Gymnastics for osteochondrosis full complex. Exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine. Examples of therapeutic exercises for neurological diseases, in particular osteochondrosis of the spine with protrusions and herniated discs

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the musculoskeletal system. Diagnostics will find out the symptoms of the disease, additionally examine, make an accurate diagnosis. Schemes for treatment consist of components: medical gymnastics, the use of anti-inflammatory, painkillers, rehabilitation, physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis, the use of drugs that restore damaged vertebral discs.


Diagnosis is made by a neuropathologist, orthopedist. The doctor will determine the symptoms of the disease, conduct an examination, study the history of development. When examining a patient with osteochondrosis, a curvature of the vertebra (scoliosis), tense muscles of the vertebra, and the presence of painful points are usually outlined. To determine the correct diagnosis, an X-ray examination, nuclear magnetic resonance, and computed tomography are performed.


If signs of osteochondrosis appear, seek advice from a doctor, tell about the problem. The doctor will advise the types of treatment: diet, surgical, drug treatment, exercise therapy for osteochondrosis, bed rest. The type of treatment is selected individually according to the level of complexity of the disease. Doctors recommend that a person with osteochondrosis sleep on a hard bed. If severe pain has begun, it is recommended to lie down immediately, call a doctor.

Medical gymnastics

If the doctor advised you to do medical gymnastics, this means that you need to do physical education in moderation, do not overdo it! Medical gymnastics has a positive effect on the spine of a patient with osteochondrosis. Physical education improves metabolism, restores intervertebral discs, muscles become stronger, better hold the vertebrae.

Gymnastics has a positive effect on the psychological state of the patient. There are many physical exercises for osteochondrosis, performed during the day at different times. If pain occurs during the exercise, it is worth stopping the exercise, go to the doctor.

Types of osteochondrosis

There are three types of disease: cervical, lumbar, thoracic. Cervical osteochondrosis - disc deformity cervical, accompanied by pain in the neck, shoulders, numbness of the fingers, weakness of the hands. Lumbar - a common type of osteochondrosis, a disease of the lumbar. It is determined by pain in the lower back, numbness of the legs, disorder of the reproductive system, urinary tract.

Thoracic osteochondrosis - deformation of the disks of the thoracic region. Determined by pain in the chest, back, internal organs. For any type of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment, previously agreed with the doctor. After treatment, physical rehabilitation is carried out for osteochondrosis of the spine.

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Exercise therapy is considered an effective method of treatment for cervical osteochondrosis. Exercises worth doing: lie down on your back, put your right hand on your stomach, left hand on your chest. Inhale-exit, interval - 10 seconds, the exercise is performed for five minutes, a couple of times a day.

Second - lie down on your stomach, keep your legs straight. Raise upper part chest, head up, lean on legs, stomach, interval - 25 seconds. Exercise is done 5 minutes, 5 times a day. Third - the legs are bent at the knees, the back is even. We turn in different directions, the interval is 25 seconds, for 5 minutes, 5 times a day.

A set of exercises for patients with thoracic osteochondrosis

First exercise: lying on your stomach. Resting with our hands, bend back, linger for 10 seconds. Second: lying on your back. Raise your legs, head (“boat”) up, linger for 20 seconds.

Exercises thoracic osteochondrosis worth doing, maintaining an interval of 25 seconds, for 5 minutes, 5 times a day.

A set of exercises for diseases of the lumbar

First exercise: lie down on your back, bend your legs, press to your chest, swing to roll from your back to the sacrum, return. Exercise to perform for two minutes. After doing half an hour, lie quietly on a hard mattress.

Second: we get up in a "dog" pose, bend in the lower back, do it for 5 minutes, 6 times a day.

Third: standing, legs apart, perform circular movements with the pelvis for three minutes. Physical activity in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is done 10 times a day.

First aid

Change of weather, physical activity provoke an exacerbation of the disease, increased pain. If you encounter this, see a doctor, observe bed rest, proper nutrition. If you experience severe pain, take painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, consult your doctor. Self-medication is harmful to health.

We treat osteochondrosis with folk methods

Treatment of the disease with folk remedies relieves inflammation, reduces back pain. Folk methods will not constitute full complex treatments are considered an adjunct to medications. To folk remedies include: herbal, alcohol infusions, decoctions, rubbing, ointments, compresses. ethnoscience in full force fights with osteochondrosis.

They are especially suitable for the treatment of the disease: they observe the diet, rest, exercise therapy is done for osteochondrosis of the spine. It is worth doing in case of illness and for prevention. To relieve back pain, apply a burdock compress to the affected area for half an hour. Take a spoonful of crushed leaves in a glass of water. After the compress, warm the sore spot.

Decoction recipes

Decoctions are taken orally. Relieve inflammation, swelling.

  • 50 g goat willow bark, birch leaves, buckthorn grass, 2 tbsp. l. for 0.5 water. Boil for 10 minutes, insist for an hour, drink 2 times a day for a glass of broth.
  • goldenrod, linden (flowers), St. John's wort, red elderberry (flowers). Take, brew in the same way as the first decoction, but do not boil.
  • St. John's wort, fragrant harrow root, 2 tbsp. l. for 2 glasses of water. Boiling time 15 minutes, leave for an hour, take 3 times before meals.

Herbal tinctures

Useful in the treatment of diseases alcohol tinctures. Quickly absorbed, fast acting. Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis, along with tinctures, decoctions, helps faster.

  • Cedar tincture. Pine nuts are taken, their shells are crushed, poured with vodka so that there is a layer of vodka of at least 5 cm above them. Infuse for a week, shaking daily, then pass the infusion through gauze. Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Aspen tincture. Bark, aspen leaves, preferably young, are poured with vodka (1:10). Leave for 2 weeks, shaking daily. A tincture of 25 drops is taken, mixed with water, 3 times a day.
  • Saber tincture. The crushed dry stems (roots) of the marsh cinquefoil are poured with 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 3 weeks. Taken before meals, 20 g 3 times a day, mixed with water.
  • Arnica tincture. 20 parts of alcohol to 1 part of arnica leave for a week. Taken after meals, 40 drops, mixed with water, 3 times a day.

Rehabilitation treatment

Rehabilitation treatment includes manual therapy, massage, sauna, mud treatment, contrast baths, physical exercises for cervical osteochondrosis, laser therapy, swimming, turpentine baths. Rehabilitation treatment is carried out after the course of treatment, when there is no severe pain. Rehabilitation is needed to complete the treatment completely, to put the body in order.

