Yoga therapy: exercises for the knee joints. Circular knees Circular knees

Natalia Govorova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Movement is life. And older people know about it best. After all, over the years, there is a loss of mobility, which occurs due to joint diseases. And always the restriction in movement, the loss of former lightness and agility affect the emotional state. Many sick people say they feel like a broken tub or a whale thrown on land. It turns out to be so hard to live when the joints cease to be flexible and mobile.

What can you do to restore the former lightness and activity, to strengthen the joints?

Medication alone may not always help. Has a strong healing effect physiotherapy and special exercises.

The main condition is precise dosing of the load ... Overvoltage must not be allowed.

Aerobic load of all types has a positive effect on the condition of the joints:

  1. The most sparing is swimming. It gently kneads all the muscles, makes the joints work again, relieves pain. Everyone knows that it is easier to move in water, because it reduces the weight of a person, and therefore minimizes the load on the joints.
  2. Bicycle- the easiest and most accessible exercise. If you don't have the strength to ride a real iron horse, then you can do an exercise familiar from school years - lying on your back, imitate riding a bicycle with circular rotational movements of your legs. Then gradually increase the load. Exercise on a stationary bike will be helpful. Since the load can be adjusted on it in accordance with your own wishes and well-being.
  3. Stairs is in any home, and everyone can walk on it. For an elderly person, it is enough to walk several flights at a slow pace. And a middle-aged person is recommended to run several floors every day to stay active. Read also:

  4. Dancing- a pleasant kind of aerobic exercise. It gives a lot of positive emotions and has a beneficial effect on all human health. Read also:
  5. Skiing are also good for maintaining mobility, but if you already suffer from squeaky knees, then this sport is not for you.
  6. Power loading strengthens the muscles, and they, in turn, firmly hold the joints and, thereby, help them work. Therefore, you should not be deprived of attention. dumbbells... The main thing is not to overdo it with their weight.
    • Exercises for biceps and triceps. Lifting dumbbells up to 3 kg from all positions.
    • Squats. Several approaches a day, 10 times - the optimal load for the joints.

    Warming up or stretching your muscles is a prerequisite for maintaining mobility.

  7. Mill, or swing with straight arms from side to side and circular motions that develop the shoulder joint.
  8. Swing your legs. To perform the exercise, you need to stand at the support and hold on to it, swing straight legs forward, backward and to the sides.
  9. Circular hip movements develop the hip joints. To do this, you need to describe a circle or eight with your hips. The exercise is similar to an oriental dance element.
  10. Circular knee movements. Starting position: feet together, palms on knees. It is necessary, squatting, to describe the circle with your knees. Repeat 5-6 times.
  11. Rotation of the ankle joints on weight. It is necessary to tear the foot off the floor and describe a circle in the air with a toe. First with one foot, and then with the other. Perform about 10 rotations with each foot.
  12. If active exercises are painful to perform, then you can replace them with static ones. For example, "Chair against the wall" ... Leaning your back on the wall, sit down so that your knees are bent 90 degrees. Hold on for 20 seconds.
  13. Another static exercise - you need put your hands on the wall and press down on it with all your strength ... Hold the voltage for 20 seconds.

  14. Place three thick books on the floor. Put your foot on this pedestal and press on it with force, but do not lift the other leg off the floor. Delay muscle tension for 20 seconds.
  15. Often hands, especially fingers, suffer from loss of mobility. Agree that disobedient brushes are a great problem.
    For hand gymnastics you can do:
    • Alternate weak massage
    • Slowly flex and unbend fingers
    • Knead in a circular motion of the wrist
    • Spread your fingers slowly

If you have joint problems, then it makes sense to work out with personal trainer - if, of course, you have such an opportunity. He will select the optimal load for you, and the most suitable exercise equipment. This will solve all your problems about where and how much to do.

