Horoscope year of the horse birth Leo. Chinese animal calendar by year! Horoscope of Leo man - horse in marriage

(from 01/21/1966, from 02/07/1978, from 01/27/1990, from 02/12/2002)

He is a very passionate and energetic person. He does not know how to hide his feelings and is used to instantly telling the world about them. Activity is his main feature, so he will not sit in one place, dream and wait for something. In the process of work, he never abandons his optimism and shows high efficiency. Therefore, he almost always achieves his goals.

Characteristics of a Leo man - Horses in LOVE

When choosing a partner for himself, he tries to ensure that she fully corresponds to his ideal - an attentive, beautiful and rich woman who will admire and love him. Surprisingly, he manages to find such a representative in Everyday life. For his part, he is very generous with emotions, but is distinguished by inconstancy, especially in his youth. So, he can have several novels or change lovers quite often.

Cheerful, optimistic and self-confident, he easily attracts the attention of the opposite sex. He likes to be the center of attention, which he takes advantage of very well. In love, he acts as a very bright, affectionate and active partner who is ready for a variety of stupidities and passions. He himself may not know how his romance will end and how long it will last, since he lives only by his feelings.

Leo born in the year of the Horse in BED

Intimate relationships occupy an important place in his life. Thanks to them, he gets the opportunity to show off and feel like a loved, desired man. He has excellent talents, which easily excites and drives women crazy. And if he has set a goal for himself, then no one will be able to resist his charms. In bed, he prefers classic relationships, but is not against new experiences.

Due to his restless and active nature, he will not be able to find harmony with a slow girl. It has its own rhythm that must be followed, and this is not always easy to do. If he sees that his mistress does not correspond to his ideal, then he is capable of quite caustic and caustic remarks. But you shouldn’t respond in kind, since his pride is the most painful place, which he can never forgive.

Leo man horoscope - Horses in MARRIAGE

He loves children very much, whom he will raise with love and help develop all their talents. He makes a good owner who will be able to create an atmosphere of comfort in the house. But he definitely needs to receive at least some kind of return that will inspire him. Therefore, he can be approached by an understanding and sensitive woman who will accept all his activities and not put too many demands on him.

Living with him under the same roof turns out to be far from easy. This is a very freedom-loving guy who will defend his independence in any way. In addition, he has a lot of interests and hobbies of his own, and he is not always ready to leave them for the sake of his family. All this does not mean that he does not want to start a family. On the contrary, he really needs her, but at the same time he is not going to make her only one area of ​​his life.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

He should not take on too complex matters that are not always within his capabilities. Yes, he has indomitable energy and vitality, but it’s worth at least occasionally giving yourself time to rest. This will help him regain strength, think about his actions and further plan his steps. He can also be advised not to always make major decisions in his life, relying only on his feelings and emotions.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Leo man horse - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

For this Horse the whole world is playground. Leo Horses love adventure, crave adoration and are not burdened by self-doubts like other Horses. Ancient Chinese astrologers revered the Horse sign for its exceptionally hardworking, loyal and trustworthy nature. Leo-Horse men and women are proud and fearless people. They are strong and cope with life quite easily.

People born in the Horse-Leo combination have an excellent sense of humor; when they do not have important tasks, they like to joke. They love to laugh and enjoy comedies of all kinds. They are quite ambitious, they have the talent to use all opportunities. They are not impulsive and tend to make decisions based on logic rather than emotions. In the business world, these skills are ideal for success.

The thirst for adventure often motivates them to travel. They enjoy exploring different places. In the same place they quickly begin to get bored. These people care about their figure, so they like to take part in sporting events. In their emotional demeanor they are a bit cold and distant, which makes it difficult for them to express themselves.

These people learn new things easily and have an inventive imagination. These abilities are useful in all areas of activity, but they prefer work in which there is a variety of problems; in work they tend to change jobs due to boredom and monotony. They are not fans of mass gatherings, and are used to working alone. In personal relationships, these people are practical, responsible and caring partners/parents. Their personality weakness is that they are unable to express their emotions. If they learn to express their emotions more freely, this will cause them less problems in their personal relationships.

