Waterproofing a pool under tiles. Waterproofing a pool under tiles with your own hands How to cover a concrete pool from the inside

The finishing of this particular part of the entire pool structure must be given increased attention. And primarily due to the fact that it constantly (by definition) contains water. But before considering the procedure for waterproofing from the inside, you should figure out what is best to use to create a protective layer.

Waterproofing materials

The range of relevant products is impressive. We mainly focus on such indicators of the feasibility of using products as the ability to do all the work with your own hands (and, preferably, without the use of special equipment) and the cost of the product. And yet, it is first necessary to point out a number of points related to the features of operation. This will help with choosing the optimal waterproofing option.

Water, no matter what preliminary preparation it has undergone, including chemical treatment, always contains impurities of various compounds, some of which are aggressive and can react with the waterproofing material. When finishing the interior of the bowl, this is especially important, since by definition it is this part of the pool that will almost always have direct contact with the liquid.

The specificity of the functioning of this hydraulic structure is that the water must be renewed periodically. This is necessary, first of all, from a sanitation point of view. This means that it will be drained regularly, followed by filling of the bowl, which because of this will be subjected not only to static, but also to dynamic loads, and quite significant ones at that. And they directly affect the integrity of the waterproofing. Based on this feature of the operation of the pool, it is advisable to use materials that, after installation, create a monolithic (seamless) protective layer.

Dynamic loads, as well as periodic fluctuations in water temperature, impose another requirement on waterproofing - elasticity. Otherwise, cracks will appear in this layer - it’s just a matter of time, but sooner or later leaks will definitely occur.

Maintainability. Here a lot depends on the size of the reservoir. If they are impressive, then when choosing a material you need to take into account whether it is possible to eliminate the defect of this protection using a “spot” method. It is clear that replacing the entire layer (monolithic “sheet”) in pools with large linear parameters is both a complex and expensive undertaking.


These materials include roll products made of polyethylene, which have universal application in the private sector. They are used both for waterproofing and for covering small areas to create a greenhouse effect. The price is almost the lowest among analogues.

For example, A 100 m canvas with a width of 3 m will cost from 2,050 rubles. Polyvinyl chloride film is 600 - 700 rubles/roll more expensive.

But they have drawbacks. Firstly, the slightest damage will require replacing part of the waterproofing layer. Secondly, when finishing the bowl you will have to join the strips, that is, the formation of seam joints from the inside is inevitable.

Membrane-type waterproofing materials are of higher quality, but also more expensive. Their advantage is that they are available in various sizes, so choosing the dimensions of the canvas so as to cover the entire bowl with a single layer is not difficult. But again, if damaged, the entire membrane will have to be replaced. “Spot” repairs of such products (at least with your own hands) are usually ineffective, since the patch will not last long.

Approximate cost – from 250 rubles/m².

Mastic compositions

Such waterproofing belongs to the categories “” and “penetrating”. Examples include products under the brands “Penetron” and “Xipex”, although these are not the only products that are commercially available. People without sufficient experience, and even “spurred on” by advertising, are guided by the advantages of such materials and use them to decorate the inside of swimming pools. Indeed, working with mastics is both simple and convenient.

But it is worth mentioning that these compositions are not recommended for providing basic protection against liquids. They should be used either in combination with other materials (for example, membranes), or for “spot” repairs.

Estimated price – from 135 rubles/kg.


This fairly common material, especially in the private sector, should not be used for waterproofing swimming pools. It is enough to point out a number of significant shortcomings. Firstly, low adhesion, therefore, the protective layer on the base will not adhere firmly. Secondly, the chemical composition means that there is a possibility of some harmful substances being released into the water. Thirdly, the fragility of such waterproofing.

That is why, despite the versatility of using bitumen in the field of construction and repair, it is not recommended to use it for finishing the inside of swimming pools.

Liquid rubber

This is probably one of the best options. You can read about all the advantages of such compositions (and there are quite a few of them) in the article dedicated to. It is enough to point out that the layer is absolutely harmless from an environmental point of view, seamless, and installation is not difficult at all. Moreover, there are several options - using a spray or coating (roller or brush). And maintainability is excellent.

The cost of liquid rubber is from 53 rubles/l.


They belong to the category of coating materials. Unlike mastics, they are applied in a thicker layer. But they are relatively expensive. Plus, they are applied only after laying the mesh for reinforcement.

The cost of the paste is from 265 rubles/kg.

There are also a number of materials that are classified as waterproofing - bentonite mats, and a number of others. Anyone interested in characteristics and prices will find the relevant information on our website. But from a do-it-yourself point of view, and also due to a number of disadvantages, it is hardly worth using such products when finishing the inside of a pool bowl.

Waterproofing procedure

The specifics of working with a particular material are determined by the manufacturer, and all the necessary information is contained in the attached instructions. Therefore, it is enough just to consider the algorithm of actions when installing waterproofing.

Preparation of the solution

  1. Considering the significant loads on the bowl, the grade of cement should be no lower than M400.
  2. Additives () must be added to the solution, which reduce the ability of the artificial stone to absorb moisture.
  3. Materials with fine fractions should be used as filler. This will then allow you to better level (smooth) the inner surface of the pool.


The inside of the pool bowl is finished only after it has completely hardened (the concrete has dried). If roll (film) materials are intended to be used as waterproofing, then the surface of the plaster layer must be perfectly leveled. The slightest protrusion can subsequently lead to rupture of the coating.

If the pool is located on the territory, then before starting work on it it is necessary to install at least a temporary canopy.

Arrangement of waterproofing

Quality checking

After the pool is completely ready, it is filled with water, and completely. You need to put a mark along its edge on the side (for example, with a marker). If after a couple of hours the water level remains unchanged, then we can assume that the waterproofing is reliable. And in the event of a crack and a large leak, it will be visible immediately.


There is nothing complicated in this work. The main thing is to choose the right material for waterproofing, taking into account all the features of a particular pool (its dimensions, installation location, and so on).

The construction of a concrete bowl, despite the emergence of new designs, is the most common option for constructing stationary pools. However, this material tends to absorb moisture, which subsequently destroys the structure.

Agree, I wouldn’t want to spend a lot of money on building an artificial reservoir only to find cracks in a couple of years. Timely waterproofing of the pool will help prevent the appearance of defects in the concrete bowl.

We will tell you about the most effective methods of moisture protection, and also describe step by step the technology for constructing a water barrier.

Concrete is a strong and durable material, but it is characterized by increased porosity. Water that has seeped into the thickness of the material is easily absorbed and retained for a long time, becoming a favorable environment for the development of mold.

When exposed to sub-zero temperatures, such a wall becomes a conductor of cold, and freezing of the liquid leads to the appearance of cracks and mechanical destruction of the structure.

Due to the porous structure, concrete or reinforced concrete mass is not able to resist water seepage into the structure

The installation of reliable waterproofing of the inner surface of the pool bowl is beyond doubt, since it is filled with water. However, destruction can also occur from the outside.

Concrete is characterized by the so-called “capillary suction” of liquid, when moisture is drawn in from the environment - soil, air with high humidity, and precipitation. Due to this outer side The pool bowl also necessarily undergoes waterproofing measures.

When constructing a pool bowl from individual concrete slabs or blocks, poor-quality waterproofing leads to gradual destruction and leaching of the mortar in the seams and the occurrence of active leaks

Often the walls of the pool are built from separate blocks. In this case, the connecting seams pose a danger. The strength of the connecting mortar is significantly lower than the strength of concrete slabs. Therefore, if water begins to seep in such a place, then under the influence of the pressure of the mass of the liquid, the material quickly collapses.

