Good exercise in the morning. We choose a time for exercise: in the morning we burn fat, and in the evening we speed up metabolism. Exercises for gymnastics

Experts say that Good morning was not only kind, but also healthy, you need to do morning exercises. And with the folk wisdom that how the morning begins, the whole day will be like that, there’s no point in arguing. Not many of us are used to working out after sleep, but let's figure out what morning exercise can give us. physical activity.

What will morning exercises give us?

A few effective exercises in the morning will not take much time, but will bring a lot of benefits. Develop a healthy habit and you will undoubtedly receive:

Even very small loads will help the body wake up. The cardiovascular system will begin to zealously pump blood throughout the body and distribute oxygen to every cell. And this increases energy levels and gives strength. In just 10-15 minutes you will be ready to “move mountains.”

Great mood

Morning exercises do not involve heavy loads; they are easy and enjoyable exercises. And since this is pleasant, the brain will not keep itself waiting and will give the command to produce endorphins - the hormones of happiness and joy. It's great to start a new day with Have a good mood, all adversity will fade into the background, and with a smile on your face you can go to conquer the world.

Losing excess weight

By forcing all organs to work, you will start the digestion processes and speed up your metabolism with the help of exercises. Moreover, moderate and regular loads help burn excess fat deposits, strengthen muscles and keep the body toned.

Willpower training

Getting up a little earlier in the morning turns out to be quite a challenge for many. By forcing yourself to tear yourself away from a soft and warm bed and start exercising, you develop a useful habit, train and strengthen the willpower with which you will not need to think.

Strengthens immunity

Thanks to morning exercises, the body receives enough oxygen, energy and health for the whole day. Even without taking into account the research of specialists, we can conclude that it strengthens the immune system and stimulates mental activity.

Rules for doing morning exercises

Morning exercises are aimed at stretching the muscles; there should be no strength exercises. Remember, it’s enough just to “start” the body, and heavy morning loads can negatively affect the functioning of the heart.

After waking up, give yourself 15-20 minutes to finally get rid of the power of Morpheus. Drink a glass of clean water with a few drops of lemon juice. It is wrong to jump out of bed and immediately begin active exercises. This will be stressful for the body. Take your time, stretch slightly, twist, tense your muscles, and only then get out of bed. Complete all the necessary morning procedures and get started.

10 ideas on how to motivate yourself to do morning exercises

Forcing yourself to do exercises regularly, and also to wake up earlier than usual to do so, is not an easy task. We offer several ideas that will help turn morning exercise into a pleasant habit.

1. Move your alarm clock. Usually the alarm clock is placed somewhere next to the bed, at the head of the bed, on the nightstand, etc. Place it far away from you, for example, at the other end of the room. You'll have to get out of bed to turn it off. This will make it easier for you to wake up and be able to do your exercises.

2. Find support from loved ones. Agree with your family that you will all do morning exercises together. This will not only invigorate everyone, but also bring them closer together, because a common goal will appear. If you live alone, then connect your friends to charge. Contact them by phone or online.

3. Record your goals. Every Sunday (or whatever day of the week you consider your reference day) make a plan for the next week. Clearly write down what time you will wake up every day and what exercises you should do. Later you can evaluate your successes or failures.

4. Make a motivating list of music tracks. Music is a great motivator. Set an invigorating, “igniting” composition to ring your alarm clock, and then turn on the player or music player and start exercising to your favorite tracks. They will give positive thoughts and help overcome fatigue.

5. Prepare a place in advance for morning exercises. You don't have to waste time finding and laying out a rug, bringing a chair or assembling another one. necessary equipment, if you do it the night before. In addition, this will serve as additional motivation to exercise, because yesterday you worked hard and prepared everything, you can’t just pass by.

6. Encourage yourself. If you managed to complete weekly plan, then be sure to reward yourself: get a manicure, watch an interesting movie, or go for a walk in your favorite park. Buy a new exercise t-shirt or something else for working out that will help you wake up more actively in the morning.

7. Tell the world about your plans and successes. Thanks to modern technologies it couldn't be easier to do this. Tell your friends at in social networks that now they are determined to do exercises every morning. Report regularly on your achievements. Perhaps you will inspire someone else with your success.

8. Give yourself time. Getting up earlier in the morning than usual is difficult. And at first it will seem simply unbearable. But don't give up under any circumstances. Wait another week and you will feel that you are used to the new regime. You will begin to sleep better, wake up before the alarm rings and be full of strength and energy, and morning exercises will help you create an ideal daily routine.

