Golubev, Denis Pavlovich. A Russian hockey player left his wife and three-year-old son and threatens to burn down their apartment. Where does Denis Golubev play?

"Coward does not play hockey..." This line from a Soviet song usually evokes exclusively positive images in our minds: a strong and brave man in hockey gear, a patriot of his country, a defender of women and children... But is this really so?! What if the striker is famous hockey club Doesn't he behave like a man when he's off the ice? And what if he chooses not a formidable athlete as his opponent, but a defenseless girl with a young child?

This is exactly what happened to 26-year-old Karina, who, after five years of marriage with Kazan Ak Bars hockey player Denis Golubev (he is now 25), is forced through the court to prove the right of their three-year-old son Demid to legal alimony from his millionaire father.

“I didn’t want to notice anything, I loved her, and that’s all,” the girl began the story. - Even when my friends started telling me that Denis had someone, I didn’t want to believe it. It was easier to forget friends and stop communicating with the whole world than to believe that my husband was lying to me.

While telling her story, Karina stopped every now and then to collect herself and fight back her tears. Only three months have passed since the Golubevs separated, and they filed an official divorce in February.

At one point our life turned into a nightmare. Real tyranny began - moral tyranny grew into physical. Denis told me that I was a nobody, living on a bird’s license, that if he wanted, he could easily drag me into a car and throw me somewhere on the highway - and no one would find me. Often after games he returned home drunk and behaved very aggressively, as he was used to on the ice. Anyone who knows his game will not be surprised by such a comparison,” the girl noted bitterly. - Denis, not paying attention to the difference in our sizes, could easily push me, wringing and twisting my arms until I got bruises, and all this in front of a child! Demid once shouted “Mom’s in pain!” hit him as hard as he could. My heart was breaking... Fearful for my physical condition and for the child, I waited until Denis left for another trip with the club, collected the most necessary things and, taking my son in my arms, flew to Moscow. I was afraid of him...

Karina admitted: when leaving for Moscow, she cherished the idea that her husband would understand everything, would be afraid of losing his family and would change his attitude towards his wife and son. However, it turned out differently.

I found out that he was cheating on me. It turned out that a week after we left, his mistress was in charge of the Kazan apartment. This woman fell in love with me on my “stories” on Instagram: she posted a photo wearing his cap. I couldn’t help but recognize this cap - it’s personalized, I personally ordered it from a limited collection.

Denis met this woman - Christina - in our favorite restaurant, she worked there as a hostess and knew the whole family very well, she even saw Demik. After Ak Bars games, we also went there and had dinner with the whole team. In the last days before our breakup, Denis was directly drawn there. Now it's clear why. Yesterday my friends called me and said that she was going to hockey with Denis’s parents and her mother... What is this, if not betrayal?!

As soon as I saw her photo, I immediately called my husband and demanded an explanation. He answered absolutely calmly that now he had new girl, and added that my son and I would no longer be allowed into the club’s base.

Let us explain, Ak Bars hockey players and their families live in service apartments in a closed area, at the entrance to which there is a security service, you can’t just get in there. Karina said that when she returned to Kazan with her son and tried to go to the team’s base in her two-room apartment, the guard at the checkpoint, repeating Denis’s words, informed the girl about her “bird rights.”

Audio recording of Karina Golubeva’s conversation with the guard at the checkpoint .

- Why don’t I have the right to enter the base, can you tell me? I am the wife of Denis Golubev.

- Because the boss forbade it - the head of security!

- Why did he forbid it?

- Why should I even talk to you? Do I have nothing else to do, or what?! You have a husband - deal with him!

- I speak to you civilly and do not raise my voice. Explain why the security chief forbade me to go to the base, home, where I lived for seven years?

- Because your husband forbade him to give you the keys and let you into the apartment!

- What do the keys to the apartment have to do with it? I don’t go there, but into the territory of the base.

- Who are you to go to the base?

- I am the official wife of Denis Golubev.

- He said that you are not his wife and that he is divorcing you! Call your Denis and sort it out with him.

We left for Moscow with literally one suitcase. Some things, clothes - yes, all our seven years together with Denis remained in the apartment, which I will never be able to enter again. Then, standing in the cold at the checkpoint with my son by the hand, I finally understood everything and roared from my own powerlessness.

