Get perfect abs in just eight minutes a day. Get Perfect Abs in Just Eight Minutes a Day Abs in 8 Days

The desire to get an excellent figure rarely fits with regular exercises, classes and dieting. Often people are looking for ways and possibilities of short-term training, which use such exercises that in just a few days they can get the coveted abs. It sounds surprising, but there is a program perfect abs in 8 minutes a day– used here special exercises, which take only 8-10 minutes to complete. The presented scheme can show its first excellent results after 2-3 weeks of regular use.

The presented set of exercises is offered to users via video - a robotic interpretation is offered here, which makes it possible to practice independently at home and at the same time track the muscle groups involved in performing a particular exercise. In 8 minutes, it is proposed to perform only 8 exercises, which take no more than 45 seconds - intense training will soon allow you to tighten your stomach and even achieve those treasured 6 cubes.

The ab program itself includes 4 levels, which differ in complexity - start from the first level, which last only 4 weeks. The article will present in detail 8-minute exercises for pumping up the abs, which are recommended for women after childbirth to eliminate belly fat and for men to achieve a strong-willed and strong torso.

Press in 8 minutes level 1:

Press in 8 minutes level 2:

Super press in 8 minutes - a video in Russian can be found on the Internet - offers quite simple and doable exercises that are difficult for people without physical activity only in the first training sessions. In the future, things will get easier, but you should not rely on the presented program for strengthening the abdominal muscles and pumping up the abs - it is important to adhere to proper nutrition and regular cardio training.

Experts believe that even overweight people can pump up their abs, but their results will be invisible under the thickness of fat.

Therefore, you should first pay attention to proper nutrition, which helps get rid of belly fat. They adhere to proper nutrition and in fact constantly perform the complex in 8 minutes - this will allow you to quickly achieve the desired toned stomach and pumped up abs.

  • According to the program, a set of exercises must be performed regularly - the first level of the first week includes mandatory exercises at least 3 times a week, then the number is increased to 5 times.
  • During exercises, you should not strain your neck muscles - you should keep your head in upright position as an anatomical “continuation” of the spine.
  • You should not chase the program - if you feel the difficulty of performing the exercise, you should perform level 1 longer.
  • You should not immediately start exercising after eating - wait at least an hour.
  • You should proceed to the next level only after the previous one has been fully completed.

It should also be noted that the presented complex for pumping the abs and strengthening the abdominal muscles does not help get rid of the fat layer - for this you need to turn to cardio training before the 8-minute lesson.

A set of exercises in 8 minutes

Basically, the set of exercises includes twisting movements - they provide more opportunities to strengthen the oblique and rectus muscles. The 8-minute complex also includes movements to strengthen transverse muscle– it holds the internal organs.

The training includes the following exercises:

  • Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands on the back of your head, you need to perform standard twists - for this, part of the body rises up, but only with the shoulder blades lifted off. It is important to reach your elbows to your knees.
  • Also, in a lying position, one leg is raised to the second knee - the legs are bent at the knees. Raise your body so that your left elbow reaches your right upper knee.
  • Repeat the previous twist, changing the position of your legs, touching your knee with your other elbow.
  • In a lying position, raise your legs and arms to an angle of 90 degrees - the exercise requires you to reach your ankles with your hands.
  • Next are executed reverse crunches– lying on your back, legs extended, hands on your abs. You need to raise your legs so that you try to touch your chest with your knees.
  • To pump up the oblique muscles, you need to perform lateral twists - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, sent to the side. In this position, you need to reach your elbow with your knee.
  • Change position and perform the same twist as presented above, just with the other side.
  • In the starting position, lying on your back and bending your knees, you need to perform forward movements - 10 cm remain between your knees, your arms are extended forward, placed on your abs. Lift up top part body, sending your hands between your knees.

There are other movements and exercises to make the abs more prominent or the stomach to become toned. Here is how to pump up your abs in eight minutes - each movement is performed for 45 seconds (that's about 30 repetitions), with breaks of 1.5 minutes taken every 2 exercises. Before the complex, it is recommended to do exercises that will warm up the muscles and help make the abs more elastic and attractive.