There is first a drip of seepage, then a small drip that washes away the solution particles and turns into a decent leak.

  • liquid rubber and water-based polymer compounds;
  • deep penetration materials;
  • protection by polymer membranes.

You can use a combination of three products at once, or limit yourself to two.

Finishing with tiles or mosaics looks aesthetically pleasing and can turn a simple pool into a work of art. This is a durable coating that can last for several decades. To protect the concrete structure from possible penetration of water through the seams, a reliable layer of waterproofing under the cladding is required

Covering the surface of the tank bowl with ceramic tiles or mosaics also remains relevant. This coating is durable - it is resistant to any impact, washes well and can easily withstand water pressure.

Individual elements are completely waterproof. The seams are dangerous. Even the use of waterproof grout does not guarantee against liquid penetration.

Therefore, before cladding, the surface must be treated with moisture-protective agents. The combination of a penetrating composition with a coating mastic is the most effective waterproofing of the pool bowl applied under the tiles.

For pools located indoors, proper humidity will play an important role in maintaining normal humidity.

How to make waterproofing yourself

The simplest and most effective method for self-waterproofing a pool is to apply penetrating and then viscous coating compounds. However, for the coating to be reliable, it is necessary to follow the technology.

The ambient temperature during work should not be lower than +5°C. In hot sunny weather, areas where mastic is applied are shaded or worked in the morning and evening.

The mastic must be mixed thoroughly before use. To do this, use a ribbon mixer to eliminate air entrainment into the coating mixture.

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Relaxing by the water always brings a lot of positive emotions, especially if your own pool acts as a body of water. Small prefabricated structures in this case are unlikely to create the appropriate atmosphere, so many owners of suburban areas are increasingly inclined to develop a permanent reservoir.

An important stage in creating your own oasis is waterproofing the pool, the implementation of which is one of the most important blocks of construction. Without proper protection from water penetration both from the outside and from the inside, the concrete structure will quickly lose functionality, and the area around the pool will turn into a quagmire.

Types and methods of waterproofing

The bowl of a permanent pool is made of concrete, so protection of the base material from waterlogging is divided into two types:

  • internal;
  • external

The second option prevents the concrete structure from being washed away by groundwater. External waterproofing of pools is carried out at the stage of manufacturing the bowl, and in the case of using rolled materials, the filling is done directly into the formwork, and coating and penetrating compounds are applied after removing the equipment.

To protect the concrete frame of the structure from gradual destruction, it is advisable to waterproof the pool from the inside. Its installation is carried out immediately before finishing.

If the procedure is not carried out before the first filling with water, then subsequent treatment may be less effective due to partial disruption of the structure of the top layer of concrete.

Of course, the quality of the work directly determines the durability of the artificial reservoir, so it is necessary to carefully select materials for processing and carefully follow the technology of their application.

Despite the painstaking nature of such work, waterproofing a pool with your own hands is quite possible, and anyone can do it after a little preparation.

If external protection of the structure can be carried out in any available way, then from the inside the pool is most often protected by two methods:

  • through roll materials;
  • coating and penetrating compounds.

The use of ready-made rolled material in the case of an artificial reservoir is difficult due to the low adhesion of the material and the base. That is why waterproofing a pool in this way is only possible when using a polymer membrane.

The penetrating composition perfectly strengthens the concrete surface, but with constant exposure to water it is not enough, so this method is most often combined with coating or rolled material. When using mineral mixtures, the thickness of the subsequent polymer coating is significantly reduced, which ultimately provides some savings when additionally strengthening the concrete bowl.

Materials used and their features

Modern manufacturers offer a large number of different options for waterproofing materials, differing in composition and main active components. All composites have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to become familiar with the features of each type of pool waterproofing. The most popular material options are:

  • polyvinyl chloride films and membranes;
  • bitumen composites;
  • liquid rubber;
  • penetrating compounds;
  • polymer mastics.

Waterproofing pools requires good adhesion of the material and the base, so only bitumen roll materials or polyvinyl chloride membranes are suitable for internal treatment of the pool. Bitumen on a special frame made of polyester fibers penetrates perfectly into the surface layer of concrete when heated.

As a result, a layer of bitumen composition reinforced with thin fiber is formed on the surface of the base, which significantly increases the reliability of waterproofing. The disadvantage of this option is the inconvenience in operation and heavy weight the material itself.

Very interesting view waterproofing for the pool is a polymer membrane or film. It performs a double function, because in addition to protecting against water penetration, such material is used as a decorative coating that does not require finishing. Polyvinyl chloride lends itself well to coloring, so films based on it have an amazing palette.

The membrane gives the inner surface of the bowl softness, smoothes out all surface irregularities and defects, which increases the comfort of the pool. The main disadvantage of polymer films is their sensitivity to damage.

If a gap appears on the surface of the material, the effectiveness of waterproofing will decrease several times, and the membrane will soon peel off.

Penetrating compounds

Composites based on mineral binders provide additional compaction of the top layer of concrete, significantly increasing its water resistance. Most often, such materials are produced in the form of mastics or dry mixtures that require preliminary mixing with water.

Waterproofing of swimming pools using such composites can be done when tiling. In this case, the adhesion of the finishing material to the base increases, and the protective properties of the penetrating composition are sufficient to prevent waterlogging of the concrete.

For reliability, the layer of penetrating composition can be additionally coated with polymer or bitumen mastic. Such compositions are best used for repairs, and not for basic waterproofing.

Bitumen and rubber mastics

The most popular material options for processing a pool bowl are liquid rubber and bitumen composites. Both coating options are perfect for tiles, as they have good adhesion to the base and finishing materials. Waterproofing using liquid rubber or bitumen mastic is performed manually or mechanically.

In the first case, waterproofing a pool with your own hands is carried out by carefully applying the composition with a brush, spatula or roller in two stages. The second layer of coating is applied in a perpendicular direction for better coverage of the material a few hours after the start of work. Particular attention is paid to working out all corners and transitions.

The mechanized method involves spraying a liquid composition under low pressure. There are both professional installations for application and household ones, which anyone can use. This method is most often used for liquid rubber.

As a result, the waterproofing layer has approximately the same thickness over the entire surface of the base and covers the concrete as tightly as possible.

Methods for performing waterproofing

The technology for installing a protective layer involves the same surface preparation, regardless of the type of material chosen.

Surface preparation

When performing external waterproofing, the concrete structure is cleared of soil and any types of contaminants.

For interior finishing, it is important to clean the base from dirt and dust, as well as seal defects, sinks and cavities.

Application of penetrating compounds

When working with penetrating compounds, the surface is wetted, then the finished mixture is applied to the structure. The thickness of the layer depends on the type of composite and can range from a few millimeters to 3–5 cm.

If necessary, part of the waterproofing is cleaned off after 2 - 3 days. Only after this is finishing done.

Working with mastics

When applying polymer, bitumen or rubber mastics, the concrete surface is slightly wetted. 15 - 20 minutes after this, the first layer of waterproofing is applied, and then subsequent ones at intervals of 5 or 6 hours.

Liquid rubber is best sprayed or applied with a roller. This material has high penetrating ability, so it easily fills all pores, cavities and cavities. After application, all polymer and bitumen compositions penetrate into the surface layers of concrete, where they polymerize or harden.

