Losing weight all around. How does the Health Disc exercise machine work (exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and waist)

Since ancient times, women have danced using special rotational movements, swaying hips and wave-like movements. It was believed that it had a positive effect on the appearance of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, and also helped during pregnancy and childbirth, strengthening the smallest internal muscles of the pelvic floor and making the ligaments strong and elastic. To this day, echoes of ancient ritual movements dedicated to the Great Goddess have been preserved in oriental belly dancing. And the dancers who perform these dances always have beautiful rounded shapes and a thin waist without excessive fragility to the point of exhaustion, which is often the fault of modern residents of megacities.

Today, a simple tool can help you achieve the same beautiful condition and contours of the lower body - a spinning disc.

What is a health disc

Most women are very familiar with this waist trainer. It began to appear in our homes back in the 70s and 80s of the last century, in the wake of the fashion for aerobics and good sportswear. The design of the product is extremely simple - these are two separate disc-shaped elements connected to each other by a bearing. It ensures free rotation of the upper disk relative to the lower part standing quietly on a solid base.

Modern devices can be supplemented with a variety of foot massagers, have different sizes and shapes, be equipped with expanders to complicate workouts, and even play simple music while moving, but the basic principle remains the same and has not changed at all over the years. Nowadays, health discs are painted in bright colors and have an elegant appearance, but in principle they are no different from the traditional blue devices that many women still have.

Important! In order for the health disk to work flawlessly, it is important to protect it from dirt and dust, otherwise the bearing will become “clogged” with debris or rust, and the device will stop rotating freely. A drop of machine oil can fix the problem - the disc will stop squeaking.

Pros and cons of training with a health disc

First of all, it is worth learning the simplest truth - any movement, especially one that is repeated regularly, is beneficial. Movement is life, as the ancient Romans said, and they were right (via est vita). The more we move, the longer we live, and the higher the quality of this life. But with our modern, mostly sedentary lifestyle, we move very little, so having such a simple and accessible exercise machine as a health circle at home or in the office is extremely important.

Working with the device is extremely simple. You just need to stand on it and move alternately in different directions. At the same time, the muscles of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, partly the back, and mainly the lower part are actively trained. This is the advantage and at the same time disadvantage of training on a disc. It turns out that only certain muscle groups are worked out, mainly in the middle part of the body, while the limbs, shoulder girdle, chest, back and neck remain practically unused. Therefore, it is highly recommended to combine different types of exercises with disk work.

How to practice on a disk correctly

In order for disc exercises to be beneficial and the results to be noticeable to others, regularity and consistency in achieving your goal is very important. It's not difficult, because... per day you need to spend only 10 minutes on the disk, and ideally add another 10 to work out those areas of the body that are not involved in the rotational movement.

Beginners are recommended to start classes with three minutes, gradually increasing the duration and intensity of the workout. The rhythm of movements is a very important point, so it’s a good idea to turn on music with a clear but changing rhythm - it’s good for the heart. Your gymnastics for a thin waist can also be an excellent form of lightweight cardio training.

It is best to practice in a well-ventilated, clean, draft-free room. If you move vigorously, the disc may slide along the floor, which can lead to loss of balance and fall. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to place special non-slip pads, a rubber mat under the disc, or simply place it on the carpet. The plane underneath should be smooth and flat.

At first, during vigorous rotations, some people may feel dizzy, so for safety reasons it is worth placing a chair nearby with the back facing you so that you can hold on to it in case of unpleasant sensations or discomfort.

It is not recommended to eat before and immediately after exercise, and if the goal of training is to lose weight, then the break before and after training should be at least an hour. Half an hour before training, it is recommended to slowly drink a glass of warm water in sips. Together with rotations, it will stimulate intestinal motility and work as an excellent cleanser.

Exercises should be performed in light, breathable clothing that does not restrict movement, preferably barefoot, especially if the disc is equipped with foot massagers.

Important! Do not forget that any form of activity requires preparation, warming up the muscles. That is, before performing rotations on the disc, a preliminary warm-up is just as important as before any other exercise. Light jogging on the spot, energetic jumping with hand clapping, and for lovers and connoisseurs of yoga - a set of Sun Salutations - Surya Namaskar exercises are suitable.

