Game exercises “Fun training” methodological development on the topic. Why I love training with kettlebells Single leg press in the Smith machine

Plane, plane, let's take off.

Lie on your stomach, raise your head, look forward, arms apart, legs bent at the knees, feet raised up. Depict the flight of an airplane by shaking the body from side to side.

  1. "Persistent tin soldier».

A boat is floating on the river, and in it is a tin soldier.”

Suddenly a sharp wind blew and the rocking began. But nothing is scary for the brave soldier.

Do you want to become as resilient and strong as the tin soldier? To do this, kneel down and press your hands tightly to your body.

Strong wind blows. Bend back as low as possible, keep your back straight, and then straighten up. Repeat 3 times. Now you can sit back on your heels and relax. Well done!

  1. "Bear Dance"

The cubs gathered in the clearing and began to dance. First you need to depict the cubs: lean forward, legs straight, hands on the floor. From this position perform dance movements.

  1. "Heron".

When the heron sleeps at night,

Stands on one leg.

Would you like to know:

Is it difficult for a heron to stand like that?

And for this we are together

You need to do this pose.

Standing on your right leg, bend left leg at the knee, arms slightly to the sides, stand there for a while. The same, but on the left leg.

  1. "Excavator".

Let's try to turn into an "excavator". Lie on your back, arms along your body, palms on the floor, legs bent at the knees.

The excavator is ready for work! We begin to raise our legs behind our heads, gradually straightening them.

We hold the pose while the earth pours out of the “bucket” into the body of the car. And so on several times.

1. "Locomotive".

Sitting, bend your legs slightly at the knees, and bend your arms at the elbows, pressing them to the body. Go! We move forward along the floor, helping only with our feet. We do it with our hands circular movements, simulating the movement of wheels. We stopped and drove back the same way.

2. “Rock the baby.”

Sit on the floor, press your leg bent at the knee to your chest. Imagine that your knee is the baby's head, shake it right, left, up, down.

3. “Stretching.”

We sat in a clearing in the sun and dozed off, but it’s time to wake up, and to wake up, you need to stretch well in different directions. Raise your arms up, to the sides, stretch them forward, clasp your hands behind your back.

4. "Bird".

They flew, flew, sat on a tree.

They ate the berries and flew off again.

They sat down on the stump and rested.

(Imitate the flapping of bird wings with your hands.)

5. “Leg stretching.”

Sitting, bend your right leg and grab your foot with your hands. Try to fully straighten your leg without losing your balance. Repeat the same with the left leg or with both legs.

Game exercises “Fun training”

1. “Cunning little devil.”

An imp sits in a small box, legs crossed. As soon as you open the lid, he deftly stands up to his full height without the help of his hands, quickly raising them up. Let's try to stand up just like him. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Now stand up without using your hands several times.

2. "Boat".

I suggest going to cruise. But first, let's build the “boats”. Let's lie on our stomach, spread our arms and legs slightly to the sides. Raise your head, arms and legs up. You are all different boats. Rock on the waves.

3. "Small Bridge".

The hedgehogs were walking through the forest. In front of them is a stream. How can they get across it? Let's help them: build bridges across the stream. Lie on your back. Without lifting your shoulders and feet off the floor, lift your torso. Support your back with the palms of your hands bent at the elbows. Hold, hold your back until the hedgehogs run to the other side. Now the hedgehogs have moved over, and we will rest. Repeat 3 times.

4. "Starfish".

And now we will all turn into inhabitants of the seabed. Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs spread wide to the sides. Slowly crawl from place to place.

5. "Pump".

How does the pump work?

This is not a question at all.

Everyone squatted down

It's like the birds have arrived.

And then, counting “one time”

The legs were straightened at once.

On the count of “two” - hurry back,

And this is necessary many times.

Game exercises “Fun training”

1. "Carousel".

Shall we play carousel?

Sit on the floor, raise your straight legs up. Leaning your hands on the floor, begin to turn around yourself with your hands. The carousel is spinning!

2. "Rocking chair".