After 24 hours, the pool bowl will be ready for finishing work, for example, laying tiles. When applying waterproofing materials, special attention should be paid to the corners, joints of bowl elements, as well as pipe outlets.

Careful waterproofing of the pool bowl, both outside and inside, guarantees the protection of the concrete, as well as maintaining its operational reliability for a long time.

For a comfortable and pleasant holiday, summer residents and homeowners set up swimming pools on their property, which have become a fashionable trend nowadays. Especially often, such tanks are made independently to reduce costs. At a certain stage of work, which should be approached responsibly, since both the service life of the tank and its reliability depend on this. Do-it-yourself pool waterproofing must be done correctly and efficiently. But how to do that? What materials to use and what is the essence of the work? You can find out more about this below.

Waterproofing - why is it?

Agree that not everyone is an expert in this field. The importance of waterproofing and its proper design is often discussed. But why is she? What will its use give?

As you know, waterproofing is a protective layer for any building structure (in this case, a swimming pool), protecting it from the penetration and negative effects of water. Since the pool is directly exposed to this liquid, it is important that it does not penetrate the material. Why? When moisture seeps into the concrete, it will deteriorate and your pool will eventually not last long and will need to be repaired or completely refurbished. This is one of the most important stages of work. It is important to note two types of pool waterproofing:

It is the internal waterproofing that is carried out in the pool bowl itself to protect the material from water penetration. There are many different ways to do this, which we'll talk about next.

The essence of external or external waterproofing is to protect concrete from the penetration of moisture from the soil by adding plasticizing and mineral additives to its composition. This helps to increase water permeability and mechanical strength of the structure. Another option is to install special profiles made of expanding rubber. It is also worth noting penetrating compounds that are applied to concrete for external waterproofing. These are special mastics that are easy to apply yourself.

Materials for waterproofing work

The good news is that the range of materials for performing such work is quite wide, and you will have something to work with. The choice of such materials depends on many factors, including your desire, the price of the product, etc., however, it is important to consider the terrain and climate in your region, as well as the type of finished pool.

The main and most common materials for waterproofing are:

  • PVC film;
  • penetrating waterproofing;
  • liquid glass;
  • coating waterproofing;
  • liquid rubber;
  • various bitumen-based materials (this option was effective earlier, when the above materials did not yet exist, but is now used extremely rarely).

Pool waterproofing technology from the inside

Let's look at all the work step by step. Thanks to these instructions, you can waterproof the inside yourself.

So you should:

Liquid rubber

Liquid rubber is called bitumen-polymer mastic. It adheres well to the surface and has good waterproofing qualities. It must be sprayed onto the surface in several layers. For this work you will need a special compressor or brush (using a roller or brush will take much longer).

The advantage of liquid rubber is that it combines the advantages of liquid waterproofing and PVC membranes. As a result, you will get a continuous coating that will adhere well to the surface without any seams. This coating is pleasant to the touch, like a PVC membrane, and has excellent density and strength. The material can act as a base for a subsequent decorative layer, and also serve as the finishing coating itself. To do this, it is enough to buy colored material and do not spend money on decoration.

How to make waterproofing with liquid rubber? Immediately before applying the composition, the entire surface of the pool bowl must be leveled and treated with a composition that will degrease it. After that, using a special compressor or a brush (if we are talking about independent work), the rubber must be applied to the surface so that the composition evenly covers it.

Using liquid glass

Liquid glass is a solution consisting of potassium or sodium silicates. This waterproofing option can be performed during the construction of the pool. Liquid glass is added to the concrete itself, in a ratio of 1 liter of glass per 100 liters of finished concrete. Thanks to this, it becomes more durable, resistant to mechanical damage and will last longer. And what is most important for you, liquid glass will allow concrete to reduce its ability to absorb moisture.

Once your pool is already built, liquid glass can be applied directly to the concrete. There are special coating products that you can use to achieve good waterproofing and also protect concrete from mold and mildew. In addition, the coating will protect the pool from the effects of temperature, corrosion and ultraviolet radiation for 5 years. It is also worth noting that it will be easy to carry out such waterproofing yourself. The price of glass is not so high, and the material consumption will be small.

The work is not difficult, all you need is:

  1. Prepare the surface by removing all dust, dirt and grease stains. If the concrete is smooth, it should be sanded to roughen it so that the glass will adhere better, penetrating deeper.
  2. Prepare liquid glass according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Apply the composition evenly to the surface. As the glass dries, begin applying the second coat. Use a wide brush or roller.
  4. After drying, everything is ready for the next decorative layer.

Using PVC films

Don’t forget about the most popular type of waterproofing – PVC film. This is a reliable and progressive material that is increasingly used in the construction of swimming pools. It is noteworthy that the film performs two roles: waterproofing and a decorative layer. This will save you money. There are plenty on the market various types films that differ in strength, color and pattern (mosaic, marble, etc.). In addition, the film is resistant to mechanical damage and withstands exposure to ultraviolet rays.

The work of laying PVC film is similar to other processes. The first thing you need to do is prepare the base, remove debris, etc. After that, fastening tapes or corners are fixed, with which the film will be attached.

It is advisable to lay the film on a special material - geotextile, which will extend the service life of the film. Thanks to it, the material will not constantly rub against the concrete.

Finally, you need to lay out the PVC film and weld its individual parts with a special tool. It's a simple, fast, reliable and cost-effective way to waterproof your pool.

All these methods are good in their own way; you just have to choose the option that suits you best, study the technology and bring everything to life. Waterproofing a pool is an important part of its installation, which should be approached responsibly.


You can see how to waterproof a pool using Litokol materials in the following video. Here's what each material is for and how to use it:

Work on waterproofing the pool bowl and walls is carried out to protect the structure from destruction due to environmental influences and to extend its service life.

Concrete itself, without a top layer of coating, is prone to abrasion, increased dust and rapid destruction.

The surface of concrete is coarsely porous, quickly susceptible to destruction, and the use of impregnations, mastics or PVC films increases the service life of the pool by ten years.

  • It reliably protects the pool from mechanical damage;
  • Protects walls and bottom from the development of fungal infections and mold;
  • Protects the pool water from contamination. The water is clean and does not contain cement particles or impurities;
  • Waterproofing materials are used to protect the outer part of the structure from destruction under the influence of moisture, climate changes and temperatures;
  • Properly applied pool waterproofing over concrete ensures that the pool is watertight against water pressure;
  • Pool waterproofing is also used to give an aesthetically complete and attractive look to the pond.

In fact, in order to ensure that the pool operates without leaks and cracks, you need to improve its performance in just three, but important steps:

  • Step 1. At the stage of construction of the pool bowl, use a brand of cement that is approved for the construction of hydraulic structures. The increased water resistance and frost resistance of these cement grades is achieved due to hydrophobic additives added to the mixture at the manufacturer. If ordinary concrete is used, then you can add polymer additives with your own hands, for example, liquid glass is suitable for penetrating cement, this will make the composition waterproof and resistant to low temperatures for a period of about 5 years;
  • Step 2. Next, the external waterproofing of the pool must be done. From the outside, the base must be protected to prevent the penetration of groundwater, rain moisture and destruction of the concrete base of the pool;
  • Step 3. Perform high-quality sealing inside the pool bowl on top of the concrete base.

Pool waterproofing is usually divided into that which is done during the construction of a reservoir - primary and secondary, this is the one that is carried out after several years of operation of the structure. By this time, the concrete surface needs repair, cracks and breaks appear.