The fiery nature of the Leo zodiac sign adds passion, ambition, optimism, openness and honesty to the horse’s nature. Leo horses do not tolerate comments addressed to them and do not like those who do not share their point of view - they are always confident that the truth is on their side. It simply does not occur to them to doubt their own judgment. The Leo Horse is very sociable, their speech is often lively and exciting. They light up quickly and know how to ignite others with their passion.

Leo horse women are guided in life by feelings, and no one knows where they can take them. Leo horse men are also characterized by increased excitability and emotionality. These people often get into arguments with others, but their generosity and generosity do not allow them to cross certain boundaries. They are not vindictive. The life of a lion horse, be it a man or a woman, is very energy-intensive - they are used to always acting at the limit of their strength, and therefore periodically need recharge from the outside.

Horse Combination

Leo Horse Man

The Leo man, born in the year of the Horse, is energetic and open, he doesn't know how to hide his feelings and emotions, thanks to which people around him can always understand what state of mind he is in.

Leo-Horse loves action and prefers active species recreation and sports, he difficult to sit in one place and dream about something: he will immediately begin to act and strive for the goal.

The Leo-Horse man strives to find an ideal for himself in all respects. He needs a companion who will sweet and thrifty, but at the same time it can be brought out into the world without embarrassment and catching the admiring glances of those around.

Lion-Horse mysterious and interesting, which allows him to attract the attention of women without any problems.

In the family, the Leo-Horse man takes upon himself the responsibility of arranging the house. He loves warmth and comfort and he wants his native walls to greet him with just such comfort after a hard day of work.

But at the same time, there must be a person next to him who would inspired and guided him in the right direction. Often this the right person he finds among his relatives.

Leo Horse Man

Characteristics and compatibility of the Leo-Horse man demonstrates the image of a brave and proud nature.

Such a person has enormous potential, so much in life comes easy to him.


Vital energy and focus help him conquer new heights, not only in his career, but also on the love front. Such a man is committed to a bright life that will be filled with friendship and love. Fate depends solely on himself. However, he should remember that going over his head can negatively affect his life. A path built on mercy and goodwill will be much more correct. If the Leo-Horse man chooses him, he will be able to take the best from life. It is worth emphasizing that due to his excessive impulsiveness, a representative of this zodiac combination can easily create a conflict, offending people dear to him in his heart. However, he will not give this of great importance, because he is unforgiving and easy-going by nature.

Compatibility in love

Leos born in the year of the Horse devote most of their time to love affairs. He is naturally endowed with a unique gift to shine in society. Wherever he is, the eyes of those around him are always focused only on him. Moreover, most often the glances of representatives of the opposite sex are directed towards such a man. However, in order to achieve complete compatibility between a Leo-Horse man in love, a girl must be not only beautiful and well-groomed, but also an intellectually developed person.

Only one who will accept all his shortcomings and will constantly admire the virtues of her partner can finally win the heart of such a man. But, despite the inflated demands on the chosen one, Leo-Horse men themselves cannot boast of correct behavior in love matters. Sometimes they become too demanding of a woman, which, in the end, may bore her and she will break off the relationship. In addition, Leo-Horse tends to embellish reality, which can also cause bewilderment and dissatisfaction in his partner. In relationships with their significant other, they should show more warmth and sensitivity.

Career and money

Despite certain character flaws, a man born under the signs of Horse and Leo is highly valued in the work community. His unsurpassed sense of humor helps him relieve tension and defuse the situation in the team, thereby avoiding conflict with colleagues. In addition, he is excellent at managing the organization of the work process. Meanwhile, most often Leo-Horses become free creators who work on their own. Moreover, the work must be interesting for him, otherwise he will lose the incentive to work. Among representatives of this type there are often individuals who are obsessed with their career.

They are passionate about the work process and relationships in the team, they like to be in the thick of things and know that a lot depends on them. The Leo-Horse business man is able to devote himself to his favorite business without reserve, but only if he perceives it as a passion for his whole life. Meanwhile, it cannot be said that every representative of this iconic type is focused on work. For them, a career is an important part of life in which they can express their talent, knowledge and thoughts. From a very young age, they can climb the career ladder. They want to achieve a lot and, as a rule, they succeed very quickly. The Leo-Horse man copes quite successfully with finances. Thoughtless spending of earned money is not typical for him. On the contrary, he is able to make very profitable investments and receive from them a substantial increase in his basic income.