It will be useful to strengthen the joints yoga, Chinese gymnastics and wushu as well as many types of massage. For example - acupressure, ice massage for pain, Ayurvedic massage, stretching and rubbing technique and all relaxation techniques. By the way, the full list of the listed procedures includes traditional Eastern physical education.

Additional benefits of exercise to strengthen joints

The above exercises to strengthen joints are also beneficial for the whole body. So, aerobics for long sessions:

  • lowers blood pressure
  • lowers bad cholesterol
  • reduces weight

Thanks to the strengthened muscles, blood circulation improves, and thus, the nutrition of all internal organs and tissues is restored ... This, in turn, has a beneficial effect not only on well-being, but also on the appearance of a person.

There is a blush, a healthy glow in the eyes and a smile. No wonder - after all pain and discomfort from "squeaky" joints goes away that poisoned human life so much!

What exercises do you do to strengthen joints? Share with us, it is very important for us to know your opinion!

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There is no work without a warm-up

Have you seen how the cat prepares to jump?

First, she takes a stance, bending her limbs, then shifts from paw to paw and hits her tail from side to side several times.

And only after this kind of ritual does he rapidly rush forward.

This ritual is nothing more than a warm-up before a jump, or preparation for it. For people involved in sports or physical education, not a single workout is complete without a warm-up. It all starts with her.

During the warm-up, our musculoskeletal system and a number of other systems and endocrine glands are prepared for the main training task or any other load. Corresponding reversible changes occur in them, which provide an increase in efficiency, endurance, attention, coordination, accuracy and dexterity, speed of movement.

Neglecting such an important part of training leads to serious injuries: fractures, bruises, tendon ruptures, muscle strains and much more, especially in conditions where a lot of attention and high precision of movements are required.

In addition, the warm-up restores and improves the blood flow of those organs that were in the unfavorable conditions of reduced microcirculation.

Given the positive effect of a warm-up on the body, be sure to use it:
- before starting a workout;
- before heavy physical work or heavy lifting;
- before work associated with bending the body forward or with a prolonged stay in one (especially - uncomfortable) position.

Morning exercises by the nature of the exercises resemble a warm-up and in fact is it. Like a warm-up, it will not replace sports and physical education for you, since it is not capable of causing appropriate shifts in the body and purposefully developing motor abilities.

There is a huge amount of physical exercise used to warm up. Their main purpose is, depending on the nature of the forthcoming loads, to "stretch" the body to one degree or another. In many publications on physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis, they are described in detail and advertised as remedial gymnastics.

And if you use them for warm-up, then this is quite enough. For those who do not know where to start, an approximate warm-up complex is offered.

Approximate set of physical exercises for warm-up

Typically, a warm-up begins with a light jogging in place or jogging outside at a slow pace for 5-10 minutes.

Walking is acceptable for the elderly.

The following exercises are performed:
- leisurely;
- to the right and to the left;
- with a gradual increase in the range of motion;
- on average 15-20 times.

Circular movements in the shoulder joints (Fig. 15)

Rice. 15. Circular movements in the shoulder joints

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Spreading your arms to the sides, rotate them forward and then back.

Circular movements in the elbow joints (Fig. 16)

Rice. 16. Circular movements in the elbow joints

Starting position: the same. Hands to the sides, and bending them at the elbows, perform circular rotations of the forearms due to movements in the elbow joints. Keep your shoulders in a horizontal position.

Circular movements in the wrist joint (Fig. 17)

Rice. 17. Circular motion of the wrist joint

Starting position: the same. Bending your elbows, clench your fists and rotate your hands first in one direction, then in the other direction.

Shrug (fig. 18)

Rice. 18. Shaking

Starting position: the same. Raising your shoulders, additionally perform circular movements.

Breeding hands (fig. 19)

Rice. 19. Breeding hands

Starting position: the same. Bent at the elbows, bring your arms together at chest level, and then spread them as if you are trying to connect your elbows behind your back (Fig. 19 a). Then, again bringing your hands together in front of your chest (Fig. 19 b), spread them apart, straightening them at the elbows.