For repairs, waterproofing mastics or penetrating and coating pastes are used. First, the cracks are checked for chips, especially large ones, then they are cleaned of dust and dirt, and the next stage of work is impregnation of the base and filling with cement mortar.

Popular materials for waterproofing

If you follow the technology for applying protection over the base and know what materials to use for waterproofing, then doing such a job as waterproofing a pool with your own hands will not be difficult.

The choice of a specific material depends on the terrain, the financial side of the issue, and especially where the insulation will be carried out: inside the pool bowl or outside the structure.

Materials are conventionally classified according to their principles of action and methods of application.

Compositions of penetrating action, another term - penetrating, (after the name of the most popular manufacturer of dry mixture for hydrophobization Penetron) are effective due to the fact that the concrete itself becomes the carrier of the hydrophobic function, and not the insulation layer on it. The penetrating composition protects the cement base at the level of molecules and capillaries, thanks to gradual crystallization inside the pores, water absorption by the base practically stops.


Manufacturers produce penetrating mixtures in dry form, and can also be found in the form of ready-to-use mastics.

The dry mixture is diluted in accordance with the instructions on the package, adding the mixture to water and mixing small portions by hand, large portions with a drill at low speeds or an electric mixer.

You can do the work of penetrating the surface yourself, with your own hands. Because the coating method is usual, you need to use a brush, roller or spray gun.

Materials for penetrating waterproofing work are used for internal, less often external, concrete surfaces.

The advantage of insulation is that the protection period is equal to the service life of concrete, but a significant disadvantage for many is the relatively high price. In this group, inexpensive methods of protection include liquid glass. This is an aqueous solution of Na and K silicates (sodium and potassium), which is applied in 2 layers.

Liquid rubber gets its name because the protective material feels and looks very similar to real rubber. Created on the basis of bitumen components and polymer additives, natural rubber is less often added.

Liquid rubber is produced in the form of a one-component or two-component mastic; the second component is a special salt hardener, which, upon reacting, converts the emulsion into a membrane.

The traditional method of application is cold spraying or pouring over a cement base. Polymerization is quick and easy and the result is a single, monolithic membrane, without seams, of the required thickness.

Liquid rubber protection has proven itself to be excellent for external and internal substrates over more than 10 years of experience in Russia. The membrane applied in accordance with the technology will last at least a decade and a half and will remain completely impermeable to moisture.

Another significant advantage of liquid rubber is its use for any terrain, which is very important for swimming pools, since the designs of reservoirs involve steps, levels and other elements.

Liquid rubber is also produced in the form of rolls. The rolled rubber membrane has excellent wear-resistant, waterproof and non-slip properties, which is important for ponds.

Polymer cements

Polymers are an excellent two-component material for protecting the outer walls and bottom of the pool, especially for the part of the structure that is located underground. The material, however, is considered insufficiently elastic for the inner surface of pools, the bottom and walls of which are subject to constant pressure from the water column.

It consists of cement, sand, polymer plasticizers and small fractions of additives. Sold dry and requires mixing with water. For long service life, polymer cement must be applied in at least 2 layers using paint brushes and rollers. Polymer cement is filled over the cement base in an even layer, leaving no voids or cracks.

The advantage of choosing bitumen is its low price. This method of protection has many undesirable features, for example, bitumen must be laid on top of a perfectly flat base, it has weak adhesion to other materials, and has a very short service life without cracking due to temperature changes.

Roll protection

Waterproofing over the cement base of the pool can be film. For example, a PVC membrane has high maintainability, is quick to install, and has a high tensile strength. Placed on almost any base (concrete, brick, iron or plastic), it can be mounted all year round, but it is prohibited to place it outdoors during periods of wet precipitation in the form of fog, rain or snow and on wet walls.

Why are film materials often chosen for pool waterproofing? A wide range of colors and textures speaks in their favor. You can get the perfect mosaic on the bottom of your pool by choosing a liner with a matching pattern and a non-slip surface.

The disadvantages of PVC films include the need for welding and then the presence of joining seams, loss of color over time.

There are film membranes and profiled membranes (with stiffeners). On the outside of the pool, on top of the base, you can use a profiled membrane; it drains water more effectively from the foundation of the pool, especially if there is a frequent rise in the groundwater level.

You can safely install a PVC film membrane inside the pool.

  • Despite the wide selection of insulating compositions, it is recommended to use modern penetrating and coating mastics. They are more effective than traditional bitumen or roofing felt. Yes, and they are sold ready-to-use, and not like before, when you had to mix the composition yourself, with your own hands;
  • Considering the properties of materials for waterproofing, it is better to use them in combination. The combination allows you to enhance the protective effect; to do this, you first need to fill the pores of the concrete with penetrating mastic, then fix it with a coating composition. The most effective are coating agents used in conjunction with fiberglass reinforcing mesh.

Important features that waterproofing materials should have

  • Protective compounds must have good covering properties;
  • Must have high adhesion, that is, adhesion to the base composition;
  • Elasticity, since the pool bowl is under constant water pressure;
  • Waterproofing, as a result, should create a monolithic single layer of protection absolutely impenetrable to moisture.

What should you consider when applying waterproofing?

If groundwater rises above the base of the bowl, then during construction it is necessary to provide for water drainage by constructing a drainage system around the perimeter of the base.

Usually, when performing work on the internal sealing of a pool bowl, they start from the walls of the pool and finish at the bottom.

The main directions in which the most thorough sealing occurs are the sealing of “wall-to-wall” and “wall-to-bottom” seams. In particular, attention should be paid to those places where communications and pipes are installed.

At the end of the work, it is customary to check how well the protection has been applied over the concrete base.

To do this, you need to fill the pool with water and measure the H2O level, take measures to prevent the water from evaporating and measure again after 7-10 days.

The difference between the measurement data will indicate whether there is a leak somewhere. To prevent the water in the pool from actively evaporating, a film cover or awning is used.

Waterproofing a pool is an integral stage of building a pond that will serve you for many years. Therefore, you should carefully consider the choice of material, its properties and method of application, and only in this case, you can enjoy swimming in the pool without repairs for decades.

Step-by-step construction of a concrete pool with your own hands

Build your own pool and enjoy it all summer long - these are the thoughts that are driving you now. In addition, your kids will also be crazy about the joy that a small pond with cool water will give them on a hot day. And today we will look at how to build a concrete pool with your own hands, what are its advantages and disadvantages and for whom it would be an ideal option.

What you need to know first

Before building anything, you need to understand the design features, its advantages and disadvantages, and similar options. Perhaps concrete is far from the most ideal option for you, and installing, for example, a frame pool would be much more rational.

Additional equipment for your comfort

Let's first look at the positive aspects of this material for the construction of artificial reservoirs.

  • The most rigid pool structure is made from concrete;
  • Freedom of choice. You can build a bowl of any size, depth and shape;
  • Possibility of installing any additional equipment. You can install hydromassage, LED lighting, and so on;
  • Concrete is the most durable material of all similar ones for the construction of tanks;
  • Large selection of finishing and decoration options;
  • In general, a concrete pool looks more prestigious than all others.

Now about the disadvantages of this material.

  • Extended construction periods. If you build a tank in the spring, then you will only be able to enjoy cool water in it in the middle of summer;
  • High price. How much exactly? We will talk about this in more detail below;
  • Not the most convenient option to maintain.
  • To install it yourself, you need to have construction skills and experience with tools.

As we see, even concrete bowls are not without drawbacks, in principle, like all other options.