Bear cubs were playing in a forest clearing, swinging funny on their backs. Let's try and swing too! Lie on your back with your legs together. Bend your legs, bring your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around your knees. Rock back and forth on your back. When you get tired, rest. Repeat 3 times.

3. "Kolobok".

What a strange bun

The following appeared in the window:

I stood there for a bit,

He took it and fell apart!

Lie on your back, and then sit up, hugging your legs with your arms and placing your head on your knees. Press your knees toward your shoulders and look at your heels. Here you are, all the koloboks! One, two, three, four, five - you fell apart again. Stretch your legs and lie on your back.

4. “It flies - it doesn’t fly.”

In the clearing, golden dandelions turned into white balls with many “parachutes”. Raise your arms up and to the sides. The wind blew, the parachute flew (standing still, swaying in different directions). The wind stopped blowing and the parachutes fell to the ground.

Game exercises “Fun training”.

  1. Stork.

The stork sits on the roof and looks around, stretching long neck(everyone stretches their necks in different directions), flaps its wings (flying arms), shifts from foot to foot (alternately bending legs at the knee).

  1. “Oh, your palms, your palms!”

Do you want to be slim and have beautiful posture?

Then stand up straight and, placing your hands behind your back, join your palms. Then, turning your folded hands with your fingers up, position your hands so that the entire length of your little fingers touches your spine. Raise your elbows, straighten your back, pull your shoulders back. We hold the pose and repeat: Oh, your palms, your palms!

We'll hide you behind our backs!

This is necessary for posture.

That's for sure! Without embellishment!

Slowly lower your arms down, shake your hands and breathe calmly.

  1. "Bike".

Now we'll go for a walk.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, and make rotational movements with your legs. First, let's slowly climb the hill, then rest (roll down the hill), and now quickly (drive along the road).

  1. "Caterpillar".

Get on all fours. Pull your knees towards your hands without lifting your feet off the floor. And then move both hands forward at the same time as far as possible. This is how the caterpillar moves in search of food. And now you are all caterpillars. Let's crawl!

  1. "Get the ball."

Sit on the floor, legs apart, back straight. Imagine that you have a ball in your hands.

"Play" with him. Suddenly the ball rolled away. Take it out without moving, but only leaning forward. Try not to bend your legs. Repeat 3-4 times.

Script for the pirate show "Jolly Roger"

Captain: Hey hey hey….

Hi all. I am Jack Sparrow, Captain Jack Sparrow, what is your name? Eh, no, that won't work. Sasha, Vanya, Anya are, of course, good names, but not pirate-like at all. Let me choose the right one for each of you.

Jack gives the children pre-prepared cards with pirate nicknames written on them. For boys, put papers with names in one pile, and for girls - in another. Here is a sample list of them:

For boys

Old Flint

Tricky Drake,

Captain Hook,

Witty Bartor,

Bill Prikhlop,

Captain Silver

Davy Jones.

For girls

Baby Lo

Elizabeth Swan

Little Jemmy

Prickly ji

Captain: Well, with such names you can go sailing with me. Come on, let's check if you are real pirates! Laugh for real, like a pirate!

Just like me HO-HO-HO. The participants laugh in turns, and then all together. You can laugh like pirates, but before you go on a real voyage with me, I have to test you to see if you are worthy of being on my team of robbers and pirates. Well, are you ready for the test?... Well, let's begin!

Captain: Guys, let's learn a chant rhyme about pirates? I'm reading a poem. Before the last line in each quatrain, everyone loudly pronounces the line in chorus:

1. Raise the anchors, let's set off to the seas! We are fearless guys...
Children: Because we are pirates!
2. There is a menacing wave in the sea, Hurricanes and storms, Well, we are sailing somewhere...
Children: Because we are pirates!
3. We love all the animals. Inhabitants of the seas: Octopus, dolphins, stingrays...
Children: Because we are pirates!
4. We sharpened our knives, Those who didn’t hide - tremble! Only we are not to blame
Children: Because we are pirates!
5. We’ll sail straight to the island, We’ll find treasures there! Let's live richly, friends...
Children: Because we are pirates!

