Grappling: what it is, permitted and prohibited techniques, differences from other martial arts. What is grappling? Sports wrestling grappling

Today, a fairly well-known sport - grappling - has become widespread in Russia. What is it, what are the rules and techniques of this variety, we will consider in more detail in this material.

What is grappling?

Grappling or “chess on the tatami”- This is a unique variety of intellectual and rational wrestling on the ground (on an earthen surface). A fighter in this competition must have a calculating mind and some cunning, otherwise he will not be able to defeat his opponent, especially since he may have a completely different weight category or differ in level of physical fitness.

Did you know? The arts of close combat, as is commonly believed, developed and are not unique to the East. One of the most ancient antique vases depicts wrestling warriors, one of whom presses his fingers with force on his opponent’s eyes, and with the other hand at the same time tries to tear his opponent’s mouth. “Pankration” was the name of this type of ancient martial arts.

What techniques does grappling include?

Grappling, which is considered one of the separate types of one-on-one wrestling competition, has successfully included technique many sports disciplines: judo, jiu-jitsu, sambo and freestyle wrestling.

How did “chess on the tatami” appear?

The idea of ​​creating grappling first came to the mind of Sheikh Tahnoun Bin Zayed al Nahyan, who was interested in and painstakingly studied the features of Russian combat self-defense without weapons and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. While studying in America at that time, Tahnun al Nahiyanu, out of sporting interest, tried to bring together various wrestling techniques that were different from each other to create an extremely universal and, most importantly, more effective new martial arts.

And, apparently, the sheikh succeeded, since the artificially created variety is still recognized by practitioners as the most effective among wrestling disciplines, containing not only the listed teachings, but also elements of Greco-Roman wrestling.
Later, when Tahnun returned to his homeland in the UAE, he almost immediately created the Abu Dhabi Combat Club and developed for its participants the basic rules related to grappling - they turned out to be very underwhelming. interesting view: any wrestler, showing his opponent exactly his fighting style, can feel as comfortable as possible on the ground (ring). Further, based on these rules and those who wished to follow them, a grappling federation was created.

Important! The new martial art created by the Arab sheikh has a couple of interesting names: “chess on the tatami” or “ground fighting,” which does not seem surprising, since in order to defeat an opponent, an athlete must not only have good physical training, but also a decent technical arsenal. Also important is the most advantageous position on the tatami, initially occupied by the fighter.

Advantages and disadvantages

Grappling is significantly different from other types of wrestling, and whether these differences belong to the advantages of this martial arts or its disadvantages can only be judged by amateurs and professionals of these types of sports:

  • in judo, you can win by throwing your opponent so that he lands on his back - in grappling, points are awarded for such a throw, and the competition continues until one of the participants gives up;
  • in grappling, the opponent is strangled in the “lying on his back” position and a painful hold, and turning his back to his counterpart threatens with a choke hold. In freestyle or Greco-Roman wrestling, victory is given by a fall, while the opponents often turn their backs to each other;
  • In sambo, choking techniques are strictly prohibited; in battles on the tatami, on the contrary, a wide variety of choking techniques are used.
Analyzing each of the types of wrestling art separately, we can come to the conclusion that grappling is most similar to freestyle or Greco-Roman wrestling, as well as with sambo.

Competition uniform

Fortunately, for beginners interested in grappling, there is no need to buy expensive equipment, both for training and for sports performances. Initially, you need to purchase some attributes for classes (and follow certain rules when using them):

  • rashguard is a sports compression T-shirt with short or long sleeves. Very convenient for grappling due to its breathability, quick drying and longevity. Despite the fact that it is made of synthetics, it differs from the usual “top” in its high cost;
  • shorts(necessarily short and comfortable) you can use the same ones as for sambo, or board shorts;
  • instead of shorts with a T-shirt, it is quite possible to use the uniform in which they practice freestyle wrestling, or even ordinary sweatpants;
  • any shoes(slippers, flip-flops, sneakers) are necessary, but should be worn only outside the sports mat;
  • things should not have any extraneous stripes, pockets, and especially metal or plastic components.

