacher sees the appointment of a coach-teacher in providing each student with equal access to physical exercise and sports, providing a program that is multi-level in complexity and subjective in the difficulty of mastering the material, creating the most favorable conditions for the disclosure and development of the child’s physical and spiritual abilities, relying on broad and flexible means and methods of teaching, assistance in self-determination of the child.

Each lesson is a link in a system of lessons conducted in a certain sequence and aimed at mastering educational material and specific topics, which, in turn, must be interconnected.

In the introductory part of each lesson, the teacher includes exercises from gymnastics, athletics, and acrobatics, which contribute to the development of basic and special physical qualities, such as speed of reaction and response, observation, coordination of movement, and speed. The selection of tasks, as well as the dosage of the load, is determined by the teacher purely individually. This allows us to maintain motivation in girls 10-15 years old to master such a complex sport as volleyball.

In the main part of volleyball classes, the tasks of mastering, consolidating and improving playing techniques are solved, the prerequisites are created for students to master new technical techniques with the help of prepared and leading exercises.

Special training is carried out through exercises aimed at mastering the technique of playing volleyball.

As students master the technical techniques of volleyball, the teacher includes games and relay races with the inclusion of individual elements of volleyball. This contributes to more successful preparation of girls for playing activities on the playground.

The main goal of sports training is to gradually develop their sports skills at the most favorable age for this. The tasks of children's and youth sports are far from being limited to training masters of sports and sportsmen; they are much broader and include solving the issue of the harmonious physical and mental development of children, strengthening their health and increasing the body's resistance to various adverse environmental influences.

To quickly and better assimilate knowledge, individual homework is given on the rules of the game (exercises to develop the strength of the arms, torso, legs, jumping ability, imitation movements in performing serves, passes, offensive strikes, blocking).

This approach to organizing physical training classes and mastering the technical and tactical techniques of playing volleyball gives stable high results (first places in city and zonal competitions, second and third places at the district level), and helps in the adaptation of girls in later life.

2.8. Reproducibility of teaching experience.

1. Conducting joint classes:

Together with a physical education teacher, I conducted an open physical education lesson in 10th grade.

Chesnokova E.N., Penza

Innovations in education are systems or long-term initiatives based on the use of new educational means that promote the socialization of children and adolescents and make it possible to level out antisocial phenomena in the environment of children and youth. Education should always be new. The introduction of innovations in the learning process, in general opinion, should be based on newly developed philosophical foundations of education that meet the requirements of the time. The goal of innovative activity is a qualitative change in the student’s personality compared to the traditional system. The requirement of time is such that it is necessary to form personality committed to success in any area of ​​applying your capabilities in life. It is taken into account that successful, self-sufficient, and in demand becomes the one who, from school years, sets goals for himself and builds the lines of his own life, purposefully using his strengths, knowledge, abilities, skills and capabilities.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems. One of these is the formation of a responsible personality capable of successfully organizing their activities. All this is impossible without a conscious, independent creative approach to solving any given problem. Therefore, the content of innovative education includes teaching the skills of independent work, research activity, motivation for self-development, and self-improvement. Independent work is an important factor in the theoretical and practical training of students. In modern conditions, the importance of the responsibility of the student himself has increased, both for his educational activities and for the development of his horizons and knowledge. It is the desire for independent acquisition of knowledge that should be fully encouraged in all education systems.

This becomes possible thanks to the introduction into professional activities of didactic and educational programs unknown in practice, which, in turn, creates the need to select individual methods and means of activating the development of the personal potential of each child. It is necessary to use active methods that encourage mental and practical activity, which will contribute to the further development of the desire and need for the constant acquisition of knowledge and its application in life. Such methods and means are innovative in nature and contribute to the formation in children of social and behavioral skills that allow them to successfully solve the problems of integration into society and overcome life’s difficulties.

Ensuring the innovativeness of education is the introduction of innovative technologies into the traditional educational program. Let's consider the use of new technologies using the example of orienteering.