The article was written for general educational development. To establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, ALWAYS consult a doctor


A person who often experiences pain in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine, especially after maintaining a static uncomfortable posture for a long time, needs to regularly perform the exercises that make up therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis. In the absence of a disease, they will act as a preventive measure, and if it is present, they will help to alleviate well-being and prevent deterioration of the condition.

What is osteochondrosis

The word "osteochondrosis" in medicine is understood as a disease associated with degenerative changes in the tissues of the articular cartilage. According to statistics, the frequency of damage to the intervertebral discs is higher than the joints themselves. To treat osteochondrosis, you need to understand the cause of its development:

  • Age - due to the gradual reduction of the vascular bed of the intervertebral discs (especially in people over 35 years old), changes occur in their diet, which creates difficulties with their recovery.
  • Back injury.
  • The presence of excess weight.
  • Violation of posture (congenital or acquired).
  • Increased mobility of the spinal segments.
  • Weak muscle corset.
  • Excessive exercise on the back.
  • Prolonged retention of uncomfortable postures.
  • Disturbed metabolism, malnutrition.

The main symptom is aching pain in the back, which can be exacerbated by a feeling of paralysis of the limbs. If osteochondrosis is a chronic disease, weight loss and limb atrophy will appear among the symptoms. Pain sensations can be observed only in one sector - cervicothoracic, lumbar, etc., or spread over the entire back, radiate to the heart, sacrum, head, accompanied by dizziness, "flies" before the eyes.

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis

Conservative therapy is applied at most stages of this disease - to surgical intervention doctors rarely resort, and experts call physiotherapy exercises or gymnastics one of the most important methods. It is selected based on the severity of the patient's condition, the presence / absence of age-related changes, concomitant diseases. Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis are not only a way to block the development of the disease, but can also be used for prophylactic purposes.

What is needed for

Exercises for osteochondrosis have several goals: in the early stages, they stimulate the process of cartilage tissue regeneration and decompression of the nerve roots, and later, they prevent further destruction of the intervertebral discs. With their help, you can quickly achieve muscle relaxation, alleviate the condition in case of exacerbation pain syndrome. Already after the first month regular classes therapeutic exercises will make themselves felt:

  • muscle elasticity will increase;
  • posture will be corrected;
  • the process of strengthening the muscle corset will begin;
  • the mobility of the spinal column will return;
  • blood circulation is activated and metabolism is improved;
  • the frequency of remissions will decrease.

Author's methods

If the prevention of the disease can be callanetics, yoga or Pilates, then the treatment is selected individually, often from the 8 main methods of gymnastics for osteochondrosis. All of them are adjusted to home conditions, so you do not need to visit the medical center. The most explicit healing effect give:

  • Butrimov's complex - based on Chinese techniques, requires implementation in the morning and evening.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics Dikul with osteochondrosis - isometric exercises for the neck and exercises with a stick and a ball.
  • Shishonin's gymnastics is suitable for patients with hypodynamia, has no contraindications, but protects more than heals.
  • Physiotherapy according to Bubnovsky - kinesitherapy, suitable for everyone, can act as a prevention of osteochondrosis. It is transferred to the home only after classes with a specialist.

Exercise rules

The main thing is that exercise therapy complexes for osteochondrosis of the spine are selected together with the doctor for each section of the back individually and taking into account possible concomitant diseases that prohibit physical activity. A few more important rules:

  • Therapeutic gymnastics is not physical education, not a sport: all exercises are performed smoothly, without jerks.
  • Watch your well-being: gymnastics should not provoke exacerbations of osteochondrosis.
  • Increase the number of approaches gradually, as your body gets used to it.
  • Therapeutic exercises for the back with osteochondrosis are not practiced against the background of an exacerbation: only during remissions.

A set of exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine

Each zone of the spinal column requires separate gymnastics: rotations and tilts of the head are used for the neck, but it does not tilt back. The lower back (and the thoracic-lumbar region) needs deflections, twists. With osteochondrosis, which affects the entire spinal column, exercises are combined for each department in general complex. All of them are performed for as long as you can practice without discomfort.

With cervical osteochondrosis

Therapeutic exercises for the neck area are tilts and head rotations, which should not cause discomfort or dizziness. Movements are performed smoothly, it is advisable to insert them into morning exercises. Such gymnastics is considered effective:

  • Smooth turns of the head to the side - 10 times.
  • Tilt your head, stretching your chin to the collarbones. Pressing on the back of the head with the palm of your hand, try to raise your head, counting to 10. Relax. Repeat 5 times.
  • Keeping your head straight, apply pressure with your palm to your forehead and try to tilt your head forward. Count to 10, relax. Repeat 5 times.

With osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Elements of physical therapy, working out the muscles of the legs and buttocks, have a positive effect on the condition of the lumbar vertebrae in osteochondrosis, since these zones are interconnected. Even a classic “bicycle” in the prone position will be useful, and you can add to the company:

  • Half bridge - from a supine position (legs bent, emphasis on the feet), raise the pelvis to a straight line from the knees to the chest. After counting to 10, go down. 15 repetitions.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, lifting them off the floor. Tilt slowly to the right and left, twisting at the waist, for a minute.
  • Lying on the floor, take emphasis on arms bent at the elbows (put at the chest). Raise the body, bend at the waist. Count to 10, go down. Repeat 15 times.
  • Lean forward with a straight back, count to 5, round it and smoothly straighten up. Repeat 10 times.

With osteochondrosis of the thoracic region

In the case of acquired posture disorders, gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the spine often affects the thoracic or cervicothoracic region. In a standing position or sitting on a chair (back is even), you need to perform the following therapeutic exercises:

  • Slowly raise your shoulders up to your ears, and gently lower. Repeat 20 times.
  • Opening your arms to the sides, twist the body to the right and left 20 times.
  • In the supine position, tear off the shoulder blades, lifting the top of the body. Count to 5, drop down. Repeat 10 times.
  • Lie on a hard surface with your stomach. Raise your chin and chest. Count to 5, relax. Repeat 10 times.

