Hockey school from 3 years old. CSKA hockey school. Our center trains athletes for professional KHL clubs

Hockey school PHC CSKA LLC is a structural division of the professional hockey club CSKA. Schooling - free.

The school's training process takes place at the home arena of the CSKA hockey club - in Ledovoye sports complex CSKA them. V. M. Bobrova. Training for young athletes takes place in 12 groups for children aged 5-16 years. The duration of training for children is 60-90 minutes. Training runs four to six times a week from September to May (depending on age group).

Starting from the age of 8, the student’s parents enter into a junior contract with the school and are fully supported by the hockey club, and at the age of 17 they sign with the best students professional contract. Sports camps and trips to various tournaments are carried out at the expense of PHC CSKA LLC.

Classes are held at two sites (Canadian and large sites). also in training process training and gaming halls. Twice a year, students undergo a free medical examination at the CSKA medical and sports clinic.

  • The junior team takes part in Open Championship Moscow among juniors;
  • teams born 2003-2007 - in the Moscow Open Championship;
  • teams born 2008-2010 - in the Moscow Cups;
  • team born 2011 - in the Moscow Hockey Federation Cup.

Matches are played on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from September to April.

Students of our school are members of Russian national teams of their ages. After graduating from school, the most promising students are invited to join the Red Army youth team.

Organization of selection at the Hockey School

Still undecided on choosing a hockey school for your child?
Come visit us for a FREE trial lesson!
Make an appointment by phone 8-925-465-45-00

On trial lesson you and your child:

  • Meet the coach and group
  • See how the lesson goes
  • Give your child bright impressions and a storm of positive emotions!
  • We will be happy to answer all your questions and select the optimal level and mode of training.

Why is the children's school "Hockey Academy" one of the best in Moscow?

We have advantages that set us apart from other sections:

  • qualified coaching staff Our coaches are masters of sports, winners of Russian and world championships. The head of the school is Honored Trainer of Russia Viryasov A.S.
  • convenient training time 4 ice rinks and a team of professional trainers allows you to choose a schedule and training regimen that suits you.
  • individual approach to the child. Each child has individual traits: character traits, temperament, physical level preparation. We try to unlock the potential of each child, strengthen his self-confidence and choose the optimal pace of learning.
  • training from 3 years The school has developed a special educational program for the youngest children. The first acquaintance with ice and learning skating techniques, exercises in a playful way will allow your child to easily get used to the ice and instill an interest in hockey.
  • innovative teaching methods We cooperate only with professional hockey coaches who have extensive experience working with children different ages. The school has developed and successfully puts into practice its own teaching methodology, which allows you to achieve optimal results on the ice.
  • modern venues Ice complex Morozovo is a modern sports complex, including 4 ice arenas, as well as convenient changing rooms, dryers sports uniform, halls for training and general physical training, dry cleaning and skate sharpening services. Adults won't be bored in our sports complex either. While the children are training on the ice, a cozy LED cafe is at your disposal.
  • permanent enrollment in the hockey section. Didn't manage to make an appointment with us before September 1st? It's OK! You can start training at any time. Come and we will select a convenient schedule and training regime for you.

Section tasks:

  • basic training
  • sports improvement
  • improvement of general physical condition
  • formation of individual and group programs
  • additional game practice
  • conducting training camps
  • master classes with professionals

Registration for the Academy is carried out by phone:
8-925-465-45-00 or online.

What does training for children at the Hockey Academy provide?

The children's hockey section of our complex conducts training for children with any level of training, including training from scratch. If you want to send your child to sports, then you should start with our school. Skating and throwing techniques are practiced on the ice, and general classes are held in the gym. physical training.

Professional coaches will help you both take your first steps in sports and work out existing mistakes. An individual approach is selected for each child. The coach always focuses attention on the moments that are more difficult for the young athlete than others, and helps him master the technique.

As part of classes at the hockey school:

  • children have been playing hockey since they were 3 years old;
  • skating and throwing techniques are practiced;
  • pass general physical training classes and SFP.
  • the guys participate in training camps and competitions.

Please note that to enroll in the “Hockey Academy” you need permission from a doctor to practice. physical culture! The authorization certificate must be provided within 2 weeks from the start of training.

Our youth school hockey In Moscow, “HoсkeyChance” helps hockey fans improve their skills, skating technique and test their skills in competitions. The “HockeyChance” team, assembled from students of our school, plays in the RTHL championship in the KBC division. Any student at our sports hockey school can join the team and take part in the competition.

Hockey lessons and training of team members are conducted by highly qualified coaches with many years of experience. We pay attention to both the individual and team performance of the athlete, which allows us to achieve maximum results. Individual sessions hockey lessons with students help to hone their technique and thoroughly work out technical elements, while group classes allow you to identify the strengths of each player and form well-coordinated gaming groups.

Moscow hockey school

The coaches of our Moscow hockey school HockeyChance have developed methods individual training, to practice throws, passes, feints, tackles and other techniques that allow us to turn students into professional defenders and attackers. The young hockey player's skating technique is constantly being improved. High results Our students and teams prove the effectiveness of the classes and the high professionalism of the trainers. Hockey lessons bring results in the long run.

This year, the children's sports hockey school "HockeyChance" is recruiting children to hockey team to participate in the tournament. Find out more about the conditions of participation in hockey tournament You can contact our trainers in person at the school.

In addition, our hockey training center invites children from four years of age to take ice hockey lessons. Hockey for a 4 year old child is normal age for teaching hockey skills. Teaching children preschool age is carried out according to a special program for beginners, developed by our coaches based on their many years of training experience and recommendations from leading hockey coaches.

Recruitment for the hockey section

Enroll your child in the hockey section in Moscow, agree on individual trainer and find out the schedule of trainings and classes sports sections for hockey you can call: 8 903 180-15-05

On our website you will find not only contacts for communication, our hockey sports schools are located in many places in Moscow. You can see photos from the training site, videos of training and competitions. This will allow you to make sure that our Russian hockey school is one of the best. Find out which Sport halls, exercise equipment is available.

Have you signed up for our classes? Then look at what paraphernalia you or your child will need. To save time and money, you can purchase directly from us. Paraphernalia will be needed not only for friendly meetings on the ice. Students of our hockey school participate in championships that take place in different countries. So your children will be able to visit outside our country. We are not limited to just coaches from our school. The leaders of HockeyChace periodically invite famous coaches and hockey players from other countries. This allows hockey school students to get useful tips from experienced hockey players.

As for the prices for training at our hockey school, there is also a pleasant surprise prepared for you. In a special section on the website you can see the tariffs. We offer not only favorable prices, but also discounts on training. Find out now how you can save on classes. Such advantageous offers are valid for regular visitors to the school. If you have questions regarding prices, visiting hours, purchasing uniforms or other paraphernalia, you can call the school and get all the answers.

Hockey - team appearance a sport in which two teams try to score as many "pucks" or balls into the opponent's goal as possible, using wooden sticks coated with a thin layer of plastic. There are many versions and hybrids of this sport. The most popular of them: British hockey (driving the ball with a shepherd's crook). You can learn to play hockey by joining a hockey club.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the Hockey for Children section in Moscow

Here is a list of all hockey sections, hockey clubs And sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. You can search for a suitable place to practice hockey in Moscow directly on the map or according to the list of presented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for subsequent enrollment. For each of the sports sections, the following are available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.