Set of exercises and frequency of training

Over the years of the device's existence, numerous exercises have been developed on the health disk, which were able to connect various muscle groups. We remind you of the need to perform a warm-up to warm up and prepare the muscles.

A set of exercises with a disc:

Some activities may require two discs. For beginners, one is enough.

  1. Basic exercise. Stand on the disc with both feet, bending your knees slightly to reduce the load on them. Perform rotational movements with the pelvis, helping yourself with your arms bent at the elbows.
  2. Place the disc on a chair, sit on it and rotate in different directions. The movement perfectly works the oblique abdominal muscles.
  3. Standing on the floor, take the disc so that it is sandwiched between your palms and rotate it vertically with both hands in different directions. This is an excellent load on the muscles of the arms and body.
  4. Exercise for “advanced” users. Place two discs on the floor, stand on them with your feet and rotate simultaneously in different directions - inward and outward.
  5. Do the same exercises on two disks, but for the arms in a lying position. They can be combined with push-ups and other types of exercises.

Regular exercise on the health disk practically guarantees a good result, but for this you need to monitor your diet. If you overeat on junk food and exercise, you shouldn’t expect any special results.

You need to start classes with simple exercises, 3 minutes a day, 2 - 3 times a week. You need to increase the intensity gradually, when it becomes clear that the exercises have brought the desired result and you need to complicate the exercises.

Existing contraindications for exercise

Like most other exercise equipment, the fitness disc has a number of contraindications:

  • Spinal injuries, pinched and herniated intervertebral discs, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other severe problems of the spinal column and joints, in which rotation and stress will cause deterioration of the condition.
  • Postoperative conditions.
  • Any serious illness that requires a state of rest.
  • The presence of diseases of the digestive and excretory system - kidney and gallstones, the presence of cysts and tumors, peptic ulcers and other dangerous diseases and conditions that can be aggravated by rotation of the body.
  • Gynecological problems associated with the presence of an acute inflammatory process, cyst or tumor.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Problems with the vestibular system.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system that exclude stress.

Important! People over 60 years of age should be especially careful about such activities, especially if they do not have good athletic training and shape. Before starting classes, be sure to consult with your doctor and get his approval.

Training results and user reviews

A simple and functional floor disc is an excellent alternative for those who do not want or cannot visit fitness clubs. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews of this device.

Maria, 18 years old

A waist trainer called “Grace” was given to me by my mother. I can immediately tell everyone that the lack of a system in classes will make it an absolutely useless thing, as it was with me. Only when I began to exercise regularly did noticeable results appear. Overall, I am very pleased; after a month of hard training, my waist has decreased by almost 2 cm.

Galina, 47 years old

For as long as I can remember, this disc has always been in our house. I didn’t pay attention to him before, but then I decided to work out. Gradually I got involved and became interested in other exercises. The first effect was a feeling of vigor, then the abs and buttocks tightened. I liked the effect so much that I went to training at the club, but I didn’t give up home exercises with the disc.

Zoya, 36 years old

I am a professional dancer, now I teach, but in order to stay in shape, I constantly train. In my classes I definitely use the health disc as part of training the abdominal and buttock muscles, the effect is very good.

Taisiya, 16 years old

I found this rotating disk in our pantry; my mother said that my grandmother used to practice on it. Out of curiosity, I decided to try it, and I really liked it! I study to music, it's fun and not annoying at all. The body becomes more toned.

Anastasia, 24 years old

I bought the “Grace” CD when I realized that after giving birth my figure had changed a lot. In combination with yoga classes, the disc movements gave a very good effect. Of course, I did not return to my pre-pregnancy volumes, but my stomach again became flat, my waist was thin, and my buttocks were convex. I study for 10 minutes in the morning and 5 in the evening, three times a week, while the child is walking with the nanny. I recommend it to everyone, this disc is your home trainer for maintaining a good figure.

How to choose the right health disc for yourself

Selecting a device is easy, because... it has a very simple design. The main requirement is that the disk must be stable, comfortable for standing, non-slip, and the bearing must run smoothly, without “sticking” or braking. For those who want to use the whole body in training, it is worth buying a health disc with expanders. Kids will love the bright and cute “singing” music discs.

