Interview with Svetlana Bronnikova (Part 1). Svetlana Bronnikova "intuitive nutrition" Intuitive nutrition LJ

Clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, BIG-registered clinical psychologist (Netherlands), full member of the Netherlands Institute of Psychologists (NIP), certified specialist in Intuitive nutrition, author of the “Firefly method” - a modular program for regulating weight and eating behavior.

Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, defended there candidate's thesis on the psychology of female prostitution. At the same time, she received qualifications as a Gestalt therapist at the Moscow Gestalt Institute and underwent retraining in psychotherapy and sexology at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education at the I.M. Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov.

For five years she taught clinical psychology and psychotherapy using her own curriculum at the University of the Russian Academy of Education, while simultaneously working in a psychiatric clinic. Under her scientific supervision, more than a dozen theses and a dissertation for the academic title of Candidate of Medical Sciences were defended.

Since 2002, she has led a project for medical, social and psychological assistance to Russian-speaking drug users in Antwerp (Belgium). From 2008 to 2010 she worked at the Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands, in a men's prison, in a department for repeat offenders who use drugs.

Since 2011, she has been actively studying the problems of excess weight, overeating and eating disorders. Promotes restoring a healthy relationship with food through the use of Intuitive Eating, complete avoidance of diets and a positive attitude towards one's own body (Health at Every Size model).

From 2011 to 2013, she led educational projects and worked as a psychologist and psychotherapist in a center for the treatment of eating disorders and obesity in the Netherlands. In 2014, she created the first Intuitive Nutrition Center in Russia.

Hosted a psychological podcast at Podcast Records. She has repeatedly appeared as an expert psychologist in magazines, on radio and television.

We have opened the Intuitive Nutrition method for Russia -
the first effective approach to weight regulation
and eating disorders.


CBT and DBT therapy for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, paroxysmal overeating, obesity. Training in Intuitive and Conscious Eating. Psychotherapy for adults, children and adolescents, parents of children and adolescents with eating disorders and obesity.

When we are asked to talk about what it is Intuitive Eating and what it is eaten with, we say that it is very simple and you probably already know a lot. The transition to Intuitive Eating always begins with awareness: diets don't work. If in the depths of your soul there is an idea that there will be that “your” diet or nutrition system, do not waste your money and time. Intuitive eating is not yours yet. Wait one, two or three more diet cycles, and this realization will certainly come.

When you are convinced that diets do not work, you must follow certain rules. Eat only in those moments when you are a little hungry. Finish your meal when you feel slightly full. Choose the food you want for yourself this moment, moreover, relying on the characteristics of the taste that you want to feel, and not on the finished dish. Don't use food to solve emotional problems. And here it is - Intuitive Eating!

There is nothing simpler and nothing wiser!

We all know that eating can be emotional, then you have a bout of overeating or your hand reaches for a bun as soon as you smell vanilla and cinnamon “like in childhood.”

Food can be rational, then a diet or a newfangled food system happens to you. Many of us are familiar with this. Carefully counting calories, studying the composition of foods, tracking weight and time. This is all a very rational relationship with food.

Wisdom arises when our emotions are combined with our rational approach and, most importantly, with our willingness and ability to listen to the needs of our body.

It is at this point that, together with wisdom, Intuitive nutrition and acceptance of oneself and one’s body are born. This doesn't happen suddenly. This is the way. If you want to follow it, we can show you the way, help you take your first steps, teach you ways to eat wisely and consciously.

Leading groups: Svetlana Bronnikova and Anastasia Repko.

Meetings weekly on Tuesdays at 19:00 Moscow time, the day is subject to change.
Start of a group to recruit participants (7-9 people)

To participate, you must undergo a diagnostic test. Leave a request and we will write you all the details.

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    Webinar series “How to feed a baby” in recordings

    How to feed a child so that he is healthy today and in 20-30 years? Svetlana Bronnikova hosts a series of webinars “Children and Candy: How to Feed a Child.”