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Leos born in the year of the Horse: horoscope and characteristics of the zodiac sign

Leo man and woman born in the year of the Horse

The zodiac sign Leo adds expressiveness and temperament with notes of sensuality and romanticism to the character of those born in the year of the Horse.

A representative of this sign attracts happiness, as he is open to everything positive, bright and extraordinary, and is closed to pessimism and disappointment. Leo in the year of the Horse is endowed with highly developed intuition, which is why he often ignores the voice of reason.

What is characteristic of this person is that he knows how to attract and infect others with his bright ideas and views on life, which he considers the most true.

As a rule, the combination of Leo and Horse manifests itself in impulsiveness and generosity. This is a sign of devoted friends and patrons who are generous towards the less fortunate and are always ready to help those in need.

However, the representative of this sign is also endowed with negative characteristic feature. Often people born under this zodiac sign become self-centered individuals who are unable to take other people’s opinions into account. In this regard, the egoism of the Leo child in the year of the Horse will only grow stronger over the years.

If we consider the career area of ​​this person’s life, we can say with confidence that a representative of this sign is capable of achieving a lot.

He knows how to lead, infect with his creative thinking and find new ways to implement this or that idea, but in this matter, there is one “but”: the path to success, in the opinion of the representative of the Leo-Horse zodiac sign, is not a team affair at all.

Representatives of this sign love to travel, try exotic dishes, study foreign languages ​​and foreign cultures. In love relationships, Leo, born in the year of the Horse, can be conflicting, but will be able to create a harmonious relationship with someone who shares his passions and views on life.

Characteristics of Leo born in the year of the Horse

The characteristics of the Leo Horse are such that the representative of this sign is filled with vital and sexual energy . His activity goes over the edge, and such a person simply does not know how to save his strength. In this regard, he will need additional source energy from outside.

As a rule, Leo, born in the year of the Horse, is constantly in the center of events and the attention of others. He infects with his energy and enthusiasm, produces many creative ideas, thanks to which he becomes an indispensable worker in areas in which he can demonstrate his excellent oratorical abilities.

Even the Leo-Horse child has a kind soul, always helps those in need and never holds a grudge. In this regard, it should be noted that these qualities are not lost over the years, on the contrary, they increase in scale.

A representative of this sign is impulsive, he is not used to thinking about his actions for a long time and, oddly enough, his intuition rarely fails.

The Leo-Horse horoscope says that this person is endowed with ambition and self-confidence, which causes frequent manifestations of stubbornness and selfishness. However, if he meets someone who can be patient with his shortcomings and praise his virtues, he will calm down.

If we consider the relationship of this person with the opposite sex, we can say with confidence that he is very loving and you can never predict when his previous romance will end and a new one will begin. In any case, the characteristic of the Leo-Horse sign is that he, like others, wants to start a family and have children.

Leo man born in the year of the Horse

The characteristics of the Leo-Horse man are as follows: he is not only vain and somewhat self-centered, but also good-natured and generous towards those who are dear to him.

Despite the fact that a representative of this sign often shows aggression, it is safe to say that he knows how to love and appreciate people in the broadest sense of these words. The Horse-Leo man's horoscope suggests that he craves attention and admiration from the world around him. And this is not strange, because he is a king!

Leo has focus and vital energy, which helps him conquer more and more new heights, be it success in his career or romantic relationships.

This person is endowed with a unique ability to shine in society. He, like the Sun, fascinates and attracts attention wherever he is. And the Leo man himself in the year of the Horse loves to surround himself with everything bright and beautiful.

If we consider relationships with the opposite sex, it should be noted that the Leo-Horse man is a true romantic in love. He craves a stormy connection, passion, a real fireworks of emotions.

Nevertheless, in order to win the heart of such a man, a girl must not only be immaculately well-groomed, beautiful and intellectually developed. Successful compatibility of a Horse-Leo man will only develop with someone who can admire his merits and not notice his shortcomings.

Leo woman born in the year of the Horse

Has the Leo woman captured your heart in the year of the Horse? Nothing strange, because this is a representative of one of the most graceful, bright and charming signs of the zodiac circle.