9. Think about your breakfast. If you feel very hungry after sleep, then eat something small that can give you strength: some almonds or a banana. After exercising, eat a full breakfast and prepare something special as a reward for your efforts. But keep in mind that the food should be healthy and low-fat.

10. Tune yourself psychologically. You must clearly understand why you are doing morning exercises. If you want to lose weight, then place a photo in a prominent place with a model whose shape you strive for. If you want to be energetic and healthy, then make a list of what you can achieve if you start your day actively.

Morning exercise is a great habit, the effect of which you will see instantly.

We have prepared 10 effective exercises that will help you wake up and charge you with positive emotions for the whole day.

10 exercises for morning exercises

Exercise 1. Stretching

Start by stretching upward. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands in a lock, with your palms turned outward away from you. Slowly raise your arms above your head and begin to reach your whole body towards the ceiling. Keep your back and head straight, do not bend. Perform the exercise for 10-15 seconds 3-4 times.

Exercise 2. Steps in place

Human feet have many sensitive points that are responsible for the functioning of different organs. To give them a light massage, walk in place, alternately focusing on the heels, toes and sides of the foot. Perform the exercise for 30-50 seconds.

Exercise 3. Rolling from toes to heels

Stand up straight. Place your feet at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Inhale and stand on your toes, exhale and smoothly roll onto your heels. Repeat the exercise 20-25 times.

Exercise 4. Rotations

To warm up the body, it is best to perform rotational movements. Start with the head, then move to the hands, elbows, shoulders, feet, ankles and knees. For each body part, do 10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise 5. Alternating bends and squats

A simple but effective exercise that will help you use a lot of important muscles. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your waist. Slowly lean forward, then straighten your back and do one squat. Keep your back as straight as possible to avoid knee injuries. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

Exercise 6. Side bends

Take an upright position with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Raise your right hand up. Smoothly, without sudden movements first lean to the left, then change hands and lean to the right. Keep your back straight, lean clearly to the side. Repeat the exercise 15 times in each direction.

Exercise 7. Alternating leg pull-ups

Take a lying position. Straighten your arms up. Start with your right foot. Bend it at the knee and pull it towards you as much as possible, at the same time pull the bent left hand. Then change your leg and arm. Repeat the exercise 15 times for each leg.

Exercise 8. “Kitty”

We stretch the abdominal muscle. To do this, stand on the mat with your knees, lean on your bent hands. Alternately bend and straighten your back muscles.

Exercise 9. Push-ups

There is a regular and lightweight version of push-ups. It differs only in the position of its legs. If you are well prepared, then do push-ups with your legs extended, resting on your toes; if it’s so hard, then lean on your knees. Do 15 push-ups.

Exercise 10. Stretching

Stand up, raise your hands up. As you exhale, rise onto your toes and smoothly stretch as high as possible. As you inhale, lower yourself completely onto your feet and relax your muscles. Repeat the exercises 5 times for 10 seconds.

Recover your breath, have breakfast and go conquer new heights!

Doing morning exercises is easy, we hope that thanks to our tips, tomorrow you will begin your path to a healthier lifestyle. Perhaps some of the exercises suggested above are not suitable for you for some reason. Then feel free to replace them with others, use them or consult with specialists. Share your successes with us or effective exercises that you do yourself. Have a productive day!

Waking up in the morning, we feel a certain lethargy, because the body still continues to be at rest. It takes a couple of hours for a person to finally wake up. Morning hygiene procedures help to invigorate: brushing teeth, washing and showering. Thanks to them, impulses are sent to the nerve centers. But without proper work of joints and muscles, complete awakening does not occur, which is why morning exercises are so important.

Before we move on to the question of how to do it correctly, let’s consider what its benefits are.

It is clear that for physical training, which give the muscles a thorough load, you need to visit the training room 3-4 times a week.

As a health procedure, morning exercises are an excellent option. It will bring maximum benefit if it becomes regular, and the exercises included in the complex will become more complex and improved over time. Of course, the room in which gymnastics is performed should be well ventilated, and the clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement. It’s very good if, after charging, you have the opportunity to take a contrast shower. That's it - you are charged with energy for the whole day!

The benefits of morning exercises are enormous: it helps to overcome hypokinesia syndrome, which manifests itself in increased irritability and drowsiness, bad mood and fatigue, decreased vitality and lethargy.

