Hypothyroidism excess weight and methods of struggle. How to properly organize simultaneous treatment and weight loss for hypothyroidism. Losing weight with hypothyroidism

Hormones thyroid gland participate in the regulation of numerous functions: brain activity, heart rate, intestinal tract and metabolism. Hypothyroidism tends to slow down these processes and put the body into sleep mode. With hypothyroidism, symptoms characteristic of this disease appear, and one of them is weight gain. What are the mechanisms for the development of hypothyroidism in the body, how can you identify this condition, and how can you reduce unwanted consequences?

What is the thyroid gland needed for?

The thyroid gland is a small gland located at the base of the neck, in front of the trachea, essential for the healthy functioning of the body. Disorders such as decreased function of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) or increased activity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) can have consequences on the brain, heartbeat, intestinal motility, kidney function, body temperature, and weight, which becomes one of the main complaints in patients. suffering from this disease.

The thyroid gland secretes two main hormones: T3 (triiodothyronine), produced in small quantities, and its inactive precursor, T4 (thyroxine), which is transformed according to the body's needs. The production of these hormones depends on the third hormone TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), which is secreted by the pituitary gland. When T3 and T4 levels decrease (hypothyroidism), the pituitary gland releases more TSH to stimulate them. When the levels of T3 and T4 are higher, TSH secretion decreases.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism:

Thyroid function is assessed by testing blood levels of these three hormones. Hypothyroidism is defined as a TSH above 4 mU/L in combination with a low T4 level. The body seems to be in sleep mode: the heart beats slower, intestinal activity is reduced, there is noticeable physical and mental fatigue, lack of appetite, but at the same time there is a tendency to gain more and more weight.
In general, about 10% of the population is affected by hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism may be asymptomatic when TSH is lower than 4 mU/L in combination with T4 at normal levels. The effects become nonspecific and generally minor, even when TSH remains at 10 mU/L. Subclinical (asymptomatic) hypothyroidism does not necessarily require treatment and occurs in one third of patients with hypothyroidism.

Those with hypothyroidism often complain of weight gain or difficulty losing weight, including in subclinical hypothyroidism and when treatment provides normal thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. How seriously do these disorders affect weight?

Hypothyroidism can have a limited effect on weight:

There is an inverse relationship between TSH levels and body mass index (BMI). On average, BMI increases by 0.41 kg per m2 per unit of TSH in women, and 0.48 kg per m2 in men, which means an increase of 1 kg for a woman who is 165 cm tall and weighs 60 kg.
Therefore, you can gain only a few kilograms to your original weight if the TSH level is 5.6

In fact, gaining additional weight does not exceed a few kilograms, except in cases where TSH levels reach extreme values. This is partly due to the appearance of edema. However, when treatment is balanced and hormone levels drop to normal values ​​(TSH is 2.3 mIU/L), there is no reason for weight gain. If you do gain excess weight, it is unlikely to be due to hypothyroidism.

What explains the significant changes?

Almost a third of energy expenditure (EE) is controlled by thyroid hormones. In a group of hypothyroid patients whose thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were between 0.1 and 10 mU/L, the REE was reduced by 15% 8. This could lead to some of the weight gain that was sometimes observed in patients.

Hypothyroidism can also stimulate weight gain indirectly.
People begin to feel tired - another symptom of the disease - which leads to a decrease in their physical activity. Other people, knowing that they have a disease, become more anxious and compensate for the discomfort with food.

There are other causes of thyroid dysfunction, which are usually weight-related. In addition to anxiety when discovering an illness, people begin to think more about their weight, and without meaning to, they begin to eat an unbalanced diet.

Finally, hypothyroidism is more common in older patients, as retirement often involves a decrease in activity. It also sometimes occurs after menopause, which causes hormonal imbalances, including weight gain.

But not all of the actions of thyroid hormones are well known. Perhaps there is an inverse relationship: changes in adipose tissue, weight gain, contribute to an increase in the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).

Cause of weight loss - hypothyroidism:

Weight loss can be attributed to many reasons. Once hypothyroidism is confirmed, the first step is to select treatment, which prescribes synthetic T4 hormones. After 4-6 weeks, sometimes a little more, TSH will return to normal. Only in some cases, hormone levels will not change after treatment: weight change, pregnancy or illness.