The competitive form is entirely dependent on the organizations hosting the competition. These can be completely different color schemes and other non-standard (every time) nuances.

Important! Hearing the prefix “gi” to the word grappling, many cannot understand what it means. In fact, there is nothing complicated: training with a “gi” means training with a kimono.

Permitted and prohibited techniques

Techniques that are allowed for use in grappling:

  • painful(on the ankles and);
  • locks(on, wrists);
  • levers(on );
  • different types strangulation except for direct obstruction of the airway.

Prohibited influences:
  • hit in the groin;
  • touch your opponent’s face with your knees and elbows;
  • bite, scratch, pinch;
  • grab ears and fingers;
  • pulling hair;
  • squeeze out eyeballs with fingers;
  • use items from sports uniforms;
  • apply substances to the body that make it slippery.

How effective are grappling exercises?

The effect of grappling classes lies, first of all, in acquired self-defense skills in a variety of life situations, including unforeseen ones, and, in addition, such classes give a person many positive qualities for the future:

To better familiarize yourself with the popular “synthetic” grappling, it is recommended to watch videos distributed on the Internet:

Grappling absolutely (within reasonable limits) has no restrictions on gender or age and, as mentioned above, is a universal and effective type of martial arts, so people who are interested in it can always gain invaluable sports experience and powerful spiritual training in such classes.

What is "Grappling"? What is its effectiveness?

Recently, grappling (ground fighting) has become increasingly popular all over the world. Grappling championships attract a huge number of participants and spectators. What attracts people to this type of martial arts? First of all - efficiency. As cliche as it sounds, being on the ground and not having good ground fighting skills will make you feel exposed and vulnerable. You must accept the fact that whether you end up on earth or not is in most cases not up to you - it just happens, regardless of your intentions. So learn to fight on the ground - this is what, according to statistics, 70% of street fights come down to! Here is what the famous master Royler Gracie says about this:

"There is no more stunning way for an aggressor to repel an attack than to throw him to the ground, where the enemy can be controlled and dominated. This control gives you the greatest opportunity to use various techniques, depending on the situation. You can be careful with the enemy, and can be brutal when you have it under control - grappling gives you a choice If you don't want to go to the ground, either because there are multiple attackers or because the ground is unsuitable, you can use your grappling skills to hold on on your feet, or to fight on your feet. You don't always have to take the fight to the ground. Quite the contrary. If you get knocked to the ground, your skill will allow you to dominate and control your opponent. However, it will also give you the tools to to stay on your feet and fight on your feet if you want."

The important role of fighting “below” was immediately understood by the participants of the first Ultimate Fighting Championships. Representatives of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, who have ground fighting skills, did not leave them a chance. Without engaging in an exchange of blows, they instantly shortened the distance, found an opportunity to be on the ground and, constantly improving their position, applied a painful or choking hold to the enemy.

Initially, most fighters of various styles believed that the one who hits the opponent harder and faster, while defending himself better, will defeat the opponent simply by beating him bloodily. Much to their surprise, the vast majority of fights followed a completely different scenario. Both fighters started with punches and kicks, but then quickly settled into a clinch. Then, as a rule, they ended up on the ground. Fighters who had experience fighting on the ground received a clear advantage, while the rest, finding themselves there against their will, became practically helpless, having absolutely no idea what to do in this situation. Representatives of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, having excellent command of prone fighting techniques, convincingly won victory after victory. They didn't have to beat up their opponents. Instead, they quickly wrestled them to the ground and then used various locks and chokes to force the opponent to submit. In some cases, when the Brazilians themselves were taken to the ground, they used highly polished ground fighting skills to win while under their opponents. At that time it was something completely new. For most people, being on top of your opponent practically meant defeating him. Before everyone's eyes, the dream of all martial arts came true - they saw a style that allows a small person to defeat a larger, stronger, more skilled opponent with a minimum of violence and blood.

