Grigor Dimitrov and Maria. Grigor Dimitrov is the conqueror of tennis tournaments and women's hearts. Federer believes in winning the Slam

After the US Open, all players were given the opportunity to choose whether to play (and if so, where) or rest. The women's Asian series started, and the men went to Metz after the Davis Cup matches. We tried to select news from the information flow that was not directly related to tennis.

Ivanovich broke up with Schweinsteiger...

The former Serbian world number one broke up with Bayern Munich and Germany national football team midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger. According to the source, the world champion, after two months of relationship with Ana, decided to return to his ex-girlfriend Sarah Brander. “Sara holds a special place in my heart,” the footballer confirmed the information.

...and Kirilenko is again with a young man

On the contrary, she admitted that. Not long ago she broke up with hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. “My heart is not free now. And my eyes now speak for me about everything - everything is really fine with me,” Hello magazine quotes Kirilenko as saying.

Cibulkova did not feel the earthquake

She said that she did not feel the earthquake that occurred during her match in the first round of the tournament in Tokyo. “I didn’t feel the earthquake. People were talking about him, but I didn’t understand what was happening. However, after the game the referee told me everything. This has never happened to me before.”

Olkhovsky and Chesnokov received ITF awards

Famous Russian tennis players Andrey Olkhovsky and Andrey Chesnokov (ITF). The ex-players were invited to the court immediately after the end of the Davis Cup doubles match between Russia and Portugal. To the applause of the audience, Olkhovsky and Chesnokov accepted congratulations from the captain of the Russian national team, Shamil Tarpishchev. The award is given to players who have taken part in at least 20 Davis Cup matches. Olkhovsky played twice with the Russian national team in the finals of the prestigious tournament. Chesnokov also reached the final; in the semi-final of that draw he managed to win back nine match points from the German Michael Stich.

Venus Williams learned the basics of curling

As part of the tournament in Quebec, I played curling for the first time, a game that is very popular in Canada. "It is very interesting. I really wanted to try my hand at curling. However, I’m too tall, so I can only handle the brush, because if I sit down, I might not get up.”

McIlroy shocked Wozniacki

The Danish tennis player spoke about her breakup with famous golfer Rory McIlroy. Let us recall that, according to the 25-year-old golfer, he realized that he was not ready for marriage, therefore. "I was shocked. I hoped that this conversation would at least take place face to face, but this did not happen. He called me and then didn't say anything else. It was very difficult for me because from the very beginning he made the story of our relationship public. He issued a press release, that's all. I would like to date a tall guy so I can wear heels. I am looking for a sincere person with whom I will have fun. This man shouldn't take himself too seriously."

Hogstedt has a hard time with Stevens

Thomas Hogstedt, American coach. “What I like about her character is that she is not afraid of anyone. She loves big tournaments, but getting her to work on her game every day is a huge challenge. To progress you must either play well or struggle when you cannot show your best tennis. We still have a lot of work ahead of us."

Toni Nadal criticized his compatriots

Uncle and coach Toni Nadal believes that not all players are taking the Davis Cup responsibly. Let us remember that Spain sensationally lost to Brazil. “Many players who have received support from the Spanish Tennis Federation do not want to somehow repay it for this help. Carlos Moya did not want to put pressure on the players who decided to miss the match with Brazil.”

Sharapova and Dimitrov broke up

According to the Bulgarian press, they are no longer a couple. They unfollowed each other's Twitter accounts and also did not talk about each other during the US Open. Additionally, the athletes were not spotted anywhere together in New York. “They are no longer together. After an early defeat at the US Open, Sharapova told Grigor that she wanted to break up,” the source said.

Federer believes in winning the Slam

He said that he expects to win at least one more victory at tournaments “ Grand Slam" “I had a feeling that I could win the US Open. I am convinced that I will still be able to win a major tournament. I'm very close to that."