As is known, three main forms of organization of training can be distinguished: frontal; group; individual.

The frontal form of learning organization is the most common in the modern world and at the same time the least effective for developing the characteristics of independence. In conditions of frontal work, the independence of the majority of the group is blocked, and it is difficult to diagnose the quality of self-control and the level of assimilation of new material. It is difficult to analyze mistakes made; an individual approach and personal orientation are needed. Therefore, it is very good to use various computer models and simulators of sports activities at the initial stage of orienteering training. This will help the coach and athlete jointly analyze the level of understanding and perception of the material at each stage of orienteering training. At the moment, computer programs in this direction have reached a high level. A sports map of the area with a distance is displayed on the monitor screen. Using the proposed map and his knowledge of orienteering, the student covers this distance on a virtual terrain. Moreover, the trainer has the opportunity to simulate a distance of any complexity for any level of the student. In this case, the teacher can immediately see the logic of the athlete’s actions, analyze his work and, based on it, timely adjust the plan for further activities with the child.

The group form of organizing classes involves distributing students into subgroups and giving them general instructions for a specific task. Each student is offered a task, the solution of which will later become part of the overall task. The active inclusion of schoolchildren in the educational process can be achieved through the use of individual tasks, which represent unique micro-perspectives in the educational process. For example, you can invite a group of students to draw up a sports map on their own and hold competitions on this map with the help of a study group (a championship of a youth sports school or an educational school). This process will require students to apply professional knowledge and skills to achieve a specific task, as well as team creativity skills.

The individual form of training has the maximum developmental effect. Independence as a quality develops most successfully with this form of training. Gradually, the teacher’s share of participation in the athlete’s educational activities decreases, and the student’s role increases. The teacher himself determines the level of individual requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of each child. Tracking and subsequent analysis of the distance in orienteering is a very important aspect of working with a student. Modern development of computer and CPS technologies makes it possible to perform this analysis at a higher level. CPS receivers used for these purposes are very convenient and easy to use. In addition to tracking the athlete’s distance in orienteering, they allow you to control the heart rate (heart rate of the athlete). After a student completes a competitive or training distance in orienteering, data from the CPS receiver is loaded into a computer and combined with the sports map on which the task was performed. The data obtained allows not only to track and analyze all the actions of the student, but also to monitor the student’s functional state using heart rate (heart rate).

So, we see that with all three forms of organization, when using innovative methods, an individual approach to each student is possible. The teacher can work with children with different levels of training. Encourage students to engage in cognitive search, interest them in the progress of completing tasks, and the application of relevant knowledge, skills and abilities. It is the types of individually differentiated tasks that contribute to the desire to show initiative, the willingness to take responsibility for completing an educational assignment, the understanding of the need to control the process, and the desire to cope with the task at the maximum level of complexity. Thus, the use of innovative methods and teaching aids allows us to approach the educational process as a process of mental development that allows us to use what we have learned; allows us to move from external motivation for learning to internal moral-volitional regulation, from focusing on the average student to a differentiated and individual approach. Encourages students to cognitively independently search for means and methods to solve a specific problem. Helps children develop social and behavioral skills that allow them to successfully solve problems of integration into society and overcome life's difficulties.

Fundamentals of the educational and training process and ensuring safety in sports and health tourism

Testing the main aspects of the preparedness of sports tourism athletes specializing in the group of disciplines “distances - walking”

Belyakova I.V., Pavlov E.A., Moscow

Sports tourism is a type of tourism, the specificity of which is that athletes overcome areas of natural and (or) artificial terrain with real obstacles and perform special tasks using special equipment.

Recently, indoor sports tourism competitions have been widely developed. Since 2005 Russian Cups are held indoors in sports tourism (zaling) at technical distances on artificial terrain

The result of competitive activity largely depends on the preparedness of the athletes.