This option is suitable for those who are not going to save on the construction of an artificial reservoir and want to install the maximum number of additional devices to increase comfort and decoration.

So, if you have decided that a concrete pool is what you need, then read on.

Construction of a concrete pool

A pool with a concrete bowl does not differ much in design from other types. It has the same systems that do the necessary work to maintain the water in the required condition.

Construction of an artificial reservoir and its systems

Concrete pool systems:

  • Pump;
  • Thermostatic devices;
  • Filters of various types.

It is also possible to install additional devices:

  • Automatic chemical dispensers;
  • Contour lighting;
  • Hydromassage, counter current, waterfalls, fountains;
  • Slides, jumps and other attractions.

Holes for nozzles for collecting and returning water to the bowl are installed immediately when pouring concrete. Next, a circuit consisting of a pump, filter and heater is connected to them. The procedure for connecting this equipment depends on your conditions and device models. After installing the circular chain, consider that the pool is ready for use.

Now let's look at each stage in great detail.

Let's start construction

We have divided the process of building a concrete pool with your own hands into several steps. The result is a detailed guide that will help you do everything yourself.

Construction planning

Any big undertaking must begin with drawing up a plan. You need to draw a bowl on paper indicating its dimensions. The drawing also needs to reflect the location of the equipment and its connection to the pool and the electrical network.

Decide on the depth of the bowl. If it is intended exclusively for adults, then 2 meters is just right. If for children, then it all depends on their age and height. When installing a diving board, the depth must be at least 2.5 meters.

Only after creating a detailed plan for this can work begin.

Digging a hole and preparing a pillow

The next step will be choosing a location, digging a pit and preparing a cushion for the foundation.

The place should initially be as level as possible. Electricity and water supply should also not cause problems for the future tank. Pay attention to these two points when choosing a location.

We clear the area of ​​plants and large stones, and then begin digging a hole. You can do this yourself, but this approach will take a lot of time and effort. If possible, contact a team of private workers or even the services of an excavator.

This will significantly speed up the process and bring you closer to finishing the job.

Pit requirements:

  • The bottom of the pit is 20-30 centimeters lower than the bottom of the future pool;
  • The walls of the pit with a margin of 15-20 in each direction from the walls of the concrete bowl;
  • The side walls should have a slope of 6-7 degrees to the outside;

Compliance with these requirements simplifies the installation of the pool. If they are violated, you will either not be able to complete the work at all, or you will do it with big problems.

Next, we install all the pipes that will be supplied to the pool. A bottom drain and side nozzles are installed, and from them the pipes go up. It is advisable to cover the holes tightly with a rag or film to prevent dirt from getting in during construction work.

Filling the foundation with a pillow

After finally digging the hole, you need to prepare a cushion for the foundation. There is nothing complicated, you just need to pour the compounds in several layers and level them out. The first layer is 15-20 centimeters of sand. Next comes crushed stone 5-10 centimeters high.

We level each layer using a board with a level attached to it and compact it. If you are pouring cement, let it harden completely and only then proceed to further work.

The last layer is laid out with overlapping roofing felt or other waterproofing material. It will protect against external groundwater and leakage of the bowl itself.

Pouring the foundation

Now you need to install formwork from boards to fill the foundation of the tank. It is recommended to make the foundation slightly wider than the perimeter of the pool walls. This will give greater stability and durability to the structure.

The next step is to install reinforcement for the foundation. Rods with ribs with a diameter of 10-14 mm are used. The larger the area and depth of the tank, the thicker the reinforcement bars should be used. The mesh dimensions should be 20 by 20 centimeters.

Foundation reinforcement

The mesh of rods is installed in two layers. The first is located at a height of 5 centimeters above the pillow, and the second layer is 5 centimeters higher than the first. Thus, it turns out that our slab will be about 14-15 centimeters thick.

At the site of erection of the side walls, the rods are bent vertically upward. Later we will tie reinforcement for the walls to them. This design is rigid and reliable.


To fill the base, you must first prepare a solution. To do this, you can order a special machine or do it yourself in a concrete mixer. But you need to work quickly so that your solution does not have time to harden while you are preparing a new batch.

To prevent air voids from forming in the thickness of the foundation, you can use a vibration machine or an ordinary rod. The vibration installation works in accordance with the instructions, and you simply dip the stick into the solution that has not yet hardened and perform circular movements. This will allow air to escape to the surface.

Fill the side walls of the bowl

First of all, you need to make reinforcement of the side walls. To do this, we tie the steel bars to those that were bent vertically upward at the base reinforcement.

The thickness of the walls of a concrete pool and the number of tiers of reinforcement directly depends on the volume of the pool. For a pool of 4*4 meters with a depth of up to 1.5 meters, it is permissible to use one tier. The thickness of the walls is 10-15 centimeters. If the area and depth are larger, then at least 2 tiers of reinforcement are installed, and the wall thickness is at least 20 cm.

Next, the formwork for the walls is installed. Wooden boards, plywood or chipboard sheets are used for it. All of them must be impregnated with a moisture-repellent composition. The joints of wooden sheets need to be covered with some material or sealed.

Formwork installed for pouring concrete into walls

Poured concrete will put a lot of pressure on the formwork. To avoid deformation or complete destruction of the structure, spacers are installed on both sides. Also, the formwork walls are nailed on top to small bars.

Formwork for steps and other pool shapes is also installed. Next, concrete is carefully but quickly poured into all walls at once.


After complete hardening, you can remove the formwork and begin waterproofing and lining the pool.

Applying pool waterproofing

For waterproofing, special compounds are applied by spraying or using a roller. Carefully work out the junction of the walls and the foundation, as well as uneven areas of the walls. Let the composition dry completely.

For final cladding, tiles, mosaics or film are used. Which to choose? Depends on your budget, preferences and ease of use of the material.

Tank lining with mosaic

To install tiles and mosaics, use only high-quality glue that is not afraid of water. The seams also need to be treated with anti-funge compounds. This will significantly extend the life of the cladding and make it easier to maintain.

Thematic videos

Construction budget

What is the cost of a concrete pool? This question often arises among residents of private houses. Let's figure it out.

If you take all the work into your own hands, then the largest item on the list of materials will be concrete. You will also need a minimum set of equipment: a pump, a filter and a heater. And less tangible expenses will go to tiles, waterproofing, and so on.

On average, a pool with an area of ​​10-15 m2 will cost you 200-300 thousand rubles. Of this amount, approximately 100-150 will be spent on equipment, and the rest on construction materials. Of course, you can keep it to 150, it all depends on your requirements and desires.

We have provided an approximate average cost. Take it as a guide, and when you get serious about building your own tank, calculate everything exactly in accordance with the prices of your city.

So, today we have discussed in detail how to build a concrete pool with your own hands and how much this pleasure will cost you. You can also check out other step-by-step guides for installing artificial ponds on our website.

Many owners of private houses are thinking about their own swimming pool, and the high cost of a finished pool with installation scares off most dreamers. But you shouldn’t give up on your dream, especially since you can build a pool on your property yourself.

The reliability of the entire structure depends on many indicators, and one of them is the waterproofing of the pool.

This is exactly what we will talk about in our article, since when constructing a pool yourself, high-quality waterproofing will be the key to the reliability of the entire structure, it will ensure correct and uninterrupted operation throughout its entire service life.