With widespread osteochondrosis

Simple exercise therapeutic gymnastics for the entire spine - from a supine position, slowly sit down, tearing off the back in segments: shoulders, shoulder blades, lower back. After you need to stretch forward, count to 5 and lie down in the same way step by step. By repeating this element 7-10 times, you can switch to the following exercises for the spine with osteochondrosis of all departments:

  • From a supine position 15 times, slowly pull your knees up to your chest and hug them with your hands, resting your forehead on them.
  • In a standing position on all fours, gently bend and arch your back 25 times.
  • Lying on your stomach, exhaling, tear off your legs and chest from the floor. After counting to 10, go down. Repeat 15 times.

Daily gymnastics for osteochondrosis

Any lesson begins - be it morning exercises (exercises) or evening workout- with a warm-up, warming up the muscles and joints. After that, you can begin to perform the main complex of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis. It can be made up of yoga asanas or Pilates elements, and should last 15-20 minutes. Be sure to create comfortable home conditions for this:

  • put on loose clothing;
  • ventilate the room before class.

Shoulder exercises

In therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis, there are necessarily loads that work out shoulder girdle- they benefit the thoracic region, which is especially suffering in office workers. In exercise (you can warm up) include:

  • Rotations with each hand forward and backward. The amplitude is large, the pace is average, the duration is a minute.
  • Circles shoulders back and forth for a minute.

For hip joints

Mandatory prevention of degenerative changes is also required by the most fragile area, which daily receives high loads - these are the hip joints. Simple gymnastics for the spine with osteochondrosis, it will almost not give results here, separate exercises are needed:

  • Lying on your back, 10 times slowly raise straight legs to a perpendicular to the floor and take them to the side. Smooth return.
  • Lying on your back with bent legs (heels close to the buttocks), spread your knees to the sides 20 times, trying to put them on the floor.
  • In a standing position, perform slow lifts of the straight leg up and abduction to the side 15 times for each.

For knee joints

The classic exercise from physical education classes is the “bicycle”, in which you need to pedal while lying on your back, this is one of the effective methods strengthening and treatment knee joints. To it, in order to prevent osteochondrosis of this area, it is advised to add:

  • Walking on your knees on a soft carpet for 1-2 minutes.
  • Alternate smooth pulling of the heel to the buttocks with sliding on the floor (in the supine position with outstretched legs). Repeat 20 times.

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In the fight against osteochondrosis, complex therapy is used, the main part of which is exercise therapy for osteochondrosis. Exercise the most effective method fight against illness. Currently, the number of people diagnosed with osteochondrosis is growing exponentially. This is due to the limited mobility of modern man. Most people are busy sedentary work at the computer, and spend the evenings at home watching TV. A set of exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine will help diversify your leisure time, it will allow you to spend your free time with health benefits. Gymnastics from osteochondrosis has its own indications, features and rules. The full complex is recommended to be agreed individually with your doctor. Physical exercises for osteochondrosis are prescribed after the suppression of pain.

Therapeutic exercise for osteochondrosis of the spine is used at the first appearance of symptoms, in a rhythm that does not cause you discomfort. What exercises can be done with osteochondrosis, and what exercises cannot be done? Consider the rules of application:

  • Start any physical activity without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited;
  • It is forbidden to carry out physical exercises, without the pain syndrome of osteochondrosis removed;
  • It is forbidden to exercise in the presence of medical contraindications and diseases other than osteochondrosis;
  • With osteochondrosis of the back, it is better to do gymnastics at the same time, in loose, light clothes, in a ventilated room;
  • Eating is recommended at least an hour before the start of the workout;
  • To warm up the muscles, you can go to the bath and warm up desired zone warm water;
  • The exercise therapy complex for osteochondrosis should begin with a warm-up, in order to avoid injury or sprain;
  • Charging against osteochondrosis is carried out carefully, without tears and jerks;
  • If any discomfort occurs, the exercises for the back should be interrupted and you should go to your doctor to adjust the treatment;
  • Avoid straining the back muscles with osteochondrosis.

Rehabilitation for osteochondrosis is the most important point. The effect of treatment and the level of recovery of the body after the disease depend on the procedures prescribed for rehabilitation.

Osteochondrosis can be completely cured only with the first symptoms, with the help of exercises for the back with osteochondrosis, when there are no defects and damage to the intervertebral discs.

If the damage has already been diagnosed, then the therapy and prescribed treatment will only stop this process, preventing the disease from progressing further. Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the spine helps to achieve maximum effect in complex therapy and has a number of remarkable properties:

  • General strengthening of the muscular corset, which helps the spine to take the correct physiological position. Increased muscle elasticity;
  • Stagnant processes in the paravertebral tissues are accelerated, which allows you to restore the nutrition of the intervertebral discs and stop the process of destruction;
  • Improving posture and relieving stress from the spine;
  • General improvement of the processes occurring in the body, improvement of well-being and mood.

Exercises for the back with osteochondrosis are contraindicated:

  • Hypertension, high blood pressure;
  • The period after surgery, injury or other interventions;
  • neurological diseases;
  • Pathological conditions of the body, severe forms of certain diseases.

Therapeutic complex of exercises

Any exercise for osteochondrosis of the spine begins with a warm-up part, this is walking in place (5 minutes), and raising arms.

Cervical spine

Most cases of osteochondrosis affect the neck. To use the exercise for the treatment of osteochondrosis, be sure to consult with a specialist. Each complex takes no more than 20 minutes of your personal time, this is not so much to restore health and return to the normal course of life.

Therapeutic exercise for osteochondrosis of the neck:

  • We make head turns in one direction and the other. The face is straight, do not bend over. Then head tilts nodding and throwing back, not deep;
  • We move our chin forward, in a horizontal plane, like chatter toys in cars. We are trying to do the exercise by moving the head in one direction and the other. The exercise will not turn out right away, you don’t have to strain a lot, everything will come with experience;
  • We put the palm on the forehead and create tension between the hand and the forehead, as in a wrestling match. Now we shift the palm to the temple and create tension by tilting the head to the palm of the hand;
  • Hands behind the head in the castle, we press the head with our elbows, the face looks forward. Raise your elbows higher and higher;
  • The chin rests on the fists, pull the neck up. Then we put our hands on the back of the head and create a resistance voltage;
  • We sit on a chair, keep our posture straight, face looking forward, it is necessary to describe the numbers in the air from 0 to 9 with our chin.

cervicothoracic region

Physical therapy exercises for osteochondrosis are performed in order from the simplest to the most complex.

