Gymnastics after surgery for breast cancer. Gymnastics after breast surgery: a set of exercises A set of physical exercises after a mastectomy

A mastectomy is a surgery in which part or all of the breast is removed. This surgery is performed when breast cancer is detected. With a simple mastectomy, only the mammary gland (or part of it) is removed; with a modified radical mastectomy, the lymph nodes that are located in the pectoralis minor are removed; with a radical mastectomy, surgeons remove all the lymph nodes and two pectoral muscles: the major and minor.

Postoperative time

After a mastectomy, severe pain goes away on the third postoperative day. Doctors prescribe painkillers. During the recovery period, experts recommend not lifting weights; all hand movements should be smooth.

For quick recovery, begins immediately after mastectomy. This is due to the fact that the patient loses lymph nodes and muscle tissue during surgery, which means that it is necessary to restore the process of arm movement. First, the woman feels muscle stiffness, painful sensations that extend from the arm to the neck and part of the back. Experts have developed a special treatment after mastectomy. Patients are also prescribed swimming to develop hand mobility. Weights should be introduced carefully and gradually. Blood pressure cannot be measured or vaccinations performed on the affected arm.

Gymnastics after breast mastectomy

Gymnastics is needed to develop correct posture and to be able to adjust your breathing correctly. All exercises must be done regularly, then the patient will quickly restore the mobility of his hands.

Warming up the muscles

Before starting to perform exercises as gymnastics after a mastectomy, it is necessary to warm up the muscles. To begin, sit down and alternately clench your hands into a fist, perform 6 times. Then raise your arms up and turn your palms towards the ceiling, repeat 5 times. Place your hands on your shoulders, raise your elbows up and down, repeat 5 times. Stretch your arms to the side, then raise them up and lower them, performed 6 times.


Exercises that are included in gymnastics after breast mastectomy:

  1. You need to stand straight, relax your back and alternately raise and lower both shoulders.
  2. Now your shoulders should be raised up and pulled back, figuratively drawing a circle.
  3. You need to sit down. Place your legs wide at an angle of 90 degrees, so that your knee is directly above your foot. Feet cannot be lifted off the floor. Now the body must be straightened, the chin raised, the eyes looking straight ahead.
  4. Posture data. Pull your shoulder blades back and lower down. While performing the task, you need to touch each other's fingers.
  5. Then raise your shoulder blades and rotate them forward, keeping your arms free.
  6. Raise your arms horizontally to the floor so that they are in one straight line with your shoulder, and begin to rotate. To rest, we lower our arms.
  7. From a sitting position, keep your body straight, tie your hands in a “lock” and bend forward, try to tilt your head between your legs, towards the floor.
  8. Then raise your arms and lift your head and body up at the same time.
  9. Standing, put your hand on your thigh and clench it into a fist, in this position turn your wrist up. Perform the exercise on both hands.
  10. Then touch the opposite ear with your fist.
  11. Do breathing exercises during the break. Take deep breaths and exhales.
  12. Raise your hands up and clench your hands into a fist 10 times.
  13. Try boxing slowly. No sudden movements.
  14. Take a towel in your hands and straighten your arms horizontally. Gently begin to raise your arms with the towel above your head.
  15. Carefully try to row. The exercise is performed smoothly, without sudden movements.
  16. Repeat the breathing technique.

When performing the exercises for the first time, it is better to do them in front of a mirror or in the presence of a specialist in order to immediately see the mistakes made. You should be patient in performing these exercises and understand that the faster the recovery, the closer the return to normal life.

Gymnastics for the arms after a mastectomy should begin immediately in the postoperative period, initially perform 10-12 exercises, increasing their number every day.

The recovery stage helps tissue heal in a quick period of time and prevents the development of complications. If you ignore the doctor’s recommendations, the patient, including gymnastics after a mastectomy, may develop depression, incorrect posture, shoulder pain radiating to the arm and back of the head, which is caused by improper distribution of the load.

Consolidate the result

After the fifth week after surgery, with the permission of the supervising doctor, it is worth introducing loads from 0.5 kg to 1 kg. It is not necessary to buy dumbbells; you can get by with a regular plastic bottle filled with water or sand.

When the sixth week of gymnastics after mastectomy ends, it is necessary to increase the load to 2.5-5 kg.

To begin with, it is better to perform simple exercises with loads. Stand up straight, stretch your arms horizontally and lower them down. Then stretch your arms with the load (palm facing the ceiling) to the sides and, bending your arm at the elbow, touch your shoulder. These repetitions need to be done about 10 times. It is recommended to do it twice a week.

With the beginning of the sixth week, you can begin to do chores around the house, but you should remember that all movements should be smooth, not abrupt.


As an addition to gymnastics after a mastectomy, a month after the operation, when the sensitivity of the scar subsides, you should begin to do a light massage yourself. To soften the scar tissue, you need to make circular movements along the scar with your fingertips. The surgical site should be massaged daily for a year to avoid muscle stagnation.


If you neglect to perform therapeutic exercises after a mastectomy, a woman may achieve arm development. It must be remembered that after removal of the lymph nodes, the hand must be protected from injuries, bruises, scratches and, as mentioned above, heavy lifting. Otherwise, there is a huge risk of developing a complication - erysipelas. Such a skin infection contributes to the appearance of redness, provokes the development of fever, and increases swelling of the arm. Erysipelas is dangerous because it will appear again and again if you do not approach the treatment of this disease responsibly.

Lymphostasis (stagnation of lymph) may appear in the operated patient a day, month or year after surgery. It manifests itself as large swelling of the hand. It is necessary to initially contact an oncologist to exclude recurrence of the disease. Afterwards you need to make an appointment with a lymphologist. You should not delay contacting a doctor, since at the initial stage the swelling is small, not so dense, and it will be removed much faster, preventing the formation of a skin infection. After the doctor examines the swelling in the arm and receives test results, he will prescribe non-drug treatment. The patient's limb is bandaged and a course of manual massage, lymphatic drainage, magnetic therapy, and laser therapy is given. When the swelling begins to subside, the patient is fitted with compression hosiery made from a special dense knit. If, after receiving test results, a specialist notices that an inflammatory process has begun in the tissues, he prescribes antibiotics and medications that can reduce swelling and improve blood flow (angioprotectors: Troxerutin, Troxevasin; enzymes; immunomodulators: Lykopid, tincture Eleutherococcus; phlebotonics)

As a preventive measure, after the swelling has completely disappeared, the doctor prescribes special exercises for lymphostasis of the arm after a mastectomy.

Gymnastics for lymphostasis

  1. You need to sit up straight, straighten your body, put your hands on your feet and alternately turn them over with your palms up. Relax your hands at this moment.
  2. Place your hands behind your back and secure them in a “lock.” Smoothly raise your arms to your shoulder blades.
  3. Sit down, put your hands on your feet, straighten your body, alternately clench and unclench your fists.
  4. Then raise both arms horizontally in front of you, your arms should draw a straight line, then smoothly raise your arms up. Breathing should be uniform and not interrupted.
  5. You should sit down and put your hands on your shoulders and begin to perform circular movements with your shoulders.
  6. You need to stand up straight, lower your body horizontally to your feet, alternately swing each hand forward, then back, left, right. Your hands should be completely relaxed.
  7. From a standing position, you should raise your arm up, then lower it to the side and then down. Perform alternately on each hand. Don't forget to watch your breathing.


By following all the doctor’s instructions, not forgetting to exercise your hands during the rehabilitation period and maintaining a normal psychological state, you can achieve success and a speedy recovery. Experts advise supporting a woman who is facing a mastectomy. Be with her before and after surgery. Observe her behavior and condition. After all, the patient’s attitude towards her recovery plays a very important role.

A number of complications can occur after a mastectomy. One of these complications is impaired mobility of the arm as a result of the operation. A set of special exercises helps restore mobility, which the patient must begin doing while still in the hospital, as well as massage and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Gymnastics as an important part of rehabilitation

After surgery to remove the mammary gland, a woman undergoes a rehabilitation course. Usually it consists of several components: physical therapy;

  • massage;
  • psychological recovery;
  • breast reconstruction;
  • drug treatment;
  • physical procedures

For the first time after surgery, it is very difficult for a woman to perform even the simplest exercise therapy exercises. But you shouldn’t give up gymnastics. You need to conquer yourself and start doing exercises, and do them regularly.

Often, after breast removal, a woman begins to slouch and lower her shoulders to hide the consequences of the operation. As a result, this only complicates the situation, since such actions lead to curvature of the spine or chest. The already serious condition in the postoperative period is complicated by depression.

Gymnastics after mastectomy has a therapeutic and preventive effect:

  • helps restore hand mobility;
  • does not allow curvature of posture, drooping of shoulders, and so on;
  • eliminates pain that occurs in the arm, back or neck due to muscle strain.

