Handball definition. The history of the development of handball. Men's handball in the USSR

Handball is a sports team game played with a ball only with hands.

The first rules for this sport were invented as early as the beginning of the twentieth century. Since then, they have undergone a lot of changes.

The latest fixes are for 2016 and are aimed at improving the quality and effectiveness of the game.

To receive passes in handball, it is possible to use head, hips and body.

Important! Usage legs below the knee to receive a pass and pass the ball is prohibited.

The object of the game is to score maximum number of goals at the opponents' goal. The team that scores the most goals wins.

Playground and field markings

The playground has the shape of a rectangle, the length of which is 40 m, and the width is 20 m Size included two goal areas and the play area.

The site is completely marked with lines. Two long- side lines two short- goal lines and outside lines.

Photo 1. This is how the layout of the handball field looks like, the dimensions of the different elements of the site are given.

Around playground must necessarily be safe zone. It is needed so that an accidentally thrown ball does not injure spectators and fans. The zone width should be at least one meter on the side, and not less than two meters behind the outer line.

All markup is included in the playing area, which allocates. The width of the lines is determined by the rules. The goal line must be 8 cm, and all others 5 cm wide.

The area of ​​the gate is limited by markings drawn at a distance 6 m parallel to the goal line. Length is 3m.

Arcs are drawn from each of its ends with a radius of 6 m., which connect the goal area line with the outside lines. Thus, a semicircular zone is obtained, in the center of which there are gates.

On distance 3m. from the goal area line, there is a line of free throws with a length of 9 m., marked with a dotted line. The length of the dotted lines is equal to the distance between the dotted lines, and is 15 cm.

On distance seven meters from the markup square at the gate, applied seven-meter line, one meter long.

A line is drawn in front of the gate at 15 cm. limiting the actions of the goalkeeper.

Attention! The location of the gates, field marking lines are fixed in the rules and cannot be changed during the game.

Intercede for marking players forbidden. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to cross the goal line. However, crossing the zone while jumping will not be considered a violation.

How long are halves

The length of halves and their number are regulated by the rules of the game.

The total time of the game, from the beginning of the match to the end, is one hour and ten minutes, excluding extra time.

The half time is 30 minutes. One match includes two halves. Break between halves - 10 min.

The duration of handball matches for children's teams usually varies 20 to 25 min. depending on the age of the participants.

Until how many goals does a match play

If the match ended in an equal score and there is no way to determine who won, the referees appoint additional time. Its duration is two halves of 5 minutes. Break between halves - 1 minute.

Additional time can be rescheduled if the score remains the same. In the case when the game did not advance in the score even during the repeated time, such an issue is resolved according to the rules of this handball match.

The referees do not suspend the playing time in case of short stoppage of the game. If a longer pause is necessary, the judges may turn off the stopwatch. The countdown stops if removal or disqualification of a player, as well as when the judges left for a meeting.


The handball team includes fourteen people: 2 goalkeepers and 12 field players. On the field during the game can be at the same time maximum 7 handball players.

As a rule, these are the most active, strong and hardy athletes. The remaining players are on the bench.

Spare a handball player may enter the field only when the player being replaced has left the playing court.

It is mandatory to be on the playground goalkeeper.

Reference! Goalkeeper can be any handball player who takes the initiative. At the same time, the goalkeeper can become an ordinary player on the field.

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The role of the players: what is it?

Each player is unique. As in other sports, handball players have their own positions assigned to a specific player.

The role of handball players determines the placement on the field, as well as their duties.

Allocate the following positions:

  • Goalkeeper- guards the gate during the match. Its main goal is to prevent the opponent from scoring a goal.
  • Corner or edge handball players- on the flanks. Usually, players with a well-developed reaction are put in this position.
  • Center or point guard- in the center of the field. Plays the ball.
  • welterweight- between the corners and the center. Usually tall and stocky handball players are placed in this position.
  • Linear- plays on six meter line. Its main goal is to interfere with the defense of the opposing team.

Also, the handball team may include up to four officials. But only one of them can be declared as "Team Official". The official representative is responsible for all handball players, for their position in the playing area and on the bench. Only he can apply secretary, timekeeper and judges.