It became obvious that ownership is only percussion techniques left no chance for the fighters to win, and on the contrary, mastery of special techniques - strangulations and painful locks, which force the enemy to surrender or cause severe damage to his joints or deprive him of consciousness, was the most effective way achieving victory is much more effective than blows.
To date, the level of skill has increased many times over. There are many bright, experienced fighters, each with their own style of fighting. But all of them, every last person, understood that without honed ground fighting skills there was nothing to do there.

What will Grappling classes give you?

You will learn to be extremely stable in the fight, to use not only your arms or legs to fight - your whole body will become a fighting tool. Learn how to perform chokeholds and painful techniques, strike from any position or, conversely, pin down the enemy.
Many people, especially as they get older, are put off from wrestling by the fear of falling to the ground. In grappling, falls are kept to a minimum. There is a fairly extensive arsenal of knocking down the enemy without performing throws.

Once you start grappling, you will feel the results after just a few sessions. Your physical condition - endurance, strength - will increase many times over from activity to activity.
-You will have an incentive to improve your physical fitness- engage in strength and general physical training.
-In a dispute with representatives of other types of martial arts, your ability to fight will be your convincing argument.
-Your figure will become athletic and fit.

  • The winner is determined by the amount of points scored.
  • The duration of the fight on the ground is not limited.
  • Time of the fight: adults, juniors - 5 minutes; senior and junior boys - 4 minutes; children - 3 min; teenagers - 2 min.
  • In case of an equal number of points, the winner is determined sequentially according to the following criteria:

1. Victory in terms of quality (most high ratings);
2. Victory by warnings (by fewer warnings).

If it is impossible to identify a winner based on these criteria, an additional round (1 min) is given from the position Back MountRestart Position or Armbar Restart Position. If the attacking athlete managed to perform a painful or suffocating hold, he is awarded a victory; if not, then the victory is awarded to the defending athlete.


No-Gi version (without kimono)
The equipment of the wrestler with number one should be red, the equipment of the wrestler with number two should be blue.
Wrestling shorts must be either red or blue depending on the color of the jersey,
or a neutral color such as black, white or grey.

Gi version (in kimono)
The number one wrestler's kimono must be red or white, the number two wrestler's kimono must be blue or black.

  • Athletes are prohibited from wearing shoes or a groin protector.


  • wrestling standing and lying down
  • performing throws, chokes, painful holds on arms and legs
  • performing holds (dominant positions) - 3 sec.
  • performing coups and other technical actions of wrestling while lying down


  • Intentionally injure bones or joints (i.e. not giving the opponent enough time to submit when performing a painful hold);
  • Pinching, hitting, biting, grabbing hair, nose, ears, groin area;
  • Poking in the eyes, ears, nose; place fingers in mouth;
  • Throwing an opponent onto his head or neck from a standing position;
  • Slam your opponent on the mat when he is applying a painful or choking hold if his body is above the level of the waist;
  • Fall on your back from a standing position if the opponent makes a tackle from behind;
  • Carry out throws using painful holds;
  • Choking with fingers;
  • Strangle with a belt;
  • Roll the foot outward or inward;
  • Press the chin with your forearm from behind;
  • Impact on the neck (for example, techniques such as “crucifixion” (stretching both arms of the opponent while pinching one of them with the legs from behind), “full Nelson” (impact on the back of the head with both hands from under the opponent’s armpits), “opener” (pulling the head with two hands clasped at the back of the head);
  • Impact small joints (fingers);
  • Grasp less than 4 fingers or toes;
  • Deliberately grabbing the uniform and skin (in the version without a kimono);
  • Rub or spray the skin with anything or use any protective, dressing or other materials without the permission of the competition doctor and without the consent of the referee on the mat;
  • Argue, argue or insult anyone in the competition area;
  • Feign injury;
  • For children and adolescents, it is prohibited to perform the “Guillotine” choke and the painful “Foot-lock”.