Fitness is a complex result of physical training (the degree of development of physical qualities); technical training (level of improvement of motor skills); tactical training (degree of development of tactical thinking); mental preparation (level of improvement of moral and volitional qualities). Preparedness can refer to each individual of the listed types of preparation (physical, technical, tactical and mental preparedness).

Each of the aspects of preparedness depends on the degree of perfection of its other aspects, is determined by them and, in turn, affects their level. For example, the technical improvement of an athlete depends on the level of development of various motor qualities - strength, speed, flexibility, coordination abilities.

The level of manifestation of motor qualities, such as endurance, is closely related to the efficiency of technique, the level of mental stability to overcome fatigue, and the ability to implement a rational tactical scheme of competitive struggle in difficult conditions.

Let us also note that tactical preparedness is associated not only with the athlete’s ability to perceive and quickly process information, with the ability to draw up a rational tactical plan and find effective ways to solve motor problems depending on the current situation, but also with the level of technical skill, physical fitness, courage, determination, purposefulness, etc.

As a result of analyzing the training of athletes and conducting an expert survey of leading sports tourism coaches, an assessment of the importance of physical qualities for an athlete was established.

Diagram 4. The degree of importance of physical qualities for sports tourism athletes specializing in the group of disciplines “distances - walking”.

Where OB is general endurance, SSV is speed-strength endurance.

According to coaches, general and speed-strength endurance are of the greatest importance, and accuracy is practically insignificant.

Also, testing of the main aspects of tourists’ preparedness was carried out. 10 athletes representing the Moscow sports tourism team took part in the study, including 6 boys and 4 girls. At the time of testing, four athletes had the title of “Master of Sports of Russia”, six athletes were “Candidates for Master of Sports”. Currently, 9 out of 10 athletes have the title “Master of Sports of Russia”.

After analyzing the programs and the results of an expert survey of sports tourism coaches, tests and control exercises were identified to diagnose comprehensive preparedness:

1. Control exercises that determine the physical fitness of an athlete:

1.1. general physical training of the athlete:

· Running, 3000 meters (min, sec). The test is designed to determine endurance;

· Pull-ups while hanging on the bar (number of repetitions). The control exercise allows you to evaluate the strength endurance of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle;

· Squat on one leg (number of repetitions). The control exercise allows you to evaluate the strength of the hip and leg extensor muscles.

Thus, the listed exercises cover a wide range of human mechanisms and motor capabilities, the level of functioning of which largely determines the overall physical fitness of sports tourism athletes

1.2. special physical training of an athlete:

· Contest (30 meters.)

· Steeply inclined canopy crossing (10 meters, inclination angle 55 degrees);

· Inclined canopy crossing (30 meters, inclination angle 30 degrees)

These control exercises show the level of development of those muscle groups that take part directly in competitive practice and reflect the specifics of the sport - sports tourism, the group of disciplines “walking distances”.

2. Tests and control exercises that determine the technical training of an athlete

Passing the technical route

The control exercise allows you to determine tactical and technical skill.

Average test scores for athletes

3. Tests and control exercises that determine tactical training

Solving situational tactical problems. When solving a problem, visual-spatial and visual-effective components of thinking are assessed. Based on the data of this test, knowing the optimal solution, it is possible to evaluate the combinatorics of each athlete’s thinking. Athletes who were new to the national team spent the longest time looking for a solution.

4.Tests and control exercises that determine the psychological preparedness of an athlete

Luscher test. The test is designed to determine the leading needs, aspirations and behavior of the subject associated with them; it shows the situational emotional state and psychological orientation of the subject.

As a result of the Luscher test, the pre-competition emotional state of the athletes was determined. Athletes aspiring to a high place are characterized by anxiety about the result and the need for successful competitive activity.

· Psychophysiological reactions:

Reaction to a moving object (RMO).

The test is intended to assess the degree of balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the subject when responding to a moving object. The RDO test can also be used to assess the functional state of the subject.