What is allowed to the goalkeeper

The goalkeeper in handball is subject to rules that are different from the rules of other handball players:

Gate dimensions

Gate dimensions: 2 m high and 3 m wide. They are installed strictly in the center of the playing area and are securely attached to the floor or to the wall at the back to avoid shifting during the game.

Attention! Must have at the gate grids, which prevents the ball from rolling back if it is thrown.

Ball throw classification

Finishing the attack and scoring the opponent's goal is the main point of the game. If you believe the statistics, for the entire time of the match, the handball team produces on average forty normal throws and about ten free throws.

It is on the accuracy and correctness of the execution of the throws that the victory over the enemy depends.

Handball rules provide for such throws as:

  • "Initial Throw".
  • "Throw from behind the sideline."
  • Goalie Throw.
  • "Free throw".
  • "Seven meter throw".

Initial roll

This throw opens a handball match at the beginning, and is also performed after goal scored. To determine which team is taking the throw, players pull lot. In case of a goal, the team that conceded the ball gets the right to take the throw.

The throw is made from the center of the site.

Shot from the sideline

Such a throw is performed when the ball crossed the touchline or outside line goal, and also if the ball hit the ceiling.

The opposing team of the player who touched the ball last has the right to take the throw. When making such a throw one player's foot must be on the touchline.


The goalkeeper gets the right to throw a projectile if it hits the outer goal line during the game.

In this case, the last handball player who touched the ball will be the goalkeeper of the defending team or a player of the opposing team.

Such a throw can also be awarded if the handball player has crossed the line of the goal area or touched the ball that is there.

The goalkeeper of the defending team gets the right to take the throw. The throw is taken by the goalkeeper from the goal area. so that the ball crosses the goal area line.


The throw must be made if there was a violation of the rules of the game, and also after stop the match.

The right to take the throw is given to the team against which the rules were violated. And also the team that was in possession of the ball before the game was stopped. Throw in progress from the place where the violation occurred game rules.

seven meters

Appointed if the team loses a 100% chance to score Goal. This can happen as a result of illegal actions of players or random circumstances.

Such an opportunity may present itself if the goalkeeper left his zone, the goal was left empty and the player could score the ball with the probability at 100%.

And also if the opponent could not legally prevent scoring a goal and violated the rules. These possibilities also include handball player and goalkeeper one-on-one.

When performing such a throw, the handball player is behind the seven-meter line. Crossing lines is prohibited. According to the rules of handball, the team of the player who performs the throw cannot intercept the ball after the throw before the opposing team or before the projectile touches the goal.

Basic Rules

For players allowed:

  • Use arms, head, hips and body to capture the ball and block the opponent.
  • Take the ball from an opponent only with open hands.
  • obscure body opponent.
  • In order to prevent an opponent it is allowed to touch him hands from the front.

In handball forbidden:

  • Tear out the ball from the hands of an opponent.
  • Realize blocking. Push the opponent with your feet, body or hands.
  • Perform physical activities endangering the enemy.
  • Move around with the ball in hand more than three steps.
  • Hold the ball more three seconds.
handball players are not immune from mistakes.

The rules of the game provide for the following penalties for violations:

    Warning. A handball player receives a warning in case of purposeful actions against an opponent or for unsportsmanlike behavior.

    Single Player issuance is possible three warnings.

    Removal for two minutes. Such a punishment is assigned to a handball player for committed actions that entailed harm to another player. And also for serious unsportsmanlike conduct(active protests, shouting and gestures to the referees or officials, playing against your own team, grabbing and holding the ball in the substitution area, and others).

    This penalty involves sending a player off the field for two minutes, the violator is serving a sentence on the bench. During this time, the match continues without the player being sent off. After two minutes the handball player may return to the playing court.

  • Disqualification. A disqualification is the removal of an athlete from the playing field. until the end of the game. Remove the player if he grossly violated the rules. And also for rude unsportsmanlike behavior (a fight on the playing field, intentionally hitting an opponent with a ball, insulting referees or other handball players, etc.).