  • We are sitting. One hand is behind the back, the other directs and pulls the head in its direction, smoothly, without jerks;
  • The palm lies on the temporal part of the face, we create tension by turning the head and resisting the hand. Further with the other hand;
  • Standing, in a completely relaxed state, hands hang down like whips, we move with our shoulders raising and lowering;
  • The position is back up, hands on the body. We raise the thoracic region several times. Then we smoothly turn our head in one direction and the other;
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, arms over your body. Raise the chest.

Thoracic spine

Osteochondrosis affects the thoracic part of the spine least of all, since additional fixation of the vertebrae is created by the ribs. Often, the process in this part is paired with others. Gymnastics for the back with osteochondrosis will relieve tension from the roots affected by the disease and improve muscle tone.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back:

  • We stand straight, depicting the letter T. We move the torso left and right;
  • We stand relaxed, the chin rests on the sternum, then we slowly lower our shoulders, and slide our hands to the floor, with a lack of stretching, only our knees can be reached;
  • Without changing posture, hands on the body. We swing from side to side with the greatest amplitude. Then we clasp our hands in front, and raise them above our heads. With one hand we take the wrist with the other and pull it up. We lower our hands and change position;
  • We perform the exercise "boat" on the stomach, with the hands gripping the ankles;
  • Exercise with a deflection "cat and camel". Standing on all fours, we bend either to the upper position, or to the lowest. This is extremely useful exercise for the spine as a whole;
  • We sit on a chair or bench, lean on the back, smoothly throw back our head and return to the starting position;
  • We use a roller. We place it under thoracic region, under the back. We do exercises like on the press, acting on the pectoral muscles;
  • We lie down on our stomach, depict a bird in flight;
  • Lying on your stomach, we emphasize with our feet. We clasp hands behind the head and gradually raise the sternum;
  • We sit on a chair, hold on tightly to the seat and swing first in one direction, then in the other.

Regular exercises for the spine with osteochondrosis will help release blocked vertebrae, returning activity to the spine, and constant gymnastics will relieve pain and improve overall well-being.


The most heavily loaded part of the spine, most often patients complain of pain in the lumbar region. Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine contribute to the production of proteins in the muscles that stimulate the work of all internal organs. Gymnastics for the treatment of the lower back will not relieve pain, but will stop the destructive process in the vertebrae.

Exercises for the spine:

  • Lying we do the exercise “bicycle”, but straightening the legs;
  • Without changing the position, we bend the legs at the knees, hands on the back of the head, raising the lower back, it is necessary to create tension;
  • Next, with closed legs, turn left and right, so that the knees touch the floor. We do everything carefully;
  • Without changing the posture, hands on the body, gently raise pelvic area up, just as slowly lower;
  • We continue to lie, holding hands on our knees. We begin to pull the knees to the chin;
  • Further, the back is pressed to the floor, with our hands we pull one knee, then the other;
  • Exercise "cat and camel";
  • Boat exercise.

The execution time, if possible, is best chosen so that you can practice constantly at the same time. Morning exercises with osteochondrosis will have a positive effect on your mood, you will feel a surge of strength and vigor.

  • We recommend reading:

Exercises for stretching the spine with osteochondrosis should be carried out with caution and under the supervision of a specialist. It is worth knowing that strong muscle strain and stretching of the vertebrae are strictly prohibited.

Physical exercises for osteochondrosis in acute form are prohibited, individually can be prescribed breathing exercises with a mild anesthetic effect.

For patients with osteochondrosis, a special therapeutic diet is recommended. It is based on the inclusion of proteins and fats and a significant reduction in carbohydrates and salt. Comprehensive therapy, including exercises for the spinal region, massage for osteochondrosis, physiotherapy and drug support, will help to cope with the disease or improve the current condition to an acceptable level.

If you engage in a recovery program, you can help yourself recover from serious diseases. Physical exercises recommended by specialists for osteochondrosis of the spine help to get rid of the disease.

To achieve maximum effect, they are used simultaneously with methods such as manual therapy or massage.

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine that causes degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs. As a result, the discs lose their density, and cracks may appear in them. During physical exertion, the discs are displaced, intervertebral hernias are formed.

The causes of the disease lie in the lack of physical activity of a person. Exercises at home for osteochondrosis can stop the course of the disease.

Therapeutic exercise allows you to stretch the vertebrae, which has a positive effect on the patient's well-being and has positive impact on the condition of the spinal column.

  • Regularly performed exercises create a muscular corset of the back.
  • More oxygen and nutrients enter the bone and cartilage tissues of the spinal column.
  • Normal metabolism is restored and blood circulation improves.
  • Harmful toxins with slags are quickly removed from the tissues.

It is recommended to perform a complex in order to alleviate the patient's condition in case of illness and for the purpose of prevention. Photo exercises for osteochondrosis makes it possible to follow the correct execution technique. The complex allows you to increase the physical activity of a person and strengthen his spine.

What can be achieved as a result of training?

During the period of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, therapeutic exercises are not recommended. To make the patient feel better, he is prescribed a spinal traction. This procedure helps to increase the distance between the vertebrae.

At the same time, muscles relax, irritation of nerve endings decreases, and pain sensations decrease. When exacerbated, it is recommended to sleep on a hard bed.

At the first stage of the development of the disease, physiotherapy exercises effectively contribute to the restoration of the motor functions of the spinal column.

If you practice constantly, then:

  • arm muscles and ligaments are strengthened;
  • blood supply to tissues and lymph flow improves;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • incorrect posture is corrected;
  • the normal functioning of the spine is restored.

Features of physiotherapy exercises

Gymnastics is aimed at achieving the main goal - strengthening the muscle and cartilage tissues that support the vertebrae. During exercise, movements must be performed smoothly, without tension. Exercises should be done in a relaxed state.

Overwork should not be allowed. If the load is moderate, then it helps to improve the patient's condition. Otherwise, the effect will be the opposite.

Do not start exercising without consulting your doctor. In case of acute pain, it is better to refuse to perform exercises.

How often do you need to do physical therapy?

Doctors advise patients suffering from osteochondrosis to do therapeutic exercises regularly. People who do sedentary work should do a warm-up after an hour.

Strengthen your muscles with light workouts. If you feel unwell, then do not stop exercising, consult a doctor, and he will prescribe you another complex.

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

For classes physical therapy, not required special training. The exercises described below for cervical osteochondrosis can be done by any patient:

Starting position - sitting on a chair. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and stretch your neck. Slowly turn your head to the right and left. The recommended number of repetitions is from 5 to 10 times.