This simple device will perfectly help everyone who wants to maintain good shape, and for those who show special diligence and interest, it practically guarantees excellent tone of the abdominal muscles, a thin waist, toned, sculpted buttocks and the absence of cellulite on the thighs.

A health disc for weight loss is a cheap, handy mini exercise machine dating back to the Soviet era. It tightens the skin well and strengthens the muscles of the torso, and is also easy to use.

What it is?

This is an ordinary circle that consists of two plastic or metal circles held together by a bearing. The average diameter of this design is 24-26 cm, weight 1-2 kg.

Designed for simple and moderate training at home for all family members, any configuration (up to 160 kg) and different ages. You can practice at home, at work, on the street, easy to move, compact. You choose the speed, movement and load yourself, both for complex exercises and for warm-up. Suitable for beginners.


  • coordination of the vestibular apparatus in space;
  • fat burning procedure;
  • improving the functioning of the spine;
  • formation of graceful posture;
  • training the abdominal muscles (especially the abs), back, legs;
  • acupressure and blood circulation;
  • strengthening body tone;
  • increasing intestinal motility through massage;
  • good mood.
  • regularity of classes (from a month) for effect;
  • there are contraindications;
  • It is not recommended to exercise after 60 years;
  • vertebrae can be dislocated;
  • Exercises immediately after sleep and eating are not recommended (at least 40 minutes later).


  • osteochondrosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • disorders and problems of cerebral circulation;
  • spinal injuries;
  • hernias;
  • pregnancy;
  • intervertebral disc protrusion;
  • diseases and injuries of the abdominal cavity;
  • hypotension or hypertension, angina pectoris;
  • elevated body temperature.

How to choose a circle?

Classic and easy to use for beginners – “Grace” (flat and without additions). There are discs with massage elements (acupressure). Available with expanders. An expander is a special elastic element made of elastic materials that has a beneficial effect on the muscles. All prices are quite affordable.

Intensity and duration of work

Daily and continuously from 20 to 40 minutes a day or every other day. To stimulate and strengthen the body, it is recommended to conduct classes at the same time. A set of exercises (from 10 to 20 different movements) will be effective. The load is determined independently. The number of revolutions depends on age: children 4-5, teenagers 5-7, adults 9 or more. You can work with one or two health disks at the same time. Additionally, you can use a waist hoop.

General instructions:

  • start work in a calm state;
  • drink a glass of water before the procedure;
  • choose a non-slip surface;
  • turn on your favorite unobtrusive music;
  • Place a chair near you to lean on if you feel dizzy;
  • During classes, do not use your shoulders.

Exercises on a circle for weight loss

For beginners:

  1. Stand in a circle and begin to easily rotate to the right and left, while keeping your shoulders motionless. (1-3 min)
  2. Feet on the machine, lean your body forward, lean on the back of the chair and spin. (1-3 min)
  3. Sit on it, place one and the other hand on the floor, and begin to spin to the sides with the help of your legs. (2 minutes)
  4. While sitting on the mechanism, place your hands on the floor, raise your legs and start making revolutions. (1-2 min)
  5. Knees on the machine, and hands on the floor. Turns to the left and right. (2-3 min)
  6. Place one foot on the floor and the other on the disc and slowly rotate. After 2 minutes, switch legs. (total 4 min)
  7. Place the model on a chair and sit on it, feet on the floor, hands on the waist. Rotate your hips in opposite directions. In this case, only the hips rotate, the shoulders are not involved. (2 minutes)
  8. Place the circle on the ground and rest your hands on it. Bend your legs so that your knees touch the floor and begin rotating movements. (2 minutes)
  9. Place the device between your palms at chest level and begin to rotate it. (2-3 min)

Exercises with two health discs:

  1. Place them on the floor shoulder-width apart and stand with your feet. Start rotating outwards and inwards. (1-2 min)
  2. Make the distance between the discs wider, squat your knees a little, rest your hands on the top of the chair and do the same as in the previous exercise.