Captain: Guys, I have an assistant, the Lady of the Seas. Let's call her LORD.....

Lady: Hello guys, I am the Lady of the Seas and an old friend of the Captain. I’m wondering if you really want to become real pirates, how much do you know about them, let’s check.

LORD: What do you even know about pirates?

Everyone lists what they know.

Now we will determine which of you is the most resourceful pirate.

Quiz “The most resourceful pirate”:

Who is a pirate? (sea robber).
Favorite pirate drink? (rum).
Who is Jolly Roger? (symbol of pirates, skull and crossbones).
Name pirate money (piasters, doubloons).
What is a ship's cook called? (cook).
When needed, they throw it away; when not needed, they raise it (anchor).
What tool do pirates most often use to find treasure? (with a shovel).
Who wrote the novel "Treasure Island"? (Robert Louis Stevenson).
Name it literary hero who spent 28 years, 2 months and 19 days on a desert island? (Robinson Crusoe).
Say the name of Captain Sparrow (Jack).
Which seas have “colored names”? (Black, Red, White).
What is the name of the ship's rudder? (steering wheel).
There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. What is this? (sea).
What stones are not found in any sea? (dry).
Name the types of pirate weapons (sabers, daggers, muskets, cannons).
Which continent doesn't have a single river? (Antarctica).
House for indoor fish (aquarium).
What is a “flock” of fish called? (jamb).
What is SOS? (save our souls).
What is the unit of measurement at sea? (mile).
The “Most Resourceful Pirate” medal is awarded.

Well done, well now we know everything about pirates!!!

Captain: Wow! How smart you are, let's check if you're just as accurate, I have only the most accurate pirates on my team, let's check?

Competition "Eagle Eye"

We put paper balls, wrapped with tape, into a bucket, decorated like a sea monster, one by one. One ball - one point. Whoever scores the most points is the winner.

The Eagle Eye medal is awarded.

Mistress, let's check if they are a real team. Will they save their comrade when, for example, piranhas attack him? Shall we check?

Competition “Save a friend from piranhas”

In each pair, we blindfold one pirate and attach clothespins to the other. On command, those who are blindfolded begin to remove the piranhas from their comrade. The couple that gets rid of the piranhas the fastest wins.

Medal “Best Piranha Catcher”.

Competition "Vigilant Pirate"

Each person has a pirate-themed picture (ship, shark, anchor) attached to their back. If the pirate party is for children 5 years old and older, you can add a number to the picture.

You must stand facing each other, bending one leg at the knee, holding it from behind with your hand, and jumping on one leg, trying to look behind the pirate’s back to find out his secret name. The one who does it first wins.

Medal "The most vigilant pirate."

Captain: Guys, what is the most important thing on a ship, after the captain, of course? The guys talk about options.

Of course it's a flag! And now we will hold a competition for the best pirate flag, and we will draw the flag with colored crayons (if we are holding a holiday in the building, we draw on paper with felt-tip pens.)

Medal "Best Pirate Flag".

Mistress: Pirates must solve various secrets and riddles. Surely there are smart pirates among you, and now we will test how quickly you can solve riddles. Listen carefully.

Sea riddles:

He is the most insidious villain.

They scare all the children

Carries a pistol and a knife.

He commits robbery.

He is either poor or rich.

And he's always looking for treasure.

Answer quickly

Who is this…..! (Barmaley)

I grew up in the forest, in silent silence,

Now I am carrying you along the blue wave. (Boat)

She lives in the water, has no beak, but pecks. (Fish) Together we will find the treasure,

The one who buried... (Pirate)

For her, a wave is a swing, and she floats without a goal.

From nowhere to nowhere, everything is as transparent as water. (Jellyfish)

A head with four legs lives between the stones. (Turtle) In calm weather, we are nowhere to be found, and the wind blows - we run on the water. (Waves) If it lies at the bottom, the ship will not run into the distance. (Anchor) The giant stands in the port, illuminating the darkness, and signals to the ships: come visit us! (Lighthouse) Don't you know me? I live at the bottom of the sea.