Some patients sometimes ask if it is possible to increase the dose by an order of magnitude, which will ultimately help them lose weight faster. But this is absolutely not recommended due to the risks to heart health. For the same reason, hypothyroidism should be treated even if the patient is only concerned about weight gain.

Hypothyroidism does not require special diet. A balanced and healthy diet combined with regular physical activity(3-4 times a week) - this is quite enough to lose extra pounds.

Why do you need to lose weight with hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism and excess weight in women are related in much the same way as diabetes and obesity. The culprit is hormonal changes, due to which substances involved in all metabolic processes (protein, fat, carbohydrates) are no longer produced in the required quantities. So losing weight with hypothyroidism, as with diabetes, first of all involves normalizing hormonal levels.

It is mainly women who gain weight with hypothyroidism, this is the peculiarity of this disease (it is diagnosed extremely rarely in men). The question of whether it is possible to lose weight in principle is not relevant. This must be done, otherwise serious health problems threaten.

Patients with hypothyroidism, first of all, need to figure out not how to lose weight with thyroid hypothyroidism, but why to do it.

A diet for thyroid hypothyroidism is necessary because it is the only way:

  • you can lose weight. No matter how effective hormonal pills are. Only giving up unhealthy foods (fast food, baked goods, sweets, alcohol) and reducing the overall energy value of the menu for a week or one day allows you to lose weight. And get ready for physical activity - the integrated approach has not yet been canceled;
  • normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland. The diet for thyroid hypothyroidism is aimed not only at creating a deficit in energy value (simple mathematics: the greater the energy expenditure, the faster the weight loss), but also at normalizing iodine levels. It is the lack of the latter that leads to disruption of the production of thyroid hormones - triiodothyronine (it contains three iodine molecules), tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine (contains four iodine molecules). The result of such a violation is the accumulation overweight;
  • prevent disruption of internal organs. The disease is accompanied by obesity, yellowing of the skin, and early atherosclerosis (formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels). And also swelling around the eyes, teeth marks on the tongue, pain in the heart and behind the sternum, constipation, nausea, flatulence, enlarged liver, cholelithiasis, menstrual irregularities;
  • reduce swelling. When hormonal levels change, sooner or later kidney function is impaired. The result is fluid retention in the body. Stimulation of kidney function through diuretic products and physical exercise leads not only to a reduction in edema, but also helps to achieve weight loss in case of hypothyroidism;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system. One of the complications of thyroid dysfunction is a violation of pulmonary ventilation, that is, the supply of oxygen to the tissues. This process not only provides nutrition to the entire body, but also triggers fat burning (lipid metabolism is possible only in the presence of oxygen). A special menu for hypothyroidism, supplemented with at least light physical activity, allows you to speed up blood circulation, which means speeding up metabolism.

Comment from an endocrinologist! To produce hormones, the thyroid gland needs two components: iodine and the essential amino acid tyrosine. Both with hypofunction (deficiency) and hyperfunction (excess), all metabolic processes are disrupted to one degree or another. In this case, each subsequent violation is layered on the previous one. The result is a kind of critical mass of disorders, leading to various diseases, ranging from hypothyroidism to thyrotoxicosis (with thyrotoxicosis, the thyroid gland, on the contrary, begins to produce too much thyroid hormones). For example, a decrease in the amount of iodine in the body leads to a complete cessation of the synthesis of thyroid hormones. This, in turn, leads to a disruption in the production of adrenaline by the adrenal glands. This is a hormone released during stressful situations. As well as dopamine (pleasure hormone) by skin cells. Melanin (the pigment responsible for the color of eyes, hair, skin). So a diet for hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland is not just an indispensable condition for treatment, but a matter of life and death

Dietary rules for different types of hypothyroidism

A diet for losing weight in case of thyroid dysfunction largely follows the principles of dietary nutrition for diabetes mellitus.