Complex classes

  1. Stand in a circle and place a couple of chairs near you. They should be positioned with their backs facing your face. Place your palms on your backs, bend your legs slightly and turn to the left, at the same time your upper torso is turned to the right, then perform this cross turn exactly the opposite way. Do it 5 times in opposite directions.
  2. The movements are similar to exercise 1, but instead of chairs you need to rest your hands at shoulder level against the wall. Carry out 6 circles to the sides.
  3. The movements are the same, but you no longer need to lean on objects. Just place your arms in the air on your sides and rotate 7 times.
  4. As you rotate your torso, move your arms in the opposite direction of the rotation. Duration 7 times.
  5. The device is located on a chair or stool; sit on it and place your hands on your knees. Work your legs initially to the left side, and after two minutes to the right. Only 4 turns.
  6. The stance is similar, but when rotating to the left, move your arms to the right and vice versa. Practice 4 times.
  7. The position is the same, but connect your hands behind your head and secure your upper body. Rotate your lower limbs to the right and left 6 times.
  8. Place the circle on a chair and sit on it. In this case, the right side should lean against the back of the chair. Gently push one and the other foot off the floor and turn 180 degrees. Then return to the starting pose. Perform 4 turns.
  9. The exercise machine is on the floor, sit on it, place your hands on your belt. Move your legs, as in the fifth exercise. Do it 4 times.
  10. The position is the same, but the hands are on the ankles. Perform 4 circles in opposite directions.
  11. In this task, everything is the same, only the hands are closed behind the head, as in exercise 7. Repeat 4 times.
  12. Sit on the disk, place your hands on your belt, and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten your left leg and extend it in front of you, then do the same with your right leg. Do it 6 times.
  13. Stand on the device with one foot, hands on your belt. Make turns on one leg in different directions. Then change your leg. Do it 10 times.
  14. Your right leg is on the chair, your left leg is on the machine, your right hand is at your waist, and your left hand is leaning on the wall. Twist your lower body to the left so that your right elbow can touch your left limb. Change your leg and copy the movement, do it 8 times.
  15. Stand with your right foot on the machine, place your hands behind your head. Turn your body to the right, simultaneously raise your arms to the sides. Return to normal position. Then change your leg and do everything 8 times.
  16. Squeeze the disc in your hands and twist it on both sides in different directions.

Then, preferably, walk around the apartment for 3-5 minutes and rest for 15-30 minutes, and then you can begin the normal rhythm of life.

If you want to look good, then do it every day and don’t miss classes!

Almost everyone has been familiar with the disk or circle of health since childhood. This simulator was popular in the 80s. Today it is regaining its former relevance. It helps strengthen the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and abs. Regular use of the disc promotes weight loss, as well as deep treatment of problem areas. It is convenient to move it and practice at home, in front of the computer, in the country or on the road.

Read in this article

Benefits of a health disc

The circle consists of two plates connected by a washer. They rotate using metal bearings moving along tracks. Many people have kept health disks or circles from their mothers and grandmothers, but they are still easy to find today. Some modern models have additional foot massagers. But even the simplest health disk will be effective if used correctly.

When torsion occurs, the oblique muscles of the abs and hips are affected. Movements help to work out deeper layers. Regular exercise has the following benefits:

Regular exercise helps normalize overall health and well-being. At the required intensity, it is possible to burn up to 300 kcal in a few minutes of work on the disk. Some people lose up to two kilograms after a month of exercise.

The advantage is that training can be done at any time: while watching TV, working at the computer.


However, not all people can exercise on a health disc. Contraindications include:

  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system, including injuries, intervertebral hernias, displacements and fractures.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - ulcers, gastritis and other ailments of the stomach and intestines that require rest.
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs, for example, cysts, in which stress is prohibited.
  • Pregnancy period.
  • Hypo- and hypertension, as well as disorders of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Elderly age.