Charger– this is not a training session. Her goals are different. That’s why it’s called exercise because it gives you a boost of energy for the whole day. In contrast, training is aimed at “exhausting” the body, which occurs as a result of muscle tension. After such activities, which require enormous strength, it is hardly appropriate to talk about vigor. The only thing you want after training is peace.

Many people try to combine morning jog and a set of strength exercises for arms, legs, and abs. But the duration of such classes is much longer than the time allotted for charging. Such workouts last from 40 to 50 minutes, so you can’t call them exercises.

Exercise is a set of exercises designed to warm up joints and muscles.

You can, of course, plug it into the charger strength exercises, but there should be few of them. For power loads optimal time is the afternoon, and for charging - the morning hours.

Charging rules

How to do exercises correctly? Since the human body wakes up gradually, the exercises should be started with the easiest ones, which can be performed even without getting out of bed. This will help the heart smoothly switch to active mode so as not to sharply load the heart muscle. However, such exercises are warm-up exercises, so they are not enough to make the day active. You can do them, then wash your face, walk around, drink a glass of water and then perform a set of basic exercises.

If you like to do exercises while listening to music, please do so. If there are intense exercises in the complex, then the music tempo is recommended at 140-170 beats per minute. This is the tempo of most modern songs, so everyone can choose the music that they like best. For a calm rhythm, the music should be slower. Rhythmic songs chosen as accompaniment will help to properly organize both movements and breathing.

The best morning exercise is considered to be the one after which you feel a surge of vigor and strength. The main mistake people make is overloading - you don’t need to be too zealous while charging. Its main task is to awaken and tone the body. And for extension muscle mass there are trainings. That is, after charging you should feel cheerful, not tired. If fatigue is present, the load needs to be reduced.

An approximate complex for morning exercises

Exercises for charging have a lot of variations, but they should all include movements for the neck, arms, torso, and legs.

Neck exercises

  • Turns the head left and right.
  • Head tilts left and right, back and forth.
  • Circular slow rotations of the head.

If you have problems with the vestibular system, you do not need to close your eyes during exercises.

To warm up the joints of the hands, perform rotational movements with your fists. In addition, you can perform rotations with your hands clasped together.

  • For shoulder joint perform shoulder rotations - two at the same time and alternately.
  • Also circular movements performed with straight arms.
  • Having bent your elbows, make rotational movements on a count of 1-2-3-4, first performing them towards yourself, then against you (at a count of 5-6-7-8).
  • Bend your elbows and touch your shoulders with your fingers and rotate your elbows. They don't take their fingers off their shoulders. On the count of 1-2-3-4 the elbows rotate in one direction, and on the count 5-6-7-8 - in the other.

  • Forward bends are performed with feet placed shoulder-width apart. You need to touch the floor with your fingers or palms (as stretching allows). The exercise is performed without jerking, slowly.
  • Place your hands on your waist and begin to rotate your hips. At the same time, movements should not pinch the muscles and cause pain.
  • Side bends. Feet are shoulder-width apart to ensure a stable position. The right hand is raised up, and the left is on the belt. Tilt to the left is performed on a count of 1-2. At the count of 3-4, the hands change position and the bends are performed in right side. This stretches the back muscles. But, you need not to overdo it and, if the tension is strong, the load needs to be reduced.
  • Hold your hands in a “lock” and bend them at the elbows. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and rotate your torso. We turn to the left side for a count of 1-2, to the right for a count of 3-4, without lifting our feet from the floor.

  • We alternately swing our legs forward and backward (10-15 times with each leg).
  • Then, we raise our legs to the sides (also 10-15 lifts with each leg).
  • We make circular movements in the knee joint.
  • Without lifting your heels off the floor, perform deep squats. For beginners, 10-15 squats will be enough.

Additional exercises

Strength exercises that can be added to your morning exercise routine:

  • exercises for the abs;
  • pushups;
  • rotation of the hala hoop (gymnastic hoop);
  • exercises with an expander;
  • exercises with medium and light weight dumbbells.

The effect of regular exercise

If you do all the exercises given, it will be easier to wake up in the morning and get into work mode. Exercise done in the morning activates vision, hearing, nervous system, vestibular apparatus, thereby eliminating the lethargy that is present after a night's sleep. It also has a beneficial effect on lung function.

The above complex (like any other), performed in the morning, will prepare the body for the mental, physical and emotional stress that awaits everyone during the day.