A representative of this sign always strives to go where there are a lot of lights, luxury and social events. Routine depresses her, and it’s not a royal thing to deal with everyday chores.

The horoscope of the Leo-Horse woman says that, despite the selfishness and aggression that she can show from time to time, her good nature and honesty cover these shortcomings in the eyes of representatives of the opposite sex.

It should be noted that this active person has all the necessary qualities to achieve heights in her career or studies. The characteristics of the Horse-Leo woman are as follows: she is ambitious and purposeful, almost always achieves the goal she has set for herself without any outside help.

From a young age, the Leo-Horse girl begins to be interested in art and the fashion industry. If she manages to develop skills in this area, she will be able to realize herself as a designer, stylist, and perhaps become an art historian.

Anyone who has decided to tie the knot with a representative of this sign should remember that the Leo-Horse girl is very careful in choosing a partner. Despite the fact that she is often surrounded by a crowd of fans, she will make her choice only in favor of someone who will match her in all respects, including financially.

Other zodiac signs born this year:

Leo – Horse: Characteristics

The Leo Horse focuses its attention on emotions; a rational approach to life is alien to them.

Leo Horse Man

The Leo-Horse man is a positive and sociable person by nature, but at the same time he prefers to work alone, not trusting the collective accomplishment of production tasks.

The Leo-Horse man will demonstrate the highest class of skill in work only on the condition that the task is interesting to him, otherwise the work will be done according to the principle “as long as it is done”, or even not completed at all.

In family life, such men love to subject everyone to their rules and assert their dominance even at the cost of peace in the house. They can easily get angry, say nasty things and forget about it a second later, and then be sincerely perplexed by completely natural grievances.

Leo Horse Woman

The Leo-Horse woman is inclined to give advice and teachings to others, regardless of their desire to listen to this advice. They often strive for leadership positions, build subordinates according to their own rules and do not accept diversity of opinions. There are two points of view: hers and the wrong one.

In family life, the Leo-Horse woman is the commander of the entire family. In order to maintain peace in the family, the husband must agree with such a woman in everything, otherwise breaking dishes cannot be avoided.

Leo-Horse quickly catches fire, but quickly moves away from his angry outbursts. Such people do not harbor grudges, but they can upset others with their attacks.

Characteristics of Leo-Horse Man

Representatives of this type like to live in a measured rhythm, while managing to complete all assigned tasks. They are impulsive and emotional, more often guided by their beliefs in the decision-making process than by logic and objective facts. Leo-Horses are capricious, they behave proudly.

Personality Traits of Leo of the Year of the Horse

Such people easily win the sympathy of others and attract attention to themselves. They know how to have fun and support the team pleasant atmosphere. At the same time, Leo-Horses prefer to work alone, contacting only a limited circle of people. They do things with enthusiasm if they are interested in success. Otherwise, they may be lazy, careless and indifferent to their work.

Character of the Horse-Male sign Leo

Leo men born in the year of the Horse are categorical in their judgments. They have difficulty admitting they are wrong, and it is difficult to argue with them. They love to live brightly and take an active part in various events. For Leo-Horses, it is important to prove themselves in different areas; they strive for personal growth. Such people rarely become depressed and successfully overcome obstacles.

Personal life of Leo Horse Men

They behave independently and are in no hurry to get married. Leo-Horses pay attention to kind and calm women with whom they can start a family. They want to always have the last word. Leo-Horse may devote less time to family than to work and other matters. To find a common language with him, you need to be able to peacefully resolve controversial issues and not give him ultimatums. Leo-Horse can enter into conflicts, but he is easy-going.

Leo Man in the Year of the Horse

In ancient Chinese astrology, the sign of the Horse represents hard work, loyalty and trust.

The combination of the Leo-Horse signs gives rise to fearless and proud people. They are strong and therefore cope with life very easily.

Such people have a wonderful sense of humor, and when they do not have serious tasks, they love to joke. They are lovers of a laugh and enjoy comedy of all kinds.

The Leo man in the year of the Horse is very ambitious, he has an undoubted talent to use all his capabilities. He is not impulsive and tends to make decisions based on logic rather than emotions. In the business world, such skills are great for achieving full-fledged success.