    Any loving parent takes the issue of nutrition very seriously. So serious that wars sometimes break out in families on this basis. The child refuses to eat, prefers to eat foods that are harmful, from the point of view of adults, or does not agree to eat “healthy” food in any way. It’s even more difficult with children with allergies: you need to maintain peace in the family and not provoke an attack.

    How to feed a child so that he is healthy now and in the future, has no problems with overweight or its deficiency? How to end a family food war?

    You will learn:

    — what is normal in a child’s relationship with food, and when should you start worrying?

    — what to do if the child gains weight?

    — what to do if a child refuses to eat?

    — why do children want to eat sweets and how to react to it?

    — How much candy can a child eat without harming his health?

    — how to make sure that food does not become a means of manipulation?

    — how to help a child establish relationships with food and the outside world?

    All issues can be purchased as recordings!

    Registration and payment for access

  • Why have the “10 Principles of Intuitive Eating” that have been circulating online for several years misled newcomers? Svetlana Bronnikova spoke about the fate of the method in Russia and listed the original principles created by professionals that will really help you start the path of an intuitive eater.

    What they don't say about Intuitive Eating. Some people report a successful weight loss of 20 kilograms without the slightest restrictions, others report that Intuitive Eating is “eat whatever you want.” If you want, you put smoked sausage on a croissant, if you want, you snack on a creamy ice cream with a pickled cucumber, and you lose weight, lose weight! Someone reliably reports that on Intuitive Eating you will have to stock up on your favorite butter cookies and eat them every day, whether you like it or not. You just force the cookies in. In all suitable holes. And someone - that they tried this famous “IP”, and the scales - once! - and showed “plus eight”. And now - urgently back to the camp of the saving, understandable restrictive "PP" - boiled vegetables, chicken breast, for good behavior you can afford a crumb of cheesecake on your day off. From afar. Smell.

    As often happens, few people take the trouble to figure out what Intuitive Eating actually is, relying on incompetent articles in popular magazines and publications by Instagram gurus. This is understandable - reading books with a lot of text and tasks for self-knowledge is difficult and lacks time. As a result, so many myths, fairy tales and legends have grown up around Intuitive Eating that today only professionals can figure out what is fact and what is fiction.

    For the first time, information about Intuitive Nutrition appeared on the Russian-language network back in 2012, but did not take root. Then with light hand One of the resources about a healthy lifestyle, a Russian translation of a page from the website of the author of the book about Intuitive Eating, American nutritionist Evelyn Triboli, was published. The translation was made by an automatic translator, and a good part of the meaning inherent in this text was lost, but the article was reprinted many times.

    The second attempt was made by me, Svetlana Bronnikova, when in 2013 I started blogging on LiveJournal, dedicated to Intuitive Nutrition. The blog described my experience working in a European clinic that introduced the principles of Intuitive Eating to their patients with obesity and eating disorders. From the blog grew a book published by EKSMO publishing house in 2014 with a circulation of more than 25,000 copies, which immediately became a bestseller.

    Western methods of psychotherapy, and Intuitive Nutrition is, of course, a psychotherapeutic method, do not easily take root on Russian soil, and there are many reasons for this. This is especially true when it comes to issues of eating behavior. Eating behavior is a phenomenon based on historical experience, culture, traditions, even national cuisine, and they are very different for us and for “them”. This is why the Intuitive Eating method has to be adapted for the Russian user.

    Why is that?

    As sad as it may be, we must admit that in terms of self-respect for us, Russian citizens, everything is much worse than for residents of other developed countries. And our historical experience of relationships with food is more than specific. Several generations, having repeatedly experienced the horrors of starvation, elevated abundant, satisfying food into a cult, and literally raped it into the next generations born in more prosperous times.

    I have formulated 10 principles of Intuitive Eating, which are slightly different from the original American model- because, in my opinion, for our compatriots with eating disorders, the emphasis in both behavior and well-being is placed completely differently.

    For my patients, harmonizing their eating behavior is not so much a behavioral task as an existential one. First of all, we have to regain self-respect, learn to take care of ourselves without intrusive control and self-punishment for mistakes, regain such seemingly obvious rights - how much, what and when to eat, how to move, how much to weigh - because only our body has the right determine this.