Starting position - standing. Tilt your head down and try to touch your chin to chest. Perform 10 tilts.

Starting position - sitting at the table, put one elbow on the surface of the table and lean on it. Put your hand on your temple, tilt your head to the side, and at the same time create resistance with your hand. Fix this position for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times, between sets take breaks of 8 or 10 seconds.

Starting position - lying on your stomach. Hands with palms up lie along the body. Slowly turn your head to left side, then to the right. After each turn, return to the starting position. It is necessary to perform 20 turns in both directions.

Starting position - sitting. Lean forward and take a deep breath. Exhaling, return to the starting position, tilt your head back. Repeat the exercise 10 or 15 times.

Perform these exercises in combination with other types of physical therapy. And then the muscles will strengthen, and the pain will recede.

Photo exercises for osteochondrosis

Therapeutic gymnastics (LFK)- this is a set of exercises for most chronic human diseases associated with loss muscle strength and range of motion of the joints.

Therapeutic exercises for neurological manifestations should be carried out in positions and under conditions of the absence of pain, or at least on the border of pain. Otherwise, a “stealing phenomenon” develops, manifested by compensatory substitutions from the side of unaffected body segments; as a result, intact muscle groups are trained, that is, the “weak” is robbed by the “strong”, and the “sick” is robbed by the “healthy”.

Therapeutic exercise should be combined with patient care. Before classes, it is necessary to ventilate the wards and offices of physiotherapy exercises. It is advisable to conduct classes with open windows, windows, on verandas. Patients are engaged in light tracksuits.

If the patient is on a semi-bed rest, it is necessary to prepare him for classes - throw back the blanket, straighten the sheet, correctly place or remove extra pillows. At the end of the lesson, with appropriate clinical data, the patient should be given a position that has therapeutic value (treatment by position): put on straps for traction, bandage the splint, transfer the patient to a sitting position on a chair. It is necessary to monitor the condition and well-being of the patient, to record all observations of instructors or a nurse, to inform the doctor.

Morning hygienic gymnastics is carried out in the morning, after sleep, before breakfast. Classes with patients are conducted by a methodologist of physiotherapy exercises, or a ward nurse.

Patients with movement disorders do morning exercises in the ward, persons without movement restrictions - in gym or in the air. The room in which patients are engaged should be well ventilated. In the process of gymnastics, the body comes out of the state of inhibition of physiological processes during sleep, the general and emotional tone increases, and the activity of all organs and systems increases. Selection of exercises for hygienic gymnastics and dosage physical activity are determined by the age of the patient, the nature of the underlying disease, the degree and form of impaired functions. In the process morning exercises the preparation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems for the upcoming loads during the day is carried out. A set of exercises is selected so that it is available to all patients in this group. For patients with movement disorders, exercises begin in the initial supine position, then the patients move to a sitting position. Duration of morning exercises - 10 - 20 minutes. The complex of morning exercises includes no more than 8-12 exercises with repetition of each of them from 3 to 6-8 times.

Therapeutic gymnastics is the main form of physiotherapy exercises. Two methods of therapeutic gymnastics are used - individual and group. The therapeutic gymnastics lesson consists of introductory, main and final sections.

The introductory section involves preparing the patient for subsequent physical exercises. The purpose of the lesson is explained to the patient, the pulse is counted, respiratory, general developmental and preparatory exercises. The duration of this part of the lesson is 5-10 minutes.

The main section includes physical exercises that have a special and general effect on the patient's body. Their purpose is to restore and compensate for defective functions, help the patient in mastering motor skills, increase physical training and adaptation to living conditions. Duration of the main section - 25 - 30 min. The final section is aimed at gradually reducing the overall load, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, reducing emotional stress and bringing the patient to his original state. The duration of this section is 5-10 minutes.

The tasks of the lesson are determined by the doctor. When conducting classes, the load is regulated on the basis of the so-called physiological curve - the curve of changes in heart rate during classes. With the correct construction of the lesson, the maximum increase in heart rate should not exceed more than 50% of the original heart rate.

Particularly responsible is the creation of a set of exercises that meets the tasks of restoring impaired functions. This applies in particular to movement disorders. In accordance with the nature of the lesion and the stages of rehabilitation treatment, passive and active movements are used.

When a certain movement is passively reproduced, impulses enter those cells of the cerebral cortex that cause it. In the absence of active movements, passive ones are used with the simultaneous sending of volitional impulses to patients.

As the strength of the muscles in the paretic limbs increases, it becomes possible to perform active movements, which are first performed with the help of personnel, then independently. It is important to follow the sequence in the training of individual muscle groups and obtaining isolated active movements.

An important condition in the methodology of the lesson of physical therapy is the dosage of physical activity, which is determined by a number of indicators. These include: the selection of physical exercises, which is based on the principle of gradualness: from simple to complex. The duration of physical exercises is determined by the time spent by the patient on their implementation. The number of repetitions is determined by the nature of the disease and the characteristics of the exercises. It is advisable to repeat general strengthening exercises 5-6 times, aimed at strengthening weakened muscle groups 10-20 times.

The choice of starting positions also depends on the characteristics of the disease and the nature of the exercises performed. There are three main starting positions: lying, sitting and standing. The initial positions are regarded as important element in the regulation of physical activity.

Distinguish between slow, medium and fast pace movements. At a slow pace, movements are performed on 4 counts, at an average pace - on two counts, at a fast pace - on one count. The choice of the pace of movements depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease, the age of the patient and his individual characteristics. The degree of effort, the accuracy of the movement can also regulate the load during physical exercises. The degree of complexity of movements affects the magnitude of the load. It is necessary to gradually complicate the movements as they are mastered and the functional capabilities of the body grow.

Rhythm of movements improves blood and lymph circulation and reduces fatigue.

The number of distractions. Through their alternation with the main ones, an increase in muscle performance is achieved. These exercises are also used at the end of the lesson.

The use of the emotional factor is to exercise evoke positive emotions in the patient. This is achieved by including elements of a game or competition, musical accompaniment, etc.

Dosing of physical activity in the process of physical exercises is provided by careful medical and pedagogical control and individual approach to the patient. The planning of the therapeutic use of physical exercises by periods is carried out by a methodologist under the supervision of a physician. The forms of physiotherapy exercises are specified, the order of their application in the daily routine, in combination with other therapeutic effects, are compiled exemplary complexes physiotherapy exercises.

