Walking to burn fat: how to walk correctly and how much. Walking for effective weight loss: basic rules And now tips for effective weight loss by walking

Here's an interesting fact. Two women are walking. One walks quickly, and the other waddles. Each of them burns about 400 calories. But here's the question. Who do you think will burn more belly fat? To answer the question, I found some fact. According to recent studies, it turns out that walking faster helps you lose weight faster and remove belly fat.

It is said that you can lose up to 7 kg in just 30 days if you start walking more and more intensely.

Here's another interesting study...

Researchers at the University of Virginia found that women who walked three times a week at a brisk pace and twice a week at a more moderate pace burned belly fat 5 times faster.

They compared them to those who simply walked at a moderate speed 5 days a week. And here's the proof: both groups burned exactly the same number of calories (400) during the workout. Plus, those who were more active were also able to reduce their waistline by 5 cm.

In addition, they reduced the amount of fat in the thigh area by approximately 3 times and burned 4 times more total body fat.

And most importantly, the most active were able to lose almost 4 kg within 16 weeks. And all this.

Fast walking for weight loss

Continuing the topic, we can also mention that high-intensity walking helped burn 3 times more visceral fat.

This is the most dangerous belly fat that envelops your major organs such as the liver and kidneys. This fat leads to diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

« Vigorous exercise increases your fat burning rate and helps balance your hormones“,” says lead researcher Arthur Veltman, director of the laboratory.


As the same Arthur Veltman says, if you haven’t lost weight by walking every day for a long time, it’s all about intensity.

  • Slow walks: Burn about 238 calories per hour.
  • Fast walk: burns up to 340 calories per hour (speed up to 6 km per hour). Instead of gossiping with a friend, or better yet, on the phone, think about intensity.
  • Power Walking: burns approximately 564 calories per hour (speed up to 8 km per hour). When walking at this pace, use your arms to make it easier and take your steps a little longer. You can even do the acceleration in spurts if you find it difficult to maintain the pace right away.

In addition, Health magazine featured a 3-week program for losing weight through intense walking.

Here she is…

1 Week(burns about 200 calories)

  • Warm-up: Walk very slowly for 5 minutes.
  • Training: just walk at a normal pace for 30 minutes.
  • Rest: Walk slowly for 3 to 5 minutes.

2 week(burns about 355 calories)

  • Warm-up:
  • Training: Maintain a firm walking intensity for 5 minutes. Slow down slightly for 1 minute. Repeat a total of 5 - 6 such jerks.
  • Rest:

3 week(burns about 405 calories)

  • Warm-up: walk for 5 minutes.
  • Training:maintain a rigid walking pattern within 2 minutes. Recover your strength by slowing down a little for 1 minute. Add intensity and repeat 15 times.
  • Rest: walk for 3 - 5 minutes.

If you find some of these workouts difficult, try reducing the number of repetitions.

Additional Health Benefits of Walking

In addition to the fact that walking is good for weight loss, there are a number of other health benefits from this exercise. Here is the list below...

1. Walking burns calories and belly fat

Walking is good for those who are just starting their journey to healthy weight loss. An hour of walking every day along with a healthy diet is a good tool to reduce muscle flab.

The number of calories burned is directly proportional to the speed and distance traveled when walking.

This makes walking one of the best exercises for weight loss.

2. Reduces the risk of heart disease and more

Walking increases blood circulation in the body, which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease. They also help lower and stabilize blood pressure.

Regular walking also increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

Many studies show that regular walking will significantly reduce the risk of diabetes, colon cancer and breast cancer.

3. Walking Boosts Metabolism

Walking stimulates blood circulation in the body and at the same time increases metabolic activity in the body, which fires up your metabolism faster.

Brisk walking improves your mood, revitalizes energy levels and regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

4. Easy workout

Walking is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to stay physically active. You just need to have sneakers or other shoes that are comfortable for you.

This exercise can be done almost anywhere and at any time. Although walks in the fresh air are very useful and refreshing, if the conditions are right, they can also be done at home on a treadmill.

5. Reduces stress levels

Walking is directly linked to reducing stress levels. Their benefits can be compared to exercises such as aerobic exercise and others. They help calm the nerves.

During a walk, the body produces endorphins, which in turn stimulates relaxation.

6. Strengthens muscles

Walking keeps bones, muscles and joints healthy.

Regular walking strengthens the muscles of the legs, abs, especially the hamstrings and quadriceps. Therefore, they are important in the fight against cellulite even at home.