As a result of testing athletes for reaction speed, the predominance of processes in the nervous system of each of the tested was revealed. No particular pattern was identified in the type of nervous system and results in competitions.

· Attention switching (AT)

The test has predictive value for assessing the ability to quickly switch attention from one object to another and back, retaining information about the state of the previous object of attention.

As a result of testing the switching of attention, sports tourism athletes specializing in the “distance – walking” group of disciplines are characterized by a quick switch of attention from one activity to another, which is due to the specifics of the sport.

· Complex visual-motor reaction - M (SDR-M)

Test-1 has prognostic value for assessing the adequacy of the subject’s response in a situation requiring quick and accurate actions in a changing environment.

Testing athletes for a complex visual-motor reaction made it possible to identify the time of choice and the accuracy of response under conditions of need. Some athletes make errors in their actions when faced with a choice reaction.

· Stress resistance (STR-M)

The STR-M test has prognostic value for assessing the subject’s ability to mobilize and maintain accuracy and speed of response in an unfavorable situation.

Analysis of the stress resistance test led to the conclusion that some athletes, under stress, slow down their reactions and make mistakes, while others, on the contrary, begin to react faster to a stressful situation.

Based on the identified tests and control exercises, a diagnosis of the athlete’s readiness for competitive activity in sports tourism was carried out. The prediction of the athlete's place in the competition was 80% correct.

When analyzing the obtained material, a pronounced dependence is revealed in tests and control exercises on SPP and Technical readiness and the result at competitions.


1. Baikovsky Yu.S. Fundamentals of sports training in mountain sports / Yu.S. Baikovsky.–M. : methodological manual, 2010. – 215 p.

2. Bube H. Tests in sports practice / H. Bube-M:. “FiS”, 1968 – 240 p.

3. Matveev L.P. Fundamentals of sports training: Textbook for institutes of physical culture / Matveev L.P. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2002. - 340 p.

4. Pavlov E.A., Goniyants S.A., Contents and methods of basic training of speleologists: methodological recommendations for IFC students / E.A. Pavlov, S.A. Goniyants. – M.: Print Center, 2003. – 212 p.

5. Sopov V.F. Mental states in intense professional activity: a textbook. / V.F. Sopov – M:. Academic Project; Trixta, 2005. – 128s

Application of modern innovative and computer technologies in sports.

As we know from the school curriculum, the term “Innovation”, pronounced from Latin, is interpreted as – novelty, change.
Modern sport in its theoretical and practical development is integrally linked to the development of innovative activities of human society.
All this is primarily manifested in the creation of a modern unique concept of physical and spiritual education professional competencies of a training athlete, improvement and updating the training system and transforming archaic training methods into advanced modern training processes at all periods of an athlete’s training.
The use of modern sports technologies is typical not only for elite sports professional achievements but also applicable in physical training lessons for students and schoolchildren. By introducing methods of innovation and modern trends in physical education, the younger generation manages to instill the perfect development of physical skills and awaken in them an understanding of the need and interest in sports and physical education.

The use of sports in educating the younger generation.