Warming up the muscles

A set of exercises must begin with a warm-up. Muscles need to be prepared for exercise. If you load the body from the very beginning, it will do more harm than good. To warm up, do the following exercises:

  1. You need to start with your fingers. Sit down and place your hands on your knees. Squeeze your fingers into a fist as tightly as possible, and then unclench them, and be sure to relax your hands at the same time.
  2. While continuing to sit, raise your palms up and then lower them. While performing this exercise, make sure that your fingers are relaxed.
  3. Place the cysts on your shoulders. Raise your elbows forward and up, then lower. Make sure you breathe correctly and move very slowly.
  4. There is also no need to rush when performing this movement. Place your hands at your sides. Slowly lift them up and to the sides, and then lower them.

A set of basic exercises

After warming up, the muscles are prepared for heavy loads, so you can begin to perform more complex exercises:

  1. Press your hands to your body, lowering them down, for 2-3 seconds, then relax.
  2. Pull your hand forward, then to the side, then lower it. Perform the movements slowly. Inhale as you raise your hand, and exhale as you lower your hand.
  3. Place your hand on your shoulder and make circular movements with your elbow in one direction and then the other.
  4. With your hands down, bring them together behind your back. Try to reach your shoulder blades. Do the exercise very slowly.
  5. Make circular movements with your shoulder joint in one direction and the other. The hand should be lowered down.
  6. Raise your injured arm up. This can be done sitting or standing. The exercise is very difficult to perform at first, so you can support the hand with your healthy hand.
  7. While standing, lean towards the operated breast. Hold for a couple of seconds and rise up. When bending, inhale; when lifting, exhale.
  8. Lean your back against the wall. Spread your arms out to the sides. Having raised, hold for 2-3 seconds, then slowly lower.
  9. Stand against the wall. Stretch your arm upward on the side where you had surgery. Mark the point you managed to reach. With each subsequent time, this point should move higher and higher.
  10. Take a stick 60-80 cm long in your hands. Raise the stick to shoulder level. Make sure that the stick rises horizontally evenly.
  11. With a stick in your hands, make turns to the right and left. Increase your range of motion each time.
  12. Sit down and place your hands on your knees. Pick up the stick lying below. Raise the stick up. At the same time, bend forward. Then take the starting position.
  13. Take a stick and lift it up. After this, wrap the stick behind your back. If you don’t have a stick, then to perform this exercise you can take a towel, which you need to pull between your hands.
  14. Raise your arm on the operated side up. Bend it at the elbow, then move your elbow to the side.
  15. At the last stage of the exercise, relaxation occurs, as well as breathing restoration. To do this you need to do the following:

    1. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, straightening your shoulders.
    2. Stand up straight, bend over straight and lower your arms, relaxing them.
    3. Raise your arms up as you inhale, then slowly lower them as you exit. Relax your hands.

    Massage is an auxiliary tool

    Massage will help enhance the effect of gymnastics and speed up the process of restoring hand mobility. It will be much better if a specialist does therapeutic massage. But if there is no opportunity to contact a professional, do the massage yourself.

    By the way, massage not only helps restore arm mobility, but also prevents the development of another complication after mastectomy - lymphostasis.

    When performing a massage yourself, make light stroking movements without putting pressure on the tissues of your hand. Movements can be along the arm from the fingertips to the shoulder, or in a circular motion around the arm. In some cases, a special cream or oil is used for massage.

    Massage helps restore muscle mobility, normalize blood circulation and lymph outflow.

    Gymnastics after mastectomy is one of the most important stages of rehabilitation. The first exercises should be performed a few days after surgery. For physical therapy to produce visible results, it is necessary:

    1. Start exercising almost immediately after surgery.
    2. Start with simple movements. Remember to gradually increase the complexity of the exercises and their amplitude.
    3. Increase the number of exercises performed, gradually increasing the load. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor or specialist.
    4. For correct posture, perform movements not only on the arm on the operated side, but also on the healthy arm. Usually the exercises are performed with both hands or alternately.
    5. Start with 10-12 repetitions.
    6. Do not put off doing exercises if it is difficult.
    7. Do therapeutic exercises daily. It is advisable to do this at the same time.
    8. Perform all exercises slowly. Do not make sudden movements that could harm you.

    Be prepared for the fact that at first there will be no visible results from performing the exercises. But the sooner you start doing gymnastics, the less time you will need for rehabilitation. Exercises are good for coping with problems in the arm or shoulder after breast surgery. No matter how difficult the exercises are, don’t stop doing them. Otherwise, the rehabilitation period will be delayed.

    A set of exercises, as well as other rehabilitation activities, help a woman recover both physically and psychologically after breast surgery.

Gymnastics is the way to return to your previous shape after mastectomy

Beautiful breasts are a woman’s adornment. However, there are several dangerous diseases that can be treated by removing the mammary gland - mastectomy. The main indication for surgery is, of course, breast cancer; mastectomy is also done for breast sarcoma or a purulent process accompanied by gangrene. A complication after surgery may be impaired mobility of the arm in the shoulder joint. To achieve its complete recovery, it is necessary to perform a special set of exercises. That is why gymnastics after a mastectomy is necessary for every woman who has undergone this procedure.

Rehabilitation after mastectomy

Mastectomy certainly has a serious impact on a woman’s body. To return to normal after breast removal, a number of rehabilitation measures are required:

  • therapeutic exercises (therapeutic gymnastics);
  • physiotherapy;
  • drug treatment, the purpose of which is to increase immunity;
  • psychological help for the patient.

Why is gymnastics necessary?

After removal of the mammary gland, the arm and shoulder on the affected side are constrained in movement. Some patients report a feeling of tightness in the scar area. Some patients begin to tighten their shoulders and slouch.

Refusal to exercise can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences:

  • to changes in posture, chest deformation, problems with the spine;
  • to the occurrence of depression;
  • to the appearance of excessive muscle strain, which leads to the development of pain in the shoulder, arm and back of the head.

To avoid such problems, women should start exercising while still in hospital.

Exercise groups

All exercises performed during rehabilitation after breast removal are divided into three groups:

  • Warming up This group is necessary to tone the patient’s muscles and prepare the body for further stress. Warming up should be a mandatory component of the gymnastics complex, since otherwise the body may malfunction, thereby slowing down the rehabilitation process. The warm-up consists of about four simple exercises.
  • Main complex.
  • Final part. It includes exercises aimed at relaxing and restoring breathing.

Warming up

All exercises in this part of the lesson are performed in a sitting position 6-8 times.

  1. Place your hands on your knees (palms facing down). Clench and unclench your fingers, and you should clench them tightly into a fist, and when unclenching, relax and spread them.
  2. Turn your hands first with your palms up, then down, your fingers should not be tense.
  3. Raise your hands to your shoulders. Without lifting them from your shoulders, raise your elbows forward and lower them down. This exercise should be performed slowly. Raising your hands, inhale; lowering your hands, exhale.
  4. In the starting position, the arms are lowered at the seams. Then lift them to the sides and lower them down. The exercise must be done slowly, without straining.

When all the exercises are completed, the patient needs a short rest. To do this, you can take deep breaths and exhale several times or walk around the gym.

Main part

The main part of the gymnastic complex after breast removal includes the following exercises (they should be repeated 4-8 times):

  • IP (starting position) – standing or sitting.
    1. First, you should press your hands tightly to your body for 2-3 seconds, then relax.
    2. First stretch the arm on the injured side forward, then to the side, then lower it. There is no need to raise your shoulder. As you move away, inhale; as you lower, exhale.
    3. Make circular movements in the shoulder joints (first forward, then back). The exercise should be done slowly, raising your elbows high.
    4. Put your hands down. Place your fingers behind your back and try to touch your shoulder blades. At the same time, do not tilt your head and shoulders forward. The exercise is done slowly.
    5. Clasp your hands behind your back. By moving your shoulders, you need to spread and retract your shoulder blades and try not to lean forward. As you move apart, inhale; when you close, exhale.
  • IP - standing or sitting in front of a mirror.
    1. Raise the arm on the injured side up. (If necessary, you can support the hand with your healthy hand). The exercise is performed slowly, inhale when lifting, exhale when lowering.
    2. Raise your arm up on the side where you had surgery, then bend it and move your elbow to the side, imitating the movement of combing your hair. Hold your hand in this position for several seconds. At the same time, you should not lean forward and lower your head.
  • Starting position – standing.
    1. Bend towards the operated side and straighten up. At the same time, swing your hand back and forth on the same side. The muscles should be relaxed, the range of movements gradually increases.
    2. Stand against the wall with the damaged side. Raise your hand, trying to stretch it as far as possible along the wall. You should mark the point that you can reach and try to gradually blend it higher.
    3. Rotate your torso towards the operated breast. Bend back, moving your arm back and to the side. Accept IP. Turning, inhale, returning to IP - exhale. Do it slowly.
    4. Lean your back against the wall. Raise your arms, spreading them to the sides and pressing them against the wall as much as possible, hold for 2-3 seconds, then lower them.
  • IP - sitting.
    1. Place the hand on the injured side on the edge of the table in an abducted position (palm facing down). Then turn your palm up, then down again. The exercise is done with effort and slowly.
    2. Place your hands on your knees and take in them the sticks lowered down, the length of which is 60-80 cm. Then lift the sticks up, bending backwards, then lower the sticks. When bending, inhale; when lowering the poles, exhale.
    3. Raise the sticks up, while bending, without leaning forward, to the healthy side. Return to IP. When bending, inhale; when straightening, exhale.
    4. Put your hands down. Take the stick by the ends, then lift it up and move it behind your back. Return to IP. Instead of a stick, you can use a stretched towel. Perform the exercise slowly.