Punished - must immediately leave the playing area and the substitution area. It is strictly forbidden for a player to contact the team during a handball match. Disqualification is accompanied two-minute removal. After the two minute period has elapsed a substitute is issued on the field remote handball player.

Useful video

Check out the video that talks about handball and what rules exist in this game.

Handball is not so easy

Handball is quite exciting and interesting game, which requires participants in a handball match good physical training and activity. Knowing and following the rules of this sport will help the player become a successful athlete and not spoil the impression of participating in the match, removal from the field or disqualification.

Handball, in English, handball, where hand is a hand, ball is a ball, is a team game with a ball in hand. Teams of 7 people play on the court, including the goalkeeper. The task of each team- drop as much as possible more balls hands at the opponent's goal. Denmark is considered to be the birthplace of handball. In 1898, Golger Nielsen, who was a physical education teacher at a women's school, introduced the ball game for women in his classes. Then handball came to replace football in the winter.

What is handball?

Now the teams of players can be women's, men's or mixed in beach handball. For men's and women's teams handball game rules are the same, the difference is only in the size of the balls used. For men's teams and youths over 16 years old, the circumference of the ball is 58-60 cm, and the weight is 425-475 years. , for women's teams, girls from 14 years old and boys 12 - 16 years old - 54-56 cm, and 325-375 years. , respectively, and for children's teams from 8 years old use a ball of 50-52 cm and a mass of 290-330 g.

handball rules

Law 1. Playing field. It is a rectangle whose sides are 40 m long and 20 m wide, along with a pair of gates that are 2 m high and 3 m wide. The layout of the playing field is shown in the figure.

Rule 2. Time of play. Approximately the game is about an hour, but it can last longer. How many halves are there in handball? Two, for players aged 16 and over. Both halves are 30 minutes. Between them there is a ten-minute break in case they played in a draw, extra time is assigned after a five-minute break. During extra time, two halves of 5 minutes are played with a break of 1 minute. Timeout - interruption of the game. A time-out is appointed by the judges and is mandatory in the following cases:

  1. there is a one-minute command time-out;
  2. 7-meter throw granted;
  3. two-minute suspension or disqualification;
  4. substitution rules are violated;
  5. by the timekeeper's whistle;
  6. both judges fix the violation and have disagreements about it.

Law 3 Players and Substitutions. Each team consists of 12 players. No more than 7 players of one team can be on the playing field, the rest - on the bench. As soon as a player leaves the field, he is replaced by another, only through his substitution line, without the permission of the timekeeper. At the beginning of the game, each team must have at least 5 players on the field. Each player can be a goalkeeper and vice versa. The goalkeeper may touch the ball with any part of the body while protecting the goal within the goal area.

Law 4 Ball Play, Throws and Goals. The ball can be held for no more than 3 seconds and take no more than 3 steps. They can be touched by any part of the body, except for the shins and feet. It is forbidden to touch the ball more than 1 time before it touches the floor, the player, the goal.

The initial throw is made by the player of the team that won the toss, the opposing team chooses the goal. In the next half, the other team makes the initial throw. This throw is made from the center of the court from the center line for three seconds on the whistle, the players of the opposing team are no closer than 3 m to this player. After the goal, the initial throw is made by the team that received the goal. A goal in handball is considered by the rules of the game when the ball crosses the goal line with its entire circumference. In this case, two short referee whistles sound and the referee makes the appropriate gesture.

Throw-in from behind the touchline is taken in the place where it crossed the touchline. It is done without a referee's whistle. A free throw is taken by the opposing team if:

  • the team that has the ball violates the rules, and this leads to the loss of the ball;
  • when defending, the rules are violated and the team that has the ball loses it.

The free-throw is taken from the place of the infringement, and the free-throw line must not be crossed while it is in the hands of the player taking it.

A 7 meter throw is awarded when a clear goal opportunity fails or an illegal whistle is blown during a goal situation. Before the 7-meter throw, the referees take a time-out.

Rule 5. Violations and penalties. You can not take or knock the ball from the opponent, put trips, push away with your hands and feet, use physical violence and swear. Actions of the opponent, directed not at the ball, but at the player, are progressively penalized from warning to disqualification.