Self-study of patients is one of the forms of physical therapy. The patient is selected a set of exercises that he repeats several times during the day. Depending on the characteristics of the disease, a set of exercises takes from 2-3 to 10-15 minutes. For patients with severe motor disorders who need intensive treatment, but due to a defect they cannot practice on their own, it is recommended to conduct classes with the help of relatives who are previously trained in physiotherapy exercises and those exercises that are given to perform with the patient.

When conducting a system of physical therapy, one should keep in mind exercises of a sports-applied type, which include the main types of natural human movements - walking, running, jumping, crawling, balance exercises, etc. Walking is widely used in physical therapy as a physical exercise, which is a natural way of moving. Walking increases metabolism, improves blood circulation and respiration, and has a positive effect on the entire body. Walking is used in therapeutic exercises, walking, etc. Indications for the use of walking as a remedy are very wide.

Running compared to walking is a stronger means of therapeutic effects on the body of a sick person. Running in physiotherapy exercises is used in a strictly dosed form with a speed limit. The patient's training in walking and running is carried out according to a special schedule based on the principle of gradualness and consistency with careful medical and pedagogical control.

Jumps in their physiological action are short-term exercises of considerable intensity. The use of jumps is advisable in the recovery period.

Throwing helps to restore coordination of movements, improves joint mobility, increases the strength of the muscles of the limbs and torso, the speed of motor reactions, and develops accuracy. They use throwing balls, sticks, discs.

Climbing the gymnastic wall helps to increase the mobility of the joints, the development of muscle strength.

Crawling exercises are mainly used to correct various spinal curvatures.

Exercises in balance are used in diseases associated with impaired function of the vestibular apparatus and cerebellum.

Sport games in the system of physical therapy is used as one of the important means physical education sick person. Games bring up and develop a number of valuable physical and moral-volitional qualities: strength, speed, dexterity, attention, endurance, etc. Great importance games in that they stimulate positive emotions and tone up the neuropsychic sphere of patients. Mostly games are used that do not give a large load on the patient's body, are relatively simple and accessible in terms of technical implementation. They are divided into sedentary, mobile and athletic. Sedentary games are often played with bedridden patients. Outdoor games consist of various combinations of walking, running, jumping, etc. Sports games within the framework of physical therapy are used to a limited extent.

Swimming and exercising in the water. They are characterized by a combination of the impact of movements and the aquatic environment. Being in water increases metabolism, activates blood circulation. In special conditions (bath, swimming pool) the movements of atrophic, weakened muscles are facilitated. Swimming is also prescribed for tempering and health purposes.

Others are also used sport exercises like skiing, cycling, etc.

motor modes. Therapeutic exercise is essential integral part all driving modes. The selection of physical exercises, the forms of their implementation, the load in the classroom in each individual case should correspond to the motor activity allowed by individual modes.

There are strict bed rest, bed rest, semi-bed rest, extended, moderate training, general training.

As a rule, patients who are on half-bed or extended regimens enter the rehabilitation department; patients in the acute period of the disease strictly observe bed rest.

With half-bed rest during therapeutic exercises, the patient is preparing to move to a sitting position in bed with his legs down, to move to a chair, to get up, to walk slowly within the ward. Advanced mode allows you to use all the means of exercise therapy. In the training regimen, physiotherapy exercises should facilitate the restoration of the patient's working capacity and serve as one of the main means of rehabilitation.

When using physiotherapy exercises, one should adhere to the principle of staged treatment, observe gradualness in increasing the intensity of physical activity in accordance with the clinical condition of the patient.

Examples of therapeutic exercises for neurological diseases, in particular osteochondrosis of the spine with protrusions and herniated discs.

for independent exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

In the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine, systematic classes in special therapeutic exercises are essential.

Before the teas start self-study therapeutic exercises, it is necessary to consult with a specialist (neuropathologist, orthopedic traumatologist, exercise therapy doctor).

You can do therapeutic exercises at any time of the day. It is very useful in the morning immediately after sleep to perform several exercises (for example: W 1,3,13,17,20 of the acute period), then take a morning toilet and continue performing the exercises according to the complex prescribed by the doctor and methodologist of exercise therapy.

Clothing during exercise should be light, not restricting movement, but not allowing hypothermia. The best thing is a wool tracksuit.

P O M N I T E!

The appearance of pain during exercise is a signal to reduce the amplitude of exercise, their intensity, or to completely stop their performance.

In order for therapeutic exercises to bring the greatest benefit, you should:
a) exercise daily;
b) perform the exercises diligently, at a slow pace, without arbitrarily distorting the form, speed and intensity of the exercises performed;
c) when performing exercises, do not hold your breath;
d) periodically consult a doctor, not hiding your ailments from him.

An exemplary complex of therapeutic gyinastics. used in the acute period (initial stage)

I.p. lying. Flexion and extension of the feet and fingers into a fist.
I.p. lying down, left leg bent at the knee. Flexion and extension of the right leg, sliding the heel along the bed. After 8-10 repetitions - the same with the other leg.
I.p. leka. Alternately raising your hands up.
I.p. Leka, the left leg is bent at the knee. Taking the right leg to the side. After 8 repetitions - the same with the other leg.
I.p. lying down, hands on shoulders. Circles with bent arms back and forth.
I.p. leka. Alternate straightening of the legs at the knees, leaning the hips on the roller.
I.p. leka, legs bent. Alternate bending bent legs to the kivot.
I.p. leka. Bending the arms to the shoulders in combination with breathing.
I.p. leka, legs bent. Alternate abduction of the knees to the sides.
I.p. leka, legs bent. Hands up - inhale, press the knee to the bow - exhale. The same with the other leg.
I.p. leka, legs apart. Leg rotation in and out
I.p. leka. Diaphragmatic breathing.

Special exercises used in the second stage of the acute period

I.p. lying down, legs bent. Elevation of the sacrum with support on the lower thoracic spine and feet due to kyphosis of the lumbar spine.
I.p. lying down, legs bent. Lifting the head with simultaneous tension of the abdominal muscles.
I.p. lying. Static voltage large gluteal muscles. 8-10 voltages each for 4-6 s.
I.p. lying down, legs bent apart. Left hand up - inhale. Lower your hand forward-down-inward, raise your head and shoulders, stretch your hand to your right knee - exhale. The same with the other hand.
I.p. lying. Alternate leg curls. When straightening, press the foot on the bed, while kyphosis of the lumbar spine.
I.p. lying. The same exercise as number 17, but performed with two legs at the same time.
I.p. lying down, a roller under the feet, Elevation of the pelvis due to kyphosis of the lumbar spine.
I.p. emphasis on the knees. Sit on your heels without taking your hands off the bed and return to I.P. Upon returning to the i.p. don't bend!
I.p. emphasis on the knees. Flexion of the spine (without bending down when returning to I.p.!)