Final part

As already mentioned, the exercises in this part of the lesson are aimed at restoring breathing and relaxation. Each of them is repeated 5-6 times.

  1. Stand up straight and, inhaling and exhaling deeply, roll your shoulders.
  2. Bend as low as possible, with your arms hanging freely.
  3. IP - sitting on a chair, hands on knees. Straighten your shoulders, straighten up, bend a little, moving your elbows back, then relax. Bending in, inhale, relaxing, exhale.
  4. IP - standing or sitting. Raise your hands up and inhale, lower them and exhale.
  5. While standing, raise your arm to your shoulders and bend it, then lower it. The exercise should be done with effort and slowly. When lowering your hands down, you need to relax them.

How to do the exercises

  • When doing exercise therapy, each exercise must be performed slowly, gradually increasing the amplitude of movements and the number of repetitions of each of them.
  • For bilateral breast removal, a set of exercises should be performed either with both hands at the same time, or in turn with each of them.
  • Initially, you should stop at 12-14 exercises, then their number needs to be increased.

As already mentioned, you should start exercising almost immediately after the operation. Of course, at first it will be difficult and painful to perform a set of exercises, but exercise therapy cannot be neglected.

To get noticeable results, you need to follow several rules:

  • study regularly (without skipping);
  • perform exercises, even if it is difficult;
  • do gymnastics daily at a predetermined time;
  • gradually increase the load (after consultation with a specialist);
  • exercise until the range of movements returns to the previous level;
  • try not to make strong and sudden movements;
  • Do not demand immediately noticeable results from yourself.

After a mastectomy, women have problems moving their arm and shoulder on the side where surgery was performed. Therapeutic gymnastics is an invaluable assistant in this situation, which can remove unpleasant sensations in the scar area and restore the previous joint mobility and muscle strength.

Gymnastics after mastectomy: description of exercises after breast removal

When a woman is diagnosed with a malignant tumor of the mammary gland, sarcoma, or purulent processes, a mastectomy is prescribed - partial or complete removal of the mammary gland. The rehabilitation phase, which includes exercises and restorative techniques to avoid complications such as lymphedema, plays an important role in the recovery phase.

Rehabilitation in the postoperative stage contributes to:

  • healing of tissues in a shorter period;
  • preventing possible complications.

Several factors influence successful rehabilitation after breast cancer removal and recovery.

Among them:

  • general and psychological condition of the patient;
  • the complexity of the surgical intervention;
  • quality of medical care;
  • timeliness of exercise therapy gymnastics and special exercises.

It is important to follow all procedures prescribed by doctors and take prescribed medications. Then the rehabilitation period will go faster and smoother.

During this time, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. High-quality care for the operated part.
  2. Hand massage performed by a specialist.
  3. Use of necessary decongestant medications.
  4. Use of physiotherapeutic procedures.
  5. Performing special physical training complexes.

Immediately starting the correct exercises for the arm after breast removal is the main guarantee of a full-fledged rehabilitation process.

The role of gymnastics in the recovery process

Gymnastics after breast mastectomy, including properly selected exercises, plays a major role in the rehabilitation process. It is difficult to achieve final and complete rehabilitation by refusing to perform therapeutic exercises.

Failure to use the necessary exercises after a mastectomy will cause complications:

  • incorrect posture;
  • depression;
  • muscle strain, causing pain in the shoulder, arm, and back of the head.

To avoid these complications, women should start exercising while still in the hospital.

Set of exercises

The exercises used for successful rehabilitation are divided into three stages:

  1. Warm-up – exercises that increase muscle tone and prepare the body for higher loads. Warming up is an important and mandatory component of the gymnastics complex; without it, the body may malfunction, slowing down the healing process. Exercises after breast removal, aimed at warming up, include about 4 simple exercises.
  2. The main gymnastics complex after mastectomy.
  3. Conclusion – relaxation exercises with breathing restoration.

Warming up

It is better to start exercises with a warm-up, preparing the muscles for exercise. Stressing your body from the start can cause more harm than good.

This part of the exercises for the arm after a mastectomy is performed while sitting, 5 to 7 times:

  1. The fingers of the hands located on the knees are clenched and unclenched with force into a fist, followed by relaxation.
  2. Without straining your fingers, pull your palms up for a couple of seconds.
  3. Raise your elbows forward and up. The hands are placed on the shoulders.
  4. Hands up, to the sides, and down.

At the end of this stage, take a break, take several deep breaths and exhalations.

Main part

The main stage of gymnastics for the arm after removal of the mammary gland consists of exercises performed standing or sitting, repeated 4-8 times.

The order of execution is as follows:

  1. Hands are pressed to the body for a couple of seconds and relax.
  2. The arm on the operated side is extended forward, to the side, and lowered. The shoulder joint does not rise.
  3. Shoulder circles with high elbows.
  4. The fingers are connected at the back into a “lock”, reaching towards the shoulder blades. Keep your shoulders and head straight.
  5. The hands are clasped behind the back. By moving the shoulders, the shoulder blades spread and retract without bending forward. When moving the shoulder blades apart, inhale; when arching, exhale.
  6. Tilt while simultaneously swinging your arm back and forth in the operated direction.
  7. Turn towards the operated chest with a backward tilt. At the same time, the arms are moved back and to the side. When turning - inhale, when returning to the starting position - exhale.

Final part

The last stage is relaxing and restorative breathing. The exercises are repeated at least 5 times.

The following actions are performed:

  1. Standing up straight, you need to turn your shoulders with a deep breath and exhale.
  2. Low bend with arms hanging freely.
  3. Elbow abduction with a slight bend while sitting. Deflection is accompanied by inhalation, relaxation by exhalation.
  4. Raising your arms as you inhale and lowering them as you exhale.

To make gymnastics more effective, use the following recommendations for its implementation:

  1. During exercise therapy classes after breast surgery, the entire complex is performed slowly, with an increase in the range of movements and the number of repetitions.
  2. Classes are performed with the simultaneous participation of both hands, or with their alternation.
  3. Immediately after breast removal, do 11-15 exercises with a gradual increase in their number.


Massage after a mastectomy is needed to accompany a full set of exercises and should be performed even after discharge from the hospital. It is possible to use lymphatic drainage, compression, vacuum or pneumatic massage. An important condition during this procedure is the presence of a medical professional.

It is important to massage at regular intervals and not constantly.

Classes should be carried out immediately after surgery. Despite the complexity of performing the complex, the severity and pain, exercise therapy after mastectomy cannot be neglected.

Rules that, if followed, will make it easier to achieve the desired results in gymnastics classes after breast removal:

  1. Exercise after a mastectomy should take place without skipping.
  2. Mandatory implementation of the complex, despite the difficulties.
  3. Gradual increase in loads (only with prior consultation with a specialist).
  4. Exercise until the range of motion returns to the previous level.
  5. Avoid fast movements.


Watch how to do gymnastics after a mastectomy in the video, where the instructor will show in detail all the necessary exercises.

Below you can watch another complex of exercise therapy after a mastectomy on video.

Home » Treatment » Rehabilitation » How to do gymnastics after mastectomy: a set of effective exercises

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Breast reconstruction after mastectomy: exercises, rehabilitation, gymnastics and exercise therapy

According to statistics, every eighth woman on this planet can get breast cancer. This disease can be fatal if left untreated.

In addition to cancer, a woman’s breasts are susceptible to other diseases of a tumor nature:

  • fibroadenomas;
  • papillomas;
  • cysts.

All of them are treated with:

  • chemotherapy;
  • radiation therapy;
  • folk remedies.
  • mastectomy.