    That's why I suggest you get to know 10 real principles of Intuitive Eating.

    Principle 1.Refusalfromcontrol:hungerNotaunt!

    This is the principle that begins the journey of the Intuitive Eater. It is impossible to implement the other principles without skipping this one. And it is this that causes the greatest difficulty for most people.

    What's the point? Decide that you will never diet again. Never again, not once, no matter what happens, no matter how many kilograms the scales show.


    This principle consists of a complete and decisive rejection of external control over nutrition. The only authority that will now determine when you eat is your body, or rather, the feeling of hunger.

    If you're hungry, it's time to eat. If you're not hungry, you shouldn't eat. There will be days when hunger will prompt you to eat more often than you are used to. There will be - when he barely shows himself. This is all completely normal, because healthy eating behavior is flexible. We don't use the same amount of energy every day, and we don't need the same amount of calories to replace energy loss.

    Principle 2.UyouThere isright…There is.Scalehunger.

    What's the point? Listen, catch, distinguish signs of hunger! Learn the language your body uses to communicate its needs!


    You need to eat not only when you are very hungry. You need to start eating when you experience a slight, barely noticeable feeling of hunger. How does it manifest itself for you? Do you feel a sucking sensation in the pit of your stomach, anxiety, or is food the first thought that comes to your mind? Each of us has our own physiological signs of early hunger. Learn to recognize them.

    Principle 3.UyouThere isrightThere is…everywhere.FoodWithyourself.

    What's the point? Hunger can catch you at any moment. Be prepared - carry food with you!


    To feed yourself at any time, you need to have a small selection of food with you - 3-4 items. Get yourself containers and take food with you every day that will satisfy your hunger when it comes. Don't rely on cafes, canteens and hospitable friends - any of these options may not work. You need to carry food with you.

    Principle 4.UyouThere isrightThere is…All.Principleoptimalcombinations.

    What's the point? Make the most accurate food choices at any given time!


    Don’t allow yourself to base your choice on old dietary guidelines – “low-calorie”, “healthy”, “this won’t make me gain weight”. Most right choice- eat what you want at the moment! But what if this particular food is not available? Choose the option closest to what you are looking for.

    I recommend making a list of those foods or dishes that you are ready to eat at any time, at any time, and carry them with you for the first time.
    In the future, you will learn to find a replacement based solely on your own needs.

    Principle 5.UyouThere isrightThere is…All,WhatYouwant to.Hamster principle.

    You can eat anything! But what to do with dangerous food? The one that provokes overeating? The one you don't buy for home because you're afraid you won't be able to stop? Legalize this food.

    What's the point? The only working way to get rid of the fear of candy is to come face to face with those same candies. This is how addiction develops. nervous system to this stimulus - and it ceases to cause both a reaction of fear and the desire to eat an unlimited amount of this food.


    How to carry out legalization? Buy a large quantity of one of the foods you tend to overeat. If this product has different flavors, fillings or different manufacturers, choose only one flavor and only one manufacturer. Make sure you always have 3-4 large packages of this product at home. Allow yourself to eat as much as you want. Constantly replenish the stock so that there are at least 3 packages left. The strong craving for this product will pass. This is the psychological effect of habituation - getting used to a certain stimulus that causes an excessive reaction.

    Principle 6.UyouThere isright…stopThere is.Conscious saturation.

    What's the point? The only reason to stop eating is to feel full. As long as you are not full, you can continue to eat.


    You can stop eating any time you feel full. “Eat, otherwise it will spoil”, “You can’t not finish eating because you paid for it”, “You need to eat this so as not to offend your mother, she cooked” - all this is not a reason to continue eating when you are already full. The only reason to keep eating is hunger.

    Stop not when you are completely full, but when saturation has reached the “full” or “slightly full” level. You will have to eat more often, but in the end you will eat less, your metabolism will increase, and your weight will stabilize or show a downward trend.