How to organize classes at home

You can train on the health disk at any convenient time. But classes should be organized correctly to get maximum results. The following recommendations will be useful:

To learn how and what weight loss exercises you can do on the health disk, watch this video:

A set of exercises for weight loss

Today, many movements and techniques have been developed for practicing with the health disc. Some are aimed at pumping muscles, others are suitable for losing weight. The most effective and popular are the following:

  • Standing crunch. You need to stand with your feet on a circle, bend your knees and arms slightly. It is important to do twisting only with your elbows, without moving your torso. If you need to pump up your arms and forearms, it is better to stretch them out in front of you.
  • Rotations while sitting. The disc is placed on a chair, stool or other flat and hard surface. A person sits straight, back and legs at an angle of 90°. Turns are made with the hip, and the oblique abdominal muscles are tensed. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows.
  • For the muscles of the arms and torso. The health disk needs to be held between your palms and twisted in different directions. The pace cannot be slowed down.
  • For legs and thighs. Two disks are used. Each leg stands on its own, the feet rotate together, first inward, then outward.
  • The person assumes a push-up position. The hands rest on the discs, the hands need to be rotated towards and away from oneself in turn.
  • Tilts. With your feet, standing on a circle, you need to reach for your toes, slowly stretching first one side, then the other.

A set of exercises on the health disk

Will it help you get rid of belly fat?

However, you should not rely only on the health circle. 10-15 minute exercises are unable to help build muscles, much less lose weight. During this time, it is possible to burn only 100 kcal, and then at a constant pace. Such exercises can only tone the muscles.

For real results, you will need to follow a low-calorie diet, due to which fat will be burned. And the health disc helps to work out the muscles and prevent the skin from sagging. It is also important to combine training with other types of activities, for example, yoga, callanetics, aerobics, Pilates, running, and strength exercises are also important.

Only an integrated approach helps to get rid of problem areas, especially in the abdominal area. Strength exercises can give real relief and change the silhouette. Rotations on the health disk help improve metabolism, maintain tone and train endurance.

Types of health discs

Fat burning begins only half an hour later, so the workout should last 30 minutes. But at first it’s worth practicing for at least 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the time.

It is also important when performing exercises to keep all muscles toned and not to relax, while not forgetting about the pace that should be maintained during the workout.

The health disc is a simulator for maintaining muscle condition. When used correctly and contraindications are observed, it helps to lose weight and work out the deep layers of muscles. Only as part of an integrated approach, together with diet and other types of fitness, is it possible to achieve the desired result.

Useful video

For a set of exercises on a health disc with an expander, watch this video:

What woman doesn’t dream of losing at least a few kilograms without resorting to rigorous physical training and diets? In fact, there is such a way, and it is quite real. A weight loss disc will help you become slim, fit and attractive. Reviews about this simulator are only positive. Many people talk about its effectiveness, you just have to want it and put in a minimum of effort.

Such discs are probably found in almost every home; they are a fairly popular and universal tool for maintaining weight. Even if you don’t have one, you can buy a trainer at any sports store. It is definitely not suitable for people with musculoskeletal injuries, since vigorous legs can have a detrimental effect on health.

Disc training is contraindicated for pregnant women and hypertensive patients. It is better for such people to do yoga or Pilates. But if everything is in order with your health, then a weight loss disc will undoubtedly benefit you. Reviews indicate that this “Soviet” sports equipment is no worse than the modern “Grace” simulator - the result is the same.

How to use?

It should be noted that the disc is rather aimed at “tightening” the muscle tone of the legs, abdomen and buttocks. You won't be able to achieve quick results - lose extra pounds - just by spinning on a floor exercise machine. Comprehensive exercises - strength exercises and a weight loss disc - will help speed up this process. The price of the rotating circle is within 300-500 rubles.

Daily half-hour exercises on a sports disc burn no more than 300 kcal. For higher flow rates, you will need to include jumping rope or running. Make it a rule - never start training without first warming up. Let it be light and 5 minutes, but even in this short time your muscles will “warm up” and be ready for more intense loads. This will help avoid injuries and stretch marks.


Regular exercise promotes better blood circulation, shaping the waistline and strengthening muscles. In addition, your posture and body flexibility will improve, your abs will become stronger, and your belly will disappear over time. Training will have a beneficial effect on the spine and nervous system.

For depressive disorders and frequent stress, doctors recommend periodically going on weight loss exercises. Reviews from users are positive, many confirm its high effectiveness not only in the fight against fat, but also negative emotions. Thanks to the therapeutic relief platform, the foot is produced, which is very beneficial for well-being. The compact design also improves balance.