Consequences of mastectomy

A mastectomy is a surgical procedure to remove tumors that affect the breast tissue. There are several types of mastectomy:

  • Halstead mastectomy – removal of the mammary gland, fatty tissue, and pectoral muscles. It is performed very rarely: when the tumor grows into the pectoral muscle;
  • radical mastectomy - removal of the mammary gland, pectoral muscles, axillary lymph nodes, and fatty tissue located around them;
  • Madden mastectomy - removal of the mammary gland, axillary fat, but preserving the pectoral muscles;
  • gynecomastia – removal of a small part of the mammary gland, preserving the pectoral muscles, areola and nipple, and fatty tissue.

The first two types of mastectomy are used quite rarely: in the most advanced cases of infiltrative cancer and its relapses.

The last two are used much more often, as women do not want to be left without breasts.

That is why scientists are busy developing more gentle methods of treating breast cancer, and doctors often offer a course of radiation therapy before removal. The fact is that after irradiation the tumor is significantly reduced, this allows you to choose a more gentle type of mastectomy.

It’s good if the course of radiation therapy is completed and the tumor has decreased to an insignificant size, or the disease was detected in time and the tumor was removed using gynecomastia, then rehabilitation will not take much time. It will be necessary to avoid heavy loads and use various ointments so that the scars heal faster. When more stringent methods were used to treat breast cancer, patients need more time to recover after surgery, as a lot of complications can arise:

  1. Tightness and limitation in the movements of the right or left hand.
  2. Slouch.
  3. Problems with the spine.
  4. Pain with any movement of the arm due to severe muscle tension.

During rehabilitation, you need to perform special exercises. Sometimes massage courses may be prescribed. The doctor selects a set of exercises for the patient. They are designed to stretch and strengthen the pectoral muscles, accelerate blood and lymph circulation. In addition, exercises help improve overall well-being, straighten posture, and eliminate problems with mobility of the shoulder joint, if necessary.

Each exercise should be performed 6-8 times. You can do more if your health allows. Doctors often prescribe a set of exercises on an exercise bike and swimming in a pool. They are usually performed along with a protein diet that excludes the following foods:

Sweets and confectionery products are significantly limited.

  • dairy;
  • fish;
  • meat (lean varieties of meat and poultry);
  • vegetables and fruits.

Keep your head straight. Start by combing one half of your head, then gradually move to the other. Don't get overwhelmed, but be persistent.

Place your healthy hand on the back of the chair and lower your head (forehead) onto it. Let the other arm hang freely, swing it from side to side and also back and forth, making small circles. As the tension in your hand decreases, increase the range of motion and the diameter of the circles. Perform the exercises until you gain full mobility.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart to avoid losing your balance. Stand close to the wall and face it. Start with your hands at shoulder level and gradually move your hands up the wall. Lower your arms back to shoulder level, sliding along the wall. Do the exercises several times a day, each day mark the level achieved and the “tasks” for the next day.

6. Exercise with a cosmetic bag.

A small wallet or similar item will do. The right hand is at the right shoulder, the left hand is behind the back. Transfer your purse (cosmetic bag) from your right hand to your left. Repeat the exercise 5 times, then change hands.

Using a towel or similar object, make gentle movements that simulate drying your back. Repeat the exercises on the other side.

There may be some post-operative discomfort for a few days or weeks, but this will pass. For example, there may be tingling, a feeling of tightness in the scar area or under the armpit, and sensitivity may increase.

Gymnastics and physical exercise after breast removal

A number of complications can occur after a mastectomy. One of these complications is impaired mobility of the arm as a result of the operation. A set of special exercises helps restore mobility, which the patient must begin doing while still in the hospital, as well as massage and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Gymnastics as an important part of rehabilitation

After surgery to remove the mammary gland, a woman undergoes a rehabilitation course. It usually consists of several components:

  • massage;
  • psychological recovery;
  • breast reconstruction;
  • drug treatment;
  • physical procedures

For the first time after surgery, it is very difficult for a woman to perform even the simplest exercise therapy exercises. But you shouldn’t give up gymnastics. You need to conquer yourself and start doing exercises, and do them regularly.

Often, after breast removal, a woman begins to slouch and lower her shoulders to hide the consequences of the operation. As a result, this only complicates the situation, since such actions lead to curvature of the spine or chest. The already serious condition in the postoperative period is complicated by depression.

Gymnastics after mastectomy has a therapeutic and preventive effect:

  • helps restore hand mobility;
  • does not allow curvature of posture, drooping of shoulders, and so on;
  • eliminates pain that occurs in the arm, back or neck due to muscle strain.

Warming up the muscles

A set of exercises must begin with a warm-up. Muscles need to be prepared for exercise. If you load the body from the very beginning, it will do more harm than good. To warm up, do the following exercises:

  1. You need to start with your fingers. Sit down and place your hands on your knees. Squeeze your fingers into a fist as tightly as possible, and then unclench them, and be sure to relax your hands at the same time.
  2. While continuing to sit, raise your palms up and then lower them. While performing this exercise, make sure that your fingers are relaxed.
  3. Place the cysts on your shoulders. Raise your elbows forward and up, then lower. Make sure you breathe correctly and move very slowly.
  4. There is also no need to rush when performing this movement. Place your hands at your sides. Slowly lift them up and to the sides, and then lower them.

A set of basic exercises

After warming up, the muscles are prepared for heavy loads, so you can begin to perform more complex exercises:

  1. Press your hands to your body, lowering them down, for 2-3 seconds, then relax.
  2. Pull your hand forward, then to the side, then lower it. Perform the movements slowly. Inhale as you raise your hand, and exhale as you lower your hand.
  3. Place your hand on your shoulder and make circular movements with your elbow in one direction and then the other.
  4. With your hands down, bring them together behind your back. Try to reach your shoulder blades. Do the exercise very slowly.
  5. Make circular movements with your shoulder joint in one direction and the other. The hand should be lowered down.
  6. Raise your injured arm up. This can be done sitting or standing. The exercise is very difficult to perform at first, so you can support the hand with your healthy hand.
  7. While standing, lean towards the operated breast. Hold for a couple of seconds and rise up. When bending, inhale; when lifting, exhale.
  8. Lean your back against the wall. Spread your arms out to the sides. Having raised, hold for 2-3 seconds, then slowly lower.
  9. Stand against the wall. Stretch your arm upward on the side where you had surgery. Mark the point you managed to reach. With each subsequent time, this point should move higher and higher.
  10. Take a stick, cm long, in your hands. Raise the stick to shoulder level. Make sure that the stick rises horizontally evenly.
  11. With a stick in your hands, make turns to the right and left. Increase your range of motion each time.
  12. Sit down and place your hands on your knees. Pick up the stick lying below. Raise the stick up. At the same time, bend forward. Then take the starting position.
  13. Take a stick and lift it up. After this, wrap the stick behind your back. If you don’t have a stick, then to perform this exercise you can take a towel, which you need to pull between your hands.
  14. Raise your arm on the operated side up. Bend it at the elbow, then move your elbow to the side.

Final part

At the last stage of the exercise, relaxation occurs, as well as breathing restoration. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, straightening your shoulders.
  2. Stand up straight, bend over straight and lower your arms, relaxing them.
  3. Raise your arms up as you inhale, then slowly lower them as you exit. Relax your hands.

Massage is an auxiliary tool

Massage will help enhance the effect of gymnastics and speed up the process of restoring hand mobility. It will be much better if a specialist does therapeutic massage. But if there is no opportunity to contact a professional, do the massage yourself.

By the way, massage not only helps restore arm mobility, but also prevents the development of another complication after mastectomy - lymphostasis.

When performing a massage yourself, make light stroking movements without putting pressure on the tissues of your hand. Movements can be along the arm from the fingertips to the shoulder, or in a circular motion around the arm. In some cases, a special cream or oil is used for massage.

Massage helps restore muscle mobility, normalize blood circulation and lymph outflow.

Gymnastics after mastectomy is one of the most important stages of rehabilitation. The first exercises should be performed a few days after surgery. For physical therapy to produce visible results, it is necessary:

  1. Start exercising almost immediately after surgery.
  2. Start with simple movements. Remember to gradually increase the complexity of the exercises and their amplitude.
  3. Increase the number of exercises performed, gradually increasing the load. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor or specialist.
  4. For correct posture, perform movements not only on the arm on the operated side, but also on the healthy arm. Usually the exercises are performed with both hands or alternately.
  5. Start repeating.
  6. Do not put off doing exercises if it is difficult.
  7. Do therapeutic exercises daily. It is advisable to do this at the same time.
  8. Perform all exercises slowly. Do not make sudden movements that could harm you.