The basic rules of nutritional treatment are as follows:

  • Refusal of sweets, pastries, soda, alcohol, smoked foods, marinades, pickles. Not only do they contain a lot of “empty” calories (which do not benefit the body, but simply clog and lead to fat formation), they also affect the water-salt balance, which is already disturbed.
  • Small meals five to six times a day with an interval of two to three hours. This approach will help you avoid hunger and maintain your metabolism at the required level.
  • A clear distribution of products throughout the day depending on the predominance of proteins, fats or carbohydrates. All carbohydrates are consumed before 16:00, then the body will have time to use them to maintain vital processes. After 16:00 is the time for proteins of plant origin (it is better to consume proteins of animal origin in the first half of the day, as they take longer to digest). It's the same with fats. The best option consumption of fats - in the form of salad dressing (two to three tablespoons per day). This is important because many vitamins from vegetables are absorbed only in the presence of fat. These include vitamins A, , and provitamin beta-carotene. The precursor to vitamin A is synthesized from beta-carotene only in the presence of fats. The last meal should be no later than two hours before bedtime. It must be proteins. Otherwise, the body will spend energy on digestion and it is unlikely that you will be able to fall asleep. And proteins are needed because it is them that the body uses as building material. All recovery processes occur mainly during sleep.
  • Maintain drinking regime. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day (tea, coffee, fruit drinks, compotes do not count). Thanks to water, metabolic products are removed, intestinal function is stimulated, and the water-salt balance is normalized.

Doctors' recommendations regarding diet for hypothyroidism

How to lose weight with (advice from an endocrinologist):

  • Despite the similarities between diets for diabetes and hypothyroidism, it is important to know and understand some nuances. Losing weight by reducing the amount of carbohydrates and reducing the calorie content of dishes is not the case.

The weekly menu must include natural coffee - up to two cups per day (total volume - 300 ml). Sugar, cream and milk cannot be added. Coffee helps remove excess liquid and stimulate metabolism. But you can’t get carried away with this drink, since a number of micro- and macroelements are washed out of the body along with water, first of all,

  • Physical activity should be moderate. With high intensity exercise, the swelling will not only not decrease, but will worsen, since the kidneys will not be able to cleanse the incoming blood so quickly. The maximum heart rate during exercise is 120-130 beats per minute. One to two hours before training, be sure to eat “slow” carbohydrates, such as porridge.
  • You can learn more about the intricacies of dealing with hypothyroidism in the video below.

    Only those who have encountered a similar problem know how difficult it is to lose weight with endocrine disorders. At best, standard advice like “Eat less, move more” is of no use, and at worst, it can only make the situation worse. One of the most common diseases today that leads to rapid weight gain is hypothyroidism. Let's find out how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, advice from an endocrinologist.

    With hypothyroidism, the activity of the thyroid gland is reduced, so it produces less thyroxine, the hormone directly responsible for the speed of metabolic processes. Due to its lack, the body absorbs the nutrients it receives more slowly, but the feeling of hunger occurs at the right time. It turns out that with a normal diet, a person still overeats.

    Hypothyroidism can be congenital, when the child's thyroid gland is underdeveloped, or acquired. Most common cause its development in adulthood is iodine deficiency, since it is iodine that is converted into thyroxine.

    A decrease in thyroid function is also possible after injuries, operations, in the presence of neoplasms on it, or while taking certain medications.

    What to do

    First of all, don't panic. Hypothyroidism is a serious diagnosis, but not a sentence to remain fat. Losing weight with hypothyroidism is difficult, but possible. Just don't even try to do it yourself! The weight loss process must be carefully planned and carried out under the supervision of endocrinologists.

    Establishing diagnosis

    It is very important to establish the diagnosis as accurately as possible. And to do this without ultrasound diagnostics and laboratory tests that accurately determine the level of the hormones T4 and TSH in the blood is unrealistic.

    Therefore, even if you know for sure that you have hypothyroidism, go for a re-examination before starting to lose weight. Perhaps something has changed since diagnosis.

    Many patients are hysterically afraid of taking hormonal drugs, the prescription of which for hypothyroidism is almost inevitable. Therefore, they ask the doctor to cancel them (or do it themselves) as soon as TSH drops to 5 units. (at a norm of 0.5-5). But this is not recovery, but only the upper limit of the norm! If your TSH is above 2.5-3, be sure to consult your doctor: most likely you need to continue taking the drug.

    It is equally important to know that there are no organic disorders in the thyroid gland itself: inflammatory processes, abscesses, neoplasms, etc. If there are any, then you must first eliminate the main problem, and then purposefully engage in weight loss.