Grigor Dimitrov wooed the famous tennis player at four in the morning

A presentation of Maria SHARAPOVA’s book “Unstoppable: My Life So Far” took place in New York. The memoirs were published on English language, the Russian version will appear no earlier than October. But Express Gazeta is not used to waiting. Do you want to know why Masha broke up with Slovenian basketball player Sasha VUJACIC? And why does Serena WILLIAMS hate our tennis player so fiercely? Then read!

American tennis player Andy Roddick, son of a US television tycoon Charlie Ebersol, basketball player from Slovenia Sasha Vujacic, Bulgarian tennis player Grigor Dimitrov- this is not a complete list of potential suitors Maria Sharapova. But at 30 years old, Masha is still single.

They're all amazing. And that’s probably why I’m alone now, not with them,” Sharapova subtly pricked her former lovers. And she added that her heart is in this moment free. Perhaps the closest to becoming the husband of a tennis star was two-meter basketball player Sasha Vujacic.

“I didn’t have a serious relationship until I was almost 22,” Maria laments in the book. - At the end of 2009, a friend invited me to a barbecue. She called ahead and asked if I would mind if she invited someone else. I agreed, not understanding what exactly she meant.

For Sasha VUJACHICH, SHARAPOVA's success and fame have become a big problem

Vuyachic entered her house when we were already having dinner. His hair was still wet from the shower. He was wearing a tracksuit and both knees were wrapped in ice. I liked him immediately. It's Saturday night and he's just finished training? This is definitely my type. That evening we ate fried fish fillets, chatted, and then exchanged numbers.

We developed mutual understanding and intimacy, which, as it seemed to me then, were only possible between two athletes. Sasha is from Slovenia and played for the NBA's Los Angeles Lakers. He had a house in Los Angeles, he was professional athlete, tall, with an Eastern European mentality. On paper everything looked great.

But certain problems arose already at the very beginning. For example, when we were in Los Angeles, he always insisted that we stay with him, even though my house is much larger and more comfortable and is located on the same street. It was purely a male ego. He wanted to be in charge, to be at the center of everything, to control everything. He didn’t like to remember that I earned more than him. That my house is bigger, that I achieved more in tennis than he did in basketball. We never discussed this.

SHARAPOVA admitted that DIMITROV's bold question took her by surprise

About a year later we got engaged. Then I definitely wasn’t ready for a wedding and didn’t even think about it. We got engaged to announce: I only have him, and he only has me. He gave me a ring with a huge stone, which I only took off during matches.

But over time, my success, my fame, my wealth became everything to him. bigger problem. Eventually I started to feel trapped. And gradually she began to move away from him.”

When Sharapova won the Roland Garros tournament in Paris in 2012, she called Vujacic from the locker room.

“You could hear that he was in training,” the tennis player recalls. - Sasha congratulated me. I began to thank him for being with me in difficult moments, encouraging me when I was discouraged, believing in me, pushing me forward. I was all emotional. I felt that he was happy for me and touched. But when Sasha called in the evening, he was in a completely different mood. He was unhappy, almost angry. I asked: what happened? He replied that he watched the match and the award ceremony at home. I understood what happened. He got angry because I didn't thank him in my speech. And he could no longer think about anything else. I waited for many months for some sign from him - and I received it. In one single sentence. Our relationship is over."

Let us add on our own that when Marat Safin won the Australian Open in 2005, he thanked Daria Zhukova, whom he called his bride. However, she soon left for Roman Abramovich. Perhaps Sharapova, remembering that story, did not want to run ahead of the locomotive.


"I know I want you"

Maria also spoke about her affair with the Bulgarian Dimitrov, who is four years younger than her. They were brought together by the agent of a Russian tennis player Max Eisenbud. Sharapova, who was playing at a tournament in Beijing, received a message from him: “Grigor Dimitrov wants to know your number.” Max was in Miami at that moment, and there it was... four o'clock in the morning!