Be prepared for the fact that at first there will be no visible results from performing the exercises. But the sooner you start doing gymnastics, the less time you will need for rehabilitation. Exercises are good for coping with problems in the arm or shoulder after breast surgery. No matter how difficult the exercises are, don’t stop doing them. Otherwise, the rehabilitation period will be delayed.

A set of exercises, as well as other rehabilitation activities, help a woman recover both physically and psychologically after breast surgery.

Gymnastics after breast removal

After surgery to remove a malignant tumor in the chest, the upper limb ceases to function, so you need to regularly perform a series of exercises. Gymnastics after breast mastectomy is prescribed for the rehabilitation period and is designed to restore the functionality of the arm on which the operation was performed.

Gymnastics rules

Immediately after surgery, the flexibility and strength of the upper limb near which the gland was removed decrease. If you do not perform physical therapy, a complication may occur - lymphostasis, pathological edema. To speed up muscle development, doctors prescribe:

They start doing exercises already in the hospital. You must continue to perform the complex at home until freedom of movement returns.

  1. Do exercises immediately after surgery.
  2. Do it regularly, even if you don’t have the strength.
  3. Before starting gymnastics, warm up your muscles.
  4. Try to repeat the movements completely; none of the patients can do this right away.
  5. You should immediately try to restore your previous posture, do not adapt to the sensation of tight skin, do not slouch.
  6. All exercises must be performed softly and smoothly, gradually moving the hand.
  7. Don’t give up after the first difficulties, continue to study, seek psychological help during the rehabilitation period.

In general, the complex is aimed at:

  • restoration of motor function of the limb;
  • maintaining correct posture after surgery;
  • reduction of pain and discomfort in the chest, neck and back.


Warming up the muscles prevents lymphostasis - pathological swelling of tissues that can occur immediately after surgery to remove the mammary gland.

Warming up allows you to better coordinate movements, which are already difficult after breast removal. Perform it according to this algorithm:

  1. Fingers. In a sitting position, place your palms on your knees, try to clench them into fists as tightly as possible, then unclench them and relax for a few seconds.
  2. In a sitting position, turn your palms upside down, slowly raise them, then lower them. Fingers should be relaxed.
  3. Place your hands on your shoulders, try to raise and lower your elbows as smoothly as possible. Coordinate your movements with measured breathing.
  4. Press your hands to your body, lift them very slowly and smoothly, then lower them down in the same way.

Important: proper warm-up prevents lymphostasis, which can occur after removal of the mammary gland, allows you to quickly restore the functionality of the limbs and not harm the body.

Compulsory gymnastics

Immediately after warming up, begin performing the main set of exercises:

  1. Press your limbs to your body, tense for a few seconds, relax.
  2. Pull your hand forward, then to the side and lower. Exhale on the way up, and inhale on the way down.
  3. Place the hand on the shoulder and perform circular smooth movements in both directions in turn.
  4. Lower your limbs, place them behind your back and reach for your shoulder blades. Perform very carefully and smoothly.
  5. With your arm down, try to make circular movements with your shoulder.
  6. Elevate the limb on the operated side while standing or sitting. At the first stage of rehabilitation, you can support it with your healthy hand.
  7. Stand in a position tilting your body towards the operated side. You need to stay at the angle for a few seconds and smoothly return to the starting position. When bending down, inhale, when returning, exhale.
  8. Position - leaning your back against the wall. Try to spread your arms to the sides, and stay in the raised position for a couple of moments. Lower very slowly.
  9. In the same position, pull the limb upward on the operated side. Each time, mark the line that you were able to reach, strive to exceed the result with each lesson.

Exercises with sports equipment

  1. Exercise with a stick from 60 cm to 1 meter long. Raise the equipment with your hands to the level of your collarbones in a completely horizontal position.
  2. Perform sideways turns with the stick, gradually increasing the span of your body.
  3. In a sitting position, place your hands on your knees along with the stick, palms down. Bend forward and lift the equipment horizontally.
  4. Raise your limbs together with the stick up and behind your back. An alternative to sports equipment is a kitchen towel stretched between the limbs.
  5. Using a stick or small weight, lift your injured arm up, bend your elbow, and move it to the side.

Final stage

At the end of physical education, you need to deeply relax your muscles, restore your breathing, and calm down. This is the main element of rehabilitation after breast removal.

  1. Straighten your shoulders in time with your breathing. Try to breathe deeply and measuredly.
  2. Take an even position, maintain your posture. Then bend over, lowering your limbs freely in a relaxed state.
  3. As you inhale, raise your upper limbs, and as you exit, lower them. Try to relax completely.

Important: at the end of physical training, it is worth performing a special therapeutic massage, which will help enhance the effect of the exercises. Massage also prevents lymphostasis. It is advisable to contact a professional and get individual recommendations from him.

Set of exercises - video

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How to restore arm mobility after a mastectomy

After a mastectomy, some women develop swelling of the arm on the side where the surgery was performed. This swelling is called lymphedema or lymphedema. What should a woman know to prevent such a complication or minimize its manifestations? Specialists from the National Cancer Institute, led by Ivan Smolanka, MD, have developed tips for women who have undergone surgery for breast cancer.

Arm swelling occurs when normal lymph circulation is disrupted or slowed down as a result of the removal of axillary lymph nodes during surgery. Not all women develop lymphedema, but all women should be aware of it so they can take care of themselves. This is also important because lymphedema can develop several years after surgery. Remember: if swelling appears, it requires urgent and qualified treatment. You may need to do special exercises, wrap your arm with an elastic bandage to stimulate lymph circulation, or use an elastic sleeve.

When to start the rehabilitation process. This should begin immediately after surgery. The later you start hand rehabilitation, the more difficult this process will be. Your task is to completely restore the mobility of your hand. The best assistant in this will be special gymnastics.

After surgery, when the arm and shoulder are limited in movement, a feeling of tightness occurs in the shoulder area; some women begin to slouch and cramp their shoulders. Keep in mind that this does not solve the problem, but only leads to excessive muscle tension and causes pain in the shoulder and back of the head. Poor posture can also be caused by the habit of constantly carrying the sore arm bent and pressed towards you. Therefore, start paying attention to your posture as soon as you start getting up and walking.

Breathing exercises. During the first days after surgery, it is useful to do breathing exercises. For example, while lying on your back, take a deep breath to expand your chest. Then exhale and rest. Think that along with the air that leaves your lungs, all the tension comes out of your body. Relax as you exhale. Do this exercise three or four times, inhaling and exhaling slowly, then rest. This will help you relax and also expand your chest and lungs to support their normal function.

Gymnastics tips. Start doing the first exercises and gymnastics while still in the hospital, but only when the doctor allows it. Some exercises can be done on the second day after surgery, while others can be started a few weeks later. At first they must be done very carefully and with various restrictions, so it is better when they are shown by a specialist. Later, you will do everything yourself and the result of restoring hand mobility will depend on you. The more attention you pay to the exercises, the sooner your hand will recover.

To practice gymnastics regularly, choose a special time in your daily routine for this and do not allow anyone to interrupt you. Gradually increase the load and time of training. Continue to develop your arm until its range of motion reaches a normal level. Normal shoulder mobility is considered achieved when you can make the same movements with both the arm on the operated side and the healthy arm.

Avoid strong and sudden movements. It is normal to stretch the shoulder until slight tension is felt. Stretching should be done with calm, slow movements, not jerks. Some women find it easier to exercise after a warm bath or shower when their muscles are warm.

Don't worry if you experience a burning, tingling, or painful sensation on the outside of your arm and along your chest wall. These sensations appear due to irritation of the nerve endings; they can become even stronger within 2-3 weeks after surgery. Movement may increase the discomfort, but it is important that you continue to exercise to maintain your range of motion. In many cases, sensitivity is restored to normal. If after exercise your hand swells and becomes even weaker, you need to reduce the number of repetitions of the same exercise and consult a doctor.

Doing your usual activities will help increase your range of motion. Therefore, wash your hair yourself, comb your hair, fasten your bra yourself, try to raise your hands up and put them behind your head - all this also contributes to the development of mobility.

About lifestyle. Women who have had axillary lymph nodes removed and those who have undergone radiotherapy should always take care of the arm on the operated side. Avoid lifting or carrying heavy objects, and try not to do anything that requires strain on your arms. It is recommended to limit the load on the arm from surgery to 1 kg during the first year, 2 kg over the next four years, and 3-4 kg throughout life. Loads on the healthy arm should also be limited.

Avoid any work during which your hand is down for a long time. Such restrictions are necessary to prevent stagnation of lymph in the lymphatic vessels of the hand. So, you should not wash while bending low over the bathtub or washing the floor with your hands. It is better to wash in the sink or place the basin at such a height that you do not have to bend over. The floor can be wiped with a mop.