    Also make sure that other medications you may be taking do not reduce the effectiveness of L-thyroxine. Most often these are drugs or multivitamin complexes with large amounts of calcium.

    Change hormonal background and birth control pills, so when choosing them, be sure to inform your gynecologist about the presence of hypothyroidism and find out if you can take them.

    Smart nutrition

    Any type of fasting is strictly prohibited for patients with hypothyroidism. The only way to lose weight if you have thyroid disease is a healthy, moderate and proper diet. Here are some tips from endocrinologists:

    It is also inevitable to avoid typical unhealthy foods: sugar, sweets, treats or bags, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. White bread will have to be replaced with whole grain or dark bread, and milk should be chosen with a reduced percentage of fat content.

    Physical exercise

    Hypothyroidism is not a reason to refuse active physical activity. Another thing is that it's too intensive training undesirable for such patients. The load should increase gradually and preference should be given aerobic training- they speed up the fat burning process as much as possible and saturate the body with oxygen.

    You yourself will feel when the level physical training will grow so much that you will want at least a little strength exercises. You need to start with those that use your own body weight: push-ups, planks, different kinds squats. And gradually you can add weights.

    Building up muscle mass very helpful. It creates a beautiful body contour and gradually displaces fat. Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. This means your metabolism speeds up.

    For those who do not have the time, energy or opportunity to exercise regularly and for lazy people who do not want to regularly work on themselves, endocrinologists also have some advice:

    As you can see, even physical education can be fun and exciting. It all depends on your approach and inner mood. Remember that you can enjoy everything in life. And at the same time, lose weight, rejuvenate and gradually get rid of the disease.

    Hypothyroidism can be diagnosed if thyroid function is impaired and there is hormonal imbalance. Blood glucose levels increase. There is a lack of hormones, the water balance, the removal of fluid from the body slows down. The result is hypothyroidism and excess weight. How to deal with the problem?

    Is it possible to lose weight with hypothyroidism?

    Hypothyroidism is a pathology that causes weakness, memory impairment, deterioration of the skin and hair. The main problem with hypothyroidism is excess weight.

    Causes of obesity:

    1. Adipose tissue. They accumulate in the body in significant quantities. The process is affected by metabolic failure. The flow of glucose into the tissues stops. Sedimentation occurs in fatty cellular structures.
    2. Lack of thyroid hormones. Fluid accumulates in the body.

    Water balance is normalized after taking L-thyroxine and proper diet. The recovery process takes a long time.

    Women over 45 years of age rapidly gain excess weight with hypothyroidism. With this disease, metabolism slows down and obesity occurs. The problem cannot be solved on its own. Recommendations and treatment are prescribed by an endocrinologist. Initially, the patient is examined and a diagnosis is established. After which the specialist selects medications (individually). They are used in combination with diet and gymnastics.

    Essential products for weight loss

    To improve the functioning of internal organs and systems with hypothyroidism, it is necessary to reduce weight. By using health system nutrition and fragmentation of the diet (taken in small portions), the problem will be resolved quickly and effectively.

    Let's look at products that help reduce body weight. Patients are recommended to take:

    1. Boiled chicken, low-fat dairy products, pumpkin, sesame seeds, bananas, apples. The products presented are a source of tyrosine.
    2. Sea fish, iodized salt, seafood. All components are expressed as natural sources of iodine.
    3. Vitamin therapy Yodomarin. Before using the product, consult a doctor. The drug is recommended to be taken three times every seven days.
    4. Chicken and quail eggs. They contain the optimal amount of protein.
    5. Brazil nuts, onions, garlic, broccoli, brewer's yeast. The products contain vitamin B, which keeps the body in good shape and actively fights hypothyroidism.

    Doctors recommend drinking natural brewed coffee. The drink can stimulate the functioning of the thyroid gland. It contains magnesium, which is necessary during the diet. The daily intake of coffee treats should not exceed two or three cups (300 – 500 grams of liquid).

    Correct daily menu

    How to lose weight with hypothyroidism? A question of interest to patients suffering from excess weight. The daily dosage of food should be divided into several doses. The basis of nutrition in the presence of pathology includes vegetables and fruits, a reduced amount of animal proteins and easily digestible carbohydrates. Weight loss will occur gradually, and the body will not be harmed.