    Principle 7.Pebblesonpaths:overcomeobstacles.

    What's the point? Be prepared for difficulties and don't be afraid of your mistakes! Mastering Intuitive EatingI am learning, learning is possible only by methodtrial and error.


    Principle 8.UyouThere isright…testemotions. Regulation of emotions.

    What's the point? You have the right to emotions, but get rid of them with the helpfood is not necessary.


    Most people solve emotional problems with food from time to time. Eat something delicious while in bad mood, familiar to us. Learn to manage your emotions without food. Learn emotional regulation skills - e.g. group of dialectical-behavioral therapy. Keep a diary of emotions. Go to a psychologist. Learn to monitor the need to eat in a difficult emotional situation, stop yourself and choose more adaptive ways of coping.

    Principle 9.UyouThere isright…move. Intuitive movement.

    What's the point? There are no people who are incapable of movement - there are people who hate sports.


    Why did this happen? It's all about compulsion. We are constantly convinced that playing certain sports is necessary to be slim and beautiful body. Movement should be fun. Separate movement from losing weight - they have little connection with each other. Find the types of movement that bring you the most pleasure, rather than those that are sold to you for weight loss or body improvement. You don't have to have a gym membership to move. Each of us has a need for our own type of movement. Walking, cleaning the house, dancing is also movement.

    Principle 10.Body - myFriend. Positive attitude towards the body.

    What's the point? It is impossible to win the war with your body. Call a truce!


    Take an inventory of the clothes in your closet. Get rid of all the clothes that don't fit and buy clothes that do. You don't have to lose weight to wear this dress - the dress should be tailored to fit you. Hang a mirror in a convenient place full height and regularly examine yourself, noting those parts of the body that you particularly like and learning to describe, without criticism or self-loathing, those that cause anxiety. Learn to accept your body as it is and be grateful and respectful of it.

    Based on these principles, you can completely rebuild your diet from restrictive and compulsive, that is, full of prohibitions, anxieties, fears and breakdowns, to harmonious, satisfactory and comfortable. Of course, this is not necessary. It often seems to us that life is full of imperfection and suffering, and we do not notice how we ourselves choose this suffering, let it into our lives, cherish it, protect it and refuse to change anything.

    The choice is yours.

    Please note that this is an interactive article! You can ask your questions in the comments to her announcements on our social networks! Live on November 9, 2017, Angelina Chekalina and I will answer them together!

    The Center is recruiting Intuitive eating groups. Join us!

    Long-promised, planned and painful - a series of program posts about the psychological regulation of overeating.

    Necessary disclaimer

    Why am I writing this?

    I have been heading one of the branches of the largest obesity treatment clinic in the Netherlands for almost a year now. The treatment is psychotherapeutic, because it is impossible to get rid of excess weight without changing your behavior, lifestyle, and way of thinking. It is impossible to be mentally unstable and remain thin if you are used to solving your own psychological problems with the help of food. I am responsible for the development and implementation of treatment programs, for innovative approaches with proven effectiveness, but at the same time I continue (which costs me quite a lot). great effort, since managerial work tends to take up all the time) to remain a psychotherapist dealing with the problems of overweight people. During this time, I accumulated many observations, comparisons, small but important discoveries. I have long wanted to collect them in one place.

    Who am I writing this for?

    It is very rare to meet a woman who would not like to lose weight. Modern culture very strictly dictates that women should be slim; the physiological basis of fertility insists on the opposite. To be fertile, capable of reproduction, you need to be at least a little “in the body.” There are some very interesting studies of African tribes, in my opinion. Bushmen, whose women become pregnant exclusively during the rainy season and immediately after it, when the tribe easily provides itself with food. During the dry season, women fast, lose weight and naturally become temporarily infertile. Extremely reasonable, because it would be difficult to feed a newborn child and feed a nursing mother to the full. At the same time, modern culture offers a huge amount of cheap, accessible, intrusively advertised and “tasty” food. Why in quotes? Because “deliciousness” is a matter of habit, attitude, it’s absolutely subjective. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to eat food called healthy outside of your own kitchen. This is difficult to do in Russia, in the heart of Europe, where I am writing these lines from, in the culinary Meccas of New York and Paris. Health food enthusiasts are destined to forever feel like freaks and outcasts in restaurant life.