If you are going to work with your hand, wrap it with an elastic bandage. After work, be sure to do gymnastics, examine your hand, give it a boost for a minute. Avoid direct heat to your hands, such as hot baths, prolonged ironing, or washing dishes with hot water. The sauna and steam room are contraindicated, and it is better to replace the bath with a shower.

Protect your hand from cuts, burns, and insect bites. This is important for preventing inflammation. If microbes penetrate through a scratch or wound, inflammation can easily occur, because the outflow of lymph in the lymphatic vessels is difficult. If you do cut or scratch your hand, immediately treat and lubricate the wound with tincture of brilliant green or iodine. If your hand turns red and pain appears, the temperature rises or swelling increases, consult a doctor immediately.

A set of exercises for recovery after breast removal

Removal of the mammary gland is the first step on the path to health in case of cancer. After a successful operation, its results need to be consolidated and multiplied.

Rehabilitation includes many factors that form a complex of recovery measures. There are no minor procedures or actions among them; all are equally important for a speedy recovery.

The Importance of Exercise

Gymnastics after breast removal helps restore mobility of the arm on the side of the removed breast. Immediately after surgery, especially with concomitant removal of lymph nodes (which happens in the vast majority of cases), the range of motion is severely limited, attempts to perform usual actions do not give the desired result and cause pain. As a result of restriction of movements in order to protect themselves from discomfort in the surgical area, patients adopt a forced body position - slouching. This behavior is fraught with serious troubles in the future:

  • poor posture;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • pulmonary pathologies;
  • loss of function of the shoulder joint;
  • impaired coordination and limited mobility.

Conversely, incorporating exercise into your daily life soon after breast removal will prevent stagnation, allow you to gradually expand your range of motion, and create the conditions for full physical recovery.

Conditions for success

The efforts made to perform gymnastic exercises will be crowned with success only if they are carried out:

  • as soon as possible after removal of the gland - already from the 2nd - 3rd day in the hospital;
  • systematically – daily, seven days a week, at least once a day;
  • in compliance with the principle “from simple to complex” - excessive loads without preparation are unacceptable, as is the absence of gradual complication of tasks;
  • with overcoming pain - within reasonable limits;
  • a long period - ideally until complete restoration of movements as in a healthy hand.

Organizing daily gymnastics takes time, and practice shows that it is better to highlight a specific period of the day, rather than carry it out at will or according to the situation. In the latter case, omissions and dishonest execution of exercises are most likely.

The psychological attitude is no less important. The loss of the joys of life, although temporary, is sometimes perceived as a catastrophe. This provokes a decrease in the desire to change life for the better through one’s own efforts. Communication with a psychologist, and, mainly, working on oneself, accepting the situation and finding ways to improve it are important components of rehabilitation after breast removal.

Types of physical activity

Gymnastics is nothing more than actions aimed at developing and maintaining the physical capabilities of the body. Therefore, its elements are always used in everyday life, although sometimes they go unnoticed. After removal of the mammary gland, many previously available actions become problematic: hygiene procedures (washing, combing hair), accepting and maintaining body position (getting out of bed, maintaining posture), household activities (opening doors, removing objects from high shelves, carrying bags, cleaning, etc.). Therefore, in addition to gymnastics itself, it is recommended to persistently strive to master the desired movement (for example, fastening the buttons of a robe or bra hooks) over and over again.

Including some gymnastic exercises in everyday life without separating them into a separate block is a good addition to physical exercise. Certain exercises can be performed repeatedly throughout the day (clenching your fingers into a fist, bringing your shoulder blades together, controlling your posture, etc.).

Gymnastic exercises

The daily block of classes is divided into three stages.

  1. Warm-up: provides a rush of blood to all muscle groups, prevents spasms. Proper preparation of the body for exercise is an important part of gymnastics. Well-heated fabrics are better stretchable and less susceptible to injury. Pain in the muscles after warming up is less noticeable.
  2. Main: constant performance of exercises in this group develops the motor capabilities of the hands after removal of the mammary gland. This part of the charge takes between 15 and 30 minutes.
  3. Final: serves to relieve tension after intense exercise, prevents complications.

An approximate set of exercises is given in the table (options are possible).

  • slowly;
  • inhale when rising, exhale when lowering
  • inhale as you raise your arms

Classes are not always held at home. Training is organized by exercise therapy instructors in specialized centers or in hospitals. Some time after the operation (1 - 2 months), gymnastic exercises of increased complexity can be performed in the pool: in water the desired muscle stretching is easier to achieve and the load is not exceeded. In general, swimming in itself is an excellent rehabilitation procedure; if possible, it should not be neglected.

Thus, gymnastics is an important part of the path to recovery after breast removal. Careful exercises stimulate recovery processes and complement other components of treatment.

Gymnastics is the way to return to your previous shape after mastectomy

Beautiful breasts are a woman’s adornment. However, there are several dangerous diseases that can be treated by removing the mammary gland - mastectomy. The main indication for surgery is, of course, breast cancer; mastectomy is also done for breast sarcoma or a purulent process accompanied by gangrene. A complication after surgery may be impaired mobility of the arm in the shoulder joint. To achieve its complete recovery, it is necessary to perform a special set of exercises. That is why gymnastics after a mastectomy is necessary for every woman who has undergone this procedure.

Rehabilitation after mastectomy

Mastectomy certainly has a serious impact on a woman’s body. To return to normal after breast removal, a number of rehabilitation measures are required:

  • therapeutic exercises (therapeutic gymnastics);
  • physiotherapy;
  • drug treatment, the purpose of which is to increase immunity;
  • psychological help for the patient.

Why is gymnastics necessary?

After removal of the mammary gland, the arm and shoulder on the affected side are constrained in movement. Some patients report a feeling of tightness in the scar area. Some patients begin to tighten their shoulders and slouch.

Refusal to exercise can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences:

  • to changes in posture, chest deformation, problems with the spine;
  • to the occurrence of depression;
  • to the appearance of excessive muscle strain, which leads to the development of pain in the shoulder, arm and back of the head.

To avoid such problems, women should start exercising while still in hospital.

Exercise groups

All exercises performed during rehabilitation after breast removal are divided into three groups:

  • Warming up This group is necessary to tone the patient’s muscles and prepare the body for further stress. Warming up should be a mandatory component of the gymnastics complex, since otherwise the body may malfunction, thereby slowing down the rehabilitation process. The warm-up consists of about four simple exercises.
  • Main complex.
  • Final part. It includes exercises aimed at relaxing and restoring breathing.

Warming up

All exercises in this part of the lesson are performed in a sitting position 6-8 times.

  1. Place your hands on your knees (palms facing down). Clench and unclench your fingers, and you should clench them tightly into a fist, and when unclenching, relax and spread them.
  2. Turn your hands first with your palms up, then down, your fingers should not be tense.
  3. Raise your hands to your shoulders. Without lifting them from your shoulders, raise your elbows forward and lower them down. This exercise should be performed slowly. Raising your hands, inhale; lowering your hands, exhale.
  4. In the starting position, the arms are lowered at the seams. Then lift them to the sides and lower them down. The exercise must be done slowly, without straining.

When all the exercises are completed, the patient needs a short rest. To do this, you can take deep breaths and exhale several times or walk around the gym.

Main part

The main part of the gymnastic complex after breast removal includes the following exercises (they should be repeated 4-8 times):

  • IP (starting position) – standing or sitting.
    1. First, you should press your hands tightly to your body for 2-3 seconds, then relax.
    2. First stretch the arm on the injured side forward, then to the side, then lower it. There is no need to raise your shoulder. As you move away, inhale; as you lower, exhale.
    3. Make circular movements in the shoulder joints (first forward, then back). The exercise should be done slowly, raising your elbows high.
    4. Put your hands down. Place your fingers behind your back and try to touch your shoulder blades. At the same time, do not tilt your head and shoulders forward. The exercise is done slowly.
    5. Clasp your hands behind your back. By moving your shoulders, you need to spread and retract your shoulder blades and try not to lean forward. As you move apart, inhale; when you close, exhale.
  • IP - standing or sitting in front of a mirror.
    1. Raise the arm on the injured side up. (If necessary, you can support the hand with your healthy hand). The exercise is performed slowly, inhale when lifting, exhale when lowering.
    2. Raise your arm up on the side where you had surgery, then bend it and move your elbow to the side, imitating the movement of combing your hair. Hold your hand in this position for several seconds. At the same time, you should not lean forward and lower your head.
  • Starting position – standing.
    1. Bend towards the operated side and straighten up. At the same time, swing your hand back and forth on the same side. The muscles should be relaxed, the range of movements gradually increases.
    2. Stand against the wall with the damaged side. Raise your hand, trying to stretch it as far as possible along the wall. You should mark the point that you can reach and try to gradually blend it higher.
    3. Rotate your torso towards the operated breast. Bend back, moving your arm back and to the side. Accept IP. Turning, inhale, returning to IP - exhale. Do it slowly.
    4. Lean your back against the wall. Raise your arms, spreading them to the sides and pressing them against the wall as much as possible, hold for 2-3 seconds, then lower them.
  • IP - sitting.
    1. Place the hand on the injured side on the edge of the table in an abducted position (palm facing down). Then turn your palm up, then down again. The exercise is done with effort and slowly.
    2. Place your hands on your knees and take in them the sticks lowered down, the length of which is cm. Then raise the sticks up, bending backwards, then lower the sticks. When bending, inhale; when lowering the poles, exhale.
    3. Raise the sticks up, while bending, without leaning forward, to the healthy side. Return to IP. When bending, inhale; when straightening, exhale.
    4. Put your hands down. Take the stick by the ends, then lift it up and move it behind your back. Return to IP. Instead of a stick, you can use a stretched towel. Perform the exercise slowly.