Having closed the doors of the apartment for his son and ex-wife in Kazan, the hockey player did not calm down. Now, according to Karina, he intends to evict the girl and three-year-old child from their current home - a Moscow apartment, which the Golubevs bought while married.

Denis threatens to set fire to our Moscow two-room apartment, the only one bought during marriage. He repeats that if he doesn’t burn it, he will sell it without our consent and Demid and I will end up on the street. Needless to say, we are now living on pins and needles?! - says Karina.

- This is our apartment.

- You will not live here!

- This is our apartment, I will live here, with you.

- What is ours?! This is my apartment, you have no rights to it!

- Does the wife have no rights?

- Ex-wife!

According to Karina, trying to avoid the division of joint property, the hockey player has already fictitiously sold a car, which the family bought for four million rubles back in the summer. The amount at which he valued the Mercedes was exactly 40 times less than the market value - the hockey player “received” 100 thousand rubles for it. Now, according to Denis’s idea, the girl can count on her rightful half, and he, as a real man, is ready to pay 50 thousand rubles.

Audio recording of a telephone conversation between Karina and Denis Golubev.

- I won't sue the car, just sign your part.

- You won’t sue her anyway.

- Why?

- Because it’s not my car, how can you sue me for it?!

- How is this not yours? She came into our marriage, and I was against selling her.

- Yes, everything that you sent on this matter has no legal force.

- What makes you think that?

- I know all this! Married or not... I sold her for 100 thousand rubles. Well, I'll give you your half, no problem.

- Did you forge documents?

- (Laughs). Why?! I sold it for 100 thousand rubles.

According to the law, until Demida reaches adulthood, Denis is obliged to pay maintenance to his son every month - 25% of the hockey player’s salary. According to Life, Golubev’s monthly salary at Ak Bars Kazan, without any bonuses, exceeds a million rubles. However, the athlete refuses to share part of his seven-figure salary with his own child.

I asked Denis to spare us from the courts. All he had to do was sign one paper and take it to the accounting department, but he didn’t do it. Later, my lawyer and I submitted an application in a simplified manner, but he also took this negatively: I received a notification that Denis Pavlovich Golubev was refusing to support his minor son.

Now we have no other choice, and we filed a claim, and this is not a matter of one day - a real legal burden. Apparently, this is what he wanted. In the database of the bailiffs in Kazan, Denis is already listed as a debtor.

Karina said that Denis never experienced any special paternal warmth towards Demid. He didn't see his son anymore three months, but still haven't taken any steps to fix it.

Denis doesn’t even try to communicate with his son. He blocked me everywhere, telling me not to call him again, because he is with his woman. Everything looks as if we were never in his life,” Karina takes a moment’s pause, takes a breath and continues. - In public, Denis loved to show off with his son, because he is a small copy of his father and everyone has always admired such a resemblance. But at home, he won’t take a walk or play with the child again. Nevertheless, Demid loves his father very much. He watches every Ak Bars match in his jersey and every time Denis is shown on TV, he strokes the screen... (At these words, Karina could not hold back her tears.) I tell my son that dad doesn’t call because he’s very busy and plays hockey...

After talking with Karina, Life contacted Denis Golubev. The hockey player noted that he considers all the statements of his ex-wife complete nonsense.

I don't want to comment on this nonsense! This is madness! She only disgraces herself with such statements. “I won’t do this,” the striker said categorically.

Yesterday "Ak Bars" held its last match in the season, losing in the semi-finals of the Gagarin Cup to Magnitogorsk Metallurg. Golubev took part in only seven playoff matches in 2017, without scoring a single point.

"Coward does not play hockey"... This line from a Soviet song usually evokes exclusively positive images in our minds: a strong and brave man in hockey gear, a patriot of his country, a defender of women and children... But is this really so?! What if the forward of a famous hockey club behaves in a completely unmanly manner off the ice? And what if he chooses not a formidable athlete as his opponent, but a defenseless girl with a young child?

This is exactly what happened to 26-year-old Karina, who, after five years of marriage with 25-year-old Kazan Ak Bars hockey player Denis Golubev, was forced through the court to prove the right of their three-year-old son Demid to legal alimony from his millionaire father.

“I didn’t want to notice anything, I loved everything,” the girl began the story. - Even when my friends started telling me that Denis had someone, I didn’t want to believe it. It was easier to forget friends and stop communicating with the whole world than to believe that my husband was lying to me.

