Where and how the smallest horses are bred. The smallest horse in the world - what it is and where it is used. Breeds of dwarf horses

When talking about horses, most people immediately imagine stately, tall, strong horses that proudly carry their rider. But not all representatives of this animal species meet these parameters. Among horses there are completely different specimens. Some of them are striking in their miniature size and may well compete for the title of the smallest horse in the world.

Genetic characteristics of mini-horses

In terms of size, the standard type of horse is significantly inferior to ponies. As a rule, such horses are two or even three times smaller than their larger counterparts. But there are such specimens, in comparison with which even ponies look like real heavy trucks. We are talking about mini horses.

Mini-horses first appeared as a failed experiment back in the 19th century. Animals that were quite normal in size gave birth to a foal whose weight barely reached 10 kg. At the same time, the body proportions of the animal fully corresponded to the standard.

The reason for this phenomenon is considered to be a unique set of genes. Of course, there was no need to talk about any practical benefits of such a baby. But for breeders such a joke of nature turned out to be quite interesting, and they continued to work in in this direction. As a result, today there are several breeds of dwarf horses in the world, each of which is striking in its miniature size. Their representatives are often kept as pets, just like a dog or cat.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dwarfism

Dwarf size in horses is a rather interesting natural phenomenon, which has both positive and negative sides. Benefits of this trait include:

  • charming appearance that attracts attention to the animal at exhibitions and just on the street;
  • no need for a large stable;
  • the minimum volumes of food that such an animal eats;
  • the possibility of keeping a horse at home as a favorite pet.

The following points stand out among the disadvantages:

  • the same gene that is responsible for dwarfism sometimes causes serious problems with the development of the skeleton and muscles of animals, which requires their constant examination by a veterinarian;
  • in addition to regular grass and concentrates, the diet of such horses must include vitamins and mineral supplements;
  • miniature horses cannot be kept together with ordinary ones, as this is fraught with injury for them;
  • the cost of each such animal is higher than that of many large thoroughbred horses.

Reference. One of the disadvantages of the miniature nature of such animals is the fact that they cannot be used for any work, only for decorative purposes.

The smallest horse breeds

Through painstaking work, breeders managed to secure the dwarfism gene in individual horses. Subsequently, it was passed on to subsequent generations, during which several breeds were formed, for which miniature size is the main feature.


The Falabella is rightfully considered the smallest horse breed in the world. The history of the appearance of such mini-horses is quite vague and has several theories. According to one of them, the breed was originally distinguished by its large size.

One day, a herd of such horses was blocked by a landslide in a separate canyon, where the animals were forced to live for a long time. Since there was little food there, the animals’ bodies received a minimal amount of vitamins and minerals. As a result, each generation became smaller in size.

These horses were later found by the Falabella family. But even if they were provided with the proper diet, the size of the representatives of the breed line never returned. And yet the breeder did not abandon the breed, continuing to improve it and consolidate its qualities.

Today, representatives of the variety have the following parameters:

  • height within 40–70 cm;
  • weight 20–60 kg;
  • graceful physique with a large head and slender legs;
  • body color has a wide variety of variations.

These animals are similar in character to pets. They are playful and good-natured. They quickly find a common language with other animals and children.

Today, in addition to their role as a pet, falabellas are also used as service animals. In addition, large individuals are often harnessed to special carts for children.

Mini Appaloosa

Mini Appaloosa horses are bred from the full-sized Appaloosa breed, with North American Indian tribes leading the way.

As is the case with its large relatives, the Mini Appaloosa breed assumes a rather strict standard of appearance. It includes the following options:

  • height within 70–100 cm;
  • obligatory forelock suit;
  • physique, characteristic in proportions for riding horses.

Such animals are distinguished by a small head, muscular body, slender, strong limbs, and graceful neck. At the same time, the color of the living creatures varies slightly, but, as a rule, it necessarily involves black spots on a white background.

Most often, such horses can be found at exhibitions. But also in various shows, and they are often found in representations.