Kira, 36 years old: Ever since school I hated abdominal exercises. Not long ago I learned that there are a number of special exercises that allow you to tighten your stomach. I won’t tell you that I immediately got tempting abs, but my stomach tightened up perfectly, and this after classes that took only 8 minutes! I will definitely continue the exercises and wait to see what surprises await me in the future.

Miroslava, 22 years old: I pumped my abs for half an hour, or even more, a day. I couldn’t understand why there were no results - my stomach was only slightly tightened. Only recently I found information that there are special exercises that allow you to achieve results in a short time. Now I spend less than ten minutes a day on classes and watch how my stomach gradually retracts.

Lyubov, 26 years old: I tried to pump up my abs, but at first the exercises didn’t excite me much. I had to overcome myself, gritting my teeth, to continue the exercises. Inspiration came after I saw the first results - the disappearance of fat folds. Now I’m happy to start exercising, because the stimulus is already clearly visible, my stomach is flat and toned.

No exercise can compare in popularity to the ab crunch. No matter how far people are from sports or physical education, when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, losing weight, or the fact that it’s time to take care of a growing belly, the first question that comes to mind is in the following way: "How to pump up your abdominal muscles?"

How much time to devote to training

It seems so easy to lie on the floor and repeat seemingly simple movements! But it’s one thing if classes are held in a group, in a fitness club, when you don’t have to think about what exercises to choose, because an experienced instructor will create an optimal program and show you how to pump up correct press. When working on this area, it is important not only to use different muscle groups, but also to take into account a certain load regime. If there is little or no experience, then independent efforts often do not live up to expectations, and people quickly quit classes.

However, not everyone who wants to compete for health can go to the gym regularly. beautiful figure. What should those who want to pump up their abs at home do? People who have set themselves the goal of making their stomach flat (as in photographs of models) are ready to make efforts to free up space for exercise in their daily schedule, which is loaded with routine chores. Especially if the complex demonstrates how to pump up your abs in 8 minutes.

Complaints about lack of time for training are the most common when excuses are given for inaction. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief: you can always find eight minutes. Whether to do exercises in the morning, afternoon or evening, everyone will decide for themselves. The main condition is not to miss classes.


There’s no need to rack your brains over how to pump up your abs in 8 minutes a day: experts have already thought of everything. They compiled several sets of classes designed for different levels of training.

The main thing is to follow the regime: in each of the 4 sets of one complex there are two exercises, repeated 30 times. Then there is a 30 second break before the next set. All 4 parts take 8 minutes.

Despite the short time, beginners should not be deluded by the apparent ease. No one can withstand the proposed regime right away. However, you shouldn’t despair either: after a week or two of persistent repetitions, the abdominal muscles will adapt to the load, and discomfort and heaviness will be replaced by a feeling of freedom and lightness.

Techniques for overcoming pain

The experience of those involved in the program “How to pump up abs in 8 minutes” shows that everyone has to deal with pain. But these sensations are the ultimate goal of every movement in the set: you need to achieve a burning sensation in the muscles, because it means that the workout is going as it should.

When asking about this, many people mean any special exercises, but it is important to simply force the muscle to work to the limit. It is precisely this limit that the short term creates, but intense workout. It is recommended to overcome yourself by forcing yourself to make movements when it seems that your abs are already on fire. A short break between exercises, only 30 seconds, does not allow the muscles to cool down, and therefore such a noticeable and quick effect is achieved.

How to accustom your abs to loads

How to pump up your abs in 8 minutes? The program really works if you follow it step by step, overcoming the discomfort at first. But as you master the technique, the exercises begin to be enjoyable, especially since the effect very soon becomes visible.

Beginners are advised not to do all repetitions at once, but as many as they can handle. At first, some people feel unbearable pain after only 3-4 repetitions: this is due to detraining of the muscles. But every day you need to add repetitions, finally reaching the required 30 in the program for beginners. Progress comes unexpectedly quickly, and very soon the trainee can easily repeat all the prescribed actions.