While telling her story, Karina stopped every now and then to collect herself and fight back her tears. Only three months have passed since the Golubevs separated, and they filed an official divorce in February.

At one point our life turned into a nightmare. Real tyranny began: moral tyranny grew into physical. Denis told me that I’m a nobody, I live on a bird’s license, and if he wants, he can easily drag me into a car and throw me somewhere on the highway, so that no one will find me. Often after games he returned home drunk and behaved very aggressively, as he was used to on the ice. Anyone who knows his game will not be surprised by such a comparison,” the girl noted bitterly. - Denis, not paying attention to the difference in our sizes, could easily push me, wringing and twisting my arms until I got bruises, and all this in front of a child! Demid once shouted “Mom’s in pain!” and hit him as hard as he could. My heart was breaking... Fearful for my physical condition and for the child, I waited until Denis left for another trip with the club, collected the most necessary things and, taking my son in my arms, flew to Moscow. I was afraid of him...

Karina admitted: when leaving for Moscow, she cherished the idea that her husband would understand everything, would be afraid of losing his family and would change his attitude towards his wife and son. However, it turned out differently.

I found out that he was cheating on me. It turned out that a week after we left, his mistress was in charge of the Kazan apartment. This woman got caught up in my “stories” on Instagram and posted a photo wearing his cap. I couldn’t help but recognize this cap, it’s personalized, I personally ordered it from a limited collection.

Denis met this woman - Christina - in our favorite restaurant, she worked there as a hostess and knew the whole family very well, she even saw Demik. After Ak Bars games, we also went there and had dinner with the whole team. In the last days before our breakup, Denis was directly drawn there. Now it's clear why. Yesterday my friends called me and said that she was going to hockey with Denis’s parents and her mother... What is this, if not betrayal?!

As soon as I saw her photo, I immediately called my husband and demanded an explanation. He answered absolutely calmly that he now had a new girlfriend, and added that my son and I would no longer be allowed into the club’s base.

Let us explain, Ak Bars hockey players and their families live in service apartments in a closed area, at the entrance to which there is a security service - you just can’t get there. Karina said that when she returned to Kazan with her son and tried to go to the team’s base in her two-room apartment, the guard at the checkpoint, repeating Denis’s words, informed the girl about her “bird rights.”

Audio recording of Karina Golubeva’s conversation with the guard at the checkpoint .

- Why don’t I have the right to enter the base, can you tell me? I am the wife of Denis Golubev.

- Because the boss forbade it - the head of security!

- Why did he forbid it?

- Why should I even talk to you? Do I have nothing else to do or what?! You have a husband, deal with him!

- I speak to you civilly and do not raise my voice. Explain why the security chief forbade me to go to the base, home, where I lived for seven years?

- Because your husband forbade him to give you the keys and let you into the apartment!

- What do the keys to the apartment have to do with it? I don’t go there, but into the territory of the base.

- Who are you to go to the base?

- I am the official wife of Denis Golubev.

- He said that you are not his wife and that he is divorcing you! Call your Denis and sort it out with him.

We left for Moscow with literally one suitcase. Some things, clothes - yes, all our seven years together with Denis remained in the apartment, which I will never be able to enter again. Then, standing in the cold at the checkpoint with my son by the hand, I finally understood everything and roared from my own powerlessness.

Having closed the doors of the apartment for his son and ex-wife in Kazan, the hockey player did not calm down. Now, according to Karina, he intends to evict the girl and three-year-old child from their current home - a Moscow apartment, which the Golubevs bought while married.

Denis threatens to set fire to our Moscow two-room apartment, the only one bought during marriage. He repeats that if he doesn’t burn it, he will sell it without our consent, and Demid and I will end up on the street. Needless to say, we are now living on pins and needles?! - says Karina.

According to Karina, trying to avoid the division of joint property, the hockey player has already fictitiously sold a car, which the family bought for four million rubles back in the summer. The amount at which he valued the Mercedes is exactly 40 times less than the market value - the hockey player “received” 100 thousand rubles for it. Now, according to Denis’s idea, the girl can count on her rightful half, and like a real man, he is ready to pay 50 thousand rubles.

According to the law, until Demida reaches adulthood, Denis is obliged to pay maintenance to his son every month - 25% of the hockey player’s salary. According to Life, Golubev’s monthly salary at Ak Bars Kazan, without any bonuses, exceeds a million rubles. However, the athlete refuses to share part of his seven-figure salary with his own child.