Circular movements in the ankle joints (Fig. 20)

Rice. 20. Circular movements in the ankle joints

Starting position: sitting with legs extended forward. Throwing your leg over the arm bent at the elbow, take the foot with the other hand and rotate it first in one direction, then in the other direction.

Circular movements in the hip joints (Fig. 21)

Rice. 21. Circular movements in the hip joints

Starting position: standing sideways to a wall or table (to facilitate the exercise, you can hold on to the wall with your hand). Bending your leg at the knee joint, perform circular movements in the hip joint clockwise and counterclockwise.

Circular movements in the knee joints (Fig. 22)

Rice. 22. Circular movements in the knee joints

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your torso and legs at the knees slightly, put your hands on the knee joints. Make circular movements in the knees by straightening the legs and a slight lateral tilt at the knees. Hands help and control the angle of inclination.

Circular movements of the pelvis (Fig. 23)

Rice. 23. Circular movements of the pelvis

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Make rotational movements of the pelvis, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

Side bends of the torso (fig. 24)

Rice. 24. Lateral bending of the trunk

Starting position: the same. Tilt the body to the left and to the right alternately.

Torso bends forward (fig. 25)

Rice. 25. Tilt of the trunk forward

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. With each bend forward, exhale, while straightening the torso, inhale.

Body turns (fig. 26)

Rice. 26. Hull turns

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread apart. Turn the body left and right. To engage the higher and lower spine, raise and lower your arms relative to shoulder level during the exercise.

Circular body movements (fig. 27)

Rice. 27. Circular body movements

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. With your hands clasped at the back of your head, make circular movements with your body.

"Mill" (fig. 28)

Rice. 28. "Mill"

Starting position: the same. Spreading your arms to the sides, make circular movements of the body in an inclination forward.

Circular head movements (fig. 29)

Starting position: lying on your back; bending your legs at the knees and hip joints, lower them alternately to the right or left relative to the axis of the body.

Reaching the elbow with the knee (fig. 33)

Rice. 33. Gripping the elbow with a knee

Starting position: the same. Spread your arms out to the sides and try to reach the right elbow with your knee of your right leg and, conversely, with your knee of your left leg - your right elbow.

Kicking the floor from the opposite side (fig. 34)

Rice. 34. Kicking the floor from the opposite side

Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms out to the sides. Without lifting your hands off the floor, bring your leg back, touching the floor from the side of the opposite hand. Gradually try to get closer to the brush with each attempt.

Use this set of exercises as a warm-up and before starting your workout. Warm-up prepares us for physical education and any other physical work, increases reaction and attention, temporarily changes the properties of tissues, making them resistant to stress and even overload. Remember that not warm up at the beginning of a session can lead to serious injury.

Starting position: stand up; the legs are straightened, both feet are firmly pressed to the floor and during the exercise do not break away from it.

Bend your right leg slightly at the knee (while pushing forward) - inhale. Then, without stopping, bend your left leg at the knee - and inhale again. Thus, on inhalation, the knee of one leg moves forward sharply, while the other leg is sharply straightened at this time. Exhale passively after each inhalation through your nose or mouth - as you like. Remember that exhalation is used, exhaust air, it is forbidden to think about it!

Knee Prancing Exercise: Inspiratory Phase

The exercise can be done not only standing straight, but also leaning forward, as in the pump exercise from the main complex: the back is round, the head is down, the neck and shoulders are relaxed, the hands are above the knees.

You can also put your hands on your knees and do the exercise with your palms on your knees. This position is called the high start pose. Many patients find it much easier to do this exercise in this position.

Norm: 96 breaths-movements ("hundred"). Starting to master the exercise, after every 8 breaths-movements, rest for 3-5 seconds. Having trained well, you can do 16 or 32 breath-movements without rest.

Exercise "Prancing with the knees" strengthens the knee joint, it is indicated for its arthrosis. The hip and ankle joints are also strengthened. It is used as a prophylactic agent for fractures and dislocations.