    Obesity with hypothyroidism, menu for seven days:

    On Monday:

    • for breakfast: cottage cheese with low fat content and avocado, cut into pieces, will be useful;
    • for lunch: vegetable soup or chicken broth;
    • for an afternoon snack: potato casserole;
    • for dinner: apples, bananas.

    On Tuesday:

    • breakfast: low-fat kefir or muesli, diluted with milk (1%);
    • lunch: vegetable stew, cheese (minimal fat content);
    • afternoon snack: steamed fish cutlets, vegetable salad (tomato, cucumber);
    • dinner: weak tea with diet bread.
    • breakfast: 1% yogurt with chopped fruit;
    • lunch: soup of pureed vegetables, boiled rice with meat quenelles;
    • afternoon snack: apples, grapes, seafood;
    • dinner: kefir with bran bread.

    On Thursday:

    • breakfast: egg white omelet or vegetable casserole;
    • lunch: boiled chicken fillet or buckwheat milk porridge;
    • afternoon snack: vegetable salad;
    • dinner: fruit.

    On Friday:

    • organize a fasting day (eat fruit and vegetable products throughout the day).

    On Saturday:

    • breakfast: oatmeal porridge with a slice of low-fat cheese;
    • lunch: lentils with beef goulash, vegetable salad;
    • afternoon snack: seafood;
    • dinner: fruit, tea with dietary bread.

    On Sunday:

    • breakfast: cottage cheese casserole;
    • lunch: boiled or baked potatoes, combined with vegetable salad;
    • afternoon snack: steamed fish cutlets, fruit jelly;
    • dinner: vegetable stew, bran bread, low-fat kefir.

    Submitted diet menu will contribute rapid recovery metabolism in the body, will normalize fat tissue.

    Eating as many fruits and vegetables as possible will help you lose weight quickly!

    Important! If the level of hormones T3 and T4 is low, completely give up alcoholic beverages, otherwise your body weight will remain unchanged.

    Sports and hypothyroidism

    Losing weight with hypothyroidism is possible if you follow all the recommendations of the endocrinologist. After assessing the severity of the pathology, the specialist prescribes gymnastics in combination with a diet.

    It consists in:

    When playing sports, you need to control your heart rate. To do this, a special device in the form of a bracelet is put on the wrist area.

    Drug therapy for weight loss

    If correct menu and gymnastics has no effect positive effect, what to do?

    Combined with diets and physical activity An endocrinologist may prescribe medications. The use of medications is allowed after a thorough examination. The doctor directs the patient to undergo a blood test. The answers received indicate the content of triiodothyronine, TSH, thyroxine, and cortisone in the blood. Then therapy is prescribed.

    The doctor prescribes hormone replacement drugs. Treatment is carried out with the help of Euthyrox, Tyrosine, Omega-3, L-thyroxine, Levothyroxine Sodium.


    Before using medications, diets, gymnastic exercises consult an endocrinologist. The treatment may take a long period of time. No need to set a goal fast weight loss(in 7 days). Basic rule: avoid alcoholic beverages, raw water, soy products, and any varieties of cabbage.

    Problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland affect the entire body, and excess weight with hypothyroidism becomes a consequence of hormonal imbalance. Metabolic failure prevents increasing glucose in the blood from reaching everyone internal organs- it settles in fat cells and accumulates there, leading to weight gain. Poor elimination of excess fluid also contributes to this.

    Advice from an endocrinologist

    Losing weight in the event of hypothyroidism is a task aimed at improving not only appearance, but also health. Doctors note that most often this disease is diagnosed in women after 45 years of age. In this case, hormonal imbalance is treated with medication, and weight loss should occur through changing the diet and establishing the correct daily routine along with the use of physical exercise.

    Since the metabolism is slow, weight loss occurs gradually.

    The diet allows you to improve the body's metabolism and supply the thyroid gland with necessary vitamins. It is important not to resort to fasting - such a measure can lead to complications.


    The need to adjust nutrition during hypothyroidism is especially acute at the initial stage of the disease. An endocrinologist-nutritionist offers a suitable diet to the patient after obtaining an anamnesis and assessing the patient’s condition.