Purpose and types of waterproofing of swimming pools

To understand the functional features of waterproofing, it is worth understanding its varieties. So, there are two types of pool waterproofing:

External waterproofing is necessary to protect the pool structures from the effects of groundwater, and internal waterproofing protects the concrete pool from the effects of water collected into it.

Swimming pools installed inside a building have only internal waterproofing, while outdoor structures must also have external insulation.

Don’t think that high-quality waterproofing will solve all problems. It will not protect you from improper installation of the pool bowl and its subsequent destruction. The purpose of waterproofing is only to prevent the destructive effects of moisture, which can penetrate through low-quality materials or damaged areas.

The installation of waterproofing must also be carried out at the appropriate stage of construction before the start of operation of the pool. If waterproofing was not completed on time, then cracks of more than 3 mm that form during operation will lead to damage to the entire structure and waterproofing at this stage will no longer help.

Depending on the material used, the following types of pool waterproofing are distinguished:

  • coating waterproofing
  • roll waterproofing.

The first type of waterproofing is laid on a carefully prepared base of the bowl with inside. The most commonly used is one- or two-component cement-polymer waterproofing.

Roll waterproofing is used only for external work, since these materials have poor adhesion to various surfaces. After laying on the ground, all seams are welded, and the edges are raised for their subsequent connection to the wall waterproofing material.

Waterproofing methods and technology

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a pool comes down to creating a special protective layer on the outside and inside of the pool bowl, which protects the structure from the destructive effects of moisture.

As you already understand, our task is to construct two waterproofing layers, each of which is carried out as follows:

  1. The outer waterproofing layer is performed by introducing plasticizing and mineral additives into the concrete mixture, which increase the strength and water resistance of the bowl. All this is carried out during the construction or major repair of the pool. For the same purpose, special profiles made of expanding rubber can be used.
  2. The internal waterproofing layer is performed before finishing the pool. Most often, reinforced coating waterproofing is used for these purposes. The purpose of this waterproofing layer is to prevent moisture from seeping from the bowl into the structure.

Expert advice: although at first glance it may seem that high-quality waterproofing should be elastic, strong and durable, this is only partly true. Professionals say that important feature High-quality waterproofing is its ability to form a durable, continuous monolithic layer.

Materials for waterproofing swimming pools

Today there are a lot of different waterproofing materials for swimming pools, but you should choose them based on design features pool bowls. Let's look at each of these materials in more detail.

High strength polyethylene films

This waterproofing material is considered the most inexpensive and accessible on the building materials market, but it has one significant drawback - even the smallest hole in it will lead to the replacement of the entire waterproofing layer.

Membrane waterproofing materials (PVC film, TPO, EPDM)

The quality of this material has been tested for decades, but its installation requires the participation of qualified specialists. The disadvantages of membrane materials include their high cost and rather expensive installation; in addition, they are afraid of any mechanical damage.

Among the advantages are:

  • durability of waterproofing (service life reaches 50 years);
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • possibility of self-repair.

Penetrating waterproofing (mastics)

This material is a special penetrating mixture (mixtures of Xypex, Penetron, Calmatron, etc.).

It is better not to use penetrating waterproofing as an independent waterproofing material. It is more suitable for repair purposes.

Bentonite mats

Natural sodium bentonite is used as the main ingredient in the mats. A special feature of this material is its ability to self-regenerate.

This occurs when bentonite granules turn into a gel-like state when moisture enters and absorbs them. As a result, the resulting gel closes cracks and damage.

The advantage of the material is its resistance to any type of mechanical damage. Among the disadvantages it is worth listing:

  • the inability of the material to withstand high water pressure (granules are easily washed out);
  • the ability for high-quality waterproofing appears only under a load of 200 kg/m2.

Liquid rubber

This seamless waterproofing material is ideal for constructing swimming pools of any configuration. Also, the material is absolutely safe for human health.

Special polymerizing impregnations (liquid glass)

This material is presented in the form of aqueous emulsions of polymer resins. These resins penetrate into the thickness of the concrete thicket and after a certain period of time polymerize (turn into plastic). This material is more suitable for the top of the pool. It creates an ideal base for the plaster layer.

Coating compounds for waterproofing

Applied to inner part pool in the form of paste-like waterproof solutions. After drying, the compositions become waterproof. This is a fairly reliable and effective method of insulation.

Choose more expensive coating materials that are more effective and, when combined with fiberglass mesh, provide excellent strength, durability, elasticity and water resistance.


Quite an inexpensive material that has a lot of disadvantages:

  • fragility;
  • low adhesion;
  • requires a perfectly level base;
  • due to unevenness of the base, it quickly deteriorates.

Cost of materials for pool waterproofing

How to waterproof a pool with liquid rubber, see the video:

Instructions for waterproofing swimming pools

As you already understand, all work on self-waterproofing a pool can be divided into two stages:

  1. External insulation device to protect the structure from groundwater.
  2. Organization of waterproofing of the pool bowl from the inside.

At the first stage, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. If the groundwater level is high, it is necessary to take measures to reduce it even before starting work on constructing a pool. The groundwater level should not exceed the bottom slab of the pool. To solve this problem, a drainage system is installed around the base of the pool.
  2. Before installing waterproofing, it is necessary to prepare the base of the pool. For this purpose, a cement-sand screed is performed.
  3. Now you can lay the external waterproofing of the pool. It is made with a large margin around the edges, so that in the future it can be placed on the wall and attached to the internal insulation of the walls. For this purpose, you can use PVC film or any other roll waterproofing.
  4. When the tide of the pool bowl is low, it is also worth taking care of waterproofing. For this purpose, it is better to use concrete of at least grade B6.

In order to increase the waterproofing properties of concrete, it is worth adding plasticizing and special waterproofing additives, which, in addition to additional waterproofing, give the concrete strength and durability.

At the second stage, we carry out internal waterproofing of the pool (including under the tiles). Here we need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. After pouring and hardening the pool bowl, it must be thoroughly dried and plastered.
  2. Now you can begin to do the internal waterproofing of the pool yourself. For this purpose, any elastic waterproofing mixture is used, which is applied to the inner surface of the pool bowl in two layers.
  3. To prevent leaks, it is necessary to evenly distribute the layers of the mixture along the walls and bottom of the pool.
  4. After the waterproofing has dried, you need to check the pool for leaks. To do this, the bowl is filled with water and checked after some time.

As you can see, such an abundance of waterproofing materials will allow you to waterproof your pool with your own hands without any problems and your dream of having your own pool will become a reality.

Do-it-yourself pool waterproofing

For a comfortable and pleasant holiday, summer residents and homeowners set up swimming pools on their property, which have become a fashionable trend nowadays. Especially often, such tanks are made independently to reduce costs.

At a certain stage of work, which should be approached responsibly, since both the service life of the tank and its reliability depend on this. Do-it-yourself pool waterproofing must be done correctly and efficiently.

But how to do that? What materials to use and what is the essence of the work? You can find out more about this below.

Waterproofing - why is it?

Why is waterproofing needed?

Agree that not everyone is an expert in this field. The importance of waterproofing and its proper design is often discussed. But why is she? What will its use give?

As you know, waterproofing is a protective layer for any building structure (in this case, a swimming pool), protecting it from the penetration and negative effects of water. Since the pool is directly exposed to this liquid, it is important that it does not penetrate the material.

Why? When moisture seeps into the concrete, it will deteriorate and your pool will not last long and will need to be repaired or completely rebuilt. This is one of the most important stages of work.