Exercise "Prancing the hips"

Starting position: stand up straight; both feet are firmly pressed to the floor and during the exercise do not come off it.

On the count of "one" push the right thigh back to failure, while the left leg is bent at the knee - inhale.

On the count of "two", without stopping, push your left thigh back to failure, while the left leg straightens and, as it were, bends back, as if you want to push the person behind you with your hip - inhale.

The body is relaxed, with a push of the hip backward, the body moves forward. The arms are relaxed and hang freely along the torso. If they interfere with your movement, you can put your hands on your hips.

Exercise "Prancing the hips": starting position

Hip Prancing Exercise: Inspiratory Phase

Think of the rag puppet being pulled by the strings. This is how your body should be relaxed when doing this exercise. And do not forget to sniff around the whole apartment noisily with every movement.

So, pushing the hip back, the knee of the other leg moves forward - inhale. The other thigh back to failure - inhale. The exhalation is absolutely passive and occurs independently after each inhalation.

Norm: 96 breaths-movements. Rest after every 8 or 16 breaths-movements, and if you are well trained, after 32 breaths-movements.

You can perform all three of the listed exercises at one time, reducing the rate for each to 32 breaths-movements. In total, in this way, the same Strelnikov "hundred" will turn out.

This exercise strengthens the hip joint, causes a sharp rush of blood to the pelvic organs. It is especially recommended for adolescents who are lagging behind in physical development, but it is contraindicated for independent use in S-shaped scoliosis. It is an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent for prostatitis, impotence and other disorders of the genitourinary system in men, helps to eliminate a number of gynecological diseases in women.

Three exercises from the "Prancing" group are incredibly useful for the lower limbs!

First, they develop and strengthen the legs well, making them more mobile and strong.

Secondly, along with muscles, ligaments and tendons, the hip, knee, ankle joints and the entire foot (talocalcaneonavicular, calcaneonavicular and wedge-navicular joints, transverse tarsal joint, tarsometatarsal, plus-phalanx joints) are strengthened. ).

Thirdly, the blood flow in the arteries of the thigh, lower leg and foot improves, the walls of the superficial veins are strengthened, congestion in the lymph nodes and vessels of the legs is eliminated.

Exercise "Circular knee movements"

Starting position: high start pose. Stand up straight; legs straight, feet and knees together. Bend your back, lower your head, relax your neck and shoulders. Place your brushes on your knees.

Exercise "Circular knees": inhalation phase

On the count of "times", sharply bend your knees (knees push forward with a push) and inhale shortly, noisily with your nose. Immediately, without pause, perform a circular motion with two bent knees to the right and at this time exhale absolutely passively. Straighten your knees at the end of the circular motion. Then, while inhaling, repeat a sharp lunge with your knees forward, that is, sit down slightly on both legs, on a passive exhalation, again perform a circular motion with your knees to the right and return to the starting position. The body is tilted all the time, as in the "Pump" exercise, hands do not come off the knees.

Please note: after each circular movement, the knees must be straightened, after which they bend sharply while inhaling, as during a half-squat.

After taking 16 breaths-movements, straighten up, lower your arms and rest for 3-5 seconds. Then again take the high start pose and perform 16 breaths-movements, rotating your knees already to the left side. There will be 32 breaths in total.

Norm: 96 breaths-movements (three "thirty").

With good training, you can make 32 breaths-movements without stopping (16 rotations in each direction) and only then rest for 3-5 seconds (if you are tired, increase the pause to 10 seconds).

Do not forget that a short and noisy inhalation through the nose is made only during bending of the knees forward, and with a circular movement of the knees, air leaves on its own through the nose or mouth. "The exhale is the outgoing inhalation!" - Aleksandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova reminded patients.

This exercise strengthens the knee joint, indicated for arthrosis. The hip and ankle joints are also strengthened. It is also used as a prophylactic agent for fractures and dislocations.