    Thus, almost everyone wants to lose weight, with rare exceptions. If you want to lose a few pesky pounds and you have a good idea where they came from - too little movement, too many carbs - my post may not help you. Don't waste time reading it, spend that time going to the gym and going to the store for vegetables and chicken breast.

    Moreover, if you have already had to lose weight in your life, then it may be that you did a lot of things differently. than what is written here, and yet they lost weight and managed to keep the weight off. Yes, that happens too. I operate with the average temperature in the ward, that is, with techniques that work, with greater or less efficiency, on any representative of the population that comes into my hands.

    Is it possible to lose weight steadily and keep it off on your own?

    Complex issue. Sustainable weight loss necessarily includes serious internal work to achieve certain personal, not only behavioral, changes. This work can be done in the office of a psychologist or psychotherapist. Yes, there are some geniuses who manage to achieve this on their own. But still, achieving mental stability means working with a specialist. Exactly the same as achieving stable operation of any other human organ system. Similar to a nutritionist and in sports school seem to me to be convenient, but unnecessary additions. The maxim I base my approach on is: extra You can only have weight if you are not mentally stable enough. At the same time, I think it is obvious that a person of average, normal build is taken as a model for the absence of excess weight, and not asthenic anorexic models.

    And now an important, fundamental question that I want to ask any interested reader.

    What is your relationship with food?

    If you have stable, or, conversely, constantly disappearing and returning as a result of attacks healthy image life and active sports excess weight, then - ta-dam! - you have no problems with excess weight. You have problems in your relationship with food. This is what we will talk about - our relationship with food - in this post.

    You know everything you read here. You've read this before, heard it somewhere, tried something on yourself. I have only collected the most important, key points, based on work with patients with so-called morbid obesity - those whose body mass index is 40 or more units, those who are from the title of “cow” or “fatty” to the title of “human” normal build"30-40 kilograms. At best, or even 80.

    Rule one. Any diet works.

    Yes, you heard right, and there is no typo here. Absolutely any of the existing nutrition systems focused on weight loss sooner or later leads to the desired result. Some of them are a little more optimal for you personally, but I don’t see the point in looking for the system on which I personally lose 1 kilogram more within six months. The differences are minimal. You need to choose the diet that tastes best to you personally. If you are a rabbit and like to chew vegetables, you will live quite well on Kim Protasov's diet, and if you have obsessive traits in your character - you like to be in complete control of the situation and are not averse to systematizing everything that comes to hand - then you will like counting calories.

    Why? Because the goal of any diet is to change your current nutrition system and force your body to lose a certain amount of kilograms. Any restriction of fats and simple carbohydrates (and this is what almost any currently existing diet is built on) achieves this goal. When choosing your nutrition system, do not forget - it is extremely important how much you lose per month. Of course, you have an important party/date/corporate event in three weeks, and you definitely need minus one size. Remember: when you decide to go on a “crash” diet, you are making a decision to gain weight, not to lose it.

    How it works? You choose a diet that promises rapid weight loss short time. We call weight loss fast more than 1-1.5 kg per week.. You pluck up courage, tragically nibble on your 4 crackers with a glass of yogurt a day, and at night you dream about chocolate cupcakes. You are constantly tormented by a feeling of hunger, your body is catastrophically lacking in vitamins and minerals (vitamins in appetizer vitamin complexes are not only extremely poorly absorbed, but can also be toxic), in addition, you are dehydrated, because fast diets often include a component of active removal of fluid from the body, and you forget to drink the prescribed two liters of water per day. But, most importantly, the brain receives from digestive system a clear signal: “Attention! Turn on the hungry mode!” The human brain is little familiar with the modern cult of excessive thinness, and still thinks cavemanlike. In cave times, there was no abundance of food that you no longer had to worry about. It did not exist in the Middle Ages, during the Renaissance, and later. Only the last two or three generations of Homo sapiens live in conditions of food shortage - this is very little for the brain, it has not had time to change and adapt. Therefore, the brain turns on starvation mode, which means living in a mode of reduced calorie consumption. In addition to the symptoms of lethargy, drowsiness, and reluctance to begin any action, especially involving physical activity(another disadvantage is that it is simply impossible to make regular physical activity an inseparable part of your life on a strict diet), it also includes the symptom of “retaining” any calorie that accidentally wanders into the body. In other words, everything that can be converted into fat is converted into fat.