Video: Morning exercises

Ecology of life. Fitness and sports: So, armed with confidence and determination, keeping in mind the saying: “How you start the day is how you spend it,” you decided to do exercises in the morning...

"Get ready to perform gymnastic exercises“- these words, spoken by Nikolai Gordeev to the musical accompaniment of Valentin Rodin, began the famous Soviet morning exercises on the radio. Adults and children used it; they brushed their teeth, had breakfast, and got ready for work and school.

Today, despite the propaganda and fashion for healthy image life, there are practically no such programs on TV and radio. Moreover, in many forums dedicated to healthy lifestyle, morning exercises are assessed quite skeptically.

In this article we will focus on sets of exercises for adults and children, and consider some practical and theoretical aspects associated with physical activity in the morning.

Arguments for or why you need to do exercises in the morning

G. Landry, fitness trainer and author of high-intensity weight loss programs, claims that one of the important elements when playing sports is morning exercises. Regular exercise helps, in his opinion, to lose weight and improve the general condition of the body.

He identifies 10 reasons why you need to do morning exercises:

1. More than 90% of people who do exercises in the morning improve their results in sports.

2. Morning activities contribute to a “jump” of metabolism, as a result of which the body burns more calories per day.

3. By doing exercises, a person receives a charge of vivacity and energy.

4. Many people say that exercising in the morning helps them regulate their appetite throughout the day.

5. Morning exercise helps awaken the body. Over time, the circadian rhythm adjusts to this regime, and the person feels better.

6. By doing exercises, we become more disciplined.

7. Research has confirmed that physical activity stimulates mental activity.

8. By doing 10 minutes of exercise in the morning, you can keep your body in shape.

9. As a result of exercise, physiological processes in the body will work better, which will lead to an overall improvement in well-being.

10. Just try doing exercises in the morning and you will see how great it is.

Promoted by films jogging in the morning is perceived by many as the best alternative to charging. What is more useful and better – charging or morning run, we will let everyone decide for themselves; there is enough material on this topic on the Internet. There is no doubt that competent exercise is useful in any form, but not everyone will be able to readjust and start running in the morning, because this requires great effort, willpower and time.

In addition, there are discussions regarding when is the best time to run and whether morning running is harmful. But if you're determined to run in the morning, here are some facts and recommendations:

  • There is an opinion that the air is cleaner in the morning, which means running at this time is healthier.
  • Thanks to running, the body is saturated with oxygen, muscles and joints are toned, and metabolic processes are more active.
  • Those who run in the morning are much less likely to suffer from insomnia. The positive effects of running on the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems have been proven. While jogging, almost all human muscles are involved.
  • Running helps strengthen immune system. Sweat also releases toxins accumulated in the body.
  • Running is a serious exercise, and unprepared person may get injured. If there are any medical contraindications, it is better to consult your doctor first. Also, always do a warm-up.
  • Running is perfect for those who want to lose excess weight. So, during an hour-long run at a speed of 10 km/h, a man weighing 80 kg “burns” more than 800 kcal.
  • The route and equipment are of great importance. You need to run where there are trees - in a forest plantation, a park. Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement. Shoes are true to size and have soft soles.

A lot of useful information and answers to questions from those who have just decided to start running in this report:

A set of exercises for morning exercises

So, armed with confidence and determination, remembering the saying: “How you start the day is how you spend it,” you decided to do exercises in the morning. There are many exercises, you can combine them and do them in any order. Let us dwell on some important aspects that you should know before starting the exercises.

1. You should not do exercises immediately after waking up. Get up, drink a glass of water, wash your face, stretch, and then start doing exercises.

2. The body is not yet ready for heavy loads in the morning. The exercises performed should be smooth and not contain sudden movements. During exercise, try to breathe evenly and calmly.

3. K power loads It’s also better not to resort to it. It is optimal to do aerobic and bodyweight exercises in the morning.

4. You need to perform each exercise 8-10 times. Try to do exercises daily.

Also interesting:


For the head: turns left and right; bending back and forth.

For shoulders and arms: rotational movements of the shoulders alternately and together; rotation with straight arms, describing a circle; alternate swings of arms - one hand from above, the other from below; rotation with arms bent at the elbows in different directions.

For the torso: feet shoulder-width apart, perform smooth bends forward, trying to touch the floor with your palms; with your arms bent at the elbows, holding your belt, rotate your pelvis with slight bends forward in both directions.