An exemplary complex of therapeutic exercises applicable in the SECOND (SUBSTRATE) period

I.p. lying. Simultaneous flexion and extension of the feet.
And about. lying. Alternate flexion and extension of the legs at the knees.
I. p. lying. Alternately raising the arms up, followed by passive stretching of their exercise therapy instructor.
I. p. lying down, left leg bent. Taking the right leg to the side. After several repetitions, the same with the left leg.
I.p. lying down, hands on shoulders. Circles with bent arms.
I.p. lying down, left leg pressed to the stomach. Raising the right leg forward. After several repetitions - the same with the left foot.
I.p. lying down, legs bent. Elevation of the sacrum with simultaneous kyphosis of the lumbar spine.
I.p. lying down, legs bent, hands on the stomach. Elevation of the head and shoulders. Fixing this position 2-4 s.
I.p. lying. Static tension of the gluteus maximus muscles. Voltage time 6-8 s.
I.p. lying down, legs bent. Simultaneous bending of the legs to the stomach.
I.p. emphasis on the knees. Sit on your heels without taking your hands off the couch.
I.p. emphasis on the knees, legs apart. Turn left, left hand to the side. The same to the right.
I.p. emphasis on the knees. Spinal flexion. Upon returning to the i.p. don't bend.
I.p. emphasis on the knees. straightening left leg, perform an emphasis on the right knee. Do not lift your leg high. The same with the other leg.
I.p. emphasis on the knees, legs apart. Bending the right leg to the left-up, touch the right knee of the left hand. The same with the other leg.
I.p. emphasis on the knees. Taking the left leg back, sit on the right heel (half twine). The same with the other leg. Do not take your hands off the couch.
I.p. lying on the stomach (roller under the stomach). Alternately lifting the legs from the couch by 3-5 cm while holding them in this position for 4-6 s.
I.p. lying on the stomach, arms to the sides. Raise the head and shoulders from the couch by 3-5 cm and hold in this position for 4-6 s.
I.p. lying on the stomach. Alternate abduction of the legs to the sides. Do not raise your legs high from the couch.
I.p. lying on the stomach. Alternate bending of the legs at the knees.
I.p. emphasis on the right knee, the left leg is straightened forward, (on the side of the couch). Taking the left leg to the side. The same with the other leg.
I.p. lying on your side. Simultaneous bending of the legs forward. The same on the other side.
I.p. lying down, feet on the cushion. Elevation of the sacrum due to kyphosis of the lumbar spine.
I.p. lying. Alternately "stretching" the legs down.
I.p. lying. "One" - hands up. "Two" - bending the right leg forward, press the knee to the stomach.
I.p. lying down, legs apart. Rotation of straight legs in and out.
Kyphosis of the lumbar spine with fixation of this position 10-60 s.:
a) with support against the wall; feet at a distance of 40 cm from the wall;
b) in i.p. standing.
I.p. hanging standing on the gymnastic wall, arms bent. Bending your legs, go into a mixed hang in a squat.
I.p. emphasis on the knees, legs apart. Stepping hands to the left, bend the torso to the left. The same on the other side.
I.p. knee stand. Sit on the thigh on the right, hands to the left. The same on the other side.
I.p. lying down, legs bent forward. Knee bends left and right.
I.p. lying down, legs bent, hands behind the head. Sit down - lie down.
I.p. hanging from behind on the gymnastic wall. Simultaneous bending of the legs forward.
I.p. hanging from the front on the gymnastic wall. With a turn of the pelvis to the left, bend the legs forward. The same on the other side.
I.p. lying on his stomach on a gymnastic bench, hands behind his head, legs fixed. Back extension of the body. Don't bend too hard!
I.p. lying down, legs pressed to the stomach. Rolling back and forth
I.p. hanging standing on the gymnastic wall, arms bent. Bending the right leg and straightening the arms, go into a mixed hang crouching on the right leg. The same on the other leg.
I.p. lying on your stomach, hands under your head. Bending the torso to the left, simultaneous abduction of the legs to the left. The same on the other side.
I.p. lying on the stomach on the edge of the couch, legs down, gripping the couch from below. Leg extension back. Don't bend!
I.p. lying. Bending forward, move to a sitting position, legs crossed. Perform with support from behind and without support.
I.p. crouching emphasis. Straightening your legs, go to the stop position while standing bent over.
I.p. emphasis lying. Stepping your hands back, go to the stop position while standing bent over.
I.p. table legs apart, hands to the shoulders. Bending the left leg to the right and forward, touch the left thigh with the right elbow. The same with the other leg.
I.p. lying down, arms up. Raising your left leg forward, touch right hand left shin. The same with the other leg.
I.p. lying down, the legs are bent forward, the rubber bandage is fixed with one end behind the shins, the other - behind the gymnastic wall. Leg extension back.
20) WALKING: on toes, on heels, on the outer edge of the feet, lunges with turns of the body to the left and right, walking with high hips, walking with bending the legs back, etc.

In the acute period, in the presence of acute pain, strict bed rest should be observed. Exercise therapy is used mainly for hygienic purposes and is of a general strengthening character. When moving lower limbs prevent an increase in lumbar lordosis, which can increase pain. In this regard, when performing physical exercises, a soft roller should be placed under the shins.
At the second stage of the acute period, with a slight decrease in the intensity of pain, isometric exercises should be carefully included to train the abdominal muscles and gluteus maximus muscles.
Exercises, causing pain, should be limited in amplitude, degree of muscle tension, or excluded altogether. Do not exercise through pain!
The number of repetitions of each exercise is 8-10 times. The pace of the exercises is slow.

Guidelines for motor mode in the second (subacute) period

With a decrease in pain syndrome, the possibilities of using special and general developmental exercises increase. In this period, in addition to exercises that increase the strength of the abdominal muscles and hip extensor muscles, exercises that strengthen the lumbar spine (No. 7,8,10,11,13,15, 22,23,) acquire special significance.
When choosing both special and general developmental exercises, it is important to ensure that they do not increase the lumbar lordosis. Pain is a signal to change the structure of the exercise (in the direction of easing) or to exclude it.
At the end of the second period, you should gradually include exercises that increase the strength of the back muscles.
Exercises No. 7,6,9 and 10 can be performed in a circular system 2-3 times. They are the most important.
Number of repetitions special exercises bring up to 15-50 times. The pace of the exercises can be gradually increased.
Once again, it should be reminded: exercises should not cause pain!