Final part

As already mentioned, the exercises in this part of the lesson are aimed at restoring breathing and relaxation. Each of them is repeated 5-6 times.

  1. Stand up straight and, inhaling and exhaling deeply, roll your shoulders.
  2. Bend as low as possible, with your arms hanging freely.
  3. IP - sitting on a chair, hands on knees. Straighten your shoulders, straighten up, bend a little, moving your elbows back, then relax. Bending in, inhale, relaxing, exhale.
  4. IP - standing or sitting. Raise your hands up and inhale, lower them and exhale.
  5. While standing, raise your arm to your shoulders and bend it, then lower it. The exercise should be done with effort and slowly. When lowering your hands down, you need to relax them.

How to do the exercises

  • When doing exercise therapy, each exercise must be performed slowly, gradually increasing the amplitude of movements and the number of repetitions of each of them.
  • For bilateral breast removal, a set of exercises should be performed either with both hands at the same time, or in turn with each of them.
  • Initially, it is worth stopping at the exercises, then their number needs to be increased.

As already mentioned, you should start exercising almost immediately after the operation. Of course, at first it will be difficult and painful to perform a set of exercises, but exercise therapy cannot be neglected.

To get noticeable results, you need to follow several rules:

  • study regularly (without skipping);
  • perform exercises, even if it is difficult;
  • do gymnastics daily at a predetermined time;
  • gradually increase the load (after consultation with a specialist);
  • exercise until the range of movements returns to the previous level;
  • try not to make strong and sudden movements;
  • Do not demand immediately noticeable results from yourself.

After a mastectomy, women have problems moving their arm and shoulder on the side where surgery was performed. Therapeutic gymnastics is an invaluable assistant in this situation, which can remove unpleasant sensations in the scar area and restore the previous joint mobility and muscle strength.

Gymnastics after a mastectomy is one of the mandatory conditions of the rehabilitation period. Its implementation is required to restore mobility and normal functioning of the arm from which surgery was performed to remove a breast cancer tumor.

Physiotherapy exercises are also necessary to prevent spinal curvature and stooped posture, which often develop after surgery.

After breast cancer surgery, one of the most common complications is dysfunction of the arm and shoulder on the side where the mastectomy was performed. In order to restore their previous mobility, the patient needs to begin performing physical therapy exercises as soon as possible.

At first, the hand, of course, will hurt and the woman may feel that she is not able to do exercises. However, under no circumstances should you give up - you need to overcome yourself and boldly take on the exercises. Otherwise, the former mobility of the hand may not return naturally at all.

Since a mastectomy involves removing a cancerous tumor along with the mammary gland, many women feel psychological discomfort after the operation. They bend their backs and lower their shoulders so that the absence of breasts is not so noticeable. As a result of these actions:

  • The spine is curved and a hump may appear on the back.
  • Constant slouching leads to muscle strain and severe pain in the shoulders, arms, and back of the head.
  • Over time, the chest becomes deformed and back diseases develop.

Exercise therapy after mastectomy also serves to prevent curvature of the back and slouching of the shoulders.

Gymnastics after removal of the mammary gland and lymph nodes is necessary to prevent the development of edema, which appears due to deterioration of lymph outflow in the operated area. In some cases, lymphostasis develops into an irreversible process. Exercise improves blood and lymph circulation, preventing the formation of stagnation.

What types of loads are contraindicated?

Exercises after a mastectomy are prescribed after the stitches are removed. Until this moment, the hand cannot be loaded. In the first two days after the operation, it is even forbidden to lift it up.

During the rehabilitation period, a woman should not lift weights or engage in sports that pose a risk of injury to her arm. Training that may involve falls, collisions, or impacts until complete recovery is not recommended.

Prohibited sports include:

  • Fight.
  • Karate.
  • Ice skating, roller skating, skiing.
  • Jumping from heights.
  • Heavy weight lifting workouts, etc.

In addition, visiting the pool is contraindicated for two months after surgery.

Treatment after surgery to remove a cancerous tumor along with the mammary gland necessarily includes exercises to restore mobility of the arm and shoulder joint.

The course of gymnastic training is determined by a doctor and takes place under his supervision. The duration of exercise therapy depends on:

  • Degree of loss of hand function after mastectomy.
  • Patient's age.
  • Prognosis for recovery.
  • General health of the patient.

For the success of the process and complete restoration of the motor function of the limb, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Start training immediately after your doctor prescribes it.
  2. Do exercises regularly, without missing days of classes.
  3. Try to repeat the movements exactly and do them correctly, even if it requires some effort.
  4. It is better to do fewer exercises, but in compliance with all the rules and techniques.
  5. Movements should be soft, smooth, gradual.
  6. Before you start basic gymnastics, you must do exercises to warm up your muscles.
  7. When not training, try to maintain an even posture and avoid slouching.
  8. Don't quit classes if something doesn't work out. In this case, it is recommended to seek help from a rehabilitation center, where therapy will take place under the supervision of a specialist.

Therapeutic exercises, in addition to health benefits, are important for maintaining the psychological state of a woman who has undergone surgery. Muscle tone improves and the patient begins to feel healthy and more confident.

Exercises after breast removal must begin with warming up the muscles. Firstly, this is necessary to prepare the body for subsequent loads and prevent injuries, damage to ligaments and tendons. Secondly, such exercises prevent the appearance of swelling in the operated area.

After warming up, the main physical exercises will be much easier to do than without it.

Warming up algorithm:

  • Sit down, put your hands on your knees, try to clench your fingers into a fist as tightly as possible, then unclench your hand, relax, repeat 5-7 times.
  • The starting position is sitting, arms bent at the elbows, fingers relaxed: turn your palms upside down, then smoothly raise and lower your palms 7-10 times.
  • Place your hands on your shoulders and smoothly raise and lower your elbows, repeat 7-10 times.
  • Press your hands to your body, then smoothly raise and lower them, repeat 7-10 times.

After finishing the warm-up, you need to move on to the main complex.

Water aerobics is a very effective method of rehabilitation for girls and women after mastectomy. It helps restore mobility to the arms and shoulder joints, helps eliminate swelling, and prevents the development of lymphostasis.

Water procedures are very effective in the fight against cervical osteochondrosis, which appears in 90% of patients who have undergone a mastectomy. After just a few sessions, pain in the back, cervical and thoracic regions will begin to subside. Your posture will become straighter and your gait will become much more confident.

Before performing training in water, you must do a set of exercises to warm up your muscles.

Basic water aerobics procedures include:

  1. Jumping in the water.
  2. Lunges.
  3. Running in the water.
  4. Repulsion.
  5. Stretching movements.

Exercise type


Jumping Jumping is one of the most difficult exercises. They must be performed very carefully to avoid injury. During the first lessons you should not jump high. Step by step movements:
1 - take the starting position: slightly spread your feet, bend your arms and legs;
2 - squat down a little and push off from the bottom, making a jump;
3 - during the jump you need to help yourself with your hands, point your body up, pull your knees to your chest.
Hand rotations Drawing the number eight with your hands in the water helps to develop the shoulder joints and chest area well. To perform the exercise, you need to stand up straight with your lower limbs slightly bent, your arms slightly apart, while leaving them under water. Then you need to slowly rotate your hands in the water, following the clockwise direction, and then counterclockwise, as if drawing a figure 8.
Repulses To strengthen the cardiovascular system, it is useful to perform push-ups. To do this, you need to stand up straight, spread your legs wide and bend your knees (your hands are in the water). Then close your palms and push the water alternately to the right and then to the left. You only need to use your arms, the lower part of your body should remain motionless.