Points are scored by maintaining a dominant position for 3 seconds.
Takedown- any transition from a standing position to a lying position with control for 3 seconds (2 points without amplitude, 3 points with amplitude). If the athlete then continues to hold the opponent for 3 seconds, having reached the evaluated position, then he will be additionally awarded points for holding in this position. For example: +3 for getting out of a SideMount hold throw, +4 for getting out of a FullMount hold throw, +4 for getting out of a BackMount hold throw.

Fast Takedown Action- if, within 3 seconds after the referee’s command to continue the fight from a neutral position, the athlete manages to make a throw with control, in this case he is awarded an additional 2 points.

Reversal (change of position to dominant)- 2 points for changing your position from vulnerable to dominant or emerging from any position on your back and then establishing a dominant position + points awarded for the chosen dominant position (for example, +3 points for entering SideMount, +4 points for exiting FullMount, +4 points for going to BackMount).

Dominant positions (hold for 3 seconds) - 3, 4, 4 points
SideMount (3 points): Hold from the side/ across/ from the side of the head/ with or without placing the knee on the opponent.
FullMount (4 points): Hold from above, sitting face to face, or chest to back of the opponent, touching the mat with both knees.
BackMount (4 points): Hold from behind, chest to back of the opponent, with both feet placed between the thighs, while the attacker’s legs are not crossed. BackMount can also be performed on an opponent in a standing position.
Points for maintaining dominant positions are awarded according to a progression system, i.e. an athlete can only receive SideMount => FullMount => BackMount sequentially, but not vice versa.
Marks for positions begin to be awarded again in ascending order if the athlete who was on the bottom restores the closed guard for 3 seconds, performs a Reversal, or stands in a stance for 3 seconds.

Activity- 1 point:
- amplitude throw without control (less than 3 seconds) or outside the mat;
- a real attempt at a painful or suffocating hold for 3 seconds.

A clear victory is awarded for:
. painful or choking hold
. due to the obvious advantage (with a difference in the received scores of 15 points)
. if the opponent refuses to continue the fight
. removed by a doctor due to injury
. removal of an opponent by a coach or team official
. upon disqualification of the opponent

START AND RESUME OF THE BATTLE always starts in the center of the carpet.

  • Neutral position

Athletes take a neutral position at the beginning of the bout. Athletes stand opposite each other in the center of the mat, waiting for the referee's whistle.
Athletes will also be placed in a neutral position if no athlete has gained a standing advantage after leaving the mat.

  • Closed Guard Restart Position

Athletes are placed in this position in a situation where the athletes were in the closed guard position for at least 3 seconds before leaving the mat and stopping the fight.

  • Half Guard Restart Position

Athletes are placed in this position in a situation where the athletes were in the half-guard position for at least 3 seconds before leaving the mat and stopping the fight.

  • Open Guard Restart Position

Athletes are placed in this position in a situation where, during a fight on the ground, the athletes left the mat from the FullMount or BackMount positions, when none of the athletes managed to score points for the hold.

  • Side Control Restart Position

Athletes are placed in this position in a situation where the attacking athlete has been awarded points for SideMount, after which the athletes exit the mat while the dominant athlete maintains control over the opponent. From this position, in order to score points, you can only exit by holding FullMount or BackMount.

  • Mount Restart Position

Athletes are placed in this position in a situation where the attacking athlete has been awarded points for FullMount, after which the athletes exit the mat and the dominant athlete maintains control over the opponent. From this position, in order to score points, you can only leave by holding BackMount.

  • Back Control Restart Position

Athletes are placed in this position in a situation where the attacking athlete has been awarded points for BackMount, after which the athletes exit the mat while the dominant athlete maintains control over the opponent. From this position, the attacking athlete cannot score points for holds.