I asked Denis to spare us from the courts. All he had to do was sign one paper and take it to the accounting department, but he didn’t do it. Later, my lawyer and I submitted an application in a simplified manner, but he also took this negatively - I received a notification that Denis Pavlovich Golubev was refusing to support his minor son.

Now we have no other choice, and we filed a claim, and this is not a matter of one day - a real legal burden. Apparently, this is what he wanted. In the database of the bailiffs in Kazan, Denis is already listed as a debtor.

Karina said that Denis never experienced any special paternal warmth towards Demid. He hasn't seen his son in over three months, but he still hasn't taken any steps to fix it.

Denis doesn’t even try to communicate with his son. He blocked me everywhere, telling me not to call him again, because he is with his woman. Everything looks as if we were never in his life,” Karina takes a moment’s pause, takes a breath and continues. - In public, Denis loved to show off with his son, because he is a small copy of his father and everyone has always admired such a resemblance. But at home, he won’t take a walk or play with the child again. Nevertheless, Demid loves his father very much. He watches every Ak Bars match in his jersey and every time Denis is shown on TV, he strokes the screen... (At these words, Karina could not hold back her tears.) With Now I say that dad doesn’t call because he’s very busy and plays hockey...

After talking with Karina, Life contacted Denis Golubev. The hockey player noted that he considers all the statements of his ex-wife complete nonsense.

I don't want to comment on this nonsense! This is madness! She only disgraces herself with such statements. “I won’t do this,” the striker said categorically.

Yesterday “Ak Bars” played its last match of the season, losing in the semi-finals of the Gagarin Cup to Magnitogorsk “Metallurg”. Golubev took part in only seven matches of the 2017 playoffs, without scoring a single point.


Denis Pavlovich Golubev(July 11, 1991, Novokuznetsk, USSR) - Russian hockey player, center forward of the Continental Club hockey league(KHL) "Ak Bars" and the club of the Major Hockey League (VHL) "Bars".


Denis Golubev began his career at Ak Bars, making his debut in the 2009/10 season. He recorded two penalty minutes in three games. Most of my career this moment spent in the junior MHL as a member of the Leopards, scoring 75 points in 48 games.

As a member of the Russian youth team, he won the 2011 World Cup. He was noted for scoring the decisive shootout in the semi-finals against Sweden.

Personal life

On June 8, 2012, Denis married his long-time girlfriend Karina. The wedding ceremony took place in Novokuznetsk, the hockey player’s hometown. On April 12, 2013, their son, Demid, was born.


Club career

Regular season Playoffs
Season Team League AND G P ABOUT Shtr +/ AND G P ABOUT Shtr +/
2008/09 Ak Bars-2 First League (R) 72 26 35 61 72 - 3 0 3 3 29 -
2009/10 Leopard MHL 39 20 38 58 96 29 9 7 10 17 18 5
2009/10 AK Bars KHL 3 0 0 0 2 0 - - - - - -
2010/11 Leopard MHL 30 21 21 42 95 19 - - - - - -
2010/11 AK Bars KHL 5 0 0 0 0 -1 - - - - - -
2010/11 Neftyanik Almetyevsk VHL 5 0 2 2 8 -2 9 0 7 7 43 2
2011/12 AK Bars KHL 22 0 0 0 11 2 5 0 0 0 6 -1
2011/12 Neftyanik Almetyevsk VHL 23 8 5 13 88 7 - - - - - -
2011/12 Leopard MHL 6 2 5 7 8 3 - - - - - -
2012/13 AK Bars KHL 52 3 6 9 26 1 18 3 1 4 14 -3
2012/13 Leopard MHL 1 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - -
2012/13 Neftyanik Almetyevsk VHL 1 0 0 0 2 -2 - - - - - -
2013/14 AK Bars KHL 31 0 3 3 16 -1 - - - - - -
2013/14 Neftyanik Almetyevsk VHL 2 0 1 1 2 1 - - - - - -
2014/15 Lada KHL 55 6 5 11 68 -10 - - - - - -
2015/16 Leopard VHL 18 3 4 7 16 -9 - - - - - -
2015/16 AK Bars KHL 27 2 2 4 27 -1 3 2 1 3 2 2
Total in the KHL 195 11 16 27 150 -10 26 5 2 7 22 -2

International competitions



Junior career
Year Team Achievement
2011 Leopard MHL All-Star Game participant