    Hypothyroid obesity can be eliminated, among other things, by a diet aimed at performing a number of tasks:

    1. relieving swelling of the limbs and face;
    2. normalization of the cardiovascular system;
    3. restoration of health to hair and nails;
    4. increased mood, changes in psycho-emotional background;
    5. preventing further weight gain and reducing existing weight.

    For subclinical and autoimmune hypothyroidism, the diet from the American writer Mary Chaumont is considered effective. It consists in calculating individual daily norm kilocalories for each person suffering from thyroid dysfunction. The calculation is made using the formula:

    Body weight × 25 – 200 kcal

    For example, for a weight of 80 kg the daily norm will be 80×25-200 or 1800 kcal. You should not consume it all at once - you need to break it down into all meals per day. The more often they are, the better. In this case, even a high calorie intake will not negatively affect weight. Each meal will help improve metabolism and speed up metabolism.

    Excess weight and hypothyroidism

    Diet for hypothyroidism, permitted and prohibited foods

    Diet 8 for hypothyroidism

    Products that contain tyrosine, an alpha amino acid that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and prevents the deposition of fats in the body, can help you lose weight. The consumption of such products includes a specially designed diet 8.

    These include any seafood (included in the menu at least twice a week), seaweed, lean turkey or rabbit meat, and fresh veal. The diet should include a large amount of unsweetened fruits and vegetables (especially kiwi, persimmon and feijoa), porridge made from barley, buckwheat and millet, and any low-fat dairy products.

    Among nuts, preference can be given to pine nuts, and among dried fruits - dried apricots.

    You can eat bread made from coarse flour or rye flour. Tomato, light mushroom and vegetable sauces are allowed. All dishes are steamed, baked, boiled or stewed. Instead of sugar, you must use a substitute. It is better to drink fruit drinks, green tea, and water.

    If you have hypothyroidism, you should not eat fatty foods of all categories, legumes, pickles, ice cream, jams and any confectionery, spicy and fatty snacks, smoked meats, sausages, caviar, wheat bread and baked goods.


    The effectiveness of a diet for weight loss is achieved only in conjunction with the correct consumption of single servings from the total daily food intake. Their volume should not exceed the calculated value.

    If you need to eat 1800 kcal per day, and the frequency of meals is 6 times, then the total energy value of one serving should not exceed 300 kcal.

    To control your diet, you should make detailed menu on every day.


    1 boiled egg, a glass of kefir, 100 g of boiled veal, 2 apples, a handful of green peas, vegetable puree soup, 100 g of cod with boiled potatoes, cabbage salad, green tea, compote.


    Muesli with low-fat milk, a piece of rye bread with cheese, green tea, grated carrots with olive oil, veal borscht, a handful of nuts and berries, a baked piece of fish with pumpkin, cucumber, fruit juice, kefir.


    Natural fruit yogurt, vegetable stew, meat quenelles with rice, vegetable salad with whole grain bread, fruit jelly, veal goulash with lentils, compote, coffee with milk.


    Barley porridge, steamed fish cutlet, egg, glass of milk, soup with barley and vegetables, beef stroganoff with a small portion of sauerkraut, avocado, boiled potatoes, yogurt.


    Omelet with Adyghe cheese, tea with milk, vegetables with steamed veal, vegetable salad, a handful of pumpkin seeds, kiwi, cottage cheese, baked fish steak with rice, tea with stevia.


    Cabbage salad, boiled potatoes, a glass of milk, chicken soup, cucumber, rosehip broth, stewed turkey, bell pepper, green tea, yogurt.


    Oatmeal, vegetable casserole, buckwheat porridge with milk, baked potatoes with boiled shrimp, apple, bran bread, steam cutlets rabbit, kefir.

    Drugs and medications

    All prescriptions for taking pills and medications for obesity are made by the doctor.

    It determines the appropriate dosage for high-quality weight loss without causing harm to the body. It is necessary to reconsider those means that are already in use. For example, oral contraceptives with synthetic estrogen may interfere with weight loss even if other recommendations are followed.

    A common drug for correcting metabolic processes is L-carnitine.

    It has an antithyroid effect, promotes fat metabolism, increases appetite, and is a partial thyroxine antagonist. Thanks to this dietary supplement body fat accumulate less, the immune system becomes stronger.