Head and eight legs, that’s all I am -... (Octopus)

So that I can see ships sailing in the distance,

I’ll take a quick look at it and tell all the guys. (Binoculars)

Two brothers look into the water, they will never meet. (Shores) Breaking the thick ice, he goes forward alone,
And only then do the ships follow him in single file. (Icebreaker) A spider crawls into the sea - eight legs, a pair of arms.
There are claws in the hands, fear in the eyes. (Crab) Neptune is clearly in a quarrel with someone if the sea is so stormy!
Waves of the most different forms... what about the sea? In the sea (Storm) This beast has fangs, instead of legs there are flippers,
The tail drags along the ice, the animal is not afraid of frost. (Walrus) I explain to the kid so that there are no mistakes:
I am an animal, I breathe air, but I look like large fish.
I am a dodger in water polo and play ball with children. (Dolphin) Sitting aground, moving its mustache,
And he will walk backwards. (Cancer) I am nowhere without the sea, all my food is in the sea.
I myself live on the shore, guarding the Arctic Circle.
Paws are something like flippers. I'm like a walrus, but I don't have fangs.

Medal "The Smartest Pirate".

Mistress: Guys, you are so smart, just real pirates. Well done, now we will learn how to tie sea knots, then you will become real sea wolves.

Master class on tying knots.

Medal “Best Sea Knot”.

Captain: Guys, we have announced a competition for the best pirate costume, let's look at each other and choose the most beautiful pirate as the winner.

Awards for the participants “Best Pirate Costume”.

A chest of candies in foil or chocolate medals.

Our pirate party is over. You have proven that you are real pirates. Guys, let the tests that you passed today help you in your great voyage called life.

Well, now everyone who wants to take a photo with Captain Jack and the Lady of the Sea, please come forward.

One of the key areas in strength training The one that girls pay a lot of attention to is the buttocks. And looking into gym, you will certainly see representatives of our weaker half of humanity intensively squatting and doing leg presses in various exercise machines. And since this topic is of such great interest, I would like to remind you of some rare but effective exercises for this part of the body.

Exercises for the buttocks.

These exercises will be especially useful for diversifying your activities, and introducing fresh blood into your training, to move forward if you suddenly feel some stagnation in the process of working on such an important part of your body.

Reverse hyperextension with fitball.

This exercise uses muscle groups such as lumbar region, back surface thighs and buttock muscles.

Reverse hyperextension with fitball.

Perform the exercise slowly, concentrate on the muscles of the buttocks, trying to perform the movement with this particular part of the body.

Jolly Roger.

It is not enough famous exercise, is considered one of the most effective for working out the back of the thigh. Secure your legs. Starting position, as in the photo.

Initial phase

Slowly lower the straight body for 8-10 counts. Return to IP runs more than twice as fast.

Final phase

This type of exercise perfectly loads the back of the thigh, which makes it possible to further increase weight by performing squats, and they, in turn, directly affect the buttocks.

Bend your legs at the knees, with weights, lying on your stomach.

Bend your legs at the knees, with weights, lying on your stomach.

During the lowering phase of the weight, you should not fully straighten your legs. And in the flexion phase, the angle between the shin and thigh should be more than 90 degrees so that the muscle of the back of the thigh is constantly in tension. This exercise strengthens the hamstrings. It should be remembered that this is the muscle that lifts the buttocks. That's why we pay so much attention to exercises to develop this part of the body.

Smith machine single leg press.

We perform a one-leg press. In the final phase, the leg does not extend to the very end.

Flexion phase.

Straightening phase.

Romanian deadlift in a crossover.

Romanian deadlift in a crossover. Initial position.

I.p. , back straight, shoulder blades pulled together, bend in the lower back, take a small step forward. From this position, slowly lower the body down until it is parallel with the floor. We return to the original.

Romanian deadlift in a crossover. Final phase.

Today we remembered one of the rare exercises, by adopting which you can diversify your workout, strengthen and give a more attractive shape to the muscles of the buttocks.