To make your walking even more effective for weight loss and burn fat faster, you can use some tips:

  • It is always better to do them early in the morning (you can combine them with going to work). In the morning, the body is quite energetic and blood circulation increases faster. In addition, walking in the morning is also beneficial for the body to absorb vitamin D from the first rays of the sun.
  • Brisk walking is essential to burn more calories if you have a goal to lose a few extra pounds. The faster you walk, the more calories you burn. You may also want to walk more on stairs or on rough terrain.
  • Don't walk after eating. Although some say that walking immediately after eating can improve digestion, this is a false concept. Walking or exercising after eating affects the secretion of digestive juices, thereby preventing the breakdown of food. Rest a little after eating and move on.
  • Fuel your body with plenty of fluids. Drink natural juices before you go for a walk or after finishing your workout. Drinking natural energy juices, like others, before walking can revitalize metabolic processes, thereby helping the body burn more calories.

Final Thoughts

For all those who want to burn more calories or are simply looking for effective exercises to start losing weight, you definitely need to start walking more. It is these weight loss exercises that have many additional values ​​for you.

Explore all the benefits of walking below so you don’t put off until later what you can do today. Remember that walking for weight loss and health is very effective.

Do you like to walk and how does it help you lose weight? Share your experience, write in the comments below.

If you found this article helpful, please share it with others.

Warning: The techniques, strategies and suggestions expressed in our shared resource are intended for educational purposes only. We do not diagnose, prescribe or treat any disease, condition or injury.

It is imperative that before starting any nutritional strategy or exercise program, you obtain full medical clearance from a licensed physician.

Many people know that muscles burn fat! Did you know that for this process to start, you don’t have to engage in standard sports, you can use walking therapy. After all it burns when walking a fairly large number of kilocalories... And therefore fat is burned Same

Fats can only be burned in muscles! This is the most important rule.

And in order for it to come to fats, you must first burn food calories, then glycogen, and only then will it come to fats! This requires a very long break from eating. No, you don’t need to limit yourself, you just need to... sleep

At night you don’t eat, but work “on” glycogen; in the morning after waking up, its supply is minimal. Here is your chance to get to your precious reserves. Fats are burned in muscles, but in order for the muscles to need energy, they must work! Amazing! We woke up, drank water, took a shower and......let's go for a walk!

You just need to walk. Don't run, don't jump, don't do fitness, don't go to the gym, don't pedal a bike, don't swim in the pool, don't...what else did you come up with? Simple walking. You need CONTINUOUS exercise, that's why I chose walking. Look here: After sleep there is little glycogen, but it is there. It will be enough for 30 minutes of your classes. Therefore, the load should last at least 40 minutes, preferably an hour.

What can overweight people do for an hour? Run for an hour? - I am begging you. Swim? yeah...Plus, this is the most aesthetically pleasing look; not everyone wants to run and shake like jellied meat while others look on...

Therefore, only walking. It may not be the most energy-intensive sport, but you will definitely complete an hour and protect your muscles from destruction. Many people are afraid of losing muscle mass when exercising on an empty stomach. Believe me, when walking for an hour and a half, this will not threaten you.

You need to walk 10,000 steps, 8 km. Buy a pedometer at the pharmacy, it costs approximately 800 rubles. There is no need to rush, just walk, of course, if it’s really difficult for you to move, walk as much as you can. Walk twice a day, three times, but at least 10,000 steps. It is necessary to walk in the fresh air, because any combustion occurs only with a sufficient or even excess amount of oxygen. The street is best. If you are at home, open the window wider.

And here they are all factors for weight loss at night:

  • protein food,
  • hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
  • When you come back from a walk, you don’t need to play “locust” right away. You will really want to eat at first, be patient for at least 20 minutes, if you can, an hour. Our body does not have a stop tap, and it needs time to complete metabolic processes (and while the body slows down the consumption of fats as energy, it will be burned a little more) and then you will eat, not CAKE of course. And what? Proteins, proteins, proteins, with fiber It's simple.

    You can walk in the morning, you can after work, of course the result will not be as stunning as after the morning, but the weight will still go off. The main thing is to walk. Can't do it in the morning? go in the evening!

    Every day at least 10,000 steps. And on weekends, go for a longer walk in the morning. If you don’t walk in the morning, you can have breakfast after waking up (if you have an appetite) with protein and fiber (kefir, nuts and fiber for example), or take it to work! Not bad right?