Punishment system:

Verbal warning
. First warning - 1 point to the opponent
. Second warning - 1 point to the opponent
. Third warning - 1 point to the opponent
. Fourth warning - disqualification


If an athlete's or coach's words, gestures or actions go beyond what is acceptable, a yellow card may be awarded, followed by a red card. In the event of a gross violation of the Code of Ethics, the refereeing committee has the right to immediately award the athlete or coach a red card without awarding a yellow card.

Types of violations:

Simulation of injury;
. Causing injury to an opponent using a prohibited technique;
. Going beyond the carpet to avoid injury when performing a painful or choking technique;
. Fixed fight;
. Insults during a fight;
. Aggressiveness towards judges;
. Threats against judges;
. Physical contact with judges;
. Throwing ammunition onto the carpet;
. Disputes and interruption of the fight;
. Refusal to remain on the mat during the announcement of the winner.


Exiting or leaving the mat during a fight or stoppages
. constantly fighting on the edge of the mat to avoid throws and attacks from the opponent
. holding, fettering the opponent’s actions in the closed guard position without attempts to perform a technique (the actions of the lower athlete are aimed only at preventing the opponent’s attempts to pass the guard; the actions of the upper athlete are not aimed at passing the guard)
. any delay in time (when returning to the center of the mat to continue the fight, communicating with a second, etc.)
. repeated defensive actions
. false start
. taking a deliberately incorrect position during restart
. transition to a standing position from the ground without continuing the attack
. moving to the ground without contact
. no attack actions for 15 seconds.

Stopping the fight

If for any reason the bout must be interrupted (e.g. referees' consultations, injuries, blood, etc.), athletes must stand or sit in the center of the mat facing the referees' table and are prohibited from talking to anyone or drinking liquids. they must wait for the referee's command to continue the match. An athlete is given no more than 2 minutes per fight to receive medical assistance.


Protests are considered only during the fight for 10 seconds. after a referee's mistake.
. You can only appeal the award or non-award of a mark for technical actions (but not activity, warnings, passivity and rudeness).
. When considering a protest, video recording is used.
. If the athlete does not agree with the coach’s decision, the match continues without consideration of the protest.
. The athlete has the right to one appeal during the bout. If the submitted appeal is satisfied by the main judge, then the right to submit can be used again during the match. If the appeal is not satisfied, the athlete loses the right to appeal in this match, and his opponent is awarded an additional 5 points.

NOTE: You can only protest decisions and situations related to execution technique. Referee decisions related to activity, warnings, passivity and rudeness cannot be appealed by coaches.

ATTENTION! In accordance with the competition rules of the All-Russian Grappling Federation approved by the Russian Ministry of Sports and Tourism, an athlete who strikes an opponent during a competition is disqualified for 2 years. An athlete who hits any team representative or judge during or after the competition will be disqualified forever!

Wide circle sports fans does not yet know well enough what grappling is. In fact, this is one of the most dynamically developing types of martial arts, which combines effective techniques and techniques of different wrestling schools. Grappling grew out of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo, sambo, incorporating all the best of the above martial arts.


Traditional types of wrestling - freestyle and especially Greco-Roman - are in crisis today, losing their followers every year due to the steady increase in popularity modern species martial arts Grappling wrestling is one of the youngest and most promising areas among them.

This is a type of martial arts that is characterized by minimal restrictions on the use of choking and painful techniques and includes techniques from Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo, freestyle and other schools of wrestling.

Hitting and using weapons is prohibited. What grappling is and how it differs from classical martial arts can be understood by the rules for determining the winner in a fight. In Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling main goal is to occupy a dominant position, that is, knocking the opponent onto his back; in judo and sambo, the main attention is paid to performing techniques that are awarded points. In grappling, early termination of the fight is encouraged due to effective application painful and suffocating techniques.

Die Hard teacher

Just as seven cities lay claim to the title of Homer's birthplace, two martial arts enthusiasts can equally be called the father of grappling.