American miniature horse

The roots of this breed are extremely difficult to trace. Animals that fit the standard were found back in the days of Ancient Egypt. Mini-horses were valued in Ancient China and other Asian countries. Such animals were extremely popular among the nobility in Europe back in the Middle Ages. Be that as it may, over time, the main part of this category of animals was preserved in the United States, where it was actively improved.

In fact, the American miniature horse is not considered a separate breed. The association dedicated to such horses registers all animals whose height at the withers does not exceed 86 cm.

Lilliputian horses from the Guinness Book of Records

The increased attention to such small and spectacular horses aroused great interest among the Guinness Book staff. Several representatives of the category have already appeared on its pages, and among the living Lilliputian horses there is fierce competition.

The Book of Records has already noted:

  • Recco de Rocco. A representative of the Falabella breed in 1975 was officially declared as the smallest. This baby's height was 38 cm and his weight was 11.9 kg.
  • Little Pumpkin. This foal weighed only 9.1 kg and was 35.5 cm tall.
  • Tumbelina. The filly is a native of the USA. At birth, she weighed only 4 kg, which is why she was included in the Book in 2006. Today her weight has reached 26 kg and her height is 43 cm.

The smallest horse in the world today

But the Lilliputian horses listed above now have a serious competitor. He is the Pinto foal Einstein. At the time of birth, his weight was a record 2.5 kg. As he grew older, this value increased to 28 kg, but his height never crossed the 36 cm mark.

Accordingly, the smallest horse in the world today is Einstein. Although he is closely followed by another competitor - the filly Bella. But according to experts, she will surpass the category winner in height when she grows up.

Small horses of various breeds cannot leave any spectator indifferent. Miniature copies of large horses are the result of many years of breeding work and have repeatedly been included in the Guinness Book of Records. Of course, there is no need to talk about the practical benefits of dwarf horses. But they are still very popular as pets.

The good-natured disposition, graceful posture and endurance of miniature horses have gained popularity and love among their connoisseurs all over the planet. Dwarf horse breeds are those that reach a height at the withers of no more than 86 cm.

Dwarf rocks have been around for a long time, their first images are found in ancient Celtic carvings dating back to 600 AD. Mini-horses also lived in the menagerie of Louis XIV, a great lover of rare and unusual animals.

Dwarf breeds appeared in 600 AD

The British began breeding work on the breeding of “indoor” horses at the end of the 18th century, and from the middle of the 19th century, mini-horses were already hard at work in mines and mines, pulling trolleys with the breed and showing remarkable endurance.

Mini horses help in the treatment and rehabilitation of children

Nowadays, the mini-horse no longer performs hard work, but is used as a pet and performs other very important duties - it helps in the treatment and rehabilitation of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy and autism, and also serves as a guide for visually impaired people better than dogs distracted by extraneous stimuli.

Small horses - what is the difference from ponies?

The body structure of a mini-horse is proportional and similar to the exterior of a large horse, only reduced by 5-6 times. Muscular croup, strong withers, graceful neck, elastic body, long thin legs with small hooves, moderate big head with intelligent, expressive eyes, a lush mane and tail, various colors - this is the portrait of most representatives of dwarf breeds. Pony horses, distinguished by a disproportionately long body on short legs, are often mistakenly included among them.

External differences between a regular horse and a mini one

The weight of small horses ranges from 20 to 65 kg, and the minimum height is only 40 cm. However, among them there are also real record holders who are included in the Guinness Book of Records. The stallion Little Pumkin grew to a height of only 35.5 cm, weighed just over 9 kg and was considered the smallest horse on the planet.

Despite their small size, mini horses can withstand a weight of 30-35 kg

As a draft force, mini-horses are capable of pulling loads that exceed their own weight by 20 times, and can support a rider with a body weight of 30-35 kg, which may well be a 6-7 year old child. The calm and kind disposition of the animals allows small children from 1 year of age to receive their first riding lessons while sitting in the saddle on a mini-horse.

Secrets of maintenance and care

Breeding dwarf breeds is no different from keeping and caring for large horses, except for the size of the animals. In a wooden stall, where one horse usually fits, 2-3 babies are accommodated. Thanks to their good nature, they get along well not only with each other, but also with other pets.

Den for mini horses

A small horse needs the same hygiene procedures as a big one. It must be cleaned daily, bathed regularly, and the hooves must be cleared of various debris. In addition, small horses should be systematically examined by a veterinarian and vaccinated, as well as dewormed, taking into account their weight, avoiding overdoses.

Corral for walking mini horses

One of the main advantages of keeping mini horses is the consumption of small amounts of feed. If a large horse is fed more than 3 kg of balanced feed per day, then the little ones only need to eat about 10 times less.

Dwarf horses, like breeds of other miniature animals, are capable of obesity, so the main rule when preparing a diet for them is not to overfeed.

The menu for mini-horses usually includes up to 20% concentrated feed, the rest is roughage, among which fresh grass or hay predominates, depending on the time of year, as well as grass meal. You should not overfeed with concentrates - grains, cereals, muesli - to avoid weight gain. Mini-horses love apples and carrots as dessert; be sure to give them salted lick and, of course, drink clean water.

The mini horses are very kind and get along well, even with small children.

There are no aggressive animals among miniature horses; children love them very much. They are ideal for keeping even indoors, and natural physiological needs are fulfilled with the help of special diapers. However, these little ones love space very much, fast run, jumping over obstacles, so walking on fresh air With the opportunity to stretch their muscles, it should not be ruled out for them in any case.

Breeds of dwarf horses

In the selection work on breeding miniature horse breeds, not only indicators of endurance and draft power were taken into account, but also the animal’s disposition, its intelligence and balance of character. The most popular of them:

  • American Miniature Horse;

Falabella - a mini-horse from an Argentine ranch

The Falabella breed of dwarf horses was bred more than a hundred years ago on a ranch in the vicinity of Buenos Aires. According to legend, it was started by a miniature stallion that appeared out of nowhere in the fields and was caught by the Falabello family at the nearest watering hole. The original herd, from which the selection of the breed began, consisted of small Spanish horses and Creollo.

Miniature horse breed Falabella

The dwarf horse is extremely elegant: its height at the withers ranges from 50 to 75 cm, and its weight reaches 50-60 kg, but there are exceptions - some specimens grew no more than 40 cm and weighed less than 30 kg.

Flabella foal

Falabella has the physique of a horse: a graceful neck, a large head, slender legs and small hooves. Horses have all kinds of coat colors - from black to fly and white. They have a couple of ribs less than other breeds of animals. The harmonious body structure is complemented by a chic mane and tail.

Flabella has a good-natured character

All falabellas have an extremely good-natured character, they are distinguished by intelligence and intelligence. Mini-horses of this breed live up to forty years. They are excellent partners in games with children, so it is for this purpose that they have become widespread throughout the world. Little riders up to 3-5 years old enthusiastically ride on Falabella horses, and two horses in a harness can carry an adult of average weight.

American miniature horse - a descendant of the pony and falabella

The breed arose as a result of crossing those imported in 1888 North America small horses from Europe, Shetland ponies and the Argentine dwarf falabella horse.

American miniature horse

Since 1978, it has been isolated independently from other breeds. The standard provides for the registration of animals no more than 34 inches or 86 cm in height. Currently, in Canada and the United States, various farms contain over 110 thousand representatives of the American miniature horse breed. With their participation, more than 250 exhibition shows and shows are held annually, during which participants demonstrate the grace and strength of their pets.

American miniature breed horse herd

Most representatives of the breed weigh no more than a large dog - from 50 to 70 kg. Their exterior is a smaller copy of a horse. Mini horses are different long neck, a medium-sized head with a convex forehead and intelligent eyes, a muscular body and slender legs. Their movements are light and smooth, at the same time strong and agile. The most varied coat color is allowed by the standard.

American miniature breed horses at an exhibition

American miniatures are famous for their gentle, intelligent disposition, they are sociable and do not like to be alone, they are friends not only with their brothers, but also with other animals living in the estate. They respond well to training and were previously widely used in circus performances by wandering corpses until they were on the verge of extinction. Like animals of other dwarf breeds, they get along well with children and are used in various rehabilitation programs for young patients with Down syndrome, paraplegics, and those suffering from disorders nervous system after stressful situations.

The little horse quickly adapted to Russian winters. By the time they begin, it is covered with warm wool, which in the spring is cleaned and cut in compliance with all fashion trends.

Mini Appaloosa - Spotted Grace

Dwarf horses of this breed were obtained as a result of folk selection of Appaloosa animals, aimed at reducing growth. The Nez Perce Indians of North America, living in the valley of the Palouse River, for many years selected small forelock horses, until the modern mini-Appaloosa appeared with a distinctive feature - spotty skin, expressed by the following types of colors:

  • Leopard;
  • Black-and-white;
  • Marble;
  • Snowflake;
  • Frost.

Currently, more than 900 thousand horses of this breed are registered, living in farmsteads in Mexico and the USA. In addition to the easily recognizable spotting, mini Appaloosa horses are characterized by other distinctive features: distinct stripes on the hooves, dark irises, height 86 cm with an adjustment of 15 cm in both the smaller and larger directions. The exterior of the mini Appaloosa exactly replicates the physique of a riding horse with a beautiful flexible neck, small head, strong body, elastic limbs with strong hooves.

Mini Appaloosa horse

The small horse is very popular among German, American and Dutch horse breeders; in Russia it is rather an exotic rarity and is represented by only a few imported specimens. Its main use is participation in various exhibition events and shows.

Mini Apalusas participate in various shows and exhibitions

TO dwarf breeds There are also miniature Shetland ponies, horses obtained through selection aimed at improving the character of animals and reducing their growth.

Video: Mini horses

Experts say that in a couple of decades the number of small horses will exceed the number of ordinary horses by 10-15 times, despite their generally expensive price - from 10 to 20 thousand dollars in Russia and 40-60 thousand dollars in the USA.

We know a lot about the animal world, species and breeds of animals. There are the largest and smallest representatives among rabbits, bears, deer, dogs and so on. I wonder which horses are the smallest?

Man tamed the horse a long time ago. But what do we know about these animals? It is known that ponies are small horses, but there are horse breeds that are also distinguished by their miniature sizes.

Ponies - small horses

For several centuries there have been small horses - ponies. Their pedigree stretches back to prehistoric times. These horses are also divided into breeds. It is known about Shetland (in honor of the Shetland Islands), American, Exmoor, Dartmoor, Connemara and other ponies.

Since ancient times, these small horses have hardly changed at all, which is due to the fact that they were not crossed to improve some qualities. Because of this, ponies can safely be called “primitive horses.”

It is a mistake to think that these cute horses are only capable of giving rides to children. Possessing endurance and strength several times their weight, they were originally used to transport goods. In the past, ponies worked in coal mines and mines, pulling loaded trolleys for years, they helped in ports, and farmers used them as draft and pack animals.

After a while, thanks to their fairly balanced character and miniature size, people began to use ponies to teach children horse riding. Pot-bellied, cute, on short legs they take children for rides in public gardens and parks. Children have the opportunity to interact closely with horses, even if they are miniature in size.

Breeds of small horses

One of the smallest horse breeds in the world is the Falabella. The falabella is often referred to as a pony, but this is fundamentally wrong. Weighing up to sixty kilograms, their height varies from forty to seventy-five centimeters. These horses are raised in the Leningrad region and in Argentina at the Falabello farm, where this mini-breed was actually bred. Externally, falabella resemble Arabian horses, the only difference is in size.

Another miniature breed is the Pinto. The horse is so small that it cannot even support a primary school student. Eat interesting feature of this breed - the size of its representatives is gradually decreasing. Even with the artificial crossing of a small “mother” and an ordinary “father,” miniature horses similar to the “mother” are born.

Small horses also include the Mini Appaloosa breed, bred through selection aimed at significantly reducing growth. The height at the withers is from seventy centimeters to one meter, their exterior is typical of a riding horse. In Russia this breed is considered exotic, but in Europe and America it is quite popular.

The American miniature horse was selectively bred in America. The height of the horses does not exceed eighty-six centimeters. They have a kind disposition and an elegant exterior. The miniature American horse is quite strong, as it can easily carry an adult man in a cart. This mini-horse is often used in various shows, they give rides to adults and children in carts, and they organize brood rings for them, where the champions of the breed are determined. Such horses do an excellent job as guides for people with poor eyesight; they can be faithful pets.

The smallest horse according to the Guinness Book of Records

The Guinness Book of Records recognized the smallest horse in 2006 as a mini-horse named Tumbelina. The title belonged to this baby until 2010. Now her height is forty-three centimeters, and her weight is twenty-six kilograms.

Today, Bella the horse and the still growing foal Einstein are competing for the title of the smallest representative among mini-horses. Tumbelina also remains among the top three contenders for the championship.

The smallest among mini-horses to this day remains the Falabello horse, which was born in 1975. The record holder was named Little Pumkin. Her weight was less than ten kilograms and her height was about thirty-five centimeters. I wonder if modern miniature horses can break this record?

The farabello also has its own antipodes - huge horses. The website has detailed information about the largest horses in the world.
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Falabella is a breed of the smallest horses on the entire planet. These animals are unique in their own way; they stand out for their beautiful appearance and extraordinary character. Miniature horses are of interest not only due to their short stature, but also due to their body composition, which is characteristic of riding horses. Despite the small scale, horses of this breed cannot be classified as ponies.

In contrast, they have proportionate length of limbs and body, and this is typical for riding horses. Due to their extraordinary appearance and charm, this breed of mini-horses is bred all over the world.

There is a lot going on around the topic of the emergence of little horses. big number stories. As one version indicates, a herd of simple horses fell into a trap. This trap was a landslide that blocked the entrance to a deep canyon. Trapped, the horses began to survive on cacti, without consuming the necessary soil minerals. This is the reason for the development of horses. After this, the next offspring, one after another, became smaller in size.

The result of this is a change in genetics that provokes the appearance of mini-horses. The little horse was first noticed by the Argentine farmer and breeder Falabella. He freed the animal from the trap and brought it to his farm, where he subsequently began breeding the new kind. The horses were named after the Falabella family of liberators.

According to another version, the idea of ​​​​breeding this breed belonged to the Irishman Patrick Newtall, who also lived in Argentina. He had his own herd, in which the horses were short - 75 cm. It took the breeder long years. At the end of the 19th century, Newtall's business was continued by his son-in-law Juan Falabella. First, the man decided to cross Shetland ponies and horses bred by his predecessor.

To preserve the miniature dimensions of the animal, Falabella selected and introduced the shortest representatives into the breeding program. Subsequently, the breeder infused the blood of an English purebred and a Creole. Initially, the idea was to breed not a pony, but a small horse. So the first representatives of the breed appeared at the Recreo de Roca ranch located in Argentina as a result of the efforts of the Falabella family more than a century ago.

One of the legends says that the existence of small horses was discovered thanks to a small stallion found at a watering hole. Another story is more interesting. The Indians knew about the secrets of breeding the short breed. The tribal leader shared the secret with Farmer Falabella. But this is a less plausible version, since the Indians always used tall and powerful horses. According to other legends telling about the origin of mini-horses, Falabella's ancestor sent a herd of ordinary horses to Patagonia and forgot about it. And the soil there was barren and the wind blew constantly. Years later, his descendants learned about the disappearance of the herd and went in search of the disappeared animals. Arriving in Patagonia, they found only small horses.

Miniature horses can have a height of 40-75 cm and a weight of 20-60 kg. The color color of the breed is the most varied. These are animals with thin legs and small hooves. The horse's head is large, the number of ribs is 1-2 less than that of representatives of other breeds. The beauty of the animal lies in its mane and tail, as well as its thin shiny skin. Falabellas move quite freely and energetically. They are very kind and smart, always showing good nature to people. The life expectancy of representatives of the breed is over 40 years.

Falabellas are considered natural jumpers. They are able to overcome great obstacles and do it with great pleasure. Horses gallop over rough terrain and can run for a long time at high speeds. Representatives of the breed are excellent partners for their owners. They can be trained without any problems and instantly fulfill all the wishes of a person.

Mini-horses have great good nature and humility. These animals become the best friends for their owner, giving him pleasure from communication. Miniature falabella horses are not used for riding. However, they are quite suitable for light harnessing, since they have great strength.

The falabella is often used as a riding horse for children. The popularity of small animals is amazing. Many people buy them as pets.

Keeping and caring for representatives of this breed does not cause difficulties. They need the same care as regular horses. Only these horses are not used to the cold. Therefore, on winter nights they must be kept in a stable with blankets covered. Falabellas love warmth, which can be provided with infrared lamps by placing them in the stable. On winter days, animals are protected with daytime blankets. And this is despite the fact that mini-horses develop an undercoat by winter, which additionally warms them.

The feeding of miniature horses has much in common with feeding of large horses. The main thing is not to overfeed your pet. A horse may be allergic to large amounts of oats. This can be expressed by itching and eczema on the skin. The animal feeds on hay twice a day - morning and night. The diet of miniature representatives of the breed is enriched with potatoes, beets, and cabbage. Hay is used as roughage. Concentrates containing vitamins and minerals are added to it.

Feeding with carrots (1-2 pieces) and an apple per day is recommended. Liquid is especially useful for your pet. In summer it is given at least three times a day. IN winter period falabellas eat snow. The horse should take the liquid before feeding. The diet for each individual is selected individually. A mare nursing a foal needs more feed and nutrients. And the menu itself should be varied.

Small horses can be taken out to a small area for walking. If the surrounding area is large, then the animal can independently frolic, jump, and run for its own pleasure.

The pregnancy period for mares of this breed lasts 13 months. Although for ordinary horses this period of time is 11 months. Falabella foals grow up in their first year of life. And by the age of three, their full development is observed. The foal is born with a height of 40 cm. This happens from mid-spring to early summer.

A newborn Falabella foal does not recognize its mother. He looks for her by smell. If a person was present during the foaling, then the born baby perceives him as his relative. A horse running past can arouse great interest in a child and carry him along. Therefore, the mare always stands between her cub and someone else's horse. She is capable of scaring away any representative of the breed that approaches her cub. Often, adult foals start playing with the newborn.

This is how they show their first acquaintance with a new member friendly family. The mare takes care of her baby for one month from its birth. When a small foal is 7-10 months old, the mother stops feeding him. She drives the baby away with her hooves, not allowing him to get closer to the udder.

Representatives of the breed are valued at a high price because they belong to the category of rare animals. Their cost is the same as that of large blood horses. And this despite the fact that falabellas are decorative animals, from which they mainly receive aesthetic pleasure. Horses are popular in many countries. Many heads of this breed are bred all over the world. Most of these representatives live in the United States.

The price of a pet varies, since the following factors are taken into account: age, health, pedigree. If an animal is needed for divorce, then its cost will be higher than those that will be used for entertainment. An adult horse of this breed can be bought for 250,000 rubles and more. The foal can be valued at 50,000 rubles. When choosing a mare, the cost starts from 250,000 rubles and above. This takes into account subsequent offspring, which will cost even more.

Horses are amazing animals, kind, sometimes obstinate, but always alluring and eye-catching. They are so different, belonging to different breeds, divided into species according to various criteria, but invariably graceful. And so we will consider together with you what are the smallest horses on our planet.

There are about 350 horse breeds in the world. All breeds are domestic, except one - . These freedom-loving beauties are considered a wild breed.

It is customary to classify horses by height. Those animals that have reached a height at the withers of 150 cm to 170 cm are classified as medium breeds; above 170 cm – large; below 140 cm - to short stature (ponies), with a small caveat that the lower limit varies between 110 cm - 147 cm depending on the country in which the horse was born.

But besides this, there is another type of horse - miniature. This species is characterized by its own breeds, and it is among this type of horse that the horse listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest horse on the planet is named.

Miniature horses are those whose height does not exceed 86 cm at the withers. The peculiarity of these animals is that they are proportionally built, just like ordinary large horses, which cannot be said about ponies. The pony has a fairly large body and short legs.

Miniature horses are friendly and have a good disposition. They are not characterized by obstinacy and bad character, which are found in large horses. These babies are bred in many countries. In Russia, this type of horse is also found and private farms have been breeding it since 2004.

Friendliness and good disposition

The most famous and popular breeds of the smallest and mini horses are: American Miniature, Mini Appaloosa and Falabella.

Mini Appaloosa

Horses of this breed are descended from ordinary large Appaloosa horses. This species is characterized by:

  • the hooves are striped, small and strong;
  • any suit;
  • horse height ranges from 86 ± 15 cm;
  • small, muscular body.
  • slender legs;
  • small hooves;
  • graceful neck;
  • the horse's height at the withers ranges from 50 to 75 cm;
  • the breed is characterized by all colors;
  • the horse's weight does not exceed 60 kg.

Falabella is a fairly popular and widespread breed all over the world, as small horses are very playful and good-natured. They make ideal friends for small children and can carry a child up to 5 years old. And if you put several Falabella horses in harness, they can easily carry an adult.

Falabella breed

American miniature breed

Horses of this species are descended from crossing the Falabella and Shetland pony breeds. The height at the withers does not exceed 86 cm. These babies are characterized by:

  • light head;
  • very expressive eyes;
  • muscular torso;
  • very thin, slender and posterior;
  • Any suit is allowed.

Horses American breed– regulars of various show programs. They are excellent guides for people with visual impairments, and are also wonderful friends for small children and pets.
Horses of this breed are considered the smallest in the world. This is confirmed, for example, by the fact that in 1975 a representative of this particular breed was included in the Guinness Book of Records with the title: the smallest horse on the planet.

Today, three candidates are vying for the title of the smallest horse on earth.

Since 2006, according to the assigned title and mark in the Guinness Book of Records, a dwarf horse named Tumbelina has been known throughout the world as the smallest horse. Thumbelina was born in the USA in 2001 weighing 4 kg. The baby is a representative of dwarf horses, which have a proportional body build, like ordinary horses.

Little Tumbelina

Tumbelina was born with a problem hind legs. The legs are disproportionately small in comparison with the body and head. Specially designed prostheses help cope with the problem. The horse’s height today has reached 43 cm, weight – 26 kg.

But the birth of two horses in 2010 - Einstein and Bella - threatens Thumbelina's leadership position as the smallest horse on the planet.
Baby Bella was born weighing 4 kg and 38 cm tall. Her owner, Alison Smith, is the owner of a center in North Dakota that breeds miniature horses.

Einstein's homeland is England. Einstein is a representative of the Pinto breed. At birth, the baby was 36 centimeters tall and weighed 3 kg. To date, Einstein has gained up to 28 kg in weight, but he has the reserve to push Tumbelina off the pedestal. Time will show.

What else can you add. Mini-horses must be kept in the same conditions as regular large horses, with the only difference being that small horses do not require large portions of food. A very important feature of the kids is that they have absolutely no conflicts and can calmly coexist with their relatives in one common stall.