“I asked: why? He replied: are you fucking stupid? Do not understand?! I looked for information about Grigor on the Internet, about his age. Is he even an adult? Just now, he’s 21. “Give him my mailbox,” I wrote to Max. I remember seeing a tall, skinny boy at Wimbledon with a slightly cocky grin - he knows he's quite attractive. I told the coach: “It’s good that there was no such player in my generation. This is fraught with my career, I would be distracted by him!” I gave Grigor my BlackBerry messenger number. Then she gave me her mobile number.

My mother called these calls therapy sessions because after each conversation I had a smile on my face. We communicated remotely, but at some point he appeared on the threshold of my apartment - with red roses and a huge teddy bear. We spent a lot of time together over the course of several weeks. Then Grigor asked if I wanted to become his girlfriend. He took me by surprise. I wasn't ready for something like this. He said that he was ready to wait until I matured.

I asked myself: why would this cute guy wait for a woman who is not ready for a relationship? And she told him: “Okay, but I don’t know when I’ll be ready. Maybe in a couple of months." He replied: “Okay, I'll wait. I know what I want, and I want you." I watched him grow, how he achieved victories, then rolled back, then started winning again. I really enjoyed watching him play. I remember watching Grigor train on Christmas Day. It was just me, my best friend Estelle, him and his sparring partner. That sunny day in California was not at all associated with the approaching Christmas,” recalls Sharapova.

Maria's main offender Serena WILLIAMS recently gave birth to a daughter and named her in a sporting way - Olympia. Photo: © Reuters

They separated in 2015. But, apparently, they maintained quite warm relations. At a tournament in Madrid, which took place in May, Maria and Grigor were photographed together. They sat on the podium and had a pleasant conversation about something.

Sharapova did not forget about her main offender - the American Serena Williams. After two victories back in 2004, Masha lost 19 matches in a row.

“When the 2004 Wimbledon final ended, Serena hugged me and congratulated me. She even smiled, but inside she had different feelings. When I walked into the locker room, Williams was just sobbing. I tried to leave as quickly as possible, but she noticed my presence. Serena soon told her friend, who then told me, “I will never lose to that little bitch again.” It seems to me that she hated me because, being a little fragile girl, I defeated her in the Wimbledon final,” says Maria.

According to the former first racket of the world, many tennis players are simply jealous of her. “It drove some girls crazy that I was often in commercials. Elena Dementieva I went to tournaments with my mother. She always looked at me askance, literally glaring at me. One day, Dementieva’s mother complained to my massage therapist: “Elena cannot conclude a single contract in Japan, because Maria took them all,” says Sharapova’s book.

The famous athlete Grigor Dimitrov (tennis) proves with his results that he is the best among the racket masters in Bulgaria. And his charm and external attractiveness, like a magnet, attracts the attention of girls.

Biography of Grigor Dimitrov

The first Bulgarian racket in men's singles, Grigor Dimitrov, was born on May 16, 1991 in the city of Haskovo. He was brought up in sports family and therefore with early childhood joined the sport. His father, Dimitar, is famous in the country tennis coach, he also became the first mentor for his son, with whom he began studying at the age of 3. Grigor's mother, Maria, currently works as a physical education teacher.

In 2006, Grigor achieved his first serious success in junior tennis - he became the winner of the prestigious Orange Bowl tournament. In 2007, he reached the final of the junior doubles tournament at the US Open. In 2008, he won 2 junior Grand Slam tournaments - Wimbledon and the US Open. In the same year, young Dimitrov topped the junior rankings in singles. For his excellent results and the similarity of the technical side of the game with the style of the great Swiss tennis player Roger Federer, Grigor Dimitrov began to be called Baby Fed, or little Federer.