It is important to note two types of pool waterproofing:

  1. Internal waterproofing.
  2. External waterproofing.

Internal waterproofing

It is the internal waterproofing that is carried out in the pool bowl itself to protect the material from water penetration. There are many different ways to do this, which we'll talk about next.

External waterproofing

The essence of external or external waterproofing is to protect concrete from the penetration of moisture from the soil by adding plasticizing and mineral additives to its composition.

This helps to increase water permeability and mechanical strength of the structure. Another option is to install special profiles made of expanding rubber.

It is also worth noting penetrating compounds that are applied to concrete for external waterproofing. These are special mastics that are easy to apply yourself.

Materials for waterproofing work

The good news is that the range of materials for performing such work is quite wide, and you will have something to work with. The choice of such materials depends on many factors, including your desire, the price of the product, etc., however, it is important to consider the terrain and climate in your region, as well as the type of finished pool.

PVC film for swimming pools

The main and most common materials for waterproofing are:

  • PVC film;
  • penetrating waterproofing;
  • liquid glass;
  • coating waterproofing;
  • liquid rubber;
  • various bitumen-based materials (this option was effective earlier, when the above materials did not yet exist, but is now used extremely rarely).

Pool waterproofing technology from the inside

Scheme for applying waterproofing

Let's look at all the work step by step. Thanks to these instructions, you can waterproof the inside yourself.

Plaster the bowl

So you should:

  1. Clean the concrete base from all debris and dust.
  2. Open all cracks and seams and treat them with special seam sealing agents. All joints must be sealed with sealing tapes.
  3. Level the entire surface by plastering the bowl. In this case, treat the walls with special compounds for swimming pools that are resistant to moisture, and at the bottom of the bowl make a screed from a self-leveling cement mixture.
  4. Primer Prime the dry surface with primer. It can be applied with a brush or roller. After 3–4 hours, the surface will be ready and the next layers can be applied.
  5. Now dilute the dry mixture of penetrating waterproofing with water to obtain a thin consistency, like sour cream. It's better to use the instructions. It is the ratio indicated by the manufacturers that is optimal.
  6. Using a wide brush, apply the solution to the base that you have already prepared in advance. Particularly carefully treat the places where communications enter, the seams between the walls and the bottom of the pool, as well as the seams formed during concreting, and places where there were cracks.
  7. It is worth noting that when treating a pool with waterproofing compounds, you need to apply them comprehensively: first, a penetrating solution, followed by a coating solution. As soon as you apply the penetrating solution, the entire surface must be treated with hydrochloric acid 4–5%, and then rinsed with water. After half an hour has passed, treat the surface again with a solution of 4-5% soda ash. And only after all the procedures can you apply coating mastic.
  8. Once the entire surface of the pool has been treated with waterproofing material, warn everyone not to step on it. You cannot walk on them, moreover, for 3 days the temperature should not fall below 0°C. That is why such work should be carried out in the summer.
  9. To avoid cracking and peeling of the material, the entire surface needs to be moistened for 3 days. Those places that will be under water pressure must be moistened for at least 10 days. A water sprayer is good for humidification, and the concrete surface of the pool itself must be covered with plastic film during this time.
  10. Finally, after all work is completed, the pool bowl should be checked for leaks. Water is collected into the pool and kept there for 10 days. If no leak is found, all the water is drained, the bottom is cleared of debris and allowed to dry.
  11. Finally, facing work is carried out. The pool bowl is covered with tiles or mosaics.

Liquid rubber

Liquid rubber

Liquid rubber is called bitumen-polymer mastic. It adheres well to the surface and has good waterproofing qualities. It must be sprayed onto the surface in several layers. For this work you will need a special compressor or brush (using a roller or brush will take much longer).

Application of liquid waterproofing

How to make waterproofing with liquid rubber? Immediately before applying the composition, the entire surface of the pool bowl must be leveled and treated with a composition that will degrease it. After that, using a special compressor or a brush (if we are talking about independent work), the rubber must be applied to the surface so that the composition evenly covers it.

Using liquid glass

Liquid glass

Liquid glass is a solution consisting of potassium or sodium silicates. This waterproofing option can be performed during the construction of the pool.

Liquid glass is added to the concrete itself, in a ratio of 1 liter of glass per 100 liters of finished concrete. Thanks to this, it becomes more durable, resistant to mechanical damage and will last longer.

And what is most important for you, liquid glass will allow concrete to reduce its ability to absorb moisture.

Application of liquid glass

The work is not difficult, all you need is:

  1. Prepare the surface by removing all dust, dirt and grease stains. If the concrete is smooth, it should be sanded to roughen it so that the glass will adhere better, penetrating deeper.
  2. Prepare liquid glass according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Apply the composition evenly to the surface. As the glass dries, begin applying the second coat. Use a wide brush or roller.
  4. After drying, everything is ready for the next decorative layer.

Using PVC films

Waterproofing with PVC film

Don’t forget about the most popular type of waterproofing – PVC film. This is a reliable and progressive material that is increasingly used in the construction of swimming pools. It is noteworthy that the film performs two roles: waterproofing and a decorative layer.

This will save you money. There are a lot of different types of films on the market that differ in strength, color and pattern (mosaic, marble, etc.).

In addition, the film is resistant to mechanical damage and withstands exposure to ultraviolet rays.

The work of laying PVC film is similar to other processes. The first thing you need to do is prepare the base, remove debris, etc. After that, fastening tapes or corners are fixed, with which the film will be attached.

Finally, you need to lay out the PVC film and weld its individual parts with a special tool. It's a simple, fast, reliable and cost-effective way to waterproof your pool.

All these methods are good in their own way; you just have to choose the option that suits you best, study the technology and bring everything to life. Waterproofing a pool is an important part of its installation, which should be approached responsibly.


You can see how to waterproof a pool using Litokol materials in the following video. Here's what each material is for and how to use it:

Types of materials for waterproofing a pool bowl + technology and installation features

Construction of such a complex hydraulic structure as swimming pool, is a complex design and technological problem, the solution of which requires the work of a number of specialists. Conventionally, they can be divided into two categories - designers and implementers.

Moreover, one of the main tasks that designers and planners face, in addition to construction, is proper waterproofing of swimming pools.

The quality of the waterproofing system determines the durability of the entire structure, its performance indicators, the frequency of repairs and the general suitability of the tank and room for its intended use.

Video instructions for waterproofing a swimming pool with a polymer membrane

For the successful construction of a swimming pool, qualified work of all construction participants is required, both at the design stage and at the project implementation stage.

Why are seemingly banal things listed here? Because, according to all the leading experts in this field, it is poor-quality design, and even more often - unprofessional performance of work, failure to comply with the requirements of waterproofing technology that leads to constant complaints owners of swimming pools for their fragility and constant repair costs.

Swimming pool waterproofing is a system of measures, the joint work of the elements of which leads to normal and comfortable operation of any tank, open or indoors. Next, we will look at the main elements of a waterproofing system and the principles of their correct implementation.

Good waterproofing is the key to success

Two types of waterproofing: external and internal

The function of pool insulation is to create a water-tight barrier that will effectively prevent moisture from penetrating into the inner layers of the material that makes up the pool bowl and supporting structures. Outdoor swimming facilities require waterproofing of pools from the inside and external insulation.

Properly performed waterproofing of the pool will save you from problems with leaks and unnecessary expenses on repair work.

External waterproofing

External waterproofing is aimed at preventing the impact of groundwater on the surface in contact with the soil. The requirements for foundations are relevant here, with the caveat that pools are more susceptible to shrinkage and changes in geometry caused by thermal expansion and dynamic loads created by a large volume of water.