    Every diet involves “breakdowns”. Moreover, there is a direct correlation: the stricter the diet, the greater the likelihood of breakdowns - hunger and longing for “tasty” are stronger. Everything that we eat during “breakdowns” on a strict diet is directly deposited in fat, which is so difficult to burn later.

    Hence the moral: choose a diet that allows you to lose weight by no more than 1 kilogram per week. And let the diet be as tasty as possible for you personally. To lose weight, you need to eat enough.

    Rule two. No diet works.

    How so? I just stated the opposite!

    That's how. When you go on a diet, you set yourself a different goal than what you can achieve with it. Your goal is to lose weight for good. Forever become minus five, lesya, twenty-eight - underline what is necessary - a kilogram. No diet can achieve this goal.

    What allows it, you ask? The same thing we started with. Changing your relationship with food. Changing the psychological role that food plays in your life. This can be achieved not with the help of a diet, but by working on changing body image and stable patterns of behavior, including food, with a psychologist. Do you need a diet in this case? No, diet is not an absolutely necessary component of such work. Eventually, weight loss will happen naturally. Why do we still include a diet, or, more correctly, a change in eating style, in our therapeutic approach? Because people are such creatures, they need everything quickly. In addition, the first kilograms that fall off add motivation, self-confidence, and strength.

    What else is the diet good for? In my opinion, the most optimal way to imagine new system food as an experimental laboratory of tastes, as an endless culinary TV show with you in leading role. We try, discover something new - and it’s delicious!, remember what we liked, reject what we didn’t like. Remember, losing weight tasteless is harmful and ineffective. One of the challenges that needs to be solved in the process of changing the food system is learning to enjoy food again. Oddly enough, gluttons, food addicts, people. accustomed to “eating” negative emotions, slowly but surely forget how to perceive the taste of food.

    Rule three. To lose weight, you need to eat enough.

    When choosing a diet, make sure that it is not only tasty, but also that it is satisfying. The hungrier you are on a diet, the faster the lost pounds will come back.

    All dietary guidelines always include a “no snacking” clause. Oh, those cherished, intimate snacks - tea and cake, a bag of chips, a handful of sweets!... Usually - alone, in a secluded place, often - associated with a “moment for yourself”, peace, comfort, relaxation and relief from stress. Next, there will be a separate post about “snacks”, because this secret is great, but we are not destroying the foundations yet, we are only laying the foundation for changes, and this foundation is based on three meals a day, each and which is sufficient to not experience hunger in over the next approximately 5 hours. That is why choosing a strictly restrictive “crash diet” is very unprofitable - the chance of sticking to it and not gaining weight subsequently tends to zero.

    To be continued, continued in the next issue :)

    I was sent a link to Firefly, who literally wrote the following about me: “The psychologist has one child preschool age and a fresh marriage, which happened after a long period of loneliness, and this, according to my observations, often leads to the emergence of a burning need to educate the masses on how to build lasting and strong relationships, and raise children from zero to adolescence."

    At this phrase my brain collapsed and died, because this, to put it mildly, is an unexpected interpretation of my biography.
    Well, dear husband, it turns out that you quite recently (4 years ago) saved me from an extremely long and joyless lonely existence (1 month long), and I immediately (8 years ago) began writing psychological articles and posts, conducting therapeutic groups (5 years ago) and working with clients (also 8 years ago). What is typical is that I have no idea whether Firefly has a relationship, and if so, what kind.