In the traditional version, the American wrestler Gene Le Bell is considered the founder of this type of martial arts. He was a US judo champion and served as professional wrestler. Studying different types of wrestling, from classical to judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, he developed his own unique technique, which included the use of various techniques.

Such famous Hollywood actors as Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris and others were students of the American sensei. It was Le Bell who coined the term “grappling.” In the early nineties, Jin released a whole series of books about a new type of martial arts.

In 1995, the first US Championship was held, it was here that the Grappling Federation was organized, which unites greatest number athletes.

Closing the circle

Also, the Arab Sheikh Tahnoun bin Zayed played a significant role in the development of the new sport. Not yet knowing what grappling was, in his youth, while studying in the USA, he became interested in it different styles martial arts, including Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo.

Each of the mentors claimed that it was his struggle that was the most effective. The inquisitive Arab decided to learn the truth in practice and, upon returning to his homeland, founded his own martial arts club in Abu Dhabi.

Here he, together with coach Nelson Monteiro, developed rules for competitions with minimal restrictions, in which representatives of various schools of wrestling - from Greco-Roman to sambo - could participate. He decided to call them very eloquently - Submission Fighting, that is, “fighting until submission,” which quite clearly described the essence of the competition. The first tournament was held in 1998, ushering in the era of grappling development on a global scale.

It is very symbolic that, rooted in Japanese martial arts, grappling received a new impetus for development in the East.

Tactics and technique

Minimal restrictions on the use of painful and suffocating techniques determine a unique grappling technique. The fighters spend most of the fight on the ground, trying to force their opponent to submit, using all the capabilities of their body.

Spectacular, beautiful throws are the prerogative of judo and sambo, but here there is an exhausting, tactical fight in the prone position.

The main type of throw that clearly characterizes what grappling is is the takedown. In essence, this is simply knocking the opponent down and transferring further fight to the floor of the ring. It is used especially often because of its simplicity and reliability, as opposed to spectacular, but technically complex throws.

Having taken a dominant position, the wrestler seeks to perform a painful or suffocating technique. The latter are divided into air and blood, when they clamp the carotid artery of the enemy.

Lever and assembly

The arsenal of painful techniques in grappling is very rich and has a wide range. Only manipulations with small joints, that is, with the fingers, are prohibited, as well as unsportsmanlike techniques such as scratching, gouging out eyes and other barbaric tricks.

In general, painful techniques in grappling can be divided into three groups. The most popular are levers. In this case, the opponent's joint is bent in the direction opposite to its normal movement.

Wrestlers also effectively use various types of knots. Here the joint is twisted along the axis of rotation, reproducing the squeezing of the “underwear”.

The third type of painful techniques is considered the most dangerous - pinching. In them, the opponent’s muscles are compressed between the bones or the joint is separated by powerful indentation. Injuries can lead to serious injuries, and are prohibited in most combat sports.


There is no single grappling federation in the world. Nevertheless, we can identify a number of the most influential organizations that oversee the development of this type of struggle.

The most authoritative and oldest of them is the UWW, the “monster” overseeing traditional types wrestling - Greco-Roman and freestyle. UWW holds annual world and European championships among men and women, boys and girls, being a catalyst for the development of this sport.

NAGA is the North American Grappling Federation, which represents almost 50,000 wrestlers. Annual tournaments have been held in the United States since 1995.

ADCC - Abu Dhabi Fight Club, the brainchild of Sheikh Tahnoun, considered by many to be the father of grappling. It was the ADCC that began to hold the world's first major international grappling competitions, starting in 1998.

Development in Russia

Until recently, in the CIS, only a few martial arts lovers knew what grappling was. Its development in Russia began from the time when the Kempo and Kodokan Shin-ryu federations began to use grappling as one of the training disciplines for their own types of martial arts.

The first tournament in “universal wrestling,” as this sport was then called, was held in 2000. In 2006, the first Russian grappling championship was organized. A year later it took place international tournament in Moscow, held under the auspices of the Kempo Federation.