    To lose weight quickly, you don't have to go on a strict diet and spend all your free time in the gym. Will help with the issue of excess weight walking for weight loss, there are many opinions, both positive and negative, about such physical activity. Some consider walking the simplest and most useful way to lose weight, while others do not see any advantages in it in terms of fighting extra pounds. Who is right in this debate?

    Losing weight by walking is a physical activity that, when done correctly, promotes weight loss. The main thing is to know the basic rules of fast walking. This article will help you understand all the intricacies of race walking for weight loss. Just walking in the park can burn fat in your body. After reading this article, you will learn how to walk athletically and lose weight at the same time.

    Fast walking is excellent, which not only promotes weight loss, but also strengthens the heart muscle. You can talk about the benefits of a quick step for hours, especially if the sports walk takes place in the fresh air, for example, in a park or in the countryside. Walking helps the body get enough oxygen. The blood is saturated and the brain functions faster. You need to breathe fresh air every day, at least 1 hour. This amount of time can be divided into half an hour. People who spend the whole day in the office at the computer suffer from heart and vascular diseases much more often than people who give their body a 1-2 hour “recharge” in the fresh air.

    Even walking in place will help improve your heart condition. Any cardio exercise aimed at starting with walking in place. This is a natural physiological process for the body, which not only promotes weight loss, but also strengthens muscles.

    Intensive walking has a positive effect on the entire body:

    • the muscle corset is strengthened, the spine is aligned,
    • the blood is saturated with oxygen,
    • blood cholesterol levels decrease,
    • reduces the likelihood of becoming a victim of a heart attack or stroke,
    • nervous tension in the body decreases,
    • is improving,
    • strengthens the muscles of the legs, arms, back and abdomen,
    • headaches go away
    • blood sugar levels decrease,
    • general mood improves,
    • vitality and brain activity increase.

    In addition, even people with a lot of extra pounds can lose weight by walking. Walking at a fast pace can have a complex effect on the functioning of all organs and systems. For people who suffer, walking can replace a full hour-long workout in the gym. The main thing is not to lose pace. An evening walk at a fast pace will not only help you burn off the calories you ate at dinner, but will also calm your nervous system. Walking in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on the duration and quality of sleep.

    Calorie consumption table when walking

    Kind of activity Kilocalorie consumption per hour
    for 50 kg weight for 60 kg weight for 70 kg weight for 80 kg weight
    Race walking 297 357 416 475
    Running (8 km/h) 346 416 485 554
    Running (16 km/h) 536 643 750 857
    Cross country running 429 514 600 686
    Running up and down the steps 386 463 540 617
    Running up the steps 643 771 900 1029
    Slow walking 134 161 188 214
    Hiking (4 km/h) 168 201 235 269
    Walking (at a speed of 5.8 km/h) 225 270 315 360
    Walking, 7.2 km/h 280 336 392 309
    Walking uphill (15% gradient, 3.8 km/h) 270 324 378 432
    Walking the dog 143 171 200 229
    Shopping 150 180 210 240
    Playing with children with walking and running 201 241 281 321

    Walking is a physical exercise that can be done by anyone at any age. Of course, a fast pace will be contraindicated for pregnant women; people who have problems with blood pressure, as well as those who have problems with the joints and spine.

    How to prepare for a walk outside?

    To walk properly and lose weight, you need to carefully choose equipment - clothes and shoes. Below we provide simple rules that will help you make your walk effective.

    • Sports shoes should have a stable and elastic platform. They should be well cushioned. If the shoes are inelastic, then the load on the foot will be increased. Also, shoes should be chosen according to size - no more and no less.
    • Clothing should be chosen according to the season. If possible, the fabric should be simple and non-synthetic so that the skin can also breathe while walking.
    • The stairs will help pump up your leg muscles and increase endurance. For people who live in a multi-story building, walking up the stairs can be good for strengthening the heart. Walking up stairs is an analogue.
    • You need to walk for weight loss after eating, after 2-3 hours. The stomach should be incomplete.
    • First you need to choose a route for walking training. If possible, it is better to choose it through a park or square. The ideal option is walking paths in the countryside, where there are no car exhausts.
    • Before you start walking, you need to drink 1 glass of water. The same procedure must be repeated after class.

    In winter, when it is frosty or windy outside, you need to take care that your skin and lips do not become chapped. To protect them, it is better to apply chapstick and moisturizer 10 minutes before training.

