Hannibal King: a basic workout training program for amateurs. Hannibal turnstile man: training and nutrition program in Street Workout Hannibal for king biography

For The King is a turn-based cooperative strategy arcade game that is a roguelike. If you are not well versed in genres, then we will briefly explain to you: a roguelike is when, for example, in a game, locations are generated completely randomly. The developer is the independent studio IronOak Games. Presented to the whole world, the game tells us the story of the death of the king and the rebellious evil forces. The entire project is perfectly placed in a cartoonish medieval setting with neat, angular graphics. Players here will have to avenge the king and kill all evil spirits. In addition, the creators have pleased you with a multiplayer mode that supports up to 3 players simultaneously and offers classic three-on-three battles.


In the exciting game For The King, you will go to an interesting fictional world, in which the king of the fairy-tale country Fargul was vilely stabbed to death by some assassins, and his wife took the throne. But, unfortunately, she was not strong enough, and her kingdom began to corrode from the inside, destruction and unrest occurred all around. Civil strife, as well as annoying evil spirits emerging from all possible cracks, began to populate every meter of their home. After all that has happened, the queen decides to appoint a council and instructs all volunteers to go on a very dangerous journey in order to resolve all conflicts and exterminate the uninvited guests once and for all. She will give everyone a personalized ax and send them to fight with superior enemy forces. You will be one of these daredevils. Are you ready to begin such a dangerous task? Then hurry up to download For The King torrent completely free on our website. As already written earlier, the game has multiplayer, thanks to which you can play through the game with your friends.

The game For the King is positioned as a Rogue-like RPG, for this reason the world in it is generated completely randomly. The key features include a living environment (any behavior of creatures in the game depends on the time of day, there are also weather effects, the change of day and night, etc.), a couple of playthrough options, and the ability to upgrade one weapon over several playthroughs. You also have the opportunity to fight the forces of evil not alone, but even together. If you want to fight with live opponents, then the “3 on 3” battle format is provided especially for you.


The excellent game For The King provides single player and co-op mode. The locations here are generated completely randomly, which means you can play the presented project endlessly. The developers made the game great, they created the cycle of day and night, weather conditions, as well as monsters that depend on the time of day. Using an interesting and unusual crafting system, weapons can be upgraded several times. The advanced combat system will constantly be enriched with different types of attacks that players will choose during battle. The game also features a 3v3 multiplayer mode, which has already been appreciated by many fans. In order to learn more about the gameplay of the game, you need to download For The King via torrent for free on our wonderful gaming website.

Features of For The King

  • The game offers an amazing, exciting storyline.
  • Colorful graphics and a magnificent fairy-tale world await you.
  • The world in For The King reacts to the cycle of day and night, and the creatures that populate the world will also be subject to change.
  • The game also has a huge arsenal of weapons.
  • In addition, you will find a crafting system, where you can improve one type of weapon many times.
  • The game has an improved combat system, thanks to which you can choose additional strikes and techniques.

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Don't forget to look at the system requirements of the client game For The King, compare them with the characteristics of the computer (PC) / laptop on which you will play the online game.

It should be immediately noted that, regardless of the requirements, on most computers and laptops you can run almost any game, including Four The King, only in some cases you will have to set the graphic settings to minimum.

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Play the client game For The King in Russian, go to a new world in search of adventure and new achievements along with thousands of other players!

Selected quotes and advice from the giant of the world workout scene Hannibal For King.

“Whatever exercise you do, you should always be in control of the situation. You can't lose focus in any case"

“You must love what you do, I have been training for over 17 years and without loving these exercises I would not have achieved anything”

“As in any other business, I also have to sacrifice something in training, I gave up my education in order to train with complete dedication. If you have time and a great desire, then no one can stop you."

“Always be ready to give up a lot for one goal; progress is impossible without sacrifices”

“I don’t like and don’t train with dumbbells and barbells, my workouts are only with my own weight. It’s not as easy as it seems, anyone can come to the gym and build muscles, but it requires perseverance and strength. My muscles are as strong as a nut and all this is thanks to the crossbar and parallel bars, the crossbar is definitely better than any weight"

"Don't waste your time and energy on people who don't respect you as a man"

“When you achieve good results, start working with children, train them, we must teach them to grow up correctly”

“It’s better to start your progress with the horizontal bar, then parallel bars and push-ups. These are the foundations without which further progress is not possible. You don't need to start too abruptly and intensely; in the end, you will only harm your muscles. Keep track of consistency, you need everything to happen evenly and constantly, if this is not ensured, then do not expect progress. Start getting used to constant training, in our business you can’t train spontaneously"

“I always try to look as far ahead as possible, you can’t stand still, you need to improve”

“I thank my family for believing in me and giving me strength”

"Challenge yourself to win, I Hannibal For King already did it once"

"We must become stronger without malice, help your brothers and sisters, respect women, love children"

“When I started my training, it was very difficult for me, there was no one to help, no one to ask. Now I have reached that level and am ready to help everyone who wants to train. Get stronger and if you suddenly need help, I'm ready to help! »

“You don’t need to admire one person too much; if you do that, then you yourself are most likely weak. You need to respect yourself first of all, you need to be confident in what you are doing"

“We need to give all our strength to training, God sees us and evaluates our actions, this is a very strong movement. It doesn’t matter age, race, gender, it doesn’t matter where you’re from - everyone is equally good... both from Russia and from London "

“If you are happy with what you do, no one can take that away from you. I like what I do"

“When you receive a lot of unpleasant statements from strangers, you shouldn’t take everything to heart. Remain yourself, follow the right path, and soon those who expressed disrespect will feel wrong towards you. We all inspire each other. I appeal to the haters: “Keep hating, you help me, and I’m sure my brothers too”

Hannibal For King training on the horizontal bar

“Wear whatever you want when training. But your clothes should show your body, your work, you know? I always wear a T-shirt because it doesn't hide the work I'm doing on my body."

“I am my own driving force. My motivation is myself. I am sure that it will not be easy for anyone else to repeat what I have achieved."

“Calisthenics is the most convenient way to bring yourself great benefits (health, strength, beauty)”

“Try to be independent of your emotions, no matter what they are (good or bad) - when you are mentally prepared, then this does not play a big role for you, you just go towards your goal without looking back”

“Don’t set unrealistic goals for yourself, especially at the beginning of your journey, achieve small goals”

"You shouldn't worry about the next training session, give it your all, without paying attention to third parties"

“Whatever philosophy is woven into our movement, do not forget about the main thing - physical exercise, this is the basis of our business, if you give it up, you will instantly return to your previous point”

Training videos -

Hannibal is not an ordinary person; he burst into the world of body building quickly and unconventionally. He is definitely a champion! First of all, it's genetics. And if you consider that he has been training for 18 years..)), as they say, the result is obvious. This is a person gifted by nature, minimal fat, very strong ligaments, and ideal body proportions. Every business always has its own genius. In boxing there was Tyson, in bodybuilding there was Arnold. And in Ghetto Workout Hannidal. But here’s the most interesting thing, look at our domestic turnstile men..)). No one else has such proportions and developed muscles! Unless Minin claims to be the Russian Hannibal. The rest are scum..)), with rare exceptions, why is that? Let's take a closer look at the Hannibal phenomenon.

To begin with, I’m posting a selection of videos about Hannibal, here is almost everything that is on the Internet, 23 stories:

It’s just enviable how easily he does the exercises. It's as if the laws of physics don't apply to him. Without a doubt. long years of practice made themselves felt in the form of perfect execution of technique, as well as appearance. But we must also not forget that African-American guys always outperform white boys in many ways, in almost everything that is inherent in nature. They sing better, dance better, are more outstanding as athletes, and of course their athletic build is excellent. Although there it also depends on the nationality, but nevertheless.

Now let's take another look at his athleticism:

And just for fun, let’s compare our turnstiles:

For the most part, they are scraggly, although they do wonders on the horizontal bars. There are exceptions, but still. Why is that? I think, by and large, the whole question is about proper nutrition and sports nutrition. For some reason, we don’t take nutrition as seriously as training. They eat every other time..)), soup is not food! And they treat sports nutrition in a stupid way... like, I don’t want to take chemistry (author’s note: I’ve never heard anything more stupid). Black guys, in addition to genetics, also understand the importance of nutrition, both classical and sports. There is simply no other way.

Well, the most important point that torments any athlete..)), is he a chemist? I am only expressing my opinion, nothing more. Only Hannibal himself knows how in reality. I think yes! But something very light. He doesn’t have very large hypertrophy, everything is quite neat, exactly as it should be in nature, he just maintains it all competently! The fact is that exercises with your own body weight develop muscles quite proportionately, with rare exceptions. I will once again emphasize the importance of nutrition; apparently, Hannibal monitors this very clearly. The fact is that one of the most important factors in muscle hypertrophy (increased muscle volume and strength) is increased protein synthesis. And it is simply not possible without a sufficient amount of protein in the body! Well, of course, you need to understand that there, in America, there is a different attitude towards sports nutrition, and people like Hanibal have access to the best!

As for its constant, almost year-round relief, everything is simple here. When you become a role model and a public figure, there is a megamotivation to be disciplined. Such a relief is possible ONLY thanks to! And no other way!

In principle, any person will be able to draw his body like a topographic map if he has everything in order with willpower. Eat right and rationally! And that’s it, there’s no other option! And with this moment everything is fine with Hannibal.

Hannibal For King

Real name: Hannibal Tyrone Lanham

Born: 1979.

Lives: New York.

Height: 174 cm

Weight: 72 kg

Hannibal For King is one of the founders of the street strength movement Street Workout in the West. His name is known to everyone who has at least something to do with training on horizontal bars and uneven bars. When Hannibal began practicing calisthenics about 20 years ago, he could not have imagined that over time thousands of young people from different parts of the world would look up to him. Not everyone is ready to believe it, but the athlete achieved results thanks to exercises with his own weight. In his opinion, calisthenics teaches you to feel your body, listen to it and work for its benefit.

We managed to contact Hannibal and ask him a few questions.

Hannibal For King:“My parents named me after an ancient warrior. He was one of the best commanders in the history of mankind. The reason I choose to call myself Hannibal For King, but not Hannibal The King, very simple. Calling himself a king - The King, implying that you have achieved perfection. I try to constantly develop and move towards this goal - to get closer to perfection. I want to show that no one is perfect. Everyone has to work hard to achieve something.”

Hannibal, you are the idol of many street athletes. There is hardly a workout artist who doesn’t know who you are and what you are like. But few people are familiar, so to speak, with the background: what was your childhood like, who are your parents, family?

Well, although my childhood was difficult, it was still happy, and all thanks to my family. My grandmother, Lorraine Person, taught me what was good and what was bad and taught me to understand the difference. My mother, Gail Derrick, always told me that in any situation you need to rely only on yourself. My father, Larry Mash Derrick, was a tournament boxer Golden Gloves. He taught me to be prepared for shocks and unexpected turns of fate. And I can say with confidence that I am ready and will always be ready. I also have three younger sisters and an older brother, thanks to whom I face every day with a big smile on my face. And now I am a father myself. My fiancée, Angel Redmond (and soon Lanham), and I have three daughters, Naerai, Mila and Hannah, and a son, Hannibal Tyrone Lanham Jr.

Have you ever wanted to follow in your father's footsteps and become a boxer? Did he show you a few tricks?

Of course, my father taught me and my brother the basics of boxing. And I thought that someday I would become a champion. But in the future, this sport did not work out for me, since my father’s coach, with whom I wanted to practice, unfortunately passed away.

How and why did you suddenly become interested in calisthenics, exercises with your own weight?

One day, about 20 years ago, my brother started taking me to the street playground and we started training together. That's when I fell in love with Barbara. I wanted to become stronger, healthier, smarter and more interesting.

And what about Barbara? Do you mean a woman, or is that what you called the horizontal bar? (In original - Barbara. “Horizontal bar” translated into English - bar. - Author).

Of course, this is not a woman, although Barbara means no less to me! (Laughs) I once jokingly told my fiancée that I was going to meet someone else. She asked who it was, and I replied that her name was Barbara. Then, of course, he explained that we were talking about a horizontal bar!

Have you played any other sports before?

I was fond of football, played for myself, for fun. Unfortunately, I missed my chance to join the school team. My attendance was bad, so I was kicked out. Later, football had to be completely pushed into the background in order to concentrate on workout.

What was the biggest challenge for you when you started training?

The hardest part was that some of the kids who lived next door didn't like how quickly I was able to level up. On top of everything else, I was walking around without a T-shirt...

Is it true that they say it only took you a year and a half to get “healthy” and improve your strength?

Yes, that’s right, after a year and a half I noticed significant results.

What's the secret?

The secret to success in any business is perseverance, perseverance, hard work and full dedication.

Many athletes say that their journey in indoor sports began by watching your videos. Do you remember your first recording that you uploaded to the Internet?

I first posted the video on July 9, 2008. In it I demonstrated a way out by force, a front hang, the famous push-ups in the horizon, which were then called Superman Pushups(“Superman push-ups”). In addition, there were push-ups from the bar, which I really love, and pull-ups in the back hang.

Have you ever wanted to become popular?

Do you train in the gym?

No, I don't go to the gym. I don't like the competitive spirit he carries.

Hannibal For King:“My goal is to be better than yesterday. Every day is a competition, not with someone else, but with yourself.”

Do you do exercises with weights?

Also no. Many people doubt this, but I have achieved everything that I have, really only thanks to calisthenics, the horizontal bar and parallel bars. And I take people's doubts as a compliment.

How does your workout usually go?

My workout always includes a set of basic exercises - pull-ups, push-ups and parallel bars. The number of sets and reps increases as my level increases. I also include warm-up and stretching in my exercise routine.

How often do you prefer to exercise?

I would train around the clock every day if I could! By the way, fun fact: if I've ever had to spend the night in parks, I've never stayed somewhere that doesn't have a horizontal bar and parallel bars!

Do you prefer to train alone or in a group?

Personally, I prefer to work out alone, but I don't mind working out together. However, in such cases, I like it better when everyone trains independently, without disturbing others.

Do you train other people?

Yes, but only those who are really serious about their studies. For example, Sugar Rashad Evans, a former UFC light heavyweight champion, trained with me.

Do you follow any nutritional system? Do you take sports supplements?

Sorry, I don’t have any system, and the only rule is to eat what I love! (Laughs) As for supplements, I lubricate my joints with fish oil.

What advice would you give to someone new to calisthenics?

Beginners, firstly, should not lose perseverance in training. And secondly, avoid competition, help each other, share experiences. Well, don’t forget to watch my videos, comment, subscribe... (Laughs)

What do you plan to achieve in the future?

My goal is to train young people and share my experience with aspiring athletes. I am not going to give up this business, because my dream is unity and harmony in the world.