Achievements in professional tennis

Since 2008, Grigor Dimitrov began playing tennis on a professional basis. During its sports career he won 6 Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) tournaments: in Stockholm (Sweden, hard, 2013), Acapulco (Mexico, hard, 2014), Bucharest (Romania, clay, 2014), London (Great Britain, grass, 2014), Brisbane (Australia, hard, 2017), Sofia (Bulgaria, hard, 2017).

As can be seen from his results, Grigor is a universal tennis player who has won victories in all major types. tennis surfaces. But he considers hard and grass to be his favorite surfaces. The best results at Grand Slam tournaments in adult tennis were reaching the semi-finals of the Wimbledon tennis tournament in 2014 and Open Championship Australia in 2017.

Currently, Grigor Dimitrov ranks 11th in the ATP rankings. He had his highest ranking in 2014, when he became the 8th racket of the world in singles. His working hand is his right. The Bulgarian tennis player is currently coached by Daniel Vallverdu. The athlete earned over $8.5 million in prize money.

Hobbies outside the tennis court

The Bulgarian athlete spends most of his time on tennis court- training and competitions have accompanied him since childhood. Therefore, Grigor’s hobbies are not related to sports: he likes to collect wristwatches, play various computer games, ride with the breeze in sports cars. By the way, one of the cars, a Porshe, was given to him for his birthday by his former lover - the famous Russian tennis player, former world number one Maria Sharapova.

This beautiful couple started dating in 2012. A small age difference did not become an obstacle to the relationship between the Russian prima and the Bulgarian heartthrob. Their star-studded romance began in China in 2012. Once, while at a tournament in Shanghai, during lunch, Grigor saw on the TV screen a match with Maria Sharapova, who competed in Beijing. Of course, even before that day he knew who Sharapova was. At that moment he wanted to meet her personally, and Grigor sent Maria a letter via e-mail. For a month, the young people corresponded, and when the tennis season ended, they made their first date. At first, no one knew that famous tennis players were dating. It was only in May 2013 that the ubiquitous paparazzi were able to photograph them walking together along the streets of Madrid.

Grigor treated Maria with great tenderness, and she once admitted that this man was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Once, when the Russian woman was at a tournament in Stuttgart, he sent her a magnificent bouquet of 500 roses.

Unfortunately for fans of Maria and Grigor, in the summer of 2015 they announced their separation. Perhaps the fact that professional tennis, which they both practice, requires constant participation in tournaments from January to November. Therefore, the lovers did not have the opportunity to be together, with the exception of participating in combined tournaments, of which there are not many on the tennis calendar. According to some reports, Maria could not forgive Grigor for his betrayal - phone sex with a stranger.

After Dimitrov officially confirmed the information about the breakup with Maria Sharapova, he said that he wants to fully concentrate on his game. At that time, he was one of the 30 strongest tennis players in the world and since then he has really improved his position, becoming the 11th racket in the world.

At different times, the Bulgarian athlete was interested in other girls. Several of his novels are known. At the age of 17, he dated Slovakian tennis player Romana Caroline Tabak. A year later, a girl from Bulgaria, Simona Stefanova, with whom he maintained a romantic relationship until 2012, became his girlfriend.

In 2012, rumors appeared that Grigor Dimitrov was dating an American tennis player, the famous Serena Williams, who is 10 years older than him. But there was not a single photo in the press that would clearly indicate a romance between the tennis players. After Dimitrov began dating Sharapova, he confirmed that there was still an affair between him and Serena. But the relationship did not work out, and they broke up.

After an affair with Maria Sharapova in 2016, Grigor began to be associated with the name of the sexy Nicole Scherzinger, an American singer and dancer. In this couple, a noticeable age difference is striking - Nicole is 13 years older than her partner. In mid-May 2017, insiders reported that Grigor and Nicole had taken a break in their relationship. According to the singer's entourage, the couple is close to breaking up. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Grigor again began to communicate with Maria Sharapova. During her disqualification, he strongly supported Maria through the media, and in May 2017, at a tournament in Madrid, they were seen laughing again.