The number of approaches and repetitions in them, the weight of the projectile, everyone will choose for themselves, depending on the goal. Be it either set muscle mass, either work on relief, or increase strength indicators, etc.

1. Body movements from side to side
Muscle groups: obliques
Technique: Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Your hands can be at your waist or raised to shoulder level (this depends on your training). The hips remain motionless. Move your shoulders to the right, pulling your body behind them. Then we return to the starting position. Do 10 times for each side.

2. Bend over with knee raise
Muscle groups: obliques, thighs and buttocks
Technique: Stand straight, legs wide apart. Bend your knees and squat down to the level of the chair, while your hands are clasped and placed at your right hip. Straightening up, describe a semicircle with your hands through left side so that they are above your head (it will turn out that you describe a semicircle with your hands). Raise your leg to hip level. Do 10-15 times for each leg.

3. “Bicycle”
Technique: Lie down on the floor. Hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees and raised. We stretch our right elbow to our left knee and vice versa. This should be done 20 to 30 times.

4. Lateral raises
Muscle groups: obliques and thighs
4.1 Lie on your right side and place your right hand behind your head. Rotate your shoulders so that you can see the ceiling. Start doing lifts. Do 15 times on each side.
4.2 This exercise can be modified to create the second one. Lie on your right side. Right hand lies in front of you, the left one is behind your head. At the same time, raise your legs and tilt your body to the left so that you get something like a horseshoe. Repeat 10 times on each side.
4.3 And the last option for side lifts. Lie on your right side. The right elbow will serve as a support. Left hand along the body. Raise your torso so that you get a straight line. You will have two points of support - your elbow and outer side Feet. Instead of an elbow, you can lean on a straight arm. It all depends on your level of preparation. Rise like this 7-10 times.

These are not difficult exercises to clean up your sides. Despite their apparent simplicity, they perfectly work out the necessary muscle groups. Don't forget to warm up well before you start doing the exercises.

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The restoration of the USSR after the war is also called Stalin's economic miracle. Cities were rebuilt, prices dropped annually, workers were able to take out an apartment on a mortgage at 1% per annum. With zero inflation.


Soviet Union suffered heavy losses in the Great Patriotic War. 1,710 cities, 70 thousand villages, 32 thousand industrial enterprises, 65 thousand kilometers were wiped off the face of the earth railways, 98 thousand collective farms and 2890 machine and tractor stations.

Direct damage to the Soviet economy amounted to 679 billion rubles (comparable to the total capital investments of the USSR during the first 4 five-year plans). The total damage, including the costs of reconstructing factories and waging war, is estimated by economists at 2 trillion. 596 billion rubles. And this despite the fact that the USSR budget revenues in 1940 were 180 billion rubles.

The national economy, metallurgy, and agriculture were thrown back 10 years, to the levels of the 1930s.

Who restored?

Reparations to the USSR came from Germany, Japan, Hungary and Finland. From there, equipment for factories and machine tools were exported to the Soviet Union. In addition, there were “Soviet” factories in Germany that supplied their products “home”.

At state enterprises (after the nationalization of 1947 this was all enterprises) paramilitary labor discipline was maintained. Workers continued to be assigned to factories, although formally both vacations and weekends had already been introduced.

Maintaining paramilitary discipline was necessary as they worked together to rebuild the country different groups population: 2.5 million prisoners, 2 million prisoners of war and about 10 million demobilized.

Stalin's miracle

Nobody canceled the Fourth Five-Year Plan of 1946-1951. The most ambitious goals were set - not only to reach the pre-war level, but also to surpass it - both in industry (46%) and in agriculture.

The United States, under the Marshall Plan, helped restore Europe (at the same time creating the European Union), and significant resources and effort were spent on this. Few believed that the USSR would not only fulfill, but even exceed its plan. However, this is what happened.

And we are talking not only about the growth of industry, measured in statistical figures, but also about life itself: infant mortality has decreased by more than 2 times, the number of medical personnel has increased by one and a half times, the number of scientific institutions has increased by 40%, the number of students - by 50% . It has become prestigious to be a researcher.