Beach handball is a kind of handball, the rules of which are very different from the traditional ones. The game appeared only in the 90s. They play on sandy beaches or playgrounds covered with sand to a depth of at least 40 cm, in two halves of 10 minutes each with a break of 5 minutes. The team consists of 8 players. The size of the playground is 27x12 m. They play 4 on 4, including the goalkeeper. The goal area line is marked with a rope at a distance of 6 m from the outer goal line. The size of the ball for men's teams is 54-56 cm, and the weight is 350-370 g. , for women - the size of the ball is 50-52 cm, and the weight is 280-300 years. In beach handball, two points are awarded for a spectacular goal, as well as for throwing the ball from the 6-meter mark, for a goalkeeper's goal.

Compared to football, handball has just begun to actively gain popularity and has recently been included in international competitions. Although the game is very dynamic and it is quite difficult to predict the result of the competition between the teams.

The history of handball began at the end of the 19th century. This concerns the modern interpretation of the game. There is an opinion that this entertainment, which later became popular view sport, the Danes came up with. It is symbolic that they planned to replace traditional football during the winter cold and blizzards. Each team consisted of six field players and a goalkeeper.

Myths and reality

According to some reports, the history of handball began in ancient times. Similar games with a ball are mentioned in the writings of Homer and the ancient Roman doctor Galenus.

If we turn to the real date of the origin of this ball game, then many experts call 1898. During this period the teacher physical education in one of the Danish schools he introduced competitions between two teams in his lessons. The students played the ball, passing it from hand to hand and hitting the goal, reminiscent of modern handball counterparts. It is noteworthy that this type of occupation was focused on the female part of the team.


In the history of handball, it is worth noting the origin of the very name of the game. Everything is simple here:

  • Hand - hand.
  • Ball - ball.
  • As a result - a hand / ball.

As a rule, seven participants from each team enter the field (six field players and a goalkeeper). The essence of the game is to throw the maximum number of balls into the opponent's goal in the allotted time. The recognition in 1926 of handball as an international sport gave a significant impetus to the development of this game on most continents.

Organizational moments

In the history of handball, clubs and leagues began to appear that promote this sport in the Benelux countries, Spain and many other countries. The first International Amateur Federation was founded in 1928. It lasted until 1944. This federation included 11 countries in which handball was actively developing.

The sport in question was included in the Olympics program in 1936. In the same period, a congress took place, at which it was decided to use the formulas 7x7 and 11x11 players at the World Championships. The regulation provided for the participation of exclusively male teams. The first event of this kind was held in Germany, where German handball players became leaders.

Another rise

The next stage in the history of the development of handball happened after the creation of the International Federation of this sport (1946). At that time, a program of events was approved aimed at holding championships according to the 11x11 formula with the participation of not only men's, but also women's teams. In the competition among ladies, the Hungarian team became the first (1949).

Subsequent world championships were held according to the traditional scheme (once every four years). In the 11x11 configuration, seven men's and three women's championships were held. Rank international game this sport was lost in 1966, after which the era of the development of the 7x7 format began. The first victory was won by the Swedes among men in 1954). In women in a similar competition, the leaders were representatives of Czechoslovakia (in 1957 in Yugoslavia).

History of handball in Russia

In our country, the sport in question is mentioned at the beginning of the 20th century. He first appeared in Kharkov (1909). The prototype of this competition was the Czech gymnastic game, known as the "Czech Khazena".

A significant contribution to the development of domestic handball was made by Dr. Maly E.F., who completed the development of the rules and features of an active ball game. According to these canons, the fight was fought by a team of athletes of seven participants on a field measuring 4500/2500 millimeters.

The playground should be divided into three zones:

  • Protection zone.
  • Central field.
  • Attack zone.

The goalkeeper's compartment is limited by a line located four meters from the goal. Their dimensions are 2000 millimeters in width and 2250 in height.

The match lasted two periods (halves) of thirty minutes. The history and rules of handball have remained relevant even two decades after the death of Dr. Mala, who developed them.

It can be argued that Russian handball has become a prototype modern game, which has a finished version in terms of sports. The first handball league in the domestic space was created in 1918.