The thirst for adventure often pushes such a Leo to travel. He likes to explore new places, as he quickly gets bored in the same place.

He looks after his physical fitness Therefore, he takes part in sporting events with pleasure.

Emotionally, Leo-Horses are a little distant and cold, which prevents them from expressing themselves.

Such people easily learn new things and have an inventive imagination. Such abilities are useful to them in all areas of activity. However, they themselves prefer to work with a full variety of tasks.

They tend to change their occupation frequently due to monotony. Such Leos do not like mass gatherings and work best alone.

In personal relationships, the Leo-Horse man manifests himself as a responsible, practical and caring partner. His weakness is that he is unable to express emotions, and if he learns this, then there will be much less problems in personal relationships.

The greatness and pride of Leo, combined with the fearlessness and indomitable energy of the Horse, gives birth to an independent and proud nature.

Such a man is confident in his greatest destiny and purposefully rises to the heights of life.

He is a sociable and public person who is always surrounded by friends. He is interested in everything unknown and new, he easily masters new knowledge and is always open to bright impressions.

The Leo-Horse man is a passionate and energetic nature, characterized by greater impetuosity in relationships,

feelings and deeds.

The activity of such men is overwhelming, and the energy expenditure is simply fantastic: they absolutely do not know how to take care of themselves and live at the limit of their strength and capabilities. They find good “recharge” in the company of friends, like-minded people or in a work team, in a word, wherever they can show themselves, ignite with enthusiasm and reveal themselves to the world!

Such a Leo has optimism, a desire to impress, and great ambition. He is very

he is a generous and open person, so everyone is happy to see him everywhere.

The Leo-Horse man is quite confident in himself and does not doubt the correctness of his thoughts. He lives by feelings and is not inclined to weigh the pros and cons for a long time. He is a passionate person, and his interests are very diverse.

Such men are generous, and although they like to argue, they never harbor grudges and live a full, vibrant life here and now.

In love, such Leos are very passionate and never imagine how the next romance might end. They know how to arrange a real holiday around themselves: they are loved, people are drawn to them, and they reciprocate.

However, not every Leo-Horse partner will want to start a family, and not many are destined to “tame” him!

He is very independent, therefore measured and quiet family life he doesn't need it.

But this does not mean at all that he does not need a strong family; on the contrary, he adores children and knows how to take care of his loved ones. It’s just that his family will never be ordinary from the point of view of the common man.

For such a Leo, the world is a playground, which is why he loves adventure so much, craves adoration and is not burdened by self-doubt.

Leo-Horse cannot tolerate comments addressed to him and does not like those who do not agree with his point of view, since he is sincerely confident that the truth is always on his side. It somehow never occurred to him to doubt his conclusions.

Such men are characterized by increased excitability and emotionality; they have no idea where their feelings can lead them.

He is a true maximalist: while living his life, he craves activities in which there is both risk and the opportunity to get what he wants at less cost.

Leo-Horse is not inclined to calculate to the smallest detail what he needs to satisfy his needs. He takes the maximum, hoping that the excess will pass by or die out as unnecessary. This is how he treats many things: household items, food, clothing.

Of all that life offers this person, he traditionally chooses what makes the most indelible impression on society. And there is no doubt: he doesn’t even think about whether he really needs it in one form or another.

In many ways, he is more focused on external flashiness than on internal content. This man relates to his appearance in a similar way. In any environment and situation, he strives to shine.

For him, this is half the success. Making such an impression is vital for him, therefore, if you fall in love with such a man, then close your eyes to these weaknesses of his.

Sometimes Leo-Horse can be incredibly ambitious (the influence of Leo’s nature is great): with all his appearance he will demonstrate his superiority, that he has no need for anything and there are no unachieved goals left.

This trait, combined with cynicism or the desire to evaluate everything, can greatly ruin his life. Such a Leo-Horse considers himself to have the right to condemn what he does not like at every opportunity.

In general, such extreme manifestations in Leos born in the year of the Horse are extremely rare. Mostly they are smart, funny and generous people. This is who we can say is the soul of the company. One can only envy the chosen one of such a man; she will be a real queen with all the due regalia and opportunities.