At the same time, the foundations of the Soviet space program were laid. Yes, the laurels ended up going to Khrushchev, but already in February 1953, Joseph Stalin approved a plan to create an intercontinental ballistic missile. The government decree signed by Georgy Malenkov on the creation of the R-7 rocket was issued after the death of the Secretary General - on May 20, 1953.

Currency reform

One of the tools for post-war economic recovery was the monetary reform of 1947.

Its goal was to issue and cancel money accumulated through speculation. It was carried out in the form of a denomination. According to the original plan, it was supposed to take place back in 1946, but due to famine caused by crop failure and drought in a number of regions of the USSR, it was postponed. On December 13, 1947, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted a decision “On the abolition of the card system and monetary reform.”

At the end of 1947, with average salaries of the urban population of 500-1000 rubles, a kilogram of rye bread cost 3 rubles, wheat - 4 rubles 40 kopecks, a kilogram of buckwheat - 12 rubles, sugar - 15 rubles, butter - 64 rubles, sunflower oil - 30 rubles , frozen pike perch - 12 rubles, coffee - 75 rubles; liter of milk - 3-4 rubles; a dozen eggs - 12-16 rubles (depending on the category, of which there were three); a bottle of Zhigulevskoe beer - 7 rubles; half-liter bottle of “Moscow” vodka - 60 rubles.

There was a time when prices went down.

From 1947 to 1953, a real economic miracle took place in the USSR - prices decreased by 1.5-2 times every year. What is important: wages did not decrease. In these years, aimed at the result of a rapid economic recovery, overfulfillment of the plan was especially encouraged, so workers could afford it. For 100% overfulfillment, workers were paid one and a half tariffs, for 150% - double tariff, for 200% - 3 tariffs. During these years, even those imprisoned for exceeding the target by 200% could have their sentence reduced threefold. It is clear that the plans were high, but it really worked. What is significant is that already under Khrushchev, exceeding the plan always led to a reduction in labor prices - through a bureaucratic revision of existing standards.

Stalin's mortgage

Today there is a joke: Mortgage for half a century. This is such an unfunny joke. Would they understand it after the war?
The Soviet plan to rebuild the country after the war also included Soviet-style mortgage software. The third paragraph of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated August 25, 1946 stated in black and white a mortgage rate of 1% per annum. And this is with zero inflation.

Ingredients for 4 servings
- squid carcasses - 4 pcs.;
- carrots - 1 pc.;
- crab sticks - 8 pcs.;
-chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
- boiled rice - 1 glass;
-garlic, salt, herbs - to taste;
-mayonnaise - 150-200 gr.

Habit 1: Poor people always look for someone to blame

A poor person never takes responsibility. He would rather blame his colleagues, boss, or the system for his failures than admit defeat. The poor person thinks like this: “If it weren’t for THEM, I would have been successful a long time ago,” “EVERYONE is bothering me, I can’t do anything.”

Habit 2: Procrastinate

Since childhood, the old folk “wisdom” has been imposed on us: “Measure seven times - cut once.” Time passes, and you think and measure everything, and, ultimately, someone more enterprising comes along, cuts off “your” piece and takes it away. The winner is the one who is not afraid to take the first step and take risks, the one who uses his ideas and does not bury them in the corners of his memory.

A person with a poor man’s mindset always plays for time, and again attributes his own inaction to someone else’s account.

Habit 3: Act with confidence

The poor don't take risks. They prefer a stable, albeit not large, income. As a result, they live from paycheck to paycheck, but under the imaginary wing of stability.

Habit 4: Learn for free

The typical member of the poor subscribes to a huge number of free trainings and seminars, most of which he never listens to. As a result, a person lives in the illusion of learning, but in reality there is no development. Free cheese is known where... To become a successful entrepreneur you need live communication with your mentor, you need a clear course of action towards your goal. The price of training is not only an indicator of future success, but also the price of your motivation.