    How to walk correctly to lose weight?

    Hiking for weight loss is not just about waddling. Race walking at a fast pace has a number of rules.

    • Walking will be effective if the training is daily. Every day you need to devote at least 1 hour to brisk walking. This time can be divided into 2 workouts for half an hour - in the morning and in the evening. One day a week should be devoted to an hour-long lesson.
    • You need to remember speed! The pace should be as if the person was late for something. When walking to lose weight, the speed should be such that a person can talk, but not sing.
    • During an hour-long workout, a person should drink enough water. The liquid will help you lose weight. You can drink in small sips. At the end of the workout, after 10 minutes you need to drink 1 glass of water.
    • Before you start walking to lose weight, it is important to warm up all your muscles. Enough to carry it out. You should start your walk at a slow pace.
    • Walking at a fast pace to lose weight needs to be done correctly. To do this, your back should be as straight as possible and your head should look forward. Place your feet first on your heels, and then gradually transfer your weight to your toes. The entire body weight must be distributed evenly from one leg to the other. Steps should be fast, but not wide. Your arms need to be bent at the elbows, and they should help when walking. They need to be moved from bottom to top. Keep your hands at waist level, smoothly lifting them towards your chest.
    • At the end of the walk, you need to walk at a slow pace to restore your heart rate. Walk at a slow pace for 5 minutes.
    • While walking to lose weight, you need to inhale air through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. It is especially important to adhere to this rule when walking in the cold season.

    Walking for weight loss has many positive reviews and results. On average, you can lose about 3-4 kg in a month of daily training. This rate of weight loss is considered one of the most optimal. The body does not feel stress, and the kilograms do not return.

    The process of losing weight can be accelerated by adjusting your diet. Every fitness trainer will say that a diet for weight loss should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits by a third. Mostly you need to eat foods rich in protein and long carbohydrate compounds. Also, we must not forget about water, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of it every day. Weight loss will be noticeable if you remove sweet pastries, candies, and fatty foods from your diet. Fast walking combined with a healthy diet will not only help in the process of losing weight, but will also strengthen the overall condition of the body.

    Walking for weight loss - results and reviews

    We invite you to study the reviews below about walking for weight loss; they will help you decide how much walking you need to do to achieve the effect.

    Elena, 33 years old: I tried to lose weight for 4 years and all to no avail. I tried all the diets, went to the gym, but... I went to a specialist as my last hope and received simple advice from him to try brisk walking. I started without much desire, because I didn’t believe that it could help, but after a week the scales showed minus three kilograms. After this, I became more energetic, and for two years now walking has become my constant habit. And yes, of course, my figure is now the envy of everyone.

    Irina, 46 years old: She started playing sports at a young age and continued jogging and exercising until adulthood. Of course, there were no heavy loads, but these activities were enough for me to keep myself in good shape. About five years ago, after a sore throat, I developed heart problems; At the appointment, the doctor made it clear that I would have to forget about running. I didn’t think twice about it, I quickly found an alternative - walking alternating fast and slow paces. So I continue to stay in shape, and at the same time take care of my heart.

    Maria, 24 years old: It all started when my friends decided to try Nordic walking and started persuading me to join. At first I refused them with humor, because I was sure: sport and I were incompatible. But after a week, looking at the toned bodies of my girlfriends, I finally decided. At first it was a little hard, but then it was okay, I got into it and feel great - especially considering my slim figure: I lost 8 kg in 25 days.

    Top 7 best drugs for weight loss:

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    990 rub.

    In recent years, recreational walking has become increasingly widespread. People choose it as an alternative to fitness classes. In addition, doctors have long proven that aerobic exercise received by a person while walking contributes to the effective consumption of fat deposits.

    If you need to set aside precious time to visit the gym, then there are no obstacles to walking. It is enough to walk a few stops in the morning on the way to work and in the evening on the way from work to get the necessary exercise for losing excess weight. This explains why walking to burn fat has become popular.

    On average, every person walks at least 1 km per day. And this, even if you don’t leave the house at all. Working people who are moderately active during the day walk an average of 7 to 10 kilometers. At the same time, they do not experience fatigue or tiredness. At the same time, people who sit at a computer most of the day will not be able to walk this distance without getting tired. But with due patience and proper preparation, they will conquer this distance. They will be able to walk long distances and still feel great.