The Leo Horse is extremely passionate and energetic. Leo born in the year of the Horse is distinguished by greater impetuosity in feelings, relationships, and affairs. Their activity is overwhelming, and their energy expenditure is simply fantastic. People with this combination of signs do not know how to take care of themselves and live at the limit of their strength. Of course, they need recharge from the outside and they find it in the company of like-minded people, friends, in the work team - wherever they can have time to show themselves, ignite with enthusiasm and, in the end, give themselves to the world! This is how the Leo Horse spends and also receives its vital energy.

The Leo horse has great ambition, optimism and a desire to impress. She is a generous and very open person, so they are happy to see her wherever she appears. The Leo Horse is very confident in itself and does not doubt that it is right, it lives more by feelings - it is not inclined to think and count for a long time; her interests are varied, she is a passionate person!

Character of the Horse-Lion

People with this combination of signs are generous. They love to argue, but never harbor grudges and live a bright, full life here and now. In love, the Leo Horse, of course, is very gambling and never knows how her next romance will end. These are strong, cheerful people who know how to create a holiday themselves. People are drawn to them, they are loved, but they also reciprocate...

The Horse-Leo will not want to start a family with just any partner, and not many are destined to “tame” this Horse! She is a lively and independent person - her interests are large-scale, and she does not need a quiet, measured family life. Of course, the Leo Horse needs a family, loves children very much and knows how to take care of their loved ones. It’s just that their family will not be ordinary from the point of view of the average person.

Horse-Leo Man

This man is committed to a life full of friendship and love. There are also business representatives of men with this combination of signs, and then they are literally obsessed with their affairs, work, career, relationships at work, they love to be in the thick of things and understand that a lot depends on them. The Horse-Leo man is able to devote himself to his favorite business without reserve, if he perceives this business as a passion of his whole life. However, it cannot be said that any Horse-Leo man is destined for work - hardly. It is important for him not just to work, but to enjoy his work.

The lion's share of the time of a typical representative of the Horse-Leo is occupied by amorous adventures. Most men cannot imagine their life without bright women. They are not flighty, as one might think, watching their numerous novels; they are too filled with feelings, love, passion for women in general, and for specific women in particular. Each of their novels is a dramatic production, but only the Horse-Lion man does not play - he lives and seriously believes that each of his novels is the last and happiest in life! Everything is real, no deception...

What can I say, routine family life for such a man is often a problem. If he is able to find a balance between the realization of his violent energy in business, work and family relationships, if he is constantly busy with what excites him, with what brings satisfaction, you can count on his loyalty.

If the Horse-Leo man is not happy or was unable to realize his impulses and desires, then his life will be too unstable and difficult with all the ensuing consequences. However, no matter what happens, such a man rarely falls out of the flow of life for long, because only in movement is he optimistic, and good mood- the key to his success!

Horse-Leo Woman

Ladies of this combination of signs are more stable, because, after all, they are family- and children-oriented. She has a lot of everything that is so in demand by men: a natural spark, charm, playfulness, passion, the ability to work hard, but also to relax to the fullest. The Horse-Leo woman is full of life and her enthusiasm is enough for everything, and will remain.

The Horse-Leo woman is not for an ordinary man - she needs her own hero, since she has her own requirements and preferences. A simple plumber is unlikely to attract her. In exchange for the love of a strong, visible and wealthy man, she will surround him with her kindness and care.

No one looks at the world with such optimism as Leo-Horses. Sometimes it seems that they never take off their rose-colored glasses in their lives - they look so sensual against the backdrop of their surroundings. These are very cheerful, emotional and energetic individuals. They never lose their composure, they are distinguished by rare intelligence and a wonderful sense of humor.


Leo, by its characteristics, is one of the most enduring signs of the zodiac circle. The Leo man never panics and approaches any issue with full responsibility.

He doesn’t care about storms, hurricanes, storms, he is able to overcome mortal dangers, and come out of the most difficult situations in business and career with honor. He cannot tolerate family conflicts, which turn him into a withdrawn, closed person.

Leo-Horse is a creative person. He is artistic, loves poetry, music, has rare vocal abilities, prefers classical music. He can make any woman fall in love with him. He is vain and ready to tell the whole world about his successes. At the same time, he expects praise, rewards and admiration from others.