Habit 5: Don't pay others for their work

A person with a poor man's mentality loves to live at the expense of others. He downloads music, training, films or software from torrents. His philosophy is to look for opportunities to receive paid services or goods - for free. And his life is simplified by services (torrents, sharing, pirate sites) created by the same poor for the poor. Downloaded a paid product for free = stolen. Theft of other people's intellectual property and deception doom a person to live in poverty forever.

Habit 6: Feeling sorry for yourself

Often people see the root of their problems in the environment around them - be it unfavorable geographical position, figure flaws, was born in a poor family, lacks education, lives in the wrong country, etc. A poor person has dozens of reasons to feel sorry for himself in his arsenal, but you can’t make money from pity.

Habit 7: Whining and Complaining

It's no secret that lack of money is the cause of negative emotions. Unlike a poor person, a person with the mindset of a rich person perceives failure as a step towards a cherished goal; he is not used to whining and complaining about fate. Sometimes you want to speak out so that they will feel sorry for you, but this does not make it any easier, and the amount of money in your wallet has not changed - there was none.

Habit 8: Thinking what others will say

A successful person values ​​his individuality and does not depend on the opinions of others. A poor person, as a rule, is the opposite - he spends the lion's share of his time and energy on maintaining his reputation in the eyes of other people. At the same time, he focuses on people who are luckier and stronger. The comparison is not in his favor, which gives him another excellent reason for whining and complaining.

Habit 9: Wasting money

A poor person has no financial strategy. His goal is to earn and spend. The rich, in turn, invest the money earned by labor into creating capital. A common thinking mistake in this situation is: “What can I invest if there is no money?” There is no money because a person does not think about the future. It is not those who earn a lot who become rich, but those who have learned to manage their income competently.

Habit 10: Seeking immediate benefits

The poor do not strive to learn new things, do not work for the future, but want to earn money right now. This is a vivid example of a consumer behavior system. A person wants everything at once, with a minimum of effort. He is like a peasant who eats sowing potatoes in winter, without thinking about what to sow in the spring.

Habit 11: Doing what you don't like

A poor person will always have 10 people to blame, 100 excuses and 1000 reasons why he should go to a job he doesn’t like. He lives only by the thought of Friday, curses his bosses, but still walks into the office every Monday without complaint. As a rule, he does not have enough courage to go about his business. So, without changing anything, a person lives his own life. Year after year.

Habit 12: Wasting Time

A person with a poor man's mindset asks the question: how to “kill” his time? This extremely negative attitude must be transformed into the right question: how can I use my time with maximum benefit? As a result, everyone gets what they strive for - the poor “kill” time and their lives, and the rich use their time and get rich.

What attracted me to this cake is that 2 cake layers (shortbread and meringue) are baked together! I made it, tried it... delicious!
Glass = 250 ml.

1st cake:
2 yolks
1/3 tbsp. Sahara
100 g butter
0.5 tsp soda - quench with vinegar
1 tbsp. flour

2nd cake
2 squirrels
2/3 tbsp. Sahara
0.5 - 1 tbsp nuts

0.5 cans of condensed milk
150 g butter

1st cake: Grind the yolks with sugar,
add melted butter, slaked soda and flour.
Knead and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. You will get 4 cakes.
2nd cake:
Beat the whites with sugar as for meringue.
Chop the nuts coarsely.
Spread it on the frying pan with your hands,
sprinkle with nuts (and press into),
and grease with protein cream.
Bake each cake over medium heat (about 180°, depending on your oven) for 12-15 minutes, until the meringue is golden brown.

So we bake all 4 cakes. I baked it in 2 pans to speed it up. One is in the oven, and the other is ready for baking.

Beat butter with condensed milk
Spread the finished cooled cakes with butter cream.
Sprinkle nuts on top
The cake must be steeped. Not to soak, but to infuse. If I bake a cake in the evening, then in the morning we already eat it. But the cake tastes best on the third or fourth day.


With this article, I’m not afraid of this word, We We highlight kettlebell fitness in a separate section. It was high time to do this, as this is simply an incredibly huge layer in home training. And it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to the new author of this direction, my good friendJolly Roger.