    Then she criticizes my post about insulin. In general, the criticism in some places is quite sensible, because I wrote - and this is indicated in the post - as I understood it from the doctor’s explanations, without claiming to be an endocrinologist and without saying that the way I live needs to be repeated to someone - on the contrary, saying in every possible way that you first need to go to the doctor. I really made a mistake in this post, and many found other ways - yes, yes, Mrs. Firefly, none of these people told me anything about my, my goodness, fresh husband, can you imagine? - write about it.
    And - if you had limited yourself to this, even in the context of “this is taught in a school chemistry course,” as one of the participants in the discussion - I would have understood it. And if you personally wrote to me about what is wrong in my post, I would also thank you, but - alas - this is about the subjunctive mood. It turned out the way it turned out. And it turned out that in an ordinary person’s post about his diagnosis, about which he writes - let’s say - it’s still not quite what Mrs. Firefly understood (because she interpreted my thoughts very freely - that’s if it’s polite), a person with wrote his professional position in a blog (which, according to Russian media laws, but she probably doesn’t know) -
    a) Lies;
    b) In an offensive manner;
    c) About a colleague

    And I think so
    a) Unethical;
    b) Swinely
    falling under the article of libel. Of course, I think this article is quite strange and going to court is quite pointless, but I think it is necessary to write that this has nothing to do with reality.

    When I tried to ask what it was, I was told that I had obvious problems because I had chosen a pretentious pseudonym for myself (here Erik Erikson and Jacob Moreno said friendly hello and went to their therapists - and these are just psychologists. Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe, Maxim Gorky and Kir Bulychev, as well as a ten-page list of seriously ill people. And I’m afraid to even imagine what the beautiful young lady would say to my colleagues Karine Serebryakova and Zhanna Lurie). It was also added to me that she considers me the worst example of pop psychology. Apparently, this gives her reason to invent tall tales about me and publicly say nasty things about me behind my back (no, there was no personal conversation before). Perhaps this is due to the fact that I once wrote that I respect what she does, but I don’t like her writing style, so I don’t read it.
    This is the “symmetrical” answer.

    Personally: Firefly, you have previously made offensive and derogatory comments about your Russian-speaking colleagues, but I saw them only in a general sense - like “working with a paralyzed grandfather behind the wall.” I haven’t followed your work, and therefore I don’t know if I was the first on your list of targeted insults, but, nevertheless, I can assure you that I am impressed by how far you have gone.

    To my readers - and to the readers of Firefly - I suggest you think seriously: if a person allows himself absolutely calmly and without the slightest doubt, without then retracting his words - moreover, continuing to develop them, to write something similar to a stranger (even distracting from the fact that this is a violation of professional ethics), using one’s own fantasies as material, then...
    and then it's up to you.

    Personally - to the user Firefly - you made my evening. Well, I can congratulate you - before this in my life, only my ex-fiance reached such a level of generalization after I left him two weeks before the scheduled wedding, and I was sure that he was in his fantasies and an extremely alternative view of No one will surpass my life.
    I don’t think I was going to marry you. So it’s not even clear where you got these pictures from.

    This review is just mine personal experience and nothing else.

    The problem of excess weight appeared suddenly for me. I have always been a fairly large girl, “big boned” is about me, I never looked like Thumbelina, but I was slim. But it so happened that, amid stress, I got to my broad bones ten extra kilos. In the world of almost any girl, this is a disaster.
    I began to weigh 76-78 kg with a height of 178 cm.

    I must say that I myself didn’t really notice this, I thought that yes, I had gained a little weight, but I could also easily lose weight. On the terrible truth Those around me opened my eyes. I’m afraid to even count how many times during that period I heard the questions “are you pregnant?”, “are you sick?”, “do you have problems with hormones?” When people heard the honest answer “no, I just gained weight,” they immediately burst into a stream of various recommendations on the topic of losing weight. At first I shyly listened to all these streams of universal wisdom, then I began to politely send well-wishers to the garden, then I got angry and realized that my body is my business. And no one else's.