Exercise "Hula hoop with knees in a standing position"

Starting position: stand up straight; straight legs are set slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart (main stance), arms are freely lowered along the body.

On the count of "times" quickly move your legs at the knees, press them together - a short noisy breath.

Exercise "Hula hoop with knees in a standing position": starting position

On a passive exhalation with slightly bent knees, perform circular movements (while starting rotation with the knees moving forward), as if describing circles with a compass: with the right knee - to the right, and with the left - to the left.

Never lift your feet off the floor. And try to "draw" circles as large as possible (that is, spread your legs as far as possible to the sides).

Reading time: 30 minutes

If you are just starting to exercise or are returning to fitness after a long break, then we offer you a ready-made set of exercises for beginners, which includes 6 versatile workouts... Below are the exercises for the fifth day of classes: circuit training to get rid of problem areas, lose weight and tone the body.

Training for beginners: description

1. We offer you 6 ready-made sets of exercises:

  • PT: Circuit training for problem areas - presented below

Repeat the program for 6-8 weeks, during which time you can reduce the volume, get rid of excess fat, develop endurance, tighten your arms, chest, stomach, hips, buttocks. This affordable exercise routine will help you gently enter fitness mode.

2. The duration of the workouts is 30 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down. If you do the exercise not on a timer, but on account, then the total workout time may differ from the declared one, since the pace of the exercise will be individual (for example, 10 reps can be done in 30 seconds or 60 seconds).

3. Workouts are designed for beginner and primary-intermediate level... You can simplify your workout by following the lighter version of the exercises described in the description below.

4. All workouts are low-impact, performed without jumping. The program is suitable for those who want to lose weight, burn fat and tighten the body.

5. For training, you will need a rug and free space in the room. There are no jumps in the program, but we recommend that you always train with sneakers to reduce stress on your joints.

6. Circuit training from problem areas, which is proposed below, consists of the following segments:

  • Warm up workout (5 minutes)
  • Body: Includes 10 full body exercises that are repeated in 3 circles (1 circle lasts ~ 6.5 minutes)
  • Stretching muscles while standing (5 minutes)

7. In this circuit training, complex ones are mainly used, during the implementation of which several muscle groups are involved at once. This approach will help you burn more calories, work on all areas of the body, and get rid of problem areas. There is no cardio exercise per se, but the workout focuses on fat loss and body tone.

8. This circuit workout can be performed by time or by the number of repetitions of your choice. If you want to train without a timer, then just do the number of repetitions indicated in the description.

9. If you want to train on time, then you need a timer. To do this, you can use the mobile application (e.g. Tabata Timer)... Exercises in a circular training are performed according to the scheme of 30 seconds of work / 10 seconds of rest. You can also include a finished video with a timer, they are on youtube. In general, the warm-up is more convenient to perform at the expense, the main workout and cool-down - on the timer.

10. Gradually the body gets used to the load, so in the future it is necessary to move on to more complex and intense programs. A series of training sessions for advanced ones is planned on our site, but for now you can see:

Warm up

Warm-up is an obligatory part of the workout, do not skip it in any case. Warming up prepares your muscles and heart for the challenge, increases circulation and warms up your body to help you get the most out of your workout. Warm-up exercises are performed for 30 seconds without rest between exercises.

The warm-up includes the following exercises:

  1. Walking with the knee up: 15 leg raises in each direction (30 seconds)
  2. 15 rotations in each direction (30 seconds)8 inclines in each direction (30 seconds)8 rotations in each direction (30 seconds) 15 reps (30 seconds) (30 seconds)
  3. Side step with abduction: 15 reps for each leg(30 seconds)
  4. Cross-arm walking: 15 reps for each leg(30 seconds)

The warm-up should take place at a dynamic pace, your task is to warm up the body. Start your warm-up slowly, gradually increasing your pace and speeding up your heart rate. The warm-up part is performed without rest between exercises, but you can stop for 5-10 seconds, take a couple of deep breaths and exhalations.