The following materials are used to implement external insulation:

  • rolled insulating coverings;
  • coating waterproofing;
  • penetrating mixtures;
  • injection waterproofing;
  • films and membranes;
  • hydrostekloizol;
  • clay castles.

The main factor influencing the intensity of the impact of external moisture on the structural elements of the pool is the groundwater level. If groundwater rises above the depth of the bottom slab of the tank, then measures are taken to drain it and a drainage system is constructed.

It would also be advisable to use a clay castle in combination with the main waterproofing. Waterproofing materials are often combined: walls treated with bitumen mastic are insulated and covered with a waterproof membrane, the rolls of which are welded with a construction hairdryer.

To construct a clay castle, the foundation pit is filled with clay.

The choice of a specific material for external waterproofing is a matter of budget and designer preferences; there is no clear answer.

Modern injection and penetrating compounds are very effective compared to traditional bitumen and roofing felt, however, the cost of these materials, as well as the work on their application, may seem too high for those tasks that cheaper insulation methods can cope with.

Internal waterproofing

Regardless of the type of hydraulic structure and its location, the main task is to waterproof the pool bowl.

If you do not provide a high-quality water-repellent barrier, then moisture will penetrate into the concrete through micropores, which will cause corrosion and destruction of the internal metal frame made of reinforcement, as a result of which the strength of the bowl, which is a rigid monolithic reinforced concrete structure, will significantly decrease.

And in conditions of quite noticeable pressure exerted by several tens or hundreds of tons of water, and the water is not always static, such a violation of integrity can lead to serious destruction of the entire structure.

In addition, the penetration of water into the pores of concrete is dangerous because when it freezes, the water expands and ruptures the cement stone, causing cracks. Also, in conditions of high humidity, mold fungi can develop on the surface and inside structures, which are dangerous to human health and, according to some data, the integrity of the material.

It should be taken into account that a lot of pressure is applied to the walls and bottom of the container, and constantly, in addition, the water temperature is increased. Another important factor- this is the presence of disinfectants in water, which transform a liquid that is harmless to humans into an environment that is aggressive for many materials.

If you take all these factors into account, a reasonable question arises: “How to waterproof a pool effectively?” Fortunately, construction technologies are constantly evolving, and there are several answers to this question. First, let's look at the technologies and materials that are used to solve this problem.

Subtleties of choosing a waterproofing material

As already mentioned, scientific and technological progress has also affected waterproofing technologies, so there are several materials for treating the pool bowl. Here are the most popular ones:

  • penetrating waterproofing;
  • polymer cement compositions;
  • PVC film;
  • polymer and mineral materials;
  • insulating membranes.
  • sealing cords;
  • sealing tapes.

Internal waterproofing of the pool bowl insulates the concrete from the effects of water

Penetrating compounds

Penetrating waterproofing is mixtures like “Penetron” and the like. The principle of operation is the penetration of a special substance into the pores and capillaries of the concrete structure, followed by crystallization and clogging of all microscopic channels and microcracks through which moisture enters the thickness of the concrete structure.

The advantage of this technology is its durability and ease of implementation, so waterproofing pools with your own hands using a penetrating composition is quite possible and doable. The validity period of such insulation is equal to the service life of the concrete structure.

"Penetron" is the most famous brand of penetrating waterproofing


This material also has disadvantages: the inability to isolate connections between concrete and metal or plastic parts of equipment, difficulties in sealing cracks in the plaster used to level the surface under the tiles, and the inability to close cracks in the structure.

By the way, it produces materials that solve all of the above problems more or less successfully, for example Penecrit for seams.

Polymer-cement compositions

Polymer-cement compositions refer to coating waterproofing and are probably the most popular method of treating a bowl. They come in one- and two-component types and consist of cement, sand and various polymer additives and plasticizers. They are usually applied in two layers and form a waterproof coating, which, when hardened, does not cause internal stresses or cracks.

The advantage is the ease and speed of work, which can be very important in conditions of tight construction deadlines and a limited budget. Well, again, waterproofing a pool with your own hands using polymer-cement compounds is a simple task even for an amateur.

The disadvantage of this material is its low elasticity, which is a huge disadvantage for a pool. The fact is that the bowl undergoes quite significant changes in geometry under the influence of mass and water pressure, especially when filling and emptying. Also, do not forget about thermal expansion and contraction.

Treatment of the pool with waterproofing polymer-cement compounds


Polymer materials are represented mainly by polyurethane mastics and two-component compositions based on polyetheramines and diamines. They form an elastic seamless film, vapor-permeable and quite durable. They have good adhesion to building materials, in particular to concrete.

The advantage is high elasticity and ease of application. The good decorative properties of these coatings are also cited as an advantage.

Polyurethane mastic looks good


Insulating membranes are special liquid and reinforcing fabric.

First, the liquid is applied to the corners and junction lines of the bottom-wall and wall-to-wall, which are glued with strips of reinforcing fabric, on top of which a layer of liquid is applied. Then the walls and floor of the pool are covered with liquid using a roller.

Then rolls of reinforcing fabric are laid on top of this liquid, which is also covered with liquid on top. Once this is all dry, the entire bowl is re-coated with a final layer of liquid.

Waterproofing based on high-molecular binders, which, after application to the surface, polymerize and form a continuous membrane that reliably protects the pool structure

The advantage of the membrane is its elasticity and strength. Manufacturers guarantee that the membrane can withstand a crack up to 3 millimeters wide, which is quite a lot. This material also easily covers cold seams and plastic inserts.

The downside is the relatively high cost and complexity of application compared to coating materials.

PVC film

This material is used mainly for homemade inexpensive pools. PVC film can withstand any deformation of the bowl, however, the joints of its layers are visible and the color palette is limited to shades of blue and light blue.

Plus - low price and exceptional installation speed. The downside is the formation of condensation under the film and the need for drainage communications, as well as the low aesthetic value of the material and loss of color over time.

PVC film is welded with a construction hairdryer

Auxiliary materials

Sealing cords are used to seal joints and cracks, as well as places where different materials meet each other, seams, etc.

Sealing tapes are placed at the wall-to-wall and wall-to-bottom joints.

To seal various technological and communication inputs, the Penebar material is used - a rectangular-section harness consisting of a polymer substance that swells upon contact with water and tightly closes the gap. It is also used to seal construction and work seams.

Treatment of seams with penetrating waterproofing "Penetron"

Tiling: insulation of the sub-tile space

The pool finishing with tiles or mosaics also needs waterproofing. More precisely, not the finishing itself, but the space under the tiles, the moisture of which will cause the tiles to lag and fall off the walls of the tank.

In order to avoid this, special insulating grout is used for joints.

Basically, these are epoxy or polymer compounds, which are pressed into the space between the tiles with a rubber spatula using diagonal movements relative to the direction of the seam, after which the tiles are wiped so that the epoxy film does not have time to harden, which is extremely difficult to wash off after hardening.

Laying tiles or mosaics for waterproofing

Swimming pool waterproofing - the technology as a whole and its implementation - must be thought out in advance so that all its elements form a coherent system of measures aimed at complementarily combating the penetration of internal and external moisture into the structure of the swimming tank bowl and support system.

To do this, the task of sealing must be solved by the design engineer developing this hydraulic structure, and the implementation of this solution should be carried out by experienced builders who are familiar with modern technologies and have experience working with materials that will be used for waterproofing the structure.