In this period, the task of increasing the mobility of the spinal column is added to the tasks and methodological features of the second period. However, exercises aimed at solving this problem should be carried out carefully and in lightweight starting positions. It is necessary to achieve automatic maintenance of a specific posture in a standing position and in walking, when the lumbar spine is kyphotic.
The number of repetitions of special exercises of the second period is increased to 50-100 times (it can be broken down during the day). From others means of exercise therapy it should be recognized as appropriate to use those that will not negatively affect degenerated discs: swimming, health path, skiing, treadmill, bicycle ergometer, exercises with a rubber bandage. Use such means as volleyball, tennis (large and small), road bike, cross-country running, fast dancing, rhythmic gymnastics should be extremely careful, because sharp, often uncoordinated movements and turns can provoke an exacerbation of osteochondrosis. Exercises with dumbbells are preferably performed in I.P. lying down (on the back, stomach) to eliminate vertical loads on the spine.
It should be recognized as inappropriate to use a pure hang for supposedly stretching the lumbar spine. An obstacle to this is the powerful tension of the stretched muscles of the body. It is also undesirable to jump into the depths from an elevation, exercises on a rowing machine, throwing. In any case, when doing exercise therapy, it should be remembered that constant microtrauma and overload of the spine, uncoordinated movements, pushes along the axis of the spine prepare the appropriate background for rupture of a degenerated disc and exacerbation of pain. These recommendations should be taken into account when choosing the means and forms of physical exercises at the sanatorium and outpatient stages of rehabilitation.
In the third period, the use of therapeutic exercises in the pool is recommended. It should be noted that therapeutic gymnastics in the pool does not replace, but complements the main "dry" therapeutic exercises.

Orthopedic prevention of osteochondrosis of the spine

In order to slow down degenerative processes in the spine, as well as to prevent relapses of exacerbation of pain syndrome, it is recommended to observe a specific posture with a kyphotic position of the lumbar spine in various situations when performing household, labor and other activities. In the prevention of osteochondrosis of the spine, an important role is given to the reduction of micro- and macrotraumatization of the intervertebral discs, as well as static and dynamic overloads of the spine.
It should be recognized as particularly unfavorable torso forward from a standing position. When straightening from this position, even a shift of degenerated vertebrae relative to each other is possible. In this regard, forward bends (especially those performed with simultaneous rotation of the body) should be excluded as an exercise from regular physical therapy exercises.
When performing household work associated with tilting the torso forward (washing clothes, rinsing, sweeping and nagging floors), it is advisable to unload the spine, having some kind of support under the free hand. To clean the apartment with a vacuum cleaner, it is advisable to build up the vacuum cleaner tube in such a way that the body does not bend forward, because. otherwise, rhythmic movements in a half-tilt forward when working with a vacuum cleaner that has not been reconfigured will cause an overload of the spine.
It should be especially warned against work associated with intense movements of the same type (especially in the forward bend), for example: sawing and chopping firewood, gardening with a shovel and chopper, jerky movements when throwing heavy objects, washing on a washboard, etc., because the load on the vertebrae, ligaments and muscles increases dramatically.
Particularly unfavorable is the incorrect position of the body and uncoordinated work of the muscles when lifting and carrying heavy loads. Best Option- straightened back, when the spine firmly rests on the pelvis. In this case, the intervertebral discs are loaded evenly and are not deformed. Along with this, carrying and especially lifting even a not very heavy load with bent back(for example, in front of you and on outstretched arms) often leads to exacerbation.
The tables give pictures of the correct (black) and incorrect (shaded) body position when lifting and carrying weights. As can be seen from the figures, when carrying heavy loads, a straightened position of the torso is recommended. The load must be kept as close to the body as possible. When lifting weights from the ground, do not lean forward and lift the load by straightening the torso. It is necessary to bend your knees, sit down, leaving your back straight and lift the load by straightening your legs at the knees.
When driving in a car, a roller is placed under the lumbar region. And a head restraint is required to avoid trauma to the cervical spine during sharp jerks of the car.
When lacing shoes, you need to get on one knee, touch your thigh with your torso and only after that lace up your shoes.
However, a comfortable body position can cause undesirable changes in the spine if the professional posture remains unchanged. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically change the position of the body during work. For example, in a standing position - a periodic change of the support of one leg to a bench not only gives rest to the legs, but also contributes to kyphosis of the lumbar spine in light conditions.
When transporting in an elevator, it is advisable to take a relief posture to reduce the vertical load on degenerated discs during acceleration and deceleration of the elevator. This pose is recommended to be taken during the day as many times with an exposure of 10-60 s. and as a physical exercise.

Increasing weakness (detraining) of the muscles of the body in patients who are not involved in therapeutic exercises is a fairly common occurrence. A trained and well-developed muscular "corset" of the body greatly facilitates and unloads the "spring" apparatus of the spine. Exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles, gluteus maximus muscles, extensor muscles of the back and lumbar kyphosis training (especially in the standing position) should become part of the patient's motor regimen and be carried out throughout the day.
Undoubtedly, irrationally selected work furniture, especially chairs, has an undoubted effect on spinal overload. In this aspect, it is advisable to use chairs with a low seat, with its internal inclination and with a slightly convex back at the site of the lumbar curve of the spine. It is better if in a sitting position the knees are slightly higher than the hip joints.
It should also be considered appropriate to wear shoes with elastic soles, because. at the same time, the depreciation overload of degenerated disks is reduced. It is not recommended to drive for a long time in a car, especially on rough roads.
It is necessary to eliminate factors that increase lumbar lordosis: wearing shoes with high heels, overweight. Sleep should be on a hard bed, for which a wooden shield and a thin mattress are used.
The constant wearing of corsets of all kinds or a weightlifter's belt in some cases gives good effect. Mechanical limitation of spinal mobility (especially in lumbar) is of no small importance for the prevention of exacerbations, especially in the presence of spinal instability.

The memo was prepared by O.B. Rubailov
under the general editorship of the head of the exercise therapy department V.I. Zubkov