We start the warm-up by walking on the spot. Bend your elbows and extend them in front of you at belly level so that your forearms are parallel to the floor. Raise your knees high, trying to touch your hips to your palms. This simple exercise is great for kneading and warming up the body.

How many: 15 leg lifts in each direction (30 lifts in total) or 30 seconds.

Let's start kneading the upper body. Stand straight with your legs slightly apart, your back straight and your gaze directed forward. Begin doing circular rotations with your shoulders, flexing your joints and muscles. Rotate first backward, then forward.

How many:

We continue to knead the upper body. Remain standing in the same position as in the previous exercise. Begin to rotate your arms with maximum amplitude, including in the work not only the muscles of the arms and shoulders, but also the muscles of the chest and back. Feel your body start to warm up. Rotate first forward, then backward.

How many: 15 spins in each direction (30 spins in total) or 30 seconds.

Spread your legs wide and spread your straight arms to the sides. Begin to perform alternate bends to the legs to the side, twisting in the body and touching the floor with your hand. Do not bend your knees or round your back.

How many: 8 tilts in each direction (total of 16 tilts) or 30 seconds.

Leave your legs wide apart and put your hands on your waist. Start rotating your pelvis, flexing your abdominal muscles, glutes and thighs, which will be very active during our circuit workout.

How many:

6. Rotation of the knees

Stand with your feet together and your knees bent. The body is tilted, hands are on the knees. Begin to rotate your knees clockwise, keeping your feet still. Remember to repeat counterclockwise rotations. This exercise is great for knee joints.

How many: 8 spins in each direction (total 16 spins) or 30 seconds.

If squats or lunges are expected in your workout, be sure to include shallow squats in the warm-up. They will help prepare not only your muscles for stress, but also your joints. Spread your legs wide and squat down slightly, as if there is a chair behind you. Hands move freely, you can fold them together in a fist.

How many: 15 half squats or 30 seconds.

And at the end of the warm-up, we will do some warm-up exercises. Start walking in place with your knees raised as in the first exercise, only now connect your upper body. Spread your arms out to the sides and bring them at your chest in sync with raising your knees up.

How many:

9. Step to the side with abduction

This exercise also involves the upper and lower body. Begin to take steps to the side while raising the hand of the same name. That is, the right leg goes to the side along with the abduction of the right hand to the side, then similarly to the left side. Do this dynamic warm-up exercise, warm up well before the circuit workout.

How many: 15 steps in each direction (30 steps in total) or 30 seconds.

10. Raising hands with a step forward

And finally, the last exercise in the warm-up. Spread your arms to the sides and at the same time take a step forward, touching the heel with the hollow. Do the exercise at a dynamic pace, raise your heart rate and warm up your body even better.

How many: 15 steps per leg (30 arm raises in total) or 30 seconds.

So, our workout will consist of three repetitive circles. That is, in each circle there are 10 exercises waiting for you, these exercises are repeated in 3 circles... Exercises are performed according to the scheme of 30 seconds of work / 10 seconds of rest. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles.

The workout is very moderate in intensity, without intense cardio or punching exercises. However, some of the exercises may seem unfamiliar to you if you have little fitness experience. Therefore, before starting your workout, try doing a couple of repetitions so as not to waste time learning the exercise technique during the session.

Circuit training includes the following exercises:

    30 pulsating movements (30 seconds)7 reps (30 seconds)12 reps on each side (30 seconds)20 reps on each side (30 seconds)7 reps on each side (30 seconds)20 reps (30 seconds)
  1. Side Lunge with Knee Pulls:
  2. 8 reps on each side (30 seconds)10 reps on each side (30 seconds)
  3. Floor scissors: 15 reps on each side (30 seconds)

For what: This is a very effective, albeit not simple, exercise for the glutes, inner thighs, biceps and quadriceps of the thighs. You will also engage your abdominal muscles as you always do with squats.