This is a rare type of person who is ready to sacrifice their interests for the sake of the happiness of their neighbors. Generosity and generosity are qualities inherent in Leo, which he remains faithful to throughout his life. He is disgusted by conservatism, lies and betrayal are alien to him.

He loves to explore the world around him, travel, and is well versed in cooking, history, and geography. These are comprehensively developed people, excellent conversationalists, and true friends. They cannot stand monotony; routine work is not for them, even if it is the reason for good earnings. Over time, the Horse will definitely change his occupation, giving preference to interesting, exciting work.

Representatives of this sign change one profession after another, sometimes without deciding on a choice. At the same time, they gain experience, skills, and confidence that other signs of the astrological circle do not have. A distinctive feature of Leo-Horse is that he prefers to develop alone and does not like dependence on other people.

In such conditions, he is able to achieve maximum results, and, of course, he also likes to rest on the laurels of his own success in absolute solitude.


The Leo man is endowed with mass positive qualities, but is not without its drawbacks. This is one of the most selfish signs. If from childhood a child was cared for, cherished and was not denied anything, then in adulthood it will be very difficult for him to cope with his selfishness. Sometimes this develops into a serious problem: an obstacle in business, family and communication with loved ones.

Leos often acquire a reputation for being cold, arrogant, and uncompromising people. It is difficult for them to take into account someone else's point of view, change their minds, and remain in the shadow of someone else's glory. The influence of the Horse sign according to the eastern horoscope gives such qualities as stubbornness, causticity and arrogance.

In the heat of passion and under the heat of the moment, he is capable of being rude, offending a loved one, and imposing his own opinion. At the same time, pointing out mistakes and correcting them is useless. This can push a man away and discourage him from any communication. Leo men are especially sensitive to comments about their own appearance.

In work and communication

If Leo has found his place in life, then among his circle he is known as a sociable, economical person. These are idea generators, creative and original individuals.

People of this sign are capable of achieving world heights and making a stunning career if they set such a goal for themselves. They show a rare ability to work when doing what they love.

They have a sparkling sense of humor and are able to defuse the most tense situations. They view a career and profession as a way to realize their desires: the opportunity to travel, build their own nest and buy a “black horse” with two hundred horsepower.

A Leo with poor social income, unable to provide a decent existence for his family, turns into a greedy, selfish, pitiful man. Often it is behavior, and not poverty, that is the cause of misunderstandings, divorces and separations from loved ones. With his behavior, he provokes quarrels and scandals in the family, and then suffers from the consequences of his own behavior.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

If two of the most important signs of the zodiac meet on the love front, then nothing good can be expected. Leo-Taurus relationships are doomed to failure, even if there are strong feelings between the partners. None of them will give up the palm under any circumstances, except perhaps for a while, pursuing their personal goals.

Leos and Geminis live on the same wavelength. They are comfortable traveling together and promoting joint projects. As for personal relationships, they very quickly become attracted to each other. A common business will be a bonus in family relationships. This will unite the partners even more; they will learn to conduct joint business, trust each other and replace each other at any stage of the project.

Relationships with Cancers can hardly be called simple, but it will never be boring in such an alliance. Rather, they will be able to create strong friendships, communicate with families, spend time with mutual friends, but they will not be able to achieve harmony in love.

Representatives of the same zodiac sign will be able to find a common language only if they are connected by a common cause. The ambition of each partner will be satisfied when their talent is realized in some creative project. This could be a theatrical performance or an educational project. For them, the priority in life is to put ideas into practice and enjoy fame, and only after that can we talk about love.

In alliance with Virgos, friendship and friendly relations are possible. They will be able to reach mutual understanding in a common matter, perhaps even mutual attraction and sympathy will begin, but, having gotten to know each other better and faced with everyday issues, inevitable problems will begin.

Compatibility in a pair of Leo and Libra is in great doubt. Libra's indecisiveness will unsettle the pragmatic Leo. He will not be able to be in conditions of constant discomfort, heightened emotions and will be the first to irrevocably terminate the relationship.

In relationships with Scorpio, everything depends on the partners’ ability to restrain emotions and not pay attention to the weaknesses of their companion. If they learn to hear and listen to each other, they can become one of the most harmonious couples in the eastern horoscope.