Finally, the time comes when the loads are no longer enough. Then comes the turn of the more intense second level: 4 sets of 2 exercises each are performed in 8 minutes, but they should be repeated 40 times, and the rest is reduced to 15 seconds.

How to create a lesson plan

For beginners, experts recommend doing the first couple of weeks every other day, then until the end of the month to do daily eight-minute exercises. When the first complex is mastered, you should not immediately move to the next level. It’s better to practice every other day for 2-3 weeks, but do it on the same day basic complex, and in the other - advanced. Then several weeks of daily classes in the second program. The next stage is alternating every other day the exercises of the second complex and the third, even more complex. Thus, the press gradually adapts to the necessary loads. In the future, you should stay in shape by devoting only 8 minutes a day to exercises from any complex.

Training effectiveness" Perfect abs in 8 minutes" is quite high: in 2-3 months you can pump up your abdominal muscles and get a smooth stomach. The main thing is to correctly follow the method of performing the complex. It involves regular classes several times a week and moving on to a more difficult level after mastering the previous one.


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The complex is suitable for people of any level sports training. By devoting about 8-10 minutes a day to abdominal exercises, you can soon get the desired “cubes”.

How to pump up your abs in 8 minutes?

The “Perfect Abs in 8 Minutes” program was published by the authors of Passion4Profession and has recently been considered one of the most effective for pumping up the abs. Most people are attracted to this training method because 8 minutes seems like a fairly short period of time during which you can acquire an attractive body shape. This time does not frighten even beginners in sports. And having seen the first results and getting used to exercising regularly, a person no longer minds spending more effort and time on the beauty of his figure.

Results can be achieved only if you approach your studies with quality and dedication.

Who is this complex suitable for?

The set of exercises is optimal for people who:

  1. 1. They do not have the opportunity to allocate a lot of time for training.
  2. 2. They cannot visit for various reasons. Gym. There is no need to combine training in the gym and at home - in this case, the muscles will not have time to “rest”. For full recovery, muscles need from 48 to 72 hours.
  3. 3. They don’t like to use it Sports Equipment during sports activities.

The main idea: in 8 minutes, have time to do all the proposed exercises one after another with a short rest after every two types. In this case, the training becomes quite intense. The complex includes 11 exercises. 45 seconds of time are allotted for each. All of them are performed in fast pace, actively, but without jerking. Smoothness and speed are the main criteria for performing the complex.

Do not despair if during the first training sessions you cannot complete all the exercises in the allotted time. The main thing is to set yourself the task of reducing the time each time, managing to complete the entire complex, slowly approaching eight minutes. Usually, after 1.5-2 months, even ordinary people who rarely exercised before can achieve this. The exercises are selected in such a way that all abdominal muscles are pumped.

Perfect abs in 8 minutes (8 Min Abs Workout) - these are short-term classes during which all layers are worked out to the maximum muscle fibers on the stomach. To pump up your upper and lower press, you need to train all the abdominal muscles:

  • straight;
  • transverse;
  • internal oblique;
  • external oblique.

With the help of this workout, the abs become hard. In a short time, the long-awaited effect of “cubes” appears on the stomach, even in girls.

The “Abs in 8 Minutes” complex is divided into 3 difficulty options. For more high level you should switch when, when performing level 1 exercises for 8 minutes, you do not feel very tired and exhausted. In this case, starting next week, provided you feel well, you begin to perform exercises in a technique of a new level.

The transition from one stage to another is carried out smoothly. Complexes should be alternated throughout the week. If you follow the recommendations for training dosage, after 3 months a person calmly begins to perform exercises of the third level of complexity.

The table shows the training plan that you should follow:

Achieving a super flat and toned stomach using only 8-minute workouts is quite difficult. It is necessary to combine loads with proper nutrition, in a healthy way life and sets of exercises for general development body muscles.