Physical education lessons for both schoolchildren and students are an integral component of humanitarian education, an integral part educational process of developing competencies and professional young man's skills.
With an amazing peculiarity in upbringing and improvement skills of physical culture and sports, the use of non-traditional sports in these learning processes fit into the methods of school and university teaching.
One of the most famous non-traditional types of physical exercise is the Eastern technique - YOGA.
Yoga is possible characterize as one of the oldest religious and philosophical systemic movements, which is based on the skills of managing the psyche and physiological regulation of the human body. Yoga exercises are based on the body's ability and improvement skills of tension and relaxation of the muscular system - based on ordinary relaxation, the art of stretching and regulation of the depth and frequency of breathing, up to the ability to influence the circulation of the circulatory system and the speed of blood flow and, of course, concentration of both attention and the whole organism.
The use of Yoga techniques helps
1. Development of strength qualities and flexibility of schoolchildren and students.
2. Possibility of combining traditional Yoga exercises with other sets of exercises.
3.Ability to work with groups medical examination and medical records.
4. The set of exercises has a sedative and relaxing effect on the body.
Particular attention should also be paid to the growing popularity of sports such as: Nordic walking.
Nordic walking is characterized by highly efficient in perfect application of special techniques and walking techniques using unique auxiliary sticks when moving your arms and working with them. This sport gathers many supporters and pleases with its possible accessibility and ease of practice, including the fact that it does not require huge expenditures of energy with a unique total work of the muscular system.
An important factor in the growing popularity is the possibility of conducting training sessions almost anywhere under any climatic conditions, including different physical conditions. preparedness athletes who are training or just doing it.
Nordic walking promotes -
1 . Tonus the muscle corset of both the upper and lower body.
2. Almost up to 90% of the body's muscle fibers are involved in the training process.
3. The use of sticks helps reduce pressure on the knee joint and including the spinal column, which is an important aspect for classes in health groups or dispensary groups of restrictions.
4 . There is an improvement in heart rhythm and pulse rate
5 . Correlates posture and problem areas of the neck and shoulder joint.
6. Produces improvements in the body's sense of balance and coordination.

Modern innovative sports technologies in professional aspect.
Modern sport could not stay away from innovative implementations, scientific methods and developments. Let's consider this using the example of an innovative product used to achieve the effect of software automation of the sports process, including with automation capabilities administrative component of any sports autonomous organization - Alfa Sport software
This product is able to monitor and organize the athlete’s training process, conduct a qualitative analysis of the implementation of the training task, which gives the coaching staff and the participants in the sports process themselves the opportunity, that is, the ability of athletes to achieve high goals and sports results.
By adopting the methodology of monitoring and analyzing big data, a modern innovative coach has the opportunity to plan and predict the future results of an athlete in competitions, analyze the effectiveness of the training process in direct correlation with the training cycle and preparatory process .
As a result, the system allows coaching staff to have long-term sports calendars or event diaries based on the individual training schedules of a modern athlete. The innovative product is rich in photo and video capabilities for entering medical control cards and including promotion document flow within members of a sports organization.
The medical component of this Alfa Sport PACK retains its full confidential reporting and storing the received data without making the information publicly available.
It should be noted about the resource distribution module, which is of interest to many, which monitors the control of storage of inventory and various equipment of a sports organization.

Modern sport has changed a lot in recent years and is developing at decent speeds.

Of course, you are aware of these innovative sports solutions, but let’s refresh them again and look at developing trends.

1.Systems for monitoring the functional state of an athlete (GPSports-Alfa) - is an innovative software and hardware complex proposed by Alfa Telecom, which helps the athlete and coach in the training process and human overload in extreme conditions and preparation for them. The device combines the achievements of modern innovative technologies and sports as a science, allows the coach to understand and urgently respond to the fact that the athlete is under a critical load of the influence of the sports regime. What is today a unique advanced technology for screening an athlete and preventing sports injuries including.

2 The modern world has been swept by a wave of use of video analytics programs, which we have repeatedly paid attention to on the pages of our website. Modern analytical systems for video surveillance and sports have not escaped our attention. We present to your attention a program for automating the recording of sports and training processes using analytics - RoboticEye. During the training process, the program films the gameplay using CCTV cameras, copies the received data, archives it in a database and, of course, subjects everything to possible analysis and comparison with past events and game moments. The program is easy to use and is currently adopted by many teams - Barcelona, ​​Bayern, etc.

3.Modern sport is haunted by a series of doping scandals and revelations of the use of prohibited drugs by athletes. Since ancient times, people have been studying the possibilities of stimulating the human body and hiccupping and inventing substances that help them perform and compete better. For the first time, medicine and sports encountered doping back in 1865 when swimmers from Holland used a prohibited drug.

We paid attention to the problem of doping in innovative sports technologies on the pages of our website.