    If a person decides to take up walking to lose weight, it will be useful for him to know how many calories walking burns. This information will help you choose the right diet and determine the intensity of your exercise.

    How do age and gender affect calorie expenditure?

    Not long ago, scientists conducted studies to determine the effect of age and height on calorie expenditure when walking. It was possible to establish that children and short people spend more energy than tall people. This is explained by the fact that to cover the same distance, small people have to take more steps due to their short legs.

    Tall people have much wider strides, so they spend much less energy on movement. It turns out that for tall people, regular trips to the store and to work will not be enough to lose weight, because fewer calories are spent, even taking into account the greater energy expenditure to maintain greater body weight. That is, tall people need to purposefully engage in walking to lose weight.

    Factors affecting calorie burning when walking

    It's no secret that if you walk the same distance over rough terrain and on smooth asphalt, the calorie consumption will be different. Energy burned while walking is influenced by the following factors:

    Ideally, it is enough for any person to walk a couple of kilometers a day in a sporty style over rough terrain to feel in excellent shape. Such a walk takes little time, it does not tire you, strengthens the muscle frame, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. At the same time, such walking burns enough calories to reduce body fat.

    How many calories does walking cost?

    To understand how much energy will be burned when walking 1 km, you need to take into account your own weight and average speed. For example, an average person in terms of height and weight will spend approximately 200 calories during a normal walk over a distance of 1 km at a speed of 2–4 km per hour. For the same person, race walking at a speed of 5 km per hour will burn at least 300 calories. And if you combine different styles and methods of walking, then energy consumption during movement can be increased even more.

    To increase energy burning, it is very useful for walking over rough terrain. Even ordinary city stairs and hills can be a good way to increase the intensity of exercise. Movement along them will allow you to better develop your muscles. It is very important to monitor your heart rate. Excessive loads can negatively affect your well-being.

    Rules for burning calories while walking

    If the purpose of walking is to get rid of excess weight, then to achieve maximum results you need comply with the following conditions and rules:

    How long does a beginner need to walk?

    An untrained person should not immediately take up walking long distances at a fast pace. It won't do any good. It would be right to start with hour-long walks at a leisurely pace. In this case, you will need to do it a couple of times within an hour. speed up for 5–10 minutes. Such accelerations will not allow you to get tired, but will be a good training load for the body. Gradually, a person will come to hour-long walks at an average pace.

    Increased calorie expenditure when walking

    The human body adapts very quickly to various stresses. Walking is no exception. At some point, the amount of calories you burn while walking will decrease. How to get out of this situation? There are several ways to deal with the problem.

    The first and simplest is to increase the pace of movement.

    The second way is to add weight. You can purchase special weights for your arms and legs. However, you need to remember that they can lead to injury.

    Third way - start walking with poles. This is the so-called Nordic walking. Poles allow you to use more muscles while walking and increase energy expenditure during movement by almost 50%.

    The fourth ability is to start walking up stairs. This will increase your burn by 45-50 calories per hour. Any flight of stairs is suitable for practicing. The main thing is not to take on a large load right away. You need to start by walking for 10-15 minutes and gradually increase the exercise time to 30 minutes. If your muscles start to hurt while walking up the stairs, take a short break.

    There is a misconception that you can get rid of excess weight only by sticking to and exhausting yourself with long workouts in the gym. But nutritionists and fitness trainers argue that this theory is not entirely true. To correct your figure, you need to change your lifestyle and make it more dynamic.

    If a person does not have the opportunity to visit the gym or purchase a swimming pool membership, this will be a real salvation. Numerous clinical experiments and reviews from people confirm that constant walking and race walking will help you get rid of excess fat deposits and make your thighs and legs more toned and attractive. But in order to achieve the expected effect, you need to figure out how to walk correctly in order to lose weight.

    There is only one way to remove excess fat - it is burned by muscles during physical activity. Experts warn that it is quite difficult to get rid of extra pounds by limiting your food intake and constantly consuming laxatives or diuretics.

    This is because more than 90% of fat is “burned” in muscle fibers in the presence of oxygen. This fact must be remembered and taken for granted. To achieve results and lose weight, you will have to not only adhere to proper nutrition, but also constantly move. Moreover, this will need to be done daily.

    To speed up the process of burning and oxidizing fat, an excessive amount of oxygen must be present in the muscles.

    In this case, weight loss will occur not only during exercise or physical activity, but even if the person is at rest. The difference is that in working muscles this process takes place many times faster.