Sagittarius, like no one else, will be able to understand Leo. They are so similar that when they communicate closely, they begin to repel each other, like identical charges of electrons. A relationship between them is possible if Sagittarius and Leo are close relatives. Under other circumstances, separation is inevitable.

Paired with Capricorn, Leo will have a harmonious and promising union, built on love and mutual understanding. Everyone is able to take the side of their partner, make compromises without compromising their own opinion.

An alliance with Aquarius can be realized provided that the woman takes the side of her loved one. If she manages to become a homemaker and provide maximum comfort, she will soon be proud of a realized and successful man.

Leo and Pisces will be able to create a strong union. Leo needs to be taken care of, and Pisces will gladly accept the patronage of the fire sign.

The Leo man, born in the year of the Horse, is a born leader. He will not give up the palm for anything in the world. This is an intelligent, educated, cultured person. Moreover, he is a wonderful husband, a caring father, and a loving, attentive son. He is able to pull a star from the sky, sacrifice his own desires and ambitions for the sake of the woman he loves. But if he doubts his partner’s loyalty, he is able to show his sharp fangs.

A bright representative of the zodiac circle is the Leo woman, born in the year of the Horse. Such individuals are truly lucky. They know how to captivate others with their enthusiasm. They are valued for their generosity and love of life, for their sparkle and enthusiasm; these girls are literally filled with passion and inspiration.

Basic qualities

Characteristics that are inherent in a girl born under a fire sign:

  • Generosity. Those born under the constellation Leo are distinguished by their expressed nobility and kindness towards loved ones. Horses are the best friends, ready to give their “last shirt” if necessary. True, Leo can get carried away and his generosity can, unnoticed by him, turn into narcissism and selfishness.
  • Passion for adventure. Leos born in the year of the Horse are always ready for spontaneous travel, they are easy-going and can pack a suitcase in just a minute. Lovers of bright emotions, they are attracted by the changing picture outside the train window and new, unexplored places.

  • Determination. Leos are undoubtedly purposeful and active. Many representatives of the sign are capable of achieving great career heights and make excellent leaders. Horses are friendly and sociable; like no one else, they are able to lead a work team, being true informal leaders. Representatives of the sign are always in the center of events and do not miss anything. Alas, most often Leos are not team players; like real predators, they like to act alone.
  • Lovingness. The zodiac sign gives the Leo woman great attractiveness and passion. They are always distinguished from the circle of competitors. Before meeting her soulmate, such a woman can try different relationships. Each of them is a real little fairy tale, which the Horse fills with its own story. Leo girls are truly impossible to forget!

  • Optimism. Horses born under the constellation Leo always look to the future with hope. In every situation, even the most stalemate, they are able to find their advantages. Such women have no doubt that everything will end well. Even if they sometimes see the world through rose-colored glasses, it is their positive outlook that helps them achieve all their goals without doubting success.
  • Emotionality. It is an undeniable fact that Leos look at everything through the prism of emotions, not reason. This quality can play a disservice to the representative of the sign.

Excessive openness often leads to disappointment, and a woman who is not ready to fall from heaven to earth due to her maximalism can simply withdraw into her experiences. Communication with friends, of which the Horse usually has plenty, can always help cope with unexpressed emotions.

Open and honest, they must share their emotions and experiences in order to be reborn from the ashes. Fortunately for Leo girls, they forget troubles very quickly and move forward with renewed vigor. In addition to the above qualities, women born in the year of the Horse are characterized by an open worldview; they can hardly be called conservatives.

They are usually pioneers in all areas of life, including love, career and communication with others.

They love luxury, attention and always strive to fill their lives with events and impressions. They are often surrounded by impressive men and expensive cars, but Leo can easily fall in love with a completely unsuitable, at first glance, partner, who, when in the company of a bright girl, changes beyond recognition. Leo has the ability to transform people and the space around him, creating his own cozy world filled with fire and bright colors. This is why Leos are loved.

Undoubtedly, each representative of the sign is a bright star among those around her. She is a real holiday that illuminates and fills everything around with meaning.

You will learn more about Leo women from the following video.