Hockey games. Accurate hockey shot Accurate hockey shot

The shine of ice and the shine of victories have long attracted you, but you just can’t decide to face the knights of the skating rink in a fierce battle? There is no point in rushing into battle unprepared when you can start with online training: hockey games will certainly allow you to become a real man! Computer games hockey are simply a real find for all fans of this exciting sport. After all, now you can become not just a spectator, but also a full-fledged participant in a hot ice battle - and all this is completely free!

Battle on the Ice

It is not for nothing that Russia is among the strongest teams in the world. The harsh climate of our country fosters real male characters - just the kind needed for this crazy ice battle. But still, in our traditions, the game of hockey is first and foremost beautiful sport, and although violations of the rules do happen here, they still turn out to be unpleasant episodes for both players and fans. After all, for a Russian person, strength is not synonymous with aggressiveness! A true Russian knight will always prefer to avoid a fight, especially with a weak or insufficiently intelligent opponent.

Things are different in the strongest hockey league world - NHL. Aggressive and strong guys from the Canadian and US teams are not ashamed to use their fists where they could do without them. Aggression in NHL games is commonplace; moreover, each team in this league even has a special player responsible for power moves. They even keep separate statistics for the so-called “tough guys” - not the number of goals scored and assists, but the number of fights spent on the ice and minutes in the penalty box.

Yes, “we don’t need that kind of hockey”! This, by the way, was said by a Soviet commentator back in 1972, when the USSR national team met on the ice for the first time with professionals from Canada. Wanting to win, the Canadians did not hesitate to use their usual techniques against the Soviet guys, who were expecting a more correct game, keeping within the generally accepted rules.

However, on the American continent they are gradually approaching the idea that they don’t need this kind of hockey either. The rules are becoming stricter every year, and more and more often clubs are abandoning players whose only functions are to fight with power and incapacitate the most valuable players of the enemy. Their place is gradually being taken by strong and strong guys who, in addition to fighting, also have some purely hockey skills.

The Fab Five and the Goalkeeper

Unlike football matches, hockey games are more dynamic due to both the smaller size of the rink and the smaller number of players. Like swift furies they rush around the skating rink from one goal to another, and the frantic speeds they develop at the same time are clearly visible in those moments when they crash into the fencing sides with all their might.

Each team in hockey has several playing squads. Since the number of substitutions during the game is not limited, the coach has the opportunity to change players in threes at once, without destroying the established schemes. Often, national teams are built on the principle of not splitting attacking trios: the coach calls not a specific player to the national team, but the whole bunch at once. Indeed, in such a fast-paced game like hockey, it is incredibly important to act automatically, knowing exactly where your partner is now - such combinations have been played for years.

Of course, the need to act almost blindly eliminates any spontaneity. Hockey match plays out like clockwork: if there were no opponents on the ice playing their own game, the team could accurately pass the puck even with their eyes closed. Working out tactics and practicing specific game episodes is an important part of coaching.

But creating the right mood in the team is no less important. Hockey games require teammates to feel each other - these people must become more than even a family. In this work, the role of the coach is extremely important - he is responsible not only for sports training players, but also for resolving interpersonal conflicts. Good coach- always a little bit of a psychologist. Or rather, not even a little!

Ice knows no compromises!

If you want to become one of the brave ice knights, you need to train a lot. But you shouldn’t go on the ice if you don’t know enough about the game! By playing hockey online, you can acquire basic knowledge in the field of tactics and mentally prepare for what awaits you on real ice.

And if you've been playing for a long time, Online Games hockey will allow you to spend your time usefully during the break between training sessions. For good player It is important to never lose shape, to tirelessly train not only your muscles, but also your brain. You must live with the stick and never leave the game for a minute! Fortunately, on our website you can play hockey online, even if you don’t have the opportunity to train on the ice right now.

Description of flash game

Accurate hockey shots

Accurate Slapshot Level Pack 2

Ice hockey, field hockey, and now hurdle hockey. True, this is not a team game at all, but more like a workout on shots, which will allow you to go beyond the usual logic of hockey shots and standard thinking. Here you will have to calculate incredible trajectories in order to score into goals that seem out of reach. And this makes the game truly exciting! Adjust the force and direction of the shot taking into account the laws of physics, take into account all possible obstacles, use various objects for rebounding and the puck will certainly end up in the goal. Just? This is only in words. But hard training will definitely give results.
Another 30 new levels based on the laws of physics will not only make you rack your brains, but will also bring you pleasure.
If you dream of becoming a real hockey player, computer games will definitely help you.
Practice your hockey shots - try to throw the puck into the goal.

Description of flash game

Accurate hockey shot

Accurate Slapshot Level Pack

Since the birth of hockey in 1946, it has undergone various changes. Hockey is played both on grass and on ice, and they like to watch it on TV. But we offer a new format of online games of one of the popular and strong species sports of our country. This is hockey with obstacles. Let's get ready, let's start a sports puzzle called "Accurate Hockey Shot". Obstacle hockey may be a new direction for this sport, at least in virtual world. Scoring goals into the goal is the main point of the game. At first glance, it may seem that everything is simple, but here you need to take into account the laws of physics and more. The high efficiency of throwing the puck depends on its technically correct execution, including the force of the throw, the accuracy of hitting the goal and the starting position. At each level, more intricate obstacles await you and this really draws you into the process. The controls are simple and intuitive - hold the left mouse button to aim. The game "Precise Hockey Shot" offers a non-standard approach to hockey. Here you will not have a team or hockey players, only a hockey stick, a puck, obstacles, and a goal. But this does not make the game any less interesting, perhaps even the opposite. Personally, we like this option!