How handball developed in the USSR

In the Soviet Union, the game in question began to be actively developed in 1946. Two years later, the updated game rules, fixed under the name "Handball 7x7". Similarly, the federation of this sport was named. From that moment on, the opinion appeared that handball players play handball.

The starting competitions were held between the women's and men's teams of the cities of the Union in the handball format 11x11. It soon became apparent that this configuration was of little interest and inefficiency. Therefore, since 1962, they began to hold championships of allied significance exclusively according to the 7x7 scheme.

Entering the international arena

In the history of handball, the USSR men's team entered the international level for the first time in 1960, and the women's team in 1962. Successful achievements include:

  • Cup final victory European champions women's team"Labor" under the direction of Lazar Gurevich (1964 in Copenhagen).
  • 1982 - gold medal at the World Cup in Hungary (1982).
  • Championship among women at the 1990 World Cup (Korea).
  • Silver at the 2001 games in Italy.
  • Olympic winners in Rio de Janeiro (2016).

Men's handball in the USSR

The history of the game of handball in relation to the men's teams of the Union was no less successful. The Soviet team received world-class championship awards in 1978 and 1990.

Other male titles include:

  • Silver at the 1978 and 1990 Olympics.
  • Gold medals at the 1982 and 1992 World Cups in Montreal and Seoul.
  • Victory in Barcelona (1992).
  • Winning in Moscow (Olympics-80).
  • Since 1984, the Soviet teams have not taken part in the Olympics. In 1992, she performed as a united team of the CIS.

Now Krasnodar, Astrakhan, Rostov, St. Petersburg stand out among the Russian leaders in handball.


The history of handball is associated with the development of several sizes of playing fields. As a result, a platform with dimensions of 40x20 meters was taken as the standard. There is a safety compartment at least one meter in size around the working area. Behind the goal line, this indicator should be at least two meters.

Marking and designation of game accessories in the history of handball:

  • Long linear outlines - side lines.
  • Short analogues - between the goalposts.
  • Outside lines (outside the goal).
  • The ends of the outlines are joined to the outer parts of the gate using arcs with a radius of 60 centimeters.

At a distance of three meters from the outer goal line, a discontinuous free-throw line (nine-meter line) is outlined. The length of the segments of this design is 150 millimeters. Against the goalkeeper's line there is a seven-meter limiter, the length of which is equal to one meter. The goalkeeper's restriction zone is marked with a four-meter canvas of 150 millimeters. The closing lines are oriented at 4.5 meters. They are marked with lines placed at right angles to both sides by 20 mm.

Related accessories and supplies

In the history of handball, there is a period when they accurately determined not only the size of the playing field, but also the goal. They should be like this:

  • Reliable fastening. Internal dimensions - 3000/2000 mm.
  • Square section.
  • The trailing edge must match outside fixtures.
  • From those positions, the gates are painted in two contrasting colors that differ from the colors of the site.
  • A mesh must be installed on the gate.

In the history of handball and the rules of the game, it is noted that the ball was made of leather or synthetics. The main condition is that it should be round, not shiny, not slippery.

Basic parameters for the ball:

  • The size of the ball circumference is 50-52 centimeters. Its weight is from 290 to 330 grams. These are the standards for children's teams (boys from 8 to 12, girls from 8 to 14).
  • The circumference of the ball is 54-56 centimeters. Weight - 325-375 g (women's teams from 14 years old and older, and men's teams from 12 to 16 years old).
  • The size of the ball circumference is 58-60 centimeters, weight is 425-475 grams for adult groups (from 16 years old).


The group of athletes who have the right to participate in the match by prior application are divided into two teams. No more than seven people from each of them can be present at the site at the same time.

One team member is the goalkeeper. At the start of the match, each squad must have at least five participants. A substitute handball player has the right to enter the game if one of the players has left the court. Then he becomes a spare. Players can enter the playing field and leave it only with the permission of the arbitrator through the appropriate line. The number of replacements is not specified.

The team, according to the rules noted in the history of the handball game, includes:

  • Goalkeeper.
  • Extreme players, fast and agile.
  • Central player involved in intelligence manipulation. The main task is the vision of the field and the ability to give passes.
  • Welter-middle (tall players with the possibility of a strong throw).
  • Linear. His zone is a six-meter line. Such zones are occupied by strong and stocky participants.

In the modern history of the game of handball, it can be noted that the team, as a rule, includes four official representatives, the details of which are entered into the protocol. Their powers include the submission of claims or petitions to the timekeeper, judges. They are also responsible for ensuring that eligible players are present on the court.

The game

Considered above Short story handball. In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that the game itself, in the modern sense, consists of two halves. The break between them is 15 minutes. After the first half, the teams change venues. If in the end the winner is not revealed, an additional period of five minutes is assigned with a one-minute break.

In some cases, free throws may be awarded. They are carried out from the seven-meter mark. The basis for their appointment is a gross violation of the rules in the goalkeeper's area or an unclear game situation after the end of the match.

The countdown does not stop during short pauses (ball over the side line and similar moments). The referees may stop the game for a period of deliberation among themselves. This happens if there is some violation of the rules. After the game is resumed, added time is taken into account along with the main one.


The history of the handball game is discussed above. Among the features of this sport, it is distinguished that the fight is fought with the activity of attacking players trying to throw the ball into the goal, which is guarded by the goalkeeper. Defenders prevent the creation of a dangerous situation in their half of the field. Any disputes are resolved by the judge and his assistants. The referee's whistle or a special siren announces the beginning and end of the game.

Handball, in its current form, was invented by Danish football players at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries - as a replacement for football, for playing winter time. Handball is played with hands, and each team consists of only 6 players and a goalkeeper.

The roots of handball go back to ancient times: references to the "progenitors" of this sport - ancient ball games - can be found in Homer's Odyssey and in the writings of the ancient Roman physician K. Galenus. In the Middle Ages, Walther von der Vogelweide devoted his poems to similar games.

The date of birth of a ball sport registered in the international sports classification called "handball" (handball), it is considered to be 1898, when the teacher physical education the real school of the Danish city of Ordrup Holger Nielsen introduced into the lessons of physical education women's groups a ball game called "handbold" ("haand" - hand and "bold" - ball), in which teams of 7 people competed on a small field, passing the ball to each other and trying to throw it into the goal.

Research carried out in last years, give reason to attribute the date of the origin of handball to an earlier period. In 1890 in the Czech Republic, a folk version of the ball game, called "hazena" (throw, throw), is spreading. The game was reduced to unregulated throwing and catching the ball in mixed groups without single combat.

In 1917 Berliner Max Heizer made up of two games new game for women called "handball". No one imagined that this game would find such distribution all over the world.

In 1918 On the international sports map, two opposing currents of the game were clearly marked: Czech Hazen (in the east) and German handball (in the north and west).

Already in 1920. Berlin hosted the first Cup games and the German Handball Championship. And in 1923. introduced new competition rules. Reducing the size of the ball, the introduction of the rule of "three seconds" and "three steps" significantly contributed to the improvement of the technique of the game. In 1925 the first international meeting between Germany and the Austrian team took place. Germany lost 5-6.

The recognition of handball as an international sport in 1926 gave impetus to the development of the game in a number of countries. There were clubs cultivating handball in Luxembourg and Switzerland, Spain and other countries.

In 1928 In Amsterdam, the International Amateur Handball Federation (IAHF) was created, which operated until 1944. Its assets included 11 countries that actively developed handball. In 1936 handball was first included in Olympic program X1 Olympics in Berlin. The German team was the Olympic winner.

During the Olympic Games, the 1st IAHF Congress took place, which decided to hold the world handball championships 7x7 and 11x11. The championships were supposed to be held with the participation of only men's teams at first. In 1938 In Germany, the world championship was won by German athletes.

A new upsurge in the development of handball began with the creation in 1946. new International Handball Federation - IHF. The IHF has approved a program of action aimed at reviving world handball, has outlined the holding of 11x11 world handball championships with the participation of men's and women's teams. In 1949, in Budapest, at the women's world championship, the team of Hungary turned out to be the strongest. In the future, the world championships were held every four years. In total, 7 men's and 3 women's championships handball 11x11. U11 took place in 1966, last championship of the world in handball 11x11, which ceased to exist in the rank of the international game, thereby giving the opportunity to develop handball 7x7. In 1954, Sweden hosted the 7x7 Men's Handball World Championship. The Swedes won, and the women held the first 7x7 handball championship in 1957 in Yugoslavia. Czechoslovakia had the 1st place.

Handball 7x7 was returned to the Olympic program only in 1972 at the XX Olympic Games in Munich. Competitions were held indoors, men's teams participated. The handball players of Yugoslavia won. Women's handball was first included in the program of the XXI Olympic Games in 1976 in Montreal. The brilliant performance of the women's team in Montreal, confirmed by winning gold medals at the Olympics in Moscow, finally strengthened the position of our Soviet school games in the international arena.

The emergence of domestic handball dates back to the beginning of the 20th century and is associated with the penetration of the Sokol system of physical education into Russia.

Handball first appeared in Kharkov in 1909. The ancestor of Ukrainian handball was the Czech game "Hazena", which was cultivated in the Sokol society as a gymnastic game.

The decisive merit in the development of handball in pre-revolutionary Russia belongs to Dr. E.F. effective play with the ball and develops the first official rules of Ukrainian handball in our country. According to these rules, the game was played by a team of 7 players on a 45x25m court divided into three zones: defense, central field and attack. The goalkeeper's area was limited by the line of throws at the goal from 4 m, making a rectangle 4x8 m. The ball was thrown into the goal 200 wide and 225 cm high. The game lasted two halves of 30 minutes. The main elements of Ukrainian handball have become an important part of the international rules of the game, developed 20 years after the publication of the rules by E.F.Maly.

Ukrainian handball was the world's first complete version of a sports game.

First official game sports handball teams took place in 1910 in Kharkov, and in 1918 a "handball league" was organized there.

The first reliable information about the beginning of the development of handball and handball in the USSR dates back to 1922, when 11x11 handball was played. The first meetings were held in Moscow at the experimental sites of Vsevobuch. The initiator was M.S. Kozlov - the founder of the department sports games GTSOLIFKa. The game with 11 players was called "handball", it was mainly distributed in the RSFSR, and the game with 7 players was called handball. These names of the game in our country remained until the end of the 40s.

In 1928, handball was included in the program of the 1st All-Union Spartakiad. The unsuccessful debut of handball and handball at the First All-Union Spartakiad undermined the authority of this sport for many years. In the late 1930s, interest in the game declined.

An active revival of the game began in 1946. In 1948, new rules of the game were approved, which assigned the name “handball 7x7” to handball. The Handball Federation of the USSR was also named after the Russian name. Since then, a mismatch of terms has arisen: handball players play a handball. Since 1993, the Federation has become known as the Union of Handball Players of Russia.

The first all-Union competitions of national men's and women's teams of the cities of the USSR in the 11x11 handball took place in Riga, in 1955. Among women, the winners were Kyiv students, among men - Rigans. In the period from 1956 to 1961. 6 USSR handball championships 11x11 were held, which played a certain role in the development of the game. It became obvious that the game is losing its position in the country and abroad. The federation decides to stop holding the championships of the USSR in handball 11x11. Since 1962, the championships of the USSR have been held only in 7x7 handball.

The men's national team of the country entered the international arena in 1960, the women's team in 1962. The first great successes came to our teams a decade and a half later. The women's national team won the world championships in 1982 (Hungary), 1986 (Holland), 1990. ( South Korea). Olympic champions at the XXI and XXII Olympiads, silver medals at the XXII and XXII Olympic Games. The path to the recognition of men's handball was more difficult. Silver medals at the 1978 and 1990 World Championships and the XXII Olympic Games. Gold medals at the World Championships in 1982 and 1992. Olympic winners of the XXI, XXIU, XXO Olympiads. AT Olympic Games In 1984, our teams did not take part, but in 1992 they played as a united team of the CIS. At the XXII Olympiad in Atlanta-96, the men's team was among those who took 4-6 places.

The United States has not yet won a single Olympic medal. Former world champion Hungary is considered to be the strongest team. It is followed by Denmark with the aggressive Anja Andersen and China. The world champion team of France (Group B) and the Croatian team (Group A) collected the largest harvest of medals. At the XXII Olympiad in Atlanta-96, for the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, Croatia performed under its own flag and won Olympic medals. Olympic medals and the Danish women's team.

Since the inclusion of handball in the program of the Olympic Games, its popularity in the world has increased dramatically. Big changes are brought by changes in the rules of the game, which are established by the International Federation. Finally, in Atlanta, a break in the game has been introduced. After the first half hour, the teams will stop for a one-minute break, whereas before they simply changed goals. Players throw a ball, which is slightly smaller than a football, into a goal 198 cm high and 3 meters wide. In women's handball, the ball is slightly smaller.

Currently, handball is deservedly called an athletic game, equally popular with men and women.

Handball as we know it today was invented by Danish footballers around the end of the 19th century. The game of futsal had not yet been invented, and in the winter it was necessary to train somehow. So a game arose in which the opponents are two teams of 6 field players and a goalkeeper. And they play it by throwing the ball to each other with the help of their hands, not their feet.

However, if you take a closer look at which country is the birthplace of handball, it turns out that it appeared a little earlier. There are records that back in 1890 in the Czech Republic, the game "Hazena", which is very reminiscent of handball, arose and quickly spread. Unfortunately, the exact rules have not been preserved to this day (or they didn’t exist at all), but this fact allows the Czechs to challenge the primacy of creating handball.

It is now generally accepted that the founder of the game of handball is Holger Nielsen, a participant in the Olympic Games, and later a teacher of physical education at a school in the Danish town of Ordrup. In his lessons, he practiced the game "handbold" (from the words "hand" and "ball"). The girls were divided into 2 teams of 7 people, each of which tried to throw the ball into the opponent's net, and the players threw their hands between themselves (hence the name).

Over the next twenty years, handball migrated from Denmark to the south - to Germany, where in 1917 the Berliner Max Heiser created a new variation for women and called it "handball".

Thus, in 1918, two handball development centers were formed, the eastern one - Czech Hazena and the northwestern - German handball.

As early as 1920, the first German Handball Championship was held in Berlin. Three years later, the rules were improved: the ball was reduced for convenience, and the “3 steps” and “3 seconds” rules, which are very important for the development of tactics and technique, appeared.

In 1925, the German team met with Austria, and this event is the first international handball match.

The history of the emergence and development of handball as professional look sport begins in 1926. It was then that it was recognized as international, which served as an incentive for the spread of the game in various places Europe. Handball clubs appear in Italy, France, Holland and other European countries.

1928 was marked by the creation of the International Amateur Handball Federation in Amsterdam, which operated until 1944. In 1936, handball became part of the program at the XI Olympiad, held in Berlin. Gold, of course, received the owners.

At the same time, the IAHF Congress decided to hold world championships, both among teams of seven players and of 11.

A new round in the development of handball history begins with the founding of the IHF (International Handball Federation) in 1946. This organization outlined an action plan for the revival of handball in various countries after the Second World War, and created a program for holding world championships among men's and women's national teams. Since 1949, the World Championships have been held every four years.

By 1966, 11x11 handball games had become obsolete, and it was decided to switch to a single 7x7 format, which gave an additional impetus to the development of this sport.

Men's and women's handball returned to the Olympic program in 1972 and 1976 respectively, and since then their popularity has been continuously growing.

Handball in Russia

Shot on goal in handball Domestic handball originated at the beginning of the twentieth century and is due to the development in Russia of the Sokol system of physical education, the birthplace of which is Austria-Hungary. Initially, handball was played in Kharkiv (since 1909) and in many respects it was copied from the Czech “hazena”, which was perceived as a gymnastic game.

In general, interest in handball in Russia until 1946 was very low. In 1948, new rules were approved in the USSR, and the name “handball” was introduced.

Since 1962, national championships have been held only among 7x7 teams, 11x11 handball has practically disappeared. Men's and women's national teams of the USSR achieve a number of victories at the world championships and the Olympic Games.

After the collapse of the USSR, all official competitions handball in Russia are held under the auspices of the Union of Handball Players of Russia.