  1. 1. Exercise regularly. There will be no results if you do exercises every day or skip workouts for several weeks. You need to make a schedule for yourself and strictly adhere to it.
  2. 2. Pay attention to the technique of performing each exercise. You need to monitor the neck muscles - they should not tense up, otherwise you can harm the body and subsequently get headaches.
  3. 3. Don’t be scared and don’t quit training if it’s quite difficult to do some exercises in the first lessons. It is allowed to do fewer approaches or simplify the exercise to an accessible form.
  4. 4. Do not start exercising immediately after eating. The period between food and training should be at least 1 hour.
  5. 5. Don’t rush to move to a new level of difficulty if you can’t complete the first one with ease. Even if the plan is to switch to new stage, you need to move it away by listening to your body.
  6. 6. Remember that slim stomach is possible for everyone to obtain. But it is genetically designed in such a way that it is easier and faster for men to pump up their abs than for women.
  7. 7. Don't forget that this program allows you to strengthen and pump up your abdominal muscles, but you will have to get rid of the fat layer using other methods.

The best bench exercises for the press - how to quickly build abs?

Description of exercises

A set of abdominal exercises in 8 minutes is suitable for all somatically healthy people. It includes the following exercises:

Basic crunches. To start the exercise, you need to lie on your back. Bend your arms at the elbows and place them under your head. Bend your legs slightly at the knees to an angle of 90 degrees and fix in this position. From this position, you need to raise and lower your upper body, while making sure that Bottom part the body remained motionless.

Lateral twists with the elbow to the left knee. The body is in a lying position, arms are bent and lie behind the head. You need to reach with one elbow to the opposite knee. The legs in this exercise should be bent at the knees, with one leg standing on the floor, and the other, to which the elbow is pulled, remains suspended and in no case touches the floor. The amplitude of movements should be maximum: this will allow you to feel the muscles working and make the result more effective.

Lateral twists with the elbow to the right knee. Performed in the same way as the previous exercise, only the arm and leg are reversed. When connecting the elbow and knee, you need to lean on your lower back. If the exercise is done technically correctly, tension will be felt in the abdominal area.

Touching feet. From a lying position, simultaneously lift both legs up and leave them in that position. Then raise your upper body, stretch your arms up and try to touch your ankles with your fingertips. If it is difficult to perform the exercise with straight legs, you can slightly bend your knees and keep them in this position throughout the exercise.

Reverse crunches. Cross your legs and try to pull your knees as close to your chin as possible. The head and shoulders may be slightly raised. The lower back is fixed - this way the tension of the abdominal muscles will be maximum.

Twisting to the side. Lying on your back, you need to bend your knees and lower them to the right. Bend your left arm and place your palm on the back of your head, and place your other hand on your stomach. Next, you need to try to pull your left elbow as close as possible to your knees lying on the floor. This exercise is performed smoothly, without jerking.

Twisting in the other direction. The movements are performed in the other direction; accordingly, the position of the legs and arms changes to the opposite. It is important to use the abdominal muscles, because the goal is to train them. You should try to keep your neck muscles relaxed.

Thrusts between the legs. In a lying position, bend your legs and place them on the floor shoulder-width apart. Cross your palms and begin to lift your upper body with jerks, pointing your hands between your legs. You need to make sure that your chin is not pressed against your chest and your head is not thrown back.

Leg kicks. Extend your arms along your body, palms down, or place them under your buttocks. Slightly bent legs you need to lift and push them up. You can fold your legs in a cross, the main thing is to raise them as high as possible, so the effect will be more obvious. In this exercise, the upper body must be fixed.

Alternatingtwisting. Lie on your back and put your hands behind your head so that your palms are on the back of your head. Bend your legs at the knees so that your feet stand at a distance of 30-40 cm from the buttocks. You need to smoothly raise your upper body and touch your left knee with your right elbow. At this moment, pull your leg towards your elbow. Return to the starting position, then connect the left elbow and right knee.

Crunches with hands on the stomach or chest. The exercise is performed from a lying position. Hands should be placed crosswise on the chest or stomach. Bend your legs at the knees. You need to lift your torso towards your legs. Lower limbs must remain motionless. It is necessary to control that the muscles of the neck and back are not tense; only the abs should work.

All exercises used in combination are thought out in such a way that even the minimum amount of time spent per day gives tangible and visible results after two to three weeks.