Popularity is growing every year mixed martial arts, and therefore interest in such effective types martial arts like grappling.

What is "Grappling"? What is its effectiveness?

Recently, grappling (ground fighting) has become increasingly popular all over the world. Grappling championships attract a huge number of participants and spectators. What attracts people to this type of martial arts? First of all - efficiency. As cliche as it sounds, being on the ground and not having good ground fighting skills will make you feel exposed and vulnerable. You must accept the fact that whether you end up on earth or not is in most cases not up to you - it just happens, regardless of your intentions. So learn to fight on the ground - this is what, according to statistics, 70% of street fights come down to! Here is what the famous master Royler Gracie says about this:

"There is no more stunning way for an aggressor to repel an attack than to throw him to the ground, where the enemy can be controlled and dominated. This control gives you the greatest opportunity to use various techniques, depending on the situation. You can be careful with the enemy, and can be brutal when you have it under control - grappling gives you a choice If you don't want to go to the ground, either because there are multiple attackers or because the ground is unsuitable, you can use your grappling skills to hold on on your feet, or to fight on your feet. You don't always have to take the fight to the ground. Quite the contrary. If you get knocked to the ground, your skill will allow you to dominate and control your opponent. However, it will also give you the tools to to stay on your feet and fight on your feet if you want."

The important role of fighting “below” was immediately understood by the participants of the first Ultimate Fighting Championships. Representatives of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, who have ground fighting skills, did not leave them a chance. Without engaging in an exchange of blows, they instantly shortened the distance, found an opportunity to be on the ground and, constantly improving their position, applied a painful or choking hold to the enemy.

Initially, most fighters of various styles believed that the one who hits the opponent harder and faster, while defending himself better, will defeat the opponent simply by beating him bloodily. Much to their surprise, the vast majority of fights followed a completely different scenario. Both fighters started with punches and kicks, but then quickly settled into a clinch. Then, as a rule, they ended up on the ground. Fighters who had experience fighting on the ground received a clear advantage, while the rest, finding themselves there against their will, became practically helpless, having absolutely no idea what to do in this situation. Representatives of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, having excellent command of prone fighting techniques, convincingly won victory after victory. They didn't have to beat up their opponents. Instead, they quickly wrestled them to the ground and then used various locks and chokes to force the opponent to submit. In some cases, when the Brazilians themselves were taken to the ground, they used highly polished ground fighting skills to win while under their opponents. At that time it was something completely new. For most people, being on top of your opponent practically meant defeating him. Before everyone's eyes, the dream of all martial arts came true - they saw a style that allows a small person to defeat a larger, stronger, more skilled opponent with a minimum of violence and blood.

It became obvious that mastering only striking techniques left no chance for fighters to win, and on the contrary, mastering special techniques - strangulations and painful locks, which force the enemy to surrender or cause severe damage to joints or render him unconscious, were the most effective way to achieve victory - much more effective than strikes .
To date, the level of skill has increased many times over. There are many bright, experienced fighters, each with their own style of fighting. But all of them, every last person, understood that without honed ground fighting skills there was nothing to do there.

What will Grappling classes give you?

You will learn to be extremely stable in the fight, to use not only your arms or legs to fight - your whole body will become a fighting tool. Learn to carry out choking and painful techniques, strike from any position or, conversely, pin down your opponent.
Many people, especially as they get older, are put off from wrestling by the fear of falling to the ground. In grappling, falls are kept to a minimum. There is a fairly extensive arsenal of knocking down the enemy without performing throws.

Once you start grappling, you will feel the results after just a few sessions. Your physical condition - endurance, strength - will increase many times over from activity to activity.
-You will have an incentive to improve your physical fitness - engage in strength and general physical training.
-In a dispute with representatives of other types of martial arts, your ability to fight will be your convincing argument.
-Your figure will become athletic and fit.

You can buy clothes for this wonderful fight in the Fight-Space store. Rashguards, shorts, compression pants.

And as always, a short video about this wonderful fight: