Where to make arrows in Skyrim. Shooting skill The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Cheats and modifications

Being the fifth in the line of games in the series The Elder Scrolls in as soon as possible has won the recognition of millions of users around the world. Players are given a huge number of opportunities to develop their character, complete storyline and creating unique items, including arrows.


Exploring the world of Skyrim while playing as an archer seems like a best choice, considering that a well-trained archer in the game is able to simply prevent enemies from approaching him at a dangerous distance, destroying them from afar. In addition, the bow helps to hunt dragons soaring in the sky. The selection of bows in the game is quite large, but sometimes there are not enough arrows. This is especially true for the most expensive types of arrows: elven, glass and Daedric. Even if you buy them from all the merchants you meet, at the decisive moment they may run out.

Thanks to the official ability to create various custom modifications of the game, many game flaws and problems were solved, including the addition of the ability self-made various types arrow On the Internet you can find sites for fans of the game Skyrim and download the corresponding modification. The most popular mod for making arrows is Arrowsmith, which allows you to create any arrows from the appropriate materials.

As a rule, the skill of creating arrows in such modifications depends on the degree of development of the blacksmithing skill. Since players most often choose one of two branches of leveling up blacksmithing skills (light or heavy armor), there are several versions of the same mod. Choose one in which your character will not need to spend additional points in Blacksmithing to make the required arrows. Also remember that the most expensive arrows will require fairly rare ingredients. The process of producing arrows is similar to producing any other item in a forge; you just need to select the appropriate interface line.

Finally, the official Skyrim expansion Dawnguard also introduced the ability to craft arrows. The addition was released in 2012, and now you can provide yourself with ammunition without installing third-party modifications. However, the requirements for blacksmithing skills and ingredients in the add-on are practically no different from those in the modifications.

If you intend to produce arrows in large quantities, you should take care of a supply of wood, which can be obtained using sawmills.

Shooting- a skill that allows you to use bows; The higher the skill level, the higher the damage. The shooting ability tree has a total of 9 abilities, and to fill it completely, you need to spend 16 ability points.

In-game description: The archer skillfully uses a bow and arrow. The higher the skill, the deadlier the shot.

Ability Rank Description ID Required Skills Required Abilities
Excessive tension 1 Bows deal 20% more damage. 000babed
2 Bows deal 40% more damage. 0007934a Shooting - 20
3 Bows deal 60% more damage. 0007934b Shooting - 40
4 Bows deal 80% more damage. 0007934d Shooting - 60
5 Bows deal double damage. 00079354 Shooting - 80
Critical Shot 1 10% chance of a critical hit, which deals more damage. 00105f1c Shooting - 30 Excessive tension
2 15% chance of a critical hit, which deals more damage. 00105f1e Shooting - 60
3 20% chance of a critical hit, which deals more damage. 00105f1f Shooting - 90
Thrifty Hunter You find twice as many arrows on corpses 00051b12 Shooting - 50 Critical Shot
Huntsman You can move faster with a tight bowstring 00058f63 Shooting - 60 Thrifty Hunter
Eagle Eye If you press the block key while aiming, you will zoom in on the target. 00058f61 Shooting - 30 Excessive tension
Power shot Arrows have a 50% chance of causing all but the largest enemies to stagger. 00058f62 Shooting - 50 Eagle Eye
Rapid fire You draw your string 30% faster 00105f19 Shooting - 70 Power shot
Steady hand 1 When aiming as the view zooms in, time slows down by 25%. 00103ada Shooting - 40 Eagle Eye
2 When aiming as the view zooms in, time slows down by 50%. 00103adb Shooting - 60
Sniper 15% chance to paralyze the enemy for several seconds. 00058f64 Shooting - 100 Jaeger or Rapid Fire

Arrow damage is the sum of the quality and material of the bow and arrows you use. Best quality arrows contribute to more damage per shot, but most of the damage depends on the chosen bow. The longer the bow is drawn (more than one second), the further the arrow will fly and the more damage it will cause. And vice versa - if you do not pull the bowstring, then your arrows will fly a couple of meters and cause minimal damage. Drawing the bow can be canceled using the " key Retrieve/put away weapon".

The trajectory and speed of arrows do not depend on the player's skills in Shooting ; only the damage increases with skill. Experienced shooters will notice that the arrows fly just above the crosshairs. To compensate for this, the shooter must aim just below the chosen target in order to hit it. Since in Skyrim There is no difference between damage to the head and to the knee, then shooting at the heads is not so necessary and will not bring you additional damage, but you can miss if you miscalculate the direction of the arrow.

The archer cannot use the bow to block attacks; however, he or she can unleash a string of counterattacks by pressing the " Blocking". This costs some stamina points, but it will give you extra time to land the shot and move to a safe distance (or switch to a melee weapon).

Like other weapons, bows can be upgraded at the whetstone, and upgrade levels increase based on skill Gunsmith and the abilities selected in it. On the other hand, the player cannot create arrows, which means the player must either look for arrows from dead enemies or buy them from merchants. In addition, the player can get his own arrows from the knees of dead adventurers and the bodies of enemies - development of ability " Thrifty Hunter" will increase the chance that the player will be able to get all the arrows fired at the enemy. In addition, you can always pick up arrows that missed their target and are lying around somewhere around. All shooters should try to find the best arrows, as the difference in damage between Zhelezny And Daedric arrows significantly higher than between Iron And Daedric m weapons.

Eagle Eye and Steady Hand

With the ability" Eagle Eye" the player can press the block key to focus and bring the visual view of the target somewhat closer. However, this costs Stamina and cannot be used forever. With the ability " Steady hand", usage " Eagle's Eye " slows down time by 25% (50% if using the second rank) and everything moves in slow motion. This allows the player to think more and prepare for the shot.

Shot speed

Archery takes place in three stages:

  1. The character takes out an arrow and inserts it into the bow
  2. The bowstring is stretched
  3. Arrow release and shot recoil

The first stage takes approximately 0.4 seconds, and the recoil stage takes 0.6 seconds. The time it takes to draw the string varies depending on the bow, but the ability " Rapid fire"increases the speed of drawing. After research, it became known that the speed of drawing the bowstring is calculated by the following formula:

Since the weight of a bow increases with its quality, the damage per second for a bow will not always be high.

The advantages and disadvantages of light and heavy bows are presented below:

Light bow Heavy Bow
  • Higher damage per second, perfectly regulated by the Weaponsmith skill and enchantment
  • Arrow effects occur more frequently
    • Bonus Arrow Damage
    • Bonus damage from upgrading at the forge
    • Effects of an enchanted bow
    • Effects of the "Sniper" and "Powerful Shot" perks
  • Less losses
  • Easier to carry
  • Easier/cheaper to find/make
  • Fast draw speed
  • Higher damage per second, poorly regulated by the Gunsmith skill and enchantment
  • Less resources are consumed
    • Arrows
    • Reloading enchanted weapons
    • Aiming time
    • Stamina drain from getting close
  • More damage on the first shot (such as sneak attacks)

Character Creation

The following races have an initial shooting bonus:

  • +10 bonus: Forest Elf (Bosmer)
  • +5 bonus: Khajiit, Redguard


  • Fendal V Riverwood(Specialist)
  • Aela the Huntress from Companion Guild V Whiterun(Expert)
  • Niruin from Thieves Guild V Riften(Master)

Skill books

  • Niben's father
  • Black Arrow, vol. 2
  • gold ribbon
  • Marksmanship Lesson
  • Vernaccus and Burlor


  • Angi from Falkreatha offers to go through a series of shooter tests (6 pieces). Completing each one increases your marksman skill
  • +1 to shooting can be obtained (and to all skills) from Giraud Gimana from College of Bards for completing the quest" Drum of Rjorn"
  • Arrow types do not affect experience gained from shooting
  • Arrows are not released exactly at the center of the indicator. They fly just above him. You should practice a little to figure out the correct direction of the arrow at different distances.
    • On PC version you can make the arrows fly exactly from the center by editing the file Skyrim.ini in the My Documents folder (or Documents if you are using Windows 7 or Vista). If you install fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist to a high value (more than 10,000), then the player will be able to hit targets with arrows as far as the arrow can fly.


  • Arrows can be used as distractions. An arrow shot attracts the enemy's attention and becomes invaluable for delivering a sneak attack.

In a famous computer game genre of RPG called "Skyrim" arrows play the role of ammunition. They have different types with their own parameters, and therefore characters of the “archer” class simply need to know all the information about them. They can run out like any other ammo and that's something to keep in mind.

Cheats and modifications

It often happens that at the most inopportune moment you run out of bow ammunition. In this case, the ideal solution would be to use Skyrim cheats for arrows. You need to remember the unique number of the type of ammunition you are interested in, install the trainer and press the command to receive the item. Enter this number in a special window, and the arrows will appear in the player's inventory. The method is simple and its use does not spoil the impression of the adventure. If eight standard popular types You're already tired of ammunition, then you should install an arrow mod in the Skyrim game. Fans have developed a huge number of them. One adds a rotating tip, which simply tears apart enemies, the second also changes the ammunition, making it a flying bomb. The most interesting modification of this kind was the standard change in hit parameters. If an arrow flies to the head, it means death. Main character also falls under this definition.

The first two types

If we talk about the beginning of the game, then in Skyrim a beginning player will see arrows in two forms. The first will be a training sample, which does not provide any bonuses to the damage of the bow itself. The ammunition has zero damage, weight and price parameters. You can find them anywhere and buy a hundred pieces for a couple of coins. It will not be possible to sell them to a merchant due to lack of value. They serve as a means of inflicting bow damage on an enemy at a long distance. The second type is much more interesting for the player - Dwemer arrows. They can be found for sale at blacksmiths or merchants. They are also often found in small bundles where they lie. To create it yourself, you need level 30-1 blacksmithing, 1 Dwemer metal ingot and a log. These arrows add another fourteen attack units to the bow's damage. On initial stage this ammo is ideal. If an archer is going on a hike, it is worth stocking up on them as much as possible.

Stronger varieties

Following the two initial types, the player should pay attention to the more powerful arrows in Skyrim. Third place from the bottom is occupied by elven-style ammunition. According to legends, once upon a time, an advanced race lived throughout the entire continent of Tamriel, which destroyed itself. They left a legacy that includes these arrows. They cost five silver coins apiece and add sixteen points of damage to the weapon itself. Finding them in the world is almost impossible; sometimes enemy archers have a couple. Blacksmiths and merchants actively trade in them, but demand too much money.

The second type from this category has two more damage and is called glass arrows. In the world you can get them in two ways: clearing the Dwemer ruins and killing all the centurions. They have a 25% chance of dropping what you need. A better way is to complete all the Thieves Guild quests. Then the player will become the head and will manage all the hiding places of the community, and glass arrows appear in them quite often.

Rare samples

There is a spell in the game called “Summoned Bow”. This is a magical weapon that appears for a certain time with one hundred pieces of ammunition. In Skyrim, these arrows are also called summoned; you cannot get them any other way. They have no cost or weight, but the 24 damage is impressive. This is a huge increase in weapon attack, so it is advisable for any archer to add this spell to his arsenal. Among real ammunition, Daedric arrows are not inferior to them in terms of characteristics. They cost eight silver apiece, so buying them from Fiada in Solitude is not profitable. In addition, they are obtained in three more ways. You must be level 46, after which you can go kill Dwemer centurions. They also often appear in the bodies of killed draugr warlords and draugr executioners who carry a bow. The last method has already been described above and is associated with the caches of the Thieves Guild.

Epic Arrows

If the user wants to focus on beauty and epicness, then ebonite bow arrows are suitable for him. "Skyrim" allows you to create them on your own using an ingot of the same material and a log. They can be obtained using standard methods in the same way as Daedric samples. However, they are more often found among traders and blacksmiths. They deserve attention with their magnificent black quiver and their appearance. Any secretive assassin will love using this tool. Even with all their attractiveness, ebony arrows are inferior to the Nordic hero arrow. It has 24 damage, like other ammo high level. Recommended for those players who participate in the revolution on the side of the Nords. It can be obtained using a special console command.

Popular Single player game Skyrim, which is the fifth in the line of games in The Elder Scrolls series, quickly won the recognition of millions of users around the world. Players are given a huge number of opportunities to develop their character, progress through the storyline and create unique items, including arrows.


  • Exploring the world of Skyrim as an archer seems to be the best choice for many, given that a well-trained archer in the game is able to simply keep enemies at a dangerous distance, destroying them from afar. In addition, the bow helps to hunt dragons soaring in the sky. The selection of bows in the game is quite large, but sometimes there are not enough arrows. This is especially true for the most expensive types of arrows: elven, glass and Daedric. Even if you buy them from all the merchants you meet, at the decisive moment they may run out.
  • Thanks to the official ability to create various custom modifications of the game, many game flaws and problems were solved, including the ability to independently manufacture various types of arrows. On the Internet you can find sites for fans of the game Skyrim and download the corresponding modification. The most popular mod for making arrows is Arrowsmith, which allows you to create any arrows from the appropriate materials.
  • As a rule, the skill of creating arrows in such modifications depends on the degree of development of the blacksmithing skill. Since players most often choose one of two branches of leveling up blacksmithing skills (light or heavy armor), there are several versions of the same mod. Choose one in which your character will not need to spend additional points in Blacksmithing to make the required arrows. Also remember that the most expensive arrows will require fairly rare ingredients. The process of producing arrows is similar to producing any other item in a forge; you just need to select the appropriate interface line.
  • Finally, the official Skyrim expansion Dawnguard also introduced the ability to craft arrows. The addition was released in 2012, and now you can provide yourself with ammunition without installing third-party modifications. However, the requirements for blacksmithing skills and ingredients in the add-on are practically no different from those in the modifications.