No 25th frame (Slimer Plus) and other nonsense can compare with real physical training. It is better to limit yourself a little in food and subject your body to exercise than to believe the fake Slimer Plus method. A weight loss disc is a real chance to get the figure of your dreams - with a little effort and a stunning result will be obvious. Remember - the exercises are carried out with slightly bent knees and tense abs. The back remains straight.

Rotate your body gently to avoid pain or discomfort. Start with 10 minutes and then increase the time. You are allowed to drink warm water during classes. The design is easy to use and wear-resistant - it lasts forever. Exercise your body, watch your diet, and the weight loss disc will do the rest for you. Reviews from even doctors say the following: the design has a positive effect on blood vessels and heart muscle. As you can see, the simulator has no disadvantages; it is inexpensive, lightweight and effective.

The health disc is a simple and accessible exercise machine that helps to give the ideal shape to the waist, hips and back. Find out which exercises will quickly return you to your ideal figure!

“Wasp waist” is an old metaphor and a welcome compliment for any woman. Everyone dreams of having a thin waist. And different periods of history clearly demonstrate to us how women achieved this. Our grandmothers and mothers, for example, used the Gracia metal disc to make their waist thinner.

What it is?

The Grace exercise machine and the health disc are two names for one device for physical training. The simulator consists of two round plates (their diameter, depending on the model, ranges from 25 to 40 cm), which are connected by a bearing. This design allows them to rotate relative to each other. Grace is traditionally called a metal exercise machine, which was popular during the Soviet period. Its disadvantage is the loud sound during exercise. The health disc is a modern version of the circle, made of high-strength plastic. For example, the Torneo health disk. The new generation of waist circles come in bright colors, some of them are equipped with a nubby surface for massaging the feet and a mini-computer for calculating calories burned and playing music.

Sports disc for a small waist

Designed for training not only in the fitness room or at home, but also in nature, during a lunch break in the office - wherever it is convenient for you. Regular exercise gives the following effect:

  • strengthening the spine;
  • training the oblique and rectus abdominal muscles;
  • tightening the muscles of the arms, buttocks, thighs and legs;
  • improving the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • beneficial effect on intestinal motility and coordination of movements;
  • calorie burning: half an hour of exercise will allow you to get rid of 250 calories.

The simulator is compact, so you can take it with you even when traveling. It is also easy to store - for example, under the bathtub or under the sofa. Exercises performed using a disc are an excellent addition to a set of measures for weight loss. It will also come in handy if you don’t need to lose weight, but want to make your waist slimmer.


The health disc - be it the Grace exercise machine, or the modern Torneo disc - is a convenient and affordable way to always be in shape. With the help of the apparatus, you can perform both classic exercises for the waist (turns), and various exercises that help strengthen all muscle groups. Such a floor exercise machine will be useful for people who lead an inactive, mostly sedentary lifestyle. Proper exercise on the simulator prevents muscle spasms, joint diseases, digestive disorders and the appearance of cellulite. If you want to lose weight, then proper nutrition in combination with exercise on a simulator will provide excellent results. Both adults and children can exercise on the Health simulator. Just 10 minutes of exercise will provide a surge of energy and good mood for a long time.

How to exercise correctly

Before you start training, drink 250-300 ml of clean water. This will significantly speed up metabolic processes and help burn extra calories. Spend 20-30 minutes daily (if you wish, you can do it twice a day) to lose weight and 10 minutes daily to stay fit.

To make your classes comfortable and effective, remember:

  • The projectile must be installed on a non-slip surface. This can be a training mat or a regular rubber mat. This measure is due to the fact that during intense exercise on uneven or slippery surfaces you risk serious injury.
  • Make sure that the right muscle groups are involved during training. The joints should not hurt. Improvise moderately, but do not make sudden turns. The accuracy of the exercise technique is a guarantee of achieving the desired result.
  • If such activities are your first experience, then do not overdo it. Exercise moderately, increasing the load and training time gradually (you should start with 10-15 minutes of exercise per day).
  • Clothing should not be restrictive, but not too loose. Avoid long, loose pants. It is best to exercise barefoot or in thin socks.
  • It is recommended to ventilate the room before starting classes.