The levels differ in the number of repetitions and break times:

You should try to complete the entire set of exercises at any level in 8 minutes. Thus, in the second and third stages you need to significantly increase the speed.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with perestroika hormonal levels and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

The ten-minute workout asks you to complete two rounds of ten abdominal exercises. Each exercise is allotted 20 seconds, with no rest between them. Special sound signals will make it clear that it is time to move on to a new movement.

Who is it suitable for: the workout is quite intense, so it will be very difficult for those who crawled onto the exercise mat straight from the couch. The rest of us should try it.

Inventory: without inventory.

Various variations of twists and. As a bonus, at the end you will find two circles of gluteal bridges and raises of the opposite arms and legs in a pose on all fours - “birddog”.

2. Fat burning ab workout

The author states that the workout is fat burning. Doing it will actually require a lot of energy. Each exercise is suggested to be done for 20 seconds with a similar rest time. But forget about lying on the mat - you will be actively recovering. To relax, trainer Jordan Yo jumps and runs in place with high knees between exercises.

Who is it suitable for: everyone.

Inventory: a bottle of water or a dumbbell.

What exercises are included in the workout: various variations of twists and planks.

3. Hell of abs workout

Trainer Brandon Carter suggests doing nine abdominal exercises. Each one takes 20 seconds. You can rest between exercises. Carter shows how to perform the movements correctly, and two assistants practice with him. One of them makes a lighter version of exercises that are suitable for beginners.

Who is it suitable for: everyone.

Inventory: without inventory.

What exercises are included in the workout: In addition to traditional sit-ups and planks, the program also contains unusual exercises. For example, “Superman” assumes that you will lean on your feet and arms extended forward and lift your body using your abdominal muscles.

4. Dance workout for abs

Instead of crunches, 10 minutes of fiery dancing awaits you, which actively engage the core muscles. The main thing is to make sure that the abs are working in every movement.

Who is it suitable for: for beginners and dance enthusiasts.

Inventory: without inventory.

What exercises are included in the workout: all movements are based on abdominal contractions and are performed in a vertical position. Among them are standing side crunches, hip rotations and body “snake”.

5. Abs training using the Tabata protocol

This is high-intensity interval training that allows you to squeeze out maximum benefits in a short time. Usually the exercise is performed for 20 seconds, 10 seconds are given for rest. This workout is no exception. These are the time intervals coach Funk Roberts suggests. All exercises will take only 4 minutes.

Who is it suitable for: everyone.

Inventory: without inventory.

What exercises are included in the workout: regular crunches, V-crunches, Russian crunches and a “bicycle” with a body lift - there are four exercises in total.

6. Workout from Pamela Reif

Pamela Reif's grueling ten-minute workout consists of twenty exercises, each performed for 30 seconds. There is no rest between them.

Who is it suitable for: hardy.

Inventory: without inventory.

What exercises are included in the workout: variations of crunches and planks, including side planks.

7. Pilates for abs

A short core workout done slowly and thoughtfully. You will have to abandon the usual jerks that are characteristic of abdominal exercises and carefully monitor the movements.

Who is it suitable for: lovers of leisurely time.

Inventory: without inventory.

What exercises are included in the workout: twist variations.

8. Calisthenics for the abs

Training system with own weight. Victor Sanchiz offers several exercises that will help pump up your abs without weights. All you have to do is choose 4-5 movements from the list and do them 4-5 times a week.

Who is it suitable for: trained athletes.

Inventory: horizontal bar and parallel bars.

What exercises are included in the workout:“chair” and variations of leg lifts.

Even if you are on a dry diet, there will still be fat in some places on your body that can only be eliminated with special exercises. Every woman wants to look good, and for this you need toned stomach with cubes, which most often does not appear by itself. But you can still get a positive result; for this you need to follow our advice and do exercises that can give perfect abs in 8 minutes a day daily exercise.