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Today, due to the sharp increase in the volume of training and competitive activities in various sports, restoration of the functional capabilities of the athletes’ body is one of the leading and urgent problems, which is of great theoretical interest and has important practical significance in the educational and training process of athletes of various qualifications .

In addition, restoration of sports performance and normalization of the functional state of the body after training and competitive loads is an integral part of the training system for athletes. Therefore, the search for new means of recovery, their scientific substantiation and implementation in the educational and training process of athletes is one of the most important conditions for optimizing and intensifying the training process, as well as further increasing sports performance.

The purpose of this article, which is one of the components of our research, is to substantiate the importance of recovery tools in the educational and training process of athletes.

Restoration of the body is the return of the physical parameters of the body to normal, as well as an increase in adaptive capabilities after performing physical work.

Restorative means in physical education and sports are a complex of pedagogical, medical-biological, psychological and other means aimed at restoring or compensating for impaired body functions, increasing performance to the original or close to it level, as well as returning the athlete to the educational and training process.

The entire complex of recovery tools should be aimed at eliminating functional changes in the body and restoring homeostasis. The main efforts to restore the functions of an athlete should be aimed mainly at promoting the natural course of recovery, directing the restorative, biosynthetic processes in the most favorable, evolutionarily fixed direction, eliminating the causes that slow them down, and not at accelerating the process. However, this does not exclude the use of means that stimulate the natural process of recovery and adaptation reactions.

To increase the effectiveness of recovery measures, many experts recommend the integrated use of various recovery agents in all parts of the training process: macro-, meso- and microcycles, as well as during the training day. For rational planning of training loads and recovery activities, constantly receiving information about the peculiarities of the development of fatigue and recovery processes in the body of athletes after individual training loads of different orientation, nature and magnitude in a weekly training microcycle (cumulative effect) is important. All this allows for more effective use of various means

recovery. When developing recovery measures, it is necessary to take into account the main functional links that ensure performance in a given sport, and the specific ones that limit the work of a given athlete. At the same time, the choice and method of using recovery means depend on the athlete’s ability to perform the planned amount of physical activity at a given stage of the training cycle.

We agree with the opinion of V.N. Platonov that the choice of recovery means is determined by the age, qualifications, individual characteristics of athletes, the stage of preparation, the objectives of the training process, the nature and characteristics of the construction of training loads.

In sports practice, it is most often assumed that restorative agents are used during competitions to specifically influence recovery processes not only after an athlete’s performance, but also during the performance, before the start of the next round of competition, as well as in the everyday educational and training process. In addition, the use of restorative means in physical education and sports is also of great importance in the prevention of various diseases.

Regular, properly structured training, a rational combination of exercise and rest, a rational balanced diet with the additional use of honey, pollen, dried apricots, propolis, a healthy lifestyle, reasonable replenishment of energy, plastic, neuropsychic reserves and the creation of necessary resources in the body, antioxidants and adaptogens, vitamins, coenzymes, hepatoprotectors, immunomodulators - this is a sufficient arsenal of modern restorative means aimed at eliminating functional changes in the body, the natural course of restoration and adaptation processes, promoting health and preventing overexertion even in the conditions of the most intense training.

Thus, properly organized recovery using recovery tools contributes to the most favorable perception of stress and, ultimately, the health-improving effect of exercise in general.


  1. Kuzin V.V., Laptev A.P. System of restoration and enhancement of sports performance / V.V. Kuzin, A.P. Laptev. - M.: RGAFK, 1999. - 31 p.
  2. Mirzoev O.M. Application of restorative agents in sports / O.M. Mirzoev. -M.: SportAcademPress, 2000. - 202 p.
  3. Platonov V.N. Adaptation in sports / V.N. Platonov. - Kyiv: Health, 1988. - 216 p.
  4. Platonov V.N. General theory of training athletes in Olympic sports / V.N. Platonov. - Kyiv: Olympic Literature, 1997. - 186 p.