    People who want to lose weight need to remember that leading a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity negatively affects the ability of muscle fibers to oxidize fat. This fact has been confirmed by the world's leading nutritionists.

    In people who lead a passive lifestyle, the ability to activate fatty acids is higher than the ability to oxidize them. This leads to more than 70% of incoming fats are deposited in subcutaneous fat tissues. To develop the ability to burn fat, a person needs to move as much as possible.

    Important! Most of the muscle fibers that have the ability to oxidize fat deposits are localized in the thigh and calf muscles.

    Why walking is better than running

    When deciding how to lose weight faster, many people wonder what is better to choose: running or walking for weight loss. Nutritionists and fitness instructors advise beginners to stop at walking. The choice falls on this method because it has the following advantages:

    Running will also help you achieve a slim body, but unlike walking, it has more requirements that must be taken into account:

    • a person must have sufficiently strong menisci and intervertebral discs, otherwise jogging can cause complications;
    • when running, your legs will become slimmer faster, but if the training is done incorrectly, the lower limbs may become too pumped up;
    • if a person runs on asphalt, this will increase the load on the joints and may contribute to their damage. To prevent such complications, you need to run in parks on the ground, or in stadiums with a special coating.

    If a person has not exercised for a long time, it is best to start with walking, and the first workouts should be quite short. In the future, the loads can be increased (move at higher speeds, climb uphill).

    Despite the fact that walking is considered the safest form of physical activity, it also has certain contraindications. It is not recommended for people who have recently suffered knee or ankle injuries. Patients suffering from severe heart disease should also avoid walking.

    What processes take place in the body when walking?

    Not all people understand how walking and excess weight are connected. This is why many people prefer to spend time in gyms rather than outdoors. Moreover, doubts often arise due to the fact that while walking a person will not sweat in streams, and the next morning all his muscles will not ache.

    However, walking against cellulite and fat is very effective, this is due to the following processes:

    If a person walks in the fresh air every day for at least 45 minutes and adheres to proper nutrition, he will be able to lose 1.5-2 kg per week. It is impossible to say how many calories will be burned during such activities, since it depends on the intensity and duration of the training.

    Does walking help you lose weight in your legs and thighs?

    Since during walking the main load falls on the lower limbs, the first thing to lose weight is the legs. This is due to the fact that when walking, the thigh and calf muscles mainly work. Accordingly, fat will be burned first on the legs and hips.

    Types of walking for weight loss

    It must be borne in mind that the final result largely depends on what type of walking is chosen, since this determines how the muscles will work. If a person just likes to walk in the fresh air in the evenings, then such walking will help to lose a maximum of 1 kilogram per week, since the load on the limbs will be minimal.

    But such a pastime is perfect for people who do not have problems with excess weight, since such walks will help keep the body in the right shape. If a person wants to get rid of extra pounds as quickly as possible, he will have to do more intense training at a sports pace.

    Currently, there are several types of walking, the most popular are:

    • race walking;
    • upward movement;
    • moving backwards;
    • treadmill.

    Sports type

    The optimal way to quickly burn extra pounds. This type of workout not only helps tone your buttocks and thighs, but also strengthens your abdominal muscles. Before starting your workout, you need to warm up properly.

    The step should be fast and short, and the person also needs to learn to transfer weight from heel to toe. During execution, the back should be straight and the stomach should be retracted. To achieve the expected result, it is very important to change the speed periodically.

    Walking up

    Taking the stairs or walking uphill is the best way to reduce hip size (especially in the front and back).

    During such training, it is strictly forbidden to hold the railing with your hands; the forelimbs must be bent at the elbows and move back and forth along the body. You need to breathe this way: inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

    Moving with your back

    Such loads strengthen the muscle fibers of the lower limbs and back. Before you start training, you need to find a flat area (preferably not paved).

    Place your hands on your belt, straighten your back and begin to move at a slow pace, gradually accelerating.

    Exercises on the track

    The main advantage of such walking is that during training you can monitor your heart rate and load. Both nutritionists and fitness instructors assure that this type of exercise is no different from walking in the fresh air.


    In order to achieve a positive result as quickly as possible, you need not only to regularly walk in the fresh air, but also to change your diet and start leading a healthy lifestyle.

    Walking is best done in the evening, as it will help improve your health and burn fat. The best option is to alternate each of the above methods (each type of walking should last about 15 minutes). When the body gets used to the loads, they will need to be increased.