In this article we will look at what needs to be done in order to drive as quickly as possible excess weight and pump up your abs. We'll show you eleven simple exercises that can quickly transform your stomach and the muscles on it, follow the program and understand that it is possible. As in any other matter, when pumping up your abs you need perseverance, don’t give up and gradually move towards your dream - beautiful abs, and when you see the first positive result, you yourself cannot refuse to improve it! There is very little left, it’s up to you, read the article and get information that will make your abs perfect!

Standard crunches

To do this exercise, take the starting position, lying on your back, and place your palms behind the back of your head. Next, you need to raise and then lower your body, exhaling as you rise, and, on the contrary, inhaling when descending. But the lift must be done in such a way that the body does not completely move away from the ground. At the same time, the legs are bent at the knees and feet are placed on the floor. If desired, you can fix them by sliding them, for example, under the edge of a chair. All sorts of things different exercises, which are part of the 8-minute press series, are done for 45 seconds.

Press in 8 minutes level 1:

Press in 8 minutes level 2:

Side twists

Take your initial position on the ground, then try to reach the opposite knee with your right elbow, while your palms clasp the back of your head. The legs bend and straighten, but they cannot touch the ground. Only a correctly performed exercise can provide your abs with the necessary load and force it to accept beautiful shape. The second hand is on your stomach at this time, so you can feel the tension in your abs. Make the amplitude of the exercise as long as possible.

Elbow to right knee

Next, we do everything that was described above, with the only difference being - left hand now moves to the opposite knee. Raise and return the body to its original position, while relying only on lumbar region. You can tell how correctly you are doing a series of presses in 8 minutes by the clear tension in the abdominal area. Good workout causes a burning sensation.

Touching feet

The goal of the exercise is to reach your ankles or even your toes with your legs slightly raised. When performing this exercise, it is best to keep your legs straight or bend them to 90 degrees. It is important not to do anything unnecessary during the exercise; only the upper part of the body should be lifted off the ground and lowered onto it, the lower back should remain in place.

Reverse twists

Place your arms along your body so that your palms are turned down on your stomach, you need to cross your legs one on top of the other and try to pull your knees to your chest. When you do this exercise, which is part of a general complex that can create perfect abs in 8 minutes a day, you need to leave your lumbar back on the floor, you cannot tear it off. You can increase the load on your abs by pulling your shoulders and head higher.

Side twists

Release your knees to the left of your own body, and place your right hand on your head. Next we strive to tighten right side body to knees. This exercise should be done without jerking and sudden movements. The entire amplitude is carried out smoothly.

Twisting in different directions

We do the same exercises only now in the other direction, and the left side of the body is pulled to the right side. It is important to make movements not with just your neck, but with your whole body, this is the only way to give the required load to all abdominal muscles. It is important to remember that we want to get abs in 8 minutes, and in order to do this we need to carry out all the exercises as smoothly as possible, without jerking.

Thrusts between legs

The next exercise can also answer - how to pump up your abs in eight minutes. Cross your arms, bend both legs, just leave a gap of about 10 - 15 cm between your knees. Then we make movements with our hands, as if pushing them into the space between our legs. During the exercise, your gaze should be directed to the ceiling; it is unnecessary to tilt your chin down or pull your head back, this will reduce the effect of the exercise and complicate your task.

Leg kicks

Place your hands under your buttocks, lift both legs and push up. It is important to understand that in this exercise The upper half of the body remains motionless, the lower part works. The legs should be moved, it is very important to raise them as high as possible, only then the consequences of the press in 8 minutes will be much more noticeable.

Alternating crunches

Both palms clasp the back of your head, and you take turns stretching your knee to the opposite elbow and vice versa to the opposite knee. We keep our legs motionless - we pull the knee to the opposite elbow.

Twisting with arms

About the same as the first exercise, but your hands should rest on your abs. We place both legs on the floor, place our palms, on the contrary, on our stomachs, then twist our body. It is important to conduct the exercise in such a way that only the abs itself are tensed, and in no case the neck or lower back. In order for your stomach to become flat and with cubes, you become the owner nice abs in 8 minutes, you need to constantly practice. Any exercises from our program are clearly thought out, because of this, just a couple of minutes of training a day will soon give serious results. Write in the comments about how good it was in your case!