Set of exercises

In exercises No. 1 - No. 9, as a starting position, stand on a disk, bend your legs as if you were going to sit on a chair and turn them to the left.

  1. Place two chairs in front of you, with their backs facing you. Use your palms to grasp the backs. Turn to the right, tightening your abdominal muscles, and perform a diametric rotation in the opposite direction. Make 5 turns to the sides.
  2. Press your hands against the wall. Turn your legs to the sides - 7 turns.
  3. Spread your arms out to the sides. Make 9 turns to the left and the same number to the right.
  4. Put your hands down. As you rotate your hips to the left, move your arms to the right. Do it 7 times.
  5. As you move your lower body to the left, raise your arms up. Repeat 7 times.
  6. Clasp your hands behind your head. Turn your legs right and left 6 times.
  7. Place your hands on your ankle joints and turn three times in each direction.
  8. Close your knees slightly, turn both legs to the left, and move your arms to the right. Perform 10 rotations in each direction.
  9. Cross your arms over your chest so that your right palm rests loosely on your left shoulder, and your left palm rests loosely on your right shoulder. The back is as straight as possible. Slowly turn 10 times to the left and 10 times to the right.
  10. Place the disc on a chair and sit on it. Place your hands on your knees. Roll from heel to toe, move your feet left and right. 5 turns each.
  11. Stay in the same position, lock your hands behind your back. Push off the floor with both feet and turn to the right, return to the starting position and turn to the left. Perform 4 turns.
  12. Place the disk on the floor, sit on it, bend your knees, and grab your waist with your hands. Move your feet first to the left, then to the right. 4 times.
  13. While sitting on the machine, place your hands on your waist and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten one leg and stretch your toes as much as possible, repeat the same with the other leg. 8 times.
  14. Stand up. Place your foot on the disc. Grab your waist with your hands. Make turns left and right. Change your supporting leg. Repeat 10 times.
  15. Stand on the disk with one foot and place your hands behind your head. Turn your body to the left, while spreading your arms to the sides. Change your supporting leg. Repeat 8 times.
  16. Take the disk in your hands. Squeeze it tightly and rotate your hands in different directions in opposite directions. Perform for 3 minutes.
  17. Get on all fours with your knees on the disc. Place your hands on the floor. Lift your legs off the floor and rotate your hips in a conventional circle. Perform for 2-3 minutes.
  18. Take 2 kg dumbbells. Stand on the disk, making sure your back is straight. Make smooth turns with your hips to the left and right, stretching your arms with dumbbells in front of you. Perform for 2-3 minutes.
  19. Standing on the disk in front of the table at a distance of a step, turn to the sides so that your fingers touch the tabletop.


After performing the exercises, you should do some stretching. First, take a deep breath (try to breathe slowly, this saturates the blood with oxygen more intensely), then slowly exhale. Repeat 5 times. Perform light and comfortable muscle stretching. Then, for 5 minutes, walk around the room or outside.

The simple design of the apparatus allows you to independently regulate the amplitude and intensity of rotations during exercise. And the load with which the muscles are trained is safe, since its degree depends on body weight.

Harm and contraindications

The health disc itself does not cause any harm. You just need to use it correctly. For example, if a machine is designed for a weight of 100 kg, then this method of exercise is not suitable for people who weigh more. If you have an old-style metal exercise machine, do not forget to periodically lubricate it with oil.

Many people complain that the simulator is ineffective. However, its effectiveness depends on an individual approach. If you want to lose weight, then you should approach this problem comprehensively: adjust your diet and review your eating habits, change your daily routine, etc. A health simulator will be a very effective assistant in this case.

Exercises on the health disk are contraindicated:

  • people suffering from atherosclerosis;
  • for radiculitis;
  • those who have a hernia (both vertebral and abdominal);
  • for osteoporosis;
  • for chronic diseases (at acute stages).

Cost of the simulator

The price of a waist trainer varies depending on the model. Thus, the price of a regular metal exercise machine Gracia is 120-200 UAH (400 - 700 rubles). The price of a plastic disc, for example, Torneo with a magnetic massager and the ability to play music, is 200-500 UAH (600 - 1200 rubles).