Stretching procedures will help restore elasticity to the muscles of the chest, entire back and neck. A set of stretching exercises looks like this:

  • Spread your legs wide apart, bend slightly. Move your right hand to the side and lift it up, helping yourself with the other limb. Pull your body along with your arm until you feel pain on the right side. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise in the other direction. It is important that during the training process the body is level, does not bend back and forth, but only stretches to the side.
  • The starting position is the same. Raise your right hand up and place it behind your back. Pull your palm slightly back and down, kneading the shoulder. Stop exercising if you feel pain or tension in your muscles.
  • Spread your feet slightly, arms are lowered into the water and slightly bent. Smoothly raise your arm and stretch it forward, while a slight muscle tension should be felt in the neck and chest area. When returning to the starting position, try to raise your chest higher.

In the first days of training, the range of movements should not be large. In the following days it must be gradually increased.

Starting position – legs slightly apart, body straight, arms pressed at the seams. Next, the following movements are performed in turn:

  • Slightly strain the arm muscles, then relax. You need to stay in the tension phase for at least 3-4 seconds.
  • Straighten your arm in front of you, then move it to the side and lower it. When stretching, inhale, when lowering, exhale.
  • The hands are placed on the shoulders, and circular movements are smoothly carried out in a clockwise direction - then counterclockwise.
  • Place your wrists behind your back and slowly stretch your shoulder blades back.
  • Hands down, alternately make circular movements with the shoulder joint, first in a clockwise direction - then counterclockwise.
  • While sitting or standing, try to raise your arm from the operated side. During the first lessons, you can help her with your other hand.
  • Tilt your body to the side of the operated side, stay in this position for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. When bending, exhale; when straightening, inhale.
  • Lean your back against the wall, raise your arms and try (as far as possible) to spread them to the sides.
  • With your back against the wall, you should try to raise your arm on the operated side up and stay in this position for a little while. Each time you should try to reach with this hand a little higher than in the previous lesson (you can make marks on the wall to visualize the result).

A week or two after training, you are allowed to complicate the task and conduct training using weights - a stick, dumbbells. Together with such equipment, you can perform exercises for raising your arms, moving them to the side, or placing them behind your back. The possibility of using such additional loads should be discussed with your doctor.

Final part

At the end of your workout, you need to relax. The purpose of this stage is to relax the muscles, restore breathing, and calm down. In order for the muscles to become toned, tension exercises must be alternated with relaxation.

Algorithm for performing a relaxing procedure:

  • Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders, and you need to breathe as deeply and measuredly as possible.
  • Bend over, lower your arms and relax.
  • Inhaling, raise your upper limbs to the top, exhaling - lower them, keep your breathing deep and measured.

Developing deep, proper breathing is very important for effective rehabilitation and recovery.

Gymnastics for the arm after breast removal is a mandatory part of the recovery process. It is necessary to eliminate muscle soreness of the upper limb on the operated side. In addition, this is an effective way to prevent the development of lymphostasis and.

To ensure that the functions of the arm and shoulder joint are fully restored as soon as possible, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Perform exercises under the supervision of a doctor and inform him of any changes in your condition.
  2. Exercise regularly for the time prescribed by your doctor. If something doesn’t work out, this is not a reason to quit the procedure. In such cases, you can contact a professional trainer for further advice.
  3. Do the exercises twice a day: start with 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 30-35 minutes.
  4. Make all movements smoothly and slowly, no jerks.
  5. Increase the amplitude gradually.
  6. With each subsequent lesson, try to hold the position of the outstretched arm up and to the sides longer and try to reach higher.
  7. Do not overdo it, do not allow severe pain to occur.

When a woman is diagnosed with a malignant tumor of the mammary gland, sarcoma, or purulent processes, a mastectomy is prescribed - partial or complete removal of the mammary gland. The rehabilitation phase, which includes exercises and restorative techniques to avoid complications such as lymphedema, plays an important role in the recovery phase.

Rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation in the postoperative stage contributes to:

  • healing of tissues in a shorter period;
  • preventing possible complications.

Several factors influence successful rehabilitation after breast cancer removal and recovery.

Among them:

  • general and psychological condition of the patient;
  • the complexity of the surgical intervention;
  • quality of medical care;
  • timeliness of exercise therapy gymnastics and special exercises.

It is important to follow all procedures prescribed by doctors and take prescribed medications. Then the rehabilitation period will go faster and smoother.

During this time, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. High-quality care for the operated part.
  2. Hand massage performed by a specialist.
  3. Use of necessary decongestant medications.
  4. Use of physiotherapeutic procedures.
  5. Performing special physical training complexes.

Immediately starting the correct exercises for the arm after breast removal is the main guarantee of a full-fledged rehabilitation process.

The role of gymnastics in the recovery process

Gymnastics after breast mastectomy, including properly selected exercises, plays a major role in the rehabilitation process. It is difficult to achieve final and complete rehabilitation by refusing to perform therapeutic exercises.

Failure to use the necessary exercises after a mastectomy will cause complications:

  • incorrect posture;
  • depression;
  • muscle strain, causing pain in the shoulder, arm, and back of the head.

To avoid these complications, women should start exercising while still in the hospital.

Set of exercises

The exercises used for successful rehabilitation are divided into three stages:

  1. Warm-up – exercises that increase muscle tone and prepare the body for higher loads. Warming up is an important and mandatory component of the gymnastics complex; without it, the body may malfunction, slowing down the healing process. Exercises after breast removal, aimed at warming up, include about 4 simple exercises.
  2. The main gymnastics complex after mastectomy.
  3. Conclusion – relaxation exercises with breathing restoration.

Warming up

It is better to start exercises with a warm-up, preparing the muscles for exercise. Stressing your body from the start can cause more harm than good.

This part of the exercises for the arm after a mastectomy is performed while sitting, 5 - 7 times:

  1. The fingers of the hands located on the knees are clenched and unclenched with force into a fist, followed by relaxation.
  2. Without straining your fingers, pull your palms up for a couple of seconds.
  3. Raise your elbows forward and up. The hands are placed on the shoulders.
  4. Hands up, to the sides, and down.

At the end of this stage, take a break, take several deep breaths and exhalations.

Main part

The main stage of gymnastics for the arm after removal of the mammary gland consists of exercises performed standing or sitting, repeated 4-8 times.

The order of execution is as follows:

  1. Hands are pressed to the body for a couple of seconds and relax.
  2. The arm on the operated side is extended forward, to the side, and lowered. The shoulder joint does not rise.
  3. Shoulder circles with high elbows.
  4. The fingers are connected at the back into a “lock”, reaching towards the shoulder blades. Keep your shoulders and head straight.
  5. The hands are clasped behind the back. By moving the shoulders, the shoulder blades spread and retract without bending forward. When moving your shoulder blades apart, inhale; when you arch, exhale.
  6. Tilt while simultaneously swinging your arm back and forth in the operated direction.
  7. Turn towards the operated chest with a backward tilt. At the same time, the arms are moved back and to the side. When turning - inhale, when returning to the starting position - exhale.

Final part

The last stage is relaxing and restorative breathing. The exercises are repeated at least 5 times.

The following actions are performed:

  1. Standing up straight, you need to turn your shoulders with a deep breath and exhale.
  2. Low bend with arms hanging freely.
  3. Elbow abduction with a slight bend while sitting. Deflection is accompanied by inhalation, relaxation by exhalation.
  4. Raising your arms as you inhale and lowering them as you exhale.

To make gymnastics more effective, use the following recommendations for its implementation:

  1. During exercise therapy classes after breast surgery, the entire complex is performed slowly, with an increase in the range of movements and the number of repetitions.
  2. Classes are performed with the simultaneous participation of both hands, or with their alternation.
  3. Immediately after breast removal, do 11-15 exercises with a gradual increase in their number.


Massage after a mastectomy is needed to accompany a full set of exercises and should be performed even after discharge from the hospital. It is possible to use lymphatic drainage, compression, vacuum or pneumatic massage. An important condition during this procedure is the presence of a medical professional.

It is important to massage at regular intervals and not constantly.

Classes should be carried out immediately after surgery. Despite the complexity of performing the complex, the severity and pain, exercise therapy after mastectomy cannot be neglected.

Rules that, if followed, will make it easier to achieve the desired results in gymnastics classes after breast removal:

  1. Exercise after a mastectomy should take place without skipping.
  2. Mandatory implementation of the complex, despite the difficulties.
  3. Gradual increase in loads (only with prior consultation with a specialist).
  4. Exercise until the range of motion returns to the previous level.
  5. Avoid fast movements.


Watch how to do gymnastics after a mastectomy in the video, where the instructor will show in detail all the necessary exercises.

Below you can watch another complex of exercise therapy after a mastectomy on video.