For legs: alternately swing your legs back and forth; squats without lifting your heels off the floor; raises on the toes. published

To have a beautiful fit figure, you need to exercise at least every other day. Ideally, you need daily training. The frantic pace of life, work issues and family concerns do not always allow the modern man to find an hour in his schedule to visit gym. There is always a way out! If you get up half an hour earlier, you can devote this time physical development. Morning exercises for men will energize you for the whole day and allow your body to always stay in good shape!

What are the benefits of morning exercise?

Physical activity is necessary for every man. Moreover, we are not talking about exhausting workouts aimed at losing body weight or building muscle mass. We are talking about the usual maintenance of body and spirit in a healthy state. And morning exercises for men will help with this. Why in the morning? Because it is in the morning that the effect on joints and muscles is most effective. They are still soft and easy to train. In addition, morning physical education will set up the whole body to work properly. The effect will be enhanced by a contrast shower after training: it will have a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on internal systems organs.

Exercising in the morning for men will bring the following benefits:

  • maintain correct posture;
  • strengthens the muscle corset;
  • normalizes blood flow;
  • will reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • will reduce excess weight and prevent its re-gain;
  • will make the body beautiful and fit;
  • will improve your mood and productivity for the whole day.

How to motivate yourself to study?

  1. We lie on our backs, spread our arms with dumbbells to the sides. We begin to slowly bring the arms straight and then bent at the elbows.
  2. Attach an expander to the wall by a hook and lie on your back with your head towards it. As you exhale, stretch the expander along the body, and as you inhale, loosen your grip.
  3. Let's get to our feet and take it rubber band and fold it in half. We place one hand on the bend of the tourniquet, and with the other we take its handles. We repeat the movement of the archer when he tries to shoot.

If there are no devices, you can do regular push-ups, which will simultaneously work the arm muscles.

Arm exercises

Any push-ups are great for your arms:

  • from the floor from your knees or straight legs;
  • similar, but from the sofa;
  • everything is the same, but lifting first one leg, then the other;
  • push-ups with clapping hands.

Working out the abs

A classic abdominal exercise is the crunch in all its variations:

  1. Straight twist - we lie on our back, bending our knees, and placing our hands behind our heads like a butterfly - we begin lifting the upper body.
  2. Lateral twist - we do the same thing, but when bending to one and the other knee, the corresponding arm can be straightened and pulled towards the toe.
  3. Reverse twist - we do not lift from the same position top part body, and the lower legs are lifted off the floor, and the knees are pulled to the chest.

Additional exercises

Additional exercises include stretching and relaxation exercises, which will complete our morning exercises for men.

  1. We put our feet apart, rise on our toes and, while inhaling, spread our arms to the sides. As you exhale, bend over, crossing your arms and slightly bending your knees.
  2. We sit on the floor and bend over with our legs straight.
  3. We lie on our backs and completely relax. You can even close your eyes and lie there for a couple of minutes.

Possible difficulties

The main difficulty in morning exercises can be getting up early. Not everyone can force themselves to get up half an hour to an hour earlier in order to devote time to exercise. Many will prefer to devote this time to sleep. The main thing here is motivation. Think about what morning exercise will do for you and what benefits it will bring to your body. Try to go to bed half an hour to an hour earlier, especially at first, so that your body does not feel a lack of sleep. Better yet, turn men's morning exercises into family exercises. Joint activities bring us closer together and bring even greater benefits!

Think about why you need morning exercises. If only to wake up and prepare the body for a new day, then you can simply perform the main set of exercises in a relaxed state. Don’t rush anywhere, but slowly let every cell of your body wake up in motion.

If there is time for additional classes except morning exercises If you don’t have it, then it’s better to pay more attention to it, especially in the strength department. Work your abs deeper, do exercises for your arms, chest and legs.

Can warm-up complex do it every day, and add the main one every other day. This way the muscles will recover from the main load, but will not forget the taste of movement.

Until a person understands his benefit or benefit, it is useless to convince him to do anything. It is even more difficult to force him to do something of which he is not sure or doubts. For example, what will morning exercises give him personally? Disbelief in the usefulness of the complex, performing it only because “it’s necessary” quickly turns into a routine that is tiring and not beneficial.

Getting ready for morning exercises

Many people try to start doing morning exercises. But it doesn’t always become a habit. Even fewer find the willpower to exercise regularly, even if they are convinced of its benefits.

What interferes with morning exercises?