    I understood perfectly well that I was uncomfortable with my existing weight, but I also understood that I did not intend to lose weight with the help of diets. If you are wondering where this confidence comes from, I can tell you that for a long time I had a loved one in front of me who suffered from two eating disorders, so I know very well what the downside of a diet is.
    While searching for information about losing weight without harming your health, I came across Svetlana’s blog (I think most of my friends are familiar with it, but just in case I’m giving the link - svetlyachok ). It seems like it was in 2014, I can’t be more precise. Her magazine contained a lot of information about how you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight. But there is one nuance - you need to listen to yourself and learn to understand what you are really Want.
    I started reading all the posts under the tag “psychology of overeating” and applied some of them to myself. I didn’t focus on the practical part, I worked mainly on my attitude towards my own body, because accepting myself as “fat” was very difficult.

    Actually, this is where my relationship with intuitive nutrition would probably have ended if I had not found out that Svetlana had written a book. At the time the book was published, it seemed to me that I had come up with a good nutrition system for myself - I began to eat 5 times a day in small portions of 200. What can I say - my weight went down, but in the very first chapters of the book I discovered a refutation of this techniques. The thing is that when we are guided by the numbers on the scale, we do not listen to the signals of our own body. As a result, you can easily overeat.
    - Ha! - I thought - Overeat from 200 grams! Certainly!
    And I was surprised to discover that it was possible. I deliberately weighed the food that was left on my plate several times after I felt full. It often turned out that a third of those 200 grams was clearly unnecessary for me. When I ate according to my “system”, I crammed all the food into myself, down to the last crumb, because... I was afraid that I would soon get hungry and have to eat again. But if you eat often, you can become fat again - brr, scary.

    Thanks to Svetlana’s book, I learned that there are different categories of people who overeat, and there are categories for whom it is generally useless to limit themselves in any way in food, because they eat simply because the food looks beautiful or smells delicious.
    The book debunks most myths about losing weight and proper nutrition- refutes the link “fat means sick”, talks about the absurdity and uselessness of BMI, about the artificially low indicators that determine obesity and about other unusual things.

    I would like to note why at one time I didn’t study much on Svetlana’s LiveJournal - it seemed to me that the methods were not presented entirely clearly, there were a lot of questions, so I didn’t even want to start - in case I messed something up or did it wrong. In the book, everything is presented systematically, the first part is completely devoted to theory, the second to practice. In the practical part there are also specially designated places where you can enter the results of completing assignments. I have a sacred awe of books, I can’t write in them, so I started a separate diary for doing experiments :-)

    For me personally, the most valuable information is located at the very end of the book:
    firstly, this is a chapter about intuitive movement (by the way, I also came to this thanks to Firefly’s blog. Now for me it’s stretching, which I’ve been doing for almost 6 months, and yoga, which I just started practicing).
    secondly, this is a chapter about relationships with your own body, about self-acceptance, about problems that may be hidden behind excess weight.

    I think the most troubling for many readers (and for me too) will be the chapter that describes the legalization of prohibited products. This word implies that you can eat any food in any quantity, even those that people who are not on a diet cannot afford. I legalized chips and gas water - they were the basis of my diet during the period when I gained weight. And it was they that were forbidden for me for a long time; I tried to give up their consumption with varying degrees of success, but they always got the better of me. So, by the third day of legalization, I realized that I don’t like chips. And I don't like sweet soda.
    This is an unexpected result that refutes the myth that says “if I am allowed to eat whatever I want, then I will only eat fast food.”

    In conclusion, I want to say who should read this book. It’s definitely worth reading for those who have become disillusioned with various diets and no longer want to follow either the Dukan diet or the Paleozoic diet, or try all sorts of new-fangled systems on themselves like a lab rat. For those who want to learn to accept themselves and understand that excess weight is not just nasty numbers on the scales that just don’t want to go away, it is often the result of some psychological problems and internal conflict. Those who are tired of scolding themselves for every cake they eat and considering their body an enemy and a stupid, weak-willed beast.