I have already written about weights in the articles: “ “, “ “, “ “. Working with weights is found in the original training program ““. But now Roger has decided to take kettlebell fitness in our project to a new level. I am happy to give him this opportunity and give him the floor.

The idea of ​​"minimalism". Maximum benefits with minimal expenditure of resources.

One weight is enough. Several weights different weights definitely better. This will expand your choice training programs. But even if you only have one kettlebell, this is enough for a full and productive workout. You will work EVERYTHING muscle groups for a short time. The load can be varied in dozens of different ways.

An area of ​​2-3 square meters is sufficient for training. That is, you can take the weights with you and train wherever you want or wherever you have to. Throw it in the trunk of a car when traveling to the country or to nature. Or go out of the apartment into the courtyard, to the sports ground or to the roof. It won't take up much space in the office or locker room either.

Information about exercises, techniques for performing them, programs and other necessary things is freely available on the Internet. You can easily study without leaving home. There would be a desire.

Kettlebell training “builds chains.”

Now I'll try to explain.

Most kettlebell exercises are performed standing and involve almost all the muscles of the body. Legs => back => body => shoulder girdle=> hands. When performing the exercise, the entire “chain” is involved. Works harmoniously. All units assist each other. And the weakest link will limit your capabilities.

For example, consider a simple exercise: the good old Mach.
Even with strong legs and a strong back, you will have to stop swinging if your weak arms threaten to drop the weight. Or vice versa - your hand is like a trap, and your legs are trembling or your back is aching.

Or standing press. This is not bodybuilding, where you walk up to a barbell on racks, squeeze it out and put it back on the racks. Or even climbed into the gym. Here you need to lift the weight from the floor (lift it correctly so as not to injure your back!), swing it and throw it onto your chest in the IP position. Holding confidently, complete all planned repetitions. Then drop the weight, technically and competently, so as not to injure your arm and back. And carefully put it in place, and then repeat everything, grabbing the projectile with your other hand. No “laboratory conditions”, just like in life. He grabbed the bag or suitcase, picked it up and threw it onto the closet or luggage rack. Just like the Kettlebell Exit.

A Turkish get up, and overhead squats with a kettlebell.

“Ballistics” and “balance”!!! Kettlebell exercises are technically challenging and interesting.

The word "ballistics" implies that we are talking about those exercises in which the kettlebell is used "not instead of a load." You initially apply force to the weight, which then moves quickly due to inertia. Ballistic exercises with a kettlebell are fast, explosive movements: Swings, Cleans (Kettlebell Kettlebells), Snatches, Jerks, High Rows. That is, all the “heavy artillery” of Kettlebell Fitness, which determines its “face,” is precisely ballistics. The difference between ballistics and other exercises is the constant balance between tension and relaxation. There are always fractions of a second during which the muscles are not tense. This allows you to “rest” during the exercise and do the exercise with correct technique pretty long.

And such technically complex exercises as Turkish get-ups, windmills, squats and lunges with a kettlebell overhead. Yes, even Seated Floor Press or Squat Press and Lateral Press (Invert). Here you have to skillfully balance and maintain balance.

To perform all these exercises you need to master the technique. They are very difficult to perform without preparation, even if you are physically strong.

Working out with a kettlebell is never boring, and it's actually a lot of fun.

I'm never bored during training.

  • Great amount kettlebell exercises and their variations.
  • Making combinations/connections from simple exercises.
  • Various exercise and training protocols.
  • The combination in complexes and programs of kettlebell exercises with exercises
    performed with your own weight or with other equipment.
  • Exercises with two kettlebells will take you to another dimension.
  • The excitement of doing the exercises. The feeling of being light on this moment the weight seemed almost too heavy to lift six months ago.
  • Communication with like-minded people, exchange of experiences, joint completion of programs and “challenges”.
  • Listening to killer music during training.

This is only what I could remember. All this allows me to always make training interesting and different from others. And just enjoy the process, and not wait for the execution to end.