  • doubt that the morning complex is necessary;
  • the mood for recovery is disrupted by life's inertia - “I lived without exercise for many years, and I will live again”;
  • basic laziness;
  • desire to sleep a little longer in the morning;
  • chronic lack of time for morning procedures and preparations before leaving for work;
  • fear of negative sensations - shortness of breath, feeling uncomfortable, especially after the first classes, when your joints begin to hurt.

What should I do? Of course, under no circumstances force yourself to do a set of morning exercises, as this will not bring any benefit.

You need to get excited about the idea of ​​morning exercise. And choose a complex that will better fit into the rhythm in terms of time expenditure and load intensity.

Training, especially professional athletes, is subordinated to achieving a specific result - setting a record. Often stress is harmful to health.

The purpose of physical education, the chosen complex of morning exercises, is to give maximum benefit body.

The benefits of exercise in the morning:

  • improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • strengthens muscles and posture;
  • improves ;
  • eliminates insomnia;
  • reduces body weight.

Morning exercises put the body into an active state, disperse drowsiness and lethargy, and improve tone and mood. Improves clarity of thinking, searching and making the right decisions. An increased supply of strength and energy allows you to accomplish everything you plan during the day.

Simple ways find time to exercise in the morning:

  1. Review your morning to-do list. Perform some in the evening in whole or in part. For example, iron clothes, clean shoes.
  2. Get rid of the habit of lying in bed after waking up.
  3. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier.

How to develop a morning exercise habit

If you doubt whether you have enough enthusiasm and determination to regularly perform a complex of morning exercises, the following technique will be beneficial:

  • Limit the period to a specific time frame - for example, study for exactly a week.

Then decide:

  • Continue morning exercises for another week or stop if this is not your thing.

Morning exercise rules

For beginners, create an individual complex.

Preferred movements are to increase blood flow, stretching, and flexibility. After sleep, perform smooth movements - rhythm morning complex moderate.

Exercising in the morning should give you a surge of strength, and not tire you. If the body gets tired quickly, reduce the number of repetitions.

The duration of the morning exercise complex is 10-15 minutes.

A set of morning exercises for exercise

By doing physical training movements starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, back straight, chin raised.


  • Walk in place for 1 minute. Breathe evenly, calmly and freely.

Exercise 1:

  • Describe a circle with straightened arms - lift them up through the sides, while standing on your toes.
  • As you inhale, bring your hands up and stand on your toes.
  • As you exhale, lower your hands and stand on your feet.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 2:

  • Palms on the belt, turn your head left and right, tilt forward, backward.
  • Then - alternately to the motionless right and left shoulder, trying to touch each ear.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 3:

  • Left palm on the belt, straightened right hand raised up.
  • Tilt your torso to the left.
  • Switch hands and lean to the right.

5-10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise 4:

  • Straightened arms are placed to the sides parallel to the floor.
  • Turn your body left and right like a helicopter.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 5:

  • Palms on the belt.
  • Tilt your torso forward and backward.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 6:

  • Holding onto a strong support (table, chair, wall), swing your straightened right leg forward, backward, right and left.

Exercise 7:

  • Sit on a gymnastic mat, slightly spread your straightened legs in front of you.
  • Reach your fingers to your feet.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 8:

  • Lie on your back, arms straight at the sides of your body, palms pressed to the floor, legs bent at the knees.
  • With the knee of your left leg, touch the floor to the left and right of your body.
  • Perform the same movements with the other leg.

5-10 repetitions for each side.

Exercise 9:

  • Get on all fours.
  • arch your back upward, then bend downward, try to achieve maximum amplitude.

Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise 10:

  • Take the starting position.
  • Rotate your shoulders forward (“going forward”) and backward (“going backward”) at the same time.

5-10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise 11:

  • Circular rotations with straightened arms forward and backward.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 12 (“scissors”):

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 13 (squats):

  • Do not lift your heels off the floor, your back is straight, maintains a vertical position, and does not lean forward.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 14:

  • Jumping in place alternately on the right, left, and both legs.

10 reps.

Exercise 15:

  • Run in place for one minute.

Exercise 16:

  • Describe a circle with straightened arms - lift them up, at the same time stand on your toes.
  • Lowering your arms down, tilt your torso forward, feet on the floor.
  • As you inhale, arms up, as you exhale, arms down.

Only 5-10 repetitions.

After completing your morning exercises, take a shower.

Modified: 07/08/2019