How to do it: Get into squat positions. The abdomen is tucked up, the hips are parallel to the floor, the feet are straight, the knees look forward and do not go forward to the toe. Straighten your back, body tilted slightly forward, arms folded together. Begin with the pulsating squat variation, with your knees swinging wide to the side on one pulsation and returning them to a position directly on the other pulsation. Do not straighten throughout the exercise, the pelvis is low, the hips and buttocks are in constant tension. Perform the exercise in amplitude, with your knees wide apart.

Lightweight option: You can do 10 pulsations and straighten for a second to relieve muscle tension. Then continue the exercise. Gradually try to do all of the circuit exercises presented without rest for 30 seconds.

How much to do: 30 pulsating movements or 30 seconds.

For what: Plank walking is a great exercise that engages all the muscles in your body and helps you get rid of problem areas on your arms, abdomen, legs, and buttocks. Feel free to include "plank walking" in any circuit workout, no matter what area of ​​the body you want to work on.

How to do it: Stand straight with your arms at your sides and your legs slightly apart. Lower the body down and place your palms on the floor, being careful not to round your back. Begin to move your arms forward, moving step by step into the plank position. Hold the plank position for a second and return to the starting position. Try to do this exercise at a dynamic pace so you can quickly speed up your heart rate and burn more calories.

Lightweight option: Reduce the pace or reduce the number of repetitions to 4-5 if you want to simplify this exercise from a circuit training.

How much to do: 7 reps or 30 seconds.

For what: This is a simple but very effective exercise for our circuit training. It will work your entire lower body and abdomen, but especially your glutes, quads, and hamstrings.

How to do it: Take a semi-squat position: the pelvis is laid back, the hips are just above parallel with the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows, fold them in front of you approximately parallel to the floor. Keeping the half-squat position, start alternately taking a wide step back, resting on your toes. Shift your weight onto your back leg, and lower yourself even lower in the squat as you move your legs back. Do not straighten your legs, maintain a semi-squat position throughout the entire exercise.

Lightweight option: Climb a little higher in the semi-squat if you want to make this exercise easier from a circuit workout.

How much to do: 24 reps (12 reps on each side) or 30 seconds.

For what: This exercise works great for the abdominal muscles, especially the lower part. Unlike supine leg raises, which also work well on the lower abs, the elbow bike is technically simpler, so you're less likely to put harmful stress on. In addition, during this exercise, you will feel the muscles in your legs.

How to do it: Sit on the mat, lower your torso slightly back so that it rests on your forearms. Raise your legs off the floor and begin to alternately pull your knees towards your stomach. Do not raise your legs high above the floor: the lower the legs, the more stress the abdominal muscles receive. Keep your belly tucked up throughout the exercise. Do not slouch your back or pull your shoulders towards your ears.

Lightweight option: Raise your legs higher if you want to lighten this circuit abs exercise.

How much to do: 40 reps (20 reps per side) or 30 seconds.

For what: And another great functional exercise that makes all the muscles in your body work intensively - especially the muscles of the abdomen, shoulders, back, buttocks and legs.

How to do it: Get into a plank position on all fours. To do this, get on all fours and raise your knees a few centimeters above the floor. The back remains straight, rest on your palms and toes. From the plank position on all fours, first take your right leg back, then your left, taking the plank position on your hands. Then return to the plank position on all fours, taking a step forward first with your right foot and then with your left. Perform the next repetition on the other leg. Those. first you do one rep on the right side, then one rep on the left side.

If you are confused in the sequence, then in the first circle perform this exercise on the right side. (that is, the right foot always takes the first step), in the second circle to the left side (that is, the left foot always takes the first step), in the third round 15 seconds to the right side, 15 seconds to the left side.

Lightweight option: In the lightweight version, stay in a static plank on all fours.

How much to do: 14 reps per side (7 reps per side) or 30 seconds.

For what: The bridge is an effective and safe exercise for the glutes, abs, and hamstrings. It is quite simple, so you can catch your breath a little while doing it in this circuit workout.

How to do it: Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, stretch your arms along the body. The feet rest on the heels - this will help to better work out the gluteal muscles. As you exhale, lift your pelvis up as far as possible until your knees, hips, abdomen, and chest form a straight line. Put weight on your heels, squeeze the muscles of the buttocks strongly and keep the abs tense so as not to put stress on the back during the exercise. Hold the bridge position for a second before returning to the starting position.

Lightweight option: The exercise is simple, but you can simplify it if you lower your feet completely to the floor.

How much to do: 20 reps or 30 seconds.

For what: This is a great exercise for the abdomen, especially the lower abdomen. Also, when performing scissors, the adductor muscles of the thighs work, which means you will work out the area of ​​the inner thigh.

How to do it: Lie on your back with your palms under your buttocks. The lower back should be pressed to the floor, the abdomen should be tense. Raise your legs and start crossing them in a small amplitude. Feel the tension in your abdominal muscles. The lower you lower your legs, the more difficult it will be for you to perform the exercise.

Lightweight option: Raise your legs higher if you want to make this circular exercise easier.

How much to do: 30 reps (15 reps on each side) or 30 seconds.

After this exercise, take a break for 1-2 minutes and repeat the exercise for two more rounds. Do not sit down or lie down on the mat in between laps, it is better to walk in place at a moderate pace.

Standing stretch

Be sure to stretch your muscles after training. Stretching after exercise improves muscle elasticity and joint mobility, and also reduces the likelihood of injury and helps avoid stagnant workouts. In our circuit workout, the stretch is completely standing up for a total of 5 minutes.

In each exercise, linger 20 seconds on the right side and 20 seconds on the left side... If time permits, and you want to stretch better, you can linger in each position for 30-40 seconds. You will need a stopwatch to stretch, but you can just count up to 20-30 times, remembering to breathe deeply.

The final stretch included the following exercises:

    20 seconds per side
  1. Standing Quadriceps Stretch: 20 seconds per side
  2. 20 seconds 20 seconds per side20 seconds per side20 seconds per side

Stand up straight, bend your knee and bring your hands to your chest. Feel the stretch in your buttocks and legs. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat with the other leg.

2. Stretching the quadriceps standing

Remain standing straight. Bend your knee, grab your foot with the same hand and pull it to your buttocks. Push the pelvis forward, increasing the stretch in the quadriceps. The other hand can be pulled to the side, placed on the waist, or grabbed onto a wall to maintain balance. Stay in this pose for 20 seconds and repeat on the other leg.

Take a wide step forward and bend your front knee at a right angle, with your back leg fully extended. Raise your arms straight up. Stretch the top of your head up, lower your shoulders and take them away from your ears. At the same time, pull the pelvis down, increasing the stretch in the legs and buttocks. Do a lunge stretch on each leg for 20 seconds.

Now we will stretch the back, buttocks and the back of the thigh. To do this, we will perform a very simple exercise - tilt to the floor. Stand up straight with your feet together. Lean towards the floor, trying to touch the floor with your fingertips. Stretch your chest towards your hips, do not round your back. If the stretch does not allow you to reach the floor, then you can wrap your hands around your shins or bend your knees slightly. Hold in the incline position for 20 seconds, breathe deeply.

To stretch the triceps, place your left arm bent at the elbow behind your head. With your right hand, grab the elbow of your left hand and take it even further behind your head, stretching the triceps (triceps is a muscle located on the back of the arm)... Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on the other hand.

Raise your left hand at shoulder level and move it to the side. With your right hand, grab the elbow of your left hand and lightly press on it, increasing the stretch in the shoulder. Do the exercise on each arm for 20 seconds.

Finish the stretch by tilting to the side. Spread your legs wider than your shoulders, put one hand on your waist, and raise the other above your head. Bend deep to the side, stretching your arms, stomach, back, and chest. Hold the